U.S. Maritime Academy

United States Maritime Academy
Seattle - Port Townsend - National Telepresence

Coast Guard Approved
USCG Captain's License Course
Masters & OUPV 100 Tons
Sailing & Commercial Assistance Towing Endorsements Classes
One-day License Renewal Classes


Greetings Captains All,
It's that time again for the seasonal plea to rattle some cages (waterproof) and help me and Maybe (current cat crew) round up some perspective pirates or potential participants for the Fall Captains Class. The details are on the flyer attached but in a nutshell I'll be broadcasting on Zoom and therefore any location is fair game. As usual I depend deeply upon your efforts to spread the word. So does Maybe as he encourages me to post a Go Fun Me page for his top shelf litter preferences. I appreciate beyond these words any efforts to keep us going. That is some request as I enter my 75th spin about our real hotspot up there.

Best to all of you and hope you're out enjoying some water time.
Capt. Sanders and Maybe


Captain's License | US Maritime Academy 03/10/2024

With the orientation coming up soon, if you have any serious questions, don’t hesitate reach out to Capt Jeff Sanders ahead of time! He can be reached at 360-385-4852

If he doesn’t answer, leave a brief message with a good contact number and he will call you back

Otherwise the Q&A orientation will be covering all of the class details and cover everyones questions

Do keep in mind, the class is limited amount of space for students, if you are confident that you would like to take this course, you can do so by registering for the spring class at: usmaritime.us/captains

Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday!

Captain's License | US Maritime Academy LIVE ONLINE US Coast Guard approved Master & OUPV (6 Pack) License Course and Exams • Attend from anywhere • Curriculum, textbooks and exams written by USMA


Good grief - the daffies are sprouting, the grass needs cutting , the kitten is more catlike and the boat's showing off its green jacket of winter guck. Must mean Spring is close and that time indeed does Zoom by. As for us, we will be Zooming all over the place with our Spring Captains Class commencing March 25th. A free info evening is available to all as well (details on flyer). So here we are asking (again) to help shore up this class with fresh bulbs of souls to add to our ever growing garden of Captains. We also will conduct a one day renewal class (Saturday, Feb. 17th) for those needing a fresh five years in their little red books. Complete information available at www.usmaritime.us. Hope y’all have a ‘bloomin Spring and hope to see ya out there wherever ya be.

Capt. Jeffrey Sanders


The free Q&A orientation is currently under way, it’s not too late to join!

If you have yet to receive the zoom ID and password, send us a message so we can respond with the login info


For those interested in tonight’s free Q&A orientation, send us a private message so we can respond with the zoom ID & password - spots for the orientation and class are limited!

Tonight’s orientation starts at 7pm Pacific time


Attention Captains!

I have a new crew member as of Labor Day. His name is “Maybe” and of course there is a story concerning his arrival and an almost immediate departure which I will wax forth upon another time. Well Maybe.

Meanwhile, time flies and we don’t want your hard earned license to fly by with it! So if ya think Maybe it might be renewal time (five years) and you don’t want the hassles of submitting sea time, etc. - or Maybe you just can’t go without seeing/hearing your old Captain remotely ramble on, we will be offering a 1- Day Renewal Class on Saturday, October 14th.

It will be broadcast on Zoom right smack dab in the middle of the Solar Eclipse. Details and registration can be dug up on our spiffy website: usmaritime.us

Maybe and I look forward to spending the daylight/darkness/daylight with you and cat-ching up. (Ok that was poor)

Aloha from your old Capt. Sanders and his most curious companion.


****Please note****

If you posted a comment requesting the login info, we have no way of messaging you. You must message us so we can respond with the login information

Looking forward to meeting everyone at tonight’s orientation!



Devastating. Heartbreaking. An old Home Port gone. Ironically, one of the first Captains class I conducted was in Lahaina. But the Banyan may survive and life will persevere.

As Captains we must weather the storms thrown at us. Or try. Really, no other choice. Part of that process is learning as much as we can and apply it the best we can in our chosen environment when the s**t hits the fan. And it will. USMA’s part has always been to educate with passion so our Captain’s might Know where they are, Keep their boats afloat and Not hurt anybody. Tall tasks to be sure. But if we’ve helped you along your journey then we humbly ask that you might pass the above info along to anyone you feel might prosper (and enjoy!). Sorry for the somber tone - Pele whopped one up big time. Smiles, sea stories and bad jokes await-again through the ether world and into living rooms.

Meanwhile, keep cool

Captain Sanders & Captain Blyth


Friendly reminder for tonight’s orientation: zoom limited guests to 100 guests, due to this limit we do not openly post the zoom ID & password, if you’re interested, send us a message and we will respond with the Zoom login info

Looking forward to seeing you at tonight’s orientation!
7pm pacific time, 4pm Hawaii time

USCG Captain's Training | US Maritime Academy | United States 03/28/2023

Heads up! The orientation is next week!

April 3rd-
7pm pacific
4pm Hawaii time

If you’re interested in attending the orientation to get all of your Q’s answered and gather all the class information, post a comment or send us a message and we will private message you with the Zoom login ID and password

Spots are limited as Zoom limits the orientation to 100 guests
(Which is why we do not post the zoom ID & password)

If you are confident that you would like to attend the Spring class, you can register ahead of time online:

USCG Captain's Training | US Maritime Academy | United States LIVE ONLINE US Coast Guard approved Master & OUPV (6 Pack) License Course and Exams • Attend from anywhere • Curriculum, textbooks and exams written by US Maritime Academy (USMA)


Buenos Dias Capitans!
Its been quite the year for this Crusty Old Captain - much of it challenging but enough of that and on to more pleasant points: Our telepresence Zoom classes have been a resounding success thanks largely to those attending and my Lead First Chair Conductor Capt. Blyth. The winter class (just completed) began with me broadcasting from Cuba, then back in the NW, over to Hawaii, then back again to the NW! Gotta admit technology in this sense makes sense and hopefully some cents.

Which brings me to the above flyer and the usual plea for your help promoting and populating the next round of Newbies. Simply send em to the website cuz its pretty spiffy with all sorts of goodies embedded or linked or whatever ya call it. Note the freebie intro session that anyone can attend and hound me with questions while I wax forth.


We also will be holding a 1-Day Renewal class on Saturday, May 13th for those of you old timers in need. All will be available from the comfort of wherever you be as long as internet is in the same place and you know how to turn it on. As for the challenges this past year, well, I'm grateful that I'm still standing and raging against the machine. The best to all of you and hope to Sea ya out there on the H20!

Lo mejor para todos vosotros,
Capitan Sanders

USCG Captain's Training | US Maritime Academy | United States 12/03/2022


A pre holiday greeting from all of us at USMA to thank all of you who braved the cold and damp and ice and snow to show up at the Center for Wooden Boats this past Wednesday. Nearly 100 Captains, almost Captains, future Captains and mates had an evening of it with plenty of solids and liquids ingested. The turnout encourages us to do it again in the not so distant future!

Meanwhile, we would greatly appreciate y’all spreading the word for our next class beginning January 9th through March 9th, 2023.

The free Q&A orientation will be on Monday December 19th, 2022, 6pm to 9pm.

The class will again be broadcast in our best pajama bottoms on Zoom - Pacific Time from 1800-2130 (that's 6-9:30pm for those who’ve already forgotten) Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings (depending where you are of course). We will also be doing a 1-day renewal class on Saturday, February 25th. Registration and lots of other informative goodies can be found online at www.usmaritime.us. Have a great Holiday Season and remember: If you see land, you’ve gone too far!

Capt. Sanders and crew

USCG Captain's Training | US Maritime Academy | United States LIVE ONLINE US Coast Guard approved Master & OUPV (6 Pack) License Course and Exams • Attend from anywhere • Curriculum, textbooks and exams written by US Maritime Academy (USMA)



The U.S. Maritime Academy Captain's Renewal course is coming up next week on Saturday Oct 22nd, 2022. In this one-day renewal class, Captain Sanders will walk you through the renewal process, paperwork and exam requirements (open-book). The course will extensively review the Rules of the Road as well as some general charting and deck safety topics, and attending the class substitutes the need for demonstrating 360 days of sea time in your last 5 years.

The class will be taught via a live Zoom session at the link which will be provided upon completion of your registration.


Upon completion, you will receive a certificate of completion which can then be submitted to the Coast Guard along with your renewal form and any other supporting documentation. The only item(s) needed for the class are: a current copy of the Rules of the Road (within the last 4 years), a computer or laptop capable of running Zoom and our online learning / exam system (Canvas), as well as a desire to review and learn a few new things.

If you need a new copy of the Rules of the Road, you may order one from the following link so you have it on-hand for the renewal class:

Captain Jeff Sanders
U.S. Maritime Academy
[email protected]


Sea & Ski

Two of my favorite pastimes presented themselves mightily to bring in the New Year. Island weather allowed me to ski out my door and down to Mystery Bay to plunge (voluntarily no less) in to the Salish Sea (not the brightest idea).

It also brought the launching of our spiffy new website created by Amber in the Office with a few suggestions here and there from your technically challenged Captain. Check it out! www.usmaritime.us

Last year’s success has convinced us to continue operations remotely until if and when the world gets back on its feet. As a result, the Winter 2022 class has filled up rapidly and we will soon have a waiting list! Classes and exams will be conducted (broadcast live) entirely from wherever I find myself Zooming about and registrations for our Fall 2022 class are already active. So I ask y’all as usual to help spread the word and the website!

A reminder to those ready for renewal - we will be doing a 1-Day show on Saturday, January 29th. Register on the website.

Until we meet again the best to all of you and hope to see ya on (not in) the H20 in 2022!

Capt. Sanders


We would like to congratulate our friend Dustin home from completing his single handed circumnavigation! Welcome home Dustin!

You can view his voyage and stories through his social media- Thesinglehandedsailor

And his blog- https://thesinglehandedsailor.com/im-sailing-home/

Paraclete Charter Service, Inc. - Your Transportation and Ferry Service to the San Juan Islands, Washington 08/14/2021

USMA - Job and training opportunities for Captains-

Captains, put your license to work by becoming an ASA certified sailing instructor by taking an ASA 201 Instructor Certification Clinic at Seattle Yachts Sailing Academy in Anacortes, WA on Sept 12-14. Grads will become candidates to become instructors at the Academy! For details, contact Captain Dennis Palmer (a U.S. Maritime Academy grad from way back) at 206-612-2243 or [email protected]


CAPTAINS WANTED for ‘Bay Lady,' an 85’ two-masted gaff schooner, 38 GRT, steel.
We offer three 2-hour day sails at 13:00, 16:00, 19:00 7 days a week in Elliot Bay, embarking from Bell Harbour Marina at Pier 66

Captains and crew will have days off and a flexible schedule
Part time starting ASAP full time starting late August or sooner.
We are striving to provide excellent pay for our captains and crew.
USCG 50 ton Masters license with sailing endorsement
Able to commute to and from work; living aboard is a potential option however.

Schooner experience (as skipper, deckhand, or otherwise) preferred but not required

This is an excellent job for a first command; Bay Lady is a great sailor with a minimal learning curve, simple rig, and a strong engine.

for more information contact
[email protected]
[email protected]


Paraclete Charters
Anacortes, WA

We have three boats in our fleet. A water taxi, private ferry and a boat for private charters.
Looking for a skipper that can work 2 days a week.


Any Serious applicants can contact directly at 808-989-4818

Paraclete Charter Service, Inc. - Your Transportation and Ferry Service to the San Juan Islands, Washington Paraclete Charter Service is your gateway to the San Juan Islands Washington - providing transportation and ferry service seven days a week.


Miss the free orientation and would still like to take the Spring 2021 class!?

No worries! The orientation was not required!

We still have a few spots available for this class, but you must submit by the end of today in order to receive your books in time!

Call Jeff Sanders asap to secure your spot-

Otherwise we will look forward to seeing you in the Fall 2021 class!


Well, ahem, nothin much has happened in the past few months eh? In the Green Spirit of Spring, I can proudly announce that USMA has gone 100% paperless and present-less. Well except for the charts, books and above flyers. Oh and the cash. The last class came through with flying colors from the mask-less comfort of their abodes, or aboats which were located all over the map, gulp, chart. All that paperwork you might remember is now accomplished by magic. Even the 1-Day renewal class is pulled off in my pajamas-which are left on. On that note, I am sending this shoutout to again ask for your vote, I mean help, in letting the physical folks realize they can become real Captains while comfy on their cushions from anywhere upon our orb. Our website remains retro, but now has fillable forms that are somehow sent back to our pilot house by simply selecting submit. I however still keep my pencil sharp just in case. Zoom in to ‘see' me sometime and visualize virtual sea stories! Y’all keep well cuz we’re nearing the other side soon!

Tune in at 6pm Pacific Time (3pm Hawaii time) on April 5th for the free Q&A via zoom

Inquire for the zoom link/password!

Best from my screen, I remain:
Capt. Sanders


Last nights online orientation was wonderful!
If you missed the orientation let us know! We have it recorded and can send you the link!

It’s not too late to register for the class, if you’re still interested please inquire ASAP so we can get you your books before the first night of class this Thursday 9/25

Looking forward to Fall Class if 2020!


If it Ain’t one thing its another - this was welcoming me back home from above. Dual purpose masking awaited me below. Jeez. With 2020 vision, I still can’t see across my Bay. I even heard a Fog signal tonight!! More like a smoke signal actually. One prolonged 9/11.

Well Class begins Monday, September 21st and thanks to Zoom no masks will be required.
So this is a last blast (prolonged?) plea to y’all to spread the word and clear the air: A Zoom freebie starting at 7pm for anyone interested in becoming a Captain from their Couch!

Zoom Id: 859 5841 2267
Password: Captain
7 pm Monday, September 21st.

Breathe easy, stay safe and be aware out there-
Capt. Sanders


Online renewal course!

Holy be Jeevis! Aye Corona! Oh wellness!
I decided to ride all this out in Hawaii. Back to my roots. I picked up a Hobie trimaran and as it has fishing pole mounts I can use the ramps and get out on the water as an essential activity (which it is in my book). I am also doing an entire Captains Class by Telepresence broadcasting from a spot not 20 minutes away from where all this began over thirty some years ago. Fun in the sun-sort of. Stuck is stuck. Cry me a river.

So this is going out to all of you as a shout out for my one-day Renewal Class on April 18th. Under the circumstances I was going to cancel, but then realized I’m all set up to do things remotely so why not give it a shot? We will have over 2600 miles of social distance! There are some bumps but none insurmountable. Physicals and Drug tests are still a go as of this week. The actual Certificate of Training that enables you to skip sea time requirements is good for 1 year after this class. Plenty of time. The NMC has already extended expiration dates. So…..

The class will be held in a Zoom Telepresence session. Attendees will be sent a link and log in (must have camera capability). Due to time zone differences it will meet from 12pm to 6pm Pacific time. More details will be sent when we receive confirmation of the desire to attend in this fashion.

If you or anyone you know is in the position to renew, then here’s the chance.
Have folks get in touch with me at [email protected] or call 360-385-4852. We will go from there and see how it all develops. All in all, its a great way to spend a day with your OLD Capt. Sanders without any Bug Bites.

Be well and stay safe.
Aloha -Jeff Sanders


Update for the Spring, 2020 class-

Due to all schools closed, including vocational schools, USMA will be offering online telepresence classes only

What better time to take online classes while stuck in quarantine right!?

The telepresence approach is thankfully not a new experience for USMA. We have had excellent results and many happy Captains are out there because of it. The difference this time is that it will be entirely telepresence so hopefully we can have an intimate and focuseed atmosphere - particularly in asking and answering questions. It will take some acclimation for all of us. I’m confidant we can pull it off in the style we are known for- Sea Stories and all!
Meanwhile please call me (not before noon) with any questions you may have.

The online orientation night will begin ‪at 6pm (pacific time) on Monday, March 23rd.‬ You will be logging in to the Zoom webinar ‪starting at 6 pm‬ Pacific time (3pm Hawai’i time)

Please submit an inquiry for the link


Aloha all,

Hope your New Decade is starting clear! A brief reminder that my first 2020 class awaits just ahead in Port Townsend. I’ve tacked up flyers all over (presently on the Big Island of Hawaii) and a bit of Facebook Flirtation. So a last push presents itself - first night Jan. 13th at the Maritime Center. Also a the 1 day Renewal Class is Saturday, Jan. 18th! So you old timers should jump on that if your 5 year window is approaching.

Happy New Year to all!
Capt. Sanders


Upcoming Port Townsend class! Great time to take advantage of living on or near the Key Peninsula! Or take the online course from anywhere in the country! January 13th through March 5th, 2020


Congratulations class of SEAF19!

And congratulations to Captain Sanders for officially educating over 4000 captains since 1987!

Was lovely hosting the graduation ceremony aboard the Virginia5 and finishing the night with a victory lap aboard Legendary!


1-Day Captains License Renewal Class

Seattle Fall 2019

Avoid the hassle of all the paperwork!

***Renew your credentials within 1 year of expiration and 1 year grace period after expiration***

This 1-day approved class allows you to renew your license (OUPV & Master to 100 Ton)

without submitting sea-time requirements to USCG!! You can even renew without any sea-time in the last 5 years!

You are eligible for renewal from 1 year prior to your License expirationto 1-year beyond expiration (Grace period) Upgrades addressed and Physicals available on site.

Class runs:
Saturday, October 26th
9:30 am - 5:30 pm


The Center for Wooden Boats
South Lake Union, Seattle

Capt. Sanders

Print, fill out, scan and email the renewal registration form. We will then see you Saturday morning in the old boathouse at The Center for Wooden Boats

[email protected]


Post Q&A orientation FAQ-
“What if I missed the orientation, can I still enroll in this fall 2019 class?”

Yes! Absolutely!

But you definitely do not want to miss the next class on Wednesday Oct. 2nd! So contact us ASAP so we can get you registered and brought up to par with any and all of your pre-class questions!

[email protected]


USCG MMC captains license course is less than 2 weeks away! Hosted at The Center for Wooden Boats on south lake union. Simply arrive at the CWB for the free Q&A orientation on September 30th at 6pm.

Classes will be 6pm to 9pm on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. Can’t make it to class? There’s also an online telepresence option!


Sadly Sea Ocean Books in Seattle is closing mid September (next month). They are clearing everything out for pennies in the dollar! Get down here quick!

Seaocean Book Berth
3534 Stone Way N, Seattle, WA 98103
(206) 675-9020

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college in Seattle?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.



1010 Valley Street
Seattle, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 8pm
Tuesday 9am - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 8pm
Sunday 9am - 8pm

Other Trade Schools in Seattle (show all)
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Divers Institute of Technology Divers Institute of Technology
1341 N. Northlake Way Suite 150
Seattle, 98103

Welcome to DIT on Facebook! Divers Institute of Technology offers an intensive, seven-month program for those interested in commercial diving. We train the best of the best!

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Seattle, 98125

We teach classes in fashion design and construction

Crawford Nautical Training Crawford Nautical Training
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Seattle, 98107

The oldest privately-owned maritime training school in the United States, Crawford Nautical School has been training mariners for over 100 years.

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1648 S 310th Street Ste. 3 Federal Way
Seattle, 98003

Seattle Homeaide Trainers, LLC is a licensed private vocational school

GP Institute of Cosmetology GP Institute of Cosmetology
306 23rd Avenue S, Ste 200
Seattle, 98144

Discoverypoint School of Massage Discoverypoint School of Massage
916 NE 65th Street, Ste A
Seattle, 98115

Massage Training and Education

South Seattle Community College - Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society South Seattle Community College - Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
SSCC Office Of Student LIfe JMB Student Center 119 6000 16 Avenue SW
Seattle, 98106

Hello all PTK members! We are seeking a new PTK President and Marketing officer this academic year!

Workboat Academy Workboat Academy
1729 Alaskan Way South
Seattle, 98134

The MITAGS Maritime Apprenticeship Program (MAP) for vessels of less than 1600 Gross Register Tons.

Seattle Japanese Language School - founded 1902 Seattle Japanese Language School - founded 1902
1414 S Weller Street
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SJLS is the oldest operating Japanese language school in the continental United States with over one hundred years of history.

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219 1st Avenue S
Seattle, 98104

A SOUND EDUCATION: Audio Engineering & Music Production. Small class sizes taught by industry pros.

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Seattle, 98134

A non-profit maritime training and ship simulation center operated by the Merchant Mariners' Masters, Mates & Pilots union with locations in Linthicum Heights, Maryland and Seattle...