Holistic Integrative Wellness Centre, LLC

Holistic Integrative Wellness Centre, LLC

Holistic Integrative Wellness Centre offers Acupuncture, Functional medicine, IV therapy, and herbs.

Holistic Integrative Wellness Centre, LLC is a holistic healthcare practice offering Functional Medicine, Acupuncture, IV nutrient therapy, herbs/supplements and more!


Stinging nettle has been used in traditional remedies for centuries. It is a nutrient-packed herb with gentle yet effective properties such as:

Diuretic & Detox
Diuretic herbs help our bodies to flush out toxins by stimulating the lymphatic system and kidneys, reducing the body's toxic load, and helping bring down any water retention at the same time.

Prostate Health
Stinging nettle is being researched for its help in reducing the uncomfortable symptoms of benign prostate enlargement.

Cardiovascular Benefits
This herb is very high in vitamin C and Potassium, helping support a healthy cardiovascular system as well as the uptake of iron into the red blood cells.

Not only is stinging nettle used topically for a somewhat painful yet effective remedy for arthritic joints, it can also be consumed for its overall anti-inflammatory effect.

Seasonal Allergies
Last but not least, nettle's anti-inflammatory properties are helpful at this time of year to stave off allergy symptoms. Some research has linked stinging nettle leaf to relief of symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes.

Add a bag of stinging nettle tea to your usual brew for a super easy way to enjoy its benefits.


Spring is a good time to do a little maintenance in the form of a spring detox. As the weather warms up and more seasonal fresh produce becomes available, why not lighten your body's load?

A spring detox is all about ramping up your greens so that they fill half your plate, ditching the white foods (added sugar, white rice, white bread), drinking enough water and making sure that your oil choices are on point (olive, avocado, coconut). Sticking to these simple guidelines helps to open up your body's detox pathways.

Here are 4 tips to help you stick to your cleanse:

1 - Detox your kitchen - take some time to go through your cupboards and throw out those half-eaten boxes of junk food, clean out the fridge and make room for a new season's healthy veggies.

2 - Track your habits - Keep a food journal for a week to help re-awaken your conscious connection with how you are nourishing your body.

3 - Prep for success - prepping all of your veggies on the weekend makes the world of difference in how easy it is to stick to your cleansing meal plan mid-week. And don't forget to stock up on healthy snack foods such as kale chips or a fantastic home made trail mix so that you don't stray when you're out.

4 - Get outside - Give your metabolism an energy boost, up your vitamin D levels and oxygenate your blood by getting out for a brisk walk or jog first thing in the morning.


Turn healthy into a lifestyle starting with these straight swaps at the grocery store:

- Instead of soda, pick up sparkling water
- Instead of white bread, choose 100% rye
- Instead of white rice, grab quinoa
- Instead of vegetable oil for cooking, choose avocado oil
- Choose a natural peanut or almond butter rather than the sweetened commercial variety
- Instead of deli meats, roast and slice a turkey breast
- Instead of commercial mayo, make your own or try avocado based mayo


Brazil nuts are energy dense, highly nutritious, and one of the best dietary sources of the mineral selenium - with just one nut containing 175% of the RDI!

Selenium is an essential trace mineral that is vital for maintenance of a healthy immune system, thyroid, and proper cell growth. In one interesting study, older adults with mental impairment ate just one Brazil nut per day for six months. In addition to experiencing increased selenium levels, they showed improved verbal fluency and mental function. This is in correlation to studies that show low selenium levels are associated with neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Brazil nuts also boast many other nutritional benefits including supporting heart health and reducing inflammation. They’re also a great source of vitamin E, healthy fats and fiber.

It is important to mention that an excessive amount of selenium can be harmful therefore, just one to three Brazil nuts per day is all you need to reach your daily requirement for selenium and support your health.


Preparing for the winter by making our signature Hibiscus Elderberry Syrup! This syrup is packed with herbs to help boost the immune system and fight colds!


Gut healing ACV

Photos from Holistic Integrative Wellness Centre, LLC's post 08/12/2022

Creating herbal formulas! Hibiscus Apothecary coming soon! You can even request custom blends for various ailments.


Prediabetes is a serious health condition where blood sugar levels are consistently higher than normal and on track to developing into type 2 diabetes. Studies by the CDC show that more than 1 in 3 U.S. adults have prediabetes (88 million people!) but the majority aren’t even aware they have it.

The good news is, working with a Functional Health Practitioner can help you get started on making healthy and attainable lifestyle changes to prevent type 2 diabetes and even reverse your prediabetes.

Together, we can create a tailored health plan with actionable steps, food and supplement recommendations to reset and repair metabolic conditions. Call our office to book your consultation 630-777-5912.


You may have noticed there are plenty of plant-based meat alternatives available on the market today. Manufacturers of plant-based meat alternatives have come a long way in creating food products that resemble meat in taste, smell and even texture. They also typically come with a rather large ingredients list that includes processed oils, cellulose, artificial coloring, flavor enhancers and gums that may negatively impact gut health... but that’s a topic for another post 😉.

When looking at a near-meat product label, there may be similarities in nutritional content but the question needs to be asked - do these meat alternatives represent proper nutritional replacements to animal meat?

In recent studies, scientists have measured near-meat products against metabolites that are the building blocks of the body's biochemistry, crucial to the conversion of energy, signaling between cells, building structures and tearing them down, and a host of other functions. This included creatine, spermine, anserine, cysteamine, glucosamine, squalene, and the omega-3 fatty acid DHA.
Several of these metabolites tested in the study that are known to be beneficial to human health were found either exclusively or in greater quantities in grass-fed beef - making beef the better option for nutrient density.

Read more on this study here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-93100-3


Our immune systems have evolved to keep our bodies healthy and our cells free of invaders.
When the immune system is compromised the effects can decrease overall health and a prolonged weekend immune system increases risks of chronic conditions such as cancer and heart disease.

Here are 5 signs your immune system needs some support:

- Frequent Cold Sores: Cold sores are a sign the immune system is struggling to keep viral cells dormant.
- Constipation: Having less than 1 bowel movement a day is a sign that our gut bacteria is compromised. Since 80% of our immune cells are created in the gut, these two go hand in hand.
- Trouble sleeping: Waking during the night is an indicator of impaired immune function since our body uses sleep to rest and regenerate in the night.
- Chronic Infections: Opportunistic organisms such as H.pylori, candida, parasites and fungal infections take advantage of a weakened immune system.
- Frequent Colds: Our body can fight off most cold’s and flu’s without us even knowing it, however, succumbing to a bad cold more than a couple times a year is an indication of an immune system that needs support!


Maple Balsamic Brussels Sprouts with Cranberries

1 pound brussels sprouts, ends trimmed and cut in half
1 teaspoon olive oil
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
¼ cup dried cranberries

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon olive oil
½ tablespoon balsamic vinegar
½ tablespoon maple syrup
pinch of salt & pepper
cooking spray


Preheat the oven to 450
Cover a baking sheet with foil and spray with cooking spray.
In a large bowl mix the brussels sprouts with the salt, pepper and olive oil. Do not rinse out the bowl. Pour out on baking sheet and roast for 20-30 minutes or until tender and slightly charred.
In the same bowl toss the cranberries in any extra olive oil. You just need a touch leftover from the bowl. Set aside.
In the last 5 minutes of cooking the brussels sprouts, add the cranberries to the pan.
Mix together all the ingredients for the dressing.
Once the brussels sprouts and cranberries are done cooking, toss them in the dressing and serve!



A part of healthy thyroid function relies on diet. Iodine in particular is an important mineral needed for healthy thyroid function and helps control growth, repair damaged cells and support a healthy metabolism

Here are some of iodine rich foods to keep your thyroid functioning properly:

Seafood such as shrimp, sea bass, haddock and tuna contain a good amount of iodine that has accumulated from seawater.

Much like sea creatures, seaweed is also an excellent plant based source of iodine.

Eggs are a great addition to a thyroid-friendly diet but keep in mind the iodine is particularly found in the yolk.

Strawberries and cranberries are great sources of iodine, as are baked potatoes and beans.


Apple Cinnamon Baked Oatmeal Cups


3 cups (300 grams) old-fashioned rolled oats
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 and 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup (240 ml) milk (almond or regular dairy milk work well)
2 large eggs
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 medium Granny Smith apple , p*e


Preheat the oven to 350°F (177°C). Spray a 12-count muffin pan very well with non-stick cooking spray and set aside.
Add the oats, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt to a large mixing bowl and mix until well combined.
In a separate mixing bowl, whisk together the milk, eggs, maple syrup, and vanilla extract until fully combined. Add the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and mix until well combined. Add the chopped apple and gently mix it in.
Evenly distribute the mixture between all 12 cavities in the prepared muffin pan. Bake at 350°F for 25 to 27 minutes, or until the tops of the oatmeal cups are lightly golden brown and firm.
Remove from the oven and allow to cool in the pan for about 5 to 10 minutes, then remove the oatmeal cups and transfer to a wire rack to finish cooling.



Studies show that incorporating more plant based foods in the diet is good for our energy, health and the environment as a whole. But, if you aren’t too keen on giving up daily meat and animal products or just don’t know where to start - this challenge is for you!

For the next month choose one day a week (like Monday 😉) to cook and enjoy plant based, meatless meals. Google a few recipes you may want to test out with plant based options and give it a go - you may even make this a permanent change!

Here are some ideas to help you get started:
Lentil meatballs with pasta
Vegan mac and cheese with broccoli
Plant based mushroom burgers
Tofu curry
Veggie stir fry with rice
Vegan chilli
Black bean tacos

Once you do - feel free to share your experience in the comments!


Sweet potatoes or white potatoes - which potato is healthier?

Sweet potatoes are usually considered the healthier option while white, yellow or red potatoes often get a bad rap for being a “bad” or calorie dense food. This is probably because white potatoes are typically associated with how they are commonly prepared i.e deep fried.

The truth is that both of these root vegetables are great nutrient dense options!

Let’s compare their nutritional profiles:
Sweet potatoes and white potatoes both have the same amount of protein (2 grams) fat (0.15 grams) and carbohydrates (21 grams) per 100 grams.

The sweet potato does have marginally fewer calories and slightly more fiber than white potatoes.

On a micronutrient level, sweet potatoes also contain much more vitamin A (seen in its orange color) slightly more vitamin B6 and vitamin C, however, white potatoes still contain all of these plus more potassium and magnesium.

Whichever is your preference, know that they are both great sources of energy, vitamins and minerals and shouldn’t be feared.

What’s your favorite way to eat potatoes? Roasted? Mashed? Baked? Let us know in the comments!


We know that we can’t control everything when it comes to our health but ensuring you do what you can to keep your body strong will help support your immune system for the months ahead (and for the long term).

Some proven immune supportive strategies include:

A diet rich in high-fiber foods which encourages the development and maintenance of the gut microbiome, which stimulates your immune cells.

Probiotic supplements and fermented foods, which also contribute to your gut bacteria.

Healthy fats, which help reduce inflammation in the body.

Reducing sugar intake can lower the risk of obesity and Type 2 diabetes, both of which are risk factors for a weaker immune system.

Moderate exercise, which helps improve immune response.

Good sleep, which helps strengthen immune cells and lowers stress response.

Supplementation with certain immune supportive supplements such as vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc and echinacea.

Read more about why your immune system may need some extra love as we move into cold and flu season once more on our latest blog https://holisticintegrativewellness.com/support-your-immune-system-the-season-is-here/


Bloating, cramps, heartburn, irritability - could it be food sensitivity?

The truth is, food sensitivities are so common nowadays it's truly unbelievable to most people.
You can very well be eating healthy foods everyday that are negatively affecting your body and its ability to function in a healthy way.

Symptoms of food sensitivities can show up 24 - 48 hours later and are a digestive response. Many of these symptoms are overlooked by traditional western medicine diagnoses that typically focus on food allergies, an immune response.

By taking a closer look at your health history, we can help you get to the bottom of which foods could be causing these unwanted symptoms so you can get back to feeling your best.

Give us a call 630-777-5912 and schedule a consultation to learn more.


Did you know that scary news is harmful for your health?

How often are you watching the news? How much of that news is negative and gives you heightened feelings of anxiety when it comes to your health?

Over the past two years it has been important to be informed of health related news for obvious reasons. However, it’s important to note that many stories that make it to your news feed are often dramatized, over reported or simply “click bait” which can have negative effects on your mental health.

Studies have shown that dramatic and scary news reports can encourage people to experience unnecessary worry, catastrophize many situations, and misinform you if all details aren’t provided.

Be aware of how much health related news you consume and if you do have worries or questions always speak to your health care provider before trying to self diagnose.


"Licorice root is one of the world's oldest herbal remedies dating back to ancient Egyptian, Chinese, and Indian cultures.

Today, it is most often used as a dietary supplement for digestive problems such as heartburn and acid reflux as well as easing hot flashes associated with menopause.

It’s potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties also make it useful for easing cough, sore throat and fighting off certain bacterial and viral infections.

You can find this herbal remedy in capsule, tincture, lozenge or topical form for the skin

​​Be aware that licorice root has been shown to have negative interactions with certain medications. Always talk with your healthcare provider about any new or complementary health approaches you use. "


We speak with so many patients that have been feeling unwell for years.

It might start with a small issue that continues to grow into a larger problem having lasting effects on their health and well being.

After exhausting many efforts, they find Functional Medicine and finally get the solution they’ve been searching for!

The truth is, we look further than just the one problem that is bothering you or making you feel unwell. We take a deep dive into your health, examine your health history and find the root cause of what has grown into this larger health problem you can’t seem to fix.

If you're feeling like you’ve tried everything, talked to countless doctors and not gotten the result you’re looking for, it may be time for a different approach. Call us at 630-777-5912 and together we can get to the root cause of what is causing this imbalance and tailor a health plan fit for you.


Sometimes, the worse you feel about your health the harder it is to tackle the issues head on. It seems impossible to figure out a plan to feel better, make changes and stay committed to your goals.

Cleanses, fad diets or a couple random trips to the gym will only get you so far...Long-term lifestyle adjustments that create vitality are what you need - and we are here to help!

Sometimes it's better to call in the pros to help make things clear, simple and easy to follow. Together, we can consciously work on what is causing the problems in the first place and get you back to feeling your best.

If you'd like to get off the hamster wheel and start clearly focusing on your health, give us a call and let's do this together 630-777-5912


We have weathered some serious concerns about our health and how to protect ourselves from viruses over the last year and a half. Having a strong and healthy immune system is your first defense in preventing invaders from taking over.

As we enter into the cold and flu season once more (yes these germs still exist) and continue to battle new virus variants our best foot forward is knowing what we can do ourselves to support our bodies innate ability to heal. This includes factors from diet, beneficial supplements when necessary, and lifestyle.


Aerobic exercise, or cardiovascular exercise, is any activity that gets our blood pumping and muscles moving. Don’t worry, you don't need to spend hours on the treadmill. Studies suggest that getting 150 minutes a week of brisk walking, biking, even gardening or yard work is beneficial.

The risk of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and even some cancers are minimized when we include cardiovascular exercise. Cardio helps lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol and allows the body to properly use and store energy and has been shown to boost immune function. This also benefits weight management and prevents obesity.

By pushing your lungs to their limit it strengthens them and allows for a higher lung capacity meaning you will be able to run farther, climb hills and do other strenuous activities with more ease. Cardiovascular exercise also helps increase heart rate and blood flow.

When our body goes through an activity that requires energy, such as running, it releases endorphins. These increased endorphin levels, in turn, boost our energy. Another benefit of endorphins, the happy hormone, is that they simply make you feel good. Studies have shown that those who include cardio in their daily routine also experience better sleep as their bodies have used up sufficient amounts of energy in the day.

And that’s only a few of the benefits of why you should include a form of cardio in your weekly routine!


If your practitioner suspects Breast Implant Illness, the most common treatment plan involves removing silicone implants and any surrounding scar tissue. This typically results in an improvement for between 60 to 80 percent of women with BII.

Women experiencing symptoms of BII could consult with their healthcare provider about alternatives, such as autologous implants (implants composed of a woman’s own bodily tissue) following a mastectomy.

Lifestyle changes that reduce inflammation are also incredibly important.

Reducing stress, following a whole foods diet, and avoiding triggers like alcohol and excess sugar are all suggested following removal of the implant.

Head over and read our latest blog on everything you need to know about Breast Implant Illness https://holisticintegrativewellness.com/breast-implant-illness-know-the-facts/


We know that having regular dental cleanings and check-ups is great for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. But what may not seem obvious is that good oral hygiene is also super important for good gut health!

Studies have found that bacteria from your mouth can get into your stomach and cause further issues. When there is an abundance of bad bacteria in the gut, is where we begin to encounter problems.

For example Candida albicans thrives in high sugar environments and rapidly reproduces killing off good bacteria. So, when you eat sweets or lots of refined carbohydrates this sugar is a prime breeding ground for these bad bugs.

Another problem is P. gingivalis, which also influences the gut microbiota causing dysbiosis i.e less good bacteria and as a result poor absorption of nutrients.

Good oral hygiene prevents these microbes from multiplying and spreading through our mouth to our gut!

Read more in the study below!



Ever wonder what your body is really trying to tell you? Maybe those symptoms could be linked, or they could mean something more serious is at play...

It’s time to take a deeper dive into your health!

A Functional Medicine practitioner looks at your body as a whole. We search for where the problem lies at the root and work together with you to balance it back out.

If you'd like to get to the bottom of what your body is really signaling, give us a call at 630-777-5912 and let's get started. Through advanced testing, thorough analysis and a whole body approach we can get you back to leading a healthy and happy life.


Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are an excellent source of plant based protein that are full of beneficial nutrients!

These legumes contain plenty of B vitamins, iron, magnesium, folate and fiber to keep your gut happy and help you feel fuller for longer. Because of all these nutritional benefits, chickpeas support good bone health, heart health, weight management and satiety.

Chickpeas are affordable and super versatile too! You can blend them up into a dip (hello hummus!), use chickpea flour in place of wheat flour, roast them with seasoning for crunchy snacks or add them to stews, bowls and salads as an easy source of protein and fiber.

If you’re purchasing dry chickpeas be sure to soak them for a few hours or ideally overnight. This helps soften the chickpeas and also makes them easier to digest.

If you’re purchasing cooked and canned chickpeas, always check for BPA-free cans and organic if possible.


Do you suffer from frequent migraines? A new study found that a diet higher in fatty fish helped frequent migraine sufferers reduce their monthly number of headaches and intensity of pain.

Migraines are a neurological disease that ranks among the most common causes of chronic pain, lost work time, and lowered quality of life in North America.
More than 4 million people worldwide have chronic migraines (at least 15 migraine days per month) and over 90% of sufferers are unable to work or function normally during an attack, which can last anywhere from four hours to three days.

Women are especially prone to migraines, and an estimated 18% of all American women are affected. Current medications for migraine usually offer only partial relief and can have negative side effects including sedation, and the possibility of dependence or addiction.

The promising results from this study suggest that dietary intervention may play a key role in helping migraine sufferers with less frequency and intensity of pain.

Read more of the study in the link below!



Researchers and practitioners are signaling a rise in Breast Implant Illness - a potential complication of silicone breast implants.

Unfortunately, the symptoms are quite diverse, and most medical practitioners don’t always connect the dots to breast implants as a possible cause!

More research needs to be done on the link between autoimmune disorders and silicone breast implants, but current findings suggest silicone leaks from the implants to trigger an inflammatory response in the body.

One study found that up to 26 percent of women with breast implants develop an autoimmune disorder. Other studies find that women with silicone implants are eight times more likely to be diagnosed with Sjögren syndrome and six times more likely to be diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.

It has also been noted that women who have previous autoimmune disorders, or a family history of them, seem to be more prone to developing BII.

Breast Implant Illness is a new and evolving condition and researchers are only scratching the surface. If you or someone you know has or is thinking about getting breast implants, it’s important to know the possible risk factors involved.

For more information, check out our latest blog all about Breast Implant Illness https://holisticintegrativewellness.com/breast-implant-illness-know-the-facts/


Avocado Ice Cream
(6 servings)

1 14- ounce can full-fat coconut milk refrigerated overnight
2 ripe avocados halved, pitted and p*eled
1 ripe banana cut, and frozen
3 tablespoon maple syrup
2 tablespoon lemon juice
4-5 large mint leaves

Chill a loaf pan in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes or up to 24 hours.
In a high-sp*ed blender, add the p*eled and pitted avocados.
Scoop out the solid part of the coconut milk into a blender and save the liquid part to use in another recipe (like a smoothie).
Add the banana, maple syrup, lemon juice and mint leaves. Blend until smooth and creamy.
Pour the mixture into the chilled loaf pan and use the back of a spoon to distribute evenly.
Place in the freezer for at least 4 hours or overnight.
For best results, let soften for 10-15 minutes at room temperature before serving.


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17W705 Butterfield Road Ste D, Oakbrook Terrace
Villa Park, IL

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm
Sunday 9am - 2pm

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