Restoration Church

We are growing a community of disciples restored to God's love and truth, to identity & to mission.

09/01/2024 - Upside Down Pt. 9 **Strip Everything Away used by permission from Lifeline Worship** 09/01/2024

As we finish up our series on the Upside Down Kingdom, we are focusing on Jesus' command to build our homes on the rock.

There's a way to do it that leads to life - and there's a way that seems right to us that will lead to death.

How will we build our lives? And will we let Jesus tell us how to do it, surrendering our plans to Him?

Join us today as we finish our series, the Upside Down Kingdom.

09/01/2024 - Upside Down Pt. 9 **Strip Everything Away used by permission from Lifeline Worship** Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and ...

08/25/2024 - Upside Down Pt. 8 08/25/2024

Jesus taught that those who are poor in spirit are blessed.

What does it mean to be poor in spirit? Does that mean that having material wealth is a problem?

Join us as we continue today in learning the ways of the Upside Down Kingdom!

08/25/2024 - Upside Down Pt. 8 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3

Photos from Restoration Church's post 08/25/2024

We are still rejoicing over three baptisms this week! God is working restoration in us!!


Jesus said that those who mourn are blessed because they shall be comforted.

But Jesus isn't talking about mourning in the way we often think of it. So what does He mean?

Join us today as we answer that question by learning about the Upside Down Kingdom.

08/18/2024 - Upside Down Pt. 7 08/18/2024

Jesus said that those who mourn are blessed because they shall be comforted.

But Jesus isn't talking about mourning in the way we often think of it. So what does He mean?

Join us today as we answer that question by learning about the Upside Down Kingdom.

08/18/2024 - Upside Down Pt. 7 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4

08/11/2024 - Upside Down Pt. 6 08/11/2024

Jesus tells us that the meek will inherit the earth.

But our English word for meek is not at all like the meek that Jesus was talking about in the Beatitudes.

Join us today as we learn how we are blessed to be meek in the Upside Down Kingdom!

08/11/2024 - Upside Down Pt. 6 Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5

07/28/2024 - Upside Down Pt. 5 08/04/2024

In the Beatitudes, Jesus says that as we hunger and thirst for righteousness, we will be filled.

As God's kids, we are to desire to live righteously and live to please Him. But Jesus challenges our motives for WHY we do those righteous acts.

Are righteous acts truly righteous if we do them to be seen by others? To be seen as having a good reputation? To gain approval?

Join us as we continue to learn the ways of the Father's Upside Down Kingdom.

07/28/2024 - Upside Down Pt. 5 And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they...

Lemonade stands RISE up to support foster youth 07/30/2024

What an honor it was to support all the Rise Foundation does to support the foster community here in Santa Clarita!

Lemonade stands RISE up to support foster youth By Trisha Anas and Katherine Quezada Signal Staff Writers While temperatures rise across the Santa Clarita Valley, residents have had no shortage of energy when it comes to community events. After […]

07//2024 - Upside Down Pt. 3 07/28/2024

When we have a relationship with Jesus, we learn that we have received mercy - we did not receive the punishment that we deserved.

But what happens when God calls us to do the same thing with each other? To be merciful as He is merciful? To not retaliate or punish those who have hurt us?

Join us today as we learn what it means to be merciful in the Upside Down Kingdom.

07//2024 - Upside Down Pt. 3 Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing. 1 Peter 3:9


Join us tomorrow as we raise money for the amazing and all they do to serve foster kids and families in our valley!!

07/21/2024 - Upside Down Pt. 3 07/21/2024

Jesus said that when we are pure in heart, we shall see God. What a promise! To see and know God Himself is a gift beyond measure.

But what does it mean to be pure in heart?

Join us today as we learn what that means as we continue in our series, Upside Down!

07/21/2024 - Upside Down Pt. 3 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8

07/14/2024 - Upside Down Pt. 2 07/14/2024

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God."

Never has this way of the Upside Down Kingdom been needed more than in the days we're living in.

With all that is happening in our nation - and in our own personal lives - we need to learn what it means to live this out.

We desperately need to have God work in our hearts to help us do it.

Join us today as we look at being Peacemakers in the Upside Down Kingdom.

07/14/2024 - Upside Down Pt. 2 Being a peacemaker is part of being surrendered to God, for God brings peace. We abandon the effort to get our needs met through the destruction of enemies. ...

07/07/2024 - Upside Down 07/07/2024

When Jesus came proclaiming the ways of the Kingdom, so much of what He taught seemed upside down compared to the ways things are done in this earthly kingdom.

The least shall be the greatest? The greatest shall be the servant of all?

These truths were shocking to the Jews in Jesus time, and they are often shocking to us in our day, as well.

Join us as we being our summer series, studying how Jesus used the Beatitudes to teach us the Upside Down Ways of the Kingdom!

07/07/2024 - Upside Down You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives lig...


Happy Independence Day!!

06/30/2024 - Mirror Mirror 06/30/2024

Mirror, mirror on the wall. . .

What mirror do we look into to see how we're doing in life? The mirror of comparison? The mirror of expectation? The mirror of success?

Or do we look into the most trustworthy mirror there is - the mirror that is the Word of God?

Join us today as we talk about that Mirror, Mirror at 10am today!

06/30/2024 - Mirror Mirror Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24

06/23/2024 - Thriving with the Lord 06/23/2024

God has speaking to us about revival, about returning to our First Love and how to do that, and the importance of knowing the Father.

Pastor Rachel will be bringing all of these things together for us, as we talk about Thriving With the Lord!

06/23/2024 - Thriving with the Lord Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding...

06/16/2024 - Knowing the Father 06/16/2024

As with Mother's Day, Father's Day can be a day filled with many emotions for people. Some celebratory and wonderful, some painful and hard. We are praying for all of us today!

We are also so grateful that God wants us to be a Father to us. Join us today as Pastor Craig talks about Knowing The Father.

06/16/2024 - Knowing the Father His father came out and entreated him, but he answered his father, ‘Look, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed your command, yet you ne...

06/09/2024 - Lovestruck 06/09/2024

Last week, Pastor Julie talked about the importance of personal revival - that we must return to Jesus as our First Love.

What causes us to walk away from our First Love? Why do we wander and how do we find our way back?

Join us today at 10am as Pastor Jen talked about being Lovestruck.

06/09/2024 - Lovestruck If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever. John 14:15-16

Photos from Restoration Church's post 06/03/2024

What an incredible morning! We had two people who planned to be baptized, but FIVE MORE obeyed the prompting of the Holy Spirit and got baptized on the spot! Praise God for all He is doing in us!

06/02/2024 - Let Revival Begin With Me! 06/02/2024

We had an amazing time at the SCV Citywide Revival on Friday night! Revival is an amazing thing to experience all together - but revival is also something that must happen in each of us personally.

Join us today as Pastor Julie talks about "Let Revival Begin With Me!"

06/02/2024 - Let Revival Begin With Me! I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles b...



Citywide Revival starts tonight at 6:30pm (doors open at 5:30) at Cougar Stadium at COC!

God is getting ready to do a mighty work-YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS!

05/26/2024 - Fruits of the Spirit 05/26/2024

Many people can rattle off the list of the fruits of the Spirit. . .


But to live in those ways is a whole other thing. How does fruit grow in our lives?

And how can we tell the difference between real fruit and man-made fruit?

Join us today as we look at the Fruits of the Spirit!

05/26/2024 - Fruits of the Spirit But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Galatians 5:22-23

05/19/2024 - Pentecost Sunday 05/19/2024

Today we are celebrating Pentecost Sunday!

We are intended to live in the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives!

Join us today as we celebrate the Holy Spirit and His work in our lives today!

05/19/2024 - Pentecost Sunday When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled...

05/12/2024 - Kingdom Motherhood 05/12/2024

Happy Mother's Day!

But did you know that we don't only celebrate biological mothers today?

In the family of God, He uses women of all ages and stages to mother others, raising up the next generation of God's people!

Join us today as Pastor Jen and her daughters Meagan and Kelsey talk about Kingdom Motherhood!

05/12/2024 - Kingdom Motherhood And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be c...

05/05/2024 - Restoration Church - Persistent Prayer 05/05/2024

Persistent Prayer should be the first priority of believers. Yes we often hear the phrase, "well, there's nothing left to do but pray."

What did Jesus have to say about prayer? Not only are we going to look at that, but then we are going to spend some time today in prayer together!

Join us as we learn about Persistent Prayer!

05/05/2024 - Restoration Church - Persistent Prayer And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily. Ne...



We are joining with over 40 other churches for a night of prayer and worship on Friday, May 31!

We are expectant for ALL God wants to do! You won’t want to miss it! Invite your friends, family, and neighbors for this historic event as we seek God for Santa Clarita!

Want your place of worship to be the top-listed Place Of Worship in Santa Clarita?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

What a joy to partner with @finallyfamilyhomes to throw a Christmas party for over 30 foster youth and young adults, alo...
God is doing amazing things through our Fostering Hope ministry to touch the lives of youth aging out of foster care in ...
There’s no time like Easter to discover that God can restore as if nothing was lost!


23670 Wiley Canyon Road
Santa Clarita, CA

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Santa Clarita, 91351

💙Heart of the Canyons Church💙 lives to: 📖 know and love Christ and to ❤️love and serve others.

CrossPoint SCV CrossPoint SCV
23415 Cinema Drive
Santa Clarita, 91355

Online & In-person services Sunday 9:00 | 11:00 am

The GraceLife Pulpit The GraceLife Pulpit
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The Preaching of Phil Johnson and Mike Riccardi

NorthPark Community Church NorthPark Community Church
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Santa Clarita, 91355

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26444 Friendly Valley Pkwy
Santa Clarita, 91321

Join us for services Sundays in-person or online at 9 & 11am PT.

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Santa Clarita, 91350

This is the mission of Faithwired Church: 1. Establish who you are in Christ with the right Biblical image. 2. Identify your purpose in life. 3. Provide you with the tools to imple...

Chabad of SCV Chabad of SCV
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Chabad of SCV has been been serving the greater Santa Clarita Valley Jewish Community for 16 years. Everyone is welcome!

Care of Souls Conference Care of Souls Conference
21726 Placerita Canyon Road
Santa Clarita, 91321

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Ignite Youth FPCN Ignite Youth FPCN
24317 Newhall Avenue
Santa Clarita, 91321

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Santa Clarita, 91350

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PBC Women's Ministry PBC Women's Ministry
22004 Placerita Canyon Road
Santa Clarita, 91321

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