Fuel to Thrive

Fuel to Thrive

I empower you with the tools you need to fuel yourself so that you can thrive. Dietitian, Personal Trainer and Triathlon Coach. Take action. Visit my website!

Fuel can be looked at literally, as food, and metaphorically, as passions. I think we need to recognize what fuels us metaphorically before looking at what fuels us literally. What gets you excited? What gets you out of bed in the morning? Is it a competition you are training for, or is it the moments you get to spend playing with your grandkids? No matter what fuels you metaphorically, I can help


We are looking for an awesome individual who will join our team as a part-time Office Administrator!!

If you are interested or know someone who is, please follow the link in our bio!


Fuel To Thrive is hiring! ☀️ We are looking for a Registered Dietitian that wants to join our team.

If you are an RD with a passion for helping others accomplish their health, fitness, and performance goals with nutrition and exercise, we want to meet you!

Check out the job listing on LinkedIn by going to the link in our bio.

Photos from Fuel to Thrive's post 12/04/2023

👀 The lowdown on some popular supplements you didn't know you needed (or didn't need)!

You have probably heard that supplements are largely unregulated in the US. But did you know that their labels, claims to benefit, and scientific backing are also a somewhat gray-area?

The truth is: most supplements will not provide a noticeable benefit, if at all. But there ARE some worth taking. See below! 👇

🟢 Creatine is the safest sports supplement on the market. It helps to produce more energy in high intensity exercise, leading to better workouts and strength gains. Every athlete could benefit from 5g/day.
🟢 Vitamin D is supports bone health, immune health, and many other functions. Supplementation is recommended when sun exposure is limited. Regular doses of 1,000-5,000 IUs are generally considered safe.
🟢 Caffeine can improve exercise performance by reducing the perceived level of effort. The recommended dose is between 3-6 mg/kg and the safe upper limit is

Photos from Fuel to Thrive's post 11/20/2023

💡 The right snacks should leave you satisfied and energetic, not hungry and lethargic.

☝️Here are some snack ideas that have a good balance of protein, carbs, fat, and fiber. Try 'em out!

Do you have any others to add? Let us know! 🗨️

Photos from Fuel to Thrive's post 11/06/2023

💥 We have the best clients that have been killing it lately! Let's highlight their accomplishments 👇

🏆 Laura: Chicago Marathon
🏆 Chelsea: Chicago Marathon (Top 25 US Women 🇺🇸)
🏆 Melissa: Portland Marathon (12 minute PR)
🏆 Erin: Spokane Half Marathon (Course PR)
🏆 Jon: Spokane Marathon (First marathon)
🏆 Cassandra: Jackass Half Marathon (PR)
🏆 Lou Sowers: Halloween Hustle Half Marathon
🏆 Chad: Golden Leaf Trail Half Marathon
🏆 Veronica: Spokane Half Marathon

All these rockstars - like all our other clients - come to us at varying levels of experience. However, they all experience a similar benefit of having really awesome training and a well-executed race day plan.

We also work with cyclists, triathletes, and athletes of non-endurance sports 🙂

So if you are trying to kick it up a notch for your upcoming season, consider working with one of our experienced Dietitians at Fuel To Thrive! ✉️

Congratulations to all of you! 👏


We welcomed Keely Rae Yeoman into our world on 10/7/23💕

We are all home and healthy and happy!!

If you want more Keely updates, make sure to follow my personal account 🩷

Photos from Fuel to Thrive's post 10/10/2023

"My racing season is over.. now what?" ⬇️

This is a question we get asked pretty frequently around this time of year. The off-season is the time to make really any changes that may negatively impact your performance during a training season.

There are plenty of things that can be adjusted and here are just a few of the main ones:

⚖️ Adjust your nutrient intake based on your new volume of training. Find a new balance of calories and macronutrients, and maybe even consider if any supplements should be added or removed.

🧘‍♀️ Adjust your training regimen and build in areas that may have been missing during your race build. This could be strength training, mobility work, yoga, etc. It's okay to reduce your training load and lose a little bit of fitness. Muscle memory is a real thing and you will easily gain your fitness back.

🤓 Since performance is no longer the focus, now is the time to make.any body composition change desired. It's important to do it with an informed plan. Working with a dietitian is recommended!

⛽ Practice new fuels (gels, chews, drinks, etc) that may have piqued your interest in your training cycle. Experiment with different brands/products and see if anything is worth including the next training cycle!

And remember - just because you aren't training as hard does not mean you don't need to fuel properly! If you are unsure of how to approach the off-season, reach out to one of our Registered Dietitians and Coaches to help come up with a plan with your goals in mind. ☀️


Fuel To Thrive clients have been crushing races left and right these past few weeks and we want to give a shout-out to some of them!

🌟John: Leadville 100 MTB race
🌟Lou: Sundae Sunday 10 miler
🌟James: Diamond City Triathlon
🌟Susie: RAGBRAI 525 miles across Iowa
🌟Veronica: Sundae Sunday 10 miler
🌟Alex: Tunnel Marathon
🌟Julie: Tunnel Half Marathon
🌟Jon: CDA Fondo 120 miles

All of these rockstar clients crushed their races. They worked with us on their day-to-day nutrition and fueling around their training. Some work with us as coaches as well. We love seeing our peeps do amazing things! Let's give them a 👏👏👏

Our team of Dietitians are ready to help YOU fuel for your first, next, or best race!


Yup... still pregnant over here🤰! I've been fairly quiet on the Fuel to Thrive page about my pregnancy journey because I by no means am close to an expert on anything pregnancy related. BUT the more I have thought about it, the more I feel my pregnancy journey- from the eyes of a nutrition and fitness professional- may be beneficial to share.

I knew pregnancy was going to be a hard time for me. I use my body to do a lot of the things I love... run, bike, swim, lift weights, and push my limits and I knew that would all be changing in ways I could not expect during my pregnancy. I knew the unknown changes were going to be one of the hardest aspects... and it has been. So, I started a long time ago building a team of professionals to help me.

I am a huge advocate for finding professional help in areas that I need help or lack knowledge… especially when entering into a new season or phase! A few professionals who have been a part of my team this pregnancy are…

1. My counselor… I am always an advocate for counseling!!
2. My coach, Kayla, . She is a total badass and mom of 2 and has normalized so much of what I have felt physically and emotionally as an athlete as well as guided me through appropriate training
3. and have both helped me immensely with pelvic floor health.

And…if you are entering into a new stage or just needing help moving forward, get help from a professional!! And if your searching for help in the areas of nutrition or fitness… we would love to help!


If you're looking to take your performance to the next level or crush your next race, Fuel To Thrive has you covered! In addition to our nutrition and training services, our dietitians are also coaches and would love to help structure and guide you through your next training block. Here's a little about our coaches:

Lisa: "I'm passionate about incorporating simple, efficient injury prevention strength work, while preparing you for your next PR within a busy schedule."

Amy: "I love working with triathletes and runners of all levels. Whatever your goal is, I love guiding and supporting you to get there!"

Nick: "I work with novice and experienced runners looking to perform and race at a higher level at any distance, but especially in the half and full marathon."

Benefits of working with a coach:
-Structured training that is tailored to your background, goals, and progression
-Progress safely and prevent injury and overtraining
-Reduced stress of scheduling your own training

If you're curious about working with a coach, shoot us a DM!


Well, that’s a wrap! Turns out being a first time professor while growing a human and a business and trying to have a somewhat fun summer pushed my limits😂😵

I am always thankful for new opportunities to grow and helping these future PTs feel more educated and empowered about nutrition was pretty dang cool! Thanks for having me


Small class✅
Individualized attention✅
Movements appropriate for your goals✅
Safe & effective workouts✅
Non-intimidating setting✅

Come join our new small group fitness class!!!

DM us if you're interested!!!


We are looking for another dietitian to join our team!! We would love someone who shares the same passions for helping people as we do!

If you are interested or know someone who would be, please apply to the link in our bio!


Did you know we offer triathlon and run coaching too?!

Some of our athletes choose to utilize our nutrition and coaching services and we LOVE seeing their progress!

We have one athlete headed to 70.3 World Championships in Finland. We have a couple athletes training for half and full marathons. Some training for Ironmans and some training for 50-100mile adventures!

We work individually with them to create training programs and teach them to fuel their training seasons, racing seasons and off seasons!

These athletes benefit from having a coach that helps them with training, strength and nutrition and we benefit from overseeing all aspects of training and fueling to help the athlete optimize their goals!

DM us if you're interested in knowing more.


I took out for our seasons first outdoor ride this weekend!

To be honest, I've been a little bit nervous to do so.

I think that has been the most surprising thing about my fitness during this pregnancy... I've almost had to relearn to fitness.

I have a lot less confidence in my ability to do most workouts and I've had to grapple with learning new paces, new efforts, and new normals. But, the coolest part is, once I drop certain expectations of myself and just get started, 9/10 times my body truly surprises me.

I hope this a lesson I can carry forever because it helps me be amazed at what I can do, instead of bummed at what I can't.

And for all of you who have watched and compared yourself to my pregnancy racing and fitness journey thus far, please know that we are all struggling in our own way!!

Photos from Fuel to Thrive's post 04/23/2023

We had so much fun with this crew at the today!!

We competed in the 50k relay and took 3rd🥉

Congrats to all the runners out there today including one of our Fuel to Thrive athletes !!


Officially Fueling to Thrive x 2 these days!!!

Photos from Fuel to Thrive's post 04/16/2023

Bend half marathon was a success!!

If you’re looking for a flat half, this is not it😂 but it was still fun to get out and see what my body can do!!


📢client success story!!

Taylor is a recreationally competitive Jiu Jitsu athlete who reached out to seek support and guidance in bulking and cutting in order to achieve peak nutrition and optimum performance.

She took a metabolic test to get her calories and macros spot on for cutting. With the change in her macros and fine tuning of her diet both during the cut and before, during and after her competition, Taylor made substantial gains in her strength, energy and performance as well as recovery. Taylor was able to maintain a strict and rigorous training schedule including 5 2h sessions of Jiu Jitsu per week as well as multiple strength and running sessions while cutting and feeling significant energy improvement from previous cuts.

Taylor placed first in one division and 3rd in the other! Taylor is excited to continue working with Fuel to Thrive to fine tune nutrition in combination with her training goals in order to make some strength gains in preparation for the next competition! Go Taylor!

Taylor is a great example of how athletes of all sports can benefit from nutrition guidance.

If you’d like to learn more about working with us, DM me or sign up for a free discovery call (link in bio)


Did you know that we offer Small Group Fitness Classes?! This is a new-ish service that has been very successful for our clients!!

We currently offer:
Endurance Athlete Strength Classes x2
Strength for Healthy Aging Class

Small group classes work because you get (almost) individualized attention while you get to work out with other fun people!!

We really strive to create fun, safe and effective workouts!

We are always looking for more opportunities to serve our community so if you and a group of friends want to get fit together or you're interested in small group fitness, DM me!!


Huge congrats to who completed the Antelope Canyon 50 Miler this weekend!!

Chrissy attends our endurance strength class and works with us on nutrition. Despite a very challenging course, she felt like her strength and nutrition (and grit) pulled her through!!

Way to go Chrissy!!


I took 3rd 🥉today at the Shamrock Shuffle but what makes me even more stoked are all of these people! They are all Fuel to Thrive clients to some capacity and are all wonderful athletes and even more wonderful people!! I feel blessed to be apart of their journey!!

We had a lot of podium finishes today:

Half Marathon:
took 1st overall and 1st AG 🥇🏆
took 1st AG 🥇
Maddie took 1st AG 🥇
took 3rd AG🥉
Lou took 3rd AG 🥉

took 2nd AG 🥈

5karnold took 2nd AG 🥈

Very impressive running by everyone today!!


Vibing all the colors for my last treadmill run of the season (wishful thinking🤞?…maybe🤣🤷‍♀️)


Okay guys, so I've kinda been in a slump when it comes to finding and making new recipes... And when your job revolves around food and giving people food ideas... that is a scary place to be😂

I dusted off some of my cookbooks this weekend with the hope of finding an inkling of motivation and to hopefully get me to the point where I love trying and making new meals again. So, I wanted to share some of my faves with you!!

Also, if you have come to the point where you dread exercise or cooking or doing something that used to bring you joy, maybe its time to take a step back and shake up your process a little... you might just find that flame gets reignited!


In the world of nutrition, we tend to create phrases that are meant to be helpful, but often turn out to be harmful... enter "Macro Friendly"

This term is used to describe foods that fits well in someone's daily macronutrient breakdown. It is generally high in protein, lower in fat and either has a good amount of carbs or not... depending on what the goal is.

When we give people macros, we generally assign 15-30% of calories to protein, 20-35% of calories to fat and 40-65% of calories to carbs. So, this term is meant to describe foods that either help you get enough of one of these categories, or enough of all of them.

But here's where this term has gone wrong...

As with many nutrition terms, we begin to associate them with describing if a food is good or bad. So, it is easy to start thinking "macro friendly"foods are healthy, and "not macro friendly" foods should be avoided.

And here is where I challenge you to start to look at food through the eyes of us, at Fuel to Thrive!

If you see a post or tip about "macro friendly" foods, try to assess what macro those foods are high in (hint... its often protein). So, you can use these posts/tips to find new ways to get protein into your diet.

What I encourage you NOT to do is to start to form opinions around the foods you are eating, as in labeling them good or bad or macro friendly or not macro friendly.

As always, we are trying to share nutrition advice in a helpful and not harmful way! If you are looking for more help, DM us!!


Nick's throw it together meal is a buffalo chicken bowl!

Here is what he has to say about his meal:

I usually build my meals around pre-prepared proteins, and the Instant Pot is my favorite tool to have easy made protein available all week.

Then I add my carbs to the meal. My staples are usually potatoes and rice. So for this meal, I threw some rice into the rice cooker, added some steamed veggies I had on hand, then assemble my meal prep!

My key to making easy meal prep delicious (instead of boring) is to keep a variety of condiments and seasonings on hand. This one came out as a buffalo chicken rice bowl!

6oz chicken, 2/3 cup white rice, and a cup of veggies for a high protein, carb rich performance bowl!

For more meal ideas, check out our blog!!


Amy's throw it together meal uses ingredients she always has on hand and has become a go-to lunch!

Cottage Cheese Bowl:

You'll need:
-Cottage cheese
-Chopped vegetables
-Salsa or balsamic glaze

Mix together and serve with toast or crackers or fruit on the side!!

If you want more recipe inspiration, check out our blog!


Courtney's throw it together meal is a mediterranean bowl using ingredients from her pantry and fridge!!

Here is what she uses:
Lettuce (or whatever green you have)
Quinoa or rice
Canned Chickpeas
Jarred artichoke hearts
Jarred roasted red bell peppers
Sunflower seeds (or whatever nut and seed you have)
Feta cheese
Whatever dressing you have (I used balsamic)

This meal is packed with flavor and nutrition!!

For more meal ideas, check out our blog!

Photos from Fuel to Thrive's post 01/31/2023

We are all always looking for ways to eat healthy in a fast and convenient way! So, we are sharing some of our "throw together" meals this week. These are meals that we each make with the foods we have on hand.

Lisa's meal is an omelette!🍳

Just whisk together two eggs, pour into a cast iron skillet, top with cheese, veggies, lunch meat or ham (optional) fold it and voila!

Works great for a quick easy healthy breakfast, lunch OR dinner!

My kids love it with just lunch meat and cheese.

Pair with some fruit, yogurt and/or whole wheat toast for a well-rounded meal!


For more meal ideas, check out our blog!!


Alright guys, this may sound harsh, but "not liking vegetables" is not an option! Vegetables are the base of a healthy diet. And sometimes eating them is like paying the bills... you just gotta do it!!

I find it harder (in my life and my client's lives) to eat a lot of vegetables in the winter. They aren't as fresh and accessible BUT they are just as important!!

Why do you need vegetables?

Vegetables have SO many good vitamins and minerals. They are also high in fiber and can add a ton of volume to a meal or snack for not a lot of calories. These make them very nutrient dense!!

How many vegetables do you need per day?

At least 4 cups! I shoot for 2 at lunch and 2 at dinner, but you can fit them in whenever! If you don't want to measure, use your hands as guide... 🤲+🤲+🤲+🤲

What if you don't like vegetables?

Experiment! Try different kinds, try cooking them in different ways and try adding different flavors! Also, they don't have to be your favorite part of your meal...

What are some easy ways to incorporate vegetables?

🥕Eat them raw with your favorite dip
🥦Saute them
🫑Roast them (425F, a little oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder for 20-40 minutes works EVERY TIME!!!)
🥒Use frozen vegetables
🥗Make a salad
🥬Put greens in a smoothie

Can I use vegetable powder?

Ummmm..... you can, but... you won't get the fiber that you would get from a real vegetable AND they are usually SO packed with vitamins and minerals that you actually won't absorb a lot of it. I say its better to save the money🫰!

What if I'm a runner?

Plan your vegetable intake wisely, so you aren't causing too much GI discomfort during your runs

That was a lot! But I do wanna know your favorite vegetable is!!

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711 N Helena Street
Spokane, WA

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