Align Pilates & Physical Therapy

Helping women build a strong core to move & feel better in all stages of motherhood. ♡ Her YouTube Pilates mat classes can be practiced right in your own home.

Amy is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher who is passionate about healing the body through mindful movement. As a former gymnast, volleyball player and runner, Amy constantly struggled with pain and injuries that eventually led to two hip surgeries in 2011. She found Pilates shortly after surgery and knew immediately that it was exactly what her body needed. Afte

Photos from Align Pilates & Physical Therapy's post 06/05/2023

If you’ve never experienced the benefits of dry needling, now is the time to give it a try!

When you’re struggling with back/neck pain, headaches, chronic tightness or overuse injuries, dry needling is an highly effective intervention to provide you quick relief.

Here’s how it works:
✅Your PT inserts an acupuncture needle into tight, painful muscles
✅The needle elicits a “twitch response” in the muscle to help it reset & function properly.
✅Electrical stimulation can also be used to enhance your outcomes.

The result is relaxation of persistent muscular tension, release of spasms and relief from your pain!

Leave a 👍 in the comments if dry needling has worked for you!



💫Studio sunlight

Photos from Align Pilates & Physical Therapy's post 03/16/2023

Two Reformers are better than one✨✨

Tag + share with your best Pilates pal!

Pilates for Scoliosis | Balance your Body! 01/22/2022

It's been awhile since my last YouTube video but I'm excited to share this new one that helps with back pain and muscle imbalances from Scoliosis. Please share with a friend who may benefit!

Pilates for Scoliosis | Balance your Body! Pilates is the perfect way to manage pain and imbalances caused by scoliosis. With its focus on stability, balance and posture, you’ll be feeling longer and ...

Align & Flow | Intermediate Pilates Class to Build Inner Strength & Connection 04/17/2021

Find your flow to build inner strength and connection in my new 30' YouTube class!

Focus on maintaining good alignment and core control in the exercises and also in the transitions between exercises, training your body to move better and feel better in your daily life.

This workout builds resilience so you’re able to do more with less pain and strain. You’ll feel stronger, longer and more supported afterwards!

Align & Flow | Intermediate Pilates Class to Build Inner Strength & Connection Amy, physical therapist and Certified Pilates Instructor, teaches an intermediate level Pilates flow class to build inner strength and connection. Increase ...

Safe Core Exercises for Diastasis Recti 03/28/2021

Connect to your deep abdominal muscles to build stability and support for your body after pregnancy. This class will help establish a functional core and close the separation between your abdominal muscles!

Safe Core Exercises for Diastasis Recti

Safe Core Exercises for Diastasis Recti Amy, Doctor of Physical Therapy and Pilates Instructor, teaches safe exercises to restore a functional core after Diastasis Recti (separation of the abdomina...

Pilates Sculpt: Full Body Loop Band Routine 12/05/2020

🌀Loop Band Connection🌀

The Glute muscles are often inhibited or weak due to prolonged sitting, poor standing posture or movement patterns.

Our bodies typically compensate by overusing the quads and back extensor muscles - these imbalances will likely lead to pain and injuries in the low back and lower extremities.

It can be difficult to retrain the body’s poor movement patterns. I find the loop band so helpful to provide feedback to encourage a connection between the mind, glutes, deep abdominals and pelvic floor muscles. When the glutes kick in to stabilize the pelvis, I feel my low abs and pelvic floor muscles work more effectively too.

Try this workout to improve activation of your back body and enjoy the pain-free movement that comes with a healthy back, hips and knees!

Pilates Sculpt: Full Body Loop Band Routine This challenging Pilates workout uses a medium weight loop band to provide resistance and feedback to the glutes, arms and abs. The band helps to increase a...


After my first baby and even more so my second, I noticed a huge disconnect between how weak I felt after childbirth and how much strength early motherhood requires. Lugging the car seat around, putting the double stroller in the car, lifting the baby (or toddler!) into the crib….It’s all hard work that can cause stress in our back, SI joint and pelvic floor.

Starting off slow with just the basics of activating the deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles is crucial to healing after childbirth. Returning to your usual exercise routine and activities without this deeper support often leads to pain, prolapse, incontinence, instability down the road.

Here’s a set of low ab, pelvic floor, upper back and arm strengthening exercises that will help you meet the demands of motherhood without pain! Re-training these muscles after childbirth (even if it’s 10 year after!) will make you feel strong, supported and confident again in your body.

1️⃣Double Leg Stretch
2️⃣Alternating Arm Arcs
3️⃣Swan + Upper Back Lift
4️⃣Tricep Push Ups + Leg Lift

Move slowly with your breathe, pulling your low abs/pelvic floor muscles up and in every time you exhale. For cues and the full Postnatal workout, click here!


🔥🔥New Glute & Ab Workout🔥🔥⁠

Builds strength and stability in the core and glutes to support healthy hips, knees and back! These exercises move the hips in all directions - creating balance in your body. Complete these exercises to feel better and stronger in your everyday life!


This new workout targets upper back mobility and strength to open the front of the body...amazing for posture!⁠

Most of us spend too much time sitting...leading to rounded shoulders, a stiff spine and tight hip flexors. These poor postural habits can lead to an array of compensations, pain or injuries in the neck, shoulder, low back and/or hips.⁠

These exercises will start to re-establish balance between the front and back of the body. Focus on activating the upper back and gluteal muscles while keeping your lower abdominals pulled up and in. Our goal is good alignment that is supported by a strong core!


Challenge your pace in my new Pilates Cardio workout...⁠

Pilates exercises are typically done slow and controlled but sometimes life requires us to move a little quicker! For me this week it's been a tennis lesson and chasing my 2 little boys...⁠What activities have your body moving this week?!⁠

Even at a faster pace, we can aim to control our movements and stay connected to our breathe and core. Maintaining correct alignment and movement patterns can reduce your risk of injury and keep you doing all the activities you love!


🔥New Pilates Workout to build a supple spine supported by a balanced and strong inner core🔥

Our spines should be able to move freely in all directions without pain. Over time, our body adapts to poor posture and movement patterns leading to stiffness and pain.

Pilates can help by:
🌟restoring mobility and flexibility in your body to alleviate spinal rigidity and back pain.
🌟improves articulation of the spine through each vertebrae.
🌟lengthening the spine throughout all planes of movement to avoid compression in the neck or low back.

Our bodies are meant to move! "Change happens through movement and movement heals." --Joseph Pilates


If you're experiencing back pain, try my new intermediate core workout live on YouTube today:

These exercises build stability and strength in all planes of movement. Pilates creates balance by strengthening the whole body evenly. No muscle group is overworked or underworked. ⁠

Balanced strength training helps to build up the bones, muscles and other supporting tissues in the body - leading to improved posture and better alignment as we move through the day. Good posture alleviates the stress and pressure placed on our joints and discs that can occur when the spine is not well aligned.


🌟New Pilates for Back Pain workout on YouTube today!🌟

Lack of core support, pelvic instability, muscular imbalances, and poor posture all affect back health. When alignment is off, stress and wear and tear can occur in the joints, discs and muscles around the spine. ⁠

Focus on the deeper muscles (diaphragm, pelvic floor muscles, transverse abdominis, multifidus) creates an inner strength to support and stabilize the natural curves of the spine. ⁠

Pilates is a great foundation for any kind of movement you do. When the core is strong, the frame of the body is supported so the rest of the muscles and joints can move freely around it. ⁠

If you have been struggling with pain, here are 5 exercises to get you started...or click link above for the full workout.⁠
1️⃣Quadruped Arm Raise/Row
2️⃣Quadruped Kick
3️⃣Sidelying Hip Abduction⁠ modification⁠
4️⃣Prone Pre-swimming⁠
5️⃣Single Leg Stretch modification⁠

If you give these a try, let me know how it goes. I hope they help!


New Postnatal Pilates workout for Diastasis Recti on YouTube today!
To heal an abdominal separation after pregnancy, it's important to work the small, stabilizing core muscles (tranverse abdominis and pelvic floor muscles). This video focuses on correct engagement of these muscles to set foundations for safe return to activity and exercise.

1️⃣Rolling like a Ball: Lift from your pelvic floor muscles to float the legs off the mat & to initiate the roll back.
2️⃣Seated Row with Rotation: Increase the mobility of the upper back and diaphragm to alleviate pressure on the pelvic floor.
3️⃣Sidelying leg press: Pull naval and ribs back to engage Transverse Abdominis. Push tailbone forwards towards your p***c bone to engage pelvic floor muscles. Maintain these connections as you bend and straighten your knee.
4️⃣Bug: Press one hand into the opposite knee to increase low ab and pelvic floor muscle stability. Maintain this stability as you move the other arm and leg.
5️⃣Cat/Cow with hip flexion: Lift pelvic floor muscles and transverse abdominis to round spine and bring knee into chest. Maintain this connection as you flatten the back and reach the leg straight.


This week I'm bringing Pilates exercises up to standing to tone abs, arms and legs with 3-5 pound weights. This workout develops and improves overall balance, stability, strength and coordination. We'll incorporate the Pilates principles of breathe, centering, concentration and precision for high quality, pain free movement.

New 15' workout today on YouTube!


"You are only as young as your spine is flexible"
--Joseph Pilates

Working spinal mobility on the fit ball this week. Most of us have stiffness in our upper backs due to stress, prolonged sitting, computer work, driving, etc. Improving your thoracic range of motion can help with:⁠
⭕️neck pain⁠
⭕️low back pain⁠
⭕️rotational sports performance⁠
⭕️pelvic organ prolapse symptoms⁠
⭕️pelvic pain

TIP: Engage your deep abdominals and pelvic floor muscles first to stabilize your lumbar spine - all movement should be in the upper back.⁠

🌟Comment or DM for more information on how these exercises can help with the topics above. ⁠

🌟Link to try these exercises in my new YouTube workout:


How is Pilates different than traditional weight lifting?⁠

⭐️Movements originate from our center with focus on whole body alignment⭐️⁠

✅Raise the weights on the exhale with the focus on the lift first coming from the pelvic floor muscles.⁠
✅By engaging the inner unit of muscles first, spine and shoulder girdle alignment will improve so there is no pain or pinching in the shoulders.⁠
✅Only work in a range of motion that is pain free. As your core to shoulder girdle connection improves, the size of the motion will increase. ⁠

I have 2 Pilates workouts with weights to try. Let me know how they go!
Reformer on the Mat:

Arms & Abs:


Strengthen your pelvic floor with these 3 inversion exercises using the mini ball!
⭐️Initiate each exercise with a lift of the pelvic floor muscles. Think of lifting the bottom tip of the tailbone forward towards the p***c bone and up towards the navel.
⭐️Squeezing the ball with your inner thighs (adductors) will facilitate a better contraction of your pelvic floor muscles.
⭐️As you lift your heels in the bridge, connect to the lift of your pelvic floor too.
⭐️Lifting on your exhale will improve the contraction of your pelvic floor muscles.

❤️A strong pelvic floor will maintain continence, alleviate symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse and reduce low back pain❤️

Find these exercises in my new 25' mini ball workout on YouTube:


Strengthen your arms and abs in this 30 minute YouTube workout!


Using the band around your feet in this Pilates series will help you find a deeper connection to your abdominals by giving feedback and support.
1️⃣Single Leg stretch
2️⃣Criss Cross
3️⃣Single Leg Teaser
Link to 14' full body workout:

Timeline photos 05/10/2020

❤️Happy Mother's Day❤️
Hope that all of you mamas can find time today for some self-care. If you are struggling with an abdominal separation after pregnancy, the right Pilates mat exercises can help you regain your core strength and return to healthy, pain free movement.

🌞Link to 15 minute workout:


✳️Thigh Stretch with Rotation✳️

Use this exercise to open your hips and back after running, cycling, sitting at your computer, playing on the floor with your kids...

Keep low abs in and pelvic floor lifted to avoid compressing the low back. Feel a stretch in the front of your hips and upper back.


Do you want to feel your glutes working more in your bridges? Try these 3 variations:

🌟Butterfly - activates hip rotators.
🌟Heel Raises - increases posterior chain activation.
🌟Marches - single leg glute activation.

Find these in my full 30 minute hip workout:


I love this leg series (dips, scissors, bicycle) with the foam roller under my tailbone! The lift of the pelvis allows for:

⭐️bigger stretch in the hip flexors⭐️
⭐️better lift & engagement of pelvic floor muscles⭐️
⭐️more work in the abs through the larger motion⭐️

Find this series and more core strengthening on your foam roller in my 10’ workout here:


I love working the whole body in one exercise. This one strengthens all my favorite muscles:

Timeline photos 04/28/2020

Pilates can be an amazing tool in healing diastasis recti after pregnancy....IF you are careful to work the small, stabilizing core muscles like the transverse abdominis and pelvic floor. This 20 minute workout focuses on correct engagement of the TA & pelvic floor to set foundations for a safe return to activity and exercise after Diastasis Recti.


Waiting for your Pilates studio to open? Check out my Reformer on the Mat workout on YouTube. Feel connected and strong in your abs, back, legs and arms after these exercises using 3 pound weights. Click here to watch the full 30 minute workout:


Do your back and hips feel tight after cycling or spinning on your Peloton? These Pilates exercises will open your spine and hips in 10 minutes. Keeping cycling pain-free this summer by doing this routine after every ride! Click here to try it:


t’s been almost 10 years since I had surgery on both hips to repair the labrum and reshape the ball and socket bones. I’ve had plenty of challenges since then but Pilates always helps me feel strong, connected and balanced from the inside out. These are some of my favorite exercises to increase strength and flexibility in your hips. Here's the full 40 min workout:⁠

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About Amy

Amy completed her comprehensive Pilates certification through Polestar Education and is a Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher through the Pilates Method Alliance. She earned her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Regis University in Denver, Colorado. She believes Pilates is the perfect complement to her physical therapy practice by providing a mind-body approach to health, fitness, and rehabilitation while restoring balance to the body for natural healing. After two hip surgeries in 2011, Pilates was a significant part of the rehab that allowed her to return to pain-free biking, swimming, hiking, and skiing.

A mother herself, she incorporated Pilates into her pre-natal and post-natal fitness and enjoys helping women heal and restore function after delivery. With her physical therapy background, Amy is comfortable working with clients recovering from pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic floor dysfunction, and diastasis recti. Amy loves that Pilates activates and strengthens the small muscles in your core, working from the inside out to improve posture, movement patterns, and overall well-being. She enjoys working with athletes to improve performance and those recovering from injury to improve pain and function. Pilates is a safe and effective routine for people with low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, hip and knee replacement, among other injuries.

Amy has seen both personally and professionally that regular practice increases flexibility, stability, and balance. She is an expert providing modifications to meet your needs to ensure success in your movement journey and is passionate about empowering all clients to enjoy exercise and embrace the healthy movement.

Videos (show all)

“You can say what Pilates is in three words. Stretch with Strength and Control. And the control part is the most importa...


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