Juniperfolk Designs

Brand & web design built with strategy & emotion at the forefront.

Photos from Juniperfolk Designs's post 08/01/2024

Happy launch week to my gal with !

Her brand was designed with intention of setting herself apart (and above) your traditional agency style. She delivers unforgettable itineraries and amazing trips for her clients & her brand needed to reflect that.

My goal when creating brands for clients is to create a brand that is not only strategic in who it is speaking to, but is unique from anyone in their industry.

I want you to stand OUT. 👏🏻

’s website is currently in the design phase and I just cannot wait for her to go live!

Photos from Juniperfolk Designs's post 07/05/2024

Your friendly reminder during a holiday weekend.

I spent the entire day yesterday celebrating with my friends and family and did absolutely no work.

I spent the day at the beach, ate really good bagel sandwiches, watched the fireworks, and sat there grateful for my chance to do this.

Sometimes being a solo entrepreneur is exhausting. Everything feels like it falls on your shoulders (because it honestly does) and your to-do list literally never ends.

But you are allowed to relax. You’re allowed to enjoy the holidays. You deserve to take time to rest (or party).

I’ll be transparent, I didn’t schedule this post and I am actively working right now but only because I woke up in a creative mood and needed to get some things down on paper.

Then I’m off to watch Talladega Nights at our local downtown theatre and grab a spicy margarita.

I hope you slam your laptop shut until Monday.


Photos from Juniperfolk Designs's post 07/03/2024

One thing about me as a designer is I am a *hype girl*.

➡️ Need someone to help hype you up for your brand photoshoot (and provide a shotlist). I’m your girl.

➡️ Looking for help with the client purchase journey and what it looks like to inquire with you? I’ve got you.

➡️ Need someone to remind you just how incredible you are? I’m here.

➡️ Looking for someone to explain the website specifics and backend tech that can sometimes be confusing? I’m in.

Designing a brand and website for a client is so much more than just emailing and presenting a logo. It’s a collaborative project that requires communication, daily chats, and (at easy for me) a whole bunch of loom videos.

If you’re ready to partner with a designer who listens to you. Let’s chat.


“Is there a reason you work primarily with female entrepreneurs and business owners?”

You mean besides the reason that women are incredible, amazing, showstopping, and spectacular?

Let me give you this client project as an example. Nicki is a personal trainer & nutritionist who came to me needing a professional brand and website so she could effectively serve her clients and grow her business.

At the same time she also sold her house, got married, is about to move, and is leaving on her honeymoon. (Just casually being a bada**.)

My job? To make the process and fun, simple, and stress-free and possible for her and to be the support she needs to get her business launched.

We’re almost done with the project and I just know she’s going to do amazing things for her clients.

If you’re in the “I need to do this but don’t have time” or “how the heck do I launch a website?” phase, then I am the designer for you.

Let’s launch your business.

Photos from Juniperfolk Designs's post 06/20/2024

Website so crisp she deserves a spot on the grid.

New sales page is launched for Vibes Lash Bar and their new course, Vibes Lash Academy. Building this was beautiful from start to finished and I am super happy with the result.

Plus, this webpage might be for sale in the new Juniperfolk Template shop. (It definitely is.)

This webpage layout was designed with strategy in mind and I partnered with a copywriter to ensure that it was 100% built to sell your services/products/course.

Details of the launch coming soon!

Photos from Juniperfolk Designs's post 06/13/2024

Let me tell you a story…

I started as a busser at Trattoria Stella when I was 18 years old. I’ve celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, bachelorette parties, and many more happy events at more than one of their tables.

I put myself through college, I made some of the greatest friends I’ve ever had, and met the love of my life working in restaurants that this company owned.

(He was a line cook & I was a server.)

I had the absolute pleasure of working with Trattoria Stella on their website redesign and from start to finish it was a beautiful project.

They came to me and wanted to elevate their website to match the level of service they provide their guests and showcase just how incredible the food, beverages, and experience of dining with them truly is.

“When it came time to redesign our website to coincide with our anniversary, it was an easy decision to go with Claire. She is smart and talented and has a deep understanding of our values and aim having previously worked for us as a server.”

I could not be happier with what we created.

If you ever have the opportunity to go in, please order a Burrata and a Gin Sling for me.


Photos from Juniperfolk Designs's post 06/05/2024

Not every designer/client is a good fit.

When a potential clients fills out my inquiry form my first step is to schedule a discovery call with them.

Not every designer chooses to do discovery calls as an initial part of their booking process, but for me, it’s non-negotiable.

Discovery calls allow me to:

→ Ask you specific questions about your project
→ Share my proposed project & what I feel like would help you
→ Get a feel for how we get along & vibe
→ Discuss boundaries & timelines up front

Ready to hop on a call? Let’s do it. I literally can’t wait to meet up.

(I’m not being cheesy, I just really like to chat.)

[website designer, brand designer, web designer, business advice, female entrepreneurs, logo design, Showit designer]

Photos from Juniperfolk Designs's post 06/03/2024

Let’s be honest, there’s a lot more that goes into a design project that picking epic colors & amazing fonts.

There’s strategy and psychology that go into the design choices and sometimes this can be the ‘less fun’ topics to talk about.

Not for me.

I love for the unsexy nerd part of design.

- Typography Versatility
- Color Palette Contrast
- Website Platform Choice
- Legality & Licensing

I work all of these into my projects so that my clients know that if I’m presenting a font choice or color combo option- it’s because there’s been extensive research behind it.

Ready to work with a designer you can trust?

Let’s do it.

Photos from Juniperfolk Designs's post 05/31/2024

My goal: turn your thoughts into digital art.

Dreaming up your brand is your job; bringing it to life is mine. Together, we’ll do both.

I’m not just here to make pretty things (although we totally will). I’m here to listen intently as you share your vision, understand what makes your business tick, and create designs that represent you beautifully while resonating deeply with your people.

My goal is to translate all of your thoughts, ideas, and visions into visually striking yet highly functional designs that leave you feeling seen and your consumers feeling served.

Because good design is a pretty face, but great design is everything beneath it.

[copy written by .co for my homepage. She is an icon and if you need web copy - work with her.]

Sidenote: who doesn’t love a Pretty Women reference?

Big mistake. Big. HUGE. 😏

Photos from Juniperfolk Designs's post 05/30/2024

If you’ve been looking for a sign for if you invest in a professional website.

This is it.

Here’s a few perks of working with a professional website designer:

-> You can trust that your website will be designed strategically to convert casually visitors into paying customers.

-> Your website will be user-experienced focused to ensure that your customers have a seamless & easy browsing experience.

-> You won’t be cringing at a potential customer asking for your website anymore.

-> You can finally stop paying for the monthly website and domain subscriptions that you’ve had forever and finally put them to use.

Of course, there is a time and a place for all investments and I would never want a business owner to be forced into working with a designer.

But if you’ve reached the point where what you offer doesn’t match your digital presence, then it’s time to work with a website designer.


You’re sitting in a coffee shop having your usual beverage when you get to chatting with someone about your business and the inevitable “do you have a website?” question gets brought up.

What are you feeling? Are you excited?

→Do you feel like your website is a positive representation of your business?

→ Do you trust that your website will answer their questions, convince them to work with you, and funnel them into a smooth inquiry process?


→ Are you worried that they will think less of your business because of your website?

→ Do you feel like you’re inquiry process could be better?

If either of these things sounds like what you’ve been feeling, we’ve all been there.

I work with my clients to ensure that their website is a cohesive and positive representation of their business, while making sure that the inquiry process is smooth & seamless.

Got a question? Send me a DM!

Photos from Juniperfolk Designs's post 05/28/2024

One of the most common things I tell myself is, “nobody else knows what they’re doing either and I need to chill”.

I have a tendency to overthink my decisions, easily find faults, and work myself far longer than I need to because I feel like what I’ve done isn’t good enough.

& I can’t be the only one.

As a business owner were constantly wearing every single hat (and coat, scarf, and boots) that we possibly can to get everything on our to do list done.

Here’s your Tuesday reminder that you are enough, you’re right where you need to be, and you deserve rest too.

Send this to somebody else who might need a reminder today. 🫶🏼

Thanks for the post idea, .co. (Seriously, if you haven’t joined her Summer subscription yet, what are you doing?)


We’ve all done it.

We say we’re going to doom scroll for content ideas, design inspiration, and trending audios.

Then, the next thing we know is that we’ve been staring at our phones with our backs hunched over for the last two hours.

Even as I was creating this post, I felt myself wanting to look at what other people had done or check out Pinterest for a few cool ideas.

This is why I rely on strategy when it comes to design.

Strategy allows you to understand why you are making the design choices that you are making, rather than having a knee-jerk reaction to not knowing what to do.

If you’re ready to stop wondering what to post, what to design, and who your marketing towards- let’s chat.


Join me in sending a huge congrats to a new chapter for Big Penny (coming so soon!)

When Kristin filled out my inquiry form, I was immediately excited to work with her. First of all, she is a local to my hometown and second, she wholeheartedly believes in what she does and wants nothing but to offer the best for her clients.

Plus, she loves a dirty chai with oat milk and I loooooove me a dirty chai.

I wanted to bring life to her brand that truly spoke to who she was and so we dug deep into the psychology of design and created a brand that was eye-catching and creative, with a touch of 90s inspo.

Kristin’s consistent collaboration and feedback has been integral to this project and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to work with female entrepreneurs like her.

Her website is currently in the design phase and let me tell you - you are not going to want to miss this. 👏🏻

Photos from Juniperfolk Designs's post 04/15/2024

Dreaming of your brand is your job; bringing it to life is mine. Together, we’ll do both.

Here’s how we can work together:

→ Brand & Web Design

Perfect for the business owner or brand-builder looking to attract the right people, keep users engaged, and field constant comments like, “I’m drooling over your branding and website — it’s an instant YES from me” (don’t say you weren’t warned).

→ Brand Identity Design

Together, we’ll create something that’s as beautiful as it is powerful. You’ll walk away with fresh brand identity that attracts ideal clients, looks gorgeous on screen, and helps tell your brand story.

→ Semi- Custom Website

If your brand identity is complete and you need a gorgeous, optimized website ASAP, this service is your saving grace. In two weeks flat, we’ll have your semi-custom website designed, implemented, and ready to start working hard while you sleep.

→ Website Design

Want a website that’s 100% customized to you, your brand, and your audience? Something rooted in consumer psych, UX best practices, and gorgeous design principles?

*Coming soon: Brand Strategy*

Apply with my inquiry form to work together. ☺️
[website design, web designer, brand identity, logo design, logo, timeliness design, brand strategy, custom website]

copy by .co


This Instagram post caption space is too small for everything I want to write about this project.

Caroline was one of my clients in my first year in business. She took a chance on working with me, and I can never honestly explain how grateful I am to her. We learned from each other (mostly me from her), grew from the project, and further solidified our brands.

I had the chance to update her website with her new photos and a brand refresh, and it's just a *chef's kiss*. Her new website is stylish, modern, minimalist, and beautiful (just like her).

If you're in the Traverse City area and are looking for brows, lashes, facials, or waxing - Caroline is your girl. ✨


As healthy lifestyles, working out, and nutrition education continue to rise, I wanted to create something for all the new personal trainers entering the digital space.

Enter the Violet Sorrengail Showit Website Template. (Those who get it, get it.)

A strategic & show-stopping website template for anyone in the fitness industry. Perfect for:

✨ Personal trainers
✨ Health coaches
✨ Nutritionists
✨ Yoga teachers
✨ Pilates studios

If you are in an active industry looking for a new corner of the internet. This website template is perfect for you. View the NEW website template in my shop on my website!

Photos from Juniperfolk Designs's post 01/19/2024

Even I have to remind myself of these points from time to time.

✨ Keep learning: no matter what
✨ Set clear boundaries
✨ Frustration comes from confusion
✨ The client's opinion matters
✨ Forgive yourself

The next time you are in a situation where a design or a project is going off the rails, sit back and remember that this is your chance to learn. Every project is a new opportunity to become a better designer. (Cheesy, but it's true.)


Who feels like you've got a lot to share but not sure how to share it?

If you raise your hand, please know you're not alone. Mitchell came to me with a passion for personal training (mainly squats) and helping his clients reach their ultimate goals in lifestyle & health. He knew he was meant for something but wasn't sure how to digitally share it.

So, we built him a brand and website that is deserving & authentic to who he is. Whether you're looking for a brand or a website refresh in the new year, I would love to meet you. ✨


"Everybody can design a logo; everybody can build a website."

Even if that were the case, not everyone can:

✨ Build your website so that your copy, design, and photos work together to tell your story and convert casual visitors into paying customers
✨ Design a logo with intrinsic meaning and history that becomes recognizable and irresistible
✨ Cohesively integrate every part of your brand (down to the shape of the buttons) into your website design so that it feels like the most authentic representation of you
✨Create digital confidence for you to move forward into your business success with
✨ Deliver a 23-page Brand Style Guide answering any questions you have to successfully use your files in the future in social media, marketing, ads, and more

You get the gist.

Let's chat if you're finally ready to hand over your design to a professional and give your business what it deserves.


Wellness made simple.

Branding & website design made *powerful*.

I'll let the review from Julie speak for itself because reading through this reinforces my passion for what I choose as my career path.

"If you are searching for a brand/web designer – you're in the best hands with Juniperfolk. Claire has made this the best experience from start to finish. She is incredibly talented, so great to work with and helped me learn so much along the way. Her design process is streamlined and very organized! Claire has brought my vision to life in a way I didn't think was possible. I am so beyond grateful."

For any personal training, nutrition, and sustainable lifestyle questions, check out Wellness Revival Co. 🤍


There are so many things coming for Juniperfolk. I am immensely grateful that I spend each of my days sharing my life, my designs, and my brand with all of you. So this is a vast ✨thank you✨ to each of you.

This year, you can look forward to:

🎉 new website template launches
🎉 branding photos that are who I truly am
🎉 website copy from someone I've wanted to work with for years
🎉 extra unique products new to the shop

Let me know if there is something you're looking for from me or things you want me to cover! I am here to share & help in any way that I can.

Thank you for last year! On to the next!


Hands up if your website is broken, unused, or severely outdated. 🙋‍♀️

No more of that; we're leaving that in 2023.

Your website is your cohesive corner of the internet and the first impression on your ideal clients. We want your website to connect with your target market immediately and convince people to work with you.

Once you see Kay Marie Photography's website, working with her will be a no-brainer. There is so much personality & skill packed within the pages of her website. Each section is drop-dead stunning from her home page to her services page.

p.s. This website is the new Jo March template from the Juniperfolk Website Template Shop. Available now!

Photos from Juniperfolk Designs's post 01/05/2024

From the first Zoom call with Maddison, I knew this project would go well.

Her communication style is *iconic*.
Her business model is *incredible*.
Her passion is *mesmerizing*.

Our project isn't finished (the website is coming soon), and I have loved every moment.

Stay tuned for WorkLife Coaching.


Your business is solving a problem, not just selling a product.

You may be selling wedding photographs, but what problem are you solving?
You may be selling virtual services, but what problem are you solving?
You may be selling your bookkeeping services, but what problem are you solving?
You may be selling your coaching services, but what problem are you solving?

Okay, you get the point.

As a brand & web designer, I solve the problem of understanding how to design a brand identity that attracts your ideal clients and launching a website that works for you while you sleep.

I solve the problem of digital confidence.
I solve the problem of font licenses.
I solve the problem of bland branding.
I solve the problem of website strategy.

(Plus more, trust me.)

Ready for me to solve your problems? Let's work together!

Photos from Juniperfolk Designs's post 01/01/2024

"I can go on Fiverr and get that for $250."

Please, go right ahead.

Just kidding. Please do not do that. I understand that every business owner works with a limited budget, and not everything is accessible.

(This is where website templates designed by professional website designers come in.)

There is a reason that great design is expensive. Great design is thorough, strategic, cohesive, and powerful. There are one hundred little steps that your designer will take behind the scenes to get your website over the finish line that you may never see.

If you are ever curious about the specifics that go into website design, send me a message! I am always happy to discuss the ins and outs of websites.

Photos from Juniperfolk Designs's post 12/29/2023

Okay, I'll try to write this without crying happy tears.

This year was... nearly indescribable.

I worked with 17 business owners on 17 projects. I had the immense opportunity & privilege to have 17 different people put their complete trust in me to build them the brand and website of their *dreams*.

Beyond the sappy post about my gratitude, I have also loved going through the analytics from 2023. I am obsessed with my highest lead generator being referral-based, and my booking rate is 90%.

Even better, most of my projects were complete brand identity design & custom website design. (My favorite!!)

Will we work together in 2024? I would love to meet you!

Photos from Juniperfolk Designs's post 12/27/2023

Swipe for some seriously bad** branding.

Working with Wellness Revival Co and Julie was indeed a dream from start to finish. From our first call together (where I became obsessed with her vision) to our final messages after launching her website, where I was tearing up at her review, it was a match made in heaven.

When Julie came to me, she struggled with a lack of confidence in her services, imposter syndrome with social media, and not having an authentic brand that she felt proud of.

Here's what she said about what working together did for her *cue tears*:

"In more ways than I can even put into words - having a website and brand that I feel excited and proud about, I think, is going to completely improve my confidence in my business and a place where my story lives and is an incredible representation of who I am, who I want to work with and will help me grow in the direction I am looking for."

If that's not a win, I don't know what is. Julie, I cannot WAIT to watch you continue to grow and succeed.


It's that time of year. ✨

You're probably bombarded with these aesthetic "out of office" posts, and I have two things to say about them.

1. This is a special thing to post for all of the solopreneurs, one-woman shows, and humans running their businesses without help. For many of us, we spend every second we can working as hard as possible to make our dreams (and our client's dreams) come true. This post means that I successfully set boundaries and planned to ensure I could take time for myself during my favorite season.

2. If you're still working, that's okay too. It's hard but necessary to remind ourselves not to compare to anyone else around us. This isn't the easiest task, with social media being an ever-present contrivance.

Thanks to all of my clients in 2023 who made every second of my business worth it. There aren't enough characters in this caption to convey my gratitude.

Peace out, 2023, I'm going to go sledding and eat cookies with my nephew. ✌️


What do you say when someone asks, "Do you have a website?"

We should chat if it's anything other than, "hell yes, here's the link!". Your business deserves a website that works for you while you sleep, is a cohesive representation of your brand, & is strategically built to sell your services.

Your website is your gal Friday.

Often, when clients come to me, they have either a broken or nonexistent website. After working together, they have a digital corner of the internet that is strategic, powerful, cohesive, and irresistible. Are you ready for this to be you?

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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J U N I P E R F O L K  D E S I G N SAuthentic, Intentional, & Inspirational.I’m obsessed with my new Brand Identity and ...



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