Vibrational Child

Welcome the new wave of very evolved kids! Visit us at:

Consciously conceive, learn to vibrationally communicate, join a community of conscious adults working together to shift the paradigm of birthing and parenting.

Soul Love Partnership Bundle 08/29/2023

These high resonance, evolutionary beings love to incarnate into Soul Love based partnerships. There is an energy window and a tailwind for this focus of attracting Soul Love Partnerships. We meet tomorrow and Saturday.

Soul Love Partnership Bundle Together on Zoom we will come into resonance with who we need to be to be a match for Soul Love Partnership, get ready to meet this partner, and more.

Weaving Your Birthing Field and including Baby's Siblings - Vibrational Child 08/29/2023

How do you prepare your young child for the birth of their sibling? Do you plan to include them in the birth itself? Here's one idea to help get them ready...

Weaving Your Birthing Field and including Baby's Siblings - Vibrational Child We have another upcoming blessingway for one of our Your Divine Path of Motherhood graduates from 2022 who is due in about 5 weeks. She participated in yesterday’s Human Clinic and one of her intentions of course had to do with preparing for her birth. In the session, we weaved the sacred containe...

The Littles in Human Clinic - Vibrational Child 08/26/2023

The littles have their own consciousness space in Human Clinics.

The Littles in Human Clinic - Vibrational Child The Littles in Human Clinic In our sessions we have some very bright kids, our last session included a newborn and two gestating. Such a blessing. As I opened the spaces for us on Thursday, a new space inside of Human Clinic opened up. It’s a special space for the children, in resonance with the [...

Incarnating with a Familiar - Vibrational Child 08/26/2023

Did you know that children may incarnate in coordination with a familiar?

Incarnating with a Familiar - Vibrational Child Your child and their pet Many of the highly evolved children are incarnating in coordination with familiars. My understanding is that the animal familiars help your child to hold the vast span of frequencies and consciousness they are. The animals will be with them again and again through their inca...

Weaving Your Birthing Field and including Baby's Siblings - Vibrational Child 07/04/2023

We have an upcoming blessingway for another one of our Your Divine Path of Motherhood graduates from 2022 who is due in about 5 weeks.

She participated in yesterday’s Human Clinic and one of her intentions of course had to do with preparing for her birth. In the session, we weaved the sacred container and vortex of her birthing field. So many qualities and frequencies, notes and tones that support mom, baby, and all who will attend.

She is planning to invite her young child, the older sibling of incoming baby, to the birth itself.

How do you prepare your child for this? What are your ideas? What have you done that worked well? Here is an idea that came through during Human Clinic.

Weaving Your Birthing Field and including Baby's Siblings - Vibrational Child We have another upcoming blessingway for one of our Your Divine Path of Motherhood graduates from 2022 who is due in about 5 weeks. She participated in yesterday’s Human Clinic and one of her intentions of course had to do with preparing for her birth. In the session, we weaved the sacred containe...

Welcome to Vibrational Child 06/01/2023

Hey I moved the free connect with your baby meditation to a new welcome course. The meditation is included in a free preview.

Plus I created potent new content should it resonate and you want to go deeper. This new mini course has 3 new meditations that were recorded during the last round of Your Divine Path of Motherhood. These meditations are also included in that program, but were designed to be a welcome and to help folks with discernment about what is a good next step.

Welcome to Vibrational Child Welcome! This includes a robust free preview with the option to commit and go deeper. Click to learn more. Connect with your baby free welcome meditation, some video tips from Alaya. NEW meditations to ignite your conscious co-creative journey.

Clinics with Alaya — The Dance of Light and Matter 05/23/2023

While I don't currently offer private sessions, I do offer twice monthly group sessions with personal attention for each person. They are called Human Clinics and are incredibly powerful and a fraction of the cost of a private session, without being a fraction of the value. IMO they are as powerful if not more powerful than a private session. You can choose any focus having to do with your Motherhood journey, or any focus having to do with your life. Participants also sign their children up for these sessions.

Clinics with Alaya — The Dance of Light and Matter Clinics-powerful group sessions with Alaya and our community of light on Earth

I AM a Brand New Mom Thursdays 12-2:30 PM EST Oct 6, Oct 20, Nov 10 10/03/2022

Our Brand New Moms class starts on Thursday! And whoops! the sign up page was taking people to Day of Beauty course. It's fixed now.

I AM a Brand New Mom Thursdays 12-2:30 PM EST Oct 6, Oct 20, Nov 10 3 Sessions for new moms. You have a newborn, are in the first months or year of motherhood. We'll address your needs such as healing, feeding, reconnecting with self, partner, baby, recovering, etc. Oct 6, 20, Nov 3 at Noon-2:30 PM EST.

Your Divine Path of Motherhood Course - PLUS bonuses! Sept 22-Dec 21 2022 (with payment plan option) 09/20/2022

Your Divine Path of Motherhood. Enrollment is open. So far we have women pre-conception, pregnant, brand new mom with baby, and mom with 3 children. Who do you know that is creating a family, who may need this or love this way of support, of spiritual based and human Divine Path of Motherhood?

Your Divine Path of Motherhood Course - PLUS bonuses! Sept 22-Dec 21 2022 (with payment plan option) New Human Evolution- create your family, embody your Source, build consciousness and consciously create your legacy work, Purpose and Divine Mission in partnership with your own Divine Self, as a part of The Human, in concert with many beings of light, Nature, Earth, Sun, Stars and beyond. Join our....


Celebrating the 5-year Anniversary of
A Clear Path to Motherhood!

Celebrate with us! Time has flown! One of our students reminded me it was our 5th anniversary of meeting while her littles were all over her lap and body. This is one of my greatest joys--being on Zoom or in person with you with your littles. And--Wow how much she has co-created in that time! (Thank you C).

In honor of you and your littles and littles-to-come, we are celebrating with Vibrational Child Clinics, 4 total this coming week.

Did you know...The very first group offering for Vibrational Child back in 2009 was called "Bring in the Babies." And so in that spirit of all that we've learned together, all the ways we've created and grown over these years, whenever we met, these four sessions are called "Bring in the Babies."

You can intend anything you want that has to do with your path of parenting. If you are ready for more children or are just getting started, or are finished with that phase and into your parenting journey, you are welcome.

We will be on Zoom to do them together.

There won't be a recording, and you do have to join in real time for these, no remote participation for these. I've created multiple time options so that hopefully one of the times works for you.

You can join them all, and your first one is my gift to you.

Please come and your littles are welcome too. I love seeing your little ones whether they came through these pathways or not.

Go here to sign up for the celebration sessions:

8:00am EST Tuesday, September 13, 2022

1:00pm EST Wednesday, September 14, 2022

4:00pm EST Saturday, September 17, 2022

11:00am EST Sunday, September 18, 2022


p.s.Side note--I'm having problems with my current email delivery service and am experimenting with a new one. If you would like your comp session, all I ask is that you fill out the opt-in you'll find on the web page, to let me know you still want to hear from me about conscious conception and parenting things, and things for your kids too (in development!) I'll still use this email for a while but don't think it will be much longer.

Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of A Clear Path to Motherhood! - Vibrational Child 09/09/2022
It's the 5 year anniversary of A Clear Path to Motherhood! We are celebrating with a series of group sessions together on Zoom.

Bringing in the Babies was the very first group experience that Alaya offered for Vibrational Child students and clients, way back in 2009! Some of the children who came through in the early days are now entering High School!! How time flies.

Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of A Clear Path to Motherhood! - Vibrational Child Celebrate the 5th Anniversary with us! In September 2017, we taught our first group long-form program, called A Clear Path to Motherhood. This course was life-changing for many families, singles and couples creating a family where they had been blocked before from fulfilling this dream! In honor of....

A Day of Beauty - May 15th 2022 9:30-6:00pm EST 05/10/2022 Live on Sunday, Day of Beauty is about pure frequencies and consciousness of Beauty, about embodying Beauty and imbuing your creations with Beauty. With Beauty there is order, harmony and the presence of your soul and Greater Consciousness. This is part of a manifesting series, Happy Human Creator series.

A Day of Beauty - May 15th 2022 9:30-6:00pm EST A day of Beauty. Beauty as a pure frequency is one of the highest frequencies that a human can access. Beauty, the pure frequency is different than external beauty ideals. Embody, cultivate, emanate, create Beauty as a state, a way of being.

7 Days of Journeys ~ Free Introductory Experience 05/10/2022

Available for you to begin when it works for you. 7 days of transformation.

7 Days of Journeys ~ Free Introductory Experience 7 days to dive into journeys and experience the transformation available for you. Students are experiencing deep and lasting transformation inside of this free trial. If you are curious about Alaya's courses, this is the perfect place to begin.

Mend Your Heart Open To Love Mini Course Self-Study 03/12/2022

Focusing on Attracting Your Mate?

Mend your heart might be perfect timing.

“The children who are coming will access the realm of the earth through divine partnership and it is a glorious, beautiful becoming that we behold from our dimension, from the realms of light.”

~Receive Your Beloved, Prepare for Divine Partnership by Oshira through Alaya

Mend Your Heart Open To Love Mini Course Self-Study Originally a Tele-class, enjoy these journey recordings with teachings, transmissions and explanations about new paradigm relationship bonds.

Vibrational Child Foundations Membership 03/04/2022

Vibrational Child Foundations Membership Energetic Alignment For Motherhood Self-Study Course + Private Community + Priority Access to Private Sessions

Claiming Motherhood Fertility & Resonance, Vibrational Child | Insight Timer 02/05/2022

This meditation and more on insight timer for those of you using insight timer.

Claiming Motherhood Fertility & Resonance, Vibrational Child | Insight Timer This guided meditation from Alaya will help you embrace your readiness to be a mom. Are you ready? Do you know it's for you but so far it doesn't seem possible? What if you aren't sure it's what you want? Are you pregnant already? Preconception or Preadoption? Do you need some support, some assuranc...


We are in the final weeks of Energetic Alignment for Motherhood. It has been awesome getting together every Sunday this fall. We have had a birth (we just got to meet our newest member today!) and a pregnancy announcement, and other groovy sweet things together.

Going forward: I've made the two albums a set now, so they must be purchased together. There is a wholeness and richness to the two together that provide a really nice foundation. And you get the class recordings as part of the set. It really does amplify the energy and awareness when we do it together, and the women who've been joining remotely due to conflicts in their schedule report that this effect is present even watching the zooms.

It's been an amazing year for a lot of reasons, in good ways--to be able to gather, connect with our highest Selves, many guides in the realms of light, the baby beings in spirit, in the womb, and in presence on Zoom is such a gift. To sit together in pure energy of Divine Mother. How lucky. My very good friend said to me yesterday, "you have the coolest job." Yes. It's true. I'm grateful for this group as I look back on the year and what I've experienced, created, accomplished and enjoyed.

Thanks to all who have been a part of it.

Connect with My Baby - Vibrational Child 10/03/2021

These journeys are potent. I'm so excited to share them with you. There is a ton in this album, short and sweet as it is.

Connect with My Baby - Vibrational Child Connect with your spirit baby before you conceive or adopt, connect with your future self as a mom, clear your ovaries, clear ancestral karma

Purity & Reclamation - Preparation for New Earth Mothering — The Dance of Light and Matter 10/03/2021

Our transmission last week, one of the journeys we worked with was Purity and Reclamation.

Purity & Reclamation - Preparation for New Earth Mothering — The Dance of Light and Matter Purity & Reclamation - Preparation for New Earth Mothering. Join us as we bridge new earth, from your ancestry through your life's journey and into the next generation you are bringing through.

Purity & Reclamation - Preparation for New Earth Mothering — The Dance of Light and Matter 09/29/2021

Join other conscious moms and moms-to-be who are acclimating to New Earth, High Earth Mothering. We are working through Connect with My baby and Preparation for Motherhood together on Sundays this Fall.

I've been adding the Preparation for Motherhood audio course transmissions to the online sharing place. You can work through the courses on your own anytime, and consider joining us for connection, community, and amplifying the energies available. It's really powerful and wonderful doing them together.

Purity & Reclamation - Preparation for New Earth Mothering — The Dance of Light and Matter Purity & Reclamation - Preparation for New Earth Mothering. Join us as we bridge new earth, from your ancestry through your life's journey and into the next generation you are bringing through.


looking forward to seeing a handful of you this morning at 11 my time. Live channeling! It's not to late to join but you'll need a little time to register so hop to it if you were planning to. I'll post the recording if you miss it but hope to see you LIVE!!

Energetic Alignment for Motherhood - Live with Alaya (early bird bonus Sept 19) - Vibrational Child 09/15/2021

Join Alaya and women like you who are consciously creating a family. Your soul, your baby's soul, and a big orchestration of light. Should be fun! Beginning Sunday's September 26th with a special live channeling with Alaya on September 19th.

Energetic Alignment for Motherhood - Live with Alaya (early bird bonus Sept 19) - Vibrational Child We are moving more and more into harmonious, co-creative partnership with one another and with Nature. We are moving into group work as a species. When we gather together and listen to journeys together, the access and power is amplified. Join a group of conscious women and men who are ready to take...


I've just updated my private session structure, added a new type of energy bodywork private appointment that you can book without an application, and updated the application and entry process to enter my practice for private Zoom sessions.

Please see the appointments page for this information. If you would like to join my global list please sign up via the website footer.

Appointments with Alaya — The Dance of Light and Matter Appointments - private and group sessions with Alaya

Into the Cave — The Dance of Light and Matter 07/23/2021

If you have a role in evolution, in your own world service as a mom or you are a healer, teacher, leader, you might want to take a look and join in.

Into the Cave — The Dance of Light and Matter Awaken Sight, Vision, Healing Hands, High Heart and learn to hold Christ Consciousness.

Invitation to Embody - Connections — The Dance of Light and Matter 07/12/2021

Last journey of this album! Go read all the notes! This was fun and powerful and you can still do this.

This one would really be a good one for your partners to listen to if they are open to that. It’s an opportunity to connect with all the souls involved who are in bodies on earth now and call them to you, and to invite your children who are still in the realms of light or who might already be gestating or born, in the case if you are adopting.

In this journey, connect with the soul of your baby daddy if you haven’t yet met, choose your s***m or egg donor, call your doctor or midwife, connect with any human beings who are a part of this co-creative dance of starting or building your family, including your partner if you are already together.

Invitation to Embody - Connections — The Dance of Light and Matter Invitation to Embody - Connections. Connect with the soul of your baby before you conceive or adopt in the inner realms of light, as your higher self, soul and divine self. Welcome your child.

Co-Creating New Human Prosperity Session One — The Dance of Light and Matter 07/08/2021

New album just released ... in order to be successful birthing and actualizing a life’s work that you create at these higher consciousness levels, YOU have to be embodied and stable at these levels, at least enough to hold it and birth it.

It’s so so similar to my work with Vibrational Child and in fact, most of the folks in these programs were women consciously creating their family at these higher states of being, preparing to receive and welcome evolutionary, high vibe often called rainbow children into their lives.

Co-Creating New Human Prosperity Session One — The Dance of Light and Matter Multiply what you are in resonance with in alignment with your Divine Self, your Divine Plan, in accordance with New Human New Earth agreements. Co-create new human prosperity, raise your vibration, shift your seat of consciousness, develop your potential. Abundance and Prosperity, sourced from your

Manifesting Forms that Help You and Your Family Grow - Vibrational Child 06/29/2021

From my perspective, you are a tone setter and leader of the family. The vision of having a child starts before you conceive. As you open your mind, heart, soul and beyond to welcome this child, you begin to harmonize and resonate in a way that includes your child’s needs, divine plan and purpose.

Can you create from this connection?

How much can you expand to include–your own Divine Self, your partner’s, your children’s purpose and Divine Self too? I know you can! If you aren’t already, see if that fits for you. If you don’t know how but have a YES! then set an intention, make a prayer and allow your next steps to come to you.

Manifesting Forms that Help You and Your Family Grow - Vibrational Child You are on an accelerated path of growth. Really, we all are. Humans are. But you, especially, because you are bringing through the next generation, and that generation will be more evolved. And some of the children you are welcoming into your families are leaps beyond you and me in terms of evoluti...

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Guidance to Co-Create Your Whole and Healthy Child ~ Vibrational Child

Do you feel a knowing about becoming a mom? Are you aware of a baby being around you? Would you love to co-create your family consciously?

You may have landed here for a reason. If you are struggling with infertility, multiple miscarriages, or you don’t yet have a partner that is your match but feel strongly about being a mother, we may have just what you need to set you on a new course entirely on your journey to becoming a mom. If you feel strongly about bringing your child into this world in collaboration with that child, then you are definitely in the right place. Visit for more information, resources, and support.

Videos (show all)

Workshop is tomorrow! FAQ and ... (
LIve Workshop Q&A - Your Path to Motherhood. Answering some questions that have come in. :) https://go.vibrationalchild....



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