Together As 3 Point One

Together As 3 Point One

We are a for profit for non profits. We host dynamic fundraisers for charities, schools and families. Our goal is to bring our communities together.

Over the years I have lost several loved ones due to tragic, unforeseen events. Some have been in car accidents, su***de, cancer, illness and sudden death. These unexpected deaths left me struggling to find out how I could serve the families. I felt hopeless. It was like I was intruding on their personal space and what do you do, send flowers? I didn't know how or if they really wanted me to help.

Help us get back on our feet after suffering abuse, organized by Rabeka Spagnolo Harrison 12/23/2023

Good morning ya'll! This is going to be a stupid long post...

First and foremost, I want to thank each of you from the bottom of my heart for the love and support. To those of you who have donated and shared, sent prayers and uplifting messages.. My heart is full of gratitude and joy!

I have had quite a few comments and messages that were calling my integrity into play and accusing me of trying to steal money from people. It had been hurtful. I knew that asking for donations to assist in my personal life would open me up to criticism and scrutiny. That, among other things, has been one of my biggest fears. I did it anyway, I have exhausted all of my options and reluctantly am here asking for help, again.

I do not owe ANYONE an explanation on how I choose to parent or live my life. With that being said, I decided to explain a few things that have come up as concerns. I understand that there are so many scams out there and people who do not want to legitimately work for their money and try to fool people. I am not one of those. I work hard for what I have, like the majority of you and I do not want to lose it all. If I lose everything, I have a back up plan for my kids and me. Is it ideal, no. But sacrifice rarely is.

We all choose to live our lives a certain way and (at times) cannot understand the choices made by others so we are critical of how others live, instead of having compassion and understanding. I am a single mom struggling to provide for my kids- I am not special and I am not the first or the only mom in this position, nor will I be the last. I understand that I need to put my big girl panties on, shut up and get to work. I do that (almost) every day. Some days are just too much and I take a break. Everyone needs a break or they go mad. I also like to spend time with my kids because they are the most important thing in my life and never having interactions with them is a disservice to all of us.

Issue #1- "Get a second job" - a lovely suggestion from someone who lives on the other side of the country and does not know me. I'm sure other people have thought this as they rolled their eyes at my posts asking for financial help.

My reply- I have a full time job, and a part time and a side hustle. I have sold quite a bit of my possessions to be able to pay my divorce attorney and bridge the gap in bills. I've lived off of credit cards as well. I make too much money to receive any aid but not enough to make ends meet.. the constant struggle of many others I know.

Issue #2- Another stranger, in Georgia, trolled my IG and saw my bus, motorcycle etc and said: "WOW... only pic of kids is on the GoFundMe. NO kids anywhere else on profile. But plenty of you dressed in evening gown and fur stoll, you blowing off work to go riding, and more out riding alone. Makes you wonder." (omggg I wanted to correct her grammar.. But I digress…..)
BTW one of my main IG pages is OMG_BIKER_BEKI my art IG is Rabekas_art

OOOOOO... This one is a lot to unpack... here we gooooo

My reply- Fair enough. Now let me explain WHY I choose to post what I do. Like many others, I choose to focus on my happy times etc when I post on my IG, esp my moto page. I hope to, at some point, monetize that page- side hustle (you know, trying to go along with the first suggestions "get a second job" - see ladies, I'm listening!!) :)

-I choose not to put my children on the internet. It is MY choice and I do it to protect them. If you choose to do something different, that's ok! That is the beauty of all of this. We all get to choose what is right for us and our families. There are people who wish to do me harm and I choose to keep the identity of my children, where they go to school, what activities we enjoy, when we travel etc private. I rarely will post things as they happen because, in my opinion, it opens my family up to vulnerability and victimization. We have been through enough already that has not been our fault and I do not want to knowingly put my family at risk. Over the years, I have had A LOT of hate comments in person and online for my choice not to share my children with the world. But IDGAF. With so much evil out there this is how I have decided what is best for me and my kids. You do what you think is best for yours. We choose to spend time off of the computers and more time developing skills that this generation is lacking. Artistic, creative, outdoors, etc.. Those are the things we value. They are not over scheduled with sports or things because they are kids and should be able to be kids, learn and grow and not be on a tight schedule. Let's be honest, they won't be professional athletes so the need to push them as if they are is not what I have chosen to do. I do believe sports are an integral part of a kid's development, learning to work as a team and have a skill. I also can't afford sports or time to take them any more, so there's that as well.

-The pictures of me in one of my favorite green dresses and fur.. It was my brother's wedding. I dressed up. I felt it appropriate to do so. The dress was A STEAL... $2 at a thrift store!!! and that particular vintage fur was also an absolute STEAL.. $12 at a thrift store. I will add that I own quite a bit of fur, as it reminds me of my great grandmother and my grandmother. I feel close to them when I wear it. Guilty pleasure.. wearing one to the grocery store or when I hang out at home. shhhh.. don't tell! :D Some of the other gowns I post are also thrift store finds, second hand-me-downs or borrowed. Remember social media and pictures aren't always what they seem. (I used to model and so I’ll randomly post a picture I like from those gigs or shoots, some being 10 years ago because I cherished that moment)

-The copious amount of pictures I have of me riding solo.. Some of me riding by myself… I choose to ride solo because of my schedule and most of the time I need to clear my head. Quite a bit of those I have cropped people out of them because I try to be aware that not everyone wants to be on someone else's social media. I try to respect other people's privacy. If I had pictures of my kids on my bike with me, I'd have comments that I am a bad mom and they shouldn't be riding with me. 🙄 I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't. I am not here to appease anyone nor am I going to try. The work that I blew off was ...... yard work! I went for a ride.. I think my boss (me.. I’m the boss at my house) understood 🤣 but was definitely upset when I had to do it in the dark hahahaha

Issue #3- :"Just in time for Christmas! You are going to have a great Christmas, and the stocking stuffers for your kids are going to be a lot too!"

My reply- Ummm what?!?! Yeah my kid's stockings are going to be LIT! .. too bad I don't know where they are so thank you for reminding me that I need to go find them and put em out for my cats to shred. This year my kids are disappointed that I didn't bring out the tree or decorate extravagantly like we are accustomed to. I'm tired. I don't have the energy to do so at the end of a long ass day of work, being a kiddo taxi and cooking and cleaning. I put up our giant wreath and a few decorations to make it festive. I explained to my kids that this year we don't have a lot of extra money and they can either have STUFF for Christmas or plan a trip to visit family next summer. They chose to visit family.. which was a HUGE relief because that gives us 6 months to create art and other things to sell and save up for their trip!

This year is a homemade Christmas! Each of us have thoughtfully created a gift for each other and the excitement is absolutely heartwarming. I think they forgot me, but honestly I'm ok with that... I want to see them open the thoughtful gifts they made for each other. We are raiding my craft stash and it has been so much fun!! It has also given all of us an opportunity to spend time together creating and I love it! Their stockings are an orange in the toe, apple in the heel, nuts in the shell, a new toothbrush, a few leftover Halloween candies (hahahaha.. running joke with them) and a mini sugar cereal.

To those who have reached out and offered gifts for my kids, thank you, your generosity is appreciated more than I can express. I did refuse them because I am trying to teach my kids that sometimes we pivot and try something new for the holidays. It is about spending time, not money and cultivating relationships over material wants.

The money from the GoFundMe is to help with bills, hopefully get my truck back and mortgage. It isn't funding an extravagant lifestyle, trips or presents.

Do I own a motorcycle? YES! could I sell it, yeah I could but I'm upside down on it so I'd be without a moto AND paying on something I no longer own.. I call that financial stupidity. We all have that one thing that helps keep us sane.. mine is my motorcycle. It had saved my life when I was ready to throw in the towel. It is the ONLY time when my mind can S**U and focus on one thing. When I ride I have to block out all the noise, all the have to's, all the self hatred and trauma and focus on the road ahead of me and not dying because drives are fkn horrible and mean.

Do I own my house? Technically yes. Could I sell it? Yes. However, in this market I would be stupid to do so. I would be either paying triple for another house that is smaller, my interest rate would be just about triple of what it is currently AND I'd have to uproot my family and move. OR I'd be renting a studio apartment for almost double my mortgage... Now make that make sense.

Do I own a school bus? YES! Matilda is part of the family. She is paid off and we go camping and road trips on a budget with her. Could I sell her? Yuppers. However, if we lose everything the skoolie is our plan B. We will have an adventure for a year or so (to save money etc) and travel and live on the bus. Plus, she ain't worth much in cash value.

We live simply. We shop second hand, even for special occasions and gifts. Thrift stores and yard sales and buy nothing groups have helped immensely. We raise our own chickens and some of our food. We barter and trade and sew our own things and create our own art and reuse as much as we possibly can. If we are wearing anything name brand, you best believe it was a red letter day at the thrift store or yard sale! I hate paying full price. Even ROSS is too expensive most times. I have learned how to do so much myself since it is a fraction of the cost of buying it or paying for the service needed. Is it as good? HAHAH no. But I get the job done in a satisfactory manner. My truck was not a new one but it was paid off, too bad it wasn't in my name.. hoping to fix that soon. We visit community pantries and do our best to give back to the community who has supported us in this difficult time. We won't always be in this position, I hope to be able to turn around in a few years and help others that are struggling. But for now, this is where we are. It is humbling and oftentimes embarrassing.

I already know that I will continue to get criticism after this update but that's okay. I know where my heart is, what we have been through and that is enough. If you have taken the time to read this, thank you. Thank you for your generosity and love. Merry Christmas ya filthy animals! 🥰

Help us get back on our feet after suffering abuse, organized by Rabeka Spagnolo Harrison Who this will help Hi and hello. I have debated on creating… Rabeka Spagnolo Harrison needs your support for Help us get back on our feet after suffering abuse

Timeline photos 08/09/2019

We'll be donning one of these in SUMMER 2020! Stay tuned for details..!!........

Timeline photos 07/25/2019

What a wonder thought! How are you creating the life you imagined?!............

Timeline photos 06/16/2019

Happy Father's Day!!..............

Timeline photos 06/12/2019

Successful people...............

Timeline photos 05/27/2019

Remember the fallen. We show our deepest gratitude to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for us and our country.

Timeline photos 05/12/2019

Happy Mother's Day to all my Rad Mother Runners! ............

Timeline photos 05/09/2019

The world needs more kind people. We're not saying to be a pushover but be kind. Slow down, connect with those around you. Say hello. Hold open a door with a smile. Complement others. Kindness makes a difference.................

Timeline photos 05/08/2019

Compete with ypurself, beat your best and uplift others around you! ..........

Cammies & Canines Buddy Walk | San Diego, CA | 2019-04-27 03/08/2019


Cammies & Canines Buddy Walk | San Diego, CA | 2019-04-27 The fun kicks off in the afternoon with your fur babies in the parking lot of San Diego Harley Davidson on Morena Blvd Come bring your pooch to walk with Cammies & Canines for an EPIC day of fun and raising awareness and funds to support VETERANS affected by PTSD and HOMELESSNESS. We will have fitne...

Timeline photos 01/21/2019

Let us not be silenced.................

Timeline photos 01/12/2019

Registration is open! Link in bio!

Timeline photos 01/11/2019

Small acts ....

Timeline photos 01/05/2019

We are THRILLED to announce that we are producing an event with two amazing organizations that help HOMELESS VETERANS and VETERANS AFFECTED BY PTSD....
CAMMIES AND CANINES ( ) for 27April2019!! Go check it out, registration opens 5January2019

The fun kicks off in the afternoon in Baloba Park for the inaugural "I Give AFOC Buddy Walk" and continues at the IDEA1 Complex Downtown San Diego when you will be the first to view the movie ENTRENCHED: PROLOGUE at the exclusive premiere.
A Face of Change and Cammies & Canines are coming together for an EPIC day of fun and raising awareness & funds to support VETERANS affected by PTSD and HOMELESSNESS in San Diego. ***CLICK LINK IN BIO to purchase tickets, volunteer, sponsor or become a vendor.

For more information on their missions and programs visit:
A Face of Change:
Cammies and Canines:


Good morning.... From our flock to yours!!
What are your weekend plans?!

tAG a member of your flock 😄❤🐥🐔

Timeline photos 09/25/2017

Happy happy haaaaappy birthday to my birthday boy!! He makes my life so much brighter, happier....and joyful! Love ya bunches 🍰 🎁

Timeline photos 09/19/2017

A very very merry happy birthday 🍰 🎁 to my one and only Goonie! She is smart as a whip, sassy as her momma and happy loving little human. Love her bunches! Besos mi amor the amo!

Timeline photos 09/11/2017

I remember. I will always remember. .
I remember waking up in the morning of September Eleventh 2001 and it felt off... you know that feeling that you get and you don't understand why but later find out.. I drove to my early morning appointment and walked in the door, my client had the tv on and everyone was transfixed. I thought they were watching a movie, the first tower had been hit already and was smoking, crumbling... I asked what they were watching and they said that we were under attack. What?! How? Who is "we"? It was so surreal.. .

I couldn't comprehend what was going on. I just sat there, staring in disbelief. My heart hurt for our country, for those who lost their lives and families that would be forever changed. I think we were all changed that day. Strangers started showing kindness to each other, we hunkered down and did what it took to love, support and rebuild. ... United we stand but separated we fall. I challenge my followers (and myself) to do random acts of kindness, not only today but everyday. Simple things that don't cost a thing... smile and say hello to a stranger, give a complement to someone you don't know, be kind, hold the door...there are so many things we each ca do to build up our communities and the people within them. ... One love my friends. 😙 💚💛❤

Timeline photos 07/15/2017

4 years ago my heart broke like I never thought it could. There's a part of me that I'll never get back. I miss you more than I could ever express, there's not a day that goes by thst I don't think about you. I wont ever forget our trips, talks & shopping..... love you forever. 💔

Instagram Photos 06/14/2017

LA DESIGN FESTIVAL this weekend..
I was extremely privileged to partake in such a wonderful event with amazingly talented artists. Such a great celebration of art.
Thank you for the beautiful pic! .mz thank you and your bad ass boss ladies ...y'all are the best!

Timeline photos 05/14/2017

Happy Mother's Day! To the world you are a mother but to your family you are the world.



Timeline photos 04/24/2017


We refuse the culture of silence that aids in victim blaming, shaming into silence and not holding rapists responsible for the horrendous acts the force upon their victims.

R**e and sexual assault goes unchecked in our society and dismissed as "boys will be boys" or " what did she expect?" And many many more subtle judgments and criticisms that silence victim's voices and keeps them from speaking out their truths.

We encourage you to speak yours, whatever that might be.


We absolutely love her!

Timeline photos 01/23/2017

Hello friends!
To kick off the year long promotion for our 18 November Guinness World Record setting event, we have chosen to do a bowling and karaoke tournament on 31 JANUARY 2017!!

We are BEYOND thrilled to announce our kick off event to promote our Guinness World Record Setting event for 2017! On 18 November 2017 we will break the World Record for the largest 5k run in stilettos! Every month until then we will be hosting an event to promote our brand partners and raise awareness & funds for our charities. Our kick off event is a bowling and karaoke tournament on 31 January 2017 at EASTLAKE TAVERN+BOWL. January's event will kick off our year long promotion for our Guinness World Record Setting event for 2017!

Cost: $260/team of 6
Sponsor a lane: $200 Teams may choose to sponsor their lane as well as register to be a team. 10 team spaces available, 10 lanes to sponsor and other sponsorship avalible.
Donate: $____? Teams may opt to donate an additional amount to any of our charities.
Includes: Bowling, shoes, karaoke and food (2 pizzas, 1 spinach dip, 18 kick-ass wings and 6 adult beverages)

Bowling -Intermission program- Karaoke -Intermission program- Awards

We anticipate the event going from 8p-12 midnight to Register your team, Sponsor a lane or donate!​

​Heels 4 Healing 5k is a unique 5k fun run! Our concept is to host a fun run and invite charities to join in on the event and raise money and awareness for their cause. We are unique in the fact that each year the Heels 4 Healing 5k is set but the charities change! Through our event we host up to 12 charities that come together to put on one kick ass event! There are many running events in San Diego and sometimes it is hard to get a first year event off the ground that benefits only 1 charity. We solve that problem by being the host each year, setting up the 5k - taking care of all the permits etc and the charities get help to promote participation and raise money for their cause. We specialize in helping non profits that are 0-7 years old become sustainable. Please consider sponsoring this kick off event or be a host for any of our monthly promotional events.
Our mission is to heal our communities by bringing together partners within San Diego that might not think to work together. ​

​​ Click HERE to Register your team!​​

​For questions about becoming a Brand Partner, Sponsor or Venue Host please contact Rabeka Harrison 619.829.6088 or [email protected]


Timeline photos 01/02/2017

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Things are coming together fast for 2017 and Together As 3 Point One ! Congrats Samantha Harris & .co
"Welcome Haute & Humble Co to our Brand Partner family! We are so excited to have ya'll part of our family in 2017! If you haven't gotten a chance to check them out.. "

Timeline photos 01/01/2017

Here's to 2017. 💛 - Repost from


Welcome Haute & Humble Co to our Brand Partner family! We are so excited to have ya'll part of our family in 2017! If you haven't gotten a chance to check them out..

Haute & Humble Co. Haute & Humble was founded with a dream of helping families financially to grow through adoption. a percentage of each sale benefits either adoption funding, or supplies for a foster or adoptive child to feel comfortable, confident and equipped. We offer only the best quality, cute, comfy apparel in order to help with this fundraising. Our apparel can be found in our online store or with our local San Diego retail partners at Beauty By Hannah Lebron in La Mesa or Freshly Prepped Kitchen in Bonita.

Timeline photos 12/30/2016

Awesome metaphor to consider for the new year. Two more days!!! ASK me about the NYE party.

Timeline photos 12/29/2016

One of my favorite places in the world. Jtree... You have my heart forever. 💛

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Videos (show all)

Good morning.... From our flock to yours!! What are your weekend plans?!tAG a member of your flock 😄❤🐥🐔
My job don't suck! We're building and testing out catapults and trebuchets for Southbay Pumpkin Smash in a few months. T...
Filming a few of our brand parners .. Starting with Taylor at Title Boxing, North Park!
Pre race warm ups! Thank you Nasara with #SiriusFitness for getting out there and working it! Today was a gorgeous day, ...
What do we do to pre race for #Margarita5k ?!?! We go to @cafecoyote for #food and #margaritas of course! See y'all tomo...
Margarita 5k is just around the corner! Packet Pick up at Movin' Shoes Pacific Beach next sat! Discounts and freebies ! ...
The matchmaker 5k.. Tidelands park, Coronado. Benefits the ICLA DA SILVA FOUNDATION.  They help find marrow donors /matc...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! In honor of my 24th Birthday YOU get the special birthday price of $24 for the Margarita 5k !! Use...


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