Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto & Tepeyac de San Antonio

Lourdes Grotto & Tepeyac de San Antonio Visitors are welcome to walk the grounds and enjoy their natural beauty.

Since its dedication, on December 7, 1941, Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto & Tepeyac de San Antonio provides an atmosphere surrounded by beautiful trees and welcomes pilgrims of all faiths to have the opportunity to deepen their relationship with God and one another.


Come and Join Us! Blessing of Students!

Sat., August 10, 2024, 6:00pm
Misa de bendición de los estudiantes, ORC Chapel

Sun., August 11, 2024, 9:00am
Blessing of Students, Outside

Sun., August 11, 2024, 11:30am
Misa de bendición de los estudiantes, Afuera


Please join us for our Healing Mass on tonight at 7:00 p.m. The Healing Mass will be located inside the ORC Chapel.

Únase a nosotros para nuestra Misa de Sanación esta noche a las 7:00 p.m. La Misa de Sanación tendrá lugar dentro de la Capilla ORC.


St. Eugene was born today on "August 1, 1782 in Aix-en-Provence in the south of France." Happy Heavenly Birthday, St. Eugene!


St. Eugene usually remembered his birthday. In his diaries and letters, we can capture the different sentiments with which he relived the anniversary of August 1, 1782, from year to year.

On August 1, 1858, as he celebrated his 77th birthday, he wrote in his diary:

"There it is, August 1 has come around once again. A few years ago, it would have been welcomed with a certain joyfulness. It reminded me quite simply of the day I was born; it was an invitation to thank God for the gift of my existence, and I was pleased to receive the compliments of my friends. The feelings aroused by these circumstances turned to my well-beloved mother; today, things are different.

First of all, that good mother to whom I owed my birth and who had nourished me with her milk is no longer on earth. The anniversary of my birth, by bringing back memories of the time when she was so happy to have given a son to the family and all the birthdays which she celebrated with me right up to a very old age, only makes me feel more poignantly the misfortune of having lost her and the state of loneliness in which she left me. I could speak to her as mother, my very dearest mother, until I was seventy years old. She was ninety-two years of age when she was taken away from me.

Besides, celebrating a seventy-seventh birthday is not a very wonderful experience! How many are there who continue their career to the age of eighty? That means three years of life, or even less, still left for me. I certainly have no illusions, but what matter! It is a reminder of death rather than a commemoration of birth. Are we not created for heaven, which is our true fatherland? Therefore, it is not death that should sadden us, but rather the awareness of our sins.

This year, the day coincides with when our good fishwives, the ladies of the market, celebrate the feast of their patroness, St. Anne. Every year I go to celebrate Mass and Communion for them. In the little talk which I gave them in Provencal, I mentioned the fact that I was born on this day, but when I told them that this was my seventy-seventh birthday that I was celebrating with them, these good ladies responded in a loud voice: some said “longue mai” which means long may you live; others “que le bouen Dieou vous conservó!” may God preserve you; “Pourqu’es vivro cent ans!” may you live to be one hundred!" (Diary, August 1, 1858, Oblate Writings, 22)


Thursday, August 15, 2024
Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary

Jueves, 15 de Agosto de 2024
Asuncíon de la Virgen María


Please join us for our Healing Mass with Anointing of the Sick on Friday, August 2 at 7:00 p.m. inside the ORC Chapel.

Por favor, únase a nosotros para nuestra Misa de Sanación el viernes 2 de Agosto a las 7:00 p.m.


Extra! Extra!


Join us! Únete a nosotros!


Please join us for our Healing Mass with Anointing of the Sick on Friday, July 5at 7:00 p.m inside the ORC Chapel.

Por favor, únase a nosotros para nuestra Misa de Sanación el viernes 5 de Julio a las 7:00 p.m.


Happy 31st Anniversary, Fr. Richard Hall, OMI!

We give thanks for the abundant blessings of God in celebrating 31 years Priestly Anniversary of Fr. Richard Hall, OMI ordination to the priesthood!

“After completing a year of Novitiate in Godfrey, Illinois, Fr. Hall's graduate work brought him back to San Antonio, where he completed his Master of Divinity. He professed Final Vows in 1992 and on June 12th, 1993, he was ordained as a priest in San Antonio, TX, by Bishop Mike Pfeifer, OMI.”

Please continue to offer your prayers and support to Fr. Richard Hall, OMI, as he continues, with love and passion, to serve as our dedicated Lourdes Grotto Director.


“You are God’s children, the brothers of Jesus Christ, heirs to His eternal kingdom, chosen portion of His inheritance; you are, in the words of St. Peter, a holy nation, you are kings, you are priests, you are in some way Gods…”
---St. Eugene De Mazenod


Please join us for our Healing Mass with Anointing of the Sick on Friday, June 7 at 7:00 p.m.

Por favor, únase a nosotros para nuestra Misa de Sanación el viernes 7 de Junio a las 7:00 p.m.

Photos from Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto & Tepeyac de San Antonio's post 06/05/2024

Thanks to all for attending The Feast of Corpus Christi (HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST).


Blessed Joseph Gerard, pray for us!

May 29: Blessed Joseph Gerard, OMI, Apostle of Lesotho (1831 - 1914)
Khotso, P**a, Nala
Peace, Rain, Abundance

A meeting with the Missionaries of Mary Immaculate kindled in him the desire to go to the foreign missions and for this purpose he entered the novitiate at Notre Dame de l’Osier. After his novitiate (1852), he was ordained deacon by Eugene de Mazenod. He arrived in the Vicariate Apostolic of Natal (South Africa) on February 19, 1853 and was ordained a priest. After some ministry among the Zulus, he turned to the Basotho, thus becoming the apostle of Lesotho.

To those who questioned him about the secret of his apostolic success, he replied: “Beyond all the secret methods to touch and transform hearts there is Love. One must love, love in spite of everything and always.” On May 22, he celebrated Mass for the last time, and May 29, 1914, at the age of 84 he gave up his soul to God. John Paul II, on a visit to Maseru, beatified him on September 15, 1988.



The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate celebrate the feast of our beloved founder, St. Eugene de Mazenod!

Join us in praying the Novena for Oblate Vocations: May 21-May 29. Please click on the link below.https://www.omiworld.org/wp-content/uploads/Novena-of-Prayer-for-Oblate-Vocations-2024-1.pdf


Tomorrow is our Feast Day, St. Eugene de Mazenod.

Please join us tomorrow for the Novena of Prayer for Oblate Vocations. Click on the link to join us for the Novena.



Pentecost Novena

“Daily Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse. Amen.”

“Day 9: Holy Spirit, make our bodies your dwelling place. Armor us with the Shoes of Zeal and the charisms of service, stewardship, sacrifice, hospitality, fellowship, almsgiving, and penance.”

“Oración diaria: ¡Ven, Espíritu Santo! Ven por medio de la poderosa intercesión del Corazón Inmaculado de María, tu esposa amadísima. Amén.”

“Día 9: Espíritu Santo, haz de nuestros cuerpos tu morada. Ármanos con los Calzados del Celo y los carismas del servicio, sacrificio, administración, hospitalidad, convivencia, limosnas, y penitencia.”


Pentecost Novena

"Daily Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse. Amen."

"Day 8: Heavenly Father, give us blessed bodies. Armor us with the Belt of Truth and the Virtues of chastity, modesty, generosity, kindness, compassion, patience, perseverance, freedom, courage and love."

"Oración diaria: ¡Ven, Espíritu Santo! Ven por medio de la poderosa intercesión del Corazón Inmaculado de María, tu esposa amadísima. Amén."


Daily Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse. Amen.

Day 7: Lord Jesus, save us! Forgive us for our fallen flesh of gluttony, laziness, lust, selfishness and slavery to our rebellion, compulsion, obsession, and addictions.

Oración diaria: ¡Ven, Espíritu Santo! Ven por medio de la poderosa intercesión del Corazón Inmaculado de María, tu esposa amadísima. Amén.

Día 7: ¡Señor Jesús, sálvanos! Perdónanos por nuestra carne caída de gula, pereza, lujuria, egoísmo y esclavitud a nuestra rebelión, compulsión, obsesión y adicciones.


“Daily Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse. Amen.”

“Day 6: Holy Spirit, give us the minds of Christ. Armor us with the Sword of the Spirit and the charisms of proclamation, preaching, teaching, counsel, the arts, formation, and communication of your Word.”

“Oración diaria: ¡Ven, Espíritu Santo! Ven por medio de la poderosa intercesión del Corazón Inmaculado de María, tu esposa amadísima. Amén.”

“Día 6: Espíritu Santo, danos la mente de Cristo. Ármanos con la Espada del Espíritu y los carismas de proclamación, predicación, instrucción, enseñanza, consejo, formación y comunicación de tu Palabra.”


Mark your calendars and join us for this special event!


“Daily Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse. Amen.”

“Day 5: Heavenly Father, give us moral minds. Armor us with the Helmet of Salvation and the virtues of hope, joy, thanksgiving, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, discernment, insight, and prudence.”

“Oración diaria: ¡Ven, Espíritu Santo! Ven por medio de la poderosa intercesión del Corazón Inmaculado de María, tu esposa amadísima. Amén.”

“Día 5: Padre Celestial, danos mentes morales. Ármanos con el Casco de la Salvación y las virtudes de esperanza, gozo, acción de gracias, conocimiento, comprensión, sabiduría, discernimiento y prudencia.”


Pentecost Novena

“Daily Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse. Amen.”

“Day 4: Lord Jesus, save us! Forgive us for our stinking thinking of greed, deception, doubt, discouragement, depression, despair, anxiety, fear, guilt and shame.”

“Oración diaria: ¡Ven, Espíritu Santo! Ven por medio de la poderosa intercesión del Corazón Inmaculado de María, tu esposa amadísima. Amén.”

“Día 4: ¡Señor Jesús, sálvanos! Perdónanos por nuestros malos pensamientos de avaricia, engaño, duda, desánimo, depresión, desaliento, ansiedad, miedo, culpa, vergüenza y condenación de sí mismo.”


Happy Mothers’ Day!
¡Feliz Día de las Madres!


“Daily Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse. Amen.”

“Day 3: Holy Spirit, set our hearts on fire. Armor us with the Shield of Faith and the charisms of praise, intercession, tongues, prophecy, healing, and miracles.”

“Oración diaria: ¡Ven, Espíritu Santo! Ven por medio de la poderosa intercesión del Corazón Inmaculado de María, tu esposa madísima. Amén.”

“Día 3: Espíritu Santo, enciende nuestros corazones. Ármanos con el Escudo de la Fe y los carismas de alabanza, adoración, intercesión, lenguas, profecía, y los dones de sanación, liberación, y milagros.”


Pentecost Novena

“Daily Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit! Come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse. Amen.”

“Day 2: Heavenly Father, give us holy hearts. Armor us with the Breastplate of Righteousness, and the virtues of trust in the Lord, fear of the Lord, humility, gentleness, contrition, mercy, justice, and peace.”

“Oración diaria: ¡Ven, Espíritu Santo! Ven por medio de la poderosa intercesión del Corazón Inmaculado de María, tu esposa amadísima. Amén.”

“Día 2: Padre Celestial, danos corazones santos. Ármanos con la Coraza de Justicia y las virtudes de confianza en el Señor, temor del Señor, humildad, mansedumbre, misericordia, justicia y paz.”

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New Look! Same Mission! Rebranding Message from Fr. David P. Uribe, OMI


5712 Blanco Road
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