Nayak Plastic Surgery

World-renowned facial plastic surgeon and educator. Yale/Harvard trained, practicing in St. Louis, MO From the beginning, L. Louis area.

Nayak Plastic Surgery and Avani Derm Spa is located in Frontenac, and owned by Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Mike Nayak. We operate at the highest medical-level standards to ensure your health and safety. Mike Nayak, MD, has dedicated his career to facial cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Dr. Nayak has a passion for precision and excellence, and has created and refined some of the

Photos from Nayak Plastic Surgery's post 06/16/2024

Sculpt, tailor, dry clean.

In that order.

That’s how I lift a face.

My deep necklift sculpts the excess fat, fibrous tissue, and glandular tissue of the neck to create a beautiful internal shape. A foundation upon which to build a beautiful result.

If the foundation isn’t properly designed, the lift will fail.

My deep plane extended facelift then completely frees and repositions the skin, muscle, and superficial fat “dress” of the face and neck.

This layer is then shifted back where it was in youth, before gravity took its toll.

I tailor it to fit snugly - elegantly- against the new foundation I just built.

Like a dress, it must be form fitting to show off the shapes underneath but not restrictive or fit so tightly as to be in poor taste.

Getting the fit right reveals the beautiful jawline shape and lifts the heavy jowls - transforming them back into the volume “lost” from the cheeks.

Finally, the finishing touch: dry cleaning or ironing with peels or a laser renews the texture of the skin “fabric” itself.

Wrinkles of the eyes, mouth, and cheeks are dramatically reduced, and the synergistic rejuvenating effect is complete.

Zoom in on this 57 year old’s photos - can you see the contributions each of the 3 steps above made?


Why nothing compares to my deep neck lift.


Wendy’s one week update!

Wendy’s Omakase Facial Rejuvenation®️ included deep plane extended facelift, deep necklift, brow lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, fat transfer, full face laser resurfacing, and a few minor tweaks for style points…

One of those was a little filler to her earlobes - they are VERY swollen.

She is having no real pain, sleeping ok but just tired overall.

Her bruising, swelling, and skin laser appearance are all very average for a woman in her 50’s one week after total facial rejuvenation.

Thank you, Wendy, for sharing your journey!


😴Low energy but feeling fine!

Wendy is 1 day postop. Her Omakase Facial Rejuvenation®️ included deep plane extended facelift, deep necklift, brow lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, fat transfer, full face laser resurfacing, and a few minor tweaks for style points…

She is having no real pain, sleeping ok but just tired overall.

Her bruising, swelling, and skin laser appearance are all very average for a woman in her 50’s the day after total facial rejuvenation.

Thank you, Wendy, for sharing your journey!

Photos from Nayak Plastic Surgery's post 06/08/2024

She researched for two years – and chose to fly to me for her surgery.

Although she doesn’t feel comfortable sharing her whole face, she is letting me show you the lower half of her face.

These photos were taken only **two days** after her preservation deep plane extended facelift, deep necklift with submandibular gland sculpting, and small chin implant.

** I want to emphasize that this is much less bruised and swollen than the average person at two days **

The average person takes about 2-3 weeks to look this good.

She will spend a total of 10 days here in St Louis being monitored and receiving treatments to enhance her recovery.

I really wish she was up for a video interview – she has the coolest personality.

I feel lucky to be her surgeon!

📸 Free photo screenings, pricing, and zoom/in person consultations are available at the link in my bio

Photos from Nayak Plastic Surgery's post 06/02/2024

Healing takes time.

Tammy was one of my fastest healers from full Omakase Facial Rejuvenation®️ including deep plane extended facelift, brow lift, deep necklift, lip filler, and fractional CO2 laser skin resurfacing.

Nine days into healing, just before she flew back home , she already looked about as good as my average patient does around three weeks.

I consider this stage “socially presentable.”

Now she is 5 months postop and looks even better (photo sent from home).

Her jawline, in particular, has become more delicate and feminine.

Final refinement will take 6 to 12 months total.

Photos from Nayak Plastic Surgery's post 05/30/2024

I get to do this for people!!

This 41-year-old from the West Coast had surgery 9 days ago.

9 days!!!

She flies home tomorrow.

You are seeing the results of her deep necklift and deep plane extended facelift.

I wish I could show you the changes we made in her upper face as well, but my patient’s wishes to remain incognito come first!

Details for surgical nerds: 99% of the volume changes in her neck were deep to the platysma.

Almost all of her subcutaneous fat was preserved.

Why is this important?

Her neck will always look supple - never harsh or operated.

Photos from Nayak Plastic Surgery's post 05/25/2024

She’s in her mid 70’s!!

(She asked me not to share her upper face or exact age)

I first met this lovely woman 14 years ago when I did her first facelift.

Facelift surgery was much more basic back then.

Despite that, she got a nice result. (Check out the last photo to see how well her ear incisions healed after that first lift!)

After 14 years of aging, plus significant weight loss, further aging changes appeared.

9 days ago, I did her second face/neck lift.

But I would not say I “redid” her lift.


The first lift was state of the art for 2010: lots off skin dissection, modest deep plane liberation/repositioning, heavy reliance on volume addition.

Last week’s lift was an entirely different animal: minimal skin dissection, complete deep plane release and composite repositioning of the entire lower face and neck. No volume addition required (what you currently see is swelling- her final result will look more delicate and elegant).

Due to these advances, her result now - in her mid 70’s - is wayyyy better than that of her first lift.

And it will look prettier and age better.

And I’m super happy for her!

Photos from Nayak Plastic Surgery's post 05/19/2024

Time to (re)introduce myself!

I’m Mike Nayak, MD, a facial plastic surgeon in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

While I really enjoy preservation rhinoplasty, I am best known as “the facelift guy.”

I consider deep plane facelift and deep neck lift my superspecialties.

To complement those procedures, of course, I routinely perform advanced brow and eyelid rejuvenation, fat transfer, lip lifts, and laser skin resurfacing.

I am incredibly blessed get to do exactly what I was meant to do: make people look younger and prettier, and just plain feel better about themselves.

I do this with the help of my world-class staff in our purpose-built facility.

I’m THE most spoiled surgeon you know 😂

Parallel to my “day job,” I really enjoy documenting patient journeys and creating teaching video content to break down complex facial surgery concepts for my followers.

(Yes, I do all of my videos and social posts myself.)

Although my account has grown a lot over the last few years, I really do feel thankful for each of you- especially those who comment regularly and indulge the nonstop photos of our family’s 4 pets on my story 😂

Now, I’d love to learn a little about each of you 🥰🥰🥰

Where do you follow from, and why do you follow?

Photos from Nayak Plastic Surgery's post 05/18/2024

Laura (77) sent a selfie from home!

She is healing great and looks totally refreshed, even at this early stage!

Laura is 3 weeks postop revision facelift, revision neck lift, revision brow lift, lip lift, lip filler, and CO2 laser resurfacing.

Almost all of my patients fly in for surgery, spend 10 days here, then fly home for their long-term healing.

Unless they are having a concern, most never return to St. Louis.

I am super grateful, and sometimes still can’t believe that people fly in from all over the country and all over the world to have surgery with me!

One negative of having a destination practice is that it’s hard for me to get consistent after photos. Smartphone photos from home just don’t look the same as the controlled photos we take in the office environment.

So, please forgive the lighting inconsistency, but I still think you’ll see that she’s healing great!

Older patients often take a little longer to heal. Despite that, with little to no make up, she is very socially presentable right now only 3 weeks into her recovery.


Susan (61) sent a selfie from home!

She is healing great and looks so pretty, even at this early stage!

She is 3.5 weeks postop facelift, neck lift, brow lift, lower blepharoplasty, lip filler, and lower eyelid CO2 laser resurfacing.

Almost all of my patients fly in for surgery, spend 10 days here, then fly home for their long-term healing.

Unless they are having a concern, most never return to St. Louis.

I am super grateful, and sometimes still can’t believe that people fly in from all over the country and all over the world to have surgery with me!

One negative of having a destination practice is that it’s hard for me to get consistent after photos. Smartphone photos from home just don’t look the same as the controlled photos we take in the office environment.

So, please forgive the lighting inconsistency, but I still think you’ll see that she’s healing great!

You may remember she bruised more than average. Despite that, with little to no make up, she is very socially presentable right now just under four weeks into her recovery.


After some back-and-forth, this public-facing professional chose to allow exactly one closely-cropped photo of her 2 day deep plane facelift and deep neck lift results to be posted.

“Yes—I think that shows the “time machine” effect of your work really well.

“Even I did not fully appreciate how much wrinkly, lax skin I had in my lower face until seeing the before photo.”

To me, this is a perfect early outcome . Everything looks supple and natural, yet dramatically improved.

Her skin, fat, muscle, bands, glands, deep fat, and deep muscle have all been optimized

Her will be beautiful , undetectable, and will last for decades


Laura is the coolest!

She has had a previous facelift, necklift, and upper/lower blepharoplasty.

That, together with her healthy lifestyle, good genes, and amazing attitude explain why, at 77, she already looks great.

She came to St. Louis - by herself!- for a deep plane extended facelift, deep necklift, lip lift, lip filler, and full face CO2 laser resurfacing.

She is graciously allowing all of you to follow her on her journey.

I hope you appreciate her as much as I do!


Laura is the coolest!

She has had a previous facelift, necklift, and upper/lower blepharoplasty.

That, together with her healthy lifestyle, good genes, and amazing attitude explain why, at 77, she already looks great.

She came to St. Louis - by herself!- for a deep plane extended facelift, deep necklift, lip lift, lip filler, and full face CO2 laser resurfacing.

She is graciously allowing all of you to follow her on her journey.

I hope you appreciate her as much as I do!


“What’s in the past is in the past.”

Laura is the coolest!

She has had a previous facelift, necklift, and upper/lower blepharoplasty.

That, together with her healthy lifestyle, good genes, and amazing attitude explain why, at 77, she already looks great.

She came to St. Louis - by herself!- for a deep plane extended facelift, deep necklift, lip lift, lip filler, and full face CO2 laser resurfacing.

She is graciously allowing all of you to follow her on her journey.

I hope you appreciate her as much as I do!

Photos from Nayak Plastic Surgery's post 04/26/2024

MORE bruising and swelling than average…

…but *definitely* not the worst I’ve seen.

A little extra bruising was expected here. She is a little older, with more fair skin and fragile tissues.

I tell people they need 2 to 3 weeks to look “passable” after a full face rejuvenation.

In other words, you will not be passable for two or three weeks.

What does it mean? What does the bruising and swelling look like when you are “not passable?”

This is very typical for the first few days after surgery (deep Necklift, deep plane extended facelift, blepharoplasty, fat transfer, brow lift, CO2 laser; age-appropriate lip filler)

Is this better or worse than you’d expect?


Marking and incision planning for deep plane extended preservation facelift, deep necklift, brow lift, fat transfer, and lower eyelid blepharoplasty.


**No one** is born 10 years old.

It’s a leap of faith to go with a brand new injector or surgeon.

They don’t have a lot of before and after photos.

They don’t have a lot of reviews.

How do you know if they are any good?

The answer is, you simply can’t get that kind of validation on someone at the beginning of their career. No one starts their career with years of solo experience.

You have to go with where, for what, and how long they trained, who is currently vouching for their quality, your impression during and after the consultation, and, ultimately, your gut.

Will they be just as good at the beginning of their carreer as they will be after they have accrued 10-20 years of experience?

No, of course not. Professionals are meant to get better year after year.

However, all professionals start with different skill and care levels and end with different skill and care levels.

Some people are amazing as they first start out and only get better.

Others start weak, and even 20 years into their practice, never achieve greatness

If you have used a surgeon or injector in their first couple years of practice, how did it turn out?

What made you pick the surgeon over someone with more experience?

What advice would you give to someone else in your shoes?


Can you have a deep plane facelift under local anesthesia?

Technically, yes.

But I don’t offer it.


I explain in the video.

That doesn’t mean you need general anesthesia - there is a middle path, which I find is the best of both worlds.

Questions? Ask below!

Photos from Nayak Plastic Surgery's post 04/02/2024


Before, 1 week after, and (swipe) 6 months after deep plane facelift and deep necklift.

These messages mean the world to me!


Karina is 47, and very private.

She wasn’t planning on sharing her deep plane facelift and deep necklift results.

Then, suddenly, about a week after her surgery, she decided she *needed* to.

Watch the video to learn why…


Very private (but very happy!) 43 year old, day one after Deep Necklift and deep plane facelift, buccal fat reduction, and a touch of lip filler.

Her case was a challenge. Her deep neck heredity dictated an oblique neck, and the aging process loosened the overlying muscle and skin jacket.

Surgery went incredibly well. Her facial proportions are now “right side up” with an elegant neck and a beautifully defined jawline.


47 year old, day one after Deep Necklift and preservation deep plane facelift.

She is not yet sure she wants to “go public,” but is ecstatic with her results and willing to share her lower face today.


Pardon my French 😬

(We have become good friends - I promise the language wasn’t inappropriate in context)

This patient underwent full Omakase Facial Rejuvenation ®️jncluding facelift, browlift, fat transfer, blepharoplasties, CO2 laser.

She couldn’t be more pleased.

Surgeons - learn my techniques this September 27-30 at!


“Skin memory”

It is commonly said that it takes a full year (and sometimes even longer) to see the final results of rhinoplasty.

In passing, people attribute this to the time it takes for “swelling” to resolve.

While this is partially true, there is a second reason, which is often an even bigger contributor to the healing time:

“Skin memory”

Rhinoplasty is performed by re-shaping the cartilage and bone framework of the nose.

The overlying skin must then adapt to the new shapes.

The bigger the change, and the thicker the skin, the longer it takes for the skin envelope to conform to the new framework shape.

In very thick-skinned individuals, it can take up to two years to see optimal tip refinement!

In this video, you can see a great example of how the skin remembers its original shape even when there is no cartilage underneath it.

Overcoming skin memory is one of the main goals of taping and molding exercises that your surgeon may ask you to perform during your recovery process.

Thank you to my gracious patient who is allowing me to share this intraoperative video and on-the-table result with you, and to for his amazing


👀🤩 B&A pics and incision closeups start at 2:22!

Victoria is 63 years old and only seven days postop.

Her Omakase Facial Rejuvenation consisted of deep neck lift, deep plane facelift, brow lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, lip lift, a tiny bit of lip filler, and full face laser resurfacing.

In this video, we discuss how her last few days have been, and I show some closeups of her early healing skin and incision lines.

She looks incredible and I’m SO happy for her!!


🤯🤯 No way!!!

Victoria is 63 years old and only five days postop.

Her Omakase Facial Rejuvenation consisted of deep neck lift, deep plane facelift, brow lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, lip lift, a tiny bit of lip filler, and full face laser resurfacing.

In this video, we discuss how her last few days have been, and I show some closeups of her early healing skin and incision lines.

She looks incredible and I’m SO happy for her!!

Photos from Nayak Plastic Surgery's post 02/28/2024

“The big 3”

For most people 45 and up, getting the neck just right requires “making the bed” starting in the neck and continuing up through the temple.

This approach allows maximum neck redraping while preventing bunching or gathering in the jawline or temples.

Six months ago, this 54-year-old knockout underwent neck, face, and brow lifting to accomplish exactly that. I call this combination “the big 3.”

Minor additional touches in her case included fat transfer, earlobe reductions, and full face laser resurfacing.

I’m grateful she’s letting me share!


QMP is hosting a phenomenal aging face course June 27-28 in Porto! Lecture and lab!

Register at

Why come? The faculty are 💯💯💯💯

Luis Azevedo - .luisazevedocirurgiaplastica
Francisco Bravo - .gomezbravo
Dominic Bray -
Antonio Conde -
Guy Massry -
Mike Nayak -
Carlos Neves -
Michele Pascali -
Ben Talei -

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Videos (show all)

Same woman or no?Wendy  is 52 years old with relatively mild aging changes. Like many of my patients, she already looked...
Why nothing compares to my deep neck lift.
Wendy’s one week update!Wendy’s Omakase Facial Rejuvenation®️ included deep plane extended facelift, deep necklift, brow...
Wendy  is 52 years old with relatively mild aging changes. Like many of my patients, she already looked good yet wanted ...
😴Low energy but feeling fine!Wendy is 1 day postop. Her Omakase Facial Rejuvenation®️ included deep plane extended facel...
Get excited 🤩🤩🤩!!!Wendy’s Omakase Facial Rejuvenation®️ will include deep plane extended facelift, deep necklift, brow l...
Surgeon >>> technique 💯She researched for two years – and chose to fly to me for her surgery. Although she doesn’t feel ...
She researched for two years – and chose to fly to me for her surgery. Although she doesn’t feel comfortable sharing her...




607 S Lindbergh Boulevard
St. Louis, MO

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 7pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm

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