The Ark Fit

A team of individuals who have a heart to serve you. Group classes, personal training, nutrition consults, open gym, recovery room, & cafe!

You'll find a welcoming & encouraging environment with effective services to help you succeed in your health goals.

Photos from The Ark Fit's post 10/02/2023


Sasha’s progress was accomplished in only TWO MONTHS! But, that’s just the beginning of her health journey that’s nothing short of inspiring and incredible! She’s an example of the health that’s achievable when you commit and stick with it day in and day out even when things get difficult. 👏👏♥️

“A picture is worth a thousand words and this one is saying how grateful I am for my health and hard work! Being diagnosed (with Crohn’s Disease) has probably been the best thing that could have happened to me because I don't know if I would have changed anything on my own.

There have definitely been some difficulties still and I still have dull pains here and there, but so much better, happier, and of course healthier! Thanks to everyone's support, not being annoyed when have to be a picky eater, and the endless support I've been given. I’m excited to see how else I'll change and grow as I continue and learn. Thanks !”—Sasha


NEXT ARK FIT EVENT: DEADLIFT SEMINAR — coming to you THIS SATURDAY! We listen when you tell us you want to learn more. Only $20 entry fee. Let’s answer ALL your questions and more!

We will focus on:
+ technique & form
+ breathing & bracing
+ pain free deadlifting (yes!)
+ mobility

Let’s improve your technique when it comes to deadlifting! Learn how to lift safer, heavier, more effectively, and feel stronger overall!

Photos from The Ark Fit's post 04/18/2023

Join us as we officially welcome our newest, amazing Ark Fit team member! ✨Get to know your trainer: Marbella✨

Health and fitness were not always a passion of mine and did not become a priority in my life until adulthood. Prior to then, I would eat and drink anything I desired while my gym membership collected dust! I was faced with reality when not one piece of my clothing fit me. I felt as if I had gained 30 pounds overnight. Instead of focusing on my health I hid under oversized clothing, isolated from social gatherings, and began finding comfort in food alone; I watched my weight increase and my self esteem decline. I felt stuck and decided to look for a quick weight loss solution. I turned to herbal life, diet pills, and juice fasts–I tried them all. I found some methods temporarily worked then I'd gain the weight back just as fast as I lost it. Finally, I decided to stop focusing on quick fixes and committed to a fitness routine and a nutrition plan. After a few months of consistency and hard work, I began to feel stronger and for the first time, I felt fit! I promised myself that I would invest in a healthy lifestyle and continue pushing myself outside of my comfort zone.

Years later and I could not be happier with the decision I made to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle. I am so grateful for gyms like The Ark Fit where you not only receive encouragement from a great team, but are also surrounded by like-minded individuals who are all working on their own goals and fitness journey. Thank you to The Ark Fit community for allowing me to pursue my passion of helping others. You are an inspiration and I am grateful for the opportunity to support you as you reach your true potential.



“The pandemic took a major tole on my physical & mental health. One day I took a look at myself in the mirror & just hated what I saw. After so many ups & downs, I decided to start my weight loss journey. I had played sports in high school & college but I didn’t know how to nourish & fuel my body to fulfil its needs. It was then where I started restricting myself & decided that carbs were my enemy. I cut my calories super small & did lose quite a bit of weight but it wasn’t sustainable for me. I found it hard to get back into it after the holidays. ⁣

It was in May that I found ArkFit and decided to make some real changes. Thanks to Donald and all the other trainers I found a healthier relationship with food and found myself enjoying working out. I looked forward to those 7am classes everyday and pushing myself during every class. Seeing the progress I was making on the scale, through pictures, and the strength I gained gave me confidence which then helped boost my mental health. I began to appreciate my body more and take care of myself better. ⁣

I couldn’t be more thankful to Donald for helping me continue my transformation since moving for school and allowing me to continue my progress. Ark Fit was exactly what I needed. They helped me understand that working out can be for everyone. They helped me gain the confidence to walk into a normal gym and not care about what others might think. Even though I still have more work to do, I am extremely grateful that I took a chance on myself and made an investment to become a better version of myself. Thank you Ark Fit for everything!!”—Maria P.


Cindy is an inspiration, and parts of her story is one that so many of us can relate to. We’re proud to call her a part of our Ark Family and inspired by her resilience & strength. She shows us what it means to persevere in the midst of hardship & come out better than ever! Read her story below-you will not regret it!⁣
“2020 and beyond was rough for me mentally and physically. I had a baby, started working from home, my gym closed at the beginning of the pandemic, everything I established as a regular lifestyle was flipped upside down. I dropped weight during breastfeeding and when I stopped, the weight came back and then some. Throughout 2021, I was very unhappy with my body and how I felt mentally without the boost of serotonin that comes with working out.⁣

I struggled getting back into my fitness with the loss of the community I had previously. In November 2021, I decided I couldn't do this anymore and searched around my area for a gym that would help encourage me to go back into my lifestyle. I came to Ark Fit with the hope that I could get back into the swing of things, I was still hesitant but Donald convinced me to get a class pack. I dropped off the face of the gym until the New Year. I came to class here and there, but I still didn't have what I needed to hold myself accountable. When I received a text regarding the transformation program and met with Stephanie, I decided to take a leap of faith that this was what I needed to get back to it. IT WAS SO ONE OF THE BEST DECISIONS I’VE EVER MADE.”⁣ [1/2 cont. in comments]

Photos from The Ark Fit's post 10/04/2022

Your words impact us! Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your lives & health! Support our small business & leave us your positive reviews 😍🙌🏽⁣

Let’s give it up for our top 5 workout attendees for the month of September!! Show them some love for their commitment to up to 40 classes in 30 days 🤯!⁣ Incredible.
+Grace M.⁣
+Jennifer P.⁣
+Maricruz S.


Consistency keeps you going when your motivation dwindles (& it will because life happens)! No one said achieving your goals & seeing results was going to be easy. No one said it would come without sacrifice. But will it be worth it?? ABSOLUTELY. There’s not a doubt in our mind that you can stay consistent & show up when life happens & trials come your way.⁣

Working out clears your mind, lifts your spirit, keeps your health in good shape, makes you feel strong & empowered…the list goes on!⁣

What keeps you consistent? Comment down below & share your tips!


Sherri is one of the strongest women we know! We’ve had the pleasure of having her as a member since 2019, and now she is such a vital part of our community. She just completed her 16 Week Ark Fit Transformation Program, and we are so proud of her progress & how hard she’s worked to achieve her goals. She’s one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet, so don’t be afraid to say hi to her if you catch her at the 6:15 am class! Read more of her story below:

Most of us spend a lot of time trying to find the perfect place to work out. A place you feel safe, a place you don’t feel judged for what you can and can’t do, a place that you feel like you’re working out with the family. Well June 30th 2019, I found that place. I had been doing a lot of Groupons at some other gyms, but nothing seemed to work for me. I would lose some weight but gain it back. I had no information on what I should eat or not eat. I could never build the muscle I wanted to build. At 63 years old I started to think it was impossible. Until I heard from a friend about The Ark Fit. (Thank you Jennifer)

My first day at The Ark Fit was so amazing! I loved it so much that I signed up for a year membership that day, & I’ve been here ever since. The workouts kick my butt, but I love to see how I’m increasing my endurance. The Ark Fit has taught me the healthy, safe way to work on not only on my physical, but also my mental health. I was always having something that was hurting when working out. I thought if I was working out then I could eat what I wanted, but I was feeling tired and not strong with my workouts. I had never really talked to anyone about the way I was feeling. 

The awesome owners Matt & Jasmine, my favorite welcoming crew Faith & Michelle, and the best coaches ever Donald & Stephanie, at The Ark Fit spent time talking with me and all my concerns about fitness and nutrition. I am truly grateful for the time, knowledge, & patience that The Ark Fit trainers provide. [1/2]


50 LBS IN 20 WEEKS! What an achievement!! It’s been so inspiring to witness Luciano’s dedication & hard work to his Transformation, and we’re looking forward to seeing what’s more to come. This is just the beginning! Read more about his personal testimony below:

In 2022, I looked in the mirror and was unhappy with what I saw. Coming from a shoulder injury from college tennis in 2010 and a back injury from a motorcycle accident in 2017, my body was not what it once was. I couldn’t get out of bed and used my arms to grasp the mattress to turn myself over. Modern medicine couldn’t solve my issues unless I had surgery. I was (am? 😂) too young to have surgery and was recommended to exercise to compensate for my injuries. I was in a deep rut. So I started looking at local gyms like 24-hour fitness and LA fitness and realized that I didn’t know what I’ll be doing there and would be intimidated by the bodybuilders. However, the occasional posts of my friend inspired me to reach out and ask how the gym was where he attended. Nothing but great things were said. I saw Arkfit’s social media pages and realized I have a few friends that attend there, and they all mentioned the same thing.

I soon contacted our trainer Donald as I knew him in the world of tennis, and he volunteered to come to work out with me so I wouldn’t feel alone on the first day or come when he was teaching. I went the next day, and the environment was like nothing else I had felt. It is very welcoming, encouraging, and inspirational. It is a place to bond with everyone in a similar situation as yours, create friendships, and work together on our common goals. The trainers and the rest of the team have always pushed me to my limits and beyond and taught me so much about food to reach my goal (probably not at the moment of each exercise lol). I’ve only been at the gym for 6 months and have seen some positive changes. I never realized that I would be where I am right now and actually want to go to the gym 😂. I can’t wait to see what’s next to come. I am forever grateful!


Every time you are putting your shoes on to hit the gym, think about all the ways your body works for you. We often take it for granted, but if we could be thankful for all the things the body does—not only running & jumping, but even breathing & healing—the gratitude would be never-ending. Exercise is a CELEBRATION of what your body can do, so after each workout, take the time to thank your body for being there for you. It is doing its best to keep you alive, healthy, & vibrant.


Judi is truly an amazing woman!! For the past 2 years, we've seen her grow, persevere, & push past her limits. Not a day goes by that we aren't inspired by her constant hard work and her genuine desire to improve herself each day. We are so proud of how far she has come. Don’t be shy to say hi if you ever see her in a morning class—she’s such a joy to be around! Read more about her inspiring story below:

There comes a day in your life when you decide that things have to change and you want it bad enough that you actually do something about it. That day for me was almost 2 years ago when I walked into The Ark Fit for my first class. I was overweight, constantly tired, had low self-esteem and just all around didn’t feel good about myself. Embarrassed to say that I only lasted 15 mins before I had to stop because my body just wouldn’t go any further. It probably took me a whole month before I was able to complete the whole 45 minutes.

Fast forward 2 years later, I am so much stronger, eat way healthier and feel so much better. What made me stick with The Ark Fit and not give up is because all the trainers (Matt, Steph, and Donald) did and still do such a great job in encouraging me to push myself beyond what I think I’m capable of. Weight loss and getting fit and healthy is not always linear, it’s ups & downs. The Ark Fit has been there through all my ups & downs, and for that, I am grateful!


When motivation wanes, discipline is extremely important. Exercise should be part of everyone’s life. Your why, your motivation can get you started with working out. However, in order to have the discipline & commitment to keep doing it regularly, it is best to make it a habit.

Creating a new habit can be difficult, so don’t be afraid to start small. The key is to get out there, get your body slowly used to daily exercise, and form that habit. Your goals take daily effort, and each day is a step towards it.

You may have to tell yourself “remember how you will feel when you are done” many times before a workout. Remind yourself that you will also feel better overall when you are working out regularly—your sleep improves, your mood improves plus more.

Eventually, it will get to a point when you feel so much better when exercise is a part of your lifestyle that if you stop for a period of time, you can’t wait to get back to it to feel better again. Hang in there Ark Allies, you got this!!


It has been such a joy to walk alongside Otieno on his health & fitness journey. His dedication is so inspiring to us all! We hope that you find his transformation just as encouraging as we do. Here’s his testimony:

Last year I started taking my physical health seriously again. When I started working out consistently and pushing myself harder, I slowly started to recognize lots of changes. I wasn’t just becoming more confident in how I looked, but I also found spiritual and mental alignment, as well. I’ve learned to use exercise and fitness to celebrate and honor what I am capable of, and to show gratitude for another day of life on earth by striving to surpass my thresholds. Shout out to for helping me set a new standard of fitness and create a healthier way of life! 🙏🏼


Have you had a health & fitness setback recently? Maybe an injury, a vacation, or lack of motivation? Or maybe life just got in the way?

Setbacks can feel discouraging, and even at times, make you question why you are even working on your health & fitness. In those moments, we have to try our best to remember that our health & fitness journey is not linear--we are bound to have ups & downs. Try not to let a small moment in time make you lose focus on your personal goals. It is important to remember yourself why you started this health & fitness path in the first place, and to remind who you are doing it for.

Remember, not every weigh-in or workout will be your best; give yourself some grace & keep reminders around about why you want to create this healthier lifestyle. Sometimes all we need is to step back & look at more than just the numbers on the scale. How are you feeling mentally? How is your energy, your sleep, your mood, your confidence? Working out is about so much more than just your weight, your body fat, or your muscle... It is about your overall wellness!

If you ever need help with your fitness, health, or your current transformation, please do not hesitate to reach out. The Ark Fit Team loves to help people in any way that we can. Your health is so important to us!

Photos from The Ark Fit's post 06/18/2022

Get to know your trainer / Matt edition!

I have been active my whole life & played most sports. I've always enjoyed being active. When I was 12, I moved to Hawaii & that was tough for me. It led to the beginning of my life's transformation & purpose. In high school, I was one of the only white kids which led me to isolate and not do sports because of the bullying. I eventually gained a lot of weight & became very unhealthy. After a few years of the bullying, I took up martial arts to learn to protect myself. I trained in Muay Thai & Jiu Jitsu. It was good to feel like I could defend myself, but it also led into a big obsession with my eating. I obsessively studied calories, macros & the effects of food & the body. This was not necessarily a good thing. I lost a lot of weight & muscle. I didn't have enough knowledge about food, diet, & muscle building yet. I was doing 3 hours of martial arts/day & not eating nearly enough (1st pic).

At 18, I had enough & was sick of feeling depressed, tired & weak & I needed change. I joined a coaching program from a bodybuilder & it taught me about food, performance, & body composition. After learning how to eat right for body transformations, I gained 50 lbs of muscle in 1 year. Since then, I continued to study fitness, weight lifting, diet & nutrition in college & after. Since 2010, I have been helping friends & family with their health/fitness & it became a deep passion of mine to this day.

Over the years I have gone through phases of being in & out of shape. Just because you know how to do it, doesn't mean you always will. Being a part of a community that helps you stay motivated has been when I always had the most success, which is why my wife & I started The Ark Fit. We love helping people & wanted to create a safe, loving, & encouraging environment to help people with their goals.

Now, I've found a balance of eating healthy, but not obsessively. I love to help people achieve their health & fitness goals. I truly believe deep down in my heart that anyone is capable of achieving any of their health & fitness goals, no matter how big or small they are. Sometimes we just might need help & I want to be able to help you.


“I can’t join the gym now because I don’t have time to commit to workouts every day. I’ll think about it when this project at work ends and I have more time.”

“I was working out three times a week, but I missed two weeks so I might as well not start again.”

“I can’t start eating healthy now, the holidays are almost here and there’s no way I’ll keep it up then so what’s the point?”

Do any of these sound familiar? If so, this type of thinking will keep you where you are in terms of health and fitness. If you don’t change, then nothing will change.

The good news is that fitness doesn’t have to be a complete overhaul overnight. Each small change to your eating habits & exercise routine counts. Eating healthy meals on most days of the week is better than never eating healthier meals! Getting a workout in two days a week is way better than not working out at all! Don’t let the idea of perfection keep you from creating a healthier lifestyle.

The truth is that there are always going to be things that come up to disrupt your well-laid plans for your workouts or healthy meal plan. Be prepared for those times and ready to hop right back on track again. There is no such thing as failure when it comes to your health & wellness because at the end of the day, taking care of your body is a lifelong commitment.

We are human, we are imperfect, we are unique. There will always be things that sway you from your path to your target. Celebrate your successes along the way and don’t let perfectionism keep you off the path to your goal.


Odilia's an inspiration to us all!! Her transformation since she started back in December of 2019 has been nothing short of amazing! She walks into every workout with the mindset of giving it her all. We are SO proud of her dedication to becoming stronger and pushing harder throughout her journey. She inspires us with her determination & commitment to her transformation & overall health!



The Ark Fit is a safe haven for all, and here, it is not just about the physical.

It’s a place of mental health for someone struggling, confidence for someone who’s building it, recovery for someone who’s battled addiction, social interaction for someone who feels alone, physical health for someone who’s fighting to hold onto it, etc.

We would love to know how The Ark Fit helped you in a way that wasn’t physical.


Here at The Ark Fit, we strive to stay united in order to keep each other accountable! Keep reminding yourselves & one another that WE CAN MAKE IT THROUGH. One day at a time, one week at a time, one month at a time. Together we will thrive and come out better together!!


Danny is a special guy!! He is one of the most consistent & dedicated go-getters that we have ever seen. It has truly been an inspiration to witness how much endurance & strength he’s gained over the last 3 years. Here’s a few words from the man himself:

Before I began my journey at THE ARK FIT]] I went through a rough patch of years—both physically, due to cancer & never ending rounds of chemo, and mentally, because of the depression that came with it. I reached a point in my life where I genuinely believed that I was unable to feel as strong & fit as I once was. My confidence was at an all time low, and I never thought I’d be able to regain it.

I’ll never forget the day that introduced me to THE ARK FIT]] back in October of 2019. Ever since then, I have been going to morning classes consistently 4-5 times a week. Starting my day with an early pump has helped me tremendously, and so many positive things have happened to me because of it. I was able to last through my 10 hour days on the tennis courts as a coach, which in turn helped me get promoted to Head Pro at my tennis academy.

Not only that, but I noticed that my mood has changed for the better—I feel so much happier and way more energetic throughout the whole day. I’ve also learned a lot more about myself as a person, and I’ve discovered how to push past my own limits. I can’t thank the Ark Fit fam enough (Matt, Donald, Steph, Jasmine, Faith) for the push that they give me every single day. I know everyone who steps into THE ARK FIT]] feels the same way!


Live life with purpose and stay passionate about people and your wellbeing.


We strive to develop and build you up in Spirit, mind, body, & overall health.

Think about it. Which do you want? The pain of staying where you are, or the pain of growth? Would you dare to break through the pain of where you are in order to move into a position of growth? We're here to encourage you wherever you find yourself at this moment. Your goals take DAILY effort, each day is one step towards it.

Here at The Ark Fit, we are more than happy to help you take steps towards your goals! Let us know what we can do for you!!


Last month we said goodbye to 2 beloved Ark Fit members! Ashlee & her husband, Johnny, have been a part of our community since December of 2020. We definitely miss their presence here at The Ark Fit, but we wish them nothing but the best as they begin their journey with their son in Arizona. Here's a snippet of Ashlee's amazing experience during her time with us:

Did my last workout today and I'm just feeling all kinds of grateful and blessed to have been a part of such an amazing gym for the last 1.5 years! Not only did this gym change me physically (20lbs down from when we moved here, with a baby in between), but mentally as well! Johnny and I started going to The Ark Fi✝️ when we were both not in the best mental place and feeling the loneliness of being in a new place without many loved ones around, but we found a home and community here, and that’s been the biggest blessing of all. Thank you x1000000 to everyone at this gym who made us feel like we could do anything we set our minds to! We will miss it so much!


At The Ark Fit, we believe your wellness involves integration of all three—one cannot thrive without the other. Our focus is not solely on the physical!

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15761 Tustin Village Way, Ste 101
Tustin, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 5am - 8pm
Tuesday 5am - 8pm
Wednesday 5am - 8pm
Thursday 5am - 8pm
Friday 5am - 7pm
Saturday 7am - 3pm

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