Uyayi Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine- Francis Marlon Bugarin, L.Ac.

Uyayi Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine- Francis Marlon Bugarin, L.Ac.

Acupuncturist and Herbalist Lic# 15617 Francis Marlon Bugarin is a California State Board Licensed Acupuncturist as well as a Certified Massage Practitioner.

He graduated from the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences in Oakland with both a Masters of Sciences in Traditional Chinese Medicine and completed the Tui Na Medical Massage program. During his years of study Francis practiced massage in multiple Chinese Medicine Clinics where he was able to utilize and fully apply Chinese Medical philosophy to help patients with various ailments with w


Consuming water goes beyond simply satisfying your thirst; it is crucial for maintaining your body's proper function and overall health!

Almost all of your body's primary systems rely on water to operate and endure.

Considering that water constitutes about 60% of your body weight, it's clear how vital hydration is for you!

Here are just a few ways in which water benefits your body:

-Regulates body temperature
-Keeps tissues in the eyes, nose, and mouth moist
-Protects body organs and tissues
-Transports nutrients and oxygen to cells
-Lubricates joints
-Reduces strain on the kidneys and liver by eliminating waste products
-Dissolves minerals and nutrients to make them available to your body

So be sure to stay hydrated, especially with Summertime approaching and temperatures heating up.


Prioritize your health and well-being by booking your next appointment with us!

Uyayi was founded on the principle of compassionate care, ensuring that every aspect of your treatment is designed with your comfort and balance in mind.

With a deep understanding of the importance of empathetic treatment, our experienced team is committed to addressing your health concerns with sensitivity, expertise, and a personalized approach.

We are skilled in treating a wide range of conditions, helping to restore your balance and guide you towards a healthier life.

Don't delay in taking the first step towards feeling your best—contact us today to schedule your visit.

Call 209.670.3847 or visit to start!


Embrace the journey to wellness and find your inner harmony by scheduling with us today.

At Uyayi, we offer personalized solutions designed to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit, giving you the perfect jump start on your path to well-being.

Don't wait to restore your inner balance—schedule your next appointment and take the first step towards a happier, healthier you. Call 209.670.3847 or visit to get started today!


In the midst of life's chaos, we often discover hidden pathways to transformation.

Turmoil isn't merely a disruptor, but a powerful catalyst for change. It challenges us to confront our storms with resilience, to recognize them as opportunities for personal growth and clarity.

By embracing this perspective, we are encouraged to seek out the silver lining in difficult times, understanding that certain upheavals are essential for clearing the way towards progress and realigning us with our true direction.

If you can persevere, you will see that navigating life's tumultuous waters can ultimately lead us to calm seas and brighter horizons.


If your allergies are killing the buzz, and you're interested in trying a holistic approach to your symptoms that don't have the side effects of medications, Uyayi Acupuncture may be able to help you!

Call 209.670.3847 or visit today to schedule your consultation and discover the power of acupuncture!


Discover the exceptional care awaiting you at Uyayi!

But don't just take our word for it—our glowing reviews speak volumes. Dive into firsthand experiences shared by those who've embraced the Uyayi difference.

It's not just about the care we promise; it's about the care we deliver. See for yourself and get ready to be convinced!

Schedule your consultation today by calling 209.670.3847 or visit today!


Starting your day with stretching and movement is vital for long-term health.

Morning stretches boost circulation, increase flexibility, and improve posture.

Regular stretching counters muscle and joint stiffness with age, reducing injury risks and enhancing mobility. It also benefits mental health by reducing stress, clearing the mind, and boosting mood through endorphin release.

Engaging in a mindful stretching routine sets a positive tone for the day, promoting a connection between mind and body.

Incorporating stretching into daily habits can be simple and enjoyable, improving physical and mental well-being for a healthier future!


“May we always cherish the gift of freedom and remember those who have fought for it.”

We would like to inform you that in observance of Memorial Day, we will be closed on Monday, May 27, 2024.

Business will resume as usual on Tuesday following the holiday.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

Wishing everyone a meaningful Memorial Day, and we're excited to welcome you back on Tuesday.

Stay safe and take care!


Self-care involves understanding your own needs, adopting rituals that restore your energy, and centering your spirit. It's about recognizing that your well-being is the foundation upon which your happiness and achievements are built.

Self-care is a deeply personal journey that differs for each individual. It encourages us to discover what truly brings us joy, whether it's through moments of introspection, embracing creativity, or connecting with nature, amongst many other things.

By nurturing ourselves, we develop resilience that not only enhances our lives but also positively impacts those around us, creating a ripple effect of uplifting energy that extends far beyond our immediate surroundings.

Our favorite form of self care is experiencing the magical, tranquil relaxation of acupuncture at Uyayi!

Acupuncture is one of the best ways you can care for your body, mind, and spirit all at once! Come experience the benefits for yourself and call 209.670.3847 or visit to schedule your consultation today!


Remember, the path to success is paved with perseverance. Keep striving, keep climbing, and soon, you'll find yourself standing atop the peak of your achievements, gazing at the vista of your dreams turned reality.

Achieving your dreams and reaching for the highest peaks of your ambitions is a journey filled with challenges and obstacles. Yet, the essence of true success lies in the unwavering belief in oneself and the relentless pursuit of goals, no matter how distant they may seem.

Every mountain peak, no matter how steep or daunting, becomes reachable with persistence and determination. The key is to never give up, to keep climbing, step by step, with faith in your heart and eyes fixed on the summit. Remember, the size of the struggle does not diminish the value of the goal; it is in the smallest of efforts, continuously applied, that the greatest achievements are forged.
Believe in yourself, keep pushing forward, and let every step you take be a testament to your resilience. The journey to any goal is a testament to the power of perseverance, and with each effort, you come one step closer to reaching the peak of your dreams.


At our clinic, every patient's journey towards wellness is a path we are privileged to share. We are incredibly grateful to have been a part of this patient's story, witnessing their strides towards better health and happiness.

Our commitment to providing compassionate care is unwavering, as we celebrate consistent improvements and breakthroughs together.

Your comfort and concerns are always our top priority. Let us be a part of your wellness journey, where every step forward is taken with care, understanding, and unwavering support.


Happy Sunday! Today we are at the Lodi Street Faire sharing our purpose and craft with the community! Come out and say Hello!


In a world where social media often paints an unrealistic portrait of life, it's crucial to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and comparison can be the thief of joy.

Each individual shines in their own time and in their own extraordinary way. It's important to focus on your personal growth and milestones, rather than measuring your progress against someone else's.

Remember, the sun and the moon shine at different times, yet each brings beauty to the world in their own time. Embrace your individual journey, knowing that your time to shine is coming, shaped by your unique strengths, experiences, and timing.

Let's celebrate our differences and support each other's successes, acknowledging that we all have our own paths to greatness!


Hello Everyone!

Meet our Acupuncturist and the founder of Uyayi Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine, Francis Marlon Bugarin L.Ac..

Francis has been practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine for over ten years, helping people from all walks of life achieve relief and inner-balance.

With diverse experience in treating a multitude of conditions, Francis specializes in complex chronic conditions and pain management, as well as treating fertility & hormone health concerns.

If you are looking for compassionate care with great results, Francis is now accepting new patients! Schedule a consultation at Uyayi today by calling (209)670-3847 or visit


Happy Earth Day!


Although taking care of our planet is incredibly important every day, today is a special day to highlight the significance of taking action and making environmental-friendly choices! There is no Planet B!

Though it may seem like the efforts of one person are fruitless, always remember that every effort from every person adds up.

Animals deserve to thrive, plants deserve to flourish, and we can be part of the change to make it all happen! We all deserve to live on a healthy planet, and future generations deserve to inherit a world that is even better than we were.

Change can happen any day, but what better day to start than today!



Here is your reminder that although self-care and wellness are a huge part of living a healthy, balanced life, it can also be intimidating to know where to start or to try new things!

Sometimes asking for help is the hardest part, but it Uyayi, it's much easier than you might expect. We take pride in providing compassionate care and making sure you feel heard and understood.

If acupuncture is something you are interested in incorporating into your wellness routine, Uyayi is here to answer all of your questions and guide you along your path to a happier, healthier you.

Call (209)670-3847 or visit today to schedule your consultation and get started.


No matter the wealth or success we achieve, if it compromises our peace of mind, it loses its value.

In the pursuit of our goals and aspirations, it is crucial to remember that true fulfillment comes from a state of inner tranquility and contentment.

This quote reminds us to reassess our decisions and behaviors, making sure we prioritize our emotional well-being and joy over material gains. It prompts us to strive for a life where inner peace is cherished most, leading us to choose paths that foster harmony within ourselves and with the world.

By aligning our actions with our values and focusing on cultivating positivity and peace of mind, we can create a life rich in meaning and joy.

Embracing the beauty of simplicity and the power of mindfulness enables us to navigate challenges with grace and resilience, ultimately guiding us towards a path of genuine happiness and fulfillment.

Call 209.670.3847 or visit to schedule your consultation and begin your wellness journey today!


We take pride in the positive impact we make in the lives of our patients, and their heartfelt testimonials serve as a testament to the genuine care and dedication we offer.

Building strong relationships based on trust and empathy is at the core of our practice. We believe that by infusing every interaction with kindness and compassion, we can truly make a difference in the lives of those we serve.

At Uyayi Acupuncture, we strive to create a sanctuary where patients feel heard, supported, and valued. We are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of their healing journey and are committed to walking alongside them every step of the way.

Our belief in the power of kindness as a healing force guides everything we do and helps to establish our clinic as a beacon of care and compassion in our community.


This quote gently reminds us that we have the freedom to choose a path that brings us joy and contentment. It encourages us to be aware of our values and dreams, and to make decisions that align with them.

This may involve stepping out of our comfort zones, trying new things, and embracing personal growth. But we can take control of our destinies and create the life we truly want by actively working towards a brighter future!

So, let's embrace the journey of self-discovery and transformation as we move closer to living a life that resonates with our true essence.


At Uyayi Acupuncture, we deeply value the impact we have on our patients, striving to provide genuine and compassionate care that eases the healing journey.

The reviews left by our patients, like this one, serve as a testament to the meaningful connections we forge and the support we offer during their healing process.

We believe that infusing kindness into every aspect of our clinic is not just a choice, but a crucial element that sets us apart.

It is this culture of empathy and understanding that defines Uyayi Acupuncture and makes our approach to healing truly unique!

To learn more about how we can help you achieve optimal health, schedule a consultation by calling 209.670.3847 or visiting us at today!


By focusing on the present moment, we can fully engage with our current experiences, emotions, and surroundings. This practice of mindfulness can lead to a greater sense of peace, clarity, and fulfillment in our daily lives.

Applying this message to our daily lives involves cultivating awareness of our thoughts and actions in the present moment. By letting go of regrets about the past and worries about the future, we can reduce stress and anxiety, and instead channel our energy into making the most of each moment.

This shift in mindset can enhance our relationships, productivity, and overall well-being, ultimately leading to a more positive and harmonious life and world!


By incorporating simple mindfulness practices into our daily routines, we pave the way for a profound enhancement in our overall well-being.

These small yet impactful tasks serve as gentle reminders to stay present and fully engage with each moment, leading to a heightened sense of awareness and connection with our inner self. By nurturing this mindful approach, we cultivate a harmonious balance between our mind, body, and spirit, thereby nurturing a deep-rooted sense of wellness that resonates on every level of our being.

Embracing mindfulness as a way of life not only enriches our experiences but also empowers us to navigate life's challenges with clarity and resilience, ultimately fostering a profound and lasting sense of vitality and peace!


Start your week with a burst of positivity and inspiration with Motivational Monday!

Harness the power of optimism as your beacon of personal growth and fulfillment, radiating positivity and attracting all things good towards you.

By cultivating a mindset filled with hope and possibility, you set in motion a chain reaction of blessings and encounters with like-minded individuals.

Allow your optimistic outlook to act as a magnet, drawing in abundance and light, sculpting your reality into a tapestry of beauty and joy. Let the light of positivity illuminate your path, guiding you towards extraordinary experiences and connections that exceed your imagination.

Embrace Motivational Monday as the catalyst for a week filled with optimism, success, and endless possibilities!


Beyond its well-known benefits for physical ailments, acupuncture has also shown remarkable results in promoting mental and emotional wellness!

By targeting specific points on the body with fine needles, acupuncture can help release endorphins and other neurotransmitters that have a calming and mood-boosting effect. This can alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression, providing a sense of tranquility and mental clarity.

Moreover, the holistic nature of acupuncture means that it addresses the root causes of imbalances rather than just treating symptoms!
This approach can lead to long-lasting improvements in overall well-being. Many individuals report feeling more energized, focused, and emotionally balanced after acupuncture sessions.

The gentle yet powerful influence of acupuncture on the body's energy flow, or Qi, can help restore harmony to both the physical and emotional aspects of health.

So, if you're looking to soothe your mind, uplift your spirits, and enhance your overall wellness, acupuncture may be just the healing therapy you need.

Call 209.670.3847 or visit to schedule a consultation today and let us help you!


We will be closed today, Monday February 19th and will resume business tomorrow, Tuesday December 20th.

Until then, stay safe, stay warm and stay well. We look forward to helping you all after the holiday!


Just because the weather has been gloomy and cold, doesn't mean you should be too!

When you're feeling a bit under the weather, it's important to take care of yourself and prioritize your well-being.

By reaching out to Uyayi Acupuncture at (209)670-3847 or visiting our website at, you're taking a proactive step towards boosting your immune system and feeling your best!

Remember, self-care is essential for a healthy and balanced life, so take charge and schedule your consultation today!


It's a time to show appreciation for loved ones and also to take a moment to consider our own well-being. Heart health is crucial for our overall health and longevity.

Regular exercise and a balanced diet play a significant role in maintaining a healthy heart. It's essential to monitor blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and engage in activities that reduce stress.

When it comes to heart health, acupuncture can help by improving circulation, reducing stress, and balancing the body's energy flow. By targeting key points related to the heart and cardiovascular system, acupuncture can support heart health and contribute to a sense of well-being. Small lifestyle changes can make a big difference in keeping our hearts strong and healthy.

Let's use today as a reminder to prioritize our heart health and show love and care for ourselves as well as our loved ones. So this Valentine's day, consider treating yourself to Uyayi Acupuncture as a gift of love and care for your heart!

Call 209.670.3847 or visit to schedule your consultation and learn how we can help you today!


Mental health is the foundation for our wellness as a whole.

Often, we neglect ur mental health due to the stigma attached to seeking help or simply because we prioritize other aspects of our lives.

However, ignoring our mental health can have detrimental effects on our overall well-being. It is important to remember that taking care of our mental health does not make us weak, but rather it makes us stronger and more resilient.

Seeking professional help, practicing self-care, and engaging in activities that bring us joy and relaxation are all ways to prioritize our mental health. By taking care of our mental health, we can improve our relationships, increase our productivity, and ultimately lead a happier and healthier life!


We take great pride in delivering compassionate and effective relief to our patients in need.

Our goal is to not only assist in the healing journey, but to also provide a sense of ease and understanding throughout the process.

To learn more about how we can help you achieve optimal health, schedule a consultation by calling 209.670.3847 or visiting us at today!


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the compression of the median nerve as it passes into the hand. The median nerve (also called the carpal tunnel) is located on the palm side of your hand and provides sensation to your thumb index, middle, and ring fingers.

Swelling inside your wrist causes the compression in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which leads to numbness, weakness, and tingling on the side of your hand near the thumb.

In some cases, the compression leads to severe pain and weakness that make it almost impossible to complete daily tasks.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a common condition that typically affects people who perform repetitive tasks with their hands, such as typing on a computer, using power tools, or playing musical instruments. It can also be caused by underlying medical conditions like diabetes or thyroid dysfunction.

If left untreated, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can lead to permanent nerve damage and loss of muscle function in the affected hand.

Fortunately, there are several treatments available that can provide relief and prevent further damage.

Uyayi Acupuncture is here to help you. If you have experienced complications from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, call 209.670.3847 or visit to schedule a consultation and get one step closer to relief.

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Our Story

After 7 years of working at multiple health clinics and settings, Francis founded Uyayi Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine in Stockton, CA. A dream realized; he is excited for the future of sharing Chinese Medicine with the community.

Videos (show all)

Consuming water goes beyond simply satisfying your thirst; it is crucial for maintaining your body's proper function and...
In the midst of life's chaos, we often discover hidden pathways to transformation.Turmoil isn't merely a disruptor, but ...
“May we always cherish the gift of freedom and remember those who have fought for it.”We would like to inform you that i...
Happy Earth Day!🌏🌲🌺🌊🐋🦦🦭🐻‍❄️🏔️🦍🐘🦌🐧🦉🦋🍄☀️Although taking care of our planet is incredibly important every day, today is a s...
Here is your reminder that although self-care and wellness are a huge part of living a healthy, balanced life, it can al...
No matter the wealth or success we achieve, if it compromises our peace of mind, it loses its value.In the pursuit of ou...
This quote gently reminds us that we have the freedom to choose a path that brings us joy and contentment. It encourages...
At Uyayi Acupuncture, we deeply value the impact we have on our patients, striving to provide genuine and compassionate ...
By focusing on the present moment, we can fully engage with our current experiences, emotions, and surroundings. This pr...
Start your week with a burst of positivity and inspiration with Motivational Monday!Harness the power of optimism as you...
We will be closed today, Monday February 19th and will resume business tomorrow, Tuesday December 20th.Until then, stay ...
We take great pride in delivering compassionate and effective relief to our patients in need.Our goal is to not only ass...


4643 Quail Lakes Drive Suite 100
Stockton, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 7pm
Friday 11am - 6:30pm

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