Alison Harre, LMFT

Alison is a Santa Cruz-based psychotherapist, specializing in Inner Child Healing & play therapy.

Traffic Jam - 6/22/24 Abbott Square, Santa Cruz 06/26/2024

The whole show if you are so inclined…

Traffic Jam - 6/22/24 Abbott Square, Santa Cruz Traffic Jam performs live at Kids Day in Downtown Santa Cruz on June 22nd, 2024.Featuring:Guitar: Sam NicelyBass: Kyle McMillanDrums: Jonah HarreKeys: David ...


I'm happy to share that my Associates are offering a Grief Retreat for children ages 7-12 this Summer. For more info:

Re-Parent Your Inner Child 03/05/2024

Our Inner Child Healing program starts next week! There are still two spots left.

Re-Parent Your Inner Child Truly learn to nurture, love, and grow within ourselves and with others.


What do you think or feel when you hear the phrase "Inner Child Healing"? I think the phrase elicits a softness that is a bit misleading. It might sound like a sweet idea, instead of a life-changing therapeutic modality.

When we work as a group within a safe container, we can go back in time and essentially rescue, soothe and revive the wounded child inside. It is like a rescue mission, and it is also calls for a long-term relational rehabilitation process. You have to form a real relationship with your Inner Child, aka, your Self.

I have developed a 3-month program to support people to do this work. It includes 11 weeks of individual and group sessions over zoom, a 5-day in-person all-inclusive residential retreat in Santa Cruz, CA, peer support, guided individual exercises and access to me via email throughout the program. I'm offering an Early Bird price - which is available until tomorrow, 3/1/24.

Inner Child Healing Retreats — Alison Harre, LMFT A large focus of my practice is Inner Child Healing. This happens in individual sessions, Inner Child Healing Groups, Intensives, Workshops and Retreats.


Early Bird discount through 3/1! 4 spots left…

Inner Child Healing Retreats — Alison Harre, LMFT A large focus of my practice is Inner Child Healing. This happens in individual sessions, Inner Child Healing Groups, Intensives, Workshops and Retreats.

There's Nothing Wrong with You 02/14/2024

I made a new video for your Inner Child. Happy Valentine’s Day to your Inner Child❣️

There's Nothing Wrong with You A video for the Inner Child inside of the adult. In this video Alison and the bears explain that there is nothing wrong with you.


Introducing a new 3-month long Inner Child Healing program! A combination of on-line sessions and a 5-day in person, residential retreat, the program is comprehensive and has significant depth.
The program is ideal for people who have mild to severe childhood trauma to which they are ready to attend. All participants are interviewed and must fill out an application. People who are functioning well in many ways, but still feel very impacted by their childhoods are well-suited to take advantage of what this program can offer. The program includes a residential retreat here in Santa Cruz. Energy healing (Syntara System) used throughout. Payment for the program can be made in installments within one year.

Inner Child Healing Retreats — Alison Harre, LMFT A large focus of my practice is Inner Child Healing. This happens in individual sessions, Inner Child Healing Groups, Intensives, Workshops and Retreats.


We have published the information regarding the new Inner Child Healing program! It's a 3 month program which includes regular virtual meetings and an in-person residential retreat in Santa Cruz, CA. The group will be intimate, well-supported and transformative. It's ideal if you are really ready to heal the long-term pain and beliefs that have been affecting you since childhood. More details coming soon. Group limited to 6 participants. Phone interview and application required.

Inner Child Healing Retreats — Alison Harre, LMFT A large focus of my practice is Inner Child Healing. This happens in individual sessions, Inner Child Healing Groups, Intensives, Workshops and Retreats.

Child Development by Age 10/05/2023

Wondering if your child's behavior is "normal"? A lot of parents are upset, confused and/or reactive to their child's normal, age-appropriate behavior. As you might guess, their fears and reactions are stressful for them and often not helpful for the child or family. Check out this list:

Child Development by Age Understanding Child Development by Age: Learn about typical behaviors of children according to their age so that you can have realistic expectations.


Some colleagues of mine are putting on a great workshop on parenting in the age of trauma. For free!!!

Two spots left! 08/16/2023

Two openings in September -

Two spots left!


Inner Child work is a way to heal. It's really about re-creating your relationship with yourself. You may not realize it, but you currently are in a relationship with yourself. Like any relationship, it requires love and attention in order to be healthy. When you have shame, guilt, fear and longing running the show, it's hard to have a stable, loving, consistent, reliable relationship with yourself. Inner Child work helps you heal pain and trauma from childhood, in order to create this new, loving relationship with yourself.

Wrapped up in your childhood trauma -even if you didn't have serious trauma, you likely had negative, impactful experiences- is a lot of emotion, beliefs about yourself, others and relationships, fear, shame and grief. These are wound around and within you, in a way that impacts you on every level.

Inner child work can unlock, unbind, unwind, untwist...un-anything and everything that needs to be undone. All of this chainmail is keeping the real you from being able to breathe and exist. Inner Child work frees you, and then gives you room to cultivate a new, healthy relationship with yourself.

Here's an Inner Child work exercise you can try. Grab 2 pens or markers and a piece of paper or journal. With your dominant hand, write to your Inner Child: "How are you feeling?" or "What do you need?" Then, pick up the other pen with your non-dominant hand. Take a breath. Answer the question - without thinking! Just let your non-dominant hand write. It will be very messy. See what your Inner Child needs. Then, try to - however you can - give them what they need. Use your breath, breathing deeply and slowly, if emotion arises. Just allow it and be present with it. There you go. You did Inner Child work!


We have 2 spots left for our June retreat! Ready to do some deep healing work in a safe group? Join us.

Inner Child Healing Retreats — Alison Harre, LMFT A large focus of my practice is Inner Child Healing. This happens in individual sessions, Inner Child Healing Groups, Intensives, Workshops and Retreats.

Inner Child Healing Group - Drop-In 05/05/2023

Inner Child Healing Group - Drop-In 6-WEEK PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUP An Introductory Group for Understanding and Healing Your Inner Child Everyone is Welcome Location 542 OCEAN STREET, SUITE A, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060 Questions (831) 332-0320 Facilitators Alison Harre, LMFT, Cyndi Case, AMFT & Cindy Hedlin, AMFT Alison has been facilit...

Inner Child Healing Group - Drop-In 05/05/2023

Inner Child Healing Drop-In Groups are FREE on May 6 and May 20! Please share.

Inner Child Healing Group - Drop-In 6-WEEK PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUP An Introductory Group for Understanding and Healing Your Inner Child Everyone is Welcome Location 542 OCEAN STREET, SUITE A, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060 Questions (831) 332-0320 Facilitators Alison Harre, LMFT, Cyndi Case, AMFT & Cindy Hedlin, AMFT Alison has been facilit...

Inner Child Healing Group - Drop-In 04/30/2023

This weekend we are focusing on Giving and Receiving. If this theme resonates with you, or you are wanting to explore it within the context of the Inner Child, please join us.

Inner Child Healing Group - Drop-In 6-WEEK PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUP An Introductory Group for Understanding and Healing Your Inner Child Everyone is Welcome Location 542 OCEAN STREET, SUITE A, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060 Questions (831) 332-0320 Facilitators Alison Harre, LMFT, Cyndi Case, AMFT & Cindy Hedlin, AMFT Alison has been facilit...

Inner Child Healing Group - Drop-In 04/27/2023

Join us for two more Inner Child healing groups this weekend! Free for CCAH members.

Inner Child Healing Group - Drop-In 6-WEEK PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUP An Introductory Group for Understanding and Healing Your Inner Child Everyone is Welcome Location 542 OCEAN STREET, SUITE A, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060 Questions (831) 332-0320 Facilitators Alison Harre, LMFT, Cyndi Case, AMFT & Cindy Hedlin, AMFT Alison has been facilit...



is the conversation between what we love to do and how we love to be. Rest is the essence of giving and receiving; an act of remembering, imaginatively and intellectually but also physiologically and physically. To rest is to give up on the already exhausted will as the prime motivator of endeavour, with its endless outward need to reward itself through established goals. To rest is to give up on worrying and fretting and the sense that there is something wrong with the world unless we are there to put it right; to rest is to fall back literally or figuratively from outer targets and shift the goal not to an inner static bull’s eye, an imagined state of perfect stillness, but to an inner state of natural exchange.

The template of natural exchange is the breath, the autonomic giving and receiving that forms the basis and the measure of life itself. We are rested when we are a living exchange between what lies inside and what lies outside, when we are an intriguing conversation between the potential that lies in our imagination and the possibilities for making that internal image real in the world; we are rested when we let things alone and let ourselves alone, to do what we do best, breathe as the body intended us to breathe, to walk as we were meant to walk, to live with the rhythm of a house and a home, giving and taking through cooking and cleaning. When we give and take in an easy foundational way we are closest to our easiest sense of self, and closest to that self when we are most rested. To rest is not self indulgent, to rest is to prepare to give the best of ourselves, and perhaps, most importantly, to arrive at a place where we are able to understand what we have already been given.

Rested, we are ready for the world but not held hostage by it, rested we care again for the right things and the right people in the right way. In rest we reestablish the goals that make us more generous, more courageous, more of an invitation, someone we want to remember, and someone others would want to remember too.

From CONSOLATIONS: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words.
Revised Edition : David Whyte and Many Rivers Press

Photo © David Whyte
San Gigmignano. Tuscany.
September 1st 2017

A very good theme for a Sunday; and if I remember, a piece that was written of a very quiet Sunday morning. There are times to be unreachable and un-disturbable, to be beyond the sense of being besieged: not only by others but by the parts of our mind that find it impossible to be happy, to be at ease, to feel there is something already right with the world that needs no interference. Rest: the seemingly unreachable state; so easily arrived at, 'simply' through stopping. DW

Join us Tomorrow morning! 04/16/2023

Join us Tomorrow morning! -

Join us Tomorrow morning! Our first low-cost, drop-in introductory Inner Child Healing group is tomorrow morning:  9:30-11am on Sunday, 4/16. Group energy healing (Syntara System) will be provided as part of the group. Learn about the Inner Child and how your Inner Child may be impacting your life today. Do a simple exerci...

Inner Child Healing Group - Drop-In 04/14/2023

Please join us for our first low-cost drop-in Introductory Inner Child Healing group this Sunday morning. MediCal accepted, otherwise the cost is $20. Please arrive by 9:25am. Everyone welcome.

Inner Child Healing Group - Drop-In 6-WEEK PSYCHOTHERAPY GROUP An Introductory Group for Understanding and Healing Your Inner Child Everyone is Welcome Location 542 OCEAN STREET, SUITE A, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060 Questions (831) 332-0320 Facilitators Alison Harre, LMFT, Cyndi Case, AMFT & Cindy Hedlin, AMFT Alison has been facilit...


This is a picture of my brother and I as children. We look pretty darn happy. But did I also have wounding in my childhood? Yes, I did. You can have a generally happy childhood and still be carrying around pain from childhood. This pain informs your adult self and your adult life: relationships, finances, work, and play. And, amazingly, those wounds can be healed at any age.
This healing is what we do at our Inner Child Healing Retreats. The next one is in 2 weeks -- and there are openings.
The retreat is a non-residential and focuses on healing the Inner Child. For a long weekend, participants will be supported to go to vulnerable places in which their pain and wounding are stored. This wounding from childhood leaves a lasting impression on our present day lives, impacting everything from our posture to our relationships. By choosing to do the work to heal this material, which resides in our subconscious and our bodies (both energetic and physical), we can free ourselves from the unseen chains which bind us. Another aspect of this work is the creation of a healthy, loving relationship with ourselves. This workshop, facilitated by two Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, expertly supports participants to do all of this and more. The retreat consists of numerous group and individual exercises such as group corrective reenactment, guided visualization, art, journaling, play and psycho-education. We work creatively as a group to meet everyone's needs in the best way possible. The tone of the group varies, but the facilitators bring a high level of emotional safety, warmth, humor and spaciousness. Alison Harre, LMFT practices subtle body energy healing as well as psychotherapy. Energy healing will be used throughout the retreat in addition to psychotherapeutic exercises. All participants are required to have a phone interview before registering.

Inner Child Healing Retreat 01/26/2023

New spots available for our retreat in February!

Inner Child Healing Retreat


Two spots left for our February retreat!
Weekend of Feb 10th (evening) through Monday, Feb 13th (morning)

Inner Child Healing — Alison Harre, LMFT A large focus of my practice is Inner Child Healing. This happens in individual sessions, Inner Child Healing Groups, Intensives, Workshops and Retreats.


Inner Child Healing — Alison Harre, LMFT A large focus of my practice is Inner Child Healing. This happens in individual sessions, Inner Child Healing Groups, Intensives, Workshops and Retreats.


We now only have 2 spots left for our Inner Child Healing Retreat, February 10-13.
Wondering if it's time for you to join us? Please reach out with any questions at all!

Inner Child Healing — Alison Harre, LMFT A large focus of my practice is Inner Child Healing. This happens in individual sessions, Inner Child Healing Groups, Intensives, Workshops and Retreats.

How to ACTUALLY Heal 01/01/2023

How to ACTUALLY Heal -

How to ACTUALLY Heal Most of us walk around carrying old wounds from our childhood. This impacts us in more ways than we may realize. Inner Child Work is one way to get to the source of our pain. Amazingly, we can actually heal from old emotional injuries…no matter how many decades ago they occurred. We will help you ...

Current Projects — Alison Harre, LMFT 08/31/2022

Only two days left for the Early Bird price on the Fall Inner Child Healing Intensive!

Current Projects — Alison Harre, LMFT The next Inner Child Healing Intensive is here! These beautiful, intense, healing intensives can be life-changing. The group setting offers support, connection and allows for deeper work. The work involves numerous psychotherapeutic group exercises, as well as art and play. Energy work utilized thro...

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550 Water Street, Building L, Suite 2
Santa Cruz, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 2pm - 9pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 12pm
Wednesday 1pm - 5pm
Thursday 8:30am - 2:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 12pm

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