Coach Sarah Sirico

Online nutrition coaching, providing support & accountability while you learn & practice sustainable

Photos from Coach Sarah Sirico's post 05/15/2024

**If you read this and feel that you DON’T already have these skills, that’s where habit coaching can help. Go ahead and try visualization on your own first. You might surprise yourself! But, if you find you still need support in building your resilience, lmk. ✨

Content Credit: Precision Nutrition

Have you ever tried using visualization?

Photos from Coach Sarah Sirico's post 04/28/2024

When things don’t go as planned & life is extra busy, don’t assume you always have to sacrifice.

There’s almost always something you can do to still take a solid step toward lifestyle habits your practicing.

Get creative & remember it doesn’t have to be perfect to still move you forward.

Instead of bailing completely on a habit, remember: if consistent, “good enough” can still get you there! 🙌🏼


Sometimes I’ll catch myself making excuses for my actions when they don’t quite align with my goals. BUT, I try really hard to flip the script as soon as I am aware of it, take responsibility, and move forward immediately with a better plan.
How often do you catch yourself making excuses for your own behavior?
Excuses for things like:
•why you didn’t get to the gym enough
•why your meals weren’t the healthiest
•why you’re so tired
•why you didn’t drink enough water
Excuses which usually include words like “I was”...
🚫What’s easier: rationalizing our actions so we feel better about not getting the stuff done. .
✅What’s harder: owning your sh*t and taking accountability for why you didn’t get stuff done.
💥This week, I’m challenging you to do the harder thing and OWN YOUR SH*T.💥
That might look like this:

🏋🏻‍♀️”I was lazy; I’m self conscious about how I look; I have no idea what I’m doing”

🥘 “I didn’t prepare ahead; I waited until I was so hungry that I made a poor choice; I don’t want to give up the foods I love.”

🛏 “I chose going out over getting sleep; I didn’t prioritize bedtime; It’s easier to drink wine to fall asleep than have a sleep routine.”

💦 “I kept forgetting; I didn’t want to have to p*e all day; I hate the taste of water.”

💡If you’re not carrying out what you keep intending to, being super honest with yourself about WHY, might actually nudge you to start taking some action. Remember what you have control over vs what you don’t, and carve out an initial action plan from there. I’m always ready to help you brainstorm, so drop a comment if you need help!

Hope you’re having a good week..What small action will you get done TODAY, no excuses, after reading this? 😀

Photos from Coach Sarah Sirico's post 04/03/2024

Your environment is a major factor in how you make choices.

Who and what are near you that lead you into poor decisions?

What can you do to change your environment to make it easier?

🤔 Pay attention today! Make a list of environmental things you have control over. Then come up with some ideas that you can practice. Need suggestions? Lmk!


I’ve been up since 3am. Last year, this was a common occurrence I worked hard to improve. Thanks to the help of my doctor, this is significantly better. Still, those check engine lights come on here and there, in the form of poor sleep, fatigue, emotions, tight muscles…

Our bodies are always trying to tell us something. Stress makes it hard to get quality or sufficient sleep, make healthy food choices (hello comfort foods), exercise, enjoy social interactions, work productively, etc. We can become more prone to illness and injury, or experience weight gain (or loss). Our hormones get wonky.

Four of my clients are dealing with MAJOR life stressors right now, from work/school, trauma, personal illness, to an ill family member. There are things completely out of their control here. And while we know some stress is temporary, the reality is there are other stressors we know may not be going away any time soon.

So, in these times, what can we do??

We must shift to make self-care a priority, however we are able. What this could look like:

🧐perspective - recognizing what you do and don’t have control over right now (see link below)

🥘 not being in a caloric deficit (might have to put those body composition goals aside for now, or if you’re in a deficit, keep it very small)

🚶ditching high intensity workouts (consider focusing on strength & zone 2 cardio)

✋saying “no” to people and things that aren’t absolutely necessary. This includes distancing yourself from people who are always negative

🗣️speaking to a coach, therapist, or friend who is ready to listen

🙏🏻asking available friends/family for a little back up with things (errands, kids, etc) even if it’s just so you have a little time to nap/meditate/walk, etc (or be alone to have a helpful emotional release!)

☀️ getting outside in the fresh air & daylight

🧘 practicing other stress relievers (gentle movement, quiet time (deviceless), a night time wind-down ritual, etc.)

This may give you more ideas:

I hope this helps you 🫶🏻
Questions? I’d love to help in any way I can.


In the words of Paul Rudd’s character in Forgetting Sarah Marshall....”Do Less”
Often when we want change, it’s hard to embrace the idea of just doing one small thing at a time. Sure, we might understand in theory why it makes sense to start small, and yet when we try to make a change, we just can’t help ourselves can we?
Do we patiently & consistently chip away at 1 thing until it’s a habit, then add a little more? In MOST cases, nope. It’s typically our nature (in large part due to social and cultural influence) to “go all out” - you know, start 7 day a week exercise program, grocery shop for the new diet, clean out the closet, reorganize desk, reorganize whole life, etc…..all on the same day - most likely a Monday. 😁
Of course this isn’t sustainable, so we hit a wall and fail, feel like we suck, believe it’s impossible & fall into the same habits we already had (the ones we were trying to change).
In his book The Power of Less, author Leo Babauta describes the process by which he made substantial changes in his life. He noticed the following:
* When he tried to change only one small thing in his life, he succeeded at doing so about 85% of the time.
* When he tried to change two things simultaneously, he succeeded only about one-third of the time.
* When he tried to change three or more things simultaneously, he almost never succeeded.

WOW 🤯 .

The power of less means that you:
* decide what is truly important
* decide what can and should happen right now
* break your priorities down into small, manageable chunks and tasks
* execute only one priority task at a time
* make only one change at a time
* multi-task only when absolutely necessary or easily possible (e.g. listening to a book on tape while sitting on the bus)
* learn to say “yes” to your core priorities and “no” to what is extraneous (and learn to sit with the discomfort of saying “no”) The power of less is about doing what matters.
One thing at a time.

Have you yourself experienced trying to do too much then learning to do less? Drop a comment or dm me & let me know how that went.

Credit for awesome content, as always. 👌🏻


When folks go for health & aesthetic goals, one of three things often tends to happen.

•they stay stuck at that “in-between, always giving the same on/off effort, ‘trying’ but never really getting anywhere” state

•they come to the realization that although they say they want it, they’re simply not willing to change their lifestyle habits

•they push further with their efforts through learning, questioning, practicing, etc. until they achieve what they want

Who are you in the scenario?

Consider this when talking about your struggle or efforts to achieve your health/fitness goals:

1. What are you willing to do or not do?
2. Would you speak differently if you made sure that your actions matched your words?


…and now you’re reaching goals without exhausting yourself mentally & physically, and you’re feeling SO much better. ✨
Be willing to try something different and see what happens.
Questions? I’m happy to answer them. Lmk :)


Why do you exercise?

To look good at the beach? Or naked? Or feel confident to wear certain clothes?

Sure, many of us have that as a big reason/goal. Whether we get the ideal body we want or not, it’s important to connect with this: what does exercise actually allow you to DO?

•Jump out of the way of something quickly?

•Walk around on vacation with family without having to stop every 5 minutes to sit down?

•Regain balance after losing it briefly, without falling down?

•Pick up your grandkids with ease?

•Play a sport and feel strong doing it at 50+?

•Be able to stand up without using your hands?

The true magic of exercise, imo, is the physical ability it gives you to go out and enjoy life, adventure, play, move…
When you realize this, you’ll never stop.

I’ll note: “Fit” isn’t a look. Fit people come in all shapes and sizes. There at plenty of folks with extra body fat who are healthy and strong, and there are thin folks in terrible shape.

If you don’t currently do much, and you feel like you want to be more physically capable, less tired, and stronger overall, you can change this by just starting. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what shape you’re currently in. Questions on where to begin? No matter your level? Message me for some tips to get you feeling better.


If you want to train to build muscle, the stimulus required involves you training close to failure in your work sets.

This would mean, for example, that you might stop at rep #8 in a set where the resistance you’re using would have you reaching technical failure around rep 10. (Meaning you’re leaving 2 “reps in reserve” aka RIR).

But, people are generally not that great at guessing RIR. I find they think they are …until they test it. And I think mentally, many people get fixated on a number in their head they want to get to, instead of focusing on the feeling they should be paying attention to.

You want to KNOW you’re working hard enough, right? So what do you do? Test yourself. Take a weight in an exercise where you think you’ll hit technical failure at 10 reps. Do the exercise until you literally cannot do it with sound form anymore.

How many reps did you get? I would LOVE to know if you test this. What did you discover? Will this change how you train from now on? Send me a dm!


Anyone can post one day or one moment and it will lead others to think/assume every day is on point and dialed in for that person.

Remember most of the time people aren’t going to post the low points or the bad days (at least not authentically). They’re going to flaunt and preach about where they’re thriving & how they’re living their best life.

Prior to this workout, I hadn’t worked out for a full week. I felt sh*tty, my digestion has been off, my shoulder hurts & I realized two days went by where I didn’t eat a single fruit or vegetable. For a coach, that doesn’t sound too dialed in does it?

And, although I am open in posts & stories about bad days as well, I don’t regularly post about my struggles or negatives.

The point is, don’t get too caught up in what you see on social media (bc no one has it all figured out), & don’t think things have to be perfect for you to make progress.

Developing a healthy mindset & boundaries are important for supporting our journeys. And, no one else’s journey matters more than yours. 🫵🏻

What accts do you follow that help you strengthen your mindset and get you excited about what you’re working on? What accts make you feel less than? …🧹 🧼


📒Workout programming…

Do you follow a program or do you float from exercise to exercise without a clear purpose?

Yes, you could see results without knowing much about how to work out, especially if you’re new to it or coming back after a long break.

But, at some point, without programming that incorporates proper volume, progression, rest, etc. you’re likely to stall, get hurt, or just never reach what you’re after.

This all said…when I program for my clients, I have to take into consideration personalities and preferences. Sometimes I have to sacrifice what I want them to do for what they are willing to do. My way might get them better results, but at the end of the day if they’re happy, it matters more that they continue to show up and do something.

🧠3 thoughts from me:

1️⃣ Tried and true methods (a progressive overload program) > a fad that “worked” for someone else

2️⃣ Working to near failure > being unsure of whether you’re working hard enough or not

3️⃣ Finding a type of training you enjoy > a “better” exercise you won’t do

❓I’d love to know…
Do you write your own programming?
Work with a trainer?
Follow an online or friend’s program?
What kind?

Lmk! Comment or message me.

Health & Fitness Coach on Instagram: "If you’re training for hypertrophy, there are many ways to achieve this, but stimulus over how much weight is lifted is 🔑. 👉🏼If you’re working on technical form, full range of motion and / or staying 04/14/2023

Health & Fitness Coach on Instagram: "If you’re training for hypertrophy, there are many ways to achieve this, but stimulus over how much weight is lifted is 🔑. 👉🏼If you’re working on technical form, full range of motion and / or staying 59 Likes, 1 Comments - Health & Fitness Coach () on Instagram: "If you’re training for hypertrophy, there are many ways to achieve this, but stimulus over how ..."

Health & Fitness Coach on Instagram: "Send me a message and let me know how 30 days of coaching will make a difference for you… . . . . . . #virtualtraining #healthcoach #habitscoach #assessyourhealth #findwhatworks #onlinecoach... 03/17/2023

Is it time for a refresh or some direction with your nutrition habits and exercise program? Lmk!

Health & Fitness Coach on Instagram: "Send me a message and let me know how 30 days of coaching will make a difference for you… . . . . . . #virtualtraining #healthcoach #habitscoach #assessyourhealth #findwhatworks #onlinecoach... 1 Likes, 0 Comments - Health & Fitness Coach () on Instagram: "Send me a message and let me know how 30 days of coaching will make a difference for you… . . ...."


Achieve 💫

⬆️ Things it takes to find success with your health and fitness goals. Keep these in mind but also remember: you can start anywhere, with the tiniest step you can manage. Just get the ball rolling then keep going.👏🏻


A lot of people these days still make the mistake of thinking if they do a bunch of sit ups or focus on ab workouts that they will get those six pack abs.

You can work your abs like any other muscle. Stronger trunk musculature will translate to better gains in the gym, better results in sport, etc.

If your goal is aesthetics, revealing your strong core ultimately also requires solid nutrition practices.

Someone asked me to share a core workout. I mostly get my core work from lifting heavy weights and using a controlled tempo. Sometimes I mix in “core” or “ab” work. When I do, here are some current ones I enjoy.

If you have any specific q’s about any of these lmk!
Biggest takeaway: I’m not moving quickly and my goal during every second of work is to focus on using and feeling the intended muscles.


Common mistakes I see the general public make despite believing they are trying:

•Not truly getting uncomfortable in the gym with resistance training. Struggle city = gains!

•Choosing the same weights week to week or having no idea how much they can lift for a certain amount of reps. Start keeping track of your numbers, then get excited when you see them go up over time.

•Thinking exercise is enough to change physique without proper awareness of what’s being consumed. Gotta put work in here too.

Questions? Comments? 😃 Lmk


A former client messaged me last week. She worked with me for 3 years.

“….in 2018 when I started all of this with you, on a day like yesterday I would have eaten so much candy and ice cream. But my focus yesterday was going for a walk last night (in the dark) and getting to [work out] today. It is only today, thinking about how much I knew I needed the [workout] class, that I realized getting candy yesterday never even entered my mind.”

3 years. Along the way there was frustration, bingeing, anger, avoidance, regression back to old patterns, etc. But,
she knew I was always there to allow her to fumble and keep showing up again. She stayed curious about her limiting thoughts and beliefs. She did the work to earn where she is now.

If you want to change, understand that you have the ability to do so, no matter your circumstances. You have to be willing to do the work and it takes time. That’s just the way it is.

If you need help figuring out the steps, message me for a little support or some coaching.


Join us! ANYONE is welcome 😀


To kick off 2023, I am offering one of my coaching programs at a very affordable price.
(For past clients also!)
Message me for info.

Photos from Coach Sarah Sirico's post 01/01/2023

What do you want to be able to continue doing as you age? A certain sport? Gardening? Hiking? Weightlifting? Picking up grandkids?

No matter what it is, you should be resistance training.


This works for building almost any habit.

This isn’t to suggest a “no days off” mentality, bc there are days when your body truly needs recovery, but let’s be honest about the consistency of our activity….many of us aren’t working hard enough, often enough, to truly need a day off.

It’s also too easy to blame other stuff for our reasons to not get moving this day, then on that day, then again on this day bc “x”.

I don’t show up because I’m motivated. I show up because it’s become a habit , and I feel mentally and physically better after moving.

Build a habit by acting, no matter what it looks like. Then keep showing up, for any amount of time, on any level you can handle. I KNOW you can do this. If you don’t know where to start I am happy to point you in a direction any time!! Just shoot me a message. 🫶🏻

You’ll be surprised how it will change and grow if you continue to arrive for yourself.


👀 I see you:

-on point with weekday calories & “healthy”choices
-wanting to enjoy a little “bad” stuff on weekends
-having a drink or 3, snacking a little then getting a case of the f*ck its
-feeling terrible about yourself Monday morning bc you overdid it.
-rinse & repeat

If this sounds like you, there’s some work to do in regards to food mindset & habits to fully break this cycle. (And you can do it with practice!)

For this weekend though, here’s an exercise you can try:

Still enjoy whatever food and alcohol you’d like, but have an abundance mentality in these other categories:

Movement (standing, walking, playing)
Lean Protein
Fruits & Veggies

Really, go for it. How much can you add? ABUNDANCE in these 4 things. Spread them through the days however you can.

Let me know how you feel on Monday.


If you want to maintain progress but also enjoy a vacation, how can you strike a balance between your usual habits and letting loose some?

Don’t try to be “good”

Enjoy the foods you want


Add fruits & veggies

Find ways to get movement in

Get right back to it afterwards

Keeping an eye on not changing behaviors so much that you start to feel physically feel crappy, you should be just fine if you veer off your usual path a bit. In fact, stressing and worrying about how to be “good” while vacationing doesn’t sound all that healthy anyway.

Being mindful of these tips will also help keep digestion, energy & sleep quality in check. If you’re weight is up a bit when you return, it should be short lived if you get right back to your day to day habits.
And hopefully you can say it was worth it for the experiences and memories made.


☹️Fixed Mindset:
-wants results without effort
-gives up easily
-views setbacks as personal deficiencies
-avoids growth opportunities

🤔Growth Mindset:
-willing to practice & expend effort consistently & over time
-seeks understanding & personal development

👉🏼4 ways to support a growth mindset:

▪️Celebrate little daily wins.
What are you doing right now that is going well?

▪️Do less.
Write down actionable steps you need to do to succeed. Pick just ONE do-able habit to work on every day. Work on it until you are doing it consistently, then pick another.

▪️Embrace the process.
Expect things to take time and learn to enjoy the practice it takes to get there, instead of only focusing on the end result.

▪️Flip the script.
When you catch yourself thinking negatively, see how you can flip it around to positive or more encouraging self-talk.

The takeaway….your 🧠 & body will respond according to your thoughts!


How can we get good at something if we aren’t willing to fail (repeatedly) when we start?

Frustrating as it can be, would you rather keep working at it to see where it takes you, or not try at all?

Finding consistency, knowledge, skill, or ability takes plenty of failed attempts. It shouldn’t be shameful or embarrassing - it’s just part of the journey.

And then, even when we get good at something, we still might not be great.

• In fitness, I’ve failed many lift/skill attempts & they still don’t look perfect but have gotten so much better than when I started. That took years.

• In trying to find balance with nutrition, I’ve eaten so “perfectly” during the week but let the wheels come off on the weekends, many times. Sometimes I still do that, but most of the time I don’t, & …I don’t punish myself if I do. That took years.

• I’ve tried learning things I’ve been scared to do that still scare me, but every time I show up to try, I gain confidence & improve, regardless of how imperfect it all still is.

Should we always keep trying to be better? Maybe. For many though, it might be reaching a level where we are happy without feeling a pressure to necessarily go further. And maybe, without that pressure, the desire to go further actually strengthens.

We should allow ourselves to be bad at stuff, even if we’re scared or feel stupid. We can each go at our own pace. But watch what happens if we just keep showing up. ✨


One common example: You think you’re being “good” by essentially fasting or restricting caloric intake all day. You keep busy, so this isn’t too hard. Maybe you’re also just not hungry. Your plan is to later have a healthy dinner but, too often, you end up eating too much, you snack late, or have sweets cravings you give in to. Before you know it, you’re going to bed feeling uncomfortable.

Some folks may be able to do this without issue. For many though, it’s a cycle they can’t seem to break. It you’re the latter, a little experiment for you…

Even if you’re not very hungry at first, try eating some kind of breakfast. Can you start getting at least 20g of protein here? Side note: if you don’t like breakfast foods, or you’re wondering what “breakfast foods” have protein, don’t sweat it - still have some steak, potatoes & veggies from last night? Why not make a little plate of leftovers? It can be whatever you prefer.

After that, can you get a snack or meal in every 3-ish hours or so?

Whatever you eat, try to include at least a palm of protein, and have as much produce as you want.

A few examples of protein sources:
High Protein Greek Yogurt
Cottage Cheese
Chicken Breast
Ground Beef
Deli Chicken, Turkey, Roast Beef
Chickpea or Black Bean Pasta
Turkey or Venison Jerky
Protein Bars
Protein Powder

Try this and see what starts to happen to your evening eating habits. Pay attention: less hangry at night? Able to be satisfied with smaller portions? Cravings reduced? There’s a good chance things will improve & you’ll be able to eat more consistently at you’re desired target.

Keep me posted if you try it, or if you already did this and it was a game changer for you!


It’s frustrating to check the scale and see it not change, but there are times the scale won’t change yet progress is still happening, especially if you’re working hard to build muscle.

There is so much more to feeling and looking healthy than what that damn number shows.

Guess what else? Your body weight, when you’re feeling strong and happy with how you look, will probably be higher than what you think it “should” be. So remember to monitor the other markers and carry on!

Focus on getting STRONG, be patient & keep going. 💪🏻

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Videos (show all)

When folks go for health & aesthetic goals, one of three things often tends to happen. •they stay stuck at that “in-betw...
…and now you’re reaching goals without exhausting yourself mentally & physically, and you’re feeling SO much better. ✨ ....
Why do you exercise? To look good at the beach? Or naked? Or feel confident to wear certain clothes?Sure, many of us hav...
If you want to train to build muscle, the stimulus required involves you training close to failure in your work sets.Thi...
Anyone can post one day or one moment and it will lead others to think/assume every day is on point and dialed in for th...
📒Workout programming…Do you follow a program or do you float from exercise to exercise without a clear purpose?Yes, you ...
A lot of people these days still make the mistake of thinking if they do a bunch of sit ups or focus on ab workouts that...
Common mistakes I see the general public make despite believing they are trying:•Not truly getting uncomfortable in the ...
What do you want to be able to continue doing as you age? A certain sport? Gardening? Hiking? Weightlifting? Picking up ...
This works for building almost any habit.This isn’t to suggest a “no days off” mentality, bc there are days when your bo...


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