Sha'ar Zahav

Sha'ar Zahav, meaning Golden Gate, is a progressive Reform synagogue, established in 1977.

We are le***an, gay, bisexual, transgender and heterosexual Jews, together with family and friends, both Jewish and non-Jewish.

Photos from Sha'ar Zahav's post 06/11/2024

Last Chance to order Sha'ar Zahav's annual Pride shirt!

Order here:

Let’s unite in celebrating the beauty of diversity and the strength of our community. Wear your Pride shirt proudly and let’s share the message of love, celebration, and unity that defines our synagogue.


Are you often lost during synagogue services when they start praying in Hebrew? Want to start learning? Cantor Sharon Bernstein has designed a series of hands-on workshops designed to help you get more familiar with these prayers. No prior knowledge of Hebrew is necessary! Each class is a one-off -- you can attend as you're able. Did we mention it's free? To learn more or to register, click here:

Spring 2024 Intro to Judaism 101 - Form - Sha'ar Zahav 04/10/2024

Are you interested in learning about history, mysticism and Jewish culture around the world? You're in luck!

Sha'ar Zahav is offering an Introduction to Judaism course starting April 15th from 7pm-9pm. For more information and to register, click here:

Spring 2024 Intro to Judaism 101 - Form - Sha'ar Zahav Judaism 101 is an introduction to Judaism for people who are new or returning to Judaism and are looking for a starting point to dive into Jewish learning and/or Jewish practice. Anyone from any background is welcome. Our learning will be interactive and communal; come ready to be in the learning wi...

Photos from JFCS Holocaust Center's post 04/10/2024
Centering Our Response to The Opioid Crisis - Form - Sha'ar Zahav 04/09/2024

EDIT: This event has now been postponed!!!
Please join us for an educational event on Sunday, April 14th to raise awareness of the current opioid crisis in the San Francisco Bay Area, and how to best center our response humanely and compassionately, consistent with our shared Jewish values. This forum is co-sponsored with Congregation Kol Shofar, in partnership with the Clinton Foundation.

To register and for more information, click here:

Centering Our Response to The Opioid Crisis - Form - Sha'ar Zahav Please join us for an educational event to raise awareness of the current opioid crisis in the San Francisco Bay Area, and how to best center our response humanely and compassionately, consistent with our shared Jewish values. This forum is co-sponsored with Congregation Kol Shofar (Tiburon), in par...

Hebrew with Michael Lederman - Form - Sha'ar Zahav 03/13/2024

Our Hebrew classes are happening next week and are still accepting students! Click here to register and learn more:

Hebrew with Michael Lederman - Form - Sha'ar Zahav Would you like to be able to decode Hebrew, so that you can follow along in the prayer book? Have you always wondered how the Hebrew language works? It is never too late to start learning Hebrew! This class is intended for first time Hebrew students, and will begin at the very beginning by learning....

Immigrants and Friends - Form - Sha'ar Zahav 03/05/2024

Have you been interested in learning about immigration activism? This Friday, March 8th we will have members of our accompaniment team, immigrants from Honduras and Nadia Tavera Medina, Neat Program Coordinator for Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity discussing their own personal journeys with immigration activism.

For more information, please click here:

Immigrants and Friends - Form - Sha'ar Zahav Our guests will be discussing their person journeys and their own immigration activism. They are involved in various community programs and there will be time for discussions and opportunities to lean about how to get involved. This pre-Shabbat program will include a nosh & mingle. Learn from member...

Hebrew with Michael Lederman - Form - Sha'ar Zahav 03/05/2024

Interested in learning or continuing your learning of Hebrew? Michael Lederman is back to teach Beginning and Continuing Hebrew on Zoom!

Beginning Classes are on Tuesdays, March 19-May 21, 7:30-8:30pm (PST)

Continuing Classes are on Thursdays, March 21-May 23, 7:30-8:30pm (PST)

For more information, please visit:

Hebrew with Michael Lederman - Form - Sha'ar Zahav Would you like to be able to decode Hebrew, so that you can follow along in the prayer book? Have you always wondered how the Hebrew language works? It is never too late to start learning Hebrew! This class is intended for first time Hebrew students, and will begin at the very beginning by learning....


Klezmer Shabbat is happening tonight! It's one of our most festive Shabbats so this is a perfect time to bring a friend. Klezmer Shabbat is a night of davening, eating, singing and dancing.

Come for appetizers and drinks at 7 pm. Services will start at 7:30pm. And more music, food and dancing to follow. Join Cantor Sharon Bernstein (vocals and piano), Josh Horowitz (on accordion), Cookie Segelstein (on violin) and Bruce Bierman (on feet)!

If you want to come in-person, feel free to register here:

If joining us on Zoom, register here: #/registration

We look forward to seeing everyone!

2024 Music in the Mishkan - Form - Sha'ar Zahav 02/14/2024

Music in the Mishkan

Long-time member, Randall Weiss, and The Bridge Players present the 25th season of Music in the Mishkan on February 18 and April 21 - mark your calendars! All concerts begin at 4:00 p.m. Don't miss these beautiful concerts in our lovely sanctuary!

Order your tickets today!

2024 Music in the Mishkan - Form - Sha'ar Zahav All concerts begin at 4:00pm. You will not receive an actual "ticket" - your name will be at the door. Please come in person or watch from the convenience of your home on Zoom. A link will be sent to you prior to the event.

Shul School: Prayer Practicum - Form - Sha'ar Zahav 01/25/2024

Shul School - Prayer Practicum

Date: Mondays, February 5th to March 18th (excluding President's Day)

Time: 6-7pm

A series of hands-on workshops taught by Cantor Sharon Bernstein designed to help people get more familiar with the prayers in synagogue services. Each session will focus on a different prayer, covering Hebrew pronunciation, melody, and meaning of the prayer, both literal and metaphorical, with a particular emphasis on each person finding their own understanding and practice. No prior knowledge of Hebrew is necessary! The class format will be a combination of zoom-only and hybrid. Click on the link to register:

Shul School: Prayer Practicum - Form - Sha'ar Zahav

Winter 2024 Intro to Judaism 101 - Form - Sha'ar Zahav 01/25/2024

Judaism 101 is an introduction to Judaism for people who are new or returning to Judaism and are looking for a starting point to dive into Jewish learning and/or Jewish practice. Anyone from any background is welcome. Our learning will be interactive and communal; come ready to be in the learning with us.

We offer three modules of our Introduction to Judaism class throughout the year. They each cover different material, and are independent-take one module or take them all! This winter module will focus on Torah, commandments, theology, and the lifecycle. The class format will be a combination of zoom-only and hybrid.

Mondays, January 22nd to March 18th, 7pm

It's not too late to join!

Click on the link to register:

Winter 2024 Intro to Judaism 101 - Form - Sha'ar Zahav Open to members and non-members! Cost $149 No one turned away for lack of funds. For financial assistance requests please email Kerasa Tsokas ([email protected]) before completing this form.


Rabbi Michael Strassfeld: Judaism Disrupted
Friday, November 3 from 6-7pm
Hybrid (in-person and on Zoom)

Rabbi Michael Strassfeld's writings include The Jewish Catalog: a guide to do-it-yourself Judaism, The Jewish Holidays, A Book of Life: Embracing Judaism as a Spiritual Practice and Judaism Disrupted: A Spiritual Manifesto for the 21st century. This latest book reflects his personal journey from Modern Orthodoxy to the Jewish counter-culture of the 60’s to becoming a liberal rabbi. He writes, "The secret to Judaism’s longevity is its ability to continue to adapt to changing times. We now live in a very disrupted era and my book sets out 11 core principles that can serve as a guide in the ups and downs of our life’s journey." He will speak at 6pm (with light snacks) as well as offering a drash during Shabbat services.

Register for in person here:

Register for Zoom here:

Jobs at Sha'ar Zahav - Sha'ar Zahav 10/18/2023

Do you enjoy making an impact with the work you do? Sha'ar Zahav is hiring a Director of Education and an Executive Director! Click here to learn more:

Jobs at Sha'ar Zahav - Sha'ar Zahav We’re hiring! Come work with us… Please click on the links below for more information on these two positions. Executive Director Director of Education  


Beginning and Continuing Hebrew - On Zoom

Beginning Class: Tuesdays, October 17 – December 19 from 7:30 – 8:30 pm

Continuing Class: Thursdays,Thursdays, October 12 – December 21 from from 7:30 – 8:30 pm

Introduction to Hebrew Class: This class is intended for first-time Hebrew students, and will begin at the very beginning by learning the letters and the sounds that they make. This class provides a friendly and supportive learning environment, and patience and sensitivity will be shown to adult learners with limited time for study.

Continuing Hebrew Class: A continuation of our beginning Hebrew class, this course is for students who have already learned the Hebrew alphabet and know some basic vocabulary. This class will provide opportunities to practice reading and decoding Hebrew, and expand your Hebrew vocabulary. We shall study several key prayers in the SZ's prayer book.

More info available at


Simchat Torah Family Dinner and Shabbat

Friday, October 6, starts at 5:00pm at Sha'ar Zahav

Double the joy with Shabbat and Simchat Torah on one night! Family dinner and children's festivities starts at 5:00pm. Shabbat and Simchat Torah start at 6:30pm for all as we celebrate the renewal of the Torah reading cycle and spiritually begin the new year. Everyone welcome.

RSVP here:

HIGH HOLY DAYS 2023/5784 - Form - Sha'ar Zahav 09/19/2023

The Days of Awe will close on Monday, September 25th. Please be sure you make it in! You can register here:

HIGH HOLY DAYS 2023/5784 - Form - Sha'ar Zahav As a member, we are grateful for the many ways you support us — and, if you’re able and moved to help defray the costs of High Holy Days, we would be grateful. (And, if you sign on as an underwriter at $540 or more, we’d like to acknowledge your support — with your permission, of course).

Photos from Sha'ar Zahav's post 09/05/2023

We've been mentioning High Holy Days...but what exactly are they?

Check out our High Holy Day services here:

Photos from Sha'ar Zahav's post 09/01/2023

Vicky Cohen and Ruth Fox (May I have that recipe), sisters raised in Spain with Syrian-Lebanese Jewish parents, created this Sephardic Jeweled Rosh Hashanah Rice. This dish incorporates the symbolic foods used during this holiday. Vicky and Ruth have a food blog, "May I Have That Recipe?" in addition to a vegan cookbook titled "Tahini and Turmeric: 101 Middle Eastern Classics."

All photo credit and recipe credit goes to Vicky Cohen and Ruth Fox. Their Instagram is: . This recipe was found on (

Photos from Sha'ar Zahav's post 08/31/2023

Kristin Eriko Posner, founder of Nourish Co., created this Japanese-Style Apple and Honey Roll Cake for Rosh Hashanah. This recipe is a twist on the classic apple and honey cake we use to bring in the new year. Nourish Co. was founded as an outcome of Kristin's own exploration into her Japanese and Jewish cultural roots. She helps mixed families create nourishing new rituals that draw on time-honored wisdom. She's also created a Zine called "Nourish Co. All Day: A Mini Cookbook" which includes quick and easy recipes such as Jew-ish Donburi (Rice Bowl). Link to the zine:

All photo credit and recipe credit goes to Kristin Eriko Posner. Her Instagram is: and her website is: This recipe was found on (

Photos from Sha'ar Zahav's post 08/30/2023

Michael W. Twitty, a culinary historian and Jewish educator, created this Afro-Ashkefardi receipe for Rosh Hashanah: Geshmakht sorghum chicken wings. He is the author of "The Cooking Gene: A Journey Through African American Culinary History in the Old South" which explores the connection between food history and family history from Africa to America, from slavery to freedom. He is also the author of "Koshersoul: The Faith and Food Journey of an African American Jew" where he talks about the marriage of two of the most distinctive culinary cultures in the world today: the foods and traditions of the African Atlantic and the global Jewish diaspora.

All photo credit and recipe credit goes to Michael W. Twitty. His Twitter is: and his Instagram is: This recipe was found on (

Photos from Sha'ar Zahav's post 08/29/2023

“Mother’s Kreplach” is just one of many recipes found in our cookbook “Out of Our Kitchen Closets.” Though produced in 1987, this cookbook is still relevant. This recipe can be added to your Rosh Hashanah Eve Dinner. On the last photo you can see just how many of our recipes can be made for your High Holy Days.


Whether you're a High Holy Day regular at Sha'ar Zahav or a first-timer, we invite you to our High Holy Day services! Click the link on our profile or go to to look at all things High Holy Days.

In the upcoming weeks we will be highlighting all things High Holy Days. Got a question about the holiday? Feel free to DM us or comment below and we'll try our best to answer them!

Fighting for the Future of Israel’s Democracy - Form - Sha'ar Zahav 08/15/2023

This Friday evening from 6:00 - 7:00pm we will have two guests speak to the heart of the issues concerning the Israeli government's efforts to severely weaken its judicial system, the only counter-balance to the oppressive, authoritarian coalition currently running the country.

We are honored to have the co-founder of UnXeptable (, Offir Gutelzon and the New Israel Fund's Associate Director in the Bay Area, Shimrit Braun Kamin joining us. We urge you to join us in person for this special event that will include Q&A. Dinner will also be provided. To attend in person, please RSVP here:

Fighting for the Future of Israel’s Democracy - Form - Sha'ar Zahav Join us for a special presentation and discussion with two leaders of the movement to reinstate the values on which Israel was established – social justice and democracy. This movement supports the ability of the Israeli people to recover from years of divisiveness and fear-mongering used by PM Ne...


Come celebrate Disability Pride Month with the Disability and Accessibility Committee during our Zoom only Shabbat this Friday! Join us for a fun and meaningful service as we include the topics of disability and accessibility in Judaism.
Drash by Eliana Smithstein.

Register here to join in on the celebration: #/

Home 06/15/2023

Home Welcoming Cumberland Presbyterians is an independent grassroots ministry dedicated to sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ and increasing participation in the church by embracing people of all races, sexualities, gender identities and expressions. We affirm that people of all sexualities, gend...


Q***r Jewish Pasts: A History of LGBTQ Jewish Activism and Innovation from the 1950s to the 1980s with Gregg Drinkwater

Friday, June 16, 6-7:15pm
Hybrid: In-person and on Zoom
Registration required:

Dr. Gregg Drinkwater is Program Director for the Antisemitism Education Initiative, a project of UC Berkeley’s Center for Jewish Studies. An award-winning scholar of Judaism, gender, and sexuality, he earned a PhD in U.S. history and Jewish studies at the University of Colorado, Boulder. His current book project, “Rebuilding American Judaism: How LGBTQ Jews Transformed an American Religious Community,” explores the involvement of American Jews with gay liberation, radical feminism, and the creation of LGBTQ subcultures.


Celebrate Family Pride with Sha’ar Zahav!
Saturday, June 10th 12:30-2pm
In-person at Sha'ar Zahav & fun for all ages!

Drag Story time is back and along with all things rainbow fun – lunch, crafts (like tie-dying t-shirts)!
Kindly RSVP here:

Pride 2023 - Sha'ar Zahav 05/31/2023

Happy Pride Month! Interested in what we have to offer for Pride? Check out our website!

Pride 2023 - Sha'ar Zahav Transgender Nonbinary Celebration Shabbat Friday, June 2, 7:30pm Hybrid: In-person and on Zoom Kick-off Pride month with a celebration of transgender, nonbinary, and genderqueer Jews and friends! We will rejoice and learn with our special guest speaker, Maggid Jhos Singer, founder of Q***rCore Talmu...

Registration Shavuot 2023 - Form - Sha'ar Zahav 05/17/2023

When the 10 commandments were given at Mt. Sinai, each one of us heard what was uttered in our own way-because each of us is our own universe with unique experiences. Our tradition teaches that we were all there for that mystical, earth-shaking moment. What did you hear? Come to our Sha’ar Zahav Shavuot (May 25th), where we celebrate the moment of receiving the Torah, learn and study from one another, eat delicious treats, and revel in the wisdom of Jewish life! Click here to register:

Registration Shavuot 2023 - Form - Sha'ar Zahav

Want your place of worship to be the top-listed Place Of Worship in San Francisco?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

Since our founding in 1977 as a spiritual home for LGBTQ Jews, we offer the warmth and comfort of chosen family -- embracing a diversity of individuals of all sexualities, genders, races, abilities and inter-faith families. Join us for services and celebrate our history and continued vibrancy as a diverse Jewish community in San Francisco!

Shabbat Services:

Friday Evening Service, 7:30pm

Videos (show all)

Whether you're a High Holy Day regular at Sha'ar Zahav or a first-timer, we invite you to our High Holy Day services! Cl...
Kids' Shabbat Club Trailer
L'Taken 2013 Havdalah
Adon Olam
Transgender Contata
2009 Pride Shabbat Hallel - Od'cha
2009 Congregation Sha'ar Zahav Pride Shabbat - Mi Chamocha


290 Dolores Street
San Francisco, CA

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