CMIT Solutions of San Mateo

Managed IT Solutions for Small and Medium Size Business. Cloud Services, Cybersecurity, Business App


Dive in with Confidence by Protecting it with Awareness Training
Learn how to spot cyber threats and keep your online life secure.

Want to learn more?


Save Time and Expense: The Smart Way to Manage Your IT!

As the owner of CMIT Solutions San Mateo, I've seen countless businesses transform their operations by making one simple change: outsourcing their IT.

Smart business leaders understand that their team's time is best spent driving the company's success, not troubleshooting tech issues. By partnering with IT professionals, you free up your staff to focus on what they do best.

But it's not just about time - it's about your bottom line, too. Managed IT services offer cost efficiencies that can stretch your budget further. Instead of dealing with unpredictable IT expenses, you get predictable costs and expert support.

Here's what outsourcing your IT can do for you:
- Reduce downtime
- Enhance cybersecurity
- Provide 24/7 support
- Keep your technology up-to-date
- Scale your IT as your business grows

Curious about how managed IT services could benefit your business? Let's chat! I'm always happy to discuss how we at CMIT Solutions San Mateo can help your business thrive.


A Heart-to-Heart About Cybersecurity Awareness

Hey there,

I wanted to share something close to my heart today. You know, working in IT, I've seen my fair share of digital drama, but there's one story that really sticks with me. It's not just about computers and code – it's about people, trust, and the very human side of technology.

A while back, our team saw a company that had not hired us yet have a malicious email slip through their defenses – just one little message – but it caused so much chaos. I still remember the panic. We swooped in late at night, trying to fix everything as quickly as possible, and the weight of responsibility I felt was heavy.

But you know what? That experience changed us. Not just our systems, but us as people. We came together, supported the client, and decided to start having heart-to-heart talks about online safety. It wasn't just dry training sessions; we shared stories, fears, and even had a few laughs along the way.

The most beautiful part? Watching people's confidence grow. Seeing that spark of understanding when someone spotted a phishing attempt for the first time – it was like watching your child ride a bike without training wheels!

Sure, we got better tools and fancy systems, but the real magic was in how we changed. It wasn't about work we did, it was about people.

Looking back, I'm so proud of how we turned that scary time into something positive. It reminds me that in this digital age, it's still all about people – our fears, our strengths, and our ability to look out for each other.

So, next time you see an odd email or don’t want to update an old password, remember – it's not just about protecting data. It's about taking care of each other in this big, wild digital world we share.

Take care, and stay safe out there!



Predict & Prevent Email Threats: Cutting-Edge Security Detects Risky Threads Before They Unfold

Don't wait for an attack to happen. Stay one step ahead with our proactive email security that safeguards your organization's communications, data, and reputation.

Interested in learning more about how predictive email security can transform your cybersecurity strategy? Let's connect!


Know Your Game: Identify which regulations apply to your industry

Common regulations affecting Silicon Valley businesses:
- CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act)
- GDPR (if dealing with EU data)
- HIPAA (for healthcare tech)
- PCI DSS (for e-commerce)
- SOC 2 (for SaaS companies)

Identifying applicable regulations is just the first step. Implementing and maintaining compliance? That's where things get complex.

This is where CMIT Solutions steps in. We don't just help you identify your regulatory requirements—we partner with you to implement robust, compliant IT solutions tailored to your specific industry needs.

Ready to play by the rules and win the game? CMIT Solutions is your trusted coach in the world of IT compliance.


Mastering the Compliance Playbook: Your Guide to Winning the Cybersecurity Game 🏆🛡️

Hey there, Compliance Champions and Regulation Rockstars! 📋✨

Rachele here, coming at you from my cybersecurity command center in sunny San Mateo.
Today, we're diving into the world of cybersecurity compliance. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Rachele, compliance sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry." But hold onto your hats, folks, because compliance is the unsung superhero of the digital world!

Think of compliance like the rulebook for a global cyber-sports league. Each industry has its own playbook: 🛍️ Retail? You've got PCI-DSS. 🏥 Healthcare? HIPAA's your game. Doing business in Europe? GDPR is your new best friend.

Now, navigating these regulations can feel like trying to solve a Rubik's cube blindfolded. But fear not! That's where your trusty CMIT team comes in. We're your personal compliance coaches, here to partner with you and deliver a security strategy that not only meets but exceeds these standards.

Why does this matter, you ask? Well, imagine showing up to a basketball game with a tennis racket. That's what running a business without proper compliance is like - you're playing the wrong game! Compliance ensures you're not just participating, but winning in your industry's cybersecurity league.

Here's a quick compliance playbook:
1 Know Your Game: Identify which regulations apply to your industry.
2 Train Your Team: Everyone needs to know the rules, from the CEO to the intern.
3 Implement the Right Tools: Think of these as your cyber-sports equipment.
4 Regular Check-ups: Compliance isn't a one-and-done deal. It's an ongoing process.
5 Partner with Experts: That's where we come in!
Remember, compliance isn't just about avoiding penalties. It's about building trust with your customers, protecting your data, and setting your business up for long-term success.

So, my fellow Compliance Conquerors, I'd love to hear from you! What compliance challenges have you faced? Any compliance wins you want to share? Let's create a community of best practices and turn those regulatory hurdles into stepping stones!
Stay compliant, stay secure, and remember - in the game of cybersecurity, playing by the rules is how you win!

Rachele 🏆


Is Your Inbox Overflowing with Spam and Phishing Attempts?

Drowning in unwanted emails can be a major productivity drain. But what if you could reclaim your inbox and say goodbye to those pesky invasions?

CMIT San Mateo offers robust IT solutions that keep your inbox squeaky clean. We'll help you:
- Filter out spam and phishing emails so you can focus on what matters.
- Implement strong security measures to protect your data from cyber threats.
- Take back control of your inbox and save valuable time.

Don't spend another minute battling email overload!

Contact us today for a free consultation and see how we can help you achieve inbox peace of mind.


Attention Silicon Valley Business: Is Your Data Truly Protected?

In Silicon Valley, businesses know the value of innovation. But are we applying that same forward-thinking approach to our data security?
Encryption: Your Data's Invisible Shield
In today's digital landscape, encryption isn't just an option—it's a necessity. Think of it as an invisibility cloak for your sensitive information. Even if cybercriminals breach your defenses, encrypted data remains indecipherable, protecting your business's integrity and your clients' trust.

Why San Mateo SMBs Need Strong Encryption:
1 Tech Hub Targets: Our proximity to major tech companies makes us attractive to cybercriminals.
2 Client Expectations: In our tech-savvy region, clients expect top-tier data protection.
3 Compliance: California's stringent data protection laws (CCPA) demand robust security measures.
4 Competitive Edge: Strong security can differentiate your business in our crowded market.

Key Encryption Strategies for SMBs:
- Implement end-to-end encryption for all communications
- Use full-disk encryption on all devices
- Encrypt data backups, both on-site and in the cloud
- Ensure your website uses HTTPS encryption

Remember, in Silicon Valley's dynamic business environment, a data breach can be more than just a setback—it can be game-ending. Don't let your company's future depend on luck. Encrypt your data like your business depends on it—because it does.

Need guidance on implementing strong encryption for your SMB? Let's connect and discuss how we can fortify your data security.


Hey there, my Digital Fortress Builders and Cyber Shield Wielders! 🏰🛡️

Rachele here, coming at you from my command center (aka: my new office, complete with tactical snack drawer strategy sessions 🍪).

Today, we're talking about a topic that's hotter than the bay area weather this past month, a multi-layered security solution!

Now, I know what some of you might be thinking. "But Rachele, isn't one super strong security measure enough?" Well, my tech-savvy friends, in the world of cybersecurity, we believe in the "onion approach" – and I'm not talking about your breath after eating one! 🧅
Let's peel back the layers of multi-layered security and see why it's the secret sauce to keeping those pesky cyber attackers at bay!

Diversify your defenses. Just like you wouldn't rely on a single Jedi to protect the galaxy, don't count on one security measure to protect your digital empire. Combine firewalls, antivirus software, intrusion detection systems, and more.
Educate your human firewall. Your team is both your greatest asset and potential vulnerability. Train them to be cyber-savvy superheroes, capable of spotting phishing attempts faster than Spider-Man's spidey sense!

Implement the principle of least privilege. Think of it as a digital VIP list – only give access to those who absolutely need it. It's like being the bouncer at the hottest club in town, but instead of keeping out party crashers, you're blocking potential cyber intruders.

Encrypt like your data depends on it (because it does!). Encryption is like giving your data its own invisibility cloak. Even if the bad guys get their hands on it, all they'll see is gobbledygook!
Monitor, analyze, and respond. Set up a robust monitoring system that can detect unusual activities faster than you can say "sudo", and it will constantly be on the lookout for digital troublemakers.

Remember, cyber friends, in the ever-evolving landscape of digital threats, a single line of defense is about as effective as a screen door on a submarine. By implementing multiple layers of security, you're not just building a wall – you're creating an entire fortress!
I'd love to hear your thoughts! What's your favorite layer in your security stack? Any creative solutions you've implemented? Let's share our digital defense strategies and create a community of cyber guardians!

Stay safe, stay layered, and may the cyber-force be with you!
Rachele 😄🔐


Is your business still relying on outdated security measures? It's time to level up with CMIT Solutions' Multi-Layer Endpoint Detection!

🔍 Why settle for basic when you can have:
• Advanced threat intelligence
• Behavioral analysis to catch zero-day threats
• Seamless integration with your existing IT infrastructure
• 24/7 expert monitoring and support

💼 Whether you're a small startup or a growing enterprise, our solution scales to fit your needs.
Don't wait for a breach to happen. Protect your digital assets like the pros do!

👉 DM us or comment below to learn how we can tailor our endpoint protection to your business needs.

Remember: In the world of cybersecurity, being proactive is your best defense! 💪


In today's digital landscape, data security and compliance are paramount concerns for businesses of all sizes. With the increasing frequency of cyber threats and the stringent regulatory requirements, organizations must prioritize the protection of sensitive information. In this post, we'll explore the best practices for ensuring data security and maintaining compliance.

1. Implement Strong Access Controls
Restrict access to sensitive data by implementing robust authentication mechanisms, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) and role-based access control (RBAC). Regularly review and update user permissions to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to critical information.

2. Encrypt Sensitive Data
Encryption is a fundamental tool for safeguarding data both at rest and in transit. Implement strong encryption algorithms to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access, even if a breach occurs. Don't forget to securely manage encryption keys to maintain the integrity of your encryption strategy.

3. Conduct Regular Security Audits
Perform periodic security audits to identify vulnerabilities and assess the effectiveness of your security controls. Engage third-party security experts to conduct pe*******on testing and vulnerability assessments, helping you uncover potential weaknesses before attackers exploit them.

4. Train Employees on Security Best Practices
Your employees are the first line of defense against cyber threats. Provide comprehensive security awareness training to educate your staff on identifying and reporting suspicious activities, such as phishing attempts and social engineering tactics. Foster a culture of security consciousness throughout your organization.

5. Develop and Test Incident Response Plans
No matter how robust your security measures are, incidents can still occur. Develop a well-defined incident response plan that outlines the steps to be taken in the event of a security breach. Regularly test and update your plan to ensure its effectiveness and minimize the impact of potential incidents.

6. Comply with Relevant Regulations
Understand and adhere to the regulatory requirements applicable to your industry, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS. Regularly assess your compliance posture and implement necessary controls to meet the required standards. Failure to comply can result in significant financial penalties and reputational damage.

7. Monitor and Log Security Events
Implement comprehensive monitoring and logging mechanisms to detect and respond to security events promptly. Utilize security information and event management (SIEM) tools to centralize log data and enable real-time analysis of potential threats. Regularly review logs to identify anomalies and suspicious activities.

By implementing these best practices, organizations can significantly enhance their data security posture and maintain compliance with relevant regulations. Remember, data security is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring, assessment, and improvement to stay ahead of evolving threats.

What other best practices do you recommend for ensuring data security and compliance? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.


Hey there, my fellow Tech Wizards and People-person Programmers! 👋💻

Rachele here, coming to you live from the intersection of IT and interpersonal skills. Today, let's chat about something that's near and dear to my heart: the human side of IT.

Now, I know what some of you might be thinking. "But Rachele, IT is all about codes, servers, and making sure Karen from accounting doesn't accidentally delete the entire database again!" 🤦‍♀️💾 Well, my friends, while that's certainly part of it, there's so much more to our world than just ones and zeros.

In fact, I'd argue that the secret sauce to success in IT isn't just our technical prowess (though that's important too!), but our ability to build trust and foster strong relationships with our clients. After all, we're not just fixing computers – we're helping people solve problems and achieve their goals. 🎯🤝

So, how do we put the "human" in "human-computer interaction"? Here are a few tips I've picked up along the way:

1. Speak human, not tech. 🗣️👥 Remember, not everyone speaks fluent geek. Translate that tech jargon into language your clients can understand and relate to. Think of yourself as the Rosetta Stone of IT!

2. Listen more than you talk. 👂📢 Take the time to really understand your clients' needs, fears, and goals. Sometimes, the problem they're describing isn't the real issue at all!

3. Be transparent and honest. 🔍💡 If something goes wrong (and let's face it, in IT, something always goes wrong), own up to it. Clients appreciate honesty far more than a perfectly polished facade.

4. Show empathy. ❤️🤗 Remember, for many people, tech issues are incredibly frustrating and stressful. A little understanding goes a long way.

5. Celebrate the wins, big and small. 🎉🏆 Did you help a client successfully send their first email attachment? That's worth celebrating! Recognizing progress, no matter how small, builds confidence and trust.

6. Be proactive, not just reactive. 🚀🔮 Don't wait for problems to occur. Reach out to clients regularly, offer tips and advice, and show them you're thinking about their needs even when there isn't a crisis.

7. Remember the power of a smile (even if it's virtual). 😊💻 A friendly demeanor can turn a tense tech support call into a positive interaction. Yes, even if it's 3 AM and you're on your fifth cup of coffee!

At the end of the day, IT isn't just about fixing tech problems – it's about empowering people to do their best work. When we focus on building relationships and trust, we're not just solving today's issues; we're setting the stage for long-term partnerships and success.

So, my fellow IT superheroes, how do you balance the technical and human sides of your work? What strategies have you found for building strong client relationships? Let's swap stories, share our triumphs (and our facepalm moments), and maybe even start a support group for those of us who've had to explain why "have you tried turning it off and on again?" is actually solid advice. 😅🔌

Remember, in the grand algorithm of IT success, the human variable is the most important one of all! 🧮❤️


Are you confident that your devices are protected against the latest cyber threats? In today's digital landscape, traditional antivirus software just isn't enough.
Introducing CMIT Solutions' Multi-Layer Endpoint Detection - your ultimate defense against sophisticated cyber attacks! 🚀

🔒 Here's why our solution stands out:
Real-time threat monitoring
AI-powered anomaly detection
Rapid response to potential threats
Comprehensive device protection

Don't leave your business vulnerable. Protect your endpoints like a pro and sleep soundly knowing your data is safe.

🔗 Contact us today for a free consultation and take your cybersecurity to the next level!
🔔 Remember: Your security is our priority. Let's fortify your defenses together!


In today's fast-paced business environment, a reliable and secure network infrastructure is essential for success. That's where CMIT Solutions comes in, offering comprehensive, proactive network monitoring and maintenance services to keep your business running smoothly. 💼

Here's how CMIT Solutions ensures the health and performance of your network:

✅ 24/7 Remote Monitoring and Alerting
Our advanced monitoring tools and systems provide round-the-clock surveillance, detecting potential issues or threats in real-time. This proactive approach helps prevent downtime, data breaches, and other disruptions before they occur. 🚨

✅ Regular System Health Checks and Maintenance
We perform periodic health checks and maintenance tasks to optimize your network's performance. From software updates and security patching to disk defragmentation and system cleanup, our preventative maintenance extends the lifespan of your hardware and software components. 🩺

✅ Automated Security Updates and Patch Management
Say goodbye to manual patching! CMIT Solutions automates the deployment of critical security patches and software updates across your network. This proactive patching mitigates vulnerabilities and protects against cyber threats that exploit unpatched systems. 🛡️

✅ Performance Monitoring and Optimization
We continuously monitor network performance metrics to identify bottlenecks or inefficiencies. Our team implements proactive optimization techniques, such as bandwidth management and traffic shaping, to ensure optimal network speed, reliability, and user experience for your business operations. ⚡

✅ Comprehensive Reporting and Analytics
Gain valuable insights into your network's health, performance, and potential issues through our detailed reports and analytics. These insights enable data-driven decision-making and informed planning for future network upgrades or expansions. 📊

✅ Dedicated Support and Expertise
Our team of certified IT professionals provides dedicated support and expertise. With our proactive approach and deep knowledge, we ensure prompt issue resolution and preventative measures, allowing you to focus on your core business operations. 👨‍💻👩‍💻

Don't let network issues hinder your business growth. Partner with CMIT Solutions for proactive network monitoring and maintenance, and experience the peace of mind that comes with a reliable and secure IT infrastructure. 🤝

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business thrive! 📞


Hey there, my fellow Tech Trailblazers and Change Champions! 🚀💻

Rachele here, coming to you live from the eye of the technological storm. Let's chat about something that keeps us all on our toes - embracing change and adapting to those pesky (but exciting!) technological disruptions.

You know, sometimes it feels like we're all living in a real-life version of "Disruption: The Game" where the rules change faster than you can say "blockchain." 🎲🔄 But here's the thing, my friends - change isn't just inevitable, it's the secret sauce of success in our digital age!

So, how do we stay agile and ride the wave of technological advancements instead of getting wiped out? Let me share a few strategies that have helped me keep my head above water (and my coffee mug full):

1. Cultivate a growth mindset. 🌱🧠 Embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. Remember, every technological hiccup is just a chance to level up your skills!

2. Stay curious and keep learning. 📚🔍 Make time to explore new technologies, even if they seem unrelated to your business at first. You never know where the next big idea might come from!

3. Build a flexible team. 🤸‍♀️👥 Surround yourself with adaptable folks who aren't afraid to pivot when needed. Bonus points if they can explain blockchain over happy hour!

4. Experiment, experiment, experiment! 🧪🔬 Don't be afraid to try new tools and technologies. Set aside a "tech sandbox" budget for playing with new gadgets and software.

5. Listen to your customers. 👂📣 They're often the first to feel the effects of technological shifts. Their needs and feedback can guide your adaptation strategy.

6. Network like a boss. 🤝💼 Connect with other business owners and tech enthusiasts. Sometimes, the best way to navigate change is to share the journey with others.

7. Be ready to pivot. 💃🕺 Build flexibility into your business model so you can quickly adjust course when needed. Think of your business strategy as a GPS, not a paper map!

Remember, embracing technological change isn't about being perfect or having all the answers. It's about being willing to learn, adapt, and occasionally laugh at yourself when you accidentally turn on a filter during an important video call (speaking from experience here 😂🎥).

Here's to embracing change, staying agile, and always having a backup charger handy! 🔌💪


Network Optimization: Keeping Your Business Connected and Data Flowing Smoothly

In today's digital age, a reliable and efficient network infrastructure is the backbone of your business operations. As your company grows and evolves, so do the demands on your network. Increasing user requirements, data traffic, and the need for seamless connectivity can put a strain on your IT resources, leaving you vulnerable to performance issues and security risks.

Network optimization is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity for businesses looking to stay competitive and agile in the face of technological challenges. But with limited internal IT resources and the growing complexity of network management, how can you ensure that your business stays connected and your data flows smoothly?

Enter CMIT Solutions, your trusted partner in network optimization and management.

At CMIT Solutions, we understand the critical role that your network plays in the success of your business. Our team of experienced professionals specializes in providing comprehensive network management services that ensure optimal performance, security, and reliability. We take a proactive approach to network optimization, identifying potential bottlenecks and implementing solutions before they can impact your operations.

One of the key challenges faced by mid-sized companies like yours is the increasing demand on network resources. As your business grows, so does the number of users, devices, and applications that rely on your network. Without proper optimization, this can lead to slow performance, latency issues, and even network downtime. CMIT Solutions' network management services are designed to address these challenges head-on.

Our experts conduct thorough assessments of your network infrastructure, identifying areas for improvement and implementing best practices for network optimization. This includes techniques such as traffic prioritization, bandwidth management, and network segmentation. By optimizing your network, we ensure that your critical applications and data receive the resources they need to perform at their best, even during peak usage periods.

Security is another top concern for businesses when it comes to network management. With the ever-evolving threat landscape, protecting your network from breaches and data loss is more important than ever. CMIT Solutions' network security services provide a robust defense against potential threats. We implement advanced security measures such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and regular security audits to keep your network and data safe.

In addition to performance and security, CMIT Solutions' network management services also address the challenges of data management. We understand the importance of efficient data storage and backup solutions to ensure business continuity and data accessibility. Our team can help you design and implement a scalable and reliable data management strategy that aligns with your business needs and compliance requirements.

Staying current with technology is another pain point for many businesses. Network technologies and best practices are constantly evolving, and keeping up with these changes can be a daunting task for in-house IT teams. By partnering with CMIT Solutions, you gain access to a team of experts who stay at the forefront of network technology advancements. We continuously research and implement the latest tools and techniques to optimize your network and keep your business ahead of the curve.

Don't let network challenges hold your business back. Partner with CMIT Solutions and experience the benefits of a fully optimized and secure network infrastructure. Our proven track record and expertise in network management make us the reliable partner you need to keep your business connected and your data flowing smoothly.

Contact CMIT Solutions today to schedule a consultation and discover how our network optimization services can transform your San Mateo business.


Hey there, my fellow digital dynamos and networking navigators!

Rachele here, coming to you live from the vast and sometimes daunting world of virtual networking. In today's socially-distanced, screen-centric reality, the art of making meaningful connections has taken on a whole new dimension – one that requires a little more creativity, a lot more intentionality, and maybe a few more cups of coffee than usual.

Gone are the days of crowded conference halls, impromptu elevator pitches, and bonding over lukewarm canapés. Now, we're all navigating the uncharted waters of virtual happy hours, Zoom fatigue, and the ever-present challenge of finding the perfect lighting for our we**am setup.

But fear not, my fellow remote relationship-builders! Just because we're not rubbing elbows in person doesn't mean we can't forge powerful, lasting connections from the comfort of our own home offices (or, let's be real, our kitchen tables/couches/improvised standing desks).

So, how do we master the art of networking in a virtual world? Let me share a few tips that have helped me navigate this brave new world of online connection-building:

1. Embrace the power of the personal touch. In a sea of generic LinkedIn requests and copy-pasted email intros, a little authenticity goes a long way. Take the time to craft personalized messages, find common ground, and show genuine interest in the person behind the profile. It's like adding a handwritten note to a virtual bouquet – it makes all the difference!

2. Seek out virtual events and communities. Just because we can't attend in-person conferences and meetups doesn't mean the networking opportunities have dried up. Look for virtual industry events, webinars, and online communities where you can connect with like-minded professionals, share your insights, and maybe even find your next business bestie.

3. Master the art of the virtual coffee chat. Who says you need to be in the same room to bond over a cup of joe? Invite a new connection to a virtual coffee date, where you can swap stories, share advice, and maybe even discover a shared love for oat milk lattes and corny LinkedIn puns.

4. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. In the virtual world, visibility is key. Share your thoughts, experiences, and expertise on LinkedIn, Facebook, and other industry platforms. Engage with others' content, join conversations, and don't be afraid to reach out to people you admire. Remember, every connection starts with a little bit of courage and a whole lot of hitting "send."

5. Follow up and nurture your connections. Networking isn't a one-and-done deal – it's an ongoing process of cultivating relationships. Make a point to follow up with your new connections, check in on their progress, and find ways to add value to their lives and careers. It's like watering a virtual garden – with a little TLC, those connections will bloom into beautiful, bountiful relationships.

So, my fellow virtual voyagers, are you ready to take your online networking game to the next level? Let's swap stories, share our favorite virtual networking hacks, and maybe even start a support group for those of us still trying to figure out the perfect Zoom background. 😅

Remember, in this brave new world of virtual connection-building, the most powerful currency is authenticity, generosity, and maybe a well-timed GIF or two.

So put on your best (virtual) smile, charge up those coffee mugs, and let's go forth and network like the digital dynamos we are!

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Videos (show all)

Rachele-Firewall (2).mp4
Firewall Protection - Video.mp4
Email Security - Video.mp4
Rookie of the Year Award.mp4
IT Complexity
Building Dreams Securely: IT Solutions for Real Estate Agents
Data Security
CMIT Solutions of San Mateo
#cybersecurity #cloudstorage #cloudmigration #womanownedbusiness
Industry Compliance


3 East Third Avenue #228
San Mateo, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm

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