RiseUp Fitness

RiseUp Fitness classes are high energy, one-hour workouts guaranteed to leave you feeling strong, sweaty, and ready to RiseUp to any challenge!


Father’s Day is Sunday and we are honoring Dads!

Fathers do so much to support their families, so we feel it’s time to give back….by allowing fathers to do something great for themselves!

From now until Father’s Day, all dads can come in and take a FREE trial workout! But that’s not all…

If you love it, (which we know you will) you’ll get 50% off 30 days of workouts all led by a friendly and professional trainer designed around your unique needs and goals!

Book your free trial class using the link in our bio.

Our program is designed for a busy dad’s schedule and needs!

Our team of friendly, expert trainers will help you every step of the way through every workout and give you guidance to ensure you get the best results possible.

That means..
More energy
Strong muscles and core
More stamina and endurance

At RiseUp Fitness, we meet you where you are.

Our training is perfect for seasoned fitness fanatics AND brand new beginners. Everyone is welcome! :)

Take a free class now and see if it’s right for you! Use the link in our bio.


Let’s ring in Memorial Day (and... summer!) with a Team Day! Everyone (and every fitness level) is welcome to attend this workout.

ALL classes on Monday, May 27th will be team-style, at both our Santa Barbara and Goleta studios!

ALL levels are welcome, and it’s wonderful chance to meet, connect with, and be motivated by your fellow RiseUp members.

We can’t wait to see you!


Let’s celebrate the end of our spring Simple30, announce our winners, and have some fun at Captain Fatty’s Brewery. 🍻


Have you ever been working really hard in a workout (maybe even struggling) and the trainer tells you to “pick it up!”? What thought pops into your head?

“Easy for her to say, she’s not doing the workout right now!” Or….

“Working out must come so easy for a trainer, why is it so hard for me?”

It’s normal to think that…. but I have a secret for you!

Working out is not easy for the trainers, and chances are they’ve worked just as hard - if not harder - than you in their workout that day. How do you think they got to where they are? 🙂

Don’t believe me? We got together for a trainer workout on Friday, and here’s what we did for “fun!”

45 minute all out race on the bike. Whichever team of two gets the farthest wins!

Addie and Joey
Kyle and Stacee
Lindsay and Ryan
Emily and Candice

Partners take turns sprinting on the bike.
*Trainers were always holding 250-400+ watts every time.
In between each sprint, you were required to do 20 reps of varying strength exercises. This determines when you switch.
*That’s right, there was no rest for the entire race!
Every time your team gets an additional 3 km (3,6,9,12….etc). You get to select a member from another team who has to go climb 300ft.
*Trainers were holding 180-220ft/min. And yes, that means the other partner got stuck on the bike.
Team with the farthest distance at 45 minutes wins.

Addie and Joey: 27.12km
Kyle and Stacee: 29.39km
Lindsay and Ryan: 29.34km
Emily and Candice: 28.84km
* Yep…. It came down to .05km (That’s just a couple seconds!)

So do you need to do these types of workouts to be fit, happy, and healthy?

Absolutely not!

But next time your trainer is motivating you to push yourself, know you’re getting advice from the best of the best!

Take a free class now and see why our trainers are so amazing! (Link in Bio)


Happy Birthday Trainer Nick! We can’t wait for you to be back in action teaching classes! We miss your energy and passion guiding us through our workouts and looking forward to having that back very soon! Thank you for all that you bring to RiseUp! If you’ve been missing trainer Nick wish him and happy birthday below 👇 🎉🎈🎂


Get $50 off your monthly dues!

We’re excited to meet your friends — maybe soon-to-be workout buddies! We do need your friend to make an account before they come in so we can secure their spot (no walk-ins, please!). Use the link in Bio to have them sign up for their first class.


Looking for this year? Or, to put it in English: is gaining muscle one of your goals? Then we have some great news for you - working out at RiseUp can get you there! Plus, the benefits of increased muscle mass go far beyond your workouts: more muscle increases your metabolism, helps build bone density, and of course, helps you get stronger!

But, as with most fitness goals, workouts are only one part of the equation. Michelle Checketts, RD, has provided us with answers to some of the frequently asked questions about the nutrition component of muscle gain.

Do I need to eat a pre-workout meal or snack? If you’re having a hard time getting through your workout without your energy dropping, then yes! Being able to effectively work hard and fuel properly is the first step to gaining muscle.

Do I need to eat a post-workout meal or snack? Preferably - yes! Eating the proper nutrients soon after your workout can help aid recovery and yes - help your muscles to repair and grow.

Is protein really the key to muscle gain? It’s not the ONLY macronutrient you should be consuming, but YES. Protein is the key building block for your muscle fibers to both recover and grow.

How much protein should I be consuming to gain muscle? Recommendations vary based on your body composition and weight, but aiming for 20-30 grams per meal is a great start.

Can I supplement with protein powder? Ideally, you’d get most of your protein from whole food sources, but supplementing with protein powder is a great way to squeeze in some extra. Just pay extra attention to the ingredient list to avoid some of the extras you don’t need.

Looking for some more detailed guidelines to help you work towards this goal? Our Simple30 program supports all kinds of nutritional and workout goals, including gaining muscle.

Our next program starts April 15th - sign up now to get growing! https://www.riseupfitness.com/simple30


We know that we could talk your ears off about the benefits of our Simple30 challenge (next one begins April 15th!), but it’s always better to hear from the people themselves.

“Embarking on this diet and fitness journey was a transformative experience that not only helped us shed unwanted body fat but also fostered a commitment to clean eating and consistent exercise. The decision to compete in the Simple30 challenge was driven by a shared goal to lead a more active and healthy lifestyle.

Doing Simple30 together turned out to be a crucial part of our success. The mutual support and encouragement made it easier to stay on track and hold each other accountable. We also had an amazing coach who was there to answer any questions and who taught us the importance of balance and moderation.

As the challenge came to an end, we reflected on the habits we learned. We really enjoyed the way our bodies felt and all the energy we had. Our commitment remains strong to prioritize clean eating and regular exercise. We are thankful for RiseUp Fitness for providing us with valuable information and support.”
-Heather & Michael Jimenez

Ready for your Simple30 success? Our next challenge begins April 15th! - https://www.riseupfitness.com/simple30


Sign up for Simple30 today! - Link in Bio

Get ready for 30 days (starts April 15th) of:
✔️clean eating
✔️ optional cardio & strength challenges
✔️ goal setting & accountability with your coach
✔️ workouts at both of our awesome locations
✔️ before & after inbody scans
✔️ results
✔️ a vibrant community to support you along the way
✔️meal plan, recipe & start up guide + more

Simple30 give you an opportunity to have 30 days to focus on YOU - your health, your happiness, and your life. Sign up or get more info with the link in our bio or send us a message.


The Buddy Challenge came to a close last week and we were impressed with so many of the teams who stepped it up and came to extra classes to earn their entries into the Grand Prize jackpot.

We had three teams who made it to all 21 days together. That’s 21 workouts back to back! Very remarkable - to say the least!

Alivia G & Lilibeth C were one of the teams that did 21 classes in 21 days! Here is what they had to say about the experience:

“Lili and I found the Buddy Challenge to be perfect motivation to get us in the gym before spring break! When we joined the challenge we decided we would do all 21 days to challenge ourselves and hopefully see a difference by the end of 3 weeks. We can honestly say we have felt a difference in our energy levels and no longer feel burn out after our workouts. We even spent our 4 year anniversary at RiseUp!”

It was an awesome 21 days! Thank you to all of our participants and we can’t wait for the next one!

If you have not checked out RiseUp Fitness, what are you waiting for? Free class link: https://www.riseupfitness.com


You know that feeling when you’ve just finished a tough workout and you’re sweaty, proud, and HUNGRY? We know it all too well, and we asked Christina Dominguez, RD, exactly what we should eat to refuel our bodies after kicking it on the climber.

After all, the nutrition you put into your body is just as important as what you do with your body, and we want to maximize every possible benefit!

Christina let us know that what we eat and drink after our workouts (whether you’re an Olympic athlete or just getting back into exercise) is essential for replenishing our glycogen stores, rehydrating our system, and repairing and strengthening our muscle tissues.

She outlines three important steps for post-workout meals:


Eat a meal or snack ASAP – there is an ideal window after working out to maximize the absorption of nutrients (men, within 60 minutes, women, within 30 minutes!)

Pair your protein with complex carbohydrates - the two most critical nutrients post-workout.

In our Simple30 Nutritional Program, we cover topics like pre- and post-workout nutrition (and so much more!) in much greater detail with the help of our wonderful expert consultants, and we work with individual participants to find the best nutritional plans for their goals.

Want to join our next program? Our next Simple30 starts on April 15th! You can check out more information here: https://www.riseupfitness.com/simple30


And the winners of the Buddy Challenge are…..Kelsey Eaton and Katie Swihart!

These ladies were able to make it to a total of 12 classes together and took home the Grand Prize in our random drawing of $1,830 dollars. Amazing!

Kelsey said “I loved the Buddy Challenge because having someone counting on me held me accountable. We knew exactly what days and times we would be there and knew we had to make it happen! We grew closer as friends and we got faster and stronger as women too! I just went under contract on my first house so this will help with all of the expenses.”

Katie said she is going to put her winnings towards many future months of membership at RiseUp Fitness! Wow…. not even we were expecting that – talk about someone having their priorities in the right place. We’re so impressed!

Congratulations to you both! And to all of the 91 teams in our Buddy Challenge. We can’t wait for the next one!


Have you ever wondered how to fuel your workouts? We often think about our food intake AFTER a workout, but how you set yourself up for success before you hit the gym is just as important. We asked Christina Dominguez, RD, and she gave us some pointers!

First question: WHY do you need to eat before your workout?

Your body needs to be fueled properly not only to feel strong during your workout, but to help your body build muscle mass (and keep it!), recover, avoid fatigue and burnout, and prevent injuries.

But what if fat loss is a goal? Fat loss and body recomposition can actually be more effectively achieved if your body is primed to work hard – not deprived of fuel.

Second question: HOW do you figure out the best pre-workout meal or snack for you?

Christina explains that we want to focus on carbohydrates and avoid a high fiber content. The carbs are easier to digest without extra fiber, and they’ll be the easiest macronutrient for your body to convert into available energy.

Third question: WHEN should you eat an extra pre-workout snack?

Everyone’s body and stomach comfort level will be slightly different, but if you haven’t eaten a meal within the last 2-3 hours, Christina recommends having a snack between 15 and 60 minutes before your workout.

In our Simple30 Nutritional Program, we cover topics like pre- and post-workout nutrition (and so much more!) in much greater detail with the help of our wonderful expert consultants, and we work with individual participants to find the best nutritional plans for their goals.

Want to join our next program? Our next Simple30 starts on April 15th! You can check out more information here: https://www.riseupfitness.com/simple30


Evergreen Parents (past & present), Staff & Friends…

We want to welcome you all for a private RiseUp Fitness workout on Saturday, April 13th, at 10:30am. The workout will be at our Goleta location (7127 Hollister Ave. Suite 110). This workout will be a fun, free, & friendly way to get our Evergreen Community sweating together.

Please bring spouses, friends, etc. and pass the word along to those who you think may be interested so we can help to make this a successful event. Looking forward to seeing you all there! Link to reserve your spot: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/1/d/1qgWkSUhcXlXXCd-ChwL4Xis_uwB2bjmy0HiTWyacxO0/edit


Let’s ring in St. Patrick’s Day with a festive (and green) Team Day! Everyone is welcome to attend this workout - but it would be an especially fun one to bring your BUDDY to!

ALL classes on Sunday, March 17th will be team-style, at both our Santa Barbara and Goleta studios!

ALL levels are welcome, and it’s a wonderful chance to meet, connect with, and be motivated by your fellow RiseUp members.

We can’t wait to see you!

What is a Team Day? Great question!

It’s a workout that uses the regular RiseUp equipment, but it has members working together to achieve a common goal. For example, we might all work together to ski 10,000 meters over the whole class! (or something like that!). You’ll have both cardio AND strength, and a whole lot of fun!


Are you ready to spring into fitness, because it’s right around the corner!

If you’re looking for a way to kickstart your fitness journey, look no further than RiseUp. Our Spring Fitness Program is the perfect way to get started OR give yourself the boost you need if you already have a fitness routine, but need to take it up a notch!

With our expert guidance and supportive community, you’ll be on your way to your best self in no time.

We make it simple: Come try a free class to see if you like it before you commit.

Don’t wait - Grab a spot while they are still available!

Book a Trial Class Now! Link in Bio.


Training by Heart Rate can be an effective way to train, however if HR is the only thing you are looking at, you are only looking at a small piece of the overall picture. Let me explain:

Heart Rate can be thought of as Input – how hard you are trying. The harder you work and the more effort you give, the higher your HR will go.

Your pace (how fast you are going) can be thought of as your Output. Two people with different abilities might have to work at different efforts to achieve the same pace or speed (Output).

Said differently, two people working at their limit for 5 minutes may have the same Heart Rate (input) but produce very different paces (output).

So what is the most effective way to train? Let’s look at an example:

If you were to run a 5k, most people would agree you should try and run at a steady pace for the entire race to produce the best results. And they would be right! If you run at a consistent pace, your heart rate will gradually increase over the course of the race.

A not-so-great strategy would be to sprint at the beginning until your heart rate reaches a certain amount of beats per minute and just hold a steady heart rate as you slow down over the course of the race. Not only does it not feel good to slow down and “tank” at the end, but you are not going to produce your best result.

In summary: The best way to train is by Pace (Output) while monitoring your Heart Rate (Input). Both are important, but your heart rate doesn’t mean much without knowing what pace you are going.

This is exactly how we train at RiseUp Fitness! Each workout gives every member an individualized pace goal based on ability and fitness level. Newer members start slower and advanced members go faster. We then use a MyZone fitness tracker to monitor heart rate and give feedback.

This is how you will see the most improvements in your health and fitness!

If you’re looking to purchase a MyZone fitness tracker, let us know. We sell them for a discounted price in the studio. DM us to set one aside for you.

If you have yet to experience RiseUp Fitness and want to come try out a class for free, you can book one via the link in our bio.


Week 1 of the RiseUp Fitness Buddy Challenge is well underway and we are off to a fantastic start!

During the 21 Day Challenge, members chose to pair up with each other or to ask a new member to join in the fun with them. Each participant put $10 into the grand prize jackpot.

We have 183 people participating in total, including 28 who are new to RiseUp! This means the grand prize jackpot is $1830. Wow!

Classes have been packed so it’s quite obvious that working out with friends is helping to keep everyone motivated. We can’t wait to find out who the lucky winners will be on Friday, March 22nd.

If you have yet to experience RiseUp Fitness and want to come try out a class for free, you can book one via the link in our bio.


Join us for the buddy challenge! Win a huge jackpot just for coming to class with your friends! Bring a new buddy and they can come for free. Link in Bio to Sign Up.


Don’t forget to sign up early! We will be busy!


Come join us for a friendly and fun partner day workout this Wednesday 2/14 at RiseUp. We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day together. Workout is for all levels and we will help you pair up with someone who will be a good fit if you don’t have a partner already. Come check it out.


So much good stuff happening at RiseUp in 2024. Come get in the best shape of your life. It all starts with your first FREE CLASS. Link in Bio to Sign Up.


Bring your significant other in for free workouts next week! They can sign up for their first free class via the link in our bio. We can’t wait to meet all of your other halves ❤️💗


Join us for a Nutrition Seminar with nutritionist and awesome RiseUp member, Christina Dominguez!

It will be 7:00pm - 8:00pm at our SB studio (2273 Las Positas Road).

You will receive points for attending if you’re in Simple30! All members welcome!


Happy Birthday Candice! Thank you for being a bright light for us all. We love having you as such a big part of the RiseUp Family! ❤️💪🍾👏🎈


Join us for Team Day this Sunday to celebrate those who are doing Simple30! The workout will be for all levels and is inclusive of everyone- even those who are not doing simple30! Can’t wait to see you all there. 👬👭👫🧑‍🤝‍🧑


What a FUN night at the RiseUp Simple30 potluck. Thanks to all who joined us and brought something tasty to share. We are looking forward to a successful 30 days!


Looking forward to seeing all our Simple30 participants tomorrow at the welcome potluck! 🥗🍓🍎🥙🍳


We’re excited to meet your friends — maybe soon-to-be workout buddies! We do need your friend to make an account before they come in so we can secure their spot (no walk-ins, please!). Use the link in Bio to have them sign up for their first class.

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in Santa Barbara?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

About RiseUp Fitness

RiseUp Fitness officially opened doors on July 23rd, 2018! It began with a big change, a little idea, and a metric ton of passion. Our team founded RiseUp to provide everyone and anyone with the tools, guidance, and motivation they need to live healthy, full lives. We firmly believe that everyone is happier (or at least a little less stressed about the state of the world, their life, the banana bread they left in the oven, etc.) when they exercise, and that a good workout shouldn’t be scary or prohibitive or overwhelming. We have been so inspired by people who work so hard every day to be good, strong, kind humans - and often they remind us that the best way to take care of all the wonderful (and sometimes not so wonderful) things in your life is to first take care of YOU.

We’re ready with a program that’s accessible to all levels, designed to produce positive change, and tons of opportunities to connect and develop a community that will lift you to your healthiest self ever. Also, many many puns. Are you ready to rise up to your full potential?

Videos (show all)




2273 Las Positas Road
Santa Barbara, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 5:30am - 1pm
4pm - 7pm
Tuesday 5:30am - 1pm
4pm - 7pm
Wednesday 5:30am - 1pm
4pm - 7pm
Thursday 5:30am - 1pm
4pm - 7pm
Friday 5:30am - 1pm
4pm - 6pm
Saturday 7am - 11am
Sunday 8am - 11am

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