Gold Country Yoga

Yoga Therapy and mindful, embodied practices to reveal your natural well-being!

Before founding Gold Country Yoga, Ellen Cremer studied dance in Germany and performed professionally in Europe and the US for several years. She moved to NYC in 2004 where she practiced Yoga intensively and completed a 200-hr and 300-hr Advanced Yoga certification course. She has been teaching group classes in Yoga studios, gyms and corporate settings since 2005 and has worked extensively with pr


Yes... I've been busy gardening this spring and summer. And after ten years of growing our own food the magic of plant growth still amazes and delights me every time. A tiny seed, some time and care turns into abundant and nutritious food!
. I am thinking leek quiche, pesto, kale ceasar salad with fennel shavings, tomatillo sauce... yum.

Hope you are enjoying your summer :-)


We are off to an amzing start with the next Yoga Therapy Group here at Gold Country Yoga. If you are curious about this offering and how Yoga Therapy can help you heal and change your life stay tuned for the next group in a few months!

In the meantime come take class or reach out for a private Yoga Therapy session anytime!



Our next 8-week Yoga Therapy Group starts on March 21st and I look forward to explore, reflect and growth together! Lots of inquiries are trickling in and several people already registered. If you are curious about this offering please visit my website to learn more and let’s connect.

Gold Country Yoga Yoga Therapy and mindful, embodied practices to reveal your natural well-being!


Registration is now open for our 8-week Yoga Therapy Group here at Gold Country Yoga. The experience of this course has been profoundly healing and life changing for previous participants and I am excited to see this next group come together!

If the description below resonates please send me an e-mail and let's connect.

Life is an ongoing journey of growth, change, and becoming. As we navigate the constant shifts and challenges in both our external and internal worlds, feeling at home in our bodies and connected to ourselves is vitally important. Even though we have agency and make choices daily, sometimes it can feel like change is happening to us and we struggle to initiate those new beginnings or make choices that help us circle in on what is truly important.

This series is carefully designed to guide you back to your body and connect with yourself. Each themed session incorporates accessible movements, poses, relaxation and mindfulness to help your body release old tension patterns, regulate your nervous system and cultivate a profound capacity to be with inner fluctuations with more acceptance and compassion. This heightened self-awareness and a deeper understanding of your needs and desires naturally paves the way to new choices in areas like self-care, health, relationships, career, and personal aspirations.

Additionally, our confidential sharing circles offer a safe space for you to express, listen, and be heard. Community is a pivotal element of this transformational journey, as it allows us to learn from the rich tapestry of life experiences and wisdom shared by one another.


Upcoming Yin Yoga classes and events–Online via Zoom, Video and In-Person!

In the midst of our outward-focused lives, Yin Yoga serves as a gentle reminder to turn our awareness inward. Through this practice, we tune into sensations within our bodies, witness the ebb and flow of thoughts and emotions, and eventually experience a natural settling. In this stillness, we find a connection with the inherent wisdom residing in our bodies. This connection may lead to insights, 'aha' moments, or a fresh perspective and awareness of certain aspects of our life.

As we approach the end of this year and the beginning of 2024, perhaps you'd like to carve out some time to slow down and discover the valuable insights that may unfold for you.

I am especially excited about our New Year's Day Workshop: Yin Yoga & Mindfulness for New Beginnings on 1/1 at 3pm PT via Zoom.

You can also look out for a new video practice in our Online Community called 'Yinsights'.

Or join our weekly Yin & Restorative class on Fridays at 5:45pm in Sonora.

More info on my website. Or comment below if you have any questions.


We are now in our third week of the 8-week Yoga Therapy Group Course, and I am truly amazed by this extraordinary group of women and their unwavering dedication to their healing journey. It is such a privilege and an honor to support and witness your growth and transformation! 🙏


Restorative Yoga Workshop Saturday, Oct 21 @ 3pm at Gold Country Yoga.

🌟 Spend two hours nestled in cushions and blankets.

🌟 Let your body feel completely supported.

🌟 Surrender any effort or doing.

🌟 Allow your body's natural capacity to heal itself.

🌟 Release what is no longer needed.

🌟 Return to your natural sense of ease and contentment.

I'd love to have you. Please see my website for more information and registration.


Over the past few years, I've grappled with the significant changes in the world and how to navigate the increasing unease and uncertainty within myself and my clients. The world has become more unpredictable, and personal challenges in relationships, financial stability, and healthcare have contributed to a growing sense of anxiety and tension.
It's not surprising that many of us may feel overwhelmed and our bodies respond with increased tension as a natural defense mechanism against overwhelming or potentially threatening situations. To cope, we often seek temporary distractions, offering short-term relief but failing to restore a sense of balance and ease. Stress takes its toll on our bodies, leading to issues like high blood pressure, sleep disturbances, and increased pain and inflammation.

My ongoing exploration and study of therapeutic movement, breathing, and mindfulness practices that have helped me persoanlly so much and taught me how to regulate our nervous system, process tension and stress, and guide us back to a natural state of well-being and contentment.

I'm excited to share, educate, and inspire in any way I can.

Please reach out if you feel you need support!


🌟 I am thrilled to announce the next 8-week Yoga Therapy group, and spaces are filling up fast! We just have three more spots left! You can find more details on my website or let me know if the description below is intriguing and let’s connect!

Life is an ongoing journey of growth, change, and becoming. As we navigate the constant shifts and challenges in both our external and internal worlds, feeling at home in our bodies and connected to ourselves is vitally important. Even though we have agency and make choices daily, sometimes it can feel like change is happening to us and we struggle to initiate those new beginnings or make choices that help us circle in on what is truly important.

This series is carefully designed to guide you back to your body and connect with yourself. Each themed session incorporates accessible movements, poses, relaxation and mindfulness to help your body release old tension patterns, regulate your nervous system and cultivate a profound capacity to be with inner fluctuations with more acceptance and compassion. This heightened self-awareness and a deeper understanding of your needs and desires naturally paves the way to new choices in areas like self-care, health, relationships, career, and personal aspirations.

Additionally, our confidential sharing circles offer a safe space for you to express, listen, and be heard. Community is a pivotal element of this transformational journey, as it allows us to learn from the rich tapestry of life experiences and wisdom shared by one another.


🌟 Learning our Body's Language 🌟

I've always been fascinated by exploring my body through movement, dance, delicious food, and embracing sensory pleasures. Experiencing life through my senses and my body is a gift I'm continuously learning to cherish. Yet, for too long, I took my body for granted. I expected it to handle life's challenges without giving it the care it deserved. I often ignored its signals for rest, opting for distractions or another cup of coffee. In this one-sided relationship I dictated what my body should do while ignoring its unique ways to communicate in return.

Learning how to be more observant I notice how my body reacts to different situations or interactions, pleasant or demanding. I notice my breathing change, tension either fading or increasing as I listen to sensations in my body. Overwhelm feels like a heavy weight on my shoulders, delight shows up with expansion and pleasant tingling. It’s fascinating how our bodies even respond to thoughts, anticipated or remembered situation.

Cultivating more body awareness allows us to receive insights that our minds often overlook and I am truly in awe of our bodies intelligence and wisdom.

A few years ago, I faced some chronic health challenges. While medical support proved invaluable, I came to realize that simply relying on medications wasn't enough. The pain and discomfort my body experienced were its way of capturing my attention, urging me to listen more attentively and become aware of imbalances in my life that required reflection and change.

Deciphering our body's language takes time, patience, and curiosity. It doesn't speak in words but communicates through sensations, feelings, and body language. Take a moment now. How does your body feel? Observe posture, breath, and sensations. What do you notice?

Paying closer attention to these experiences can be profound and a wonderful way to nurture our relationship with our body. And over time can even lead us to reflect on unmet needs and gain insights into necessary adjustments for greater balance and well-being.


It's been a while since I regularly shared about my Yoga offerings here. I've been quite busy completing three years of Yoga Therapy training, alongside teaching, client sessions, producing Yoga videos, tending to a large garden, caring for my kitties, spending time with friends and my husband...and inevitably, something had to give.

The process of discernment is intriguing to me. What do we choose to focus on, and what do we set aside? Beyond responsibilities and chores, this applies to numerous life choices: the articles or books we choose to read, self-care practices, leisure activities, the food we eat and the company we keep. We often follow familiar paths, sometimes driven by expectations or the needs of others, or adhering to societal notions of importance, rather than discerning what genuinely matters to us.

Integrating our bodies into this process can be invaluable and I'm learning to listen to my body more when making choices. Whether it's deciding between spending time with a friend or enjoying a quiet evening, I take a moment to tune into my body. Some days, I notice fatigue and a lack of capacity for social interactions, while other times, excitement bubbles up at the thought of connecting with friends.

While there are areas where choices may be limited, I believe we often have more agency than we realize.

In any case, today felt like the right day to share something here.
I hope you have a wonderful day and get to choose something enjoyable and fulfilling.

If you are curious about private Yoga Therapy sessions or group classes to support your connection with your body and cultivate more mindfulness in your life please reach out to me!


Anyone interested in accessible Yoga classes to help reduce stress & tension?

Tues • 4pm • YOGA & MINDFULNESS - A slow-paced class inviting mindful awareness and connection with body & breath. Incudes a seated meditation at the end of class.

Tues • 5:45pm • GENTLE MOVEMENT - Accessible movements to stretch and strengthen the body with a special focus on releasing tension from back, hips, neck & shoulders.

Vaccinations for Covid are no longer required at the studio. Classes are limited to 10 or less students!



Feeling inspired..I am taking some time to relax after several days of Yoga Therapy Training. Learning more about how to support you on your journey in a meaningful way just fills my heart & soul ❤


Happy Monday, friends! It doesn't get any better on my day off...hubby and all three cat friends in the hammock with me :-)


When I had a little more time on my hands I in 2020 I started reflecting on my teaching and Yoga in general quite a bit. With the world turned upside down and so many of us struggling on so many levels I felt moved to find more effective ways to support myself and my community and enrolled in a 950hr Yoga Therapy Training. I haven’t been sharing too much about this mostly because I have been taking my time to study, practice, explore and I am still in the process of defining what Yoga Therapy is since it’s deeply personal and can show up differently for each person that engages with this work.

But one thing that is probably true for all of us is that we all want to feel free and live the most content and meaningful life possible. While we sometimes lean on outside sources to support us, deep down many of us feel that it’s essential to slow down, turn inward and listen to our own inner guidance.

Yoga Therapy is an opportnity to become more awrae of our bodies and everything that arises within. Meeting ourselves, our feelings, thought and beliefs openly can support insights into long-held patterns and behaviors, emotional release, relaxation and healing.

I have already been sharing this work with many of you and different elements show up in all of my classes–in-person and online, groups and one-on-one sessions–and I am truly moved by all the prfound change I am witnessing!

If you have any questions or are curious about how Yoga Therapy might support you please reach out to me in a message.


Alright Friends. I know building or maintaining arm and shoulder strength isn't easy but it's so important.

The good news is there are so many great movements we can explore especially when weight-bearing poses such as planks or push-ups feel a little too much!

Take a Yoga block (foam is easier, cork a little heavier) and press your hands against the short ends.

With your arms straight slowly raise your arms to shoulder height (or less if needed) and lower again.

The trick is to squeeze the block as little or as much as feels appropriate to you.

It's easy at first but as you keep on going you'll certainly feel some muscle waking up :-)

For more inspirations on accessible and creative ways to move and strengthen your body hop over to our website and check out the On-Demand Classes!


Relaxation is such a treat by itself. But Speedy sure sweetens the deal even more 🥰


🌟 Foot Memoir 🌟

Looking at my feet I think about the life my feet have lived.

Growing up I spent a lot of time barefoot. Feeling the texture of grass, wood chips, sand, mud, concrete and gravel under my feet and experiencing the ground beneath me.

With 28 bones in each foot my feet are constantly adjusting to uneven surfaces to steady me and support my balance.

I used to feel very self conscious of my feet thinking they are too big.

Training to become a professional dancer my feet have experienced their share of pain. Lots of pain.

But what strikes me the most right now is how my feet have supported me every step along the way. Carry my weight every single day and are my foundation as I stand, walk and run.

… and have not complained a single time…

Thank you feet for all the support you provide!



Simple self-care for your spine!

Did you know that slouching can hurt your spine?

Many of our daily movements require bending forward. We bend forward to tie our shoes, clean or garden, and may spend too much time sitting and slouching our spine. This repetitive movement can cause stress on muscles, tendons and ligaments and even move vertebrae out of alignment.

Healthy movements to strengthen back and core muscles to support your spine are important but in the meantime this pose can help to counter all the flexion in the spine by gentle bending backwards.

• Roll up a blanket
• Sit in front of narrow end
• Lie down with blanket under your spine
• Add support under neck
• Adjust thickness of both blankets until comfy
• Legs can be bend or long on the floor

Stay for as long as you are comfortable and enjoy yourself :-)

👉Releases tension form back and spine
👉Opens your chest
👉Deepens breathing
👉Relaxes shoulders and neck
👉Balances an overactive nervous system

Need more support and inspirations? Try our 14 days FREE trial and access hundreds of effective Yoga practices!

This pose may not be appropriate for spinal stenosis or disc damage in lower back.


Yes. We are still harvesting veggies form the garden! Being committed to eating mostly homegrown veggies these earthy roots and brassica are perfect nourishment for this time of year!


I’ve been receiving a lot of feedback lately about how meaningful and helpful our classes have been and many of you are commenting on positive changes on AND off the Yoga mat. This really touches my heart! My teaching has taken a bit of a turn over the past couple or years with an even deeper focus on mindfulness. Moving and stretching our bodies is so beneficial for our health and well-being but by paying close attention to what shows up when we spend time on the mat and meeting sensations, feelings and thoughts with honesty and openness we realize how much learning and personal growth is available through our practice.

I firmly believe that our nature is goodness, compassion and joy. But with so many challenges and changes pulling and pushing us in different directions we sometimes need a little support revealing the true nature of our being. I believe that a mindful and thoughtful Yoga practice can support us with this tremendously.

I am profoundly honored to be on this journey with you.




Self Care Saturday :-)

This is one of my favorite core strengthening movements. What I love about it most is that it's accessible but very effective.

Want to give it a try?

Here some more details:

👉 Lie down on your back
👉 Draw one knee into your chest
👉 Your back should be flat
👉 Lower and raise the other leg

Try move slowly and mindfully and exhale as your leg lowers, inhale as you lift. The movement may be really small. No need to go to low.

Back problems? Instead of bringing your knee into your chest, step your foot on the floor.

Have fun :-)

For other great core sequences check out our On-Demand Offering!




Growing our own food is a big part of our life here (besides Yoga and building really cool stuff). These tiny plants will soon provide us with pounds of fresh, organic food and this whole process amazes me every single time :-)


Our passions and aspirations are great driving forces in achieving goals in life. While this striving for more– more success, more money, more friends, more experiences– is natural to some degree and even necessary, the belief that more is always better keeps pushing us further and further until it becomes a habit rather than a choice.

Curiously, we also find this approach in many Yoga classes. Students (and even teachers) believe that Yoga is about ‘getting better at it’ by aiming for a stronger, more flexible body and being able to perform more advanced and challenging postures. We feel satisfied when we notice measurable progress and believe this satisfaction, success and empowerment is what Yoga is all about.

Many students are frustrated by this approach, get hurt, and may stop their practice altogether. Others may thrive in some way, yet by forcing their way through their practice do they actually experience the healing and transformation Yoga has to offer?

The way I see it, Yoga is not about ‘succeeding’ at postures–getting stronger or more flexible are great side benefits that simply come with a regular practice–instead Yoga invites us to become more aware and mindful of our body, our breath, feelings, thoughts and beliefs.

Slowing down a little we may shine a light on habitual patterns and the thoughts or beliefs that drive our constant need for progress or improvement.

Perhaps we begin to ask ourselves if it’s true that more advanced poses and strength actually make us feel better and more content.

Instead of trying to ‘get there’ we may explore how to BE HERE more fully.

Learning how to embrace who we are and accepting our strengths AND vulnerabilities we realize that true contentment and wholeness doesn’t require progress, or effort but is a state of being available right here and now!




It just amazes me how a simple, gentle Yoga practice helps maintain strength and keeps my joints healthy! I can honestly say that less is more.

This is a short snapshot from one of my video classes called ‘Gentle Movement’. And here are all the benefits that come with this simple sequence. Are you ready?

• Strengthen your legs and glutes
• Strengthen lower and upper back muscles
• Practice shoulder flexion (arms over head)
• Support posture by drawing shoulders back
• Lengthen and decompress spine
• Practice balance and stability
• Balance nervous system by focusing on breath

If you like give it a try and let me know what you think!

See website for more info on our On-Demand Classes.

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Videos (show all)

Alright Friends. I know building or maintaining arm and shoulder strength isn't easy but it's so important. The good new...
Simple self-care for your spine! Did you know that slouching can hurt your spine?Many of our daily movements require ben...
Self Care Saturday :-)  This is one of my favorite core strengthening movements. What I love about it most is that it's ...
It just amazes me how a simple, gentle Yoga practice helps maintain strength and keeps my joints healthy! I can honestly...
Mini Back Care! Yes. Yoga can be this simple :-) Tight Back? Try those two easy movements: 👉 Lie down on your back with ...
I am so thrilled that many of you are exploring a regular home Yoga practice with the support of our On-Demand Yoga vide...
We created several great Yoga classes today. Yay! Here a short excerpt from a 'Rise & Shine' class and a great movement ...
Meet the Yoga Cats!
No pain, no gain– is it true?  I usually cringe a little when I hear this line. It gives the impression that if we are n...
5-Minute Yoga Break :-)
An extra easy Yoga practice!
Behind the Scenes @ Gold Country Yoga Online



13947 Mono Way
Sonora, CA

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Sonora, 95370

An oasis of serenity in the heart of Downtown Sonora.