Dance Alive

"Challenge yourself to be fully ALIVE!" Dance Alive® is a dynamic life training system that teaches you to live with vitality, confidence and integrity.

Through a challenging and fun integrative practice of movement and relating, you are empowered to be in charge and fulfilled in your Self, to grow thriving relationships, to generate tangible results in your career, and to balance your entire life.


🌲STABILITY in YOURSELF ESSENTIAL in navigating this life in this world!
Your ROOTS create safety, so that when the winds of the times blow, you are not blown about in the sky, but are anchored in YOU! In your LIFE, in your DIRECTION!

There tends to be a higher value in our culture on INSPIRATION, MOTIVATION, and CREATIVITY than on STEADINESS, GROUNDEDNESS, and STABILITY.
We have the illusion than things come quick and go quick, when in reality, GROWTH TAKE TIME🫘🌱🌿🌲

TRUE creativity emerges when you are STABLE, anchored in your body, in the present moment, and true change and transformation comes when you are able to take STEADY action, day by day, overtime.

A tree does not grow in one day, it grows STEADILIY and incrementally.

And overtime has tremendous STABILITY that carries it through the years and seasons and the storms that pass through⚡️

Feel your STABILITY today🌎

Drop your attention down into your roots, your feet, your pelvis🌖

Feel your attention and present ANCHORED HERE in your BODY🌏

You might not move AS FAST initially in what you are doing, but overtime you will cultivate GREAT STRENGTH and STEADINESS that will take you further in your life, and into greater satisfaction along the WAY!🌏✨🌊



THIS SATURDAY April 22nd @ 1:30pm on ZOOM! (Log on at 1:15, we will begin promptly at 1:30pm- Zoom Link Below)

This ceremony will be live streamed from the Karou Home❤️

It is important to Mariane and the Karou family to host at the Karou Home, therefore IN PERSON SPACE IS LIMITED.

We would love to have EVERYONE in person with us, but due to the ABUNDANCE of Family, Friends, and Community, we are reserving the In Person space for Immediate Family and Friends.

❤️THANK YOU for being IN OUR LIVES, for surrounding us all with so much LOVE, and for coming to CELEBRATE RICHI with US❤️

🌈Love the Karou Family🌈



Karou Family is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Apr 22, 2023 01:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 878 9831 5105
Passcode: sunshine

*Please log on at 1:15, ceremony will begin promptly at 1:30pm


Photos from Dance Alive's post 04/18/2023

Dearest Friends and Community,

Richi Kai Karou transitioned to the spirit realm on Friday🌟🌈🌟
He is in our ❤️hearts❤️and surrounding us with his powerful loving energy. We all are feeling him so strongly, speaking to us, and wrapping us in his warm cocoon of rainbow energy✨❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💞

He had a heart attack and after a very short time, peaceful left his body. HE DIED LIKE HE LIVED!!!💥 He was VIBRANT☀️ PASSIONATE🔥 AND FULLY ENGAGED WITH HIS FAMILY❤️ FRIENDS AND BUSINESS BUDDIES.

He always talked about Red Light❤️, Yellow Light💛, & Green Light💚.
He lived in either Red or Green Light, not Yellow, and he always encouraged everyone else to do the same. He really knew how to let go and move on wherever and whenever it was needed. He saw through the veils to who you Actually Are and was sooo Encouraging!!


❤️Our family has moved together beautifully during this transition and we ARE ALL DEEPLY GRATEFUL for All your outpouring Love to entire Family❤️

He IS and was the most INCREDIBLE Being🌈 Husband💛 Father🧡 Grandfather❤️ Businessman💜 and Shamanic Healer💞 And had a sense of humor that was expressive of the DRAGON that he is🐉🐲❤️

He’d say daily…
“Showing up is 1-10”

🌟He always said to us, “I’ll be watching over you all when I’m no longer in my body” and he was 100% clear that he would do that🌟

So as long as you 🌺OPEN🌺 to being Nourished by ✨His Presence✨ you will be able to still feel his reverberating vibration!!!✨

❤️We will miss him sooooooo much in our physical world, his touch, his laugh, his voice, his Intensity, and his BRILLIANCE!❤️🌟

With such a heartbreaking reality, I’m inspired more than ever to keep receiving his ABUNDANCE of LOVE!❤️

THANK YOU BABE!!!❤️ We partnered for 47 years in this life riding every wave all the way through. We’ve had, and have love❤️ commitment🔥 resiliency🌊 fun🌈 and deep connection🌎 and now a new wave has begun as I continue to partner with you while you’re on the other side🌊✨ I’m here continuing to bring our energy through🌊✨



My husband is the foundation force of Dance Alive & in my life ❤️

I couldn’t do what I do in my business without him.

He has consistently been a steady force of love, encouragement, feedback & fully believing in me.

He provides a foundational energy that I feel everyday.

Thank you Rich for all you do, this is all possible because of you! ❤️❤️

Photos from Dance Alive's post 03/27/2022

Community is medicine ☀️

We learn so much about ourselves in community.

We heal in community.

We grow in community.

We need community in our life as much as we need our independence.

Our Dance Alive community is what makes this work so potent.

Our community is welcoming, committed & fully show up.

Thank you to our amazing community 🙌❤️

Photos from Dance Alive's post 03/11/2022

A letter from Mariane in response to the world’s circumstance🤍🌎


A heartfelt message from Mariane ❤️🤍

How to move with the challenge of the world 🌎 ❤️


One of our amazing students sharing his experience. 🌊

He is now 35 & we love having him apart of our community.

Photos from Dance Alive's post 02/15/2022

A taste of Take Charge Now Embodied Leadership workshop 💥

You learn to lead.
You learn to authentically communicate.
You learn to team play with yourself & another person.
You learn to stay connected to your body while speaking.
You learn how to lead in all you do starting within yourself.

Practicing with partners is profound.
All your patterns show up in relationship.
All new ways of being gets can happen in partnership.

Embodied leadership is how you stabilize, communicate & lead in all you do.

If you want to join us for the next Take Charge Now on March 12, in person & online available. We would love to have you! 🦋


Dance Alive is truly an profound experience.

Here are our students beautiful shares ❤️🤍❤️


Team play is our culture ❤️

42 years of marriage.
3 kids.
4 grandkids.

We always come back to team play. ❤️

💜 ❤️


How the movement forms were created 🌊

They came from nature.

They live inside of you.

Power up is in you & the nature all around you.

Connect with your nature. 💥


Wishing you all happy holidays from my heart to yours ❤️🦋❤️🦋

Having this incredible community is such a gift ❤️

May you continue to move & feel the ripple of movement through your whole life.

Keep choosing your movement 🦋🌱


Navigate The Holidays With Healthy Family Dynamics! 🐬🌊
With Mariane Karou and Kristi Chaves


Do you let yourself play on this Monday? 🦋

Make contact with yourself.
Give yourself freedom to move, be & play.
Make contact with the people in your life.
Go explore in your world today.

Play is a way of exploring.
As adults we still need play just as much children.

Let yourself play with this week! 🦋🌱🦋

Photos from Dance Alive's post 11/23/2021

Movement is so much more than just moving your body 🌀

It’s about…
🌱 Moving your emotional body.
🌱 Moving your mental body.
🌱 Moving your energetic body.
🌱 Moving your physical body.

All to become more open and free.

🌊 Movement truly is a medicine we all have access to at anytime.

🐬We are meant to move as our bodies are animals.

💦 We are nature.
🌊 Nature is always moving and that is exactly what we are designed to do.
💦 Staying still isn’t natural for us.

Allow yourself to move.
Move in different ways.
Speak in different ways.
Act in different ways.

🤍 Give yourself the freedom of movement your body craves 🤍


“Movement is the Dance of Life Force Energy" - Mariane Karou 🌊🌊🌊

A personal note from Mariane to you … 🤍

🌱 I am cheering you on to build your vitality and confidence as a Life Tri-Athlete.
🌱I am consistently encouraging you to take committed, courageous and inspired actions as you drop into deep stillness and rest.
🌱By diving deep inside and drawing on your own internal resources, you can generate the amount of energy you need to produce, perform and team play in a healthy, balanced and sustainable way.
🌱Your resources are inside you and all around you.

I believe in you all 🤍🤍



Don’t let your circumstances cause you to close down your heart.

Your heart is alive.



When you allow your heart to open you allow yourself to be seen.

One of the greatest gifts of human contact is being seen by others.

In our community we value seeing, including everyone just as they are. All of you is welcomed here.

Photos from Dance Alive's post 10/20/2021

We want you to be a LIFE TRIATHLETE 👣

We encourage you to include your whole life.

We encourage you to win in all areas of your life.

We encourage you to be the leader of your life.

We encourage you to lead teams everywhere you go.

We encourage you to be deeply connected as you create a life you love.

We are rooting for you!!

Photos from Dance Alive's post 10/15/2021

TEAM PLAY one of our core values in Dance Alive 👣

We can DO more together than we can do alone! ❤️

This is modeled consistently in nature.  

🌱 Nature works together as a synergistic whole. We are nature. As everyone owns their position on the team, and contributes their unique part, teamplay is created in that moment.  

🌊” If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”  
~Old African Proverb


This is what I do to make excellent choices. When I find myself starting to bounce around in my mind from one side to another, I practice my own “Inner Rhythms, Deep Body Meditation”,  which drops me deeply inside.  Clarity always emerges from this state of being. This is where I am leading you all.

It at times seems like the last thing to do however it continues to be my source of inspiration and works.  It only works because I am so dedicated to my practice.  

I invite you to do the practice, whether you feel like it or not, so you can connect with your own Inner Wisdom.  It is always there awaiting your discovery!



Life continuously presents us with new circumstances and situations we aren’t expecting.

Gotta Move gives you the ability to be surprised, interrupted, confused, to interrupt and create waves when it’s needed, and move with all these unexpected moments.

It is very freeing to be able to be responsive when needed and go with the flow of a situation, and then create a new movement and produce all kinds of play, engagement, and results.

“I am not in control of my circumstances and situations. I am in charge of how I respond.” 🙌

“I am consistently surprised by the unexpected. I move with the new situations in front of me, as I stay connected and open inside my body.” 🦵

“I choose to first listen inside, to what is most needed for the whole, then move, respond, and take action. I do not react and take action before sensing inside. I do my best to be aware and participate on the team’s timing.” 🐬


YOU ARE INVITED ✨🌊🐬 to our Community Beach Gathering on
Sunday August 29th! 2pm - Sunset 🌅
3pm Ceremony
Celebrating moving from one Wave…to the next!
Share…Gather…Swim…Dance…Relate….and Relax!
See you soon!!!
We’re meeting at:
Lifeguard Tower 24
South Side
2400 Ocean Front Walk
Santa Monica, CA


Your Presence Creates Safety

As you embrace yourself with your awareness, you create a sense of safety that is felt in every cell of your body in this present moment. 

When you fixate on past experiences and review them over and over without coming up with creative solutions, you focus on the future incessantly, you create instability throughout your system.  A certain amount of reviewing is important to observe what has worked and hasn’t work and then to course correct for future situations.  A certain amount of planning is necessary to set yourself up for your life, and also be open to inspirations for future events. Beyond the basic set up and inspirations it is essential to bring yourself back into present time.

Safety is a sense of knowing you are ok right now. This is something you can practice all the time and create a greater sense of safety for yourself. 

Through the Dance Alive practices, Mariane is giving us tools, guidance and inspirations so we can develop this safety inside. 

You can live with a greater sense of safety by how you use your mind, body, emotions in the current situation you are in. Keep practicing! It works!!!

This is a moment to moment choice. You can always choose again to be present and create safety!


Move Until Your Feel your Courage!

We all feel fear! It is a natural experience of being an alive human being. The goal isn’t to eliminate fear, but to learn to MOVE WITH  FEAR.

You may not feel like moving when you feel fearful or you may feel like hiding, freezing, running, or screaming! Those are all natural animal body responses, but they don’t help you transform your fear into something useful….COURAGEOUS ACTIONS!

It’s okay if you don’t feel like moving….just start by dropping inside and choose to move anyways. Move until you FEEL Your Courage. There is a reason you’re feeling fear. You are being asked to meet a new situation in your life. Maybe it’s in your Health & Vitality area, or your Relationship (Personal & Professional) area, or your Work & Career. It doesn’t matter the area! You can transform your fear into courage by holding the direction you want to move in and keep going until you feel your courage!!!

This is a learnable skill
And by you practicing the Dance Alive movement forms, you can master this skill!


You are invited to dance with Mariane on The Beach on Saturday July 31st!

Mariane will be guiding movement at The Wave from 6pm-6:50pm.

DJ Svetlana will be playing 6:50pm-7:50pm!

Location: Lifeguard Tower 28, Santa Monica, CA 90405

Come ALIVE through your ENTRE BODY!

Awaken the life force that is within you and let your energy flow through you!

Say, “Yes” to Moving, “Yes” to Feeling, “Yes” to Breathing, “Yes” to Life!

Ticket link is in Linktree!

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Santa Monica?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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🔥THIS IS THE BRILLIANCE of Dance Alive!!!🌊🌊🌊Through the Embodied Leadership, Movement, and Meditation, you are guided in...
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