Want to love your job? Have a boss who appreciates you?CareerCOACH™ offers the most effective job search method to get you there.

Contact CareerCOACH™ to accelerate your search for a career that aligns with your passions, meets your salary goals, and allows you to thrive. CareerCOACH™ will reveal your workstyle preferences and communication styles and arm you with proven methods and powerful tools to gain access to the best jobs.


No time for Biden - I’m just scrolling over.


Listen as we discuss how Passion and Purpose makes your work life enjoyable.
CareerCOACH has proven methods to help you define your right and best job role.
Fora free consultation. Bob Britz

Sign Up | LinkedIn 500 million+ members | Manage your professional identity. Build and engage with your professional network. Access knowledge, insights and opportunities.


📢 Unlocking Job Opportunities: Leverage Your Network! 🌟

Hey everyone! Let's talk about the power of networking in your job search. No need for the "I'm out of work" green horse racing wreath around your neck on LinkedIn. Instead, update your profile quietly to reflect your current goals. Don't announce job switches if you're currently employed.

Now, here's our game-changing program: Influence Networking. It creates a compelling job search narrative and connects you with people who know you well. They can assist in connecting you to your next employer. At CareerCOACH, we've mastered the secret sauce to getting a job in just 5-9 weeks, not months.

Take control of your job search. Update LinkedIn, tap into your network, and utilize our Influence Networking program. Opportunities most often come through personal connections and referrals - we get your systematized to succeed.

Don't underestimate the value of your network. Share your narrative we create with your aspirations, engage in conversations, and let people know you're seeking new opportunities. You never know who might have the perfect lead or valuable connections. It's actually uncanny how connected everyone really is.

Make your job search efficient and effective. Contact CareerCOACH to unlock the full potential of Influence Networking and our proven strategies for quick job placement.

Here's to your career success! 🎉

Bob Britz - Founder
CareerCOACH™ Services


🎙️ Mastering Interviews: Prepare, Speak, Win! 💼

Hey there, social media fam! Let's talk interviews. The word alone might send shivers down your spine, but fear not! Interview preparation is easier than you think. It's not a daunting public presentation that makes everyone nervous. Here's how you can rock your next interview:

First things first, update that resume of yours. But don't stop there! Line-by-line coaching can make a world of difference. When you've gone through it with a coach, you've essentially already interviewed. Talk about being well-prepared! We have tools for online interview prep, and face to face prep since many of us haven't interviewed live sine 2019 or earlier.

A resume someone else just writes for you, is a recipe for interview disasters.

Research is key! Dive into the company you're interviewing with. Get to know their mission, values, and recent news. And don't forget about the people you're meeting. LinkedIn stalking, anyone? Understanding the interviewers' backgrounds can give you valuable insights and talking points.

Come armed with questions. At least three solid ones. This shows your genuine interest in the role and the company. It's your chance to learn more and demonstrate your curiosity. Plus, it helps turn the interview into a conversation, making it more engaging for everyone involved.

Here's a pro tip: ask if there's anything the interviewers have heard that might not pass you forward in the process. Sometimes, they may have misconstrued your answers. This gives you an opportunity to clarify and ensure you're presenting your best self.

Now, let's talk about confidence. Be comfortable in your own skin. Embrace your unique qualities and strengths. Remember, you're not here to be someone else. Speak clearly, project confidence, and let your personality shine. Authenticity goes a long way.

So, step into that interview room with your head held high. You've prepared, you're armed with knowledge, and you're ready to win them over. Remember, it's not about being perfect; it's about being your best self and showcasing your potential.

Good luck out there, rockstars! You've got this! 💪

Need that interviewing help and guidance - book a free consultation:

Bob Britz - Founder
CareerCOACH™ Services


🎓 College vs. Vocational Work: Embracing Vocational Talents 💪

Hey Facebook community! Let's talk college education vs. vocational work.

Vocational roles often offer competitive wages, rivaling entry-level college positions. Plumbers, electricians, welders, HVAC technicians, and others in skilled trades can earn well, especially in unions.

Advantages of vocational work? It's more affordable, with shorter programs that get you into the workforce sooner. Hands-on experience is a priority, making you job-ready from day one. Plus, minimal or no debt is a big perk compared to the heavy burden of college loans.

Don't believe the taboo that not going to college means failure. Vocational talents are valuable! Skilled professionals in trades like carpentry, mechanics, culinary arts, and more play vital roles in society, enjoying fulfilling careers with stability and good pay.

Let's break free from the idea that college is the only path. Embrace vocational talents for exciting career options. Our society needs skilled professionals who contribute to industries and communities.

If you have a passion for hands-on work or a trade, explore vocational education. It's an investment in yourself that can lead to personal and financial fulfillment.

To all skilled professionals, your work is valued. Let's celebrate diverse paths to success, inspire others, and reshape the narrative around vocational talents.

Bob Britz - Founder
CareerCOACH™ Services


Getting Fired: It's Not Just You! 🔥

Hey LinkedIn fam, let's talk about something that's not always rainbows and sunshine: getting fired. We've all been there, and let's be real, it sucks. Unless you wanted to leave and negotiated a fat severance, it's a blow to your confidence and finances.

But here's the thing: it's often not your fault. Companies make financial decisions that lead to layoffs. The bigger the company, the more they prioritize stockholders over employees. Tough pill to swallow, right?

Don't fret, though! You can bounce back.

Find a friend or confidant to vent and process your emotions. Talking it out is therapeutic. Consider seeking support from a psychologist or therapist to navigate the impact of a toxic work environment.

Now, here's a shameless plug: hire a reasonably priced career coach. They'll guide you through finding your next role with confidence. It's transformative!

Getting fired can be a moment for growth. Reflect on your career trajectory, goals, and happiness. Losing a job can be a blessing, leading to new opportunities and hidden passions.

Remember, your employment status doesn't define you. You're talented and resilient. Embrace reinvention and don't let getting fired define your future.

Let's support each other through the ups and downs. Share stories, offer guidance, and lend a hand to those going through tough times. Together, we'll overcome challenges and rise stronger.

Getting fired might suck, but it's not the end. It's a stepping stone to a brighter career chapter. Keep pushing forward!

For a free consult with me, use this link: - worth your time!

Bob Britz - Founder - CareerCOACH™ Services


You can shorten your job search to 5-9 weeks instead of months.
Creative resumes stand out with unique designs and visuals, but struggle with ATS systems.

Normal resumes, being structured and scannable, fare better. Graphics in creative resumes take up space, while well-described achievements should take priority.

For creative individuals, a traditional ATS-friendly resume is recommended, with a separate creative resume for human review. Don't forget essential elements like GitHub or a portfolio. Most templates aren't ATS-friendly, so prioritize readability and factual content. Find the balance between aesthetics and ATS compatibility.

Need help - book a free career consult with me.

Bob Britz- Founder


With so many young people experiencing revival on university campuses right now, I thought releasing the 4th in our series on Faith and Career would be appropriate.

Please log you comments below - we'd love to hear your thoughts on this video.

Our two coaches Sr. Pastor Dan Carlson and Anna Zschuppe bring a fresh perspective on living your calling in life and career.

Guy Langvardt, Ph.D., MBA Natalie West Vahbiz Shroff, PhD, PCC Shelley Tobin, CPC Irina Doytcheva Jim Black Becky Osborne, PHR, SHRM - CP Tommy McGregor Dennis Stack Samuel Hutchins, MSM, PMP®, Sec✢ Kimberly O'Neill, MBA, ACC, CPC Bev Moellering Rebecca Andersen, MSIM, PMP Joan Fogarty

Sign Up | LinkedIn 02/16/2023

Sign Up | LinkedIn 500 million+ members | Manage your professional identity. Build and engage with your professional network. Access knowledge, insights and opportunities.


So many of you have decided to seek out a coach this year to help you discover and understand the goals you have for your career.

At CareerCOACH that's a 30-45 minute free consultation with any of of our coaches. They can be found on

We touch on over 20 items that affect your career, some of which are:

1. Why'd you leave your last job, or did they let you go. Why.

2. Are you in the right career based on your passions, based on your studies?

3. Are you trying to transition into a new career that may be a stretch? Are you trying to Work From Home?

4. Do you have a partner, do they work and contribute?

5. If you have kids, when is college looming in the future?

6. Are you recently divorced and restarting your career?

7. How much salary do you need to make things work, to thrive?

When we help our clients evaluate any job offer, we hit 40 key questions that should be asked before you sign on the dotted line.

Reach out and set up a meeting with us for that free consult. It will help set you off on the right course, and we have many tools to help you succeed in this job market.

Use this link to find a time in your calendar that works

Progress - It's a Matter of Choice

Send a message to learn more


Are you in HR and faced with letting more team members go?
So often, it's just about the P/L, and not the individual. Its sad for all.

Many companies offer severance, but the best ones also offer Offboarding or Exit Planning options for the staff that is moving on.

CareerCOACH™ Services Offboarding provides Resume, LinkedIn, and Cover letter construction, but most importantly, a method of finding their next job using their network in only 5-9 weeks.

We have 21 coaching offices here in the USA and Canada to serve you with a broad reach of thousands of job roles over 8,400 clients.

If you were using one of the big offboard players, you'll find our process far more effective for the employee, and far less expensive for the company.

No group sessions, or ghostwritten resumes; all our services are individualized and much more effective every time.

Keep your departing employees looking forward positively toward their future, rather than back at the company with regret.

Here's a link to meet for 30 minutes to learn how well this works.

It could be the best move you make in 2023 for you and your teams.

Bob Britz - Founder
CareerCOACH Services, Celebrating 17Years Serving Others

Guy Langvardt, Ph.D., MBA Langvardt Natalie West Vahbiz Shroff, PhD, PCC Shroff Tobin Irina Doytcheva Mitzi Schawo, MS - PCC - CPC Schawo Dan Carlson Jim Black Anna Zschuppe Becky Osborne, PHR, SHRM - CP, RCC™ Osborne Tommy McGregor Dennis Stack Samuel Hutchins, MSM, PMP® Hutchins - AirForce Kimberly O'Neill, MBA, ACC, CPC O'Neill Bev Moellering Rebecca Andersen, MSIM, PMP

Send a message to learn more


If you have a CREATIVE resume as an artist, web designer, or graphics person, or just fell into a colorful template this segment is for you.

Almost all graphics-oriented individuals prefer to show their talents graphically in their resumes. While this resume is excellent for handing personally to someone, it can't be processed by any ATS or even the human scan of a recruiter or HR person.

So what's the fix?

1. Many creatives have a portfolio that can be added to their resume using the online link. That way the beauty can be viewed in the proper format, and not on a resume.

2. Resume information in a Creative Format, often dramatically reducing the area for text to describe job history, competencies, and technical skills. Use a typical 8.5x11 straight format, a serifed 11-point font, and good complete thoughts.

3. The roughest part of a creative resume is the order of information. Many have sidebars, top bars boxes, or tables. This is very confusing to someone with 10 seconds to decide if they want to interview you. Make sure your information is clear at the top, your PROFILE describing who you are is next, followed by: Core Competencies, and/or Technical Competencies or Skills, Work Experience, Education, Certificates, Volunteerism, and Additional Information

Your resume may vary slightly, but keep in mind. Recruiters and HR Staff tell us they only have so much time (and patience) to sort through stacks of resumes each day. Making it hard for them with a full-color, skewed, and graphical resume almost ensures you go in the B pile, or worse, the circular C file.

Need help? You can work with any of our coaches on our website Connect for a free consult about what you're trying to accomplish and your goals.

All coaches offer a free consultation~

Jill VanderYachtNatalie West Vahbiz Shroff, PhD, PCC Mitzi Schawo, MS - PCC - CPC Rebecca Andersen, MSIM, PMP Samuel Hutchins, MSM, PMP® Dennis Stack Guy Langvardt, Ph.D., MBA Anna Zschuppe Becky Osborne, PHR, SHRM - CP, RCC™ Irina Doytcheva

Send a message to learn more


Are you trying endlessly to beat the ATS, hoping for a connection.

Over 8,400 of our clients have succeeded a different way. HUMANS

We encourage our clients to make HUMAN-readable resumes that lead to successful job offers. ATSs don't make job decisions.

Humans want to read your resume. Your "keywords" should flow easily within your jobs and core competencies.

Stuffing keywords just makes you look, incompetent when discovered.

How do you get past the initial screen? INFLUENCE NETWORKING constructs your narrative and all contacts to get to those desired meetings to talk about your career path.

Everyone tells you to network, but NO ONE tells you exactly how to do that - we do.

We help set you up for success within your network without poking everyone in your connection list.

For a free consult, please use this link and we'll be glad to discuss your career goals and help you plan a path to success.


So many clients struggle with what their "calling" is. This video explores the faith based answer to that question with Coach and Pastor Dan Carlson, and Coach Anna Zschuppe.

What is your calling?

How do you listen for that from God?

What if I mis-step or mis-understand, then what?

This series has drawn over 200% views on Facebook due to the subject matter. We all need a boost, and we all need to reconcile with our maker who wants to be involved deeply in our lives.

Dan Carlson
Anna Zschuppe

Sign Up | LinkedIn 12/14/2022

What business types are in need of sales and communications training for 2023 to be successful.

Think about an interaction you had with a sales person that didn't go well.

Sign Up | LinkedIn 500 million+ members | Manage your professional identity. Build and engage with your professional network. Access knowledge, insights and opportunities.

Sign Up | LinkedIn 09/23/2022

How is our declining economy affecting your life and job search/

Sign Up | LinkedIn 500 million+ members | Manage your professional identity. Build and engage with your professional network. Access knowledge, insights and opportunities.

CareerCOACH™ Services | LinkedIn 09/21/2022

We help job seekers refine their search and find jobs in 5-9 weeks - not months. Need assistance - check out

CareerCOACH™ Services | LinkedIn CareerCOACH™ Services | 1,254 followers on LinkedIn. Changing Work into Passion | CareerCOACH™ Services helps professionals at all career stages find meaningful, engaging work anywhere in the world. The CareerCOACH™ System is a proven process to help you discover your true passions, accelerate...


Why is your resume getting tossed to the side?

What you have said, is certainly important, but truthfully, the format is the first thing anyone (including an ATS) sees.

Having poorly organized resumes will kill your chances. Using butterflies instead of bullet, using crazy fonts, colors, side bars, or tables.

All of that causes extra work for the recruiter, or HR person to figure out just who you are. And, most likely, if it's a poor job, it goes in the C-Stack or trash without even being read.

CareerCOACH™ Services licensed and certified coaches know how to present your information in a compelling way, that gets your resume considered first.

Find any of our coaches at
and we're glad to assist you with a free consultation.

Bob Britz - Founder
CareerCOACH™ Services

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Videos (show all)

📢 Unlocking Job Opportunities: Leverage Your Network! 🌟Hey everyone! Let's talk about the power of networking in your jo...
🎙️ Mastering Interviews: Prepare, Speak, Win! 💼Hey there, social media fam! Let's talk interviews. The word alone might ...
🎓 College vs. Vocational Work: Embracing Vocational Talents 💪Hey Facebook community! Let's talk college education vs. vo...
Getting Fired: It's Not Just You! 🔥Hey LinkedIn fam, let's talk about something that's not always rainbows and sunshine:...
You can shorten your job search to 5-9 weeks instead of months.Creative resumes stand out with unique designs and visual...
With so many young people experiencing revival on university campuses right now, I thought releasing the 4th in our seri...
Are you trying endlessly to beat the ATS, hoping for a connection.Over 8,400 of our clients have succeeded a different w...
So many clients struggle with what their "calling" is. This video explores the faith based answer to that question with ...
Why is your resume getting tossed to the side?What you have said, is certainly important, but truthfully, the format is ...
Sphere of Infuluence
End of the Year Job Search



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