Ed Camp DC. Ed Camp Chiropractic

Dr. Ed Camp, healing San Francisco, one Spine at a Time since 1994. Dr. Camp has been located in San Francisco since 1994.

His Chiropractic discipline is one focused on posture and its relationship to chronic pain. He has post doctoral training in Sports Injuries, and Extremity Injury Evaluation and Management. He works extensively with athletes, weekend warriors and people who spend entirely to much time on the computer.


We are in fact experiencing some turbulent times. Its nice to know some things don't change. As always my office will remain 100% inclusive. My mission continues to reduce the suffering of humanity one individual at a time, to the very best of my ability.

Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients, Henry Ford Health System Study Shows 07/04/2020

Public service announcement, not a political statement. Holy smokes, an inexpensive readily available cure was available all along. Who would have thought something out there would at the very least reduce the fatality rate among those worst afflicted? Not the media. https://www.henryford.com/news/2020/07/hydro-treatment-study?fbclid=IwAR2p9WPDx_gtah4SzD7voXuiwuEAnrGjy-1EObxImrA1lcotEbMUy2yWJyU #.Xv-u7wvtQ8g.facebook

Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients, Henry Ford Health System Study Shows Henry Ford Health System has added new drop-off locations for businesses and organizations looking to donate new and unused medical supplies.

Unmasking The Science You Aren’t Hearing On TV | COVID-19 Facts from the Frontline | Tony Robbins 06/02/2020

Very interesting point of view. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgP_Au5RZVw

Unmasking The Science You Aren’t Hearing On TV | COVID-19 Facts from the Frontline | Tony Robbins Introducing the “Facts From the Frontlines” episode of – where Tony uncovers the truth about coronavirus with a 7-person panel of high...


Good-ish news.

While the below doesn't imply that I am taking any less precautions to slow the spread, I find the information promising and I am here, ready, willing and able, to help you with your spinal health needs.

USC and the health department released preliminary study results that found that roughly 4.1% of the county’s adult population has antibodies to the coronavirus, estimating that between 221,000 adults to 442,000 adults in the county have had the infection.

This new estimate is 28 to 55 times higher than the 7,994 confirmed cases of COVID-19 [coronavirus illness] reported to the county in early April. The number of coronavirus-related deaths in the county has now surpassed 600, according to the Department of Public Health. The data, if correct, would mean that the county’s fatality rate is lower than originally thought.

Stanford University researchers who looked at California’s Santa Clara County, reached similar conclusions, finding that the COVID-19 outbreak may be more widespread but far less deadly than originally estimated.

The Stanford University researchers found that between 2.5 percent and 4.2 percent of county residents had antibodies to the coronavirus by early April, the Los Angeles Times reported on Friday, adding:

Though the county had reported roughly 1,000 cases in early April, the Stanford researchers estimate the actual number was between 48,000 and 81,000, or 50 to 85 times greater.

Earlier this month, Economist magazine had already cited another study that found the new novel coronavirus had spread faster but was far less deadly than official data implied.

The coronavirus mortality rate could be as low as 0.1 percent, “similar to that of flu,” the researchers cited by the Economist found, noting that the faster the disease spreads and hits its peak, the fewer people will die.

If these numbers hold true, that would mean this virus is far less deadly than we’ve been told, and other researchers are starting to agree.

Questioning Conventional Wisdom in the COVID-19 Crisis, with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya 04/06/2020

Very interesting take on this topic and one that resonates with my own thoughts about this crisis. Not to make light, but to comprehend the disparity in facts.

Questioning Conventional Wisdom in the COVID-19 Crisis, with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya Recorded on March 27, 2020 Dr. Jay Bhattacharya is a professor of medicine at Stanford University. He is a research associate at the National Bureau of Econo...


Here's what we're doing at Ed Camp Chiropractic to reduce COVID-19 risk in the office:

Screening form answered and signed before admittance to the office.

Asking patient to WASH THEIR HANDS before entering the office.

Wiping down all commonly-touched surfaces with anti-viral wipes/spray between EVERY patient -- especially the headpiece of table, arm rests, desk, patient chair arms, etc.

Keeping tissues handy throughout the office. Reminding patients to throw away the tissue after they use it -- not put it in their pocket (which would re-infect their hands each time they used it)

Encouraging patients (and staff) to use the "vampire" cough (into the crook of the elbow) or down the front of their shirt to prevent spread of aerosols.

Please come in if you believe these measures are adequate for your protection.

H. Edward Camp DC


Chiropractic has been proven in numerous studies, to improve immune response. Hmm !


There is an incredible amount of panic around the Corona Virus. Many believe the "Death rate" is nominal as the current stats only talk about those who have been identified as being exposed. There are MANY who have been exposed and have no symptoms. So I caution you not to buy into the Armageddon atmosphere around this. I think its more likely that people in the governments and press are all shorting the market profiting by the panicked conditions they are creating.
Yes it real, yes its a bad cold. Take Rational precautions. 1) Stop shaking hands, be like the cool kids fist bump. 2) Wash your hands 20 seconds often particularly after touching metal or monies. (Funny how money is dirty..... literally!) 3) don't touch your mouth nose or eyes after potential exposure. 4) Cough into your elbow instead of your hands. 5) Keep your hugging strangers to a minimum. Lastly, just don't buy into the its the end of the world idea being bandied about by the press. While its not the greatest thing Corona Virus isn't the worst to come along as we are being told.


Sometimes you just need a Chiropractor. I'm open this week !


As many of you are aware, I love to share Safety tips. Enjoy!

Yale Study, Chiropractic Care Is Today Contributing Toward A 50 Percent Reduction In Opioid Prescriptions Issued In The United States 12/07/2019

This is a good message to send to the general public. https://www.ilovemychiropractor.org/?article=10138

Yale Study, Chiropractic Care Is Today Contributing Toward A 50 Percent Reduction In Opioid Prescriptions Issued In The United States According to a recent study carried out by the Yale School of Medicine at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, chiropractic care is today contributing toward an almost 50 percent r


Why More Than One Visit?

Patients often get confused on why chiropractic care can take more than one visit? Allow me to explain.

Think of chiropractic care as another form of rehab. If you injured your knee skiing and had to go to a Physical Therapist you would not be surprised and actually, would expect the rehab to take multiple visits for several weeks or months depending on the severity of the injury. Chiropractic care is the same. Often the patient does not have a ski accident, rather they have an injury due to repetitive micro-trauma accumulated over time or an accident injury. So in fact chiropractors ARE rehabbing injuries.

How long will the care take or what is my prognosis? This depends on the goal of the patient. Let’s take a look at some possible patient goals and what each choice may entail.

Possible Goal #1 Pain management: If the patient just wants pain relief, this may take only one visit or a maybe life time. The length of the care plan depends on what is driving the pain. Here is a chart to give you an idea of what to expect. (These are purely estimates of course, your condition may require more or less time due to the severity. Results also depend on if the patient continues to exacerbate their own condition.)

Cause Time To Resolve Adjustments needed
Acute Muscle Spasm One day to 3 weeks 1 - 10
Acute Inflammation One day to 3 weeks 1 - 12
Chronic Inflammation One day to 12 months 1- lifetime care
Adhesion One day to 12 months 1- lifetime care
Joint Degeneration One day to 12 months 1-lifetime care

Possible Goal #2 Restore function: If the patient wants proper function restored this will always take longer. In this case the patient must understand that once the pain is gone the problem is NOT resolved. Most people believe the opposite is true. Pain is almost always the first thing to go, and this is when many patients stop care. For soft tissue to heal completely and properly the textbook says it may take up to one year or never, as sometimes soft tissue is damaged to a point where it will NOT recover 100%! (I know you didn’t want to hear that)

Possible Goal #3 Wellness maintenance care: This type of care will probably have you visiting the chiropractor 1-4 times a month. A patient chooses this option when they already are feeling good and want to prevent the dreaded repetitive micro-trauma from occurring, thus avoiding pain in the first place. OF COURSE there are many non-pain related benefits of chiropractic, which is a huge unknown by the general public .Please read the benefits of chiropractic or the negative effects of deconditioning syndrome. Both of these will give you an idea of all the positive effects of chiropractic other than pain relief.

Senator Paid $400,000 By Pharma Pushes Mandatory Vaccine Law 10/19/2019

I bet you'll find this surprising. (Oh that was sarcasm.) https://vaxxter.com/senator-paid-400000-by-pharma-pushes-mandatory-vaccine-law/

Senator Paid $400,000 By Pharma Pushes Mandatory Vaccine Law Kickbacks are essentially guiding legislation that drives pharmaceutical companies' revenue.

Home - Ed Camp Chiropractic 09/24/2019

I have found that a lot of people are looking here for information about my practice. There is far more located on my actual full website which can be found at: www.edcampchiropractic.com

Home - Ed Camp Chiropractic Welcome to the home page of Ed Camp Chiropractic. Healing San Francisco one spine at a time since 1994. Ed Camp Chiropractic San Franscico's Best.


The Gift of Good Health!

For many of us the holiday season is one of happiness and joy. Others may find it rife with stress and aggravation, I guess it depends on ones mindset. Those for whom its a stressful time, tend to focus on everyone else and not themselves, and this is where you might intervene.

You can purchase your friends a gift certificate for either Chiropractic Care or a new pair of orthotics. If you have someone in your life complaining about their aches and pains; the gift of good health might be just what they need.
While they are busy focusing on what they might do for others, you could give them something to shift focus to themselves. What better thing to do for someone than to ease their discomfort.

Stress is often a silent killer.

If someone is rushing about trying to please their friends and family, they often forget to take care of themselves. These are the folks who try very hard to smile but alas may be hunched over, or limping through their days looking somewhat out of sorts. Often times we are the ones who see it as we are like them, paying attention to those around us. The gift of good health can be a way to help them help themselves.

If you have one of these folks in your life, do them a favor and call today at 415 922-2225 to get them a gift of good health. Believe me they will appreciate it more than you can imagine. Gift Certificates do not run out, and can be redeemed at any time convenient to the recipient. You can specify the amount of the certificate to cover as little as one visit, or multiple pairs of orthotics. The choice is yours.

I look forward to being of service to you all, and to all.... a merry holiday season.

10 Essential Strength Exercises for Runners 06/13/2017

I like the presentation of the exercises in this article and agree with most. However on the back extensions, far safer to keep your knees on the floor, hips and knees at 90 degrees and be very careful not to hyper extend.

10 Essential Strength Exercises for Runners Do these exercises consistently, and you’ll run faster and stronger.

10 Superfoods Better Than Kale | Eat This Not That 06/01/2017

Found this to be an interesting article. And perhaps Tasty too.... Always liked the flavor of a Watercress Sandwich.


10 Superfoods Better Than Kale | Eat This Not That Try eating any one of these green leafy vegetables to give your diet a nutritional boost.

Timeline photos 12/12/2016

Gift ideas or the lack there of got you down? Can't figure out what to give yourself or a loved one for Christmas? How about the gift of comfortable feet. It doesn't matter if you are on your feet all day or just when about town. If your dogs get tired, a pair of custom orthotics is just the thing. To quote my mentor, fifty percent of you desperately need them, the other fifty percent will merely benefit tremendously from having them. So show someone you love, that you love their feet. (Or perhaps show your own feet you love them.) A fantastic idea, just in time for the gift giving season. Call for a complimentary consultation today. 415 922 2225


It’s amazing the weather we are having, it’s almost like the winters I remember from my youth are returning with a vengeance. (Pray for snow!) All this water on the roadbeds, and witnessing like I have the crazy driving that I’ve seen makes me wonder how many collisions are taking place out there every day.

Needless to say, the most common injury from an auto accident is whiplash. The sad thing is, most people get out of their car immediately after the accident and say “I’m OK.” The truth is, sometimes it takes days, weeks, or even months before the severity of the damage is truly experienced. Even low speed collisions where there is no damage to the vehicle can cause back and forth or side to side movement in the neck that exceeds a persons design parameters and can cause a myriad of symptoms later on. Obvious things like neck pain, upper and lower back pain and the less obvious like headaches, shoulder pain, dizziness and blurred vision.

Most of us seem to take a tuck and roll mentality. Oh its not bad and will get better in a few days. Often times weeks later realizing that it hasn’t. With injuries if this nature, its best to get on them immediately as if they are allowed to fester for days weeks or more, its harder to deal with as healing has taken place in the wrong fashion. In that case, when you finally do take action, one can get worse before they get better. This is due to the fact that healing has taken place with aberrant alignment, and motion patterns that deviate from our normal range of motion.

As a result of my years of experience doing this type of work, I encourage you, if you or someone you know has been in an auto accident, please get out in front of it and get checked out by a chiropractor in a timely fashion. Don’t let aberrant patterns of healing set in before seeking help as this delayed care can lead to longer treatment protocols with outcomes less ideal than if one seeks early treatment.

As always, thanks for reading, and know that a complimentary consultation is only a phone call away.

Timeline photos 11/02/2016

I have a sort of funny/sad story here but its an illustration of what seems to be a common problem these days.

A patient who found me on the internet recently presented in my office with a new pair of Orthotics she wasn't happy with, and a new pair of shoes same result. As it turns out, a rather large managed care organization that shall remain nameless, that realizes the value of a good pair of Orthotics but doesn't want to bother to make them in house, referred her to a glorified shoe store that "Specializes" in Orthotics and special comfort shoes.

The first issue with this patient, she was placed on an Orthotic that was in fact a generic yet it was called "Custom" by the store personnel. The store employee had no training in joint mechanics, and didn't even bother to measure the difference in the angle the patients feet hit the ground. Second issue, they sold her size six and a half shoes but, she's a size five.

The audacity of allowing someone to leave your store with shoes that one can fit two fingers behind the heel with the shoe laced up and still pretend that you know what you are doing. Amazing !

Even more amazing, the patient was charged more than my rate for an entirely shoddy job and ill fitting shoes.

Long story short, the patient was fit correctly with a pair of functional Orthotics and is now very happy. I was also able to order her the correct size shoe and now, she's a happy camper.

Moral of the story these VERY large HMO based providers send you to the lowest bidder who often times charges more than someone who will actually do the job correctly.

Cheers, thanks for reading this tale of WHOA ! (I said that with intent BTW)


Creating a Post-Accident Checklist

If you are one of the lucky ones who have never been in an auto accident good on ya mate. But there’s a pretty decent chance you will be in one during your lifetime. This is my attempt to assist you in creating a post accident checklist which I recommend you cut and paste into a usable format and keep it in your glove box and or do some research of your own to create one for yourself.

Immediately after an accident, even VERY minor fender benders, you are just not yourself, and your thinking is impaired. This is why I recommend you have a plan/ post accident checklist so that you can literally fill in the blanks. Taking the right steps, can help you navigate any insurance claim, keep you out of trouble with the law, and perhaps even save a life.

Immediately After the Accident

Assess the situation for your safety. If you are injured stay in the car and don’t move until help arrives.

If it is safe, take pictures of the scene with your cell phone prior to moving the vehicles. This can help in determining what happened.

If obstructing traffic, if the cars can move, relocate them to a safe location.

DO NOT leave the scene of the accident.

Even if you think you are uninjured do not tell people you are “Fine” if you have to engage tell them “It’s to soon to tell.” You are probably in shock to some extent and often times it takes days or weeks for you to realize the full extent of any injuries you may have.

Call 911 immediately to report the accident, and get appropriate help to the scene.

Gathering the appropriate information

You may have to interact with the drivers of the other vehicle/s involved. Remember to be courteous and polite, but do not under any circumstances admit fault.

Collect the name/s and contact information of any witnesses to the accident. They may leave the scene before you get around to this unless you do this first.

Collect the name/s and insurance information from any other drivers involved.

Only ask for their personal contact information if they fail to produce insurance documentation.

Try to protect your own identity by giving only you name, the vehicle model year and color, and your insurance information. There is no reason to provide your phone number or address. They will be dealing with your insurance carrier not you.

Documenting the accident

If it is safe to do so, take pictures of the scene. Take pictures of the license plates of all involved vehicles.

Take pictures of your own vehicle and the other vehicles involved damage.

If there is damage to property take pictures of that as well as any debris at the scene including skid marks, street signs or any other landmarks.

If there are contributing factors to the accident like a blind turn, tree in the roadway, or obstructed traffic sign, take pictures of that as well.
If there are police or fire personnel involved, get their names.

Document the time, date, weather conditions, your own description of what happened and keep these to yourself.

After the accident

Report what happened to your insurance agent.

Do not under any circumstances agree to having your phone call’s recorded.

Do not under any circumstances talk to the other parties carrier. None of these people have your best interests at heart, their main objective is finding reasons not to pay any claims.

Get copies of any accident report/s or incident reports filed by police or fire personnel.

If you do talk to carriers, your own or the other drivers, document the basic gist of the conversations. Tell them that you are not authorizing them to record the conversation.

Personally I strongly recommend you attain an attorney and let them do the talking for you, particularly if there’s an injury involved.

Keep receipts from all expenses involved including the tow, parking costs, rental car costs, and repair costs.

The disclaimer

I need to point out that this is one mans opinion. I am not an attorney, but I work with a lot of people who have been in accidents and have had to listen to their trials and tribulations after the accident. I have pieced this article together from a variety of sources, personal experience, and that I have gleaned from others in the situation.

If any of this makes sense to you, I hope you’ll do as I suggested and create a little checklist for yourself to keep in your glove box.

Preparation in advance can save a lot of confusion in an otherwise stressful situation.

For an interesting story about why to keep a checklist follow this link.


Orthotic Shop of San Francisco blog - Orthotic Shop of San Francisco (415) 922-2225 02/02/2016

Orthotic Shop of San Francisco blog - Orthotic Shop of San Francisco (415) 922-2225 Dr. Camp is a San Francisco Chiropractor with the postdoctoral designations of C.C.S.P. ~Chiropractic Certified Sports Physician~C.C.E.P. ~Chiropractic Certified Extremity Practitioner~ and he is also a Q.M.E. ~Qualified Medical Evaluator~ for the state of California Department of Industrial Relatio…


Many people worry about residue on their fruits and vegetables and perhaps we should. Even if we are buying organic, who knows where our fruits and veggies have been.

Here is an easy way to clean up our act in the kitchen and remove residue from our foods.

Clean the HECK out of your kitchen sink and after you have done so, fill it about half way with lukewarm water. (NOT HOT!)

Add about a cup of distilled white vinegar and stir until mixed.

Add your fruit and or veggies and let them soak for about ten minutes. Make sure not to put in so many that they are out of the solution, you want them submerged as much as possible.

If you are wondering if this works, just look at the water when you remove the produce. I think on more than a few occasions, you’ll see what’s left behind.

Don’t forget to rinse off the foodstuffs thoroughly when you are done or you run the risk of having a little vinegar smell or taste left behind. In other words, don’t go from the sink back to the fridge wet. Rinse and Repeat then dry and into the fridge.

Net result we will be consuming a lot less residue of questionable nutritional value, and possible deleterious to our health.


93% of patients with Chronic Whiplash benefited from Chiropractic Care

An article published in the Journal of Orthopedic Medicine in 1999 pointed out the superiority of chiropractic care for patients suffering from long term whiplash pain. The authors of the article noted that a previous study had shown that 26 of 28 patients, or 93 percent, of patients with chronic whiplash benefited from chiropractic care. In the authors own study, they interviewed 100 consecutive chiropractic referrals of patients with chronic whiplash.

Their results also showed that of the 93 patients who remained in the study, 69 of them, or 74 percent, found improvement. The researchers concluded their opening comments with the statement, “The results from this study provide further evidence that chiropractic is an effective treatment for chronic whiplash symptoms.”

Sadly the standard approach in the medical path is bed rest and anti-inflammatory medications. There is now proof that these are not the best methods to insure a patient the best results.

Motion is king and early mobilization, restoration of the normal range of motion, decreasing spasm and inflammation are the best way to go in the early phases of treatment. Clearly you want to work with a doctor who is well versed in soft tissue injury and how to go about helping you with your problems BEFORE the become chronic.

This should give you some idea of who the go to guy is after an auto accident. Please do yourself a favor and see a Competent Chiropractor, you will be glad you did !

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Our Story

Dr. Camp has been located in San Francisco since 1994. His Chiropractic discipline is one focused on posture and its relationship to chronic pain. He has post doctoral training in Sports Injuries, and Extremity Injury Evaluation and Management. He works extensively with athletes, weekend warriors and people who spend entirely to much time on the computer. He also provides a custom orthotic service through his sister business the orthotic shop of San Francisco.




4224 California Street, Ste 203
San Francisco, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 12:30pm - 7pm
Wednesday 12:30pm - 7pm
Friday 12:30pm - 7pm

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