Nupeutics Health

Nupeutics Health™ specializes in developing science-based, natural products specifically designed to meet your personalized nutrition needs and goals.

Like you, each of us walks our own unique health journey.


Nupeutics Microbiome & Woman’s Health

Nupeutics Health acknowledges women's inner strength, patience, courage, and healthy living.

The critical part of our mission is to provide helpful information on supplement products that can improve woman’s health and well-being.

The dietary supplements that can fit you well!

Many women get the nutrients they need by choosing healthy eating that includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat or fat-free dairy, and lean protein foods. In some cases, a dietary supplement may be needed if foods aren’t being well consumed or insufficient; or during pregnancy, when a woman may need to take a prenatal vitamin or a mineral deficiency has been diagnosed by a health care provider.

Studies show that the gut microbiome is central to all body operations. It impacts aging, digestion, immune system, mood, and cognitive function. It also has a potential role in various health disorders, including cardiovascular disease, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and infectious illnesses.

Natural microbiome supplements can refresh your gut with the healthy bacteria it needs to keep it healthy by supporting healthy immune function and controlling inflammation. In addition, there are minerals designed explicitly for women's needs, including Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Folate, Folic Acid, and Magnesium. We encourage you to consider the benefits and risks of dietary supplements and talk to a medical professional before beginning any supplement regime.

Nupeutics Natural focuses on developing a science-based microbiome product-educational platform tackling the impact of functional ingredients as the catalyst for better health, beauty, and mental wellness.


May is Mental Health Awareness Month!

Each year millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness. In May, Nupeutics Health joins the national movement to raise awareness about a healthy brain and underscore the connection between the gut's health, mood disorders, and overall the immune support system.

Mental and mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety, are influenced by the gut's health and the microbiome’s changes in systemic inflammation. Research has shown that beneficial gut metabolites (short-chain fatty acids [SCFAs]) reduce the production of pro-inflammatory and the gut, and resident gut bacteria, profoundly shaping brain health and mood.

Studies have also demonstrated that natural alternatives are possible prevention. And patients with no prior history of depression would prefer natural product interventions as a first-line remedy.

Particularly, Microbiome supplementation could elevate depressive symptoms and help alleviate depression and anxiety. Today, a new class of natural microbiome products, including Microbiome Master, are being introduced as a nontoxic intervention for various psychiatric conditions. For persistent mood disorders or mental illness, we strongly recommend talking to your doctor before using any supplements.

As a leading developer of proprietary microbiome products with a potent combo of quality herbs and rich antioxidants, Nupeutics Health embraces the notion of providing the body with the right formula to help optimize gut flora, boost the immune system, and overall reduce cognitive reactivity to stress or other mood disorders.

We invite you to visit our website to look at what makes our products superior and learn more about how our comprehensive product-educational platform meets the rising lifestyle trends toward optimal health, energy, and performance.


Get Better Sleep!!

May is the “Better Sleep Month”

With that, Nupeutics Health offers a few recommendations for you to take charge of your nights and make sleep a priority.

Sleep is crucial for brain function and repair, and sleep disorders are a significant health risk. A good night’s sleep can improve your learning, memory, decision-making, and creativity.

Studies have linked chronic sleep problems to higher risks for severe health conditions that include depression, heart diseases, fatigue, obesity, imbalanced hormones, and type II diabetes.

Natural supplements can do great to improve sleep and elevate and stabilize mood, but they should not be used for chronic sleep problems. For persistent sleep difficulties, you may want to talk to your doctor before using any sleep support supplements.

Even though supplements are often used to avoid the cost and side effects of prescription drugs, we recommend only using the sleep support products that have been supported by science-based formulation, natural ingredients, and verified testimonials. These products should have essential elements such as melatonin and magnesium: valerian root chamomile and L-theanine.

In addition, simple daily habits could support better sleep. That includes moderate exercise, a regular sleep schedule, the least stress, and clear mind, and healthy eating.

To know more about how our comprehensive product-educational platform meets the rising lifestyle trends toward optimal body health, energy, and performance, visit our website


Exercise and stress: Get moving to manage stress

Being active can boost your feel-good endorphins and distract you from daily worries.

Any form of exercise, from aerobics to yoga, can function as a stress reliever. Simple daily exercise increases your overall health and sense of well-being, which puts more pep in your step every day. Exercise also has direct stress-busting benefits by pumping up your endorphins, and improving your self-esteem.

Even five minutes of aerobic exercise can stimulate anti-anxiety effects. Regular exercise can increase self-confidence and lower the symptoms of mild depression and anxiety. Exercise can also improve your sleep, which is often disrupted by stress, depression, and anxiety. All these exercise benefits can ease your stress levels and give you a sense of command over your body and life.

A successful exercise program begins with simple steps.

Walk before you run. Build up your fitness level gradually. Excitement about a new program can lead to overdoing it and even injury.

For most healthy adults, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends getting at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity (such as brisk walking or swimming) or 75 minutes a week of aerobic activity (such as running). Also, incorporate strength training exercises at least twice a week.

The most important thing is to pick an activity that you enjoy. Examples include walking, stair climbing, jogging, bicycling, yoga, tai chi, gardening, weightlifting, and swimming.

You may want to talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise routine or if you have a health concern. To know more about how our comprehensive product-educational wellness platform meets the rising lifestyle trends toward optimal body health, energy, and performance, visit our website


The allergy season is upon us!!

For many of us, it’s not clear when it starts or ends, as it occurs all year round, and you may experience allergy symptoms at different times of the year.

Generally, there are three ‘allergy seasons’ when outdoor allergens tend to be airborne in more significant numbers: spring, summer, and fall. If you experience typical allergy symptoms, it’s essential to know what you can expect throughout the year and how you can manage it. Although seasonal allergies may appear at any age, they often disappear later in life.

Seasonal allergies occur when allergens like mold spores and different types of plant pollen are released into the air. If you are allergic to mold spores or pollen, or just other allergies such as dust or pet allergic reaction, your immune system will respond by releasing elements such as histamine into your bloodstream to help combat them. Depending on the health of your body, the release of histamine could cause common allergy symptoms, including sneezing, nasal congestion, watery eyes, or itchy skin.

How to prepare for and manage allergy symptoms

One of the best ways to get prepped for allergy season is by strengthening your body's immune cells and reducing your exposure to allergens like pollen. Check pollen reports in your area, especially during pollen-heavy weather.


“April is Stress Awareness Month

Stress is America's # 1 Health Problem. Today’s stress tends to be more pervasive and persistent because it stems primarily from psychological rather than physical threats. It is associated with ingrained and immediate reactions over which we often have no control.

What is Stress?

The most common stress is a mental or emotional strain or tension. It is now established that stress and mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety are influenced by the gut's health and the microbiome’s changes in systemic inflammation.

Nupeutics Health, a leading developer of science-driven natural products, embraces the notion of providing the right, high-function formula to support the body naturally through optimizing gut flora, boosting the immune system, and overall reduced cognitive reactivity to stress or other mood disorders.

You can begin managing your stress by naturally boosting your immunity system, enhancing the health of your gut, and improving your daily routines. You could give yourself an enormous advantage by simply drinking plenty of water throughout the day, getting enough sleep, avoiding processed foods and snacks with added sugars, practicing proper hygiene, and getting a well-balanced diet of fruits and vegetables with herbs, minerals, and vitamins that support better immunity, like Echinacea, Zinc, and Vitamin C.

Along with a collection of potent natural supplement blends, Nupeutics Health offers a holistic approach to relieving anxiety and supporting peak wellness, including Stress Master, which non-addictive combination that helps calm anxiety and fights adrenal fatigue, and Microbiome Master, which is a herbal cleanse that could help boost the immune system and support a healthy gut. We invite you to visit our website to know more about how our comprehensive product-educational platform meets the rising lifestyle trends toward the optimal body and mental health, energy, and performance.”

Photos from Nupeutics Health's post 03/24/2022

Diabetes Alert Day

It’s a one-day "wake-up call" that focuses on the seriousness of diabetes and the importance of understanding your risk. Nupeutics Health encourages you to find out if you—or someone you love—are at risk for diabetes

Data shows:

About 38 million Americans have diabetes. Type 1.
About 8.5 million people are unaware that they have the disease.
More than 8 in 10 American adults living with prediabetes don’t know they have it.
About half of women with gestational diabetes develop Type 2 diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that women produce when pregnant.

With these challenges, the question is: what are the best nutritional supplements for Diabetes?

If you have diabetes (Type 1 or Type 2), taking supplements can be complicated. Even minor changes in a diabetic's diet can lead to fluctuations in blood sugar, which can cause a range of other problems. We always advise you to ask your doctor whether any supplements are right for you.

Yet, combining supplements into one's daily routine can be helpful and may potentially lessen some of the harmful effects of blood sugar spikes and inflammation. Studies show that berberine can lower blood sugar levels in diabetics, and vitamin D can improve insulin sensitivity.

Natural supplements that include magnesium, berberine, probiotics, cinnamon, and vitamin D helps regulate blood sugar and are best suited for diabetes.

While we recommend talking to your doctor before taking any supplements, we invite you to visit our website:, to know more about the best natural supplements that could help manage diabetes.


Healthy Sleep & Rest

Welcome to Sleep Awareness Week® 2022!

Nupeutics Health takes this opportunity to reemphasize the important connection between your sleep and your health.

Sleep is crucial for brain function and repair, and sleep disorders are a major health risk. A good night’s sleep can improve your learning, memory, decision-making, and creativity. Studies have linked chronic sleep problems to higher risks for severe health disorders that include depression, heart diseases, fatigue, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

What are the best natural remedies that are considered beneficial towards providing healthy sleep & rest? And,

How effective can these be with or in place of traditional treatments?

Studies have shown that some natural supplements can do great to manage poor sleep and elevate and stabilize mood, but they should not be used for chronic sleep problems. Even though natural sleep support supplements are often used to avoid the cost and side effects of prescription drugs, we recommend only to use natural products that have been backed by science-based formulation, natural ingredients, and verified testimonials. Such products, including our flagship Sleep Master™, are proven to be effective towards providing healthy sleep and tackling anxiety that interferes with good sleep.

To know more about the best natural supplements that could help you manage poor sleep and see if you are getting the right accessories, we invite you to visit our website:

Inflammation Master 03/15/2022

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 star review from Andy R.:

"Inflammation Master - I’ve found the little aches and pains I have on occasion, tend to be amazingly less when I take this great stuff. It really does help, especially for some your more minor aches and pains."

Inflammation Master Joint pains, swollen joints, and inflammation throughout the body can really affect our day to day. Inflammation Master is a natural herbal antiinflammatory that does not come with the same side effects as NSAIDs.

Hormone Master 03/11/2022

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 star review from Sasha:

"AMAZING!!!! - This is the only hormone pill I can find that WORKS!!!! I really noticed when my pills were getting low and tried to order more but it's out of stock. Has been for awhile now and boy do I notice hair loss, mood swings, all that fun jazz. So ya, highly recommend!!!! Just don't run out, like EVER. Lol. Patiently waiting for it to be available again. "

Hormone Master Hormone Master can help relieve PMS symptoms naturally by keeping our hormones balanced when "that time of the month" comes around. It helps with mood swings, cramps, hormonal acne,


Life is a marathon. Quit trying to sprint through it without taking water breaks!! Slowing down is easier said than done. As a society, coffee and energy drinks are a way to make it through the day, and running on empty is the norm. We do not realize the toll it takes on our bodies and mind. Doctors prescribe medication as a bandaid to the symptoms we are having instead of looking into the root cause and treating the problem. We are left unhealthy and in mental anguish, wondering what is wrong?

Can stress be the cause of extreme fatigue adrenal fatigue? Yes! What happens to college students during finals? They often get sick, depressed, and so tired they can sleep for days. This is not a coincidence. One study done in China found that male students that went through chronic stress while prepping for a medical exam had impaired cortisol awakening response.

Common causes of Adrenal Fatigue are:

Chronic stress- hostile work environment, unhealthy relationship

Emotional trauma- upsetting memories, anxiety, or depression that does not go away

Low self-esteem / negative thinking- feeling helpless, finding the worse in yourself, others, or a situation

Chronic pain- not being able to control inflammation, injury

Poor diet/ food sensitivities- diets high in unhealthy fat, processed or fried foods, and sugar

Insomnia - not able to  fall asleep or stay asleep


Happy Women’s Day!!!

Nupeutics Health takes this opportunity to appreciate women in our lives and acknowledge their success, contributions, and achievements.

On this day and every day, we acknowledge women's strength, patience, courage, and health!

Part of our mission at Nupeutics Health is to provide helpful information on dietary supplements that can improve woman’s health and well-being. We work hard to offer easy-to-comprehend details to help select the best product for woman’s needs.

But how to choose dietary supplements that can fit you well! Many women can get the nutrients they need by choosing a healthy eating style, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat or fat-free dairy, and lean protein foods. In some cases, a dietary supplement may be needed if foods aren’t being well consumed or insufficient; or during pregnancy, when a woman may need to take a prenatal vitamin or a mineral deficiency has been diagnosed by a health care provider.

We encourage you to consider the benefits and risks of dietary supplements and talk to a medical professional before beginning any supplement regime. Nevertheless, the main minerals specially designed for women's needs include Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Folate, Folic Acid, and Magnesium.

To know more about the best supplements for women and get the supplements and minerals your body needs, we invite you to visit our website:

Microbiome Master 03/07/2022

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 star review from Fiona S.:

"Fantastic products - Always great. I have used these before and had great results. Now I am using them again and I see a difference very quickly."

Microbiome Master Leaky gut, bloating, stomach pains, sugar cravings, and skin issues can come from poor gut health. What we eat can play a major roll in how we feel and can affect our overall mood. Microbiome Master is the perfect gut cleanse that can help get rid of parasites, negative bacterial balance, and candid...

Inflammation Master 03/03/2022

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 star review from Tami D.:

"Been taking for over 3 years - I have been taking Inflammation Master for over 3 years. I have Hashimotos disease and one thing it causes is chronic inflammation. This product helps me tremendously. I will not go with out it. I recommend this to anyone who has an autoimmune disease and even those who don't. Inflammation occurs when your body is trying to heal itself from toxins, infections, injuries - basically when something damages your cells, this product will definitely help any kind of inflammation!"

Inflammation Master Joint pains, swollen joints, and inflammation throughout the body can really affect our day to day. Inflammation Master is a natural herbal antiinflammatory that does not come with the same side effects as NSAIDs.


Natural remedies for thyroid health are easily found in nutritious, anti-inflammatory, and organic foods! Besides focusing on the best healing foods for the thyroid, do not forget to avoid inflammatory foods that can cause a leaky gut because they are also foods bad for your thyroid health. Other foods you need to avoid include alcohol, refined sugars, and processed foods.

Anti-inflammatory foods
-Olive oil
-Green leafy vegetables
-Nuts like almonds and walnuts
-Healthy fats like avocados
-Antioxidant-rich foods like strawberries, blueberries, and apples

Pre/ Probiotics
It is essential to keep your gut health through nourishment and bring in the good live bacteria. Prebiotics you can add to your diet is garlic, onions, leeks, and asparagus. Fermented foods are excellent sources of Probiotics.

Thiamine rich foods
-Brussel sprouts
-Green peas
-Sesame seeds

Vitamin B12 rich foods
-Raw cheese
-Cottage cheese
-Raw milk

Selenium- fights inflammation and contains antioxidant properties that support the proper functioning of the immune system. Selenium rich foods to add to your diet are:
-Brazilian nuts

Ginger- is famous for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It is also rich in magnesium and potassium, with is crucial for thyroid health.

Evening primrose oil- is a tremendous natural thyroid treatment for boosting thyroid function

Nettle- is known as a potent thyroid tonic due to its ability to balance an overactive and underactive thyroid. It is an excellent source of iodine!

Echinacea- an excellent immune system booster. Moreover, it is also great for healing thyroid inflammation and overactivity.

Licorice- contains triterpenoid glycyrrhetinic acid, which helps stop the growth of more invasive thyroid cancer cells.

Seaweed- the best source of iodine is seaweed. Iodine is essential in improving your thyroid function.

Microbiome Master 02/27/2022

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 star review from Barbara S.:

"Great for digestion - Loved this product! I miss the hormone master too ! Great company"

Microbiome Master Leaky gut, bloating, stomach pains, sugar cravings, and skin issues can come from poor gut health. What we eat can play a major roll in how we feel and can affect our overall mood. Microbiome Master is the perfect gut cleanse that can help get rid of parasites, negative bacterial balance, and candid...


Vitamins are an essential part of our overall wellness because they perform hundreds of roles in the body. Vitamin C is essential for several reasons. Here are a few of our favorites!

🧡Boosts immunity- One of the main reasons people take Vit C is to boost immunity. It's no wonder why we go to grab it when we start to feel a cold coming on. Studies have repeatedly confirmed that vit c may help reduce symptoms and shorten the duration of respiratory tract infections.

🧡Reduce your risk of chronic disease- Vit C is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals and minimizes oxidative stress. Several studies have shown that it aids in treating and preventing multiple chronic conditions.

🧡Prevents iron deficiency- Vit C can enhance iron absorption, which helps prevent iron- deficiency anemia.

🧡Got gout?- Vit C can help reduce uric acid in the blood and protect against gout attacks.

🧡Promotes healthy skin- Who does not love glowing skin? Vitamin C plays an essential role in the synthesis of collagen and helps to slow down skin aging and protect against sun damage.

Our bodies can not produce Vit C naturally, so try to incorporate these foods into your diet that are high in vitamin C:

-Bell Peppers

Immunity Master 02/23/2022

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 star review from Jaime F.:

"Great booster - I take this whenever I’m going to be around more people than just a few and/or if I travel somewhere as a booster, as well as if I’m feeling a little under the weather. Love this product!"

Immunity Master Immunity Master can be used by anyone who is predisposed to infections, has lowered immunity, is fighting a pathogenic infection, or those who want preventative maintenance during cold and flu months.

Stress Master 02/19/2022

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 star review from Angelica B.:

"Stress Master In place of Hormone Master - I have been using hormone master for years and do to the shortages and it being sold out
i thought would try stress master, it's helped me with hormone imbalance surrounding my cycle .
I highly recommend"

Stress Master Dr. Jess's Stress Master can be used by anyone suffering from adrenal fatigue, stressful life periods, high cortisol, irritability, or high anxiety. Make this choice to have a stress free life, today! Check out our online store.


Food is one of the best forms of preventative health care. Food can either be a medicine or it can be a contributor to illness and decreased immune system function. Is what you are eating working for you or against you? Here’s how to determine if your food choices are more helpful or hurtful -

Foods That Help –
• Fresh fruits & fresh veggies, especially raw ones – these are nutrient rich and also in raw form (uncooked and fresh) contain critical enzymes our bodies need to thrive
• Healthy fats – healthy fats support optimal brain and hormone function
• Water, water, water!!! – drinking plenty of water decreases the risk of viral infections and supports immune function
• Immune boosting or supporting foods – fresh raw forms of garlic, ginger, turmeric, honey, elderberry and basil – these foods have anti-viral, antibacterial and immune boosting properties
• Probiotics rich foods – this supports gut health which in turn supports immune function

Microbiome Master 02/15/2022

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 star review from Amber R.:

" - I have used microbiome master for awhile now and it is by far the best product I can find to manage my SIBO symptoms. Many times I notice a relief in symptoms after just a few doses. I don’t know what I would do without it!"

Microbiome Master Leaky gut, bloating, stomach pains, sugar cravings, and skin issues can come from poor gut health. What we eat can play a major roll in how we feel and can affect our overall mood. Microbiome Master is the perfect gut cleanse that can help get rid of parasites, negative bacterial balance, and candid...

Hormone Master 02/14/2022

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 star review from Adebukola B.:

"Hormones Master’s Efficacy - My overall experience has been very amazing.Before I knew hormones master ,I have bought and used other drugs that claimed to be able to cure menopause symptoms but are futileHormone master has be supporting me and allievating my menopause associated symptoms like ,constant headaches,fatigue,insomnia,joint pain,cough,arm pain and numbness,backaches,indigestion.
A big thanks to hormones master for reviving and rescuing me."

Hormone Master Hormone Master can help relieve PMS symptoms naturally by keeping our hormones balanced when "that time of the month" comes around. It helps with mood swings, cramps, hormonal acne,

Hormone Master 02/10/2022

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 star review from Sulema P.:

"Amazing! - This item has truly helped balance my hormones as I have PCOS, and really helped out during my menstrual cycle. The only thing is that at times I did notice I was a bit more angry then usual. Lol"

Hormone Master Hormone Master can help relieve PMS symptoms naturally by keeping our hormones balanced when "that time of the month" comes around. It helps with mood swings, cramps, hormonal acne,


Did you know that 70% of your immune system can be found in your gut??? Proper hand hygiene, masks, and social distancing are all important in preventing the spread of illness. However, what is most important is a strong immune system!!

When food is broken down during digestion, your gut works to absorb nutrients used to support a variety of bodily functions and eliminate waste from your body. Healthy bacteria found in your gut are responsible for stimulating the development of T‑cells. When there is an imbalance in your gut (more bad bacteria vs good bacteria), it can confuse the immune system. This causes the immune system to start attacking your cells. If your immune system is busy reacting to healthy cells, not only is it easier for you to get sick, it’s also harder for your body to recover.

Here are five tips to help boost your immune system via your gut!

⭐Be aware of what you eat. What we put in our bodies affects how our digestive system works and disrupts the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut. Try increasing your fiber intake to help with elimination and eating foods rich in probiotics to help with the good bacteria.

⭐Dehydration can lead to constipation. It is essential to drink plenty of fluids. The water is excellent! Non-caffeinated beverages like tea or sparkling water fruits and vegetables high in water content can also help keep you hydrated.

⭐Not only can alcohol disrupt the balance of bacteria in your gut it also increases acid production in your stomach. This can lead to other issues like heartburn and acid reflux.

⭐Put yourself first and find ways to relax! Stress impacts your whole body, especially your digestive and immune systems—practice stress management techniques like deep breathing, meditation, journaling, and yoga to help lower stress levels.

⭐If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, so will your bowels. Physical activity helps to move food through your digestive system. 30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week can help to keep you regular and reduce inflammation in your body.

Thyroid Master 02/06/2022

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 star review from Mary S.:

"Have a thyroid disorder - Find it very beneficial to have a formula specifically for my thyroid so I can make sure I’m getting all the support for it I can."

Thyroid Master Whether you have fatigue, weight gain, or full fledged hypothyroidism, it is likely you will need a thyroid supplement to help boost your natural thyroid hormone production. Buy Thyroid Master with Iodine - Metabolism, Energy and Focus Formula on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders.


Why is thyroid health such a BIG deal?! So many people are suffering from an array of seemingly unrelated ‘mystery’ symptoms that often are related to thyroid imbalance. Often doctors dismiss these as simply ‘stress’ or, even worse, not real or valid concerns once they are unable to quickly tack a diagnosis on it, especially after running a few labs with seemingly ‘normal’ results. The problem with the thyroid ‘ average range’ is that it is a vast range and what is less than an optimal function for YOUR body may be different from someone else’s.

Good news! You can take ownership of your health and address thyroid function through numerous natural and lifestyle changes to improve your thyroid and decrease some symptoms related to low or high functioning thyroid levels.

Here are some symptoms and signs associated with Thyroid imbalances:

· Food sensitivities
· Gut issues such as bloating & leaky gut
· High cholesterol
· Anxiety or depression
· High cholesterol levels
· Exhaustion
· Crankiness
· Other hormone imbalances
· Skin rashes, eczema, or cracking skin on the heels
· Body aches
· Hair loss (even thinning eyebrows)
· Weight gain and inability to lose weight
· Thyroid level imbalances via blood testing that confirm Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Grave’s or Hashimoto’s
· Exercise intolerance
· Decreased s*x drive
· Painful menstrual cycles, PMS or endometriosis
· Adrenal fatigue
· Sleep problems

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? A sneaky or even subtle thyroid imbalance might be behind these challenging symptoms!

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Most of us tend to overindulge around holidays and then again on New Year's Eve. This year, how about a new plan - get y...
The wait is over.... Nupeutics Health products are BACK IN STOCK!All the backorders are being packaged and shipped and s...
What are the secrets of the world’s longest-living people?The world’s longest-lived cultures didn’t get there by chance....
WHO SHOULD TAKE MICROBIOME MASTER?Anyone who suffers from lowered immunity has intense sugar cravings, skin issues, grin...
September is Self-Care Awareness Month! It’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of a busy summer. This time of th...
Microbiome Master is A GI cleanse containing these highest quality herbs: Garlic cloves, cinnamon, echinacea, Oregon gra...
Inflammation Master is a wildcrafted and natural herbal supplement designed for daily use or during acute injuries. When...
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