Devils' Advocates

Devils' Advocates specializes in giving campus tours of Arizona State University.

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 05/28/2024

For Tour Guide Tuesday today, we introduce Owen Chamberlin! Originally from the wonderful Danville, California, Owen is currently majoring in Psychology. He chose this major because “he has always found it interesting, and his dad and brothers did it and enjoyed it as well.”
Owen’s decision to attend ASU came from him wanting to enroll in a larger university. He became a tour guide at Arizona State because his family members “enjoyed being a tour guide during college” so he decided to give it a try himself. Apart from being involved in Devils’ Advocates, Owen is a member of the Spikeball Club and AKPsi.
His favorite aspect of giving tours on campus is meeting families, and his favorite tour stop is the Memorial Union because of how much there is to talk about. He also enjoys sharing information about the various ways students can get involved on campus. One of his favorite memories so far from joining Devils’ Advocates is “going to baseball games with some of my buddies in Advos!”
A piece of advice from Owen is to make sure “you don’t procrastinate” and he highly recommends you watch the movie Old School!

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 05/17/2024

Introducing the 2024-2025 Devils’ Advocates E-Board🔱

President: Grant Skala

Vice President: Nina Zaynor

Secretary: Sergio Blanco

Advancement Chair: Madison George

Historian: Jackson Rowe

Public Relations Chair: Mackenzie Cook

Special Events Chair: Ryan Cantrill

Tour Chair: Cati Iben

Co-Training Chairs: Anushka Mitbander and Caroline Webster

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 05/07/2024

For Tour Guide Tuesday today, we have the amazing Reese Padgett! Reese is a Junior from Buckeye, Arizona, with her family now living in Dallas, Texas. Reese is currently working towards degrees in both Business Chinese Language and Culture and Business Communication, as well as a certificate in International Business. She’s very passionate about her degree because she has been “studying Mandarin Chinese since 6th grade” and has “always felt passionate about learning the language and culture.”
She decided to become a tour guide here on campus because “it just looked like fun,” and on top of being in Devils’ Advocates, she is a Barrett Peer Mentor, Social Media Lead for Students Demand Action, and a part of Devils4Devils!
When asked what her favorite part of giving tours is, she said, “I love talking to people from out of state and asking them why they’re interested in ASU.” Her favorite stop on tours is the charter because “I’m able to really talk about what the ASU mission and experience mean to me. I’m such a people person, and the inclusion on campus is absolutely my favorite part about ASU.” She loves to share with prospective students all about “the inclusivity, sustainability, professional/academic advancement, and research initiatives and opportunities.” Her favorite memory so far in Advos is the Fall 2023 retreat because that’s where she met some of her closest Advo friends!
After her time at ASU, she plans to move back to Dallas to be with family. Two tour guides she feels deserve more recognition are Kameron and Elaine! A piece of advice she recommends to anyone is “get involved, network, and meet new people!” and her favorite movie would have to be “The Notebook.”

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 04/30/2024

For today’s Tour Guide Tuesday, we have the one and only Korey Williams! Originally from Peoria, Arizona, Korey is currently a junior here at ASU. He is currently studying Marketing and Management because it “allows for the most creativity and expression!” He decided to come to Arizona State because of the “atmosphere and opportunities!” Along with being a part of Advos, Korey is a facility manager at the SDFC, a member of Sigma Nu, and the Public Relations Director of Social Media for USG!
His reason behind becoming a tour guide here at Arizona State is that he “took a tour my senior year and wanted to give back to others and reciprocate the same experience to others!” Korey appreciates the fact that tours give him a chance to “make jokes and develop relations with other people!”
His favorite stop on tours has to be “The SDFC because I work there. And there are so many great opportunities to work out and make connections with members.” And something he loves to share with prospective students is “There’s a club for anything. There are over 1,000 clubs on campus, and you can even create your own!”
When talking about Advo memories, Korey said that the “ADVOS BBQ was fire.” He absolutely loved the food; in his words, “shoutout to the cooks!”
Korey said that a tour guide he feels deserves more recognition in this org is the amazing Aadish! Then when asked, Korey said a piece of advice he’d recommend to anyone is “In the grand scheme of things, life is not that deep; enjoy it.” A movie he recommends is The Lego Movie, a song would be Flashing Lights, and his spirit animal would be an otter!

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 04/27/2024

All dressed up and ready for another Apple Polisher🍎

Thank you to all of the members, faculty, and staff that came together to celebrate another year of Advos! As well as a huge thank you to for putting together such a wonderful event!

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 04/23/2024

For today’s Tour Guide Tuesday, we have the wonderful Emilio Alvarado! Emilio is originally from Flagstaff, Arizona, and is a freshman in Devils’ Advocates. He is majoring in Political Science and says that he “picked Poli Sci because politics and government really interest me, and I think it’s really important that younger people get involved in our government.” He decided to come to ASU because of the “amount of opportunities available to students and the overall size of the school, but if I’m also being real, the pool.” Along with being a part of Advos, Emilio is a part of ASU’s Student Alumni Association.
Emilio decided to become a tour guide here at Arizona State because “I REALLY like to yap and share stories with prospective students and their families.” His favorite part about giving tours on campus is the fact that “giving tours is like having my own mini comedy show,” but he also just loves the opportunity of “getting to meet possible students!” Emilio’s favorite stop on tours would have to be Old Main because “there’s a lot of fun stories to tell there,” and he enjoys “sharing some of the ASU lore with families.” On top of that, he says, “My favorite thing to share with students on tours are the countless napping spots on campus, seriously there’s TONS!”
As far as Devils’ Advocate memories go, Emilio says his favorite so far has been his “first Apple Polisher because everyone gets all dressed up, and it’s just a fun time being around everyone.” Emilio believes that Dani Myers is a tour guide who deserves more recognition; he says she is someone who truly “puts a lot into the org and her tours!” If he were to offer anyone a piece of advice, it would be “Take every opportunity that comes your way; you never know where it might get ya,” and then if he were to recommend a favorite movie to you, it would be The Breakfast Club, and his favorite song is Doses & Mimosas.

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 04/22/2024

Happy Earth Day from us Advos🌎⛰️

We enjoy seeing this beautiful world together as an org and hope you take the time you deserve today to appreciate your surroundings!

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 04/16/2024

For today’s Tour Guide Tuesday, we have one of our lovely seniors, Kyla Hannan! Kyla hails from Champlin, Minnesota, and is currently studying Elementary and Special Education. She chose her major because of her passion for working with kids, a dream she’s held for as long as she can remember. She’s thrilled because she has just accepted a position teaching 1st grade next year!
Kyla decided to come to ASU herself because she “wanted a change, and ASU has a great teachers college! I knew I wanted to be a teacher, so I sought out a solid education program. I also desired a big state school with lots to explore!”
In addition to being a part of Devils’ Advocates, Kyla is a Global Ambassador for Semester at Sea through ASU. She says, “I love talking about traveling and studying abroad almost as much as I love doing it.” She chose to become a tour guide because she enjoys conversing with and meeting new people, and giving tours allows her to do both simultaneously.
Kyla’s favorite part about giving tours is “being able to meet people from all over and share my personal ASU story. Everyone’s journey is different, and I relish connecting with those with more diverse plot lines like mine.” Her current favorite tour stop is Old Main. She likes to joke about how she isn’t ready to graduate and how she’ll always “touch the water and hope the myth is true” so she doesn’t have to leave just yet. Her favorite Advo memory was timing the Spring ’24 selection tea!
What Kyla loves to share with prospective students is that they should “Study. Abroad. No matter where you end up, I cannot recommend traveling as a student enough. Getting to travel in a new environment while still earning credits for school is such a once-in-a-lifetime experience that so many people pass up.”
We can’t wait to see where Kyla ends up in her years following ASU!

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 03/27/2024

For our last March Tour Guide Tuesday, we have Saad Abuhamdieh! Saad is a junior from Phoenix, Arizona graduating in Spring 2025. Saad is a Communications Major, with a Minor in Organizational Leadership. Saad says he chose his major and minor because he loves communicating and leading a team to success. Other than advos Saad is involved in Programming and Activities Board, Commlabasu, and the Undergraduate Student Government!

Mr. Abuhamadieh decided to come to Arizona State, because it has endless clubs and organizations you can join which he loves, and was confident he would find the right organization for him! Saad became a member of Devils’ Advocates because he wanted to build connections and make new friends. He also wanted to show parents and prospective students why Arizona State is the best university out there! When asked what Saad’s favorite Devils’ Advocate memory was he said he loved Pics and Polos.

If Saad were to give you some helpful life advice he’d say “Be yourself. The right people will come to you”. Saad thinks everyone needs to give Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton a listen and says “Yes that song is from White Chicks”.

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 03/20/2024

From Clarendon Hills, Illinois we have Mackenzie Cook for this week’s Tour Guide Tuesday! Mackenzie is a sophomore Majoring in Elementary Education and Minoring Family and Human Development. Ms. Cook chose her major because “Elementary education and becoming a teacher is something I’ve always wanted to do. There is something so special about being a part of young kids growth and creating a fun environment where they’re excited to learn something new”. Mackenzie is also in the sorority Chi Omega!

Mackenzie decided to become a tour guide because she knows how intimidating the college search can be, and she wanted to be someone who makes the decision for potential students a little bit easier! When asked what her favorite part about giving tours, Ms. Cook said “I love getting to meet so many people from so many different walks of life. One of my favorite things to do is to get to know new people so I get a chance to do that every tour I give”. Her favorite stop is the SDFC because she feels like it’s one of the main stops where she gets a chance to go into personal experiences she’s had on campus. Mackenzie loves telling prospective students “I as a tour guide am not here to convince you that ASU is the only option, I’m here to show you what I love so much about ASU and why I myself chose to come here to maybe make your decision a little bit easier”.

After graduation Mackenzie plans on moving back to Chicago and begin teaching at an elementary school there. Mackenzie said “I think that Brett Ciraulo deserves more recognition. Yes, he is our president, but as our president he works hard everyday to make sure everyone in the org feels like this can be a home for them where they can be themselves and always have someone to rely on. He greets every single person with a smile on his face no matter what and I think that is very commendable.” She lastly recommends that you should watch When Harry Met Sally!

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 03/13/2024

Spring Break: Advos Edition!


We hope everyone had a great spring break! Aadish Lele is in the spotlight for this week’s Tour Guide Tuesday! Mr. Lele is from Pune, India! He is a sophomore that is majoring in Robotics Engineering and minoring in Technological Entrepreneurship and Management.

The reason Aadish decided to become a tour guide was to expand his network, get to know about Arizona State, and spread the knowledge he’s learned to give back to prospective ASU students. Aadish stated that “answering students’ questions and roaming all around the campus” is his favorite part about giving a tour. Receiving his selection call from Brett and getting Asher as his buddy are Aadish’s favorite Advos memories so far! On Mr. Lele’s tours he loves sharing about his experiences and fun facts as an ASU student.

If Aadish were to recommend you some advice, he would suggest that you should “Never give up on your dreams, even if you fail”. His spirit animal is a tiger, and he thinks you need to take a look at the movie Skyfall. Lastly, he believes Nina and Korey are some fellow guides that deserve recognition!

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 02/28/2024

On this delightful Tuesday we will be spotlighting Dani Meyers! Dani is from Fountain Hills, Arizona and is a junior graduating in Spring 2025. She is Majoring in Social Work and Organizational Leadership, and has a minor in Psychology. Post grad Dani intends to get her masters and travel the world for a bit!

Dani said “I volunteer at a nonprofit helping teenagers, which made me realize that I want to go into the helping field to work one on one with people. I added organizational leadership and psych because of two amazing professors I had that got me passionate about both subjects” which is why she chose her majors and minor.

She became a tour guide “I became a tour guide to get to meet new people, and help them make a really big decision in their life and hopefully make it a bit easier”.
Dani said her favorite part about giving a tour is getting to connect with families and hear their own stories! Her favorite spot on campus is “walking down palm walk because that is where I make a majority of my dad jokes”.

Dani says that Grant & Allie deserve a shoutout for being the best training chairs we could ask for. And that all of their hard work is soooo appreciated! Lastly, her favorite song is Big Time Rush!

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 02/21/2024

For this semester’s very first Tour Guide Tuesday we have a Scottsdale, Arizona resident, Samatha Ferraro!

Sam is a Senior Majoring in Finance and Minoring in Spanish, and will be graduating this semester! Sam chose finance because she enjoys investing and wanted to learn something completely new. On campus Sam is an Investment Analyst and a Portfolio Manager for the Student Investment Management Fund!

When asked why she wanted to join Devils’ Advocates she said she wanted to join a cool group of people! “Storytelling about my fun times on campus and getting to share the secrets and life hacks to being a college student” is her favorite part of giving tours. Sam’s favorite spot on a tour is the Sun Devil Fitness Complex “when I’m not in class, I spend most of my time here and exercising or studying by the pool”. When talking to prospective students Sam talks bout how you won’t regret carrying a swimsuit in your backpack!

Sam says Annika Patel deserves a shoutout , and that she is always so kind and positive to be around! The last piece of advice she would give anyone is to utilize the career coaches for EVERYTHING! Interview preparation , how to negotiate, and how to figure out what you want to do. They are SO amazing! And finally she thinks you should add Live like you were dying by Tim McGraw to your playlist!

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 02/02/2024

Although we don’t have snow in Tempe, one thing we Advos love to do is to ice skate!


Congrats to the newbie class of Spring ‘24!


If you’re InTourested in joining the oldest and one of the largest clubs on campus, we’ll be having info sessions Monday through Friday next week!

Make sure to fill out the link for Spring Selection Registration in our bio if interested!

Lastly, on Friday September 19th the information session will have a mixer after till 7pm!

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 12/02/2023

To Pic, or to Polo…why not both. Here are a few sexy yet professional pictures from our November Pics and Polos!

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 11/29/2023

From Peoria, Arizona we have Frank Pauls as this week’s Tour Guide Tuesday spotlight! Frank is a senior with a Double Major in Biological Sciences and Global Health, Certificate in Evolutionary Medicine.

When asked about why he became a tour guide Frank responded that he wanted to share his joy and passion of being a sun devil with prospective students. Frank said “All the incredible events and programs Arizona State has to offer” is his favorite thing to share to guests. One of the events Frank loves most is our spring ceremony Apple Polisher! Lastly Frank believes Delaney Fields a fellow advocate deserves more recognition for her hard work!

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 11/22/2023

Fall Retreat 2023 at South Mountain!🍂

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 11/22/2023

For this week’s Tour Guide Tuesday we have Taylor McNally! Taylor is a sophomore from Gilbert, Arizona studying Supply Chain Management for the W.P. Carey School of Business. Taylor is a part of our Spring 2023 Class!

When it comes to the highlight of her tours Taylor’s favorite part of a tour is getting to meet and interact with people from a variety of places and walks of life! Selection Round Two is Taylor’s favorite Devils’ Advocate event. She especially loved how close and connected our community felt that day with everyone working together as one large and amazing organization! Lastly Taylor’s favorite thing to share with prospective students is her first year experience at ASU. She enjoys talking about the highs and lows of being a freshman as well as sharing tips for overcoming struggles and enhancing all of the opportunities presented!

She also believes Caroline Webster deserves more appreciation and recognition!

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 11/03/2023

Last Friday our past and present Advos came together for a night of celebrating our Fall Graduates and harvested a night of memory making and storytelling fun🍎

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 11/01/2023

Happy Halloween! From Casa Grande, Arizona we have Ethan McClintic for this week’s Tour Guide Tuesday. Ethan is a chemical engineering major and is a sophomore here at ASU. When asked about his favorite part about giving tours he stated “I love seeing students fall in love with the campus in the same way I did when I first arrived”. He also enjoys seeing friends on tours. Ethan’s favorite Devils’ Advocates are broom ball and bonding with fellow advocates outside of just tours. Lastly his favorite thing to share with prospective students is old main and the greenery we have around campus!

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 10/25/2023

On this terrific Tuesday we have Jenna Lee for this week’s Tour Guide Tuesday. Jenna is a Supply Chain Management from Scottsdale, Arizona and is currently a (super) senior. When Jenna thought about becoming a tour guide she said “I thought it would be fun to go on walks with people and talk about Arizona State”. Hearing about what prospective students are interested in and helping them find a college that is the right fit for them is her favorite part about giving a tour. Jenna’s favorite Devils’ Advocates memory is rock climbing with Asher, Dino & Chris. Last but not least her favorite thing to share with prospective students is how the palm trees on campus produce dates you can buy in vending machines inside of the Memorial Union.


We’re stoked for this week’s Tour Guide Tuesday Felix Peraza! Felix is from Visalia, California and is majoring in Communication! He is a senior graduating this fall after this current semester. When asked why he became a tour guide Felix said “ I decided to become a tour guide because I wanted the opportunity to show potential future sun devils why we have best campus/facilities around. I also wanted to step out of my comfort zone and work on my public speaking skills”. His favorite part of giving tours is seeing families from all over the country come to our campus and have their excitement levels on 100 as we show them their future home. A core advos memory for Felix is Apple Polisher, he explained “the event consists of tour guides getting dressed in our classiest fits while we celebrate the graduating seniors and the year’s accomplishments”. Lastly Felix want to shoutout .patel and thinks he needs more recognition!

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 10/12/2023

Presenting: this years 2023-2024 Devils Advocates Executive Board!🔱


Congrats to the newbie class of Fall ‘23! Welcome to the Org!

Photos from Devils' Advocates's post 09/19/2023

This week’s Tour Guide Tuesday is Casey Oates! Casey is from Glendale, Arizona. Ms. Oates is a senior and communication major! Casey says she joined the organization, because she wanted to network and make new friends. According to Casey “sharing how awesome Arizona State is to prospective students” is her favorite part of giving tours. Her favorite Devils Advocates memory is playing broomball with the other Advos. Lastly her favorite thing to share on tour is how many opportunities there are with clubs, double majoring, jobs in the area, and more!


For our very first Tour Guide Tuesday of the year, we have Reese Krauter! Reese is from Elmhurst, Illinois. She is a sophomore double majoring in Marketing and French with a minor in Film Production! The thing that drove Reese to become a tour guide was the fact that she loves talking about new things and things that she is passionate about. Reese said “getting to ask families and students where they are from and learning about them” is her favorite part of the tour guide experience. Lastly Reese’s favorite Advos memory was going to Apple Polisher for the first time because of the fancy attire, fun pictures and getting to socialize with everyone.

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