Gem Wellness

Educating & empowering women to live intentionally with personalized & modern wellness.
🌱 Hormones, fertility, pregnancy

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 09/10/2024

🌿✨ Let’s Talk Tinctures: What Are They and How Are They Best Used? ✨🌿
Tinctures are a fascinating and versatile tool in herbal medicine, offering a concentrated form of plant-based remedies. But what exactly are they, and how can you make the most of them?
Scroll through for some basic education on tinctures!
Tinctures are a wonderful addition to your wellness toolkit, offering a concentrated way to harness the power of herbs. 🌿✨

I encourage you to explore the world of herbal remedies and discover how tinctures can support your personal health journey! I’m always happy to share recommendations of my favorite tinctures for specific situations!


A typical home birth scene - inspecting the placenta on the bathroom floor. 🌿🩸

After the birth, evaluating the placenta is key to ensuring a smooth delivery and healthy start for you and your baby. Here’s what I look for:
1. Completeness: Confirming that the placenta and membranes are fully expelled to avoid any retained fragments that could cause complications like excess bleeding or infection.
2. Color and Texture: Checking for a healthy, rich reddish color, adequate thickness, and a smooth/consistent texture, which indicates proper function during pregnancy.
3. Cord Attachment: Examining the umbilical cord’s insertion point to ensure it was securely attached, which helps us understand placental function. We also assess whether there were 2 veins and one artery in the cord or only 1 vein and one artery.
4. Size and Shape: Assessing the overall size and shape to make sure there are no irregularities that might suggest issues.
5. Maternal and Fetal Sides: Identifying the maternal (dull) and fetal (shiny) sides to confirm proper placental development and functioning.
Curious about the placenta and its role? Request a “placenta tour” during the first hour or two of your postpartum period. It’s a fantastic opportunity to understand more about this crucial organ and what we check for to support your health and well-being. 💫👶
Photo Cred:

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 05/16/2024

I’ve been supporting families in the “doula” role in addition to being a student midwife for quite a while, just taking clients by word of mouth before now! My midwifery licensure has taken a little longer than I originally planned for, so I’ve decided to take on a handful more doula clients prior to focusing primarily back on midwifery very soon! If you’re interested in hiring a doula for your home, birth center, or hospital birth in the next several months and think we might be a good fit, reach out and let’s set up a consultation! 🥰

DM or text (509)993-1884 📲

Note: I attend births in/near Spokane, WA or Post Falls, ID.


Sometimes it happens right after the the baby is born and before mom reaches out to hold them close. Other times, it is postponed until after the adrenaline and rush is slowed.
And often, the midwife and birth team needs it almost as much as the mother and baby. Especially in births where the unexpected occurs, where interventions are needed, where birth was hard and strenuous.
This photo holds so much emotion for me.
I haven’t shared it for some time because it’s such a tender moment in my heart and mind.
This was a tough birth, and I’m grateful for time to process the birth story with this mama. Tears are welled up in my eyes in this photo as she exhales all that just occurred and pulls her baby close to her chest.
I remember reminding myself, “He’s here. He’s safe. Feel the ground beneath your feet and rest in this moment.”
I often talk about the swift, peaceful, and straightforward births on here. But the reality is, I’ve also had my fair share of really hard, puzzling, and intense births over the past couple of years. I’m grateful for what each birth has taught me, for God’s faithfulness in each one, and for moments of intentional calm after the storm. ♥️

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 09/18/2023

👶 Let's Talk Baby Weight Checks 👶

One aspect of newborn care that often gets a lot of attention is baby's weight. What's normal when it comes to weight loss or gain in those first few days and weeks? 📊

SWIPE through for a general conversation, and if you have personal or professional experience/insight to share, please leave it in the comments!

Midwifery care typically follows the schedule of checking baby’s weight routinely at birth, 3-5 days, 10-14 days, and 6 weeks, with more frequent checks as needed.

💕 Baby weight checks are just one piece of the puzzle. Trust your instincts and seek support when needed.


I’m currently listening through the audiobook version of Call the Midwife, book 1 by Jennifer Worth. (The show is one of my absolute favorites, and it’s so fun to go through the true books that inspired such a successful TV series!)

I was listening to one of Jennifer’s stories of attending a birth while a student midwife in London during the 1950s, and this quote made me pause in reflection. I so relate to all of her emotions shared in the book as she looks back at the many unique moments she witnessed in her career as a midwife.

Particularly, this paradox of what it looks like to be a birth worker… To be ever ready, ever prepared to move and act, while simultaneously spending so much time waiting and holding a space of peace and trust for the natural unfolding of the miracle of birth and new life. Never rushing the process unnecessarily; always growing in patience and reverence for the sacredness of the work we’ve been called.

What a gift to be challenged in this way. To sit with my hands in my lap and to be a witness to the strength God has given His daughters. To balance the use of skills and knowledge with the complete trust of His good design for the process. To join with mothers and families as they “worship in the WAIT, knowing that sometimes miracles take time.”


🚽 The "Dilation Station"🚽

I’m not bashful in sharing that the toilet may just be one of my favorite tools for making great progress in labor. (I’ve caught a handful of babies there too.) It might not sound fancy or very boujee, but it’s a piece of equipment you can easily access at home, the birth center, or the hospital.

🤰 Laboring on the toilet (or the "Dilation Station" 🚽💫 if you prefer a classier name 😅) can be a game-changer, and here's why:

1️⃣ Relax Your Pelvic Floor: The toilet provides a comfortable and supportive position that encourages your pelvic floor muscles to relax. It’s somewhere your body is used to relaxing in this way 💩! This relaxation can help your body dilate more easily during labor.

2️⃣ Gravity Is Your Ally: Sitting on the toilet allows gravity to lend a hand. It can assist your baby's descent through the pelvis and birth canal, potentially speeding up the dilation process.

3️⃣ Increased Comfort: For many, the toilet seat offers a sense of stability and control during contractions. This comfort can be incredibly reassuring during labor. (I love recommending facing backwards on the toilet and leaning over a pillow to rest between. This also allows for your support person to provide counter pressure or massage.)

4️⃣ Privacy and Calm: The bathroom often provides a quiet and private space away from the hustle and bustle of the birthing environment. It's a sanctuary for some much-needed alone time.

5️⃣ Easy Access: it’s important to empty your bladder frequently in labor. When nature calls, you're already where you need to be!

Remember, every labor is unique, and what works best for you may vary. So, don't hesitate to explore different positions, including the trusty "Dilation Station," to find the one that brings you the most comfort and progress. You've got this! 💪🌟

Have you tried laboring on the toilet? Let's chat in the comments below! ❤️👶

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 08/18/2023

This is why immediate (& continued) skin-to-skin is so important for babies and mothers alike 👇
Most babies do not need major interventive support directly after birth, so the baby should be left primarily uninterrupted and skin-to-skin with the mother for the first 1-2 hours before any newborn tests or exams are completed. The APGAR tests and basic neonatal resuscitation, if needed, can typically be completed right on the mother’s chest or at her side with the umbilical cord still attached.
Midwives are called to honor and respect the natural rhythm of physiological labor, birth, and the immediate postpartum period. This places emphasis on the importance of limiting interventions immediately following birth to allow for necessary bonding and hormonal processes to occur in both the parents and the baby. Minimally interrupted skin-to-skin, following the mother’s lead of connecting with her baby, should be of utmost importance in the first hours after birth.
The “Golden Hour” is essential in meeting the basic psychosocial needs of the baby and the parents. This is particularly essential, for both psychosocial and physiological reasons, in the initiation of a healthy breastfeeding relationship. Honoring the sacredness of the immediate postpartum has been shown to decrease newborn complications, such as respiratory distress and poor thermoregulation, and it has also been shown to reduce the risk of immediate and longer-term postpartum maternal complications, such as hemorrhage and postpartum anxiety/depression (Cole, 2021).
Did you feel like your Golden Hour(s) were respected with the sacred reverence they deserve? If you're pregnant, how are you planning to advocate for yourself and your baby in this way?
📸 Beautiful shots by

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 08/15/2023

Swipe through for a discussion on va**nal breech birth! ➡️

I’d love to hear… What’s your experience with breech babies?
Are you a mom with a breech baby at term? Or a birth professional who has attended breech birth (va**nal or cesarean)?

This fall, I will be attending a multi-day hands on training by world renowned breech birth educators. (And I’m also doing their online Breech Pro course!) There are still some spots left for the event here in Spokane if you’re a birth worker interested in attending!

Breech Without Borders in Spokane September 15-16

📸 Beautiful artwork by


“It takes a village.”
Community in pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and motherhood is SO important. While ultimately you are the one responsible for yourself and the care of your little ones, who you do it with can make all the difference in your family’s wholistic wellbeing.
I think motherhood is one of the most powerful callings in this life. You all inspire me everyday! 🥹❤️

As I seek to support women and families in our community in a deeper way, I’d love to hear!! 👇
🌿 What kind of support have you found vital from your community?
🌻 In what ways do you wish you had more of it?
📸 Love this photo: .zmatus

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 07/14/2023

Post travel blues… and some musings as I reflect on this season. (SWIPE) 👉

Now begins the continuation of finishing up my midwifery school academics. Prayers appreciated! 🙏 ♥️

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 07/03/2023

Maria and I grew up in the same small town in northeastern Washington. Before she was pregnant with her third precious babe, we talked a decent amount about her birth experiences and her desires for the next go-around. I was happy and excited for her when I got the “positive pregnancy test” photo message last fall, and even more honored when she asked if I’d be her midwife. 🥹

We often hear of the beauty that midwifery care is to families, but I realized through the past 10 months with Maria what a gift continuity of care is to the midwife as well. It filled my soul in such a special way to support Maria and her family through this whole process of bringing the newest addition of their family into the world!

Maria and her family live on the same rural road that I grew up. I visited her in her home for check-ups the first two weeks postpartum, and I loved the un-rushed time we had together to chat and the baby snuggles she shared with me. 🥰 On the hour long route from her home back to where I currently live, I stopped by the farm where I grew up. My eyes welled up as I overlooked the valley where I spent so many days dreaming about what I’d do with my life “when I grew up.” 🥹 It was a very full-circle moment as I recognized that all my dreams came true. This career is truly such a rewarding and fulfilling calling, and I’m so grateful every day that God chose me for this work.

So thank you, each of you beautiful and strong mothers who have trusted me, for the gift of serving you and your families through the great transition of growing and birthing new life! You have blessed me immensely! ♥️🥰

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 06/27/2023

The birth of Ariah Rose 🌹
as told by her mother

I just love the vulnerability in which Ciara shared her birthing experience.💗 And that ninth slide is my favorite! 🙌

Was your home birth “different” than a lot of the *dreamy, peaceful, flowy* births often pictured on Instagram? Would love to hear about it in the comments!👇

(Please DM me your authentic birth story if you’d be open to me sharing it with other mamas preparing for labor!)

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 06/12/2023

The birth of Beatrix Mae ☀️

SWIPE to read.
Thank you for letting me share this sweet birth story of your little girl, !

Check out for more resources and information on tools like The 3 Balances. 🙌

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 06/10/2023

There’s nothing quite like having the opportunity to witness a friend’s strength as she births her baby. 🥹
Vanessa and I met in March of 2022, the first week I was back in Washington after 5 months in Mexico and the south. We both feel it was divine intervention that we happened to be present at the same prenatal home visit, her there as a doula and I as a student midwife. We got to talking and realized that we were both studying at the same midwifery college, and we exchanged numbers to hopefully meet up and study together.
Over the past year, we’ve been so much more than just classmates and fellow student midwives. She and Emily (the client who we met through and who has also become such a dear friend) invited me to their church, and I joined a beautiful community here in Spokane that has been so life-giving the past several months. She and Emily also teamed up to set me up with my now boyfriend. (Who Emily happens to be related to, yay!) 🥰 And I had the joy of attending her own birth of her newest baby girl, Isabella, in February. It was such a fun birthday party 🥳 celebrating the new life she birthed as Emily, Morgan, Beth, her husband and parents, and I sat and chatted for a good couple hours afterward. Such sweet moments we will always treasure!
I love doing life with you, Vanessa & Emily! Thanks for improving and expanding my life in all the best ways. You are both such blessings to me and to our community. ❤️


I love that women have options when it comes to the location they choose to give birth. And oh, how I love homebirth.
Birthing at home isn't always the best fit for every family, but for the many who have felt called to it and who have experienced it, it can be so beautiful and empowering.
Today, an estimated 2% of births in the United States occur at home as planned homebirths. Throughout history, the majority of babies were born at home. In fact, hospital births only became common occurrence in the past century... In 1900, 100% of births in the US were at home. By 1938, it was an even split of 50% of births at home and 50% in the hospital. From 1938 to 1955, there was a major push for hospital births in the US, and in that time, the rate of homebirths had dropped to less than 1%.
Today, we see the interest in homebirth and midwifery care increasing, slowly but steadily. Being in the line of work that I am, I often forget that what is so normal to me and my colleagues is seemingly bizarre to so many in our generation and the couple generations before us.
For many, many women and babies, homebirth is safe and wonderful. There are countless reasons families choose to birth at home! I'd love to hear your thoughts on homebirth! Have you or do you hope to birth at home? What questions or thoughts do you have about homebirth?

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 05/19/2023

The 6 week final postpartum appointment:
This one is actually one of my very favorite appointments! Of course for the obvious reason of seeing babies at their absolute cutest stage, but also because of the conversations we have with parents! Here’s a few key aspects of this visit 👇
• Vitals on mom (blood pressure, temp, pulse)
& baby (heart rate, respirations, temp, weight).
• Review postpartum healing:
- Physical: bleeding, perineum/pelvic floor, breasts, check the fundus/uterus, general aches & pains.
- Mental: general affect & emotional fluctuations, assessment of community/support, refer to mental health therapist as needed. We also reflect on the birth & process any lingering emotions or trauma.
• Discussion on breastfeeding goals & struggles, offer additional support/resources.
• We talk about family planning and if more kids might be in your future. I’m passionate about taking this conversation beyond the “birth control” brief convo and permission to resume physical intimacy. We talk about your hormones in the past, what forms of BC you’ve tried (what has worked & what hasn’t), what your goals for supporting your fertility look like in the year to come, nutrition/lifestyle/herbs/supplements and personalized exercise you might try integrating into your life to support those goals, and we discuss how you can continue to tune in and listen to the cues of your body as it shifts and changes in the postpartum period (it’s more than just 6 weeks!!). We can write referrals for pelvic floor PT and certain types of birth control methods.
• Depending on your hormonal history and current health, we might decide to draw your blood to better understand how to support your wellness going forward. We can also give a PAP Smear & well woman physical exam if you’re due for & desire one! (This can be a super empowering experience when done well with you in charge!)

What do you wish was discussed at your final postpartum appointment?

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 05/12/2023

Adam’s birth story, as told by his mother Clara. 💙
(Swipe to the last slide to see where it all went down 😅)
Driving to the birth center, I remember having this strong sense that “this birth is going to be very memorable.” It most certainly was! 😊️
What a joy it was to see this client and her family all the way through her pregnancy from their first appointment through the birth and postpartum. 🥰


Yesterday, I attended my 87th birth as a student midwife and completed the last clinical birth requirement for the final phase four of my midwifery program. As I'm sitting here reminiscing over all the beautiful families I've had the privilege of serving the past couple of years, I thought I'd share this throwback to my first “catch” (in phase two of clinicals) in November of 2021. This moment is still so fresh in my mind.
What a wild ride it's been so far!
And we're just getting started!
Now, I continue to buckle down and work through my academic requirements prior to graduation. And then to study for the NARM exam and to sit for licensure!
Please keep me in your prayers as I take these big steps. Thank you all for your support!
(Also, in case you are wondering… I’ll still be attending births regularly with throughout the summer leading up to graduation!)

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 05/09/2023

Just a thread 🧵 of a few important reminders for pregnancy, motherhood, and health in general. 🙃 ➡️

Please give your favorite slide a share if this encouraged you ♥️

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 04/30/2023

I’ve grown to LOVE 36 week prenatal appointments!
Once a baby spends 37 weeks in the womb, they are considered full term and can be expected to make their arrival (mostly fully developed) anytime from then to their due date or beyond. So to be adequately prepared, many midwives use the 36 week appointment to have some important conversations and encourage the client in finishing preparing for labor/birth.
Here’s a few aspects I’ve found important to incorporate during this appointment (although I’m always learning and growing and adjusting as needed!) 👇
1. Regular check in on physical health of mom & baby - symptoms, physical assessment, vitals, etc. Is baby in a good position for birth? What body prep can be done via exercises and nutrition? GBS testing performed if desired.
2. Conversations about mental and emotional preparedness of family members to welcome a new member. Processing of fears or recurrent thoughts the mother is having about labor, birth, and postpartum.
3. Review of the birth plans. PLANS, because we discuss all potential scenarios, including the potential need for transfer and a hospital birth. We talk about potential complications that may arise and how they would be handled. We also discuss their values and how they still apply and how desires can be adjusted if they end up delivering in the hospital. Although it’s not typically anticipated, we also discuss their hopes for how a cesarean birth would go if presented. We talk about tools for self-advocacy and advocacy by the partner to support the mother. Sometimes, plans change, and having these thorough conversations allows for families to feel empowered even when it looks different than expected.
4. Physical preparedness. Birth bag packed? Infant car seat ready in car? Childcare for older kids set up? House or birth center tour completed. Home set up for birth &/or postpartum? Birth kit given.

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 04/19/2023

Juniper made her quick and unexpected entrance on the morning of March 30th in the driveway to her parents’ house!

Swipe for the birth story! 🤱🏼

Thank you for the honor of being a part of this big and exciting day! 🥹 .kinder

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 04/15/2023

It’s simply about providing the individualized care that each mother deserves. It’s about respecting her autonomy and desires while offering the tools she may need to meet her baby in the most empowering way possible.

What is empowering to some can be traumatizing to others.

I think this fact is important to realize! As birth workers, we must balance the integration of information/research, personal midwifery style, and the mother’s individual needs and desires. There’s a level of intuitiveness and ability to effectively communicate that allows for the adequate assessment of how “hands-on” a midwife should be in a given situation. To not offer additional tools when the mother has need for them is an abuse of the role of birth keeper. Likewise, to assume every mother needs or wants the same tools or interventions in a specific scenario is negligence of the spiritual component of bringing forth new life.

Every birth is different!

I love watching moms breathe their babies into the world, reach down and self direct the crowning stage, catch their own babies as they float up from under the pool surface, and guide their placenta intuitively out of their body.

But I’ve also found mothers to be just as empowered by directed pushing, multiple cervical checks during a long labor, firm vocal guidance through position changes, choosing to have their water broken, and making the decision to transfer to the hospital for further intervention or pain management.

This work is ever humbling for me as a birth attendant.

As I drive to each birth, I pray for wisdom in my heart and mind to know the family’s needs, and I pray for steady and caring hands to practically assist in whatever means uniquely required.

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 04/03/2023

I’ve had an overwhelming request to cover this form of birth control. I’ll be sharing through more options in the weeks to come! Check my stories and |copper iud | highlight on my page for more info, links, and resources!

Do you have experience with the copper iud? What thoughts do you have from this post? 👇

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 03/25/2023

~ The inexpressible shift of the immediate postpartum ~
Speak to, connect with, calm your newborn after birth.
Let them tell their story, the tale of their journey to meet you.
Initiate processing of the voyage that you all persevered in union as you let the emotions flow and the joy surge.
These first moments together are crucial starts; protect the sacredness of this great beginning with fierceness.
You and your baby set the tone for this transition, whatever pace that may be.
Do not rush over or push past this vital experience and moment of intensified bonding.
Come back to reality, slowly and TOGETHER.
For now, you are separate.
But always, you will be one. ♥️

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 03/22/2023

Posted • Join a small group of women in coming together to learn about and celebrate our bodies!🌷This is a 3 hour event with several mini lessons led by different local womens specialists. You will leave this event feeling informed and empowered in your female health journey, and probably with a few new friends! 💕

🧘‍♀️ Start this workshop with a group ice breaker (low impact) movement module focused on pelvic health and women’s fitness led by with

👩🏼‍⚕️ We will dive into Fertility Awareness Method, Natural Family Planning, Hormone Health, and Nutrition with

🌺 We will explore our own relationship with our v***a, va**na, cervix, and womb with Student Midwife
These parts of our bodies are not shameful. These parts of our bodies do not only serve the purpose of s*x. These parts of our bodies are wise and powerful when we tune into them. After a group module, a private space will be available and optional for you to learn 1:1 with an experienced Student Midwife how to actually check your own cervix! (Part of Fertility Awareness Method)

🤱🏻I will lead a module about Lactation Amenorrhea Method as a form of postpartum birth control, in addition to other ways to protect yourself from pregnancy during the postpartum period. We will also discuss postpartum s*x, the 6 week mark, and what that means for you and your partner.

Register now
Link in bio

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 03/22/2023

A skill I’ve had the opportunity to become decently proficient in 😅 It’s always more fun to learn these things with friends! I’m super grateful for my dear friend who I’ve been so blessed to go through this past year of midwifery school with! We are both attending the same college, and we’ve been able to work through quite a few courses together. She has been such a bright spot in this journey! She’s on maternity leave after birthing her own beautiful babe a month ago, and I’m so glad we’ve become good enough friends to connect outside of school! (I actually got to be at her sweet girl’s birth, and it was the most special gift to share in that core memory with their family. 🥹)
Most often, the reasons I might give an injection as a midwife include:
💉 Vitamin K (Administered, as desired/needed, after birth for babies to reduce the risk of vitamin K deficiency bleeding VKDB.)
💉 Pitocin (Used for moms to manage excess bleeding directly after delivery, preventing or managing postpartum hemorrhage.)
💉 RhoGAM (RhO(D) immune globulin, can be given in pregnancy and/or postpartum to protect an Rh+ fetus from antibodies in an Rh- mother's blood and to prevent Rh allergy/sensitization in the mother.)
✔️ Just one of the nearly 200 individual skills I need to get signed off before graduation 👩‍🎓

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 03/18/2023

Oh what an honor to witness such raw strength and femininity. To support a mother as she took charge and stood for what is important to her and her family. I am so so proud 🥹

Photos from Gem Wellness's post 03/15/2023

Preparing your kids for home-birth 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧
I'm a big fan of siblings attending birth.
In fact, I genuinely believe I may not be here writing this post or in birth work at all if it weren't for the first exposure to birth I had at 5 years old. I was welcomed into my mother's birthing space as she birthed her youngest child - my baby brother. It was life-changing for the better and planted seeds for a lifetime of trusting and honoring my body as a woman, respecting the calling of motherhood and the beauty of birth.
A question I hear often from clients during prenatals is, "how do I know if they are ready? What should I do to prepare them for the birth? How can I be sure this won't scar them for life?"
First of all... YOU know your child best. You intuitively know if it is right for your child to be present at the birth. Trust your mother’s instinct on this. (This in mind, if you have multiple kids, it may not be right for all of them to attend, but it may be really perfect for one or two!)
Second… What do you personally need? Some mothers find that it brings them comfort and familiarity to have their children there with them for the birth, while others find that it brings them anxiety about what the child is thinking, what they are doing, or they find that it inhibits them from birthing freely as they need to. It’s beautiful if you want your kids there, and it’s completely okay if you don’t!

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