Yoon Hang Kim MD

Dr. Kim provides integrative medicine, functional medicine and keto medicine online in TX, GA, and FL

What to expect MIH&H 08/14/2024

What can patients expect at Memorial Institute of Health and Healing?

What to expect MIH&H The most important that we do for the community would be the integrative oncology program, and then we have integrated pain management program, and then we h...

Acupuncture: What You Need To Know 08/14/2024

Memorial Hospital in Carthage, IL through Memorial Institute of Health & Healing provides acupuncture services for treating pain, brain fog and emotional distress.

Acupuncture: What You Need To Know Information about acupuncture, including its safety and effectiveness in treating pain and other conditions.

How does LDN help with multiple sclerosis (MS) in functional medicine clinic? | John Kim | Direct Integrative Care 08/12/2024

How does LDN help with multiple sclerosis (MS) in functional medicine clinic?

How does LDN help with multiple sclerosis (MS) in functional medicine clinic? | John Kim | Direct Integrative Care Recently I saw a client whose multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms have disappeared. When I asked her if she feels she has reached remission, she said yes - definitely. One of the ways I can tell when someone has reached remission from an autoimmune condition is when that person can begin to forget abou...

How can LDN help with treating RA in a functional medicine/integrative medicine setting? | John Kim | Direct Integrative Care 08/09/2024

How can LDN help with treating RA in a functional medicine clinic?

How can LDN help with treating RA in a functional medicine/integrative medicine setting? | John Kim | Direct Integrative Care Recently I saw someone whose Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms were in remission with low dose naltrexone. It's remarkable because this person no longer requires medications or supplements to control the symptoms. The symptoms have simply disappeared. How would functional medicine approach treating rheu...


Looking forward to having lunch with former Whole Health team members in Champagne IL.

Pancreatic, breast cancer survivor: MD Anderson managed two different diagnoses at the same time 08/09/2024

www.directintegrativecare.com now provides concierge integrative oncology services for patients in Texas.

Pancreatic, breast cancer survivor: MD Anderson managed two different diagnoses at the same time When Dana Sigalos was diagnosed with both breast cancer and pancreatic cancer in late 2022, she knew she needed highly coordinated treatment from experts. At MD Anderson, she found that and more.

Methylene Blue Long Covid San Antonio Texas 08/07/2024

Can Methylene Blue help with Long Covid???

Methylene Blue Long Covid San Antonio Texas One of my patients shared that her symptoms of Long COVID has improved drastically after being treated with methylene blue for about one month. Her areas of improvements included fatigue, brain fog, and muscle pain. Since attending a conference in Jan of 2024 through IMS 24 NYC, I have been prescrib...

Vaccine injuries deserve more attention, says vaccinologist 07/24/2024

Vaccine injuries deserve more attention, says vaccinologist More empathy—and investment—is needed to address vaccine-related injuries, says Harvard Chan School’s Kizzmekia Corbett-Helaire.


Three Points from Happy Life by Colby Kultgen

1. Quality Relationships
2. Loneliness - have to modulate - hopefully by #1, hobby, books, or travel
3. Have purpose in work

MIT educated neurosurgeon reveals shocking reason why he QUIT 07/17/2024

Why MIT educated neurosurgeon quit being neurosurgeon?

MIT educated neurosurgeon reveals shocking reason why he QUIT Dr. Goobie went through years of rigorous training, completed medical school and finished a six-year neurosurgery residency before getting to the peak of his career - but recently gave it all up.

Academic Programs 07/15/2024

Ada Bair CEO of Memorial Hospital in Carthage, IL and I visited Maharishi International University on Saturday. It is impressive to see Maharishi International University in Fairfield, IA less than 90 miles from Memorial Hospital in Carthage, IL where through Memorial Institute of Health & Healing we offer programs on par with many of the members of Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine & Health - which we are now part of.

We are hoping for potential long-term collaborations in terms of internship at Memorial Hospital in Carthage, IL, research collaborations, and potential student referrals to Memorial Hospital in Carthage, IL. My next step is to connect with Dr. Fred Travis PhD.

Academic Programs Degree Programs ProgramsAllUndergraduateGraduate LocationsAllOnlineOn Campusundergrad-onlineundergrad-oncampus grad-onlinegrad-oncampus All programs Applied Arts & Sciences Undergraduate:


AI Overview
Learn more

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to manage your own emotions and understand the emotions of others. It has five key elements:

Self-awareness & Self-regulation: The ability to recognize and understand your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions. This includes being aware of how your emotions impact your reactions and behavior, and how they feel physically.

Social awareness: The ability to understand how others are feeling, empathize with them, and take their perspective. This includes recognizing and interpreting nonverbal cues to understand how others are feeling, what's important to them, and how their emotional state is changing.

Empathy: The ability to understand other people's feelings and see things from their point of view. This involves recognizing another person's emotional state and understanding why they are experiencing it.

Tick-Borne Diseases | NIOSH | CDC 07/10/2024

Tick-borne pathogens can be passed to humans by the bite of infected ticks. Ticks can be infected with bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Some of the most common tick-borne diseases in the United States include: Lyme disease, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, anaplasmosis, Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness, Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever, and tularemia. Other tick-borne diseases in the United States include: Colorado tick fever, Powassan encephalitis, and Q fever. Lyme disease is the most commonly reported tick-borne disease in the United States. In 2010, more than 22,500 confirmed and 7,500 probable cases of Lyme disease were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Tick-Borne Diseases | NIOSH | CDC Tick-borne pathogens can be passed to humans by the bite of infected ticks. Ticks can be infected with bacteria, viruses, or parasites.

Dr Ken Berry: #1 BEST Way To Start The Carnivore Diet (2024) 07/10/2024

Ken Berry - who is Dr. Ken Berry???

Dr Ken Berry: #1 BEST Way To Start The Carnivore Diet (2024) Dr Ken Berry shares the #1 way to start the Carnivore Diet with a 90-day challenge. Join GoCarnivore here: https://www.gocarnivore.com/?utm_source=youtube&ut...


Over the weekend, I found myself in a situation, where I had to re-evaluate many important issues... Found still my alignment - vision - mission came down to:
1. Doing the work God has given me - for the moment this is making integrative/functional/lifestyle medicine become integral in a health system... sometimes, I wish that God has given me a different mission...because I was much happier in a smaller/private practice environment.
2. Being a steward of my spouse Vena Tjhang - by being her best friend. Some of you know that I have taken an away job in IL since Oct of 2022. Working for VA opened my eyes - why gov't does not work. Grateful to Ada Bair my current boss.

Grateful for all the physicians who were extremely supportive and helped me to open my eyes - Christa Baker Springston Geetu Goyal Patricia Monique. I have been a firm believer of if things don't work, then move forward, side ways, oblique, or go backward. Don't do things don't work...

Also, I am hoping that Vena Tjhang and I would be in one place together by the end of this year 2024. There are many people who are praying for me and actively assisting me - thank you.

Mathew 7:7 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Credo - I believe.


Day 5 of 90 day challenge by Dr. Ken Berry. Still tightening up my food choices... Linking behavior: Quiet Time at 5 am... Learning the importance of choices of food, thoughts, and company I keep. Also grateful for my former boss, Dr. Hernandez who had a profound influence on me. Among lessons he shared with me include 1. Assume Positive Intent 2. Trust the Process 3. Check your mood elevator 4. Align with corporate values which was Integrity, Compassion, Inclusion, Relationships, Innovation, and Performance. 5. Work life balance - he advocated to avoid working outside work hours... Grateful for my current boss Ada Bair... and Cheri Lott who also is a phenomenal navigator of our patients and her physician - me. Grateful for Vena Tjhang who is a "wise fair judge" who appraises situations...Also grateful for Jeanne Bowers and Jeanne Bowers (two profiles) who is an excellent life coach.

Functional Medicine | Integrative Medicine 07/09/2024

To serve my former patients' (and their friends/family's) needs, I offer concierge integrative/functional medicine practice serving Texas, Florida, and Georgia.

www.directintegrativecare.com is the website.

Functional Medicine | Integrative Medicine Yoon Hang Kim MD, integrative medicine, functional medicine, San Antonio, Austin, Waco, Dallas, Plano, Corpus Christi, El Paso, Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah, Orlando, Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, St. Petersburg, Texas, Florida, Georgia


Day 5 of Dr. Ken Berry's 90-day challenge. Dr. Berry says to ask ourselves "Why?" The strong the Why - be more likelier of success.


90 day challenge by Dr. Ken D Berr MD starting tomorrow...


So grateful to Dana Renee Knox RN who is our lifestyle medicine RN navigator as well as integrative medicine RN navigator. Under her guidance and combined effort with me as the physician, we now have several patients with T2D (type 2 diabetes) who have experienced effectiveness of our lifestyle medicine program powered by keto-medicine.

1. One person is now off medications and blood sugars are normal which means her diabetes is in remission.
2. Another person has been receiving excellent conventional care for T2D with medications but blood sugars were still high - after one month of keto-lifestyle medicine, blood sugar has decreased to the point one of diabetes medications have been decreased.

Dana Renee Knox RN provides support and care combined that is assisting patients to do the right thing for themselves.

All these are possible because Ada Bair CEO of Memorial Hospital in Carthage, IL has been supportive of creating the best possible program. Even through, hiring RNs are the most expensive option, she understood the value of RNs as integrative medicine navigators - which in itself is a new idea.

Functional Medicine | Integrative Medicine 07/03/2024

Why create a concierge integrative medicine/functional telemedicine practice? Some of most rewarding professional experience was in Georgia caring for patients using integrative medicine/medical acupuncture. When I leave practice location, there are patients who contact me to expressing hope that I would be able to care for them. It was same in Georgia, Florida, Kansas, and Texas. So, I created below practice - mainly for my Georgia patients. Since I was licensed in Florida, I also added Florida. At this time, practice is open to residents of Georgia, Florida, and Texas.

Functional Medicine | Integrative Medicine Yoon Hang Kim MD, integrative medicine, functional medicine, San Antonio, Austin, Waco, Dallas, Plano, Corpus Christi, El Paso, Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah, Orlando, Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, St. Petersburg, Texas, Florida, Georgia

Memorial Institute of Health and Healing - Memorial Hospital, Carthage IL 07/03/2024

1 year progress report - Memorial Institute of Health & Healing
Instituted programs:
* Integrative Oncology Consultations
* Integrative Pain Management
* Integrative/Functional/Lifestyle Medicine Consultation
* Integrative & Functional Allergy
* Keto-medicine to reverse T2D (type 2 diabetes)
* Ozempic Off Ramp Programs

Made several presentations and joined Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine & Health

Thanks to Ada BairCEO Raigan Brown, MHA, RN Cheri LottRN Dana Renee Knox RN PMHNP, Cynthia Stewart, MHA - and also to past team members Ruth FerdigRN Kacey Rose RN.

Memorial Institute of Health and Healing
Mission Statement: To become a sustainable regional center of excellence for health & healing creating meaningful and impactful clinical, academic, educational, and research programs and to serve as a model site facilitating diffusion of health & healing innovations in rural underserved settings.

Memorial Institute of Health and Healing - Memorial Hospital, Carthage IL Memorial Institute of Health & Healing partners with you in your healing journey with a selection of integrative functional medicine services. Start your healing journey today with the appropriate functional integrative medicine therapies for you.

Rapamycin may slow aging. Here's one way the drug will be tested 07/03/2024

This is one of the anti-aging medication I do use in my private practice along with low-dose naltrexone

Rapamycin may slow aging. Here's one way the drug will be tested Longevity researchers are taking a generic drug they think may help extend people's lives. Now a dentist is testing if rapamycin stops gum disease — a canary in the coal mine for age-related diseases.

What does drinking alcohol do to your body? 07/03/2024

What does drinking alcohol do to your body? Did you know that drinking alcohol can affect your cancer risk, lead to long-term health issues and impact your microbiome, sleep and brain function? Our experts share what to know about how alcohol affects the body.

Memorial Institute of Health and Healing - Memorial Hospital, Carthage IL 07/03/2024

Grateful to Memorial Hospital in Carthage, IL, Ada Bair Vicki Popela Raigan Brown Cheri Lott Dana Renee.

Before accepting position to develop Memorial Institute of Health & Healing, we made sure we could take insurance. Saw a patient who, despite textbook management of diabetes, was still suffering from high blood sugar. We were able to help this patient by having our RN Navigator for Lifestyle Medicine Dana Renee connect with patient regularly to result in improving blood sugar with high touch care within about one month - all thanks to our nurse navigators - and to Ada Bair who as CEO is supportive these innovations.

Memorial Institute of Health and Healing - Memorial Hospital, Carthage IL Memorial Institute of Health & Healing partners with you in your healing journey with a selection of integrative functional medicine services. Start your healing journey today with the appropriate functional integrative medicine therapies for you.


AAMA is excellent source of CME for medical acupuncture.

26 CME Credits Available! If you were not able to attend this year's Annual Symposium in-person, you can now purchase access to the on-demand recording package. Digital access to all sessions is available through October 1, 2024. https://medicalacupuncture.org/events/symposium/2024-symposium-on-demand-registration/

Functional Medicine | Integrative Medicine 07/02/2024

www.directintegrativecare.com offers functional/integrative medicine telemedicine services to residents in Texas.

Functional Medicine | Integrative Medicine Yoon Hang Kim MD, integrative medicine, functional medicine, San Antonio, Austin, Waco, Dallas, Plano, Corpus Christi, El Paso, Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah, Orlando, Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, St. Petersburg, Texas, Florida, Georgia

Ozempic Patients Need an Off-Ramp 07/02/2024

Memorial Hospital in Carthage, IL has been working on multiple off-ramp options for Ozempic and related GLP medications. Memorial Institute of Health and Healing offers below options:

Low carb keto diets
Optifast (coming soon)

Ozempic Patients Need an Off-Ramp These drugs are meant to be taken for life, but not everyone can afford to.

Direct Integrative Care | Yoon Hang Kim, MD | Lifestyle Medicine | Texas | Georgia | Florida 06/25/2024

For TX, GA, and FL residents: Functional Medicine/Integrative Medicine Telemedicine practice:

Direct Integrative Care | Yoon Hang Kim, MD | Lifestyle Medicine | Texas | Georgia | Florida Yoon Hang Kim MD provides integrative medicine, functional medicine, and lifestyle medicine services using a membership model - Direct Integrative Care

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Trị Dứt Điểm Dau Dạ Dày - Không Tái Phát

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