K's Diet Clinic & Family Practice

K's Diet Clinic & Family Practice is a family owned, & operated business in Trenton, GA.


We are back to our regular hours this week :)

Tuesday 12-6
Wednesday 10-4
Thursday 12-6


Open today
from 12 til 6

Provider will be there
from 3 til 6

Please be patient with the staff, since we're short staffed && half the crew is on Vacation.

We are NOT offering telehealth this week, or next week until Friday.

Come see us in office & let us get you took care of. ;)


We are CLOSED today in observance of Independence Day.
Have a Happy 4th!

See Ya'll next week.


It's May 🙃

That means it's getting closer to summer weather.

Need help getting ready for your summer body?

Come see us && let us help you get started on your weight loss journey.

Open today 10-4
Thursday 12-6


It’s Sunday! Finally.

And Jesus - just as He promised - is alive!

And this morning in my heart, there’s a quietness as I picture Him waking from death.

In my minds eye, in the darkness of that borrowed tomb, He wakes with a smile.

Our Saviour, when I picture Him there, is smiling.

Of course He is - He won! Death is defeated!

I imagine He can hardly wait to surprise Mary! To meet with His friends.

It has been such a horrific few days for them, watching Him die.

I imagine He is eager to show them He lives.

Noticing the warm smell of fragrances in the tomb, I picture Him folding the cloth used to cover His head.

Jesus took His time. With a to-do list as long as His arm, Jesus wasn’t rushing.

He always takes exactly the time that’s needed.

This makes me smile.

And then - completely alive - Jesus leaves the tomb. Death defeated - the tomb couldn’t hold Him.

And I think about Heaven’s cheers. The King has risen!

Can you imagine the other-worldly sounds as the King steps back into life!?

Heavens Angels celebrating as only they can…

Oh how this makes me smile!

And for just a second, my mind finds delight in how the news spreads in hell. Like wildfire.

I admit, this makes me smile.

But then my heart leaps back to the Garden. Where our Saviour - taking His time - waits for a woman.

A woman with a jagged past.
Classic Jesus.

And He tells her, “go tell the others.” And just like that, a woman is the first person to share the Good News!

And this makes me smile.

Jesus, You are just so much more than we can fathom.

Full of surprises, our Saviour - our Redeemer turns every possible thing on its head.

And steps into this side of history.

Returned for us. Death has been defeated!

Once. For all.

And because of Him - because of all He’s done - we get to live.

Our chains are gone. We’ve been set free.

And today as we remember and celebrate - may we smile a knowing smile.

His history altering pursuit of us, fuelled by death-defying love means we have new life.

Forever. With Him.

He is preparing a place for us. And I cannot wait to meet Him there.

Friends, HE IS RISEN!

“He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.”
Romans 4:25 (NIV)


Saturday: Silence

Jesus, the sacrificial lamb for our sins, has been put in the grave.

The tomb was sealed with a stone and guards sent to protect it.

And they wait.

The disciples wait.

Mary of Nazareth waits.

The believers and followers of Jesus wait.

The unblievers wait.

The religious leaders wait.

Herod and Pilate wait.

But I wonder -

Were the disciples gathered together to grieve?

Were they so full of sadness that they didn’t really have much hope?

Or were they full of faith that their friend would return just as he
said he would?

Was Mary being comforted by those around here?

Was she a source of comfort for the disciples? Vice versa?

Were the people around town in despair because the Messiah they just encountered, FINALLY, was killed?

I imagine there was mourning, and plenty of it, going on around town.

Were the unbelievers and those who called for His crucifixion proud? Joyful?

Pilate not truly having found any fault in Him, does he feel guilty?

Is he fearful that Jesus really was who He said He was and ridden
with anxiety of the days to come?

The only thing they all have in common is the waiting.

And the silence while they wait.

While the body rests, while the plan is continuing, even though they can’t see it.

They can’t physically see His works and wonders moving around them anymore.

He’s in the grave. Or so they think.

So they’re just waiting.

But again with the spoiler alert –

We know how this ends.

But we have seasons of waiting too.

What are you in a season of waiting for?

The Lord to lead you to the right church.

The right job to come along.

Acceptance to the college of your dreams?

The Godly spouse you’ve prayed for and longed for?

Godly friendships?

To become a mother, a father?

For your military loved one to return home?

That your children will accept the Lord?


From the physical ailments of life?

From the emotional and mental burdens and diseases that weigh you down?

Addiction to end for a loved one?

Waiting for God to reveal your calling, your purpose for Him?

I could go on for days.

But sometimes, in those seasons of waiting and silence and stillness–

It seems like He isn’t there.

It can feel like you’ve been left behind.

And questions arise –

Did I do something wrong?

Is Jesus upset with me?

Am I not worthy? Deserving?


But where is your faith?

Do you have faith in your season of waiting?

Do you find hope and trust in the Lord?

Comfort in the Lord?

Or is human impatience discouraging your faith in the God who will
never fail you.

The one who has never and will never leave you, even in seasons of waiting.

Are you able to find comfort in those around you like I imagine Mary and the disciples did as they waited?

See, they had to watch this play out in real time, unsure of exactly what was to come.

But we don’t.

We know where He is, who He is.

That His mercy and grace and love never waivers, that He isn’t here but –


And He’ll never leave us, never forsake us.

And though sometimes the silence and the waiting can be painful and even unbearable.

He’s still there.

Open 24/7, unlimited access, door is always open.

Saturday often gets overlooked.

Like it doesn’t have much significance.

But it’s HUGE.

It’s our time to just be still.

To trust in Jesus.

To have faith in Him.

To rest in His promise.

It’s the time between the struggle, sorrow, pain, questions.

And the solution. Jesus.

I wonder – what was it like in the shoes of those waiting on Jesus?


Good Friday Morning.

It’s His last morning.

Jesus has been in custody since Judas betrayed Him in the garden.

He’s been beaten over night. Ridiculed.

But this is just the beginning, isn’t it.

And when the sun rises, He’s bound and taken before Pilate.

And the crowd looking on is shouting. Accusing Him. Seething with anger and hate.

Did He look? Did Jesus look into the eyes of those screaming at Him?

Did He see in the crowd the same faces who sang Hosanna, just a few days ago?

I think He did.

Today He will die for all of those faces. All of the angry voices. The cold hearts.

Theirs. And ours.

On that day, just hours from now, the King of Heaven will carry all of it.
For all of us.

So this morning as He begins His last steps, can we just please not look away.

Today as He stands accused before Pilate. As He steps courageously into the horrific - can we decide to remember. To notice.

To keep our hearts fixed on that Man on His last day.

Jesus, we can’t even begin to thank You enough. But we accept what You’re about to do.

And while it is so painful to watch, we promise to not look away.

Thank You Jesus.
Thank You.


Maundy Thursday.

It’s the last day they’re all together.

The Last Supper. The day He shares the new commandment.

To love one another as He has loved.

And then in a shocking display of humility, the Messiah gets on the floor.

I wonder what happened in the room as He cleared space, fetched what He needed, and began to wash the feet of His disciples.

Peters feet. Judas’s feet.

And if we had been there - He’d have washed our feet too.

And for just a second, I can picture this. My feet in the hands of the Messiah.

Right now in my mind, I can see His hands. The ones they’ll drive nails through tomorrow.

And I can hear His voice reminding us - love each other.

It’s the same voice that will cry out when they torture Him.

And the same voice to declare it done.

It’s a blur in my mind what happens next. But now we watch Him wait for Judas in the garden.

And this is where every single thing slows down for me.

I want to tear through the pages of history and make this whole thing stop.

But we can’t.
We need Him.

And so - we keep the eyes of our hearts fixed on Him.

It’s the least we can do.

Judas. We see you betray our King.

And Jesus …

We are in complete awe of You. Your courage to go through with it all.

And your love. It’s unmatched.

Thank You for stepping into this. For continuing to move towards the cross.

We don’t deserve any of this sacrifice, Jesus.

Thank You that Your love is bigger. That You want us this much.

Today as you move another step closer, we are so grateful for Your profound love for us.

And we are fixed on You, Jesus.
We will not look away.


“If you love me, you will keep my commands.” John 14:15 (ESV)


It’s Wednesday.

Jesus is still teaching.

It seems as though things are quiet around town. But that isn’t the case.

Plots and schemes are made. The chief priests and the elders devise their plan to arrest Jesus and kill him.

Back in Bethany, in the home of Simon, Jesus is sitting at the table. A woman arrives and pours ointment, perfume, on Jesus’ head.

The disciples are angry. They question why she would waste it by pouring the entirety of it on His head. It could have been sold and the money given to the poor.

Jesus calms them, assuring them that she is doing a beautiful thing, preparing his body for burial, and that wherever the gospel is preached, what she did will also be told in her memory.

Back with the chief priests Judas, a disciple of Jesus, has arrived. Negotiations are made. Judas is desperate, greedy. He agrees to deliver Jesus to the chief priests in exchange for thirty pieces of silver. Betrayal.

It’s Wednesday. But Sunday is Coming.


It’s Tuesday.

Jesus is teaching.

He passed by the withered fig tree he had cursed the day before and taught of faith.

Back in town, Jesus has made it clear who He is. The King of the Jews. Lord. Savior. Messiah.

The Pharisees are angry. They want to discredit Jesus. They question him, interrogate him. Tried to trap him in his own words, catch him in a lie. They fail.

He teaches again. Of hypocrisy, being a hinderance to the kingdom of Heaven, spiritual blindness - the seven woe’s.

Jesus heads to the Mount of Olives with his disciples. He teaches again. Of the end times, of the second coming of the Lord, of judgement day.

Jesus is still teaching. We just have to listen.

It’s Tuesday. But Sunday is coming.


It’s Monday.

Jesus has arrived in Jerusalem. He enters the temple to find tables of goods being sold. He’s angry. The temple, God’s house, has been turned into a place of business. He overturns tables and drives out the merchants.

The temple is cleansed, restored to a place of prayer.

It’s Monday. But Sunday is coming.


The first day of His last week.

We find Him at the Mount of Olives preparing to enter Jerusalem - His mind and His heart fixed on the plan.

I picture Him there.

Knowing what this meant. Knowing that His triumphant entry into the city would end just days later in the horror of the cross.

He knew.

He knew that the people He loved so much - the ones laying down palms and clothes, shouting “Hosanna!” as He rode in - would sneer insults soon enough.

He knew His friend would betray Him with a kiss.

He knew the stories spun against Him. The rejection. The hate.

He knew.

He knew.

And even in the knowing, He sends for the donkey.

And today as He enters the city, and steps into His last week, He knew about you. And about me too.

Because He steps forward today for us.

He gets up on that donkey and makes His way into the last days of The Plan for us.

What would we have done that week?

Would we have greeted Him with palms and “Hosanna!” today and then join the masses screaming, “Crucify Him” on Friday?

While I picture Him there - Jesus, making His way with more love than I can fathom into the city - I also look for myself in that crowd.

Where is my heart as He looks me in the eyes? How do I honour Him?

How do I follow Him?

How do I love Him back?

How do we show Him - Jesus, the Son of God, the King of Kings, the Messiah. How do we show Him we stand with Him and for Him?

We decide to not look away. We step forward with Him.

We stand for Him and with Him. We give everything we have to help fulfill
His mission. We say “yes.”

So as we head into this last week together, stepping forward with Jesus, may we keep our minds and our hearts fixed on the plan.

May we not look away. May we remember what He’s doing and Who He is.

We see You. We see what You’re doing and what You’ve done.

Thank You for staying fixed on the plan. For knowing what You were facing, and doing it anyway. For not changing Your mind. For making a way for us.

We’re with You Jesus. Amen

“And when he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred up, saying “Who is this?” And the crowds said, “This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee.” Matt.21:10-11


Happy Valentine's Day from us 💓

Photos from K's Diet Clinic & Family Practice's post 02/11/2024

Sheriff Cross's ReElection Fundraiser.


We are open today 12-6.



All of our roads are still deemed Impassable.

We will offer telehealth til 4, if you qualify. Call 706.657.2800

We hope today slighter warmer weather will clear our roads up.
Please keep check on our page for our hours/closing
Stay Warm ♡


Due to the current road conditions we will be **CLOSED**today.

We will offer telehealth to qualifying patients from 2 til 6.

Call 706.657.2800

Stay Safe ♡


Merry Christmas from our family to ya'll! Hope everyone has a Blessed Day.


Tomorrow is our FREE event, Christmas for the Community!

Come see us at 2701 East 46th St, Rossville, GA
12 til 4

We will have tons of winter accessories for everyone in need.

We will be serving Chili and Vegetable Soup.

We will also be passing out Christmas Presents ♡

Come see us!

“Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable Gift.”
2 Corinthians 9:15


Happy Birthday to our Haydee ♡


Acts 20:35
"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.' "

Any & All Donations can be dropped off at either K's Diet Clinics locations, or I can meet locally.
•5008 Hwy 136, St 16, Trenton, GA
•789 Chickamauga Ave, Rossville, GA

If you know of someone personally in need of any of the items we have, please message me & we will try to accomodate their needs ♡


Are you worried you won't be able to enjoy the holidays, because you don't want to mess your diet up?

Stress getting the best of your normal healthy eating habits?

Come see us! Let us get you started on an appetite suppressant to help curb your appetite!

Open today 10-4 (closed for lunch 12-1)

We offer several different Semaglutide Packages.

Office Visits $50!
☆only when you receive a prescription ☆

Super Lipo Inj $20
B12 InJ $12
*Packages Available*

Medications in office
☆Plegine #60 $16
☆☆ #90 $20
☆☆ #120 $30
☆☆ #180 $40
☆Adipex $18

If you don't want to fill your prescription in office you can still get a written one and go to your pharmacy of choice.

Walk Ins Welcome. No Appt Necessary.

Conveniently located behind the Huddle House
in Trenton, GA.

Give us a call 706.657.2800 for more info or check out our website.

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Trenton?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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5008 Highway 136
Trenton, GA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 12pm - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 4pm
Thursday 12pm - 6pm

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