Awaken Healing + Massage

Cultivating Blissful Self Care through
Sound Healing, Reiki, and Therapeutic Massage


Resonates as True.

Holding space for others is a blessing, all the layers spoken and unspoken, the history of who they were and the knowing of who they are to their core, witnessing the unfolding of their becoming. It is a beautiful dance of just being love for each vessel that makes its way to my table.


The time is NOW to say yes to your next chapter! We are excited for you to join us!

Dm me here or email me at [email protected] to learn more!

Photos from Awaken Healing + Massage's post 03/22/2024

Join us this May with Ravi Singh for this 6 month in person training!
We are so excited to have this opportunity and look forward to connecting with you!


Clients have asked for packages, so here they are! Making a win-win for your wallet and for your body!

Save up to 20% per session!

Check out to learn more about the session available.

(Discount does not apply to the strictly myofascial sessions)

Access Layers of Self With Massage Therapy Springfield Missouri 10/31/2023

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Access Layers of Self With Massage Therapy Springfield Missouri Massage therapy in Springfield Missouri is a way to access our body and see what it has to tell us, as a way to access our Inner teacher.

Alleviate Insomnia Massage and Bodywork in Springfield Missouri 09/25/2023

If you've been struggling with insomnia, regular massage and bodywork offers a natural, non-invasive approach to resolving the underlying issues that could be contributing to your sleep disturbances.

Alleviate Insomnia Massage and Bodywork in Springfield Missouri Regular massage and bodywork in Springfield Missouri offers a natural, non-invasive approach to managing insomnia.

Embrace Self Care With Swedish Massage in Springfield Missouri 08/28/2023

Self-care doesn't just mean taking bubble baths. Holistic massage therapy can reduce stress, help you sleep better and improve your physical and mental health.

Embrace Self Care With Swedish Massage in Springfield Missouri Holistic Swedish massage in Springfield Missouri can significantly enhance your self-care and improve your physical and mental health.

Treating Chronic Pain With Myofascial Release Springfield Missouri 08/14/2023

If you're suffering from chronic pain, myofascial release is a natural, non-invasive approach to alleviate the root source of your pain.

Treating Chronic Pain With Myofascial Release Springfield Missouri Myofascial release in Springfield Missouri helps manage pain and uplifts your mood to counter the mental and emotional toll of chronic pain.

Health Benefits Of Therapeutic Massage in Springfield Missouri 08/02/2023

Getting holistic massage therapy on a regular basis is an essential element of a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

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Improve Mental Health Holistic Massage Therapy Springfield MO 06/22/2023

If you’re ready to start improving both your physical and mental health, schedule one of our holistic massage therapy sessions today.

Improve Mental Health Holistic Massage Therapy Springfield MO Holistic massage therapy in Springfield Missouri addresses both your physical and mental well-being to improve your health and wellness.

Timeline photos 04/27/2023

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”


7th Chakra: Crown Chakra Sahasrara (thousand petal lotus)

Color: Violet
Element: none, realm of no thought

Universal Connection/Unity Consciousness/Cosmic Consciousness

Intimate Connection with the Divine

Giver and receiver of Spiritual Knowledge

Balance of Human and Spiritual Experience

I am one with the Divine
I am connected to Universal Source Energy
I am connected to the Inner Teacher

Brain fog
Feeling meaningless
Hyperfocus or lack of focus entirely on spirituality


Third Eye: Ajna Chakra,pronounced Aagnya

Sixth Chakra
Translation: Command, Perceive, Beyond Wisdom

Location: between the brow, right above where the bridge of the nose meets the forehead, associated with the pineal gland known as the "seat of the soul" by philosopher Rene Descartes

Color: Indigo, a deep blue hue

The Mantra Om is a well known mantra and is within the symbol of this chakra. It is accompanied by 2 lotus petals and has a downward facing triangle in it, representing enlightenment.

Associated with Wisdom and deep inner knowledge, deeper perception to the world around us, mystical connection, extrasensory perception, astral travel, and subconscious recognition. It is our seat of intuition and youthfulness. Gifts of the 3rd eye are "6th sense" When on point, we trust our inner guidance. When blocked, you may feel close minded, or lack connection to inner wisdom.

Some other signs of an imbalanced Third eye include:
• eye strain

• headaches

• migraines

• dizziness

• clogged sinuses

• hearing issues

• memory issues

• anxiety

• confusion

• insomnia or nightmares

We bring balance to the third eye by meditating and more. Various forms of meditation include chanting, seated meditation and mindful movement in our yoga practice are all ways to bring balance to our third eye.

Sleeping 😴
As the pineal gland secretes serotonin and melatonin. Regulating our sleeping and waking states, therefore sleeping can bring balance to the 3rd eye as well.

Of course all chakras benefit and are balanced through mindful nutritional choices.

Mindful living =mindful life


Throat Chakra: Vishuddha Chakra (The Purifier)

The Fifth Chakra
Element: Ether
Color: Blue
Musical Note: G
Petals in the Symbol: 16

Located at the Center of the Neck
Associated with Communication, Self Expression, Manifestation, Speaking your Truth & Deep Listening

Translator between Spiritual/Unmanifest and the Physical/Manifest Aspects of Ourselves

Positive Attributes:
• Purity
• Clarity

When blocked one could experience:

• being fearful about speaking your personal truth

• having a harder time expressing your thoughts

• feeling anxious about speaking or communicating

• Fear of Rejection

• criticism

• indifference

• injustice

• a raspy throat

• chronic sore throat

• mouth ulcers

• gum disease

• laryngitis

• thyroid challenges

• temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders

The goal for optimal balance within the throat chakra is to be listening to our inner Truth and to be able to express it freely, as well as hear the pure frequency of the world around us.
Rather than excess chatter, one practices mastery over process and translation, being mindful of what we speak about and what we speak into existence. The more exact we are with our words, and the more we keep our word with ourselves and others, the more power it gains.

Another way to enhance the power of the word is to practice chanting mantra. The concept is that the Universe hears the pure frequencies being emitted and knows what you speak to be True. This works on the yogic gift called Vak Siddhi.( the perfection of speech) My teacher says, "Vibrate the Cosmos and they will Vibrate back for you"


Heart Chakra: Anahata (Unhurt, unstruck, unbeaten)
Commonly translated as
The Unstruck Sound

Color: Green, a mix of Blue and Yellow
Petals: 12
Associated with 12 Divine Qualities ✨️ bliss, peace, harmony, empathy, understanding, love, purity, unity, kindness, forgiveness, compassion and clarity

Other Keywords include:
Passion,Serenity, Service, Charity,Family, Relationships,Devotion, Equilibrium Dharma(walking your calling)

Associated with Connection to our Physical and Emotional Heart

Seat of feelings and emotions, creative writing, artistic talent

Think of the Heart as the fulcrum or pivot point in our energetic system where the lower chakra energy is transformed into the higher chakra energy.

Visualize the lower three chakras as the bottom triangle and the upper three chakras as the upper triangle where the two points of the triangles meet at the heart.

Within the actual heart chakra symbol itself we have the shatkona symbol. This symbol is represented by Purusha (The Supreme Being) and Prakriti, (Nature) to signify the union between man and woman.

Positive aspects:
•Awakening of Divine Love

•Bridging Earthy and Spiritual Aspirations

•Healthly Grieving to Process our Process in a Healthy Way

•Deep Connection and Harmony with Energy and those around You

When imbalanced one may experience negative thoughts and emotions or changing emotions. Feelings include:
On a physical level, this could then hinder blood circulation, leading to a malfunctioning of the heart and lungs.

Other emotional aspects that show a closed heart chakra include
• jealousy
• lack of willingness to connect with others.
• the experience of stagnation of development


Third Chakra:Manipura (Mani=jewel pura=place) "City of Jewels"

Yellow is the Color, Willpower is its game
Element: Fire

Symbol: Ten petals Lotus. These represent the ten Pranas, the vital forces, which control and nourish all functions of the human body. An additional symbol of the Manipura is that of a triangle with its tip pointing downward. This indicates the spreading of energy, growth and development. Activation of the Manipura Chakra frees one from negative energies and purifies and strengthens one’s vitality.

The 3rd of 7 chakras spins to bring balance to our motivation, willpower, determination, self confidence, assurance, bravery, boldness, tenacity. ambition, boldness, persistence, strength, righteous wrath, justice, and fairness.

We consolidate our energy through the navel drawing in universal life force through the "universal umbilical cord"

Building our prana and strengthing our nervous system, it's ideal to do navel work every day! (Think leg lifts or stretch pose in the Kundalini Yoga practice)

Energetically,when our navel is balanced it allows for the heart chakra to be open.

Other key components on a physical level include regulation of the function of the pancreas and digestive organs. Blockages in this centre can cause many health problems such as digestive disorders, circulatory disease, diabetes and fluctuations in blood pressure.

The burning fire energy of a strong manipura is said to burn the impurities of any diseases away.

Our connection to Cosmic energy of capital "P" Prana is of upmost importance as a soul in human form.

When imbalanced:


• Lack of confidence
• Lack of motivation
• Procrastination
• Self-doubt
• Negative thoughts and emotions
• Constant agony
• Anger
• Helplessness
• Jealousy
• Lack of integrity
• Addiction
• Impatience
• Resentment
• Fear
• Anxiety

• Weakness and constant tiredness

• Digestive problems• Hypertension

• Eating disorders


Todays Chakra is the Sacral chakra: Svadhisthana (Sva=Self Sthana=place)

The 2nd chakra moving up from the base of the spine,associated with the color orange. Orange in Eastern Philosophy is the color or purity.

The element is water representing our ability to be fluid, have a "go with the flow" mentality, movement, and aliveness. Water is also connected to emotions. The sacral chakra is thought be the seat of our s*xuality, creativity, and pleasure in life.

The symbol has a 6 petal lotus.

Some blocks could include guilt, shame, inability to accept change and fear.

When imbalanced one may experience:

•Difficulty expressing emotions

•Emotional imbalances, both highs and lows or the vasilation between the two

•Lack of emotional boundaries

•Denial of activities that bring you pleasure

•Attachment to people and relying on them as a source for happiness

•Our relationship with food can show up in this chakra i.e. avoiding eating something we enjoy due to fear of it making us fat

•Using seduction as a way to manipulate and get what you want i.e. withholding s*x from a partner or giving s*x to a partner

The list goes on!

A lot of common experiences can show up in the sacral chakra as its where we begin to create our identity when it's first developed from 7 to 14 years of age.

The sacral chakra is a place as the american culture goes where we have a lot of healing to do.

Healthy relationships with our own s*xuality and experiences of pleasure as a human through the form of healthy emotional connection, food, and Sacred Sexual practices are all part of this chakra.

Do you find any of the items listed as a part of your experience?
Find yourself in a meditative experience utilizing the power of prayer and sound healing to shift your energetic system.

Book your sound Healing Session today!
Select the Book Now Button above and choose 30 or 60 minute Reiki. Type Sound Healing in the Notes!


Everything is Energy and as we tune ourselves like an instrument, we realize, remember, and stay in a space of Divine Expression of our Creative Life Force.

Sound Healing is a way to raise and or maintain a healthy vibrational state.

Each session is an intuitive experience where Tibetan Hand hammered singing bowls are played on and around the body to create balance within each chakra and the aura, or energy field around us.

Enjoy 30 minutes or an hour of Sound tones played while relaxing in the peaceful atmosphere that is Believe Do Bliss Mind Body Wellness. Where it is recognized our overall health is more than our physical self and through working with quantum Healing we can walk our best lives.

Dream big ✨️
Self care is Key
Create Magic
BE Magic
Know you are Already Whole and Holy
I'm just here to remind you

To schedule your session, click

and Select 30 minute or 60 minute Reiki Session in the Notes type Sound Healing and I'll see you soon!

Have questions?
I'm here to answer them!

Text 417-450-8875
Email [email protected]

Everything is Connected -- Here's How: | Tom Chi | TEDxTaipei 07/15/2022

Everything is Connected -- Here's How: | Tom Chi | TEDxTaipei Tom Chi認為「萬物都有相關聯」或「事出必有因」的說法,其實不只是純粹哲學的形上思考,而是有各種科學根據證明這個理論的。而找出這個現象象徵的意義是什麼,或許就能解開人類之所以存在的秘密....?Tom Chi has worked in a w...


Eureka Springs Yoga Retreat
October 12th-16th 2021

An Immersive Yoga Experience with Dustin Turner Hosted By Omni Health and Yoga

Daily Yoga practice for 2 to 3 hours a day

Enjoy Local Springfield Eats from
Multpile Catered Meals from Local Restaurants and the other meals prepped with Love on Sight

Recieve a 45 minute bodywork session of choice (Therapeutic, Relaxation, Tai Massage, Reiki)

Trails for Hiking and Mountain Biking Near By

Alternative Medicine Workshops Include

Hapé: Amazonian S***f brought to you by

Herbal Wellness with
Of the Local of Eureka Springs

Other workshops include

Sacred Sound Healing

This is an hour and 45 minutes of many instruments played to guide you into Theta brainwave state to allow for optimal relaxation and restoration

Ta***ic Numerology
This Numerology references the 10 Light Bodies of Consciousness per the Kundalini Yoga practice.

Connect with Community

Other options for add on healing services include:

Additional massage and bodywork
Iridology sessions with Annie Sicard
Private Yoga Lessons with Dustin Turner

Sign up today!

$300 non refundable deposit saves your spot!

5 Private Rooms left
1 Shared Room left

Email [email protected]

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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May 18th begins the first module of this 6 month immersive course with Ravi Singh! I will be cofacilitating as well as C...
Do you have the tools you need to be the most centered, connected version of you? Do you desire to continue to learn and...
Although my teacher Ravi would never claim to be a Master as he is humble, I gladly give him that title. To me, a Master...
A mini lesson from Ravi Singh, world renowned yogi and teacher. With 45+ years experience, multiple pubslished books, an...
Why I get Massage! Read more about  my offerings and schedule your moment of Self Care today at  www.awakenmassagespring...


509 W Olive Street #103
Springfield, MO

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