Pearson Packaging Systems

We specialize in secondary packaging automation solutions. We erect, pack, seal and palletize top-loa

Pearson Packaging Systems specializes in the design, production, integration and service of secondary packaging automation solutions. As a systems provider, Pearson offers a full line of customizable machinery that erect, pack, seal, and palletize top-loaded cartons and cases. Focused on minimizing total cost of ownership, Pearson Packaging Systems is dedicated to a solution-driven partnership. Fo

Parts - Pearson Packaging Systems 02/12/2024

PSA for Pearson equipment owners: part identification, quotes, and order placement is easier than ever!

Check out our resources page with a link to online ordering, video tutorials, or to contact our team directly.

Parts - Pearson Packaging Systems Online Parts Store Order Parts Request a Parts Quote Details RSP Kit Details Call Us509-838-6226 Call NOw Explore Our Parts Procurement Hub for Easy Ordering Do you frequently order parts from us and know your Pearson part numbers? Our Online Parts Store gives you easy access to check pricing and pl...

Pearson's Virtual Facility Tour - Come Visit Us! 01/26/2024

Have you been to Pearson's manufacturing facility for a product demonstration, factory acceptance test, or customer event?

If not - we hope you'll take the time to stop by if you live on the West Coast or are ever in the area. But, if you can't swing an in-person visit, this virtual tour is the next best thing!

Pearson's Virtual Facility Tour - Come Visit Us! The best part of this tour? You won’t even break a sweat!Take a stroll with Pearson’s VP of Enterprise Sales, Jason McCall, as he shows some of the core mach...

Packaging Machinery | Pearson Packaging Systems 01/16/2024

How will automation improve your operation in 2024?

A new year: time for evaluating... planning... growing... improving...

If your operation is being held back by increasing wages, labor shortages, or speed limitations, or if you're looking to improve the efficiency of your secondary packaging line, reach out! Our main goal in the New Year is helping our customers overcome their biggest pain points.

Learn more about how we help manufacturers and distributors like you:

Packaging Machinery | Pearson Packaging Systems From box formers to packers, closers and palletizers, trust Pearson Packaging as the automation expert. Explore our portfolio of packaging machinery today.


Pearson sincerely thanks Leo Robertson for his contributions to the company as he begins a new chapter of life: retirement.

Leo's tenure with Pearson spans an impressive 30+ years. Most recently, he served as Director of Applications Engineering, but he has held a multitude of roles within the organization over the years. Beginning as a Design Engineer in 1990, he has held engineering, sales, product management, operations, and executive positions, and has been an excellent mentor and resource to most Pearson team members.

Wishing you all the best - and biggest catches - in the years ahead, Leo.


Even Santa experienced an elf shortage this year... can you relate?

To our employees, customers, and partners... Pearson thanks you for your hard work, confidence, and support in 2023. Wishing a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy, prosperous New Year to all.

High-Speed, Heavy Layer Stacking - Pearson Packaging Systems 12/20/2023

- High-Speed, Heavy Layer Robotic Palletizing -
Read the case study and check out the video of a solution we provided one customer in 2023.

With benefits including fast stack rates, improved safety (compared to their previous mechanical palletizing setup), reduced part replacement frequency, and minimal manual intervention... could your operation benefit from a similar solution in the coming year?

High-Speed, Heavy Layer Stacking - Pearson Packaging Systems This highly safety-conscious soda syrup manufacturer was needing to replace their aging mechanical palletizing equipment to maintain compliance with their corporate safety requirements. Their aging mechanical palletizers were increasingly inefficient, and accessing them for part replacement and othe...


"Never was so much owed by so many to so few..."
-Winston Churchill

We're so grateful to all our nation's veterans, and honored to recognize some of Pearson's own (pictured left to right):

Steve Low: Air Force, 22+ years
Eric Simpson: Navy, 4 years
John Merrick: Navy, 9 years
Brandon Weems: Airforce, nearly 5 years
Mike Vogt: USMC Marine Corps, 2 years
Alan Niezgocki: US Army, 7 years

Factors in Designing the Optimal Robotic Packing Solution for Your Operation - Pearson Packaging Systems 11/07/2023

What factors influence robotic case packer configuration?

Check out this article describing how Pearson designs the optimal robotic packing solution for your operation:

Factors in Designing the Optimal Robotic Packing Solution for Your Operation - Pearson Packaging Systems You need your products packed into a case… seems simple enough. You also likely have numerous SKUs on your line, containing different products, varieties of products, case counts, pack patters, or case styles, right? If you’re like most of our customers, you probably also want to limit downtime ...

Vertical Case Packing: Determining the Robotic Solution Best-Suited to Your Operation - Pearson Packaging Systems 10/24/2023

What’s the best way to get your products upright in display or shipping cases?

Explore our most common, tried-and-true vertical packing solutions here:

Vertical Case Packing: Determining the Robotic Solution Best-Suited to Your Operation - Pearson Packaging Systems Increasingly, Pearson customers are needing packing solutions that can accommodate vertical product patterns per the requirements of the big box retailers they supply to. So what’s the best way to get your products into display-ready cases that can go from shipping container to store shelf with mi...


Pearson had a great time at yesterday's Unlock Your Future event, where we were able to share manufacturing career options not requiring a traditional 4-year college degree with local middle school students.



Whether you need discreet machinery or a complete packaging line, Pearson can help. Erect your boxes, pack your products, seal your cases, and palletize them for distribution. Contact us to discuss your next automation project.

Check out our portfolio of user-centric equipment:

-stop-shop for


Don't Get Stuck Without Critical Machine Parts!

Pearson Recommended Spare Parts Kits contain mechanical, electrical, or glue replacements for items that wear over time.

Avoid unexpected downtime by stocking suggested items like linear bearings, valves, cylinders, vacuum cups, glue nozzles, fuses, sensors, and more.

Learn more, and download our Standard RSP Kit List here:


What's Pearson been up to these days?
Check out some of our recent automated Erecting, Packing, Sealing, and Palletizing solutions in this short compilation video:

See an application similar to yours? Need something completely custom? We want to help you with your next automated packaging project!

Come Visit Us on a Virtual Facility Tour - Pearson Packaging Systems 09/08/2023

What are your weekend plans? Headed to Pack Expo or stuck at home?

Take a moment for a short stop in Spokane and join us on our virtual tour through Pearson’s facility with Jason McCall.

Interested in scheduling an in-person visit? We'd love to host your organization! 509.838.6226

Come Visit Us on a Virtual Facility Tour - Pearson Packaging Systems Talk to any Pearson sales rep, and they’ll tell you one of their favorite parts of the job is being able to visit you at your own manufacturing facility to connect in person and see your production first-hand. Observing operations in real time helps us better understand the challenges you face and...

PearsonMelt Adhesive: Flushing Your Nordson Hot Melt Unit 09/07/2023

Thinking about switching hot melt?

Consider PearsonMelt adhesive - it's formulated to form strong bonds, often using less adhesive. And, it minimizes maintenance from stringing and part replacement and can improve throughput rates even on high-speed lines.

Watch our short video detailing the glue flush process:

Here's how:

1. Consult a PearsonMelt specialist to determine the glue formula best-suited to your operation.

2. Try a free sample. We're here to help if you need support with your evaluation.

3. Receive an extended machine warranty with your purchase.

PearsonMelt Adhesive: Flushing Your Nordson Hot Melt Unit Ready to try out PearsonMelt adhesive? It's formulated to form strong bonds - often using less adhesive. Shown to minimize maintenance from stringing and par...


Stuck waiting for your orders of to arrive? Interested in evaluating alternative glue options to reduce cost? !

Our cost-competitive PearsonMelt formulas are in stock and ready to ship immediately.

on our website: and with a PearsonMelt Sales Manager who can help you find the right formula for your operation and prepare a quote for your consideration

Keeping Cases Sealed in the Summer Heat with PearsonMelt - Pearson Packaging Systems 08/08/2023

Cases popping open in the summer heat?

Check out how helped a leading snack manufacturer:
> Save money
> Improve sealing while increasing rates
> Reduce maintenance & reduce the frequency of part replacement

Read the full case study:

Keeping Cases Sealed in the Summer Heat with PearsonMelt - Pearson Packaging Systems A leading southwestern-US snack manufacturer was having a challenging time keeping their boxes of single-serve bagged snacks sealed during transport. The hot summer temperatures were softening the glueon their cases to a point that the case flaps were popping open before they ever reached the store....

Pearson Packaging Systems | Automated Packaging Solutions 08/07/2023

Pearson Packaging Systems lider en el empaque secundario, los invita a conocer mas de nuestras armadoras, empacadoras, selladoras y paletizadoras en nuestro nuevo sitio en español

Pearson Packaging Systems | Automated Packaging Solutions We focus on automation solutions designed to meet the critical uptime demand of high volume manufacturers. Explore our high performing Packaging Machinery.


Hassling over hot melt?

High-Performance Glue Formulas Backed by Your OEM
> Mitigate pop-open cases that can lead to product damage or loss
> Reduce glue stringing and associated maintenance
> Maximize your line rates and output
> Receive an extended machine warranty with applicable purchase

Visit our website to learn more, request a sample, or connect with a PearsonMelt specialist:


Can we get an "¡Olé!"?

Check out our website, now available in Spanish for our customers and partners in Mexico and Latin America!

Machine-as-a-Service: determining if the program make sense for your organization - Pearson Packaging Systems 07/27/2023

Heard about Pearson's Machine-as-a-Service program? It should be on your radar if...

> You're a co-packer
> Your production output fluctuates
> Your operation is in a transitional period
> You lack CapEx funding

Read our article to see if your organization could benefit from the MaaS program:

Machine-as-a-Service: determining if the program make sense for your organization - Pearson Packaging Systems In this 2022 company update, Pearson shares what investments it made and continues to make to become the most trusted secondary packaging partner.


Don't postpone automating your line due to lack of funding!

Consider Pearson's Machine-as-a-Service program:
-No upfront cost
-Pay per case erected, sealed, or palletized
-Experience an immediate return
-Use the equipment for whatever length of time you need

Learn more:

Machine-as-a-Service: Palletizing - Pearson Packaging Systems 07/14/2023

The benefits of Pearson's Machine-as-a-Service program for one co-packer?

No term commitments; the customer uses the equipment as long as needed and can return it at any time

Use-based pay structure by pallet (or case) count offers immediate savings, with no cash upfront

Standard machine lead times are a fraction of custom equipment lead times

Read their full story here:

Machine-as-a-Service: Palletizing - Pearson Packaging Systems This co-packer had begun a multi-phase facility expansion project which would result in two automated packaging lines, intended to double their current production volumes by the end of 2024. The first phase of the project included an overhaul of their current line to handle new upstream fillers. Man...

MaaS | Machine as a Service | Pearson Packaging Systems 07/07/2023

No Cap-Ex for your automation project?
: Pearson Machine-as-a-Service!

- A fast and risk-free path to automation
- Realize savings with the very first box produced
- Pay based on unit output, no upfront cash required
- No minimum term commitment
- Available on most standard Pearson erectors, sealers and palletizers

Learn more about the program here:

MaaS | Machine as a Service | Pearson Packaging Systems No need to put off automation due to funding. Utilize MaaS as an alternative to purchasing. Read more about the benefits of choosing a use-based payment.

Costco Display Case Requirements: Specifications for Bliss-Style Boxes Benefitting Manufacturers, Retailers, and Customers - Pearson Packaging Systems 06/30/2023

When it’s time to automate or expand the case forming portion of your line, these Costco requirements may be helpful considerations whether you supply to the club store, other big box retailers, or as a guide when working with corrugate suppliers to determine which display boxes are best suited to your products.

Costco Display Case Requirements: Specifications for Bliss-Style Boxes Benefitting Manufacturers, Retailers, and Customers - Pearson Packaging Systems In this 2022 company update, Pearson shares what investments it made and continues to make to become the most trusted secondary packaging partner.


Strong, Stackable Display Cases Meeting Box Store Requirements

Do you supply to big box retailers and club stores like Costco, Sam’s Club, and Walmart?

Are your display cases strong enough to protect your products?

Can they stack without crushing?

Bliss boxes may be the answer, and Pearson can automate the forming process!

Our bliss machines form many of the most common case and tray styles used today, including those with reinforced corners and multi-side cutouts.

3-piece box and trays are sturdy by design. Plus, Pearson machines use an active forming section to ensure boxes are square and securely-sealed.

Meet the product and pallet integrity standards set by the retailers you supply to on every delivery.


ALWAYS a great end to the week when we get to help not only Pearson customers, but the local community as well.

Thank you for the visit, Vitalant! And thank you Pearson employees for your generous blood donations that will save lives!


Costco-style display cases?

Pearson's BF30 Bliss Former creates a range of three-piece display cases that are ultra-sturdy and have superior stacking strength

- Meet the requirements of club stores like Costco, Sam's Club & Walmart
- Rates up to 30cpm
- Ideal for large cases

“Why not purchase the more affordable machine from the smaller OEM?" - Pearson Packaging Systems 05/26/2023

Why not purchase the more affordable machine from the smaller OEM?

A must-read with considerations for the long term before you make a packaging equipment purchase:

“Why not purchase the more affordable machine from the smaller OEM?" - Pearson Packaging Systems In this 2022 company update, Pearson shares what investments it made and continues to make to become the most trusted secondary packaging partner.

MD Packaging awarded exclusive distribution rights for the Canadian market by Pearson Packaging Systems - Pearson Packaging Systems 05/22/2023

It's Facebook official!
Exciting news for our friends and customers in Canada!

Thanks MD Packaging for the awesome partnership - we look forward to growing alongside you and expanding the support options available to our northern neighbors.


MD Packaging awarded exclusive distribution rights for the Canadian market by Pearson Packaging Systems - Pearson Packaging Systems Pearson Packaging Systems is expanding the support of its customer base operating around the clock with the launch of an online parts store.

Want your business to be the top-listed Equipment Service in Spokane?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Real Partners. That Simple.

Pearson Packaging Systems specializes in the design, production, integration and service of secondary packaging automation solutions. With the industry’s most comprehensive portfolio of customizable machinery to erect, pack, seal, and palletize top-loaded cartons, cases and trays, Pearson is also uniquely positioned to provide fully integrated turnkey systems.

To provide flexible and scalable solutions and minimize total cost of ownership, Pearson Packaging Systems is dedicated to the application of advanced technologies and a user centric design (UCD). This commitment was reinforced by the 2018 acquisition of the 25-year-old company Flexicell, the industry’s longest established robotic automation provider for pick, pack and palletizing applications.

Since our inception more than 60 years ago, a diverse set of high-volume manufacturers and distributors in the food, beverage, personal care, and online commerce industries has relied on our products and services to help them meet their growth and profitability objectives. To this date, Pearson has deployed over 20,000 machines worldwide, with some equipment and accompanying field service traveling to locations as remote as Tibet. Designed and built for 24/7, multi-shift environments, our systems and solutions have proven themselves in even the most demanding environments supported by our experienced Aftermarket, Parts and Service Departments.

Videos (show all)

Don't postpone automating your line due to lack of funding!Consider Pearson's Machine-as-a-Service program:-No upfront c...
Strong, Stackable Display Cases Meeting Box Store Requirements_________________________________Do you supply to big box ...
Why is automatic tool change so INCREDIBLE???!!! It eliminates the need for manual intervention, is generally much faste...
What do YOU see when you step into your production environment? Missed opportunities? Lots of work to be done, but not e...
Pearson Robotic Case Packer for Jugs of Grass Seed
Robotic Case Packer for Stand-Up Pouches by Pearson
Who doesn't love a multi-functional machine? For #FeatureFriday, check out this robotic palletizer with an end-of-arm to...
Robotic Case Packer for Wafer Products by Pearson Packaging Systems
Stack, Band & Palletize System for RSC Cases by Pearson Packaging Systems
Robotic Partition Inserting - RPI38 by Pearson Packaging Systems
Happy Holidays from Pearson
Random Robotic Case Erector (RRCE) by Pearson Packaging Systems



8120 W Sunset Highway
Spokane, WA

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