
Heali AI is a nutrition tech company that uses AI to analyze the compatibility of foods with persona


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Fig is a member of the Mulberry, family Moraceae, along with banyan, breadfruit, jackfruit, mulberry, and Osage orange. The common fig is indigenous to an area extending from Asiatic Turkey to northern India, but natural seedlings grow in most Mediterranean countries. In the Mediterranean countries, the fig is used both fresh and dried and is commonly known as the ""poor man´s food"". Figs hold a position of symbolism in many world religions, including Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, and Buddhism, representing fertility, peace, and prosperity. The history of fig is said to be started in 1520 when Spanish Franciscan missionaries brought the fig to Southern California. Fig was also abundant in both China and England by this time.

The fig tree can live as long as 100 years and can grow 50 feet tall, but they are most typically between 10 to 30 feet. They flourish in hot dry climates and the fruit requires an all-day sun to ripen. It has been said that botanically, the fig isn´t considered a fruit but a syconium which is a portion of the stem that expanded into a sac containing flowers that grow internally. Fig contains significant amounts of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. In addition, fresh figs contain some calories from natural sugar and they can be considered a low-calorie snack or to add to a meal. In traditional medicine, figs have been used to help with digestive problems like constipation due to their fiber content. A study of 150 people with irritable bowel syndrome with constipation found that individuals who consumed about 4 dried figs twice daily experienced a significant reduction in symptoms.* Figs have been used in jams and chutneys, pies and tarts, salads, cakes, puddings, or served with meat. The taste is a honey-like sweetness with a hint of berry.

*Article: Comparison and Assessment of Flixweed and Fig Effects on Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Predominant Constipation: A Single-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial.
Author: Pourmasoumi M, Ghiasvand R, Darvishi L, Hadi A, Bahreini N, Keshavarzpour Z.


Big Data and Artificial Intelligence applications require dealing with large volumes, diverse sources, and forms of data due to the rise in data sharing and availability. New tools are being used to extract, integrate, visualize, and organize data. Artificial intelligence and Big Data technologies are now being used to keep and make food safe. These are being investigated in the prevention of food recalls. The assessment and management of risk are challenging because it considers all the stages of the supply chain and uses the data being produced at each stage such as production, incoming ingredients, processing, manufacturing, storage, distribution, and services. An assessment of how to predict global food safety is presented using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. In the study, a systemic view from the data perspective is inspired by the food supply chain. Then, the data is analyzed using Big Data and Artificial intelligence and this will therefore help in managing food safety as well as food recalls. The research in computer science and electronics is advanced and has been applied to other areas, in this case, food safety.*

*Article: Artificial intelligence, big data, and blockchain in food safety
Author: Zhou, Q., Zhang, H., & Wang, S


Alyssa Ardolino, RD, a registered dietitian and the nutrition communications coordinator for the International Food Information Council. Her goal is to educate and encourage all people to adopt an ""all foods fit"" philosophy and to debunk the misinformation surrounding food.
Alyssa is a graduate of Penn State University and completed a 1200-hour dietetic internship through the University of Maryland College Park with an emphasis on Nutrition Informatics before becoming a Registered Dietitian. Alyssa encourages people to have a better relationship with food, while also helping them work through common food myths.

Photos from Heali's post 03/02/2023

Lemongrass is a culinary herb with a lemony aroma. It is cultivated in Southeast Asia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and India. It is conventionally used for relieving anxiety, stress, and pain. Lemongrass contains limonene and citral, which possess antimicrobial, antidandruff, and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, lemongrass tea extract can be employed as a treatment for dental, inflammatory, and microbial infections. In the kitchen, it is mainly used in Asian cuisine because of its lemony aroma and citrus flavor. It is an enriched source of fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins A, B, and C, magnesium which is required for protein synthesis and muscle activity, selenium, and zinc.* You can find more about lemongrass in the , keep watching for more!

*Article: Therapeutic benefits of lemongrass and tea tree.
Author: Khan NT.

Photos from Heali's post 02/23/2023

Barley is a type of grain that´s considered the fourth most important cereal crop around the globe. Barley grass is the young barley plant from the germination stage to the so-called shoot. Although fresh barley grass can be tricky to find it can be found in forms like powders, juices, tablets, and gummies. Barley grass is rich in a variety of nutrients and a good source of fiber, polyphenols, flavonoids, and vitamins A, C, and K. Due to the favorable harvest time, the plant consists almost of young leaves that are rich in chlorophyll and has not spent any energy on attaching substance. Barley belongs to the family of sweet grasses and the first cultivation by humans took place about 10,000 years ago in Mesopotamia. Barley grass can be suitable for vegetarians, vegans, or people with increased nutritional needs such as athletes.* Follow this series to learn more about barley grass!

*Article: Preventive and Therapeutic Role of Functional Ingredients of Barley Grass for Chronic Diseases in Human Beings.
Author: Zeng, Y., Pu, X., Yang, J., Du, J., Yang, X., Li, X., Li, L., Zhou, Y., & Yang, T.

Photos from Heali's post 02/22/2023

Wheatgrass is the freshly sprouted first leaf of the wheat plant. Wheatgrass is made from the Triticum aestivum plant and it is used as a food, drink, or dietary supplement. Wheatgrass is thick, dry grass that looks like hay or straw but is bright green. It has been considered to be low in calories and high in nutrients because wheatgrass contains antioxidants such as glutathione, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Antioxidants fight against free radicals which can therefore help decrease the risk of many diseases. In addition, it has been said to be an anti-inflammatory plant and help patients with ulcerative colitis. More studies are needed because most of them are only tested on animals and test tubes. Currently, wheatgrass juice has also gained popularity due to its benefits. It is green because wheatgrass comes from chlorophyll. Chlorophyll can increase oxygen levels in our body similar to other foods such as spinach and arugula. Learn more about wheatgrass in the !

*Article: The Medical Use of Wheatgrass: Review of the Gap Between Basic and Clinical Applications.
Author: Bar-Sela G, Cohen M, Ben-Arye E, Epelbaum R.


Lao Tzu is a Chinese philosopher historically described as the "Old Master". His work had a profound influence on subsequent Chinese religious movements and on subsequent Chinese philosophers, who annotated, commended, and criticized his work extensively. As with most other ancient Chinese philosophers, Lao Tzu often explains his ideas by way of paradox, analogy, appropriation of ancient sayings, repetition, symmetry, rhyme, and rhythm. The quote "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" is a common saying that originated from a Chinese proverb. This saying teaches that even the longest and most difficult ventures have a starting point; something which begins with one first step.


Leek is a member of the Allium, family Amaryllis, along with onions, green onions, garlic, and chives. The leek is an ancient crop native to eastern Mediterranean lands and the Middle East. Leeks were likely taken to much of Europe and the British Isles by the Romans. The vegetable became the national emblem of Wales following an ancient victory by an army of Welshmen who wore leeks as a distinguishing sign.

Leeks are rich in flavonoids, especially ones called kaempferol. Flavonoids are antioxidants and may have anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and anticancer properties and other health benefits.* The high levels of vitamin K found in leeks may reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Some studies show a relationship between a higher intake of Vitamin K and denser bones, which lead to a reduced risk of hip fractures** Leek can also help with your vision health because of its content of two substances that protect the eyes: lutein and zeaxanthin. These substances, known as carotenoids, reduce the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.*** Leek stalks are widely used in European soups and stews, especially as a complement to potatoes, and can be cooked whole as a vegetable. The plant is related to the onion and has a mild, sweet, onion-like flavor. Try the to find some recipes with a leek!

*Article: Bioactivity and Therapeutic Potential of Kaempferol and Quercetin: New Insights for Plant and Human Health.
Author: Jan R, Khan M, Asaf S, Lubna, Asif S, Kim K-M
**Article: Influence of Vitamin K on Bone Mineral Density and Osteoporosis.
Author: Elshaikh, A. O., Shah, L., Joy Mathew, C., Lee, R., Jose, M. T., & Cancarevic, I.
***Article: Dietary sources of lutein and zeaxanthin carotenoids and their role in eye health.
Author: Abdel-Aal, el-S. M., Akhtar, H., Zaheer, K., & Ali, R.

Photos from Heali's post 02/13/2023

Thyme is native to the Western Mediterranean extending to dryer climates around Western Asia and southern Europe. There are more than sixty types of thymes but only one is commonly used in recipes: Thymus Vulgaris. Thyme adds instant flavor to cooking and also offers health benefits when consumed in its fresh or dried forms. Thyme is loaded with phytonutrients, minerals, and vitamins. Studies have shown its therapeutic effects as well as its essential oils such as thymol and carvacrol in fighting diseases. This is due to thyme being an ingredient with multi-pharmacological properties that include antibacterial properties, antioxidant properties, and disinfectant properties. It´s a great addition to add to your meals due to its savory flavor and is used in dishes like braised or roasted vegetables. Find out more about thyme and its many uses in your !

*Article: A Focused Insight into Thyme: Biological, Chemical, and Therapeutic Properties of an Indigenous Mediterranean Herb.
Author: Hammoudi Halat, D., Krayem, M., Khaled, S., & Younes, S.
**Article: Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities of thymus vulgaris essential oil nanoemulsion on acne vulgaris.
Author: Abdelhamed, F. M., Abdeltawab, N. F., ElRakaiby, M. T., Shamma, R. N., & Moneib, N. A.
***Article: Rosmarinic acid ameliorates hyperglycemia and insulin sensitivity in diabetic rats, potentially by modulating the expression of PEPCK and GLUT4.
Author: Runtuwene J, Cheng KC, Asakawa A, Amitani H, Amitani M, Morinaga A, Takimoto Y, Kairupan BH, Inui A.
****Article: Pharmacological evaluation of antihypertensive effect of aerial parts of Thymus linearis benth.
Author: Maheen S, Haroon-Ur-Rash, Karim S, Rasool S, Malik MN, Khan K, Mushtaq MN, Latif F, Tabassum N, Khan AQ, Ahsan H, Khan W.
*****Article: Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities of thymus vulgaris essential oil nanoemulsion on acne vulgaris.
Author: Abdelhamed, F. M., Abdeltawab, N. F., ElRakaiby, M. T., Shamma, R. N., & Moneib, N. A.

Photos from Heali's post 02/08/2023

Parsley is a widely cultivated flowering herb that belongs to the family Apiaceae. It is prevalent in American, European, and Middle Eastern cuisine. Parsley leaves were used by the ancient Greeks and Romans as a flavoring and garnish for foods. As a biennial plant, parsley grows vegetatively for its first season of growth, overwinters, and then flowers in the second season. Many farmers do not leave parsley plants in the field after their productive leaf season. If left for the second season of growth, seed stalks rise about 3.3 feet tall and are topped by compound umbels of small greenish-yellow flowers followed by tiny seedlike fruits, similar to those of a carrot but without spines. California produces over 40% of the total parsley grown in the United States.

The immense health benefits of parsley have made it a popular choice among seasonings. It is a rich source of vitamins A, C, K, folic acid, and potassium. Parsley contains flavonoids, carotenoids, and vitamin C that have antioxidant properties*. Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of parsley leave to aid in kidney health, and high blood pressure**. The leaves are used fresh or dried, their mildly aromatic flavor being popular with fish, meats, soups, sauces, and salads. Parsley is often the principal ingredient of bouquet garni and fine herbs. Find delicious ways to incorporate parsley into your meals using the !

*Article: Tang, E. L. H., Rajarajeswaran, J., Fung, S. Y., & Kanthimathi, M. S. Author: Petroselinum crispum has antioxidant properties, protects against DNA damage, and inhibits proliferation and migration of cancer cells. **Article: Diuretic effect and mechanism of action of parsley Author: Kreydiyyeh, S. I., & Usta, J.
***Article: Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of parsley (Petroselinum crispum) essential oil and identification of its antioxidant constituents.Author: Zhang, H., Chen, F., Wang, X., & Yao, H.-Y.

Photos from Heali's post 02/06/2023

Rosemary is an evergreen shrub that is native to the Mediterranean from the Lamiaceae family. Its leaves can be eaten fresh or dried and it is also popularly consumed as a tea or infused oil. Rosemary, in folk medicine, has been used as an antispasmodic, mild analgesic, depression medication, and insomnia. Rosemary has been studied for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumorigenic, and neuroprotective properties .*It is well known that the biological properties of rosemary are mainly due to phenolic compounds making it rich in antioxidants**. It shows important clinical effects on mood and memory as well. *** Follow this series to learn more about rosemary and the benefits that you can find in the !

*Article: Natural Plant-Derived Chemical Compounds as Listeria monocytogenes Inhibitors In Vitro and in Food Model Systems.
Author: Kawacka, I., Olejnik-Schmidt, A., Schmidt, M., & Sip, A.
**Article: Anticancer Activity of Rosmarinus officinalis L.: Mechanisms of Action and Therapeutic Potentials.
Author: Allegra, A., Tonacci, A., Pioggia, G., Musolino, C., & Gangemi, S.
***Article: Effects of inhaled rosemary oil on subjective feelings and activities of the nervous system
Auhtor: Sayorwan, W., Ruangrungsi, N., Piriyapunyporn, T., Hongratanaworakit, T., Kotchabhakdi, N., & Siripornpanich, V.


Lime is a member of the citrus, family Rutaceae, along with oranges, calamansies, mandarins and grapefruits. Wild limes probably originated in the Indonesian archipelago or the nearby mainland of Asia.
Christopher Columbus took citrus seeds, including limes, to the West Indies on his second voyage in 1493, and the trees soon became widely distributed in the West Indies, Mexico, and Florida. Limes are grown to a limited extent in practically all citrus-growing areas. Limes contain vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and were formerly used in the British navy to prevent scurvy, which is where the nickname limey come from.

Lime are rich in antioxidants, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation and even help prevent certain chronic illnesses. The high levels of Vitamin C found in limes can help protect you from infection and speed up your body's healing process. * Regularly incorporating lime water into your diet might help reduce or prevent wrinkles. Limes contain lots of vitamin C, which is essential for making collagen. A skin care favorite, collagen is a protein that naturally firms and brightens skin.** Limes are known for their tart, acidic taste with just a slight hint of sweetness. That is why it is used in recipes for flavor. The lime fruit is a key ingredient in certain pickles and chutneys, and lime juice is used to flavor drinks, foods, and confections. Discover many delicious recipes using limes in your !

*Article: Flavonoids intake and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus: A meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies.
Author: Xu, H., Luo, J., Huang, J., & Wen, Q.
**Article: Dietary nutrient intakes and skin-aging appearance among middle-aged American women
Author: Cosgrove, M. C., Franco, O. H., Granger, S. P., Murray, P. G., & Mayes, A. E.


Michael Pollan is an American author, journalist, activist, and professor of journalism at the University of California, Berkeley, where he is also the director of the Knight Program in Science and Environmental Journalism. Pollan describes four basic ways that human societies have obtained food: the current industrial system, the big organic operation, the local self-sufficient farm, and the hunter-gatherer. Pollan follows each of these processes from a group of plants photosynthesizing calories through a series of intermediate stages, ultimately into a meal. Along the way, he suggests a fundamental tension between the logic of nature and the logic of human industry.


Nutrition science has increased in today´s big society. Data is accessible in every culture and at a specific period. Nowadays, nutrition, food, and sustainability are included in many global challenges of today´s world. The ability to research food and recipes can help address the challenges of sustainable eating patterns in a cultural context. While there is access to the information, it can be challenging to evaluate and analyze digital recipes without using artificial intelligence, and data engineering.

The current research study reveals that integrating the environmental impact database into food terminology is time-consuming. Artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) tools can combine recipes, food texts, and other environmental, nutritional, and economic databases. The article encourages an interdisciplinary approach to the exploration of nutrition and sustainability highlighting the challenge and opportunities of using AI to analyze the food domain through recipes to provide a multifaceted data-driven analysis of nutrition and sustainability. Share your thoughts below!

Article: Using natural language processing and artificial intelligence to explore the nutrition and sustainability of recipes and food.
Author: Van Erp, M., Reynolds, C., Maynard, D., Starke, A., Ibáñez Martín, R., Andres, F., Leite, M. C., Alvarez de Toledo, D., Schmidt Rivera, X., Trattner, C., Brewer, S., Adriano Martins, C., Kluczkovski, A., Frankowska, A., Bridle, S., Levy, R. B., Rauber, F., Tereza da Silva, J., & Bosma, U.

Photos from Heali's post 01/27/2023

Vitamin C plays a role in controlling infections and healing wounds and is a powerful antioxidant that can neutralize harmful free radicals. It is needed to make collagen, a fibrous protein in connective tissue that is weaved throughout various systems in the body: nervous, immune, bone, cartilage, blood, and others. *The vitamin helps make several hormones and chemical messengers used in the brain and nerves. The tolerable upper limit of vitamin C is 2000 mg daily, taking beyond this amount could cause gastrointestinal distress and diarrhea.** Vitamin C improves the absorption of non-heme iron, the type of iron found in plant foods such as leafy greens. The intestines have limited availability of absorbing vitamin C and it is not recommended to have high amounts of vitamin C since it could interfere with its absorption. Studies have shown that absorption of vitamin C decreases to less than 50% when taking amounts greater than 1000 mg.*

*Article: Institute of Medicine (US) Panel on Dietary Antioxidants and Related Compounds. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, and Carotenoids. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2000.
**Article: Association between vegetable consumption and the risk of age-related cataract: a meta-analysis
Author: Huang G, Wu L, Qiu L, Lai J, Huang Z, Liao L

Photos from Heali's post 01/25/2023

Vitamin C was discovered by Albert Szent-Györgyi as hexuronic acid. Even before this experts recognized that something in citrus fruits could prevent scurvy, a disease that killed as many as two million sailors between 1500 and 1800. This is an essential vitamin meaning that we must get vitamin C from our diets since we are not capable of synthesizing ascorbic acid. Some foods high in vitamin C are citrus fruits, bell peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, cruciferous vegetables, and white potatoes. Vitamin C can be destroyed by heat and light. High-heat cooking temperatures or prolonged cook times can break down the vitamin. Because it is water-soluble, the vitamin can also seep into cooking liquid and be lost if the liquids are not eaten. Quick heating methods or using as little water as possible when cooking, such as stir-frying or blanching, can preserve the vitamin. Foods at peak ripeness eaten raw contain the most vitamin C.*

*Article: National Institute of Health: Vitamin C


Vitamin C is a nutrient that the body needs in small amounts to function. The recommended dietary allowance for adults 19 years and older is 90 mg daily for men and 75 mg for women. Vitamin C plays important bodily functions such as synthesizing collagen and neurotransmitters, maintaining blood vessels, bones, and cartilage, and helping with wound healing. Another fundamental role of vitamin C is that it acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin C can be found in foods in ascorbic acid, the predominant form in foods, and dehydroascorbic acid, the minor form in foods. The form that we all know vitamin C is ascorbic acid. It is a water-soluble vitamin which means it is a vitamin that can be dissolved in water. Water-soluble vitamins are carriers to the tissues but are not stored in the body. Many fruits and vegetables are high in vitamin C. This vitamin helps the absorption of iron from plant-based foods. *
*Article: Pro-oxidant vs. antioxidant effects of vitamin C. Handbook of Vitamin C Research: Daily Requirements, Dietary Sources and Adverse Effects (pp.153-183)
Author:Poljšak B, Ionescu JG.


Peanuts are rich in beneficial nutrients like unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals. The compounds in peanuts can provide many health benefits, one being positive impacts on brain health and memory. Because evidence of this claim is still limited, a trial* evaluated the effect of regular peanut consumption on cognitive function and stress response in young adults.

The trial found that participants consuming skin roasted peanuts (SRP) and peanut butter (PB) had significant improvements in memory, cognitive function, and anxiety compared to participants consuming a control butter (CB). It is believed that the polyphenols in peanuts are most likely the cause of improved memory function and stress response. They may also lead to positive effects on mood and cognitive function.

*Article:Consumption of peanut products improves memory and stress response in healthy adults from the ARISTOTLE study: A 6-month randomized controlled trial.
Author: Parilli-Moser, I., Domínguez-López, I., Trius-Soler, M., Castellví, M., Bosch, B., Castro-Barquero, S., Estruch, R., Hurtado-Barroso, S., & Lamuela-Raventós, R. M.


Roger Williams was a pioneer in biochemistry, nutrition, biochemical individuality, and public education. Roger discovered the B-vitamin, Pantothenic Acid, and concentrated and named Folic Acid. After his discoveries, Williams concentrated his attention to educate the public about the importance of nutrition and biochemical individuality. Williams’s writings remain popular today, because of his deep insight into basic principles, his originality, and his clear writing.


Kale is a plant-based source of calcium needed for strong bones and teeth. It has low levels of a natural compound called oxalate, which makes the calcium more available for absorption. It is also a good source of vitamin K, which studies suggest works with vitamin D to support healthy bone metabolism. As well as being nutrient-dense, kale is rich in cancer-protective substances such as sulforaphane and indol-3-carbonol.

It is suggested that humans have been growing and eating kale since 600 B.C. Recordings from early Rome mention “brassica,” a term for leafy green plants, likely included kale. The spread of kale occurred during the Middle Ages, when the Italians, Scots, and Russians all began to grow different varieties of kale. Learn more about kale in the

* Article: Kale: Review on nutritional composition, bio- active compounds, anti-nutritional factors, health beneficial properties and value-added products Kale: Review on nutritional composition, bio- active compounds, anti-nutritional factors, health beneficial properties and value-added products
Author: Satheesh, N., & Workneh Fanta, S.

Photos from Heali's post 01/16/2023

Mulberries are the colorful fruits of mulberry trees, most often eaten as a snack in their dried form. Mulberries originated in the Far East and have gained popularity due to their sweet flavor and impressive health benefits. They are an excellent source of nutrients, including fiber, vitamins C, K, and E, iron, and potassium. In addition, mulberries are extremely rich in polyphenols and other plant compounds, which contribute to their vibrant colors. Mulberries have been known to be potentially beneficial in the management and prevention of diabetes by slowing down spikes in blood sugar after meals.*

*Article:Antidiabetic and antioxidant effects and phytochemicals of mulberry fruit (Morus alba L.) polyphenol enhanced extract.
Author: Wang, Y., Xiang, L., Wang, C., Tang, C., & He, X. "

Photos from Heali's post 01/13/2023

Goji berries, also known as wolfberries, are bright red berries used for thousands of years as traditional medicine in Asia. Goji berries provide a wide range of health benefits like supporting vision, immune function, and protection against several diseases.* Their many benefits are due to their high levels of nutrients, especially vitamins A and C, and antioxidants, beta-carotene, and zeaxanthin. Goji berries are most commonly found in their dried form in health stores around the world. Sign up to our to learn how to add goji berries to your meals!

*Article: Goji Berries as a Potential Natural Antioxidant Medicine: An Insight into their Molecular Mechanisms of Action.
Author: Ma, Z. F., Zhang, H., Teh, S. S., Wang, C. W., Zhang, Y., Hayford, F., Wang, L., Ma, T., D**g, Z., Zhang, Y., & Zhu, Y.

Photos from Heali's post 01/12/2023

Dates are fruits of the date palm tree with a sweet, caramel taste and chewy texture. They are available in several varieties, with the most common being Medjool and Deglet Noor dates. Dates are a highly nutritious snack and their natural sweetness makes them a great sugar substitute in plenty of recipes. They are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. With 7 grams of fiber per serving, dates are beneficial for preventing constipation, supporting regular digestion, and controlling blood sugar.* They are also often associated with the prevention of several age-related diseases due to their high levels of antioxidant activity.** Follow this series to learn more about dates and their benefits that you can find in the !

*Article: Whole Fruits and Fruit Fiber Emerging Health Effects.
Author: Dreher M. L.
**Article: Beneficial effects of date palm fruits on neurodegenerative diseases.
Author: Essa, M.M.,Akbar, M,. and Khan, M.A.S.


Fruits are an essential part of our daily lives. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends consuming 1.5–2 cup equivalents of fruits per day. One difficulty consumers may face is implementing those recommendations due to the limited availability of fresh fruits throughout the year. Therefore, dried fruits are an alternative to fresh fruits. Dried fruit can be preserved for much longer than fresh fruit and can be a handy snack, particularly on long trips where refrigeration is scarce.

In addition, dried fruits contain fiber and antioxidants that help to fight heart disease, obesity, and some types of cancer. Dried fruits are high in phenols which are known to lower rates of heart disease, diabetes, and possibly degenerative brain disease*. Although they are an excellent alternative to fresh fruits, they are also high in carbohydrates and many include added sugars. Keep track of added sugars and try to choose dried fruits with appropriate drying conditions which will provide products of high nutritional quality, and rich in biologically active compounds. The series this month is going to be: Dried fruits. Keep watching this space for more!

*Article: Selected dried fruits as a source of nutrients
Author: Rybicka, I., Kiewlicz, J., Kowalczewski, P.Ł. et al.

Photos from Heali's post 01/03/2023

Get ahead of the week with Heali’s cookbook feature! The cookbook allows you to create custom collections of meal ideas and recipes. This feature serves as a great way to plan for the week and be prepared with all the ingredients you need. Create your custom cookbook now and let us know what you think!


The importance of the diet’s effects on health has become increasingly relevant in the past decade. A suboptimal diet has recently been recognized as one of the top contributors to disease risk.* Therefore, to improve public health, the understanding of the diet’s role in health and disease should be a top priority. Despite progress being made, challenges remain due to barriers such as measurement error and confounding variables.

These challenges may be improved with the application of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, “Big Data” and machine learning. These technologies can provide greater detail on topics like public health and nutritional epidemiology. Based on the analysis of these two methods, researchers found that with increased use of big data and machine learning, some of the challenges facing nutritional epidemiology could be addressed by improved accuracy and more detailed predictions regarding the relationship between diet and disease.**
*Article: Health effects of dietary risks in 195 countries, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.
Author: Sur, P.J., Fay, K.A., Cornaby, L., Ferrara, G., Salama, J.S., Mullany, E.C., Abate, K.H., Abbafati, C., Abebe, Z., et al.
**Article: Perspective: Big Data and Machine Learning Could Help Advance Nutritional Epidemiology.
Author: Morgenstern, J. D., Rosella, L. C., Costa, A. P., de Souza, R. J., and Anderson, L. N.

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