Take Me Home

Founded in 2001, Take Me Home is a national non-profit animal rescue joining forces with rock bands to fund spay/neuter in the USA and beyond


Please attend or call in on zoom to the SPECIAL Kristen Hassen commission meeting on Tuesday night at 5pm at City Hall 

Background info 🤔

LA Animal Services Commission did not vote to hire Kristen Hassen.  The LA Animal Services Commission is a governing body BUT Jacqueline Hamilton ignored the commission and hired her as our safety consultant!  👎

Kristen Hassen helped create Human Animal Support Services- known as HASS.  HASS supports managed intake.🚫

Los Angeles, Riverside and Dallas are all HASS shelters!  These 3 shelters are now in crisis and  Kristen, who parted ways with HASS, is NOW the PAID consultant to clean up the mess of all 3 of these HASS shelters! ‼️

(Wrap your head around that one, right?! )😿

Sadly the animals are ones to suffer from all of it!  💔

Kristen is named in a lawsuit from a dog that attacked an adopter.  Seems quite relevant to discuss at the meeting since Kristen is our SAFETY consultant!  💥

Kristen has been advising Staycee Dains as a consultant for MONTHS now when all the new restrictive rules on volunteers with "rescue only*  and confusing level 1 -5 policies on dogs were instituted. ❌

Please call in on zoom for public comment and ask Kristen to show us her success at a large municipality such as Los Angeles.✅

Kristen was on the panel that selected Staycee Dains, and was working for months along side of Dains so let's see her strategic plan!  We can not allow her to stall with months of committees and more meetings.  🔙

By now Kristen should know the issues and present her strategic plan!💯

Check out Kristen' Hassen's safety bucket protocol article from 2019. Let's see how much of it is duplicated in her plan. ⁉️

Her article is on LinkedIn. 


Or Dial (877) 853-5257 and use Webinar ID No. 899 9686 3520 and then Press #.

Press # again when prompted for participant ID.


The Board will hear public comments related to the agenda item after the completion of the
presentation. You will get 2 minutes to speak.

Please speak up for the animals this Tuesday. They have no more time to waste!  🐾🐾🐾



What will it take for the mayor's office to actually listen to us. We told you that hiring a consultant would do nothing but more harm, and here we go. The first move of our paid consultant Kristen Hassen was to move the South LA puppies and little dogs that get adopted the fastest out of sight from the public into a community room out of viewing reach, unless escorted.
Well guess what?? Now they're all parvo exposed together

What was the purpose of this in the first place? What did it accomplish but get everyone now exposed and can't be adopted.
You just made your own overcrowding worse!

Jaqueline Hamilton what are you doing?

Stop the madness now!

Listen to your own community and volunteers.

This is your fault


911 Foster needed! Don't let her go back to the shelter‼️


Oni is currently at the ER, and we need a foster for when she is released so that she doesn’t have to go back to the shelter in this condition. She is currently resting at the ER and has oxygen and fluids as well awaiting further testing diagnostics. As our previous post explains, she had a URI which has developed into pneumonia. She is fighting hard.

Sweet Oni needs a home to successfully recover. She needs a foster with no other pets because of her illness. Please let us know if you can foster! We hope she can be released tomorrow.

If you can’t foster but can donate to her care, please visit our link in bio for Venmo and PayPal. We are so grateful for anything you can contribute 🙏


Easy to support! ‼️


One of the key components of SCIL’s sponsored ACR 86 was a call for more free or low-cost spay and neuter programming. In order for those programs to operate efficiently, there is a great need for veterinarians who are proficient at doing high-volume surgeries.

Senator Wilk’s SB 1233 directs the two California veterinary schools to create high-quality, high-volume training programs.

Right now, we need all rescue organizations to please sign up to support SB 1233 on our How-to-Help page. It’s easy and quick... all you need to do is fill in the information and upload your logo and signature. We will do the rest!

Link in bio and here:




We received a call last night from an emergency hospital about Chloe, a 7 year old Chihuahua, who was brought in by her dad who requested her to be euthanized. The man couldn't afford treatment. The dog was bleeding externally and they were not sure why, so the dog needed radiographs, an ultrasound and blood work.
Sadly we also found out that the owner of the dog has stage 4 cancer.  His was overwhelmed

We were told by the staff that Chloe's dad loved her, but he had his own financial hardship with his cancer diagnosis and didn't know what else to do, but to euthanize. 

That's where Take Me Home stepped in and helped cover the treatment costs. 

We hope Chloe and her dad have much more time together 
❤️ 🐾


LA Animal Services Commission Board Meeting Minutes :
In their own words about refusing to take in HEALTHY ADULT CATS‼️

We all said they are turning wonderful animals away as their strategy to get their numbers down‼️

Get ready for tons of roaming stray animals in a city near you! I wonder how many lawsuits will arise from people getting mauled around Los Angeles by packs of strays⁉️

Dead animal pickup in sanitation will sure be busy with so many animals suffering on our streets and hit by cars‼️

Great job 🐾😥


Does anyone know what the cat policy now is in Los Angeles Animal shelters? Does every stray cat need an appointment?

This super friendly cat was literally dumped out of a car in front of South LA shelter. Thank God a cat trapper saw the terrified cat running up and down and stopped their car. The people who dumped the cat saw the trapper trying to coax the cat, and actually stopped their car to help the trapper get this friendly cat. They then told the trapper that they dumped the cat because the shelter was closed and wouldn't take it‼️

Does anybody know what the cat policy is a year in to Stacey Daines being general manager? We think that's a fair question ⁉️

This just happened in the past week. 🐾


South LA has so many kittens all over the place. Take Me Home has been working with many of the amazing cat trappers to assist.
TMH has been funding ongoing cat mobile spay and neuter clinics to try to reach all of these targeted colonies.

On we go!

Spay and neuter is the solution!

🐾 ❤️


You can't continue to ignore the mismanagement of your shelters!

We won't let you‼️ 🐾

Los Angeles Animal Services is changing policies for its six shelters after a staff member was attacked by a dog at the Harbor Shelter in San Pedro late last month.

The move was met with almost immediate backlash by a group of shelter volunteers who requested an emergency meeting with L.A. Mayor Karen Bass, describing it as a “knee jerk reaction by management” that limits their access to animals in a letter reviewed by LAist.

🔗 Link in bio to learn more.
✍️ Makenna Sievertson /
📷 David McNew / Getty Images North America

Photos from Take Me Home's post 05/31/2024

The truth always finds a way to come out. Los Angeles shelters are in chaos!  🚫🐾

It is a Bassacre 🛑 

Article by Dan Guss with text messages from Staycee and Jake. 


 Remember when Staycee Dains said that the volunteers were spreading 100% falsehoods and conspiracy theories about the Jake Miller email about having to kill 800 dogs within a month⁉️  Then Staycee changed her story again and said that Jake sent the email out without her knowledge or approval to ABC news ‼️

Oh Staycee, here are the receipts. 🎯

Annette approved the email ✔️

Staycee coached Jake on what to say in the volunteer meeting (which was the same points that he also wrote in the Jakegate email!✔️)

Staycee falsely claimed the volunteers were spreading conspiracy theories! 🚩🚫🛑

Staycee needs to go on ABC and clarify that she lied to the media and to the public. The volunteers deserve an apology💯

Mayor Bass, you need to step in and replace Staycee Dains and Annette Ramirez.‼️

Stay tuned for Part 2 on Dan Guss' Substack 🐾

Photos from Take Me Home's post 04/25/2024

Thank you ‼️ Your signed guitar enabled our volunteer to rescue several kitties out of a flood in Columbus Ohio.
We got them all healthy and the best part is they went home with amazing families who LOVE these kitties, and of course, Godsmack! 🖤 🐾

See you soon festival family for 💚 & 😻


Spay and neuter is the solution to overcrowded shelters! Our legislative group is all about solutions! This bill will enable qualifying RVT's to do Cat neuters. Please support our bills on the website. Super easy. socialcompassioninlegislation.org

AB 2133 passed the Assembly Business and Professions Committee with a final vote of 13-3!

We want to thank the Assembly Business and Professions Committee for understanding the pet overpopulation crisis in our state and in passing AB 2133.

We also want to thank Assemblymember for carrying this important bill, and our incredible witnesses: Dr. Richard Johnson, Founder and CEO of All God’s Creatures Teaching Hospital & Surgery Center in El Cajon, CA, and former member of the California Veterinary Medical Board, and Nancy Ehrlich, Legislative Advocate, California Registered Veterinary Technicians Association (CaRVTA).

Veterinary care is increasingly difficult to access for the public and animal shelters, including when it comes to spay and neuter services, which are the key to solving California’s pet overpopulation crisis.

Watch the hearing:


Here is the final vote count for today:

Voted “Yes”: Berman, Flora, J. Carillo, Chen, Grayson, Jackson, Low, Lowenthal, McKinnor, S. Nguyen, Pellerin, Soria, Zbur.
Voted “No”: Alanis, Dixon, Sanchez
Heard Testimony and Abstained from Voting:
Irwin, Bains

Next, the bill will be heard by the Assembly Appropriations Committee.

Photos from Take Me Home's post 04/09/2024

City Council Vote on Breeders moratorium

Call in at 10am to speakin support of the Breeders moratorium. Item #9

The telephone number to call is 669-254-5252 using code 160-535-8466.

The LA City Council is set to vote on a game-changing breeding moratorium today. The move aims to combat the severe overcrowding in the city's animal shelters and spark a much-needed discussion on responsible pet ownership.

Read More: Link In Bio

Photos from Take Me Home's post 04/06/2024

Notice a pattern in our Los Angeles government? ⚠️

Commissioner Gross SUES a volunteer, and now Mayor Bass is trying to slap down PETA, who is merely asking that she do her job to protect the animals. 

Do you know who isn't helped or mentioned in these actions?

The forgotten animals

🐾 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾

Photos from Take Me Home's post 04/03/2024

LA Animal Services Commissioner, Larry Gross SUES a dedicated shelter volunteer who speaks out about the deplorable shelter conditions for defamation and asked for......drum roll....... $1,250,000 MILLION, yes, we wrote million!

The truth wins! Larry lost and may have to pay Joy's attorney fees.

Animals are suffering, and our shelters are shameful!

Larry Gross should be immediately fired. Instead of making life better for the animals, he tried to shut down the truth. , FIRE Larry Gross!

Please call into the Commission meeting on Tuesday and ask for Larry Gross' termination!

Here are exerpts from the article written by Dan Guss.

Follow his substack for more information and the full story on this case and other LA Animal Services issues.

Photos from Take Me Home's post 03/19/2024

Grateful to be a part of this team!

Sacramento, Calif., March 18, 2024 – Today, ACR 86, the Pet Crisis Response Act, authored by Assemblymember , coauthored by a bipartisan group of 16 legislators, and sponsored by Social Compassion in Legislation, passed the Senate with a unanimous vote of 40-0. The bill was presented by Senator , who shared her passion about saving animals and recent real-world examples of the problem from her district.

The full legislature has thus officially confirmed what we’ve been saying for years: California has a pet overpopulation crisis that requires an immediate political response.

ACR 86 creates a framework for the state to take a multifaceted approach to addressing this monumental problem, and for us, the animal-loving community, to mobilize to ensure that the important bills SCIL is sponsoring or supporting this year get signed into law.

“We thank Assemblymember Kalra and the entire legislature for treating this critical issue with the sense of urgency it requires,” said , Founder and President of Social Compassion in Legislation. “We also thank the many veterinarians, RVTs, shelter professionals, and the rescue community for their collaboration and recognition of ACR 86. There is so much to be done to help save the hundreds of thousands of dogs and cats languishing in our state’s animal shelters and on our streets, awaiting a death sentence they do not deserve. The passage of this resolution gives us the momentum to continue addressing the problem from multiple angles.”

SCIL is proud to be sponsoring four ACR 86-related bills:

AB 1983 will provide funding for spay and neuter through a tax check-off program
AB 2012 will ensure that shelters report their intake and outcome data to the state, and that the data is made available to the public
AB 2133 will expand spay and neuter capacity within the veterinary profession
AB 2425 will tighten up breeder regulations and require shelters to list adoptable animals


Statement of Clarification

We want to address recent concerns brought to our attention regarding an online campaign website advocating for a boycott of shelters. We wish to make it unequivocally clear that we are not affiliated with this website, nor do we support any actions that would harm animals or hinder their adoption process. Our primary goal has always been to draw attention to shelters and promote animal adoption. LA shelters need to be cleaner, happier, and more welcoming shelter environments conducive to adoption. We are deeply committed to pushing for a positive atmosphere where families feel encouraged to visit shelters and provide loving homes to animals in need. Our efforts are solely focused on improving the welfare of animals and fostering a culture of adoption.

See you tomorrow at City Hall!
❤️ 🐾


Check out our new bill! Love being a part of the solution driven team .

Assemblymember Bill Essayli (R-Corona) introduced AB 2425, a bill sponsored by Social Compassion in Legislation (SCIL), that will expand the definition of dog breeder and ensure that all dogs sold by breeders are microchipped and vaccinated. The bill also includes provisions requiring that shelters post the adoption availability of animals on their website or a third-party website. Lastly, it will order the California Department of Food and Agriculture to conduct a study on overcrowding in California shelters and potential remedies, including a statewide database listing all dogs and cats available for adoption.

Each of these provisions will help in its own way to address the pet overpopulation problem:

-Current law states that a person must sell three or more litters, or 20 or more dogs, to be defined as a breeder. This bill will lower the threshold to qualify as a breeder to two or more litters, or 10 or more dogs.

-Current law states that animal shelters must vaccinate and microchip dogs before adopting them out, but breeders are not subject to the same rules. This bill will apply the same vaccination and microchipping requirements to breeders.

-Under current law, shelters only have to keep records of animals available for adoption on paper. This bill will require that they display animals in their care and available for adoption online, in a conspicuous location on their own website or that of a third party such as PetFinder.com or AdoptAPet.com.

- Lastly, the bill calls for a study on the overcrowding of California pet shelters and ways to address the problem, and on the feasibility of setting up and maintaining a statewide database that would include all animals available for adoption.

Continued in comments…


Hundreds of Advocates Rally at City Hall to Demand Change for LA Animals 

Join us in taking political action on March 15th at LA City Hall to address the ongoing injustice towards LA Animals. We won't let Mayor Bass ignore this issue any longer. 

Meet @ 9:45 to rally outside on the South Lawn of City Hall. We will then attend the city council meeting. Those who are comfortable will speak for 1 minute by filling out a speaker card for the public comment section of the meeting.  We will provide PRE-WRITTEN statements to help streamline messaging.  

Please wear all black clothing.

RSVP so we can have a headcount; also, let us know if you want to speak. 

Your voice will make a difference.

We really want you in person, but if you can't make it, you can call in with your comments. The meeting starts at 10 AM; the telephone number to call is 669-254-5252 using code 160-535-8466. Public comment is usually at the beginning of the meeting, but it can sometimes be at the end. 



 Use this link to find your city council person. Call their office and ask for a PARKING PASS for the council meeting on MARCH 15. When you pull into the parking lot, your name is on a list, show your ID, and then they let you in—unlimited time to park for the day.

 Parking at City Hall East is located at 200 N. Main Street, LA 90012. The entrance is on the West side of Los Angeles Street, between Temple St. and 1st Street. 

 METRO is also available. 

You can take the metro right to city hall, which is just a one-block walk.

 Meet promptly at 9:45 on the South Lawn to rally and walk into City Council Chambers together.  

Let's do this for the animals!


Please share for West Valley Shelter!


Fresca is missing in the Balboa Park area! Please share to help find her!


Los Angeles is having a big dog overpopulation problem. Our shelters are full of big dogs, and the GM announced that she will be killing for space. Thank you, , for including us in preventing more accidental births. Outreach is key!

Fella (pinky’s daughter had 1 accidental litter. BUT she will never have an accidental litter again!! 💜She and her sister and momma dog are loved by their family. They needed guidance and help to prevent accidental litters due to roaming/neighboring intact male dogs that somehow find their way into the girls’ yard. The family lives in a remote area of southern California and the whole family is now very happy that the girls have all been spayed, vaccinated, dewormed, chipped, and will have flea/tick prevention. We want to give a shout out and a huge THANK YOU in capital letters to 🥳❤️🥳 for reaching out to us and helping out with half of the bill in order to us to get all 3 girls done on the same day with everything needed. Thank you to those who donated to help us make this possible when we couldn’t raise all the funds before the girls went into heat again. When I spoke to the family, the father, Mr. Jose, who only speaks Spanish, I can tell you that he was extremely grateful and appreciative for all of this including the tips and the knowledge that we have extended to him and his family. Thank you for supporting our mission and believing us when we say SPAY & NEUTER is the solution. Please donate to spay and neuter initiatives. It will make a huge difference in this homeless pet crisis.


Here we go! This is big!
Support to help end animal overpopulation!
Today, Assemblymember (D-San Jose) introduced AB 2133, sponsored by Social Compassion in Legislation (SCIL). The bill will allow Registered Veterinary Technicians (RVTs) to perform male cat neuter surgeries under the direct supervision of a California Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM), following written protocols and procedures established by the supervising DVM.

COVID exacerbated California’s already severe pet overpopulation crisis by reducing the availability and affordability of veterinary care, including spay and neuter services. Shelter surrenders have increased in the wake of the pandemic as well, as people return to work or move to different homes or states and relinquish their “Covid pets,” many of which were purchased from breeders rather than adopted, thus being unaltered.

Increasing access to spay and neuter services is key to getting pet overpopulation under control. Allowing RVTs to perform cat neuters is an important step in the right direction.

“Amidst the pet overpopulation crisis, we must take steps to increase the availability of affordable and accessible neuter services,” said Assemblymember Kalra. “AB 2133 will allow registered veterinary technicians to perform cat neuters, increasing the pool of professionals who can render this essential service to responsible cat owners and crowded animal shelters.”

RVTs are already authorized to administer anesthesia for sterilization surgeries, which is widely viewed as the “riskiest” part of the procedure. Moreover, they are allowed to perform dental extractions, a more complicated operation than cat neuters.

Continued in comments…


Our bill to collect data on shelter animals intake, killed, and being adopted is essential for any meaningful change!
Today, Assemblymember Alex Lee (D-San Jose) introduced AB 2012, the Animal Shelter Data Collection Act, sponsored by Social Compassion in Legislation (SCIL). A previous version of this bill was introduced in 2023 but was held in the Senate Appropriations Committee. It is being reintroduced with amendments that address the concerns expressed by the legislature.

AB 2012 will ensure that state and other entities have the data they need to direct public funds to animal shelters with the greatest needs, and will allow policymakers to make informed decisions about how resources can be used to effectively address California’s pet overpopulation crisis.

Background: In 2017, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) stopped collecting data from city and county animal shelter systems pertaining to the number of animals entering and exiting shelters and their outcomes. Policymakers had relied on that data to understand where the pet overpopulation crisis was most severe and to allocate government resources accordingly.

This bill will require the CDPH to resume the collection and reporting of specified data to optimize resource distribution and maximize opportunities for pets to be adopted rather than euthanized. The bill does allow for CDPH to contract the duties under this legislation to a California veterinary school.

“Our bill will collect and provide information that is critical to optimizing resources for shelters to help pets find their forever homes,” said Assemblymember Alex Lee. “This data will ensure that we have the necessary information to make intentional policy decisions, and reinforces California’s commitment to the welfare of shelter animals.”

“Surprisingly, beginning in 2017, CDPH took it upon themselves to stop collecting the data, and even took down the historical reports, leaving everyone in the dark about the number of animals making their way through our shelter systems,” said Judie Mancuso, Founder

City Shelter Refuses to Take In Homeless Dog, Threatens Resident, and Advises Illegal Abandonment; PETA Calls For Investigation | PETA 01/30/2024

Please read and take action!

City Shelter Refuses to Take In Homeless Dog, Threatens Resident, and Advises Illegal Abandonment; PETA Calls For Investigation | PETA PETA rushed a letter to Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto on Friday, asking them to investigate the apparent illegal PETA rushed a letter to Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and City Attorney Hydee Feldstein Soto on Friday, asking them to investigate the apparent illega...


Let Californians choose to save lives! Here we go!
Today, Assemblymember (D-San Diego) introduced AB 1983, the Preventing Euthanasia to Save (P.E.T.S.) Act, sponsored by Social Compassion in Legislation (SCIL). The bill will reinstate a voluntary tax check-off program that ran successfully for eight years and expired at the end of 2023. The program allows Californians to direct a portion of their state tax refund to a program that offers grants for low- and no-cost spay and neuter services.

With so many Californians unable to afford veterinary care for their dogs and cats, and shelters across the state overflowing with animals due to accidental and unwanted litters, the program is needed now more than ever.

“With AB 1983, Californians can make a voluntary donation using a portion of their tax return to help a program that offers grants for low-cost and no-cost spay/neuter services,” said Assemblymember Maienschein. “These programs provide an effective means to control stray animal population numbers while safeguarding the health and well-being of the animals. These voluntary contributions will significantly decrease the number of homeless animals and minimize euthanasia rates.”

“I founded Social Compassion in Legislation in 2007 to tackle California’s pet overpopulation problem,” said Judie Mancuso, Founder and President. “We had made great strides through local and state legislation, but COVID was a game changer. Our progress was erased due to a temporary spike in consumer demand for puppies, combined with shelter closures, reduced availability of spay and neuter providers, the proliferation of “backyard” and “hobby” breeders using their animals to make extra money, and people purchasing unaltered pets from in- and out-of-state breeders rather than adopting from a shelter or rescue group. All these factors contributed to the crisis at hand. The tax check-off program is one more desperately needed funding source for spay and neuter surgeries.”




The most well-known guide dog in the country is Roselle, a yellow Labrador who led her blind owner and others down 78 floors in the World Trade Center’s Tower One just minutes before the building collapsed on September 11, 2001.

“If it weren’t for Roselle, I wouldn’t be alive today,” Roselle’s owner said.



Years ago, we worked with Riverside, and they were leading the way with spay and neuter ordinances. They got their kill numbers down and cited animal hoarders and breeders.

Sadly, a new shelter director came from the world of HASS. Human Animal Support Services.

Los Angeles is a part of HASS.

Seems like all failed shelters have one common denominator.......HASS!

Animals are dying more than ever. The big national groups support HASS!

Don't support them!

It’s getting worse.

This is just one shelter.

I am so sorry pups 💔

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Videos (show all)

Spay and neuter is the solution!  This is why we raise funds to keep providing spay and neuter mobiles and assist all ov...
Beautiful ❤️ This is what actual humane sheltering looks like!  LAAS used to do this with the volunteers, but now has st...
Can you foster Luna for 20 days while her foster family is out to town? She is easygoing and deserves love and a soft be...
Meet the "behavioral dogs" Staycee Dains is killing. 🛑🐾Sheer desperation by our general manager who has zero solutions b...
LA Animal Services!This is so messed up. You are creating your own crisis!We are doing a spay day right by your South LA...
These are the dogs who come into you shelters @mayorofla! Many are just so scared and confused. Reposted @friendsofwestv...
Bravo to the LA Animal Services volunteers today!  Their letter went viral to the media. Thank you @knxnews‼️ @mayorofla...
Thank you @tracey_leong for your continued outstanding reporting on the LA shelter chaos and for making sure all voices ...
Spread the word‼️Repost @abc7la A couple is devastated after their 2-year-old French bulldog, named Jennifer, was stolen...
To General Manager Staycee Dains:  Please walk around the East Valley shelter.  You might noticed the huge sports field ...



20 Ocean Park Boulevard #8
Santa Monica, CA

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