Social Impact Solutions

Many organizations do not know their true value. We help you measure and market your social and econo


Nonprofit leaders, it's time for strategic thinking! 🤔 Instead of just tackling day-to-day tasks, identify the constraint preventing you from reaching maximum potential. By focusing on resolving that one problem, you can improve the entire organization. Ask: 'Which division is constrained and limiting growth?' By addressing this, you can nurture your core, empower teams, and foster a culture of innovation.

Can't figure it out? Consider using a nonprofit consulting firm that can help you gain an understanding of what’s working and what isn’t based on your mission, vision, and values.


Donor churn is a major concern for nonprofit leaders. It's crucial to understand where the donor is coming from to effectively address their concerns.

1. Is the donor is facing a financial bind? If so, approach them with empathy and support. Consider offering to pause their monthly gift, expressing your willingness to accommodate their situation.
2. Assure the donor you value their commitment and will check back when their financial situation improves.
3. If the lapse might be the donor's uncertainty about their impact, share specific successes due to their ongoing generosity.
4. Evaluate whether you're communicating too often or too little, then tailor your approach based on their preferences to show you value their individual needs.

Remember, effective donor retention requires a proactive and personalized approach. Together, we can overcome the challenges of donor churn by fostering open and empathetic communication.


As a nonprofit leader, you may have given up a career, the family business, or even left your comfort zone far behind to become a change-maker. And there are days the mission seems daunting. But then you see the results. A community has clean water. Kids have a school. Pregnant women have healthcare. And the ripple effect impacts a whole community. Focus on the great work you do and let our team help with marketing, communications, resources and impact metrics. Let's talk!

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: "How to Become an Impact-Driven Nonprofit". After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. 08/17/2023

There's still time to join today's webinar:
hosted by John Staub (Remodel Health) and John Mark Vanderpool (Social Impact Solutions)
WHEN: Thursday, Aug. 17 at 1:00 pm ET

During this webinar, you'll learn the importance of impact reporting, clear communication, and focusing on data. There's never been a better time to measure and market your impact!

Join us to ...
• Learn how to create an impact report
• Understand the three stages to start the process of becoming an impact-driven nonprofit.
• Gain insight on how to advance your fundraising strategy.
• Explore techniques to grow your organization through impact marketing.

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: "How to Become an Impact-Driven Nonprofit". After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. During this webinar, you'll learn the importance of impact reporting, clear communication, and focusing on data. There's never been a better time to measure and market your impact! Learning Objectives: • Learn how to create an impact report • Understand the three stages to start the process of b...

Nonprofit Board Development: 3 Key Components - Social Impact Solutions 08/16/2023

Donors need board members who have:

• Knowledge
• Passion
• Experience
• Connections

Additionally, you’ll want to make sure new board members will make time for their critical role in effectively guiding your nonprofit. Once you’ve gotten the right people onboard, help them grow into their roles through:

• Education
• Training
• Networking

Find out how to ask the right questions during the interview process and ensure board members continue to grow as responsible, engaged members of your governing board:

Nonprofit Board Development: 3 Key Components - Social Impact Solutions Nonprofit board development is a complex yet very rewarding responsibility. Develop a board of purpose-driven leaders to create lasting change.


What: Webinar hosted by John Staub (Remodel Health) and John Mark Vanderpool (Social Impact Solutions)
Date: Thursday, Aug. 17 at 1:00 pm ET

During this webinar, you'll learn the importance of impact reporting, clear communication, and focusing on data. There's never been a better time to measure and market your impact!
Join us to ...
• Learn how to create an impact report
• Understand the three stages to start the process of becoming an impact-driven nonprofit.
• Gain insight on how to advance your fundraising strategy.
• Explore techniques to grow your organization through impact marketing.


You are rockstars! Your drive to keep moving past the obstacles results in impoverished communities rising from despair to hope. Let us help you with insights, tips, and tools on the best ways to grow your nonprofit and make a measurable impact. Schedule a call with one of our team members:


Sounds simple right? But as a nonprofit leader, you know the challenges inherent in reaching these two goals. At Social Media Solutions, we've seen a few strategies work wonders every time and want to share them with you.

1. Clear messaging: make sure donors understand the value your organization provides to the community.
2. Make your donors the heroes: let them know their generosity is changing lives and communities. Make sure the positive impact of your nonprofit's work points back to the donors who support it.
3. Impact reports: Tell them exactly what you're doing with their money so they can clearly see their role as change-makers and feel inspired to increase donations.

Read about more strategies for effectively communicating with donors:


John Mark Vanderpool, co-founder of Social Impact Solutions, will be featured on Episode 90 of the Responsive Nonprofit Podcast presented by Virtuous. Subscribe here to hear from John Mark and other philanthropy, fundraising, and technology pros:

In Episode 90, John Mark will discuss The Social Return On Investment: 8 Reasons Why We Measure Impact. He will walk you through steps to leverage technology for utilizing impact data and communicating that impact to donors for long-lasting impact.

Social Impact Solutions helps Nonprofits raise more money by providing access to the best marketing and impact resources to help them communicate their value, accelerate their fundraising, and expand their reach. Are you looking to raise more money for your nonprofit? Take this online quiz to discover where your orgnaization could be leaving money on the table.


Impact reports make donors feel excited about their role in being a changemaker. Let them see how their money is providing food, shelter, healthcare and more so they’ll be inspired to continue or increase donations. Schedule a call to discover ways our team can help you with impact reporting.

Turning New Donors into Ongoing Supports - Social Impact Solutions 08/08/2023

You’ve got new donors, now what? One of the best ways to nurture new donors is through an onboarding series of emails.

First, welcome them by expressing gratitude and providing a brief overview of your mission and why it matters. In doing this, be sure to make donors the heroes of your story. After all, it’s THEIR funds that help fulfill your mission.
In your next email, show how donors impact lives by sharing a success story or a specific outcome.

In email #3, introduce key members of the team and provide a brief history. Invite them to explore your website for more information.

And finally, thank them again, emphasize the impact they’re making, and let them know how they can stay engaged in your nonprofit’s upcoming journey.
Discover more strategies for holding onto new donors here:

Turning New Donors into Ongoing Supports - Social Impact Solutions Turning new donors into ongoing supports is never easy, but with the help of this email campaign template you can communicate more clearly.


As a nonprofit leader, there are times you feel like it's all uphill treks, rocky paths, and storm clouds. But ... you persevere, and because you do, communities get clean water, kids get an education, pregnant women get healthcare, and impoverished communities begin to thrive. You've got this! And we've got YOU!

We'd love to provide free insights on the best ways to grow your nonprofit and make a measurable impact. Join the Nonprofit Post and every 2 weeks you will learn effective and practical tools, strategies, and tips. You’ll be amazed how quickly you can put these resources to practice once you subscribe.


Every nonprofit desires growth, and rightly so, because growth provides the ability to have a bigger and better impact. Try these steps to keep your nonprofit growing:

1. Build a reliable donor funnel.
• Know which marketing channels produce new donors every month.
2. Build an onboarding email series for those donors.
• Welcome donors to your organization.
• Clearly explain how they can become change-makers by partnering with you.
• Call them to action.
3. Measure your impact.
• Donors want to know ...
*The outputs
*The short-term impact
*The long-term impact
• Measure the long-term impact of your organization's work.
4. Report on your impact.
• Impact reports.
• Impact videos.
• Impact presentations.
• Mailed brochures.
• Impact dashboards on your website.
5. Call your donors to action.
• Email/phone/text/mailers/etc.

Find out how well your organization is facilitating growth by taking our free (and short!) nonprofit fundraising quiz:

Pt. 2 - Setting Impact Goals That Make a Difference - Social Impact Solutions 08/03/2023

How well are your social media channels initiating growth by retaining and acquiring donors, increasing donation amounts, and conveying your positive impact on the communities you serve? Here’s what we’ve seen work best:
1. Review what has historically been your most reliable channel.
2. Double down on that channel.
3. Then, and only then, explore other ways to attract and convert more donors.
Discover more ways to scale your impact here:

Pt. 2 - Setting Impact Goals That Make a Difference - Social Impact Solutions Is your organization ready to make a real difference that have a lasting impact? In order to do so, you must start setting impact goals that will. . .

Social Impact Solutions - Measure and Market Your Impact 08/02/2023

Do you know about the 4 pillars for nonprofit growth? We believe it’s crucial for organizations to evaluate their performance in these categories:

· Organizational Clarity
· Marketing
· Fundraising
· Impact

Following evaluation, it’s imperative to act on the findings for an organization to grow. As a nonprofit leader, you know creating real, lasting change is challenging. But when you optimize your growth pillars, you align your entire team around a clear mission, consistently attract new donors to your organization, and increase donor retention and donations. In short, you accelerate your fundraising and scale your organization.

Social Impact Solutions wants to help you successfully grow by optimizing your 4 nonprofit pillars. Schedule a call today to catalyze your nonprofit’s growth!

Social Impact Solutions - Measure and Market Your Impact Know your business market value with our market experts at Social Impact Solutions. We will help you measure and improve your social and economic impact.


Your donors want to know how their funds are changing lives and communities. Do you have a way of measuring your organization's impact? Our team can help! Fill out this form to get started on an impact report today.


Start the week knowing we're here for you, hailing the good work you do and ready to help you smooth the rough trails. Nonprofit work is as much about communicating with donors and volunteers as it is about making an impact. Schedule a call to find out how our team can provide the marketing, communication, and impact tools you need to reach your full potential.


We offer strategy sessions for a cohesive and customized growth plan. Our experts can help you:
• Clearly communicate values, goals, and needs to staff, volunteers and donors.
• Show donors the impact of their giving through impact reports, success stories, and emails.
• Increase funding from new and existing donors by communicating your nonprofit's value.
Schedule a free introductory call:


Most nonprofit leaders understand the importance of storytelling for their organization, but few know how to create their own story.

The good news? It doesn't have to be difficult; you just need a framework. Our favorite framework is from the Don himself: Donald Miller from StoryBrand.

Every great story has a problem, a plan, and a solution.

Start with this abbreviated framework, put it to work, test it out, repeat, and grow.


Many organizations have discovered surveys are powerful tools for nonprofit leaders seeking to understand motivations. They provide valuable insights, help tailor communication strategies, and identify trends. Embrace surveys as part of a holistic approach to truly connect with your donors! "


Nonprofit employees, like most other employees, are looking for:

• Clarity: clear communications regarding expectations and standards, along with room to be creative and intentional.
• Meaning: how the team member's work contributes to the mission.
• Purpose: how the organization's mission is making a real difference.

When leaders provide these three elements, they see increased engagement, enthusiasm, productivity and buy-in from their employees. Even better, this combination inspires employees to embrace company culture.

Want to know if your organization is providing clarity, meaning, and purpose? Take our fundraising quiz.


Nonprofits infuse hope into communities enduring poverty, hunger, and little access to healthcare, education, and clean water. We salute you! Let us help with marketing, communications, and impact reports, so you can focus on the work you do so well.


It can be daunting to make time and format strategies to:
• Engage with donors
• Effectively use social media
• Educate volunteers, and
• Increase donations

Take our Nonprofit Fundraising Quiz to see how well your organization is doing and where we can help.


We have a team member who previously worked as a development officer. She was nervous about fundraising until a mentor explained donors want to be generous, and they really want to build friendships. No one wants to be treated like an ATM. Enable donors to live out their generosity by getting to know them. Help donors see where their values overlap with the organization’s mission.


Nonprofits used to think of donors like ATMs, not partners who want to make a real change. Now we understand they are the heroes that change lives.

When you partner with your donors and treat them like impact investors, you will have a much higher likelihood of keeping them longer, enjoying a healthier relationship, and making a lasting change.


Everyone wants to feel appreciated, and donors are no exception. Let them know you value their relationship with your organization, as well as their donations. Here are five appreciation practices to show donors you are grateful.


Great nonprofit managers know their people are force multipliers for good! Keep up the momentum by letting them know you appreciate their work.

Timeline photos 06/28/2023

Need to raise more money for your nonprofit? Take our online quiz to find out if you could be leaving money on the table! It takes just 2 minutes, is completely FREE, & you receive personalized results instantly. Click the link to start your quiz today!

Timeline photos 06/23/2023

Are you helping your donors easily understand your organization by effectively communicating your marketing message?

Timeline photos 06/20/2023

Start creating meaningful action today!

Timeline photos 06/14/2023

Looking to create a marketing plan that propels your organization forward? Schedule a free call to get started today!

Timeline photos 06/08/2023

It's time to leverage your impact to raise more money for your organization! Read our blog to learn more about using impact reports.

Timeline photos 06/05/2023

Ready to start using impact metrics to raise more money for your organization? Use the link below to download our free ebook to learn 8 important reasons you should be measuring your impact!

Timeline photos 06/02/2023

Email is one of your greatest tools to stay connected with your audience. Ensure you are providing value and keeping your campaigns effective!

Timeline photos 05/31/2023

Next week we are doing a popUP session with 36 Degrees North. If you're ready to start raising more for your organization, save your spot today! You can attend in person or virtually. Click the link below to sign up!

Timeline photos 05/25/2023

To raise more money, you must first create trust with your audience. Utilize these three tips to start building trust with your donors today!

Timeline photos 05/22/2023

Are you ready to create more change? When you measure and market your impact, you will create growth for your organization.

Timeline photos 05/17/2023

Are you leveraging the power of your impact data? It is a strong tool to help your organization improve, grow, and create immense transparency!

Timeline photos 05/12/2023

If you’re not measuring and marketing your impact, you will start to lose out on opportunities for growth. We understand it can feel overwhelming to get started, but we are here to help you walk through the process so you can feel confident you are doing it right. Don’t lose out on any more opportunities. Start measuring and marketing your impact today!


If you're ready to start raising more for your organization, save your spot for our popUP session on June 7th! You can attend in person or virtually. Click the link below to sign up today!

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Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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