Intact Qualitative Research

SF’s Leading Focus Group Facility. Get paid for your opinions. Like and Follow to stay informed. Focus Groups on various topics and are always paid!

SF Bay - In Person Focus Groups on the topic of Professional Basketball. Takes place at our SF Office on Wednesday Sept 11th @ 10 AM, 12 PM or 2 PM Depending on how you qualify. These are 90 minute sessions and pays $150 for your time. 08/29/2024

SF Bay - In Person Focus Groups on the topic of Professional Basketball. Takes place at our SF Office on Wednesday Sept 11th @ 10 AM, 12 PM or 2 PM Depending on how you qualify. These are 90 minute sessions

SF Bay - In Person Focus Groups on the topic of Professional Basketball. Takes place at our SF Office on Wednesday Sept 11th @ 10 AM, 12 PM or 2 PM Depending on how you qualify. These are 90 minute sessions and pays $150 for your time.

Nationwide Zoom Interviews on Movies. Takes place September 2nd - 4th. Interviews last 60 minutes and pays $75. 08/26/2024

US Residents: Paid Zoom Interview on Movies.

Nationwide Zoom Interviews on Movies. Takes place September 2nd - 4th. Interviews last 60 minutes and pays $75. A2. I would like to ask you some questions about yourself. The following are statements which may or may not be suitable to you. In a scale of 1—5 where 1 is least applicable and 5 is most applicable, please rate how much each statement applies to you. Black = Continue, Red = Terminate


In search of a HAIR STYLIST OR HAIR DRESSER who is knowledgeable about popular hair styles, hair care treatment, scalp care treatments etc. These are 1 Hour Zoom Interviews. Must be able to provide website/credentials of the Salon. If interested, send a DM and someone from our team will be in touch.


Looking for a LASH EXTENSION SPECIALIST for a paid 1 Hour Zoom Session. Must be able to provide website/credentials of place of employment. If interested, please send a DM and someone from our team will be in touch.

NYC IN HOME INTERVIEWS and a 10 Day Digitial Diary Paid Study on Payment Solutions. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY IF YOU ARE UNWILLING TO CONDUCT THIS INTERVIEW IN YOUR HOME. Digital Diary July 26-August 8th. In Home Interviews August 20-24th. $250 for the... 07/15/2024

NYC: In Home Interviews - Please only reply if you are open to having our team interview you IN YOUR HOME. Pays $425. Details here:

NYC IN HOME INTERVIEWS and a 10 Day Digitial Diary Paid Study on Payment Solutions. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY IF YOU ARE UNWILLING TO CONDUCT THIS INTERVIEW IN YOUR HOME. Digital Diary July 26-August 8th. In Home Interviews August 20-24th. $250 for the... For this study, a few Stripe Partners researchers will be coming to your home for a 2 hour research session. Are you comfortable having researchers visit your home for this session?

SF and Surrounding Residents. In Person Focus Groups (and possibly a taste test), on the topic of Protein Powder in Foster City. takes place Thursday July 25th at either 10 AM, 12.30 PM or 5.30 PM depending on how you qualify. 90 Minute Sessions... 07/03/2024

SF Bay Residents - In Person Focus Groups in Foster City on the topic of Protein Powers and Supplements.

SF and Surrounding Residents. In Person Focus Groups (and possibly a taste test), on the topic of Protein Powder in Foster City. takes place Thursday July 25th at either 10 AM, 12.30 PM or 5.30 PM depending on how you qualify. 90 Minute Sessions... Elevate your wellness routine with protein powder plus fiber. Each serving contains 25g Whey Protein and 7g Fiber (25% of your daily recommended dosage). Just add water or your favorite milk to easily make a delicious shake or blend with your favorite fruits for a nourishing smoothie.

CHICAGO: Teens and young Adults wanted for a paid 6 Hour Workshop. These sessions pay $500 and includes lunch and breaks. A 15 Minute video call is required to determine qualification. 07/02/2024

Chicago: Teens and Young Adults Paid Workshop on Social Media. 6 Hour Session on July 20th.

CHICAGO: Teens and young Adults wanted for a paid 6 Hour Workshop. These sessions pay $500 and includes lunch and breaks. A 15 Minute video call is required to determine qualification. The research will be audio and video recorded. We may also take screenshots and notes of the content your teen shares with us. We will need you to sign a digital consent form to agree to your teen being audio and video recorded. It will also state that you and/or your teen is willing to share photos...

Dallas TX - In Person Focus Groups on the Topic of Alcoholic Beverages. Takes place in Dallas on Thursday, July 18th during business hours. These are 2 hour sessions and pay $150 for your time. 06/28/2024

Dallas TX In Person Focus Groups on the topic of Alcoholic Beverages and Spirits

Dallas TX - In Person Focus Groups on the Topic of Alcoholic Beverages. Takes place in Dallas on Thursday, July 18th during business hours. These are 2 hour sessions and pay $150 for your time. Q1 Thinking about the following occupations, can you tell me which, if any you currently work in, have worked in the recent past or plan to work in soon?

NYC - In Person Focus Groups on the Topic of Alcoholic Beverages. Takes place in Midtown/Manhattan on July 15th or 16th during business hours. These are 2 hour sessions and pay $150 for your time. 06/28/2024

NYC Residents: In Person Focus Groups on the topic of Alcoholic Beverages and Spirits

NYC - In Person Focus Groups on the Topic of Alcoholic Beverages. Takes place in Midtown/Manhattan on July 15th or 16th during business hours. These are 2 hour sessions and pay $150 for your time. Q1 Thinking about the following occupations, can you tell me which, if any you currently work in, have worked in the recent past or plan to work in soon?

Nationwide Zoom Focus Groups on Audio Streaming. Takes place Wed June 26th or Thursday, June 27th. Time of day depends on how you qualify. 2 Hour session and pays $125. 06/13/2024

Nationwides Remote Focus Groups on Streaming Audio.

Nationwide Zoom Focus Groups on Audio Streaming. Takes place Wed June 26th or Thursday, June 27th. Time of day depends on how you qualify. 2 Hour session and pays $125. Q4. It is very important to our study that we include a diverse group of participants from a diverse range of backgrounds. For this reason, can you tell us which of the following bands fits your total annual household income?

SF Bay - 2 Paret study. Remote Interviews on the topic of Autos. Please Note: You will need to send in proof of vehicle ownership, driver’s license, and insurance card in order to participate in the research 06/12/2024

SF Bay Residents - Focus Group on Cars

SF Bay - 2 Paret study. Remote Interviews on the topic of Autos. Please Note: You will need to send in proof of vehicle ownership, driver’s license, and insurance card in order to participate in the research Phase 1: The first part of this study will be completed entirely online. We will provide a link and ask you to complete “assignments”, the link will be available starting on June 25th and you must have it completed by July 1st. These should take no longer than 40 minutes to complete in total. Fo...

Nationwide Zoom Focus Groups on Non Profit Organizations. These are two hour sessions and pays $125 for your time. Takes place Tuesday June 25th, Wed June 26th or Thursday, June 27th depending on how you qualify. 06/08/2024

Nationwide Focus Groups via Zoom on the topic of Non Profits.

Nationwide Zoom Focus Groups on Non Profit Organizations. These are two hour sessions and pays $125 for your time. Takes place Tuesday June 25th, Wed June 26th or Thursday, June 27th depending on how you qualify. 12. PLEASE BE AS DETAILED AS POSSIBLE. Please tell me a little bit about your connection to infants and toddlers. If you have contact with them, tell me about your interactions. If you don’t have regular contact with infants and toddlers, please tell me what makes you care about their wellbeing.

Nationwide 60 Minute Online Survey on Beverages (Across three days). Pays $100 05/28/2024

Nationwide Interviews on Non Alcoholic beer. 60 Minute Online Survey Across three days. Pays $100

Nationwide 60 Minute Online Survey on Beverages (Across three days). Pays $100 S6. Which of the following non-alcoholic beer brands have you purchased one or more products from in the past 12 months? Select all that apply.

San Francisco Bay Residents: HARDCORE RUNNERS WANTED for a two Stage Research on Running Shoes. 05/06/2024

SF Bay Hardcore Runners wanted for paid research on Running Shoes.

San Francisco Bay Residents: HARDCORE RUNNERS WANTED for a two Stage Research on Running Shoes. Phase 1: this research study will be conducted using an app on your mobile phone or laptop to answer questions, complete tasks, take pictures and record video about your experience and opinions. If chosen, you are committing to a total of about 3.5 hours of your time over a 7-day period. YOU MAY BE....

Nationwide research study about how people watch and engage in social activities and gaming both in VR situations and non-VR situations that include using avatars, emojis, talking in chat with others, etc via mobile and non mobile, like laptops... 05/06/2024

Nationwide Zoom Interviews on the topic of VR Spectating

Nationwide research study about how people watch and engage in social activities and gaming both in VR situations and non-VR situations that include using avatars, emojis, talking in chat with others, etc via mobile and non mobile, like laptops... 14. When you are watching, streaming, hanging out or participating in multiplayer game spaces or virtual worlds what best describes the activity you’re joining?

San Francisco Bay: Paid In Person Sessions. Alcoholic Beverage Taste Test. Takes place April 15th and 16th in the SOMA area between 4 PM and 6.30 PM. These are 2 Hour Sessions and pays $150 03/26/2024

SF Bay In Person Alcoholic Beverage Taste Test. Must have VALID US ID. Takes place April 15th and 16th in the SOMA area between 4 PM and 6.30 PM.

San Francisco Bay: Paid In Person Sessions. Alcoholic Beverage Taste Test. Takes place April 15th and 16th in the SOMA area between 4 PM and 6.30 PM. These are 2 Hour Sessions and pays $150 Q2 Thinking about the following occupations AND industries, can you tell me which, if any you currently work in/with or have worked in/ with in the past?

Nationwide Zoom Interviews on AI and Privacy. Takes place between March 20-26th. These are 90 minute One on One sessions and pays $100 for your time. 03/11/2024

US Residents: Paid Nationwide Remote Interviews on AI.

Nationwide Zoom Interviews on AI and Privacy. Takes place between March 20-26th. These are 90 minute One on One sessions and pays $100 for your time. By day to day we mean everyday tasks such as shopping for their basic needs (food, clothes etc..), controlling access or otherwise moderating the use of online platforms (banking sites, social media accounts or other websites) or any other related tasks where you look out for the welfare of someone....

San Mateo Area - Paid Focus Group on Health and Wellness. Thursday, 3/21 and Friday, 3/22 during business hours. 90 Minute Sessions and pays $150 02/28/2024

Bay Area Residents. In Person Focus Group on Health and Wellness.

San Mateo Area - Paid Focus Group on Health and Wellness. Thursday, 3/21 and Friday, 3/22 during business hours. 90 Minute Sessions and pays $150 17. Describe your favorite all-natural, food-related health and wellness hack or ritual. Describe it in detail along with any details you’d include in a recommendation to a good friend. (Be as detailed as possible here)

Zoom Focus Group on Luxury Fashion. Women only. 90 Minutes, pays $150. Feb 28th at 5 PM EST 02/09/2024

Paid Zoom Focus Group on Luxury Fashion. Females only.

Zoom Focus Group on Luxury Fashion. Women only. 90 Minutes, pays $150. Feb 28th at 5 PM EST Q11. If you said that you purchase luxury fashion. In the past 12 months, which of the following luxury products have you purchased?

Participant Intake Form — Intact Qualitative Research San Francisco 02/08/2024

Our Intake form for paid market research is up and running. If you are interested in joining our database, please click the link below and enter your info. You will automatically be added to our database.

Participant Intake Form — Intact Qualitative Research San Francisco Potential market research participants can fill out this form to be considered for future focus group participants

NY, CA and Texas Female Residents. Remote Interviews on the topic of Jewelry. Takes place between Feb 12th and Feb 19th depending on how you qualify. 90 Minutes. Pays $100 for your time. 01/29/2024

Female Residents from NY, CA and TX: Remote Paid Focus Groups on Jewelry.

NY, CA and Texas Female Residents. Remote Interviews on the topic of Jewelry. Takes place between Feb 12th and Feb 19th depending on how you qualify. 90 Minutes. Pays $100 for your time. Q16. Which of the following jewelry retailers have you bought from in the last 6 months for yourself (not a gift for someone else)? (PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK YOUR RESPONSES TO THESE BRANDS. WE WILL BE ASKING EVERYONE TO SHOW THEIR JEWELRY AND SPECIFIC BRANDS MENTIONED HERE DURING THE SESSION)

San Francisco Bay: In Person Focus Groups on the topic of Museums, Cultural Attractions and Advertising. Takes place Tuesday February 6th or Wednesday, February 7th at either 5 PM or 7.30 PM. 2 Hour Session and pays $125 01/19/2024

San Francisco Bay: In Person Focus Groups on the topic of Museums, Cultural Attractions and Advertising. Takes place Tuesday February 6th or Wednesday, February 7th at either 5 PM or 7.30 PM.

San Francisco Bay: In Person Focus Groups on the topic of Museums, Cultural Attractions and Advertising. Takes place Tuesday February 6th or Wednesday, February 7th at either 5 PM or 7.30 PM. 2 Hour Session and pays $125

SF Bay Residents: In Person Focus Groups on Social Media. Takes place in San Mateo, CA on Jan 31st, Feb 1st, Feb 5th or Feb 6th depending on how you qualify. 2 Hours and Pays $150 for your time. (All sessions take place during business hours) 01/16/2024

In Person Focus Groups on Social Media. Takes place in San Mateo between January 31st and February 6th during business hours. 2 Hour sessions and pays $150.

SF Bay Residents: In Person Focus Groups on Social Media. Takes place in San Mateo, CA on Jan 31st, Feb 1st, Feb 5th or Feb 6th depending on how you qualify. 2 Hours and Pays $150 for your time. (All sessions take place during business hours)

SF Bay In Person Interviews on Technology. Takes place in SF's SOMA District Thursday, February 8th at either 9 AM, 12 PM and 4 PM depending on how you qualify. These are 2 Hour Sessions and Pays $150 for your time. 01/16/2024

SF Bay: In Person Focus Groups on Technology. Takes Place Thursday, February 8th

SF Bay In Person Interviews on Technology. Takes place in SF's SOMA District Thursday, February 8th at either 9 AM, 12 PM and 4 PM depending on how you qualify. These are 2 Hour Sessions and Pays $150 for your time. 16. Which of the following Google software tools do you use regularly (daily or at least 2-3x per week)? Select all that apply.

Nationwide Study on Music Streaming and Social Media. Takes place Monday Jan 15th - Friday, January 19th. 15 Minute Briefing session followed by a 2 Hour Session Pays $125 01/05/2024

Nationwide Remote Interviews for US Residents Only. Topic Streaming Music:

Nationwide Study on Music Streaming and Social Media. Takes place Monday Jan 15th - Friday, January 19th. 15 Minute Briefing session followed by a 2 Hour Session Pays $125 Q4. It is very important to our study that we include a diverse group of participants from a diverse range of backgrounds. For this reason, can you tell us which of the following bands fits your total annual household income?

SF BAY In Person Interviews with Parent and Child between the ages of 13-17 on Technology. 1 Hour pays $175 12/05/2023

Paid Parent and Child In Person Interviews in Mountain View CA on the topic of Technology.

SF BAY In Person Interviews with Parent and Child between the ages of 13-17 on Technology. 1 Hour pays $175 Privacy Notice: Touchstone Research, Inc. (“Touchstone Research") collects the following data in order to conduct this research study:

SF Residents: In Person Focus Group on Social Issues. Tuesday Dec 12th at either 4 PM, 5.30 PM oe 7 PM. 90 Minutes and pays $125 11/17/2023

SF Residents: In Person Focus Group on Social Issues. Dec 12 at either 4 PM, 5:30 PM or 7 PM

SF Residents: In Person Focus Group on Social Issues. Tuesday Dec 12th at either 4 PM, 5.30 PM oe 7 PM. 90 Minutes and pays $125 10. In candidate contests where Republicans run against Democrats, would you say you always vote for the Democrat, mostly vote for the Democrat, always vote for the Republican, mostly vote for the Republican, or are you about 50-50 between Democrats and Republicans?

Nationwide: 60 Minute Zoom One on One Interview on the topic of Social Media. Pays $75 for your time. 11/13/2023

Nationwide 60 Minute Paid Interview on Social Media. US RESIDENTS ONLY

Nationwide: 60 Minute Zoom One on One Interview on the topic of Social Media. Pays $75 for your time.

NYC In Person Focus Groups on Social Media. 18-21 Year Olds wanted to discuss the Safety Issues of today's social media platform. 2 Hours In Person and Pays $150. Thursday November 30th at either 12 PM or 2.30 PM. 11/10/2023

NYC 18-21 Year Old Residents: In Person Focus Groups on Safety Issues around Social Media.

NYC In Person Focus Groups on Social Media. 18-21 Year Olds wanted to discuss the Safety Issues of today's social media platform. 2 Hours In Person and Pays $150. Thursday November 30th at either 12 PM or 2.30 PM. S10. Please tell me which of these statements most accurately reflects the level of your engagement or involvement when using social media.

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599 3rd Street Suite 104
San Francisco, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm

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