Trump Resistance

News stories from respectable media on latest hijinks. Please comment with ways to help stop Trump's

We spent four years living under the tweet tyranny of Florida Man, so we need to make sure we never have to explain how a tin-pot dictator could be elected in free elections--even after two impeachment trials (that basically proved his guilt) and a failed attempt to take over the US by force. I am trying to do my small bit to help make sure that after January 20 we never have to hear "border wall"

Trump’s rhetoric in final campaign sprint goes to new dark extremes | CNN Politics 12/18/2023

how can republicans vote for this guy? Remember, all it takes for tyranny to prosper is for good people to do nothing...just like they’re doing with funding for the war against Putin now.

Trump’s rhetoric in final campaign sprint goes to new dark extremes | CNN Politics Donald Trump’s rhetoric dropped to a spine-tingling new low this weekend with less than a month before the Iowa caucuses.

Analysis: Trump is showing how a second term would rewrite the rules of presidential power | CNN Politics 12/04/2023

Orange Julius Caesar is at work again. He is too big a threat to ignore, especially when he says he would use the Department of Justice (in his case, quotes are needed around “justice”) to exact retribution from his political enemies.

Analysis: Trump is showing how a second term would rewrite the rules of presidential power | CNN Politics Donald Trump is underscoring the profound choice that voters could face next year with expansive claims of unchecked presidential power alongside increasingly unapologetic anti-democratic rhetoric.

Opinion | Take Trump at his word when he threatens to punish his enemies 11/14/2023

If he can use the Justice Department for one set of people, he can come for ANY group of people. Anyone who isn’t a fervent-enough follower of him will be arrested. We learned to believe him when he tells you what he intends to do--no matter how ridiculous it seems--you have to believe it. Hitler’s Germany was positively liberal compared to Trump’s America.

Opinion | Take Trump at his word when he threatens to punish his enemies As president, Trump says he would use government powers to attack individuals, groups and businesses that cross him.

Trump says on Univision he could weaponize FBI, DOJ against his enemies 11/10/2023

When he tells you who he is...believe him. He is a petty, small man who will use the federal government to get revenge on people for simply doing their jobs...

Trump says on Univision he could weaponize FBI, DOJ against his enemies Trump hasn’t participated in such an interview with Univision since he removed anchor Jorge Ramos from a news conference on the campaign trail in 2015.

Hunter Biden: I fought to get sober. Political weaponization of my addiction hurts more than me. 11/02/2023

“...The weaponization of my addiction by partisan and craven factions represents a real threat to those desperate to get sober but are afraid of what may await them if they do.

It is not hard to see why: My recent haircut turned into a wild conspiracy to evade drug tests, tabloids steadily splash n**e pictures of me on their covers, and even a member of Congress (Marjorie Taylor Green) displayed revenge p**n of me on national television.

My addiction doesn’t justify Steve Bannon and Guo Wengui posting altered n**e photos of me with “editorial creativity over the pictures.” My addiction shouldn’t permit the likes of Rudy Giuliani or a former Peter Navarro aide to debase and dehumanize me for their own gains.

It is already a near-impossible decision for addicts to get sober, and the avalanche of negativity and assault of my personal privacy may only make it harder for those considering it. ..."

Hunter Biden: I fought to get sober. Political weaponization of my addiction hurts more than me. The weaponization of my addiction by partisan and craven factions represents a real threat to those desperate to get sober, Hunter Biden writes.

Reports: Trump told Mar-a-Lago member about calls with foreign leaders | CNN Politics 10/23/2023

Who really wants to entrust the secrets of the nation to a brain-addled, psycho spray tanned punk who insists on spreading our state secrets to people without clearance?

Reports: Trump told Mar-a-Lago member about calls with foreign leaders | CNN Politics Mar-a-Lago member and Australian billionaire Anthony Pratt said then-President Donald Trump told him about his private calls with the leaders of Ukraine and Iraq, according to reports published Sunday about private recordings of Pratt, a key prosecution witness in Trump’s classified documents case...

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announces independent run for president, ending Democratic primary challenge to Biden | CNN Politics 10/09/2023

This guy is another spray tan Republican running because he has little support among Democrats. This will make it a messy election, and may very well hand our democracy to Trump again. I encourage people to listen to an interview with this guy, because after only a few minutes it becomes obvious he is bat-sh*t crazy. Even his wife has disowned his beliefs...

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announces independent run for president, ending Democratic primary challenge to Biden | CNN Politics Environmental lawyer and presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced on Monday his independent candidacy for president, officially ending his effort to defeat President Joe Biden in the Democratic primary in favor of a long-shot general election bid.

Speaker McCarthy is giving hard-right Republicans what they want. But it never seems to be enough. 09/26/2023

They made a deal to keep spending levels where they were in order to avert a government shut down just two months ago. Now, they are proving that they will do just about anything to hurt the United States. They couldn’t force a coup, so they are now taking every opportunity to stomp on our country’s reputation and credit. Anyone with an IRA will be impacted by this because mark my words, this week our stock markets will crash if McCarthy doesn’t do his job.

Speaker McCarthy is giving hard-right Republicans what they want. But it never seems to be enough. Speaker Kevin McCarthy has turned to a strategy that so far has preserved his tenuous hold on House leadership, but also marked his tenure by chaos.

Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’ 09/18/2023

a little bit of this guy’s boastful, bragging voice goes a long if you can’t handle the orange beastie, it is understood...but this includes a number of flat out lies that he is trying to sell to the US...

Full Trump Interview: ‘I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now’ In this full, unedited interview with Meet the Press, former President Trump discusses his views on the 2020 election, abortion rights, foreign policy and mo...

Fact-checking Trump's 'Meet the Press' interview | CNN Politics 09/18/2023

A Trump interview without a fact-check is just wrong, so here’s CNN’s version of their fact check on the NBC interview where Trump may have even outpaced himself in lying.

Fact-checking Trump's 'Meet the Press' interview | CNN Politics Former President Donald Trump delivered a laundry list of his familiar election lies and other false claims – plus some new falsehoods on subjects ranging from abortion laws to his policy on dealing with drug cartels – in an interview that aired Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Opinion | The GOP wants to impeach Biden for ‘corruption’? Don’t make me laugh. 09/18/2023
Republicans are greedy, incompetent and lazy. It’s a witches brew of dangerous qualities that culminated in Trump’s “Meet the Press” interview yesterday. As usual, Agent Orange spewed out incomprehensible answers in word-salad format that typically revolved around how his crimes were “Biden indictments” or how nearly everyone else in the world was responsible for what happened during his presidency except him. I willl post a link later, but to see the why of this op-ed article, take a look at old blustery trump in all his glory during that interview...if he wasn’t such a clown-like figure, he might make you cry

Opinion | The GOP wants to impeach Biden for ‘corruption’? Don’t make me laugh. Republicans have spent years working to create a system in which buying influence and self-dealing are perfectly fine.

House GOP push to launch Biden impeachment probe runs into Senate Republican skepticism | CNN Politics 09/16/2023

at least some GOP are breaking from the herd...even they realize this will likely end up working against them. Meanwhile, McCarthy is as spineless as a bowl of chicken soup. We know the type of president we would get with Trump. And like in pro football, we have the option of extending the contract of our current chief (who has good numbers when you compare his achievements to other presidents) even if he is a couple of years older than trump.

House GOP push to launch Biden impeachment probe runs into Senate Republican skepticism | CNN Politics House Republicans are not only facing resistance from within their own ranks to impeach President Joe Biden, they’re also getting a cool reception from another key constituency: Senate Republicans.

ProPublica report offers broadest look yet at Clarence Thomas' luxury travel bankrolled by wealthy friends and reveals private jet and helicopter rides and VIP sporting event tickets | CNN Politics 08/10/2023

The Supreme Court is the ONLY branch of government that, as of now, is self-policed. If the president (who is arguably higher than the supremes) can be fired, then why are the supremes not allowed to be fired--despite proven corruption?

ProPublica report offers broadest look yet at Clarence Thomas' luxury travel bankrolled by wealthy friends and reveals private jet and helicopter rides and VIP sporting event tickets | CNN Politics The list of gifts and hospitality Justice Clarence Thomas has received from wealthy friends is more extensive than previously known, according to a new ProPublica report.

Manchin's New Hampshire trip will leave Democrats shivering | CNN Politics 07/17/2023

Joe Manchin is the traitorous gift that keeps on spewing poison. Instead of keeping the senate on the right side of history, it looks like he is trying to go down as the man who won Trump a re-election bid. And allowed him to get off from all the cases he’s about to be indicted on.

Manchin's New Hampshire trip will leave Democrats shivering | CNN Politics West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin will be back driving Democrats to distraction Monday by appearing in New Hampshire with a group whose exploration of a third-party presidential ticket is stoking fears they could hand the White House to Donald Trump.

Federal judge blocks Biden administration officials from communicating with social media companies | CNN Business 07/05/2023

Apparently Freedom of Speech is something that only applies to one group of people. When you exclude the governing body from discussing items with social media, you are effectively chilling the freedom of speech. I’m pretty sure that even Elon Musk, wrong as he usually is, would agree with that.

Federal judge blocks Biden administration officials from communicating with social media companies | CNN Business A federal judge on Tuesday ordered some Biden administration agencies and top officials not to communicate with social media companies about certain content, handing a win to GOP states in a lawsuit accusing the government of going too far in its effort to combat Covid-19 disinformation.

Wall Street Journal: Wagner boss planned to capture top Russian defense chiefs | CNN 06/28/2023

so apparently Putin’s chef was only cooking up a little kidnapping, nothing as major as espionage/treason stew...the fact that the Russians discovered his plot in time to stop it proves that even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes

Wall Street Journal: Wagner boss planned to capture top Russian defense chiefs | CNN Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin planned to seize two of Russia top military officials when he launched a short-lived mutiny on Saturday, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, citing Western officials.

McCarthy warns House GOP now is not time to force vote impeaching Biden: 'What majority do we want to be?' | CNN Politics 06/21/2023

So what I want to know is, what “high crimes and misdemeanors” has biden supposedly committed? This is a case of legislators with too much time on their hands and nothing practical to do. With luck, these whack jobs won’t be in the majority much longer.

McCarthy warns House GOP now is not time to force vote impeaching Biden: 'What majority do we want to be?' | CNN Politics Speaker Kevin McCarthy urged House Republicans to vote against the resolution brought forward by GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado forcing a vote to impeach President Joe Biden this week, arguing now is not the right time, multiple sources in the closed door meeting told CNN.


For those with curious minds but who aren’t lawyers...a copy of the indictment that’s been annotated by a lawyer...

Trump arraignment live updates: Former president under arrest after historic federal indictment 06/13/2023

It’s been a long time coming...I can only hope the slimy bastard doesn’t get away. Again.

Trump arraignment live updates: Former president under arrest after historic federal indictment Former President Donald Trump is under arrest at the federal courthouse in Miami, where he'll face 37 criminal charges related to his handling of classified documents. Follow here for the latest live updates.

Scoop: Fox demands Tucker Carlson cease-and-desist in new letter 06/12/2023

if anyone deserves this, It’s who’s put this country through more misery than any single individual but Trump

Scoop: Fox demands Tucker Carlson cease-and-desist in new letter "Tucker will not be silenced by anyone," his lawyers said in a statement.


From the mind of George Orwell, in “1984”...there are three slogans the party used to subjugate the people of the country: "War is peace" is a slogan, indicating unity in hatred.
"Freedom is slavery" is another, urging individuals to find themselves in the party.
The last is "ignorance is strength," which means that the Party knows best (and it’s better not to think for yourself).
This is the country that Ron DeSantis (and other conservatives) are trying to create. A country of fear, division and hate. No thanks, I like my freedom hate and ignorance free.

Congratulations to Biden Accuser Tara Reade On Her New Life In Russia, I Guess — Esquire 06/06/2023

this was a shocker...Biden’s accuser, who made much noise and fury but with little substance, has now been welcomed with open arms in Russia...

Congratulations to Biden Accuser Tara Reade On Her New Life In Russia, I Guess — Esquire Didn't see this one coming.

Analysis | McCarthy’s secret speaker deal takes a bizarre turn 05/31/2023

Proof that Chip Roy (a stupid name, as befits the legislator) is a knucklehead who doesn’t understand how the legislature works. But he’s clearly not alone, since most Republicans in the house don’t understand what McCarthy did either.

Analysis | McCarthy’s secret speaker deal takes a bizarre turn Who could have imagined forging a speakership based on a mysterious handshake deal would cause problems?

McCarthy set to send the House home without a debt limit deal | CNN Politics 05/25/2023

Because nothing says leadership like taking a vacation in the middle of a crisis of your own making...

McCarthy set to send the House home without a debt limit deal | CNN Politics House Speaker Kevin McCarthy appears set to send members home after votes on Thursday, signaling that debt negotiations with the White House will continue as the risk of a first-ever default grows.

Norway warns people to keep away from 'spy' whale for animal's safety | CNN 05/25/2023

Russian rat bastards took a peaceful, intelligent animal and trained it for warfare.

Norway warns people to keep away from 'spy' whale for animal's safety | CNN People should “avoid contact” with a famous beluga whale to avoid accidentally injuring or killing it, the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries has said.

Opinion | Ron DeSantis’s big idea: Make Florida students ignorant 05/19/2023

“...It’s not hard to figure out that the threat to vibrant, free discourse and to educational independence comes primarily from right-wing nationalists. “Since 2016, the year Donald J. Trump was elected president, America’s AFI score has declined from 0.92 to 0.79,” the University World News report found. “This figure puts the United States in the top third of the fifth quintile, below South Africa and above Kenya.”..."

Opinion | Ron DeSantis’s big idea: Make Florida students ignorant The governor is on an authoritarian quest to create passive followers in his state.

Opinion: Why historians like me are taking on Ron DeSantis | CNN 05/16/2023

there will be a teach in this week, but unfortunately the ones who need to attend are busy fighting Mickey Mouse and driving down property values in their state...

Opinion: Why historians like me are taking on Ron DeSantis | CNN Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has taken the lead on trying to demolish what he deems 'woke' culture propaganda, says historian Kellie Carter Jackson. Carter Jackson explains why on the 69th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, scholars are conducting a 24-hour teach-in to challenge DeSantis.

The Blast Effect: How bullets from an AR-15 blow the body apart 05/08/2023

what happens when a child is shot by an AR 15...

The Blast Effect: How bullets from an AR-15 blow the body apart The Washington Post examined autopsy and postmortem reports from nearly a hundred victims of past mass shootings that involved an AR-15 style rifle.

Tucker Carlson text on ‘how white men fight’ alarmed Fox board members 05/03/2023

what a bonehead Carlson is! He made millions a year for selling hate but was still unable to keep his hatred under control.

Tucker Carlson text on ‘how white men fight’ alarmed Fox board members The board overseeing Fox News was so alarmed by Tucker Carlson's text message that it planned to hire a law firm to investigate his behavior.

Tucker Carlson Is Leaving Fox News 04/24/2023

about time this happened. We as a country have been paying for his lies since his vapid, oily face took the job...The US people should be able to sue Carlson and Fox for their lies....hell, make it a class action since he nearly destroyed the country because of his lying and stupidity. I bet getting rid of Carlson will help clean up the toxic gun culture in the US too...

Tucker Carlson Is Leaving Fox News The network will rely on a rotation of hosts until it names a permanent anchor for the 8 p.m. program. Mr. Carlson hosted his last show on Friday.

Details about multimillion-dollar stock holding concealed in abortion pill judge's financial disclosures | CNN Politics 04/21/2023

we need to impeach his ass as soon as possible. This guy is a crook and a liar!

Details about multimillion-dollar stock holding concealed in abortion pill judge's financial disclosures | CNN Politics The federal judge who issued a nationwide ruling blocking the approval of a common abortion medication redacted key information on his legally mandated financial disclosures, in what legal experts described as an unusual move that conceals the bulk of his personal fortune.

Louisville shooter left notes revealing part of his goal was to show how easily a mentally ill person can buy a gun in the US, sources say — CNN 04/21/2023

This needs to be publicized...thanks to (Owensboro, KY) Daviess County Democratic Party for the post. And if showing that nut cases can buy guns and kill with impunity was his goal, he succeeded spectacularly.

Louisville shooter left notes revealing part of his goal was to show how easily a mentally ill person can buy a gun in the US, sources say — CNN About half an hour before opening for business, employees at the Old National Bank branch in downtown Louisville gathered for a morning board meeting. Within a minute, five of them would become America's latest mass shooting casualties.

Judge who suspended abortion pill failed to disclose interviews that discussed social issues | CNN Politics 04/21/2023

Not to generalize, but it seems like Texas lawmakers are nearly as corrupt as Clarence Thomas.

Judge who suspended abortion pill failed to disclose interviews that discussed social issues | CNN Politics The federal district judge who first suspended the US Food and Drug Administration's approval of the so-called abortion pill mifepristone failed to disclose during his Senate confirmation process two interviews on Christian talk radio where he discussed social issues such as contraception and gay ri...

Meet ‘the five families’ that wield power in McCarthy’s House majority 04/17/2023

we went from having a mobster president to having a mobster speaker of the house....

Meet ‘the five families’ that wield power in McCarthy’s House majority The Problem Solvers Caucus, Republican Governance Group, Main Street Caucus, Study Committee and Freedom Caucus negotiate as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has a four-seat majority.

GOP 2024 hopefuls attend NRA convention following mass shootings in Kentucky and Tennessee | CNN Politics 04/14/2023

They want to eliminate the ATF firearm transfer records and get rid of red flag laws...the NRA needs to remember that dead people’s votes don’t count.

GOP 2024 hopefuls attend NRA convention following mass shootings in Kentucky and Tennessee | CNN Politics A slew of 2024 GOP presidential hopefuls are traveling to Indianapolis on Friday for a National Rifle Association convention at which they will court gun rights activists in the wake of mass shootings in Kentucky and Tennessee in recent days.

Arrest made in connection with leaked classified documents | CNN Politics 04/13/2023

the guy is a 21 year old loser in the massachusetts air national guard. How he got his hands and eyes on such sensitive information is a real problem...but now that we know who he is, we need treason charges against him. By the way, he is a right-wing gun nut who is apparently trying to bring our country down. With a right wing like that, who needs enemies?

Arrest made in connection with leaked classified documents | CNN Politics A member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard was arrested Thursday by the FBI in connection with the leaking of classified national defense information, Attorney General Merrick Garland said. Follow here for latest live news updates.

Opinion | Fox News is worse than you thought 04/13/2023
This headline says it all...Fox is a whole lot worse than even the most cynical left wing viewer might believe. And it’s all going to come out in court(!) Also this is the new and improved link without the paywall.

Opinion | Fox News is worse than you thought Internal communications among network officials show a concern for ratings and not much else.

Clarence Thomas’s Vacations Prompt Calls for Stronger Ethics Rules for Supreme Court 04/06/2023

Clarence Thomas has no ethics. He and Samuel Alito need to be removed from the court because they pose a clear and present danger to the country

Clarence Thomas’s Vacations Prompt Calls for Stronger Ethics Rules for Supreme Court The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee promised to take action on strengthening Supreme Court ethics rules, responding to a report that Justice Clarence Thomas accepted lavish vacations and private-jet travel.

Joe Biden: To fight antisemitism, we must remember, speak out and act | CNN 04/05/2023

particularly timely since we’ve only dimmed the lights of the major figure of hate in our country...but he will still be going strong as long as he is allowed to.

Joe Biden: To fight antisemitism, we must remember, speak out and act | CNN President Joe Biden writes that the holiday of Passover, which Jews observe starting Wednesday evening, is a lesson about the past and a cautionary tale for the future: We must fight hate in all its forms.

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