Outreach for Jesus / Alcance Para Jesucristo

Outreach for Jesús is an international Christian church. We welcome all people alike. We are a missio We Believe . . . Each is infinite, eternal, and almighty.

Outreach for Jesus is a Christian ministry designed to help the Hispanic families in our area as well as all those poor and needy that need love, understanding and help. We preach the Gospel and share the message of salvation with all of those who want to hear the word of God, and by faith accept him into their hearts. All Scripture contained in the Old and New Testaments is verbally, plenarily, a


Join us every Sunday morning for our live stream service at 10:30 A.M.

(We apologize for the technical issues with our live stream this morning. We worked quickly to fix any of the sound issues that may arise while you are watching this video)


Join us every Sunday morning for our live stream service at 10:30 A.M.

Photos from Outreach for Jesus / Alcance Para Jesucristo's post 07/17/2024

We are set up and ready for everyone to join us!!!

I have everything downstairs, so go ahead and enter through the side door where you see the balloons and banner! 🤩


Outreach KIDS Ministry would like to invite you to join us July 17-19th for our Summer BIBLE Art Camp “You are GOD’s Masterpiece” from 6-8pm.
Ages Preschool - 6th grade

We will share Jesus, Art, Song, Games, Fun Activities & Snacks each night!

We need you to register…so that we have plenty of supplies and snacks for everyone!!! 😀

Text Ms. Lori @ (6zero6)87Five~792Five


DENTISTRY: We are pleased to announce the successful completion of the dental mission conducted by our dedicated team. Throughout the mission, a total of 213 extractions, 128 cleanings, and 110 fillings were performed, providing essential dental care to a total of 441 individuals. It is worth noting that within this figure, there were instances where individuals required multiple treatments, such as 2-3 extractions or 2-3 fillings. This underscores the comprehensive nature of the care provided, ensuring that each individual received the necessary attention to address their dental needs. In sum, the mission saw an impressive average of 760 treatments administered, reflecting the commitment and efficiency of our dental missionary group in serving those in need of dental care.

Photos from Outreach for Jesus / Alcance Para Jesucristo's post 04/12/2024

As I reflect on our journeys together, from the Guatemalan missions of 2010 to the recent endeavors of 2024, my heart swells with gratitude and nostalgia. These experiences have woven a tapestry of unforgettable memories, etched deeply into the fabric of our lives.

In 2010, we embarked on a journey filled with hope and determination, eager to make a difference in the lives of those we encountered. The beauty of Guatemala, with its vibrant culture and resilient people, left an indelible mark on our souls. Together, we shared laughter, tears, and moments of profound connection as we extended a helping hand to those in need.

Fast forward to 2024, and once again, we found ourselves immersed in the warmth of Guatemala, ready to continue our mission of service. Though years had passed, our commitment remained steadfast, fueled by a shared passion for making the world a better place. Together, we faced challenges head-on, drawing strength from our unity and unwavering dedication to the cause.

To each and every one of you who stood by my side throughout these journeys, I offer my deepest gratitude. Your selflessness, compassion, and tireless dedication have been a source of inspiration to me and countless others. Thank you for always being ready to serve, for embracing each new challenge with open hearts and open minds.

As we part ways, carrying with us the memories we've created and the lives we've touched, may we continue to be guided by the spirit of service and the belief in our ability to enact positive change. May blessings abound in all your future endeavors, and may our paths cross again, united in our shared mission to make a difference in the world.

With heartfelt appreciation and my love to all of you. Blessings


As we contemplate the sacrifice Jesus Christ made on the cross for us, we must recall the ministry of reconciliation outlined in 2 Corinthians 5:18, which emphasizes the work believers are tasked with and the message they carry. Through Jesus, one can attain a restored relationship with God. This verse underscores that 'All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.'
This ministry of reconciliation involves the proclamation of the gospel, assuring us of forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ our Lord. Sin obstructs our relationship with God, but Jesus's perfect sacrifice on the cross atoned for sin (Hebrews 2:17) and restored harmony to our relationship with Him.
However, we must acknowledge several crucial aspects: remorse, forgiveness, and reconciliation are three essential steps to peace. Matthew 5:23-26 instructs us, 'Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First, go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.'
Reconciliation is indispensable for unity. One cannot achieve unity with God without unity with others. Jesus prayed, '...that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you' (John 17:21).
Colossians 3:13 reminds us that as forgiven individuals, we must, in turn, forgive. Additionally, 1 John 4:11 emphasizes that as recipients of God's love, we are to love others in return.
Are you truly reconciled with God? If so, then you must become an instrument of reconciliation – both in the world and particularly within your family and the church. Let us not forget Jesus's sacrifice on the cross. Easter Blessings,

Al contemplar el sacrificio que Jesucristo hizo en la cruz por nosotros, debemos recordar el ministerio de reconciliación descrito en 2 Corintios 5:18, que enfatiza la tarea que tienen los creyentes y el mensaje que llevan. A través de Jesús, uno puede alcanzar una relación restaurada con Dios. Este versículo subraya que 'Todo esto proviene de Dios, que nos reconcilió consigo mismo por medio de Cristo y nos dio el ministerio de la reconciliación'.
Este ministerio de reconciliación implica la proclamación del evangelio, asegurándonos el perdón de los pecados por medio de Jesucristo nuestro Señor. El pecado obstruye nuestra relación con Dios, pero el sacrificio perfecto de Jesús en la cruz expió el pecado (Hebreos 2:17) y restauró la armonía en nuestra relación con Él.
Sin embargo, debemos reconocer varios aspectos cruciales: el remordimiento, el perdón y la reconciliación son tres pasos esenciales para la paz. Mateo 5:23-26 nos instruye: 'Por tanto, si estás ofreciendo tu ofrenda en el altar y allí recuerdas que tu hermano o hermana tiene algo contra ti, deja tu ofrenda allí frente al altar. Primero, id y reconciliaos con ellos; Entonces ven y ofrece tu regalo.'
La reconciliación es indispensable para la unidad. No se puede lograr la unidad con Dios sin la unidad con los demás. Jesús oró: '...para que todos sean uno, Padre, como tú estás en mí y yo en ti' (Juan 17:21).
Colosenses 3:13 nos recuerda que, como personas perdonadas, nosotros, a nuestra vez, debemos perdonar. Además, 1 Juan 4:11 enfatiza que, como receptores del amor de Dios, debemos amar a los demás a cambio.
¿Estás realmente reconciliado con Dios? Si es así, entonces debes convertirte en un instrumento de reconciliación, tanto en el mundo como particularmente dentro de tu familia y la iglesia. No olvidemos el sacrificio de Jesús en la cruz. Bendiciones de Pascua,


Several years ago, with great anticipation and curiosity, I embarked on a journey to Finland, accompanied by Christie, Rod, Marcela, Julian, and Isabela. Little did I know that this Nordic land would unveil itself as the beacon of happiness on Earth. As we traversed its serene landscapes, immersing ourselves in its culture and rhythms, Finland whispered its secrets of contentment to our eager ears.
Today, as I read an article, the memories of our enchanting travels resurfaced, painting a vivid tableau of our time spent in Finland. The article, like a wise storyteller, unfurled several reasons why the Finnish populace radiates with joy. Among the various factors, the prevailing tranquility of the nation emerged as a cornerstone of its collective happiness. Safety, a cherished cornerstone of Finnish society, cast a comforting veil over its citizens, shielding them from the specter of violence and crime that plagues other parts of the world. Here, under the gentle embrace of the northern lights, one could revel in the solace of security, unencumbered by the shadows of fear.
But Finland's charm extends far beyond the absence of strife. Its summers, adorned with the enchantment of perpetual daylight, gift its denizens with twenty precious hours to bask in the warmth of the sun and partake in the merriment of endless days. The sauna, an emblem of Finnish culture, stands as a testament to communal harmony and rejuvenation, beckoning both locals and visitors alike to immerse themselves in its soothing embrace.

Yet perhaps the true essence of Finnish happiness lies in its profound connection to nature and community. Here, in the middle of their forests and crystal-clear lakes, the Finnish people find solace and companionship, intertwining their lives with the rhythms of the natural world. Whether it be a leisurely stroll through the woodlands or a shared moment of laughter beneath the midnight sun, the bonds forged in the embrace of nature are cherished above all else.

Reflecting upon our time in Finland, I am reminded not only of the splendor of its landscapes but also of the warmth and hospitality of its people. In their midst, we found kinship and joy, weaving memories that shall forever adorn the tapestry of our shared experiences. Indeed, Finland, with its tranquil charm and vibrant spirit, holds a special place in our hearts—a testament to the enduring power of happiness found in the simplest of joys. Let’s not forget God is amid the natural splendor of His creation, the kindness and happiness of the people, and peace of the world. Seeking love, peace and happiness in this world will enhance our lives and will let us live heaven on earth. Blessings to all.

Hace varios años, en medio de una gran expectación y curiosidad, me embarqué en un viaje a Finlandia, acompañada por Christie, Rod, Marcela, Julian e Isabela. No sabía que esta tierra nórdica se revelaría como el faro de felicidad en la Tierra. Mientras atravesábamos sus serenos paisajes, sumergiéndonos en su cultura y ritmos, Finlandia susurró sus secretos de satisfacción a nuestros ansiosos oídos.

Hoy, mientras leía un artículo, los recuerdos de nuestros encantadores viajes resurgieron, pintando un cuadro vívido del tiempo que pasamos en Finlandia. El artículo, como un sabio narrador, desgrana varias razones por las que la población finlandesa irradia alegría. Entre los diversos factores, la tranquilidad reinante en la nación surgió como piedra angular de su felicidad colectiva. La seguridad, un preciado pilar de la sociedad finlandesa, arroja un velo reconfortante sobre sus ciudadanos, protegiéndolos del espectro de la violencia y el crimen que azota a otras partes del mundo. Aquí, bajo el suave abrazo de la aurora boreal, uno podía deleitarse con el consuelo de la seguridad, libre de las sombras del miedo.

Pero el encanto de Finlandia va mucho más allá de la ausencia de conflictos. Sus veranos, adornados con el encanto de la luz del día perpetua, regalan a sus habitantes veinte preciosas horas para disfrutar del calor del sol y participar de la alegría de días interminables. La sauna, un emblema de la cultura finlandesa, es un testimonio de la armonía y el rejuvenecimiento comunitario, e invita tanto a los lugareños como a los visitantes a sumergirse en su relajante abrazo.

Sin embargo, quizás la verdadera esencia de la felicidad finlandesa resida en su profunda conexión con la naturaleza y la comunidad. Aquí, en medio de sus bosques y lagos cristalinos, los finlandeses encuentran consuelo y compañía, entrelazando sus vidas con los ritmos del mundo natural. Ya sea un paseo tranquilo por el bosque o un momento compartido de risa bajo el sol de medianoche, los vínculos forjados en el abrazo de la naturaleza son apreciados por encima de todo.

Al reflexionar sobre nuestro tiempo en Finlandia, recuerdo no sólo el esplendor de sus paisajes sino también la calidez y hospitalidad de su gente. Entre ellos encontramos parentesco y alegría, tejiendo recuerdos que adornarán para siempre el tapiz de nuestras experiencias compartidas. De hecho, Finlandia, con su encanto tranquilo y su espíritu vibrante, ocupa un lugar especial en nuestros corazones: un testimonio del poder duradero de la felicidad que se encuentra en las alegrías más simples. No olvidemos que Dios está en medio del esplendor natural de Su creación, la bondad y felicidad de las personas y la paz del mundo. Buscar amor, paz y felicidad en este mundo mejorará nuestras vidas y nos permitirá vivir el cielo en la tierra. Bendiciones para todos.


We will see you at Church this morning Outreach For Jesus, 10:30 AM!

We are starting off our revival week with a message from Pastor Arron this morning. Come expecting to encounter God's Spirit in a powerful way. We can feel The Lord is stirring something up in us.

Make sure you plan to attend this Tuesday and Wednesday night as well. We will hear from Dale Rose as he preaches what God leads him to share with us.

We pray that God will bless and enrich all of us through this time of revival and refreshing. Invite someone to come with you, it will change their life!

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Videos (show all)

Sunday Morning Live Stream
Sunday Morning Live Stream
Sunday Morning Live Stream
Outreach For Jesus • Summer Bible Art Camp
Sunday Morning Live Stream
Sunday Morning Live Stream
Sunday Morning Live Stream
Sunday Morning Live Stream
Sunday Morning Live Stream
Sunday Morning Live Stream
Sunday Morning Live Stream
Sunday Morning Live Stream



163 Cotter Avenue
Somerset, KY

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