Montesano Spine and Sport

Montesano Spine & Sport's mission is to help patients suffering from serious back or neck disorders achieve comfort and functionality.

At Montesano Spine & Sport, we have a very specific mission: To help patients suffering from serious back or neck disorders return to as much function and comfort as is medically and humanly possible.


A sports injury can happen to anyone, from youth athletes fresh on the field to experienced professionals, in almost any sport.

With up to 20% of sports injuries occurring in the lower back or neck regions, athletes that use repetitive motion, weight loading, or physical contact are susceptible to a range of injuries including:
• Sprains and strains
• Fractured vertebrae
• Whiplash
• Disc compression
• Dislocation of adjacent bones

While not all injuries require surgery, as a parent, I strive to treat each patient like I would my daughter: with an attention to detail and with the patient's best interest at the forefront.

From non-surgical treatments to spine surgery, let me help you find the right treatment for your injury so you can get back to playing the sports you love.

Schedule a consultation with Montesano Spine and Sport at


Sports injuries on the spine are fairly common. These injuries can range from mild strains to severe fractures based on the sport and amount of movement required. Here are some key things to understand about sports injuries on the spine:

-Risky Sports: Football, ice hockey, and wrestling tend to have higher risks of an injury on the spine.
-Causes: Sports injuries often occur from the extension and rotation forces in the lumbar spine. They usually result from activities that involve repetitive twisting and bending motions.
-Types of Injuries: The most common spinal injuries that athletes endure are spondylosis, fractures, dislocations, compression injuries, traction injuries, and flexion injuries.


There are many different spine surgeries that address various spinal conditions and injuries. Here are a few of the different spine surgeries:

-Foraminotomy: During a foraminotomy, the surgeon enlarges the openings where the spinal nerves exit the spinal column to relieve pressure on the nerves.
-Spinal Fusion: Spinal fusion is a spine surgery that fuses two or more vertebrae together using bone grafts or implants. This helps to reduce pain caused by movement between vertebrae.
-Discectomy: A discectomy involves removing a damaged or herniated disc to relieve pressure on the nerves in the spine.


Sciatica isn’t a condition, it’s a symptom, and usually a sign of a larger problem.

Sciatica pain – tingling, numbness, and/or weakness – originates in the lower back and spreads to the back of the leg, ranging from infrequent to debilitating. A lumbar herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, Piriformis syndrome, and lumbar spinal stenosis are just four of the common causes of sciatica.

Don’t let sciatica pain prevent you from living life to the fullest. As a leading spine surgeon and a pioneer of disc replacement surgery, I have the knowledge and experience to not only treat your sciatica but also treat the source of the problem.

I invite you to schedule a consultation at Montesano Spine and Sport and together we’ll find the optimal treatment to relieve your pain and restore movement.

Schedule your next consultation at


Your job may be causing your back pain, especially if you work in a sedentary environment. Here are some ways that you can prevent back pain at work:

-Use Ergonomic Equipment: Invest in an ergonomic chair that will ensure proper support to your back and neck. An ergonomic chair also helps to reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries.
-Adjust Your Workstation: Move your computer screen to the same level as your eye level so that you’re not straining your neck to look at the screen.
-Take Regular Breaks: Stand up, stretch, or maybe even take a walk to relieve tension in your joints and muscles.


As people age, it’s fairly common that there will be changes to their spine. Here are some of the most common age-related changes to the spine:

-Osteoporosis: Aging often leads to a decrease in bone density making your spine more susceptible to fractures and compression fractures. This can result in curvature changes to the spine.
-Degenerative Disc Disease: Over time, the spinal discs lose hydration and elasticity which leads to degenerative disc disease.
-Changes in Posture: Age-related changes such as muscle weakness and osteoporosis can lead to poor posture.


Nutrition is a very important aspect of keeping your spine healthy. There’s essential nutrients your spine needs to stay strong and resilient. Here are some things you should include in your diet to keep your spine healthy:

-Dark Green Vegetables: Dark green vegetables, beats, nuts, and seeds contain Vitamin A, Iron, and B-Complex vitamins are beneficial for a healthy spine and nerve function.
-Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and collard greens are great sources of calcium, magnesium, and antioxidants that can help to reduce inflammation and support bone health.
-Balanced Diet: Maintaining a balanced diet can help to strengthen your spinal bones, enhance disc health, and reduce inflammation.


Spinal Stenosis refers to when the spinal nerve roots are compressed, or choked, producing a variety of symptoms, some of which can strongly impact your day-to-day life:

• Tingling, weakness or numbness in the legs
• Limitations in walking
• Pain that comes and goes
• Pain that occurs during certain activities, such as walking
• Pain that eases after a period of rest

Spinal stenosis is more common in the lower back, but can occur in the neck as well.

As an experienced minimally invasive spine surgeon, let me relieve your pain so you can return to doing the activities you love. I invite you to schedule a consultation to determine if non-surgical or surgical treatment best suits your needs.

Please contact Montesano Spine and Sport today at


There are many mistakes people make when it comes to the spine that can lead to potential health issues and discomfort. Here are some of the most common mistakes people make about the spine:

-Ignoring Pain: Ignoring persistent back pain will only make it worse. Ignoring pain can allow underlying issues to worsen. If you’re having consistent back pain, consult with a professional.
-Excessive Screen Time: Spending long periods of time bent over looking at a screen can be detrimental to your back and neck. Take frequent breaks, adjust your screen's position, and maintain good posture to avoid any pain.
-Sedentary Lifestyle: Not engaging in physical activity regularly can weaken the muscles that support your spine and can increase the risk for sprains and strains. Incorporate exercises into your daily routine that strengthen your back.


Pain from a degenerative disc typically stems from inflammation or micromotion instability (when a disc is not as effective in resisting motion in the spine) which produces several common symptoms:
• Pain that flares up during activities, especially bending, lifting, and twisting
• Severe episodes of back or neck pain that generally last from a few days to a few months
• Chronic debilitating pain (relatively rare)
• Pain that worsens depending on your position (sitting vs standing)

If you’ve been diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease or are experiencing any of these symptoms, please schedule a consultation to discuss the best course of treatment to fit your specific needs.

Contact Montesano Spine and Sport today at


There have been significant advancements in the spine field that have shaped the future of spine treatment. Here are some of the newest innovations:

-Robotic Surgery: Robotic-assisted technologies are revolutionizing spine surgery by allowing for more precise procedures and better outcomes.
-Spinal Navigation: Spinal navigation is enhancing the accuracy of surgical interventions and is reducing the risks of intricate spinal procedures.
-Multilevel Disc Replacements: Multilevel disc replacements are helping to improve patient outcomes.


There are many exercises out there that can strengthen your back. Here’s a few of them:

-Superman Exercise: Lie face down on the floor and lift your arms and legs simultaneously. Doing this helps to engage your lower back muscles.
-Lat Pulldowns: Lat pulldowns target your latissimus dorsi muscles which play an important role in your overall back strength.
-Pull-Ups: Pull-ups engage multiple muscles in your back and arms, helping to build your upper body strength and back strength.


Both Spine Surgery and Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery aim to relieve pressure on the spinal nerves, stabilize the vertebrae, relieve chronic pain, and restore quality of life.

But how do you know if your pain requires surgical or non-surgical treatment?

Some main questions you need to ask are:
• What is causing my pain? Is it a simple muscle strain that can be treated with OTC medications or physical therapy, or is caused by an underlying condition, trauma, or deformity?
• Is my pain debilitating or limiting my ability to walk, work, and maintain regular activity?
• Are non-surgical treatments not working?

As a spine surgeon with over 40 years of experience and extensive training, I provide patients with surgical and non-surgical treatments that best suit their needs. I invite you to schedule a consultation with Montesano Spine and Sport and get started on your path to recovery.

Visit or call 1-888-661-1408 to schedule your first appointment.


Traveling is the time for you to go and enjoy your vacation; however, make sure you protect your back from pain when traveling. Here are some traveling tips for your spine:

-Use Support Pillows: If you’re going on a flight or a long car drive, you’re going to need a pillow that supports your neck and spine. Using a neck pillow can help to support your neck or putting a small pillow behind your back can help to support your back.
-Pre-Travel Preparation: You should consult with your healthcare provider before your trip to discuss any needs or concerns. Planning ahead can help you be prepared and prevent back pain.
-Maintain Proper Posture: No matter how you’re traveling, it’s important that you maintain proper posture. Sit up right with your back against the seat to support your spine.


The human spine is an incredible structure that allows for a full range of movement from bending to twisting to rotating. This complex structure can also be delicate, especially when exposed to an abrupt, large impact, such as during an auto accident.

All parts of your spine can suffer damage following an accident. While your pain may be limited in the initial days, injuries to the back or neck can lead to long term pain and other complications.

Some common spine injuries that require professional medical evaluation include:
• Whiplash (Common during rear-end collisions)
• Spinal Fractures (Off diagnosed on-scene)
• Spondylolisthesis (When vertebrae shift out of place)
• Disc Herniation (Discs absorb most of the impact to the spine)

If you're experiencing pain following an auto accident, it's important to have it examined before the problem worsens. Relieve pain. Restore mobility. And make me your top choice for spine surgery.

Visit or call 1-888-661-1408 to schedule your first appointment with Montesano Spine and Sport.


Between your vertebrae are spongy discs that prevent the bones from rubbing together. When a worn, damaged, or herniated disc causes pain, spine surgery may be the best treatment option.

So what is the difference between Total Disc Replacement (TDR) and Spine Fusion?

In both surgical procedures, a Discectomy is performed first to remove the damaged disc and decompress the spine. You're then left with a space that needs to be filled – which brings us to the main difference between these two surgeries.

In a TDR, the entire disc is replaced with an artificial one whereas in Fusion, the two adjacent vertebrae are permanently joined (fused) together. While both offer relief from chronic pain, Total Disc Replacement is often the best course of action because it preserves a full range of motion in the spine. Plus, there's a reduced risk that the lower vertebrae will break down.

As a master of technique in TDR and a world-renowned spine surgeon, make me your top choice for spine surgery.

Visit or call 1-888-661-1408 to schedule your first appointment with Montesano Spine and Sport.


Taking a warm bath after a long day can be very relaxing and stress relieving. Taking a warm bath is also very beneficial for your spine. Taking a bath helps to relax the muscles surrounding your spine which helps to release built up tension from stress. The warm water of the bath helps to improve the circulation of your blood flow which helps to bring nutrients to your spine faster and easier. The warm water also helps to reduce inflammation in the spine which can help those with arthritis or general back pain.


Getting a good night’s rest is very important for your health. It is recommended that you should get at least 8 hours a night. Rest is very important for maintaining a healthy spine. One of the most important things for a good night’s rest for your spine is the position you sleep in. The most supportive positions for your spine are sleeping on your back or side. It’s also important that you have a supportive mattress and supportive pillows. Your pillow should keep your head and neck aligned with your spine. If you’ve been having back problems or back pain, contact Spine Docs today.


Sedentary behavior can be a huge contributor to back pain. It can be very easy to spend all day sitting on the couch watching your favorite show, but it is not good for your back. If you feel like you’ve been sitting for too long try doing some sort of exercise such as going for a walk or doing some stretching. It’s important that you try to incorporate at least 30 minutes of exercise into your daily routine to avoid sedentary behavior and back pain.


Back injuries can be a common concern during exercise. Here are some things you can do to prevent back injuries while exercising:

-Maintain Good Posture: It’s important to maintain good posture while doing exercises such as lifting, cardio, and stretching to not only prevent back injuries, but strengthen your core.
-Include Variety In Your Routine: Incorporate different exercises into your routine so you’re working different muscles every time you exercise. This can help to improve your overall strength and reduce strain on your back.
-Engage Your Core: Doing exercises that strengthen your core can help to prevent back injuries by providing more support for your spine and strengthening it.


Jiu Jitsu has been around for hundreds of years. Jiu Jitsu means “gentle art”. Jiu Jitsu brings so many benefits to your physical and mental state. One of the areas of your body it benefits is your spine. Here are some of the ways Jiu Jitsu benefits your spine:

-Core Strength: Jiu Jitsu helps you to develop your core strength through specific exercises that provide support and stability to your spine.
-Joint Mobility: Jiu Jitsu targets your hips and shoulders and helps to improve their mobility. Doing this helps to reduce strain and distribute forces evenly throughout your body.
-Improves Posture: You have to have a good posture in order to perform the Jiu Jitsu moves well. Practicing Jiu Jitsu can help you to improve your posture.


While Scoliosis is often treated as a child or teen, not everyone seeks treatment. As you age, scoliosis may worsen and cause health complications that can alter your way of life.

Complications can include:
• Chronic pain and stiffness
• Spinal Stenosis (narrowing of spinal canal)
• Strained or difficulty breathing
• Muscle strain
• Compromised organ function

No one should have to struggle through life because of chronic back pain.

As a father and spine surgeon, I treat every patient like family. If you’ve been diagnosed with Scoliosis and are now seeking long-term relief to alleviate these symptoms, please schedule a consultation with Montesano Spine and Sport to discuss your best treatment options.

Visit or call 1-888-661-1408.


Hydration plays an important part in maintaining spinal health and supporting overall well-being. The intervertebral discs in your spine require proper hydration in order to function properly and effectively. Keeping these discs hydrated allows them to absorb shock and support spinal movements. This helps to reduce the risk of issues such as herniated discs or degenerative disc disease. It’s important that you drink water every day to stay hydrated, especially now with the heat of this summer.


Summer is the best time to go to the beach and relax. Here are some ergonomic beach essentials that can enhance your beach experience:

-Adjustable Beach Umbrella: An adjustable beach umbrella allows you to easily position it for shade throughout the day as the sun moves.
-Ergonomic Beach Chair: Bring a comfortable and supportive beach chair to provide back and neck support.
-Portable Beach Cart: A lightweight beach cart can help you to transfer your beach gear easier without putting a strain on your back.

Photos from Montesano Spine and Sport's post 06/26/2024

As a longtime Royce Gracie Jiu Jitsu student, I recently reconnected with Professor Steve Hall, one of the highest ranked American BJJ Black Belts in the country and a 4th Degree Black Belt,
who taught me the benefits of kinesiology taping.

Kinesiology tape is a therapeutic tape that’s strategically applied to different parts of the body, such as an arm or leg, to provide support, reduce pain and swelling, and improve performance.

Jiu Jitsu has always been a great way to exercise and have fun, but it can also help those suffering from mild back pain!


Now’s the time to get outside and enjoy the beautiful warm weather. Here are some spine-friendly backyard activities that can help to strengthen your spine and improve your flexibility:

-Swimming: If you have a pool, swimming is a great way to get some exercise and have fun. Swimming is great for your spine because the water helps to relieve the pressure on your spine and joints. Swimming can help to strengthen your back muscles.
-Backyard Stretching: Stretching in your backyard is a good way to get outside to get some fresh air and relax your back muscles. You should do stretches that will target your back such as the cat-cow stretch and the seated spinal twist.
-Walking: Take a walk around your backyard to improve your circulation and to keep your spine mobile.

Avoiding back pain on your wedding day - Dr. Pasquale X. Montesano 04/10/2024

The spring and summer season are known as the "wedding seasons". No one wants back pain, especially on their wedding day. Read the article below for some tips on avoiding back pain on your wedding day.

Avoiding back pain on your wedding day - Dr. Pasquale X. Montesano No one wants back pain, especially on their wedding day. Here are some tips for avoiding back pain on your wedding day:

Chronic back pain and water exercises - Dr. Pasquale X. Montesano 04/08/2024

Studies have shown that engaging in water exercises can help to relieve chronic back pain. It is recommended that you do 60 minute water therapy sessions twice a week if you have chronic back pain. Read the article below to learn more on how water exercises help to relieve chronic back pain.

Chronic back pain and water exercises - Dr. Pasquale X. Montesano Researchers have conducted studies that have proven that water exercises can be more beneficial for relieving chronic back pain compared to other physical therapies. Using water therapy exercises helps to relieve the strain and pressure on your muscles. Water exercises have helped to improve quality...

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Do you know what an "Epidural Steroid Shot" is?This non-surgical procedure injects pain medication directly into the epi...
Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal column that causes pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. In lumbar stenos...
A spine injury can throw off your entire life in an instant. The best protection from a potential spine injury is a comb...
Behold! The secret to reducing injuries to your neck: The NECK X Training System.#RoyceGracie was kind enough to swing d...
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery allows for smaller incision sites when treating herniated disc, spinal stenosis, disc r...
Is your child's spine as straight as an arrow? In the U.S. there are over 3 million cases of scoliosis diagnosed each ye...
Spine injury shouldn't be a roadblock in your life journey! Explore the benefits of minimally invasive spine surgery wit...
At Montesano Spine and Sport we strive to embrace the latest technology and treatment options, both surgical and non-sur...
Total Disc Replacement (TDR) is an effective way to alleviate back pain from Degenerative Disc Disease or Disc Herniatio...
Between your vertebrae are soft, jellylike discs that cushion the bones, provide shock absorption, and contribute to a r...
Say goodbye to back pain! Our cutting-edge spine surgery techniques can help you to live better by relieving your back p...
Don't tolerate that back pain! With our new and advanced disc replacement surgery we can help you to live a back pain-fr...




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