Wild Muse Wellness

Wild Muse Wellness

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Nutritional Therapy & functional labs to help women balance hormones and boost fertility naturally

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 08/28/2024

Hey there! 👋🏼 We’re so happy you’re here! 💕

We’re a team of Women’s Hormone + Nutrition practitioners who thrive on being a teammate with our clients and are persistent in achieving sustainable, impacting and long lasting results. 🙌🏼

TBH 🙄 we’re pretty tired of ~ quick fixes, bandaid approaches and fads ~ Which is why our approach is totally different…we start at the ROOT of your symptoms so you can see long lasting results… all without the overwhelm and restriction. 🙅🏻‍♀️

If you’re a past (or current) Wild Muse client, we’d LOVE to hear from you in the comments. 🫶🏻

Tell us about your experience and the results you saw from working with us. You know how frustrating and confusing it can be to struggle with symptoms & hearing from you can be SO helpful for ladies who are in the shoes you were in! ❤️

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 06/27/2024

It seems like these days, so many women deal with heartburn & GI upset, food sensitivities, mood swings and painful periods. 😣

But just because symptoms have become common does not mean that they are normal! 🙅🏻‍♀️

You shouldn’t have to live in constant discomfort while simultaneously searching for answers. This is EXACTLY why the ladies of WM do the work that they do- to help you get to the root cause of your symptoms so that you can get relief for good! 🙌🏼

If you’re dealing with similar symptoms to Katrina’s client, reach out to talk to a practitioner! Relief from your symptoms is possible, friend 🫶🏼

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 06/21/2024

We’re back with Part 2 of the Libido Series! 🔥

If your libido has left the building, let’s get it back! Having a low libido is just a sign that your body is needing a bit more support. We went over the reasons for this in Part 1, so if you haven’t seen it yet, go back and read it first!

Supporting your body (and libido) doesn’t have to be complicated! It’s actually pretty simple:

1. 🥑 Eat enough so you’re not plummeting your libido because of caloric deficit.
2. 😴Sleep more to avoid depleting your reproductive system.
3. 🐟Add in Zinc rich foods to support progesterone! (& testosterone for men)

Which of these steps to get your libido back will you try first?

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 06/19/2024

🙋🏻‍♀️ Raise your hand if one of (or all) of these symptoms have gotten in the way of your daily life… We’re gonna take a wild guess that there are a lot of hands up right now 😆😂

As common (but ANNOYING) as constipation, bloating and acne break outs are… they don’t have to be something you just deal with. You can overcome your symptoms with functional lab testing and guidance from a practitioner who focuses on whole body wellness. 🌱

If you’re dealing with uncomfortable symptoms that you can’t figure out how to shake, reach out to us! You can always book a consultation at our link in bio or just DM to chat! 🙃

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 06/13/2024

Have you noticed a change in your libido (or lack thereof)? 😳

We’ve all been there and it can be confusing! There are many reasons why our libido can take a little leave of absence. 😒

But the good news is, that means we can do something about it! We’ll be coming out with a Part 2 of our Libido Series, with more info on how to get your libido back 🔥

Save this post for later and keep your eye out for Part 2!

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 05/28/2024

Have you been wondering what happens once you sign up to work 1:1 with a Wild Muse Practitioner? 🤨

Well, here ya go! It’s one of the most exciting times in our journey together and a chance for us to get to know YOU (your goals, your struggles, your habits and a little more about your personality!)

If you’ve been following us for a while, you probably know we take a comprehensive, in-depth approach and that requires a lot of background info. We’re here to listen, to learn about you, and to determine the best path moving forward towards healing. 🫶🏼

Are you ready to get started? Head to the link in our bio to book a consultation with Johanna or Katrina! We have a few spots left for summer, so snag ‘em quick! ☀️🕶️

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 05/09/2024

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, simple and sustainable changes are key 🔑

This client came to us feeling frustrated and defeated after years of struggling to find a solution to her symptoms. But soon after we started working together, she was feeling some major relief and could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

And fast forward a few months, her symptoms have improved and her fertility is thriving… SHE’S PREGNANT! 👏🏼🎉

What we love so much about this client’s story is the simple and easy changes that contributed so much to her healing. 🌸

If this story resonates with you and you’re ready to get to the root cause of your symptoms so you can FINALLY get some relief, head to the link in our bio to book a consult with us!

We have some open spots for this spring/summer but they’re going quick 🏃🏻‍♀️

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 04/24/2024

Enrollment is officially open!! Link in profile to sign up!

Truth be told, there are tons of ‘hormone balancing’ programs out there… But few will actually give you simple, sustainable tools that almost feel effortless once you learn them.

Most are filled with cutting out your fav foods (hello, no sugar free, dairy free, gluten free diets 🙄)... Instead of hyperfocusing on the hormones themselves we work on addressing WHY they are off in the first place.

Hormone Balancing Blueprint helps you support your body as a whole… We walk you through a straightforward method that combines a nutrient-dense diet with realistic recommendations geared toward working with your feminine body.

So if you’re ready to ditch restriction, eat your fav foods, and learn how to holistically balance your hormones HBB is a wonderful fit for YOU!

Best part about HBB? You get instant (and lifetime) access, so if you sign up right now you’ll be on your way to reaching your goals in no time!

Doors ARE OPEN! Drop a 🌸 and we’ll send you a sign up link to get started!

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 04/23/2024

Curious if HBB is a good starting point for you? Let’s hash out who HBB is for!

This program is a great fit for you if you’re…
- Ready to take a natural and holistic approach to supporting your body as a whole.
- Struggling with period problems, PCOS, endo, or fertility and are tired of food restrictions, supplements, and lack of answers.
- Wanting to deeply understand your body + how to support it.
- Curious about using fertility awareness method + understanding your menstrual cycle, but feel like you don’t know where to begin.
- Motivated and love to learn :)
- Wanting to have life-long tools in your ‘tool belt’ that you can share with friends and family!

Feel like you’re a good fit? Enrollment opens TOMORROW! Drop a 🤩 to get on the first to know list!


We love to hear this! And honestly, we hear it pretty often from our clients. 🙌🏼

Many women suffer from painful and heavy periods… but that doesn’t mean it’s normal! There are so many things we can do to improve period symptoms...we’ve said it before and we’ll say it again! 😎

And if you think it’s too good to be true for you, think again! Seriously, you CAN have an easy period. 

Leave a ❤️ below if you’re ready to ditch period problems and finally find relief.

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 04/15/2024

I am so so so beyond excited to FINALLY announce the BTS project we’ve been working on at WM this year. 

Introducing… the Hormone Balancing Blueprint

A self-paced course to learn how to take your health into your own hands, naturally balance hormones, and boost your fertility without frustration, overwhelm, and restriction.

The idea for this program blossomed in early 2022 and I actually launched something very similar… If you’ve been around for a bit, you prob remember Revive! 

We had AMAZING success in Revive, but I personally had to pivot my focus on schooling, so I paused it and just focused on 1:1 work… until NOW. 

I took the successes I saw from Revive and the successes we’ve seen in one on one work and poured it ALL into this brand new baby, the Hormone Balancing Blueprint. 

If you’re ready to … 

🌱  Finally get to the root of what’s going on with your hormones + fertility
💪🏼 Take things with your health into your own hands
🌸 And naturally balance your hormones and boost your fertility… For good!


It’s time to say…

👋🏻 Goodbye to feeling like all systems are on fire…

🥊 Good riddance to restrictive diets that are unrealistic… and frankly just rude.

🙋🏼‍♀️ Adios to always feeling frustrated and hopeless… like nothing is ever going to work. 

And instead say HELLO to…

🥳 Feeling vibrant again… (Hi stable moods + consistent energy).

😍 Eating your FAVORITE foods + understanding how to nourish your body.

🤩 Understanding what’s actually going on in your body AND how to use your cycle to work with you… instead of against you. 

‼️ Doors open on APRIL 24th! And we’re going to open up a special bonus for the ladies that take quick action ‼️

If you want to have first dibs on that bonus, comment 🙋🏼‍♀️ and we’ll send you a link to get on our first to know list. 

Stay tuned as we continue to share details!

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 04/09/2024

As former acne sufferers… We get it. Johanna, Katrina, AND Taylor all have acne as part of their story.

We tried the acids, the exfoliants, the accutane, the birth control…

We cut out dairy, gluten, soy…

We took supplements. 

And none of it worked long term. 😡

Because the root of all of our acne was:

* Gut dysfunction: we all struggled with gut bacteria overgrowth because we weren’t taught how to TRULY heal the gut

* Dysregulated blood sugar: Ask us how many times we snapped at our husbands because they simply looked at us funny 🙃

* Copper + Iron imbalance: this is connected to gut dysfunction AND poor liver and adrenal health. Work on the two above FIRST before addressing. 

TLDR: We get it and we know just HOW much it sucks to be in your late 20s… And wake up, yet again, with a friend on your chin 🙄

And that’s why we’re on a mission to help women get to the ROOT of what’s going on instead of, quite literally, (face) masking it. 

Curious: What have you tried to get rid of acne? Did it work?

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 04/05/2024

Ugh sending you all of the good vibes, my friend. Insomnia is BRUTAL. It’s no wonder that sleep deprivation is actually used as a torture technique… 😑

The most common reasons we see clients struggling with insomnia are:

Unsupported blood sugar 🫐: You might also experience hormone imbalances, feeling hangry if you’ve gone too long without eating, or even develop headaches/shakiness between meals. 

Gut bugs 🐛: If you constantly wake up between 1-3a and struggle it anxiety/irritability, especially around the full moon you could definitely have gut bugs. In our course we will teach you how to support your body to become more RESISTANT, which in turn helps keep these creatures in check… 

Excess copper 🟠(this can be hidden in your hair test too): This is a really common one, something Johanna dealt with for a long time. Typically paired with estrogen dominance symptoms, mood swings, chronic infections, and immune system dysfunction. If you have a hunch this might be you, we highly recommend working on the basics (eating a nutrient dense diet, sleeping well, supporting digestion, etc) BEFORE doing any sort of copper protocol. 

A couple of tips to get you started: 

1. Try to eat larger meals earlier in the day, this means NO skipping breakfast or lunch. “Knife and fork” meals will help a ton with balanced blood sugar
2. Chew your food well! Aim for smoothie like consistency
3. Try getting into bed around 9-9:30p, so you’re asleep before 10. Reading a fun fictional book can be helpful as well! 

Give these a try + let us know how they go! If you like these tips and want to learn MORE about what to do to balance hormones naturally, drop a 🙋🏼‍♀️ to be added to our first to know list for our new offer coming out here very soon!

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 04/02/2024

Hi my lovely friends! We have so many new faces here so I wanted to reintroduce myself. 👋🏼

I’m Johanna, founder + owner of Wild Muse Wellness. I started WMW because like many of you, I was struggling hard with my own health… PMS, heavy periods, chronic fatigue, daily headaches, frequent migraines, gut issues… I could honestly go on.

It felt like my body was screaming at me and I felt so hopeless and alone… Why me? Why am I going through this? 😓

I wanted to have reliable energy, periods that didn’t make me hate my life for two weeks out of each month, and I wanted to be able to eat what I wanted, when I wanted, without my stomach retaliating against me every time.

And I wanted to do it without restrictions and without having to take a millions of supplements/pills.

I had a deep down, true belief that my body WANTED to heal and that it didn’t have to be this way… Luckily I listened to that little voice in my head and ended up stumbling upon nutritional therapy.

After learning about how to support my body from the ground up, I realized that THIS is the sh*t that finally worked.

The only “thing” I needed to reverse my symptoms and heal…

Was to listen to my body and give it what it needs.

Our bodies are SMART 🧠 They tell you what you need to know, we just have to listen.

So that’s the basis of WM and HOW we help you. 🌱🥰

I’m honored to be part of this incredible team and to be a support system for SO many incredible ladies that have chosen us to guide them.

Humbly, I want to change the world for women. I want to change the status quo and elevate women’s health. We deserve so much better than what we’ve been given.

Now I know that’s a big task 😆 so I ask that you help me! Share this page + our posts with your friends. Dive deep into true holistic wellness. And take your health into your own hands.

If you need a guide to do so, we would be honored to be part of the journey. 🫶🏼


Join us for a night out at Rooted Chiro Club! 🤩

Shop from local makers: permanent jewelry, candles, apothecary, skin care & more. This event is all about celebrating moms and taking some time to spend with your girls!

Plus, meet midwives & doulas that can help you plan for baby, and take care of yourself during pregnancy & postpartum!

All ladies are welcome, this is your chance to relax and connect with other women in the area. 🩷

We’ll have small bites, beverages, and goodie bags with local treats! Grab your best girls and don’t miss this opportunity to unwind and have a little fun!

We can’t wait to see you! 🥰

📆Thursday, 4/25
⏰ 4-7 PM @ Rooted Chiro Club in Hayden, ID

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 03/18/2024

We are SO excited to introduce this amazing powerhouse to the Wild Muse Wellness Team!

Katrina has been training with Johanna for almost a year now. She’s such a valuable and strong practitioner and I’m truly honored to work alongside her. Plus, she’s aligned with the values and practices of WM and I completely trust her to guide WM clients in their healing journeys. Her clients have had some INCREDIBLE results so far & we cannot wait to share more.

I’ve been so impressed with Katrina’s dedication to truly figuring out answers to her clients concerns and ability to guide them in making simple, sustainable changes. Her calm demeanor and attention to detail has even caught my own blind spots in my own health journey 😆 (even practitioners need practitioners!)

Here are a couple of questions we asked her so you all can get to know her a bit:

🤩 Why did you become a practitioner? I got mono my last semester of college and did not recover well. I ended up with extreme fatigue, digestive issues, and hormonal imbalances.  I went to many providers and spent a lot of time and money but it wasn’t until I focused on nutrition that I was able to heal! I now have lots of energy with minimal symptoms and became a practitioner so I could help women do the same!

👯‍♀️What do you love most about working with Wild Muse Wellness? Unfortunately, the world of health and wellness can be very difficult for women to navigate! There is a lot of conflicting advice and confusing information, so I love how WM is focused on understanding female physiology and focusing on the body as a whole to find the root cause of symptoms. This way we can support the body to heal gently and naturally. I wish I could have worked with WM first thing in my healing journey - it would have saved a lot of time and money!

✈️ Fun facts:

1. I love to travel! So far I’ve had the opportunity to go to 8 countries, with Chile and Peru being top of that list!
2. I love to cook and am currently obsessed with roasting a whole chicken (stay tuned, we’ll post the recipe on our story) and all things sourdough!

Welcome to the team, Katrina! So excited for what’s to come ✨

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 03/06/2024

Relying on caffeine, a nap and/or sugar to make it through the day is not normal! This client followed her intuition that something was up and now she has balanced hormones and more energy 🙌🏼

If you struggle with some of these things, just know that you CAN heal! I’m here to help 🩷 tag someone who needs to hear this


If you experience brain fog, fatigue, or just have a feeling that something is off… this is for you!

There IS a light at the end of the tunnel and you absolutely CAN get back to feeling like yourself with better energy and mental clarity.

Oh and one more thing- this client did an old WM program that we had…and it might be making a reappearance soon 😉🙊

Comment below or DM to chat more about how we can get there together 👯‍♀️🩷

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 02/27/2024

We know you guys love a Wild Muse Hot Take 😎

If you’ve heard us talk about avoiding oat milk for gut health and want to know more, this post is for you!

Save and share with a friend who might not know this about alternative milk! 🤯

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 02/21/2024

Has your Dr. said you have unexplained infertility? Or maybe you’ve self diagnosed because you’re frustrated and confused with TTC?

I’m here to tell you that jumping to the conclusion of infertility doesn’t have to be your only choice!

This is your body, your story, and YOU get to choose how to approach your fertility and healing journey.

Here are a few reasons why I don’t love this word, and why I say fertility struggles/challenges instead 💗


Last call! Go sign up now! 🎉

My friend, if you…

- Are wanting to conceive in the next year or have been TTC for a few months…
- Buckle over from period pain, have extreme mood swings, or your periods just suck…
- Have been trying alllllll of the things to fix your hormone issues, but haven’t had any luck…

THIS class is for YOU!

Join us tonight to learn more about taking a food first approach to health & why it’s the missing piece to your puzzle ❤️

Plus there’s a Q&A session at the end of class that you WON’T want to miss!

If you can’t make it live, still sign up cause I’ll send the replay out to registrants after class!

Sign up through the link in my bio, see you tonight 🫶🏻

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 10/27/2023

Oops 🙃

I honestly could go on and on and on with these.. Part 2, 3, 4, 5 😂😂😂 But I'm going to save my energy haha

The reason I can go on and on with these? These are ALL things that have happened to my clients! All of them are true stories.

ALSO I want to emphasize - this is not to joke around with infertility at all. My intention is to expose the poor practice our society has had when it comes to fertility. We deserve SO much more than the “unexplained” infertility diagnoses. There’s always a reason.

I’m curious, is there one that surprised you the most or hit home for you?

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 09/29/2023

Dig 👏🏻 deeper 👏🏻 ask 👏🏻 questions 👏🏻

It honestly breaks my heart how easily the word “infertility” is used…

It’s so permanent, decisive, and leads many of my clients to feeling hopeless AF.

Rightfully so!

But we have to understand that if our basic needs aren’t met and we…

- are sleeping like crap
- aren’t eating enough (super common)
- are tired all the time & relying on caffeine to get through the day
- have cravings galore (this is your body telling you it NEEDS something)
- have blood sugar levels that rise and fall like a roller coaster
- are skipping meals

Of COURSE our body is going to struggle.

I lovingly encourage those around me that are currently struggling with fertility to zoom out & ask questions..

“Is it infertility? Or are there multiple things in my body that needs attention before it feels ready and safe enough to grow a human.”

There is SO much we can do to support our body’s and fertility.

And honestly this takes us out of the powerless position of it is just the way it is to…

Feeling empowered: “There are clearly some changes I can make and there is HOPE of improved fertility in my future ❤️”

And before I go…

I want to be very clear, I KNOW some couples have tried EVERYTHING, and my heart goes out to them. ❤️ their situation is more complex and isn’t who I’m challenging to ask questions. You are warriors my friends 💕


I mean…. He has a point 🤪

Here’s an example, if nutrient deficiencies are directly linked to…

- hormonal imbalances
- health problems like PCOS, Endo, thyroid issues
- anovulation & amenorrhea
- progesterone deficiency & estrogen dominance
- fetal development issues

… why aren’t we addressing this first?

Or at least work on nourishing your body, supporting digestion, and reducing stress in WHILE doing treatments? It certainly has ZERO downside..

But we don’t really see that either.. 🤨🤔

It’s really odd, especially when the conventional forms of treatments only have a 20-50% success rate.. you’d think we’d do all that we can to at least make them MORE successful..

AND not only can this approach help make the fertility journey more successful, it can also help…

- reduce PP symptoms like: anxiety, depression, hair loss and brain fog
- optimize baby’s health and break generational patterns

Just food for thought.

This is NOT meant to make women feel guilty in anyway, you don’t know what you don’t know. But I do hope it encourages you to start asking questions ❤️

Also last but not least: why the HECK are we not talking more about male fertility?

They provide 50% of the recipe to make 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 baby 👏🏻. But more on this later 😜

What questions do you have about naturally supporting your body in your fertility journey? Comment below or DM me!

Photos from Wild Muse Wellness's post 09/23/2023

Come see us at the North Idaho Birth & Baby Fair today from 10-4p at Kootenai County Fairgrounds 🫶🏼🥳 North Idaho Birth & Baby Fair


True story, happened just yesterday. 🤯

Things like this make me say “What even.” 😅😵‍💫

What’s so sad is this is happening to SO many women. They look to their providers for guidance (rightfully so!!!!) cause it’s confusing AF out there, and then those providers say 💩 like this! Are you kidding me!!

FOR THE RECORD - NOT all prenatals are made equal. 🙅🏼‍♀️ You should not just take “any” of the ones available. 🤦🏼‍♀️

A couple of things to know about prenatals:
- There is no standard regulation for prenatals. It is up to the COMPANY to decide what goes in them and what a pregnant woman “needs”.

- There are tons of different forms of vitamins, for example there are three main forms of B9/Folate used in supplements - folic acid, methylfolate, and calcium folinate. Folic acid is a cheap, highly synthetic form of folate that causes tons of problems for women. Methylfolate & calcium folinate are both much higher quality, but the amount you should take depends on you, your body, and your nutrient needs. It’s not nearly as simple as “Take folate”.

- The majority of prenatals are made with synthetic vitamins + minerals, it’s simply how vitamin/mineral supplements are made. In order to get a truly natural form of folate, you have to get it from folate rich foods, like Beef Liver. I hope that makes sense, hard to explain in writing!

- Prenatals are generalized and not custom to YOU, so while you might have the best intentions, you might be getting wayyyyy to much of a nutrient or wayyyy to little of another. This alone can cause problems.

So, do I recommend taking a prenatal? 😬 For 99% of my clients I don’t.

What do I recommend doing instead?
- Functional lab testing to see exactly what nutrients you need
- Eating nutrient-dense foods
- Healing your gut + supporting digestion
- Adding a personalized supplement routine based on what YOUR body needs.

At the end of the day, food first and mother nature always wins.

Curious, what are your thoughts? Have you had a similar experience with your provider?


This has been an absolute favvvvv of mine recently 🥰🥳

Notice some similarities with the last recipe? I essentially build my smoothies the same way, they all have the same base and then I swap out a couple of things to give each one a little flare 💃🏼

This helps keep them-

- Nutrient dense to nourish my body
- Protein rich to help keep my blood sugar balanced, which is crucial for hormone balance and fertility
- Hydrating, which helps hydrate my body at a cellular level!

Curious, are you more of a chocolate or a fruity gal? 🙋🏼‍♀️🍫 (big chocolate fan over here!!)

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Have you been told you ovulate on day 14 of your cycle just like everyone else? 🤔Well… that actually might not be the ca...
ATTN PCOS ladies: you might want to listen up! 🫶🏼First off, we get it. PCOS can be frustrating, annoying, daunting and c...
Did you know that your libido is your bio marker for reproductive readiness? AKA it can indicate how ready or safe your ...
The Menstrual Cycle Phases but in real life terms 🤣 First up: Luteal Phase.This part of our cycle is the time after ovul...
Feeling overwhelmed by trying to improve your fertility? Oh…so you’re human! 😅 This happens with so many couples who are...
Part 2: Your prenatal could be holding you back from conceiving. 💊We know to the naked eye it can seem like most prenata...
📢 ATTN: Ladies who struggle with period pain!Did you know it doesn’t HAVE to be this way? Our clients ditch their period...
We’ve seen so many reels normalizing feeling weird or drained or exhausted once it hits 2 or 3pm - but this doesn’t have...
Did you know your prenatal could be holding your fertility back? 🤯It’s true! We’ve even had some clients stop taking the...
Checking back in from one of our previous posts about blood sugar regulation! 🙌🏼But why is it important for hormone bala...
IYKYK… and it’s the worst! 😑Here’s your friendly reminder to make that protein rich breakfast (don’t forget include a ca...
Is it unexplained infertility or is it your body screaming for help? 🫢 If you have one or more of the above symptoms, it...



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