Wise Mind - Dr. Artyom Khachikyan

Wise Mind - Dr. Artyom Khachikyan

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We strive to provide our mental health treatment with the recognition of everyone’s right to compa


Do you often feel lonely and isolated? Loneliness, characterized by feelings of isolation, disconnectedness, and not belonging, is very common. Approximately one in twelve people are affected at any point in time, rising to one in four people later in life.

Most people experience loneliness at some point in their lives, and some feel it very often. As a short-term emotion, loneliness can even be beneficial; it encourages the strengthening of relationships. However, chronic loneliness is widely considered harmful, with numerous studies concluding it is a significant risk factor for poor mental and physical health outcomes.

If you want to connect more with others and confront the feelings causing your loneliness, psychotherapy can help. Reach out to Dr. Art Khachikyan, Clinical Psychologist, and take the first step towards a more connected and fulfilling life.



Feeling overwhelmed? Remember, you're not alone. Wise Mind is here to offer the support you need, whenever you need it. With compassionate therapy just a call away, accessing help is easier than you think.

We recognize the bravery it takes to reach out, and we’re ready to listen and assist you in your journey towards healing and growth. Our doors are always open, and our hearts are prepared to guide you through life’s challenges.

Don't hesitate to make the call that could transform your life.



At Wise Mind Process, I'm dedicated to offering therapy that's as unique as you are. Nestled in the heart of Los Angeles my practice prides itself on providing evidence-based, personalized therapy sessions that honor your cultural background and language. Understanding that each journey to healing is distinct, I craft our treatment plans with a multicultural, multilingual awareness to ensure every session feels safe, understood, and genuinely tailored to you.

My approach may weave together a blend of CBT, DBT, mindfulness, and other proven techniques, all aimed at meeting your specific needs and goals. If you're seeking a therapy experience that respects and embraces your individuality, let's start this journey together. Explore what Wise Mind Process has to offer and discover the path to your best self.



Transform your life with therapy that truly understands and respects who you are. At Wisemind Solutions LLC in Los Angeles, we pride ourselves on providing evidence-based, tailored therapy that meets the unique needs of each client. Our approach is deeply rooted in cultural sensitivity, ensuring that every session is a safe space for all backgrounds and identities.

With a focus on multicultural and multilingual awareness, our treatment plans are designed to embrace and celebrate diversity, offering a range of effective therapy techniques including CBT, DBT, mindfulness, and more. Whether you're seeking to overcome challenges, find balance, or foster personal growth, our dedicated team is here to support your journey with the compassion and expertise you deserve.

Explore what personalized, culturally sensitive therapy can do for you. Discover the Wisemind Solutions difference today and take the first step towards a happier, healthier you.



In the hustle of everyday life, we often overlook the most important person: ourselves. If you're facing mental health challenges, remember that seeking help is not just necessary, it's a gift you can give yourself.

Therapy is more than just a means to overcome challenges; it's an act of self-love and self-care. It's a space where you are heard, understood, and supported. A place where you can unravel your thoughts and emotions and embark on a journey of healing and growth.

Don't wait for things to get overwhelming. Embrace therapy as a gift to your well-being. Help and support are available, and the first step starts with you.



Navigating a new culture can be challenging, especially for immigrants and their children. If you're facing the unique struggles of adapting, I'm here to help you thrive. From culture shock to building social connections, let's work together for your well-being. Book an appointment for multilingual, culturally sensitive therapy in English, Russian, or Armenian.



Why should you go to therapy?

Because your mental well-being matters. Seeking the guidance of a therapist can offer invaluable support, helping you navigate life's challenges with resilience and strength. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you today.



As a therapist, I've witnessed the transformative power of therapy for trauma. It's incredible to see individuals reclaim their lives, find strength, and discover inner peace. If you're carrying the weight of trauma, know that seeking support is a brave step towards healing. You're not alone on this journey. 💚

If you need help, reach out today.

Gottman Method for Couples Counseling - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 06/01/2023

The Gottman Method is a powerful tool that has helped countless couples improve their relationships and build stronger connections. With a focus on enhancing communication, building trust, and fostering intimacy, this evidence-based approach can help couples achieve a happier and healthier relationship. If you're looking to strengthen your bond with your partner, consider trying the Gottman Method! Contact me for more information.

Gottman Method for Couples Counseling - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Dr. Art Khachikyan, clinical psychologist, provides therapy in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and online to adults struggling with anxiety, substance abuse, cultural acculturation, and more.

Working behind the walls and your mental health - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 04/02/2023

When corrections officers and rehabilitation staff experience burnout, compassion fatigue, depression, substance abuse, and other challenges, the problems typically get worse without treatment.
It is perfectly acceptable to seek assistance. In fact, seeking assistance is a sign of inner strength.
To get started just pick up the phone and give me a call or fill out the contact form on my website and click send.

Working behind the walls and your mental health - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Corrections officers and rehabilitation professionals face incredible stress. Working "behind the walls" can damage you or your family. Get effective psychological support.

Evidence-based, tailored therapy in Los Angeles. - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 02/01/2023

Whether you are an immigrant, the child of an immigrant, or someone who grew up in a minority culture, I am here to help you flourish. We can work on overcoming the obstacles that are preventing you from achieving your goals, such as anxiety, stress, feelings of isolation, depression, and substance abuse.
To get started just pick up the phone and give me a call or fill out the contact form on my website and click send.

Evidence-based, tailored therapy in Los Angeles. - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Reach out today to Dr. Art Khachikyan, clinical psychologist, provides therapy in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and online.

Evidence-based, tailored therapy in Los Angeles. - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 01/18/2023

Around 12% of the population will experience loneliness at some point in their lives. Depression and other negative mental health outcomes are more likely in people who frequently feel isolated. Psychotherapy can help you confront the feelings that are causing your loneliness.
To get started just pick up the phone and give me a call or fill out the contact form on my website and click send.

Evidence-based, tailored therapy in Los Angeles. - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Reach out today to Dr. Art Khachikyan, clinical psychologist, provides therapy in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and online.

Clinical psychologist in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and online - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 01/04/2023

Do you find yourself overburdened, anxious, or lonely at times? Is it challenging for you to find a balance between the demands of work and those of your personal life and family?
In therapy, you can learn coping skills and gain insights that will help you feel more calm and in control. Together, we will create the means for you to realize your full potential in all aspects of your life.
To get started just pick up the phone and give me a call or fill out the contact form on my website and click send.

Clinical psychologist in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and online - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Dr. Art Khachikyan, Clinical Psychologist. Therapy in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, & online

Evidence-based, tailored therapy in Los Angeles. - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 12/21/2022

I'm committed to helping you maintain sobriety, rebuild your life, and achieve the level of stability you need.
During our time together in therapy, we will collaborate on providing you with the skills necessary to develop healthy connections with both yourself and the people around you.

To get started just pick up the phone and give me a call or fill out the contact form on my website and click send.

Evidence-based, tailored therapy in Los Angeles. - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Reach out today to Dr. Art Khachikyan, clinical psychologist, provides therapy in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and online.

Evidence-based, tailored therapy in Los Angeles. - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 12/07/2022

In my practice, I provide culturally competent therapy services that are adapted to each client's specific requirements.
Your treatment might consist of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), mindfulness, or other forms of effective therapy.

Please check out my website to learn more about the numerous ways in which therapy can be of assistance to you.

Evidence-based, tailored therapy in Los Angeles. - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Reach out today to Dr. Art Khachikyan, clinical psychologist, provides therapy in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and online.

Substance Abuse Treatment - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 11/23/2022

Do you need assistance for drug addiction or drinking problems?
My goal is to work with you to develop an approach that can work for you.
It doesn't matter whether you're trying to beat a drug or alcohol habit; I can assist you.
If you're interested in learning more about the ways in which I can assist you, please feel free to contact me for a no-obligation 15-minute phone consultation.

Substance Abuse Treatment - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Substance abuse treatment in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, & online is available with Dr, Art Khachikyan. Get help with drinking and using.

Working behind the walls and your mental health - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 11/09/2022

When prison officers and rehabilitation professionals suffer from burnout, compassion fatigue, depression, drug addiction, and other issues, the problems usually worsen without treatment.

It’s okay to seek help. In fact, seeking help is a sign of strength. Don’t let emotional distress destroy you or your family.

Reach out for an appointment today.

Working behind the walls and your mental health - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Corrections officers and rehabilitation professionals face incredible stress. Working "behind the walls" can damage you or your family. Get effective psychological support.

Help with Acculturation Stress - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 10/19/2022

There are various difficulties that immigrants and their children confront while trying to establish themselves professionally, socially, and geographically.

Regardless of your cultural background, I can provide you therapy sessions that are attentive to your cultural norms and custom-tailored to your individual requirements.

Therapy is available online in English, Russian, and Armenian.

Please get in touch for more information.

Help with Acculturation Stress - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Get help with acculturation stress w/ Dr. Art Khachikyan, Clinical Psychologist. Therapy in West Los Angeles and Santa Monica, and online

Meaningful Connections - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 10/05/2022

Do you find that you frequently feel alone and disconnected from others?
Numerous studies have shown that chronic loneliness is a substantial risk factor for poor mental and physical health outcomes. If you want to connect more with others and confront the feelings that are causing your loneliness, psychotherapy can help.

If you are feeling lonely or are struggling to build connections with others, let me help you. Reach out today for a free consultation.

Meaningful Connections - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Stop being lonely & build meaningful relationships with Dr. Art Khachikyan, Psychologist. Therapy in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, & online

Working behind the walls and your mental health - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 09/20/2022

Compared to the general population, the prevalence of despair, feelings of hopelessness, and su***de ideation among correctional employees is astonishing. In addition to recurrent headaches, other symptoms include a lack of emotional responsiveness, a loss of interest in or enjoyment of family and friends, a lack of energy, and a lack of interest in activities that formerly brought you joy. It's OK to ask for assistance. I have experience working in prisons and assisting correctional officers.

Through the course of therapy, we will collaborate to establish practical objectives and then work diligently to achieve them. Reach out for an appointment today.

Working behind the walls and your mental health - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Corrections officers and rehabilitation professionals face incredible stress. Working "behind the walls" can damage you or your family. Get effective psychological support.

Substance Abuse Treatment - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 09/07/2022

Do you need help with drug addiction or alcoholism?
My goal is to collaborate with you to find a solution that will work for you.
If you or someone you love is suffering from an addiction, I can assist.
If you're interested in learning more about the ways in which I can assist you, please feel free to contact me for a no-obligation 15-minute phone consultation.

Substance Abuse Treatment - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Substance abuse treatment in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, & online is available with Dr, Art Khachikyan. Get help with drinking and using.

Evidence-based, tailored therapy in Los Angeles. - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 08/31/2022

When you come to me for therapy, you can expect sessions that are sensitive to your culture and that are specifically designed to address the requirements of each individual client.

The implementation of treatment regimens that are multiculturally and multilingually aware and sensitive will be the primary emphasis of our collaborative activity.

Your treatment can consist of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), mindfulness, or another kind of effective therapy.

Take a look at more of the modalities that I work with on my website.


Evidence-based, tailored therapy in Los Angeles. - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Reach out today to Dr. Art Khachikyan, clinical psychologist, provides therapy in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and online.

Meaningful Connections - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 08/17/2022

Do you find yourself feeling lonely and isolated on a regular basis?

If this is the case, psychotherapy may be able to help you recognize and eventually modify maladaptive communication habits that lead to social isolation and relationship problems.

Allow me to assist you if you are feeling lonely or having difficulty connecting with people. Reach out today for a consultation.


Meaningful Connections - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Stop being lonely & build meaningful relationships with Dr. Art Khachikyan, Psychologist. Therapy in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, & online

Evidence-based, tailored therapy in Los Angeles. - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 08/02/2022

Therapy sessions with me are culturally sensitive and geared to the specific requirements of my clients.

Our collaborative efforts will center on establishing multicultural, multilingually aware/sensitive treatment programs.

CBT, DBT, mindfulness, and other beneficial therapeutic strategies may be used in your treatment.

Take a peek!


Evidence-based, tailored therapy in Los Angeles. - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Reach out today to Dr. Art Khachikyan, clinical psychologist, provides therapy in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and online.

Substance Abuse Treatment - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 07/27/2022

Do you require assistance for your drinking or substance abuse problems?
Addiction recovery entails more than just abstaining from drugs and alcohol. I am committed to assisting you in avoiding relapse, rebuilding your life, and establishing the stability you require to move forward.
We will work together in therapy to give you the tools you need to rebuild healthier relationships with yourself and others.

To schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation, please call or send a message.


Substance Abuse Treatment - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Substance abuse treatment in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, & online is available with Dr, Art Khachikyan. Get help with drinking and using.


Are you having trouble forming and maintaining relationships? Do you often feel lonely and isolated? Some individuals feel lonely even when they are surrounded by other people. This is due to the fact that in order for us to not feel lonely, we need to feel genuinely connected to people in our lives. This explains why someone may feel lonely in a marriage, or why someone who has a busy social life may still feel isolated. Call me to explore how psychotherapy might help if you want to learn how connect with people and tackle the emotions that are creating your loneliness.


Help with Acculturation Stress - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD 07/06/2022

Finding a job, making friends, and settling down in a new town are all difficult tasks for new immigrants. As a clinical psychologist who speaks English, Armenian, and Russian, I work hard to provide therapy that is sensitive to cultural differences to everyone who needs it. If you are having difficulty adjusting to your new surroundings I invite you to give me a call to learn more about how therapy can help.

Help with Acculturation Stress - Dr. Art Khachikyan, PsyD Get help with acculturation stress w/ Dr. Art Khachikyan, Clinical Psychologist. Therapy in West Los Angeles and Santa Monica, and online


Good news! We accept Optum and Aetna insurance.


“Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.” – Bernice Johnson Reagon


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