
ONDAMED; Focused Tissue Stimulation And Biofeedback. A Breakthrough Technology for you and your patients combining advanced PEMF therapy with Biofeedback.

For more information visit us on our website at ondamed.net


ONDAMED Animal Case Study and treatment on a Sheep
Fly strike
A sheep with fly-strike. This is a condition caused by flies depositing their eggs under the skin of a weakened animal and the maggots eat the animal alive. The animal
went down,stopped eating and drinking. The owner and breeder picked out maggots for three full hours causing much pain and leaving open sores. She was treating for pain, banderol and a zinc paste to cover gaping wounds. The animal could not stand up and hung her head. The animal was too sick to run a pulse so I ran a pre-set program with ONDAMED for antistress, then the pain program twice. Once completed ran the joy of life.This was late morning. By 6pm the animal was standing and pushing her hay around with her nose but she was drinking. By 9pm the sheep was eating. The next morning I returned and took the animals pulse and ran the anti stress program then tissue regeneration. Skin with wool was black and fell off but in 1 and a 1/2 weeks she looked great.Healed very well. There was no need for my return.
Margaret Bowlander


Rolf Binder, inventor of the ONDAMED Technology and founder of the Ondamed companies in Germany and New York.
Rolf Binder earned his degree in electromechanical engineering in Lahr, Germany, where he then continued to work in research and development at a German Bio-medical technology company for twelve years.
In 1993, Binder came up with a totally new approach to health and wellness with his invention ONDAMED. His goal was to create a treatment modality for the medical field which would offer a specific intervention driven by the patient’s hidden emotional information linking to physiological stress and disease.
In 1994 he founded the company, Ondamed GmbH, adding Ondamed Inc (in New York) in 2002 and, together with Silvia Binder, has grown the Ondamed companies into the leading worldwide provider of medical devices using pulsed electromagnetic stimulation. Binder continues to develop new bio-physical technologies and partnering with other leaders in the bio-medical technology field. Click here for an in-depth article on "The Man behind the Device"



In today’s world, more people are turning to herbal preparations. In turn, alternative practitioners will often suggest simple remedies with which they are familiar. Hence, the need for reference books that would serve as a guide in this respect. This book, Healing Recipes and Herbal therapy for Common Ailments has been written to provide information on common ailments and they constitute invaluable guide for those wishing to take responsibility for their own health and make their own choices on remedies. A wider view of the world reveals that 80 to 90 per cent of the population cannot afford the products of the Western pharmaceutical industry, and therefore rely on their traditional alternatives, mainly plants medicines.

You are welcome to order her books directly from her website and have them shipped to you

Alternatively, you can get these brilliant books in PDF formats, saving you money and time while sparing the environment for a more sustainable and eco-friendly purchase.

Simply send an email to: [email protected]
to place an order. After we receive your payment, the PDF-formatted books will be sent directly to your email.

Gratefully Yours,

Dr. Silvia Binder, ND, PhD
Founder of The Binder Institute For Personalized Medicine


From the early days, spices have been a medium of international trade among merchants from different parts of the world, from Asia to the Mediterranean. During the middle ages, Arabs brought their spices and herbs from Egypt to Venice and Europe. Crave for spices by these traders was due to the taste, aphrodisiac effects, as well as to preserve foods.
Today, more people are turning to herbal preparations. In turn, alternative practitioners will often suggest simple remedies with which they are familiar.
I trust that you, just like myself, possess a profound eagerness to acquire more knowledge about medicinal plants and herbs. Zainab’s books have enriched my understanding of the many different herbs, their therapeutic uses for acute injuries and wellbeing, and their daily use in my (vegan) cooking.

You are welcome to order her books directly from her website and have them shipped to you:

More books and info coming next.....
For more information to download in pdf format contact:
[email protected]


Animal Case Study with ONDAMED
Paralyzed Dog
A dog went lame and became paralyzed it lost the use of her hind quarters. She had lots of bone spurs probably due to the use of prednisone for 7 years for a blood ailment. I visited 5 times.At first no pulse was taken, I ran anti stress and pain, then took her pulse and
numerous neurological programs showed up so I ran them. 2nd visit I took pulse but pretty much same things came up. Third visit, swollen limbs were looking much better and the dog was dragging herself along the floor to the door. With the aid of a harness to
help her to her feet, she took her first baby steps into the back yard . 4th visit, I just helped pick up her hind quarters and she walked the entire yard by herself. The 5th visit no assistance needed, she would get up (a little weak of course) and would go to the door,
stay outside 1/2 hour, smelling around and upon return jumped back on the couch as usual as if nothing were ever wrong.
My next case I will try Main Focus.
Margaret Bowlander


ONDAMED Case Study of Plantar Fasciatis.....
SH is a 57-year old woman diagnosed with plantar fasciatis (PF). She had traveled to Europe for 5 weeks between October and November 2006 and walked
extensively during the trip. She is 5’2” and 175 pounds and the weight on her feet may
have been the cause of the PF. She had no history of PF before this time. She experienced severe pain and went to numerous physicians including a podiatrist. She tried an anti-inflammatory drug and experienced severe constipation and insomnia. It made her feel terrible so she stopped taking it and refused to take any further medication.
The drug did not help her PF. Ultrasound and ice would help the pain to some degree
temporarily, but then the pain would come back. SH also saw a physical therapist which
decreased the pain to some degree right after the session, but then the pain would return
within a short time. Her PF was still causing great pain. SH removed nightshades from
her diet (potato, tomato, eggplant, peppers) which and followed the dietary advice from the book “Stop Inflammation Now” by Richard Fleming that helped reduce the pain and
inflammation to some degree. However, the pain was still there.
SH had her first ONDAMED treatment in February 2007. She received one treatment
per week and after the first 3 treatments her attitude improved, she felt less depressed, she had more energy and her pain was noticeably less. In March she stepped up the ONDAMED treatment and received 4 treatments in 10 days. For the first of the 4
treatments she hobbled up the stairs to the practitioners office. By the 4th treatment she could walk normally for the first time since being diagnosed with PF and she had
significantly less pain. The pain continued to significantly decrease and subside with
each ONDAMED treatment. She had so much success with ONDAMED that she bought
her own machine and diligently uses it 2 times each week. She has virtually no pain, she
can walk and live normally and she is able to increase her exercise without pain.


What Does PEMF Do?

PEMF reduces Pain and Inflammation

PEMF improves energy and circulation (both blood and lymph)

PEMF improves sleep quality

PEMF helps balance the immune system

PEMF accelerates repair of bone and soft tissue

PEMF helps relax muscles

PEMF helps relieve symptoms of Depression

PEMF has many other applications to treat acute or chronic ailments


This Virus Shouldn't Exist (But it Does) 09/05/2021

This Virus shouldn't Exist, (but it does..)
Hidden in the microverse all around you, there is a merciless war being fought by the true rulers of this planet, microorganisms, amoebae, protists, bacteria, archaea and fungi compete for resources and space. And then there are the strange horrors that are viruses, hunting everyone else.
Not even being alive, they are the tiniest, most abundant and deadliest beings on Earth, killing trillions every day.
Not interested in resources, only in living things to take over, or so we thought !!
It turns out that there are giant viruses that blur the line between life and death- and other viruses hunting them...

Click on the link to hear the fascinating story

This Virus Shouldn't Exist (But it Does) To get a fresh perspective on math and science, go to https://brilliant.org/Nutshell/ and sign up free. And there’s an extra perk for Kurzgesagt viewers: the...


August 31, 2021

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I hope you and your family are well, strong, and in good spirit.

Let’s talk about PEMF.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy has been around for 100+ years. Its benefits have been enjoyed originally for bone health, which expanded to soft tissue injuries and wound healing.

Interestingly, repetitive Transcranial Stimulation (rTMS) PEMF has been widely accepted by health authorities for the treatment of depression and migraine headaches.

PEMF and rTMS are both approaches that are based on the same mechanism of action. They both use coils, frequencies, and electromagnetic fields. Most rTMS devices use very high field intensities; anywhere up to 2 Teslas, which make them a Class III device with the risk of some side effects. In contrast, the ONDAMED device uses 0.5 to 55 milliTeslas. Therefore, the intensity is 1000x lower than rTMS; subsequently, the risk for side effects is much lower - even for patients with pacemakers and implants.

The ONDAMED rests on two pillars: Biofeedback and PEMF. Its brilliance lies in the opportunity to scan the body for dysfunctional tissue that correlate with symptoms and disease processes, and immediately stimulate these areas with personalized PEMF in a targeted manner.

The ONDAMED analyzes the patient from a non-disease label perspective thereby making it the ideal wellbeing solution for treating acute injuries, pain, improving stress tolerance, relief of anxiety, depression, and addiction. Simply put, it helps us with our desire to become the best version of ourselves. A better way to make you better.

PEMF’s mechanisms of action, effects, and benefits are now better understood. I found more than 500,000 peer reviewed publications when scouring the literature on PubMed using various terms that describe and relate to PEMF.

For your further study, I am sharing with you three scientific papers that provide excellent insight into the use of PEMF. Kindly enjoy the read and share.

With love,

Dr. Silvia Binder, ND, PhD
Founder of The Binder Institute For Personalized Medicine

Our mailing address is:
The Binder Institute for Personalized Medicine
Kürzeller Strasse 18
77963 Schwanau

hidden dna discovery only found in black african people 08/27/2021

The Hidden Story of the Human Race

hidden dna discovery only found in black african people Just like dr frances cress welsing, dr edward robinson breaks down a secret and hidden study on the african DNA strands, how it affects the intelligence (IQ)...


Chelsea, a middle aged Novia Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever came to our practice after a Mast Cell tumor in the perineal area was incompletely resected. Her owners were committed to pursuing every possible avenue to help her fight a poor prognosis. She was also hypothyroid and had Lyme disease in her medical history. She was scanned at least monthly and a myriad of programs were run based on her biofeedback pulse response. Lyme and hypothyroid specific programs were also used. She continues to be treated and her owners are pleased with her response to Ondamed therapy. They travel over one hour each way for her treatments. She continues to be tumor free.


Photos from Ondamed's post 08/21/2021

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I hope this post finds you and your loved ones well and strong.

I am excited to introduce you to the Integrative Pain Healers Alliance; a brand-new network dedicated to pain and injury care professionals, spearheaded by Dr. Robert Bard et al. in Manhattan, New York.

Inspiring members including Dr. Andrew Rochman (Plainview, NY), a staunch advocate against "America's addiction to pain meds" echoes the need to unite the healers community for one voice.

“Numbing the pain is not therapy … It’s time we adjust the way we face our injuries – by focusing on intelligent choices … drugs and surgery are not the only answers to pain!” says Dr. Noelle Cutter, clinical researcher and top triathlete & Iron-Man runner from Long Island, NY.


Enjoy reading this blogpost to learn more about this innovative organization: Journal of Modern Healing:


ONDAMED Testimony and Case Study
Bubba, a 14 year old Chow was presented with severe osteoarthritis of the elbows and anorexia with marked weight loss. His owners had pursued extensive and expensive treatments and therapy for Bubba to provide some comfort for him. He was on Adequan injections, herbal supplements, acupuncture and various other medications to no avail. His owners were resigned to euthanasia due to his level of pain and inability to ambulate for even basic life functions. Constipation and GI stasis had been further compounding his anorexia. His Ondamed therapy was typically for pain relief and arthritis issues, although during the more than one year of treatment he also received specific programs for other complaints. He always relaxed immediately upon the start of treatment. His elbows would become less swollen and hot and he would walk out of the examination room following his therapy. He typically was treated weekly. His owners traveled extensively and would pursue treatment from other practioners along their route because Bubba would decline rapidly without consistent therapy. Although his owners still pursued all avenues of treatment for Bubba they maintained up until his passing that Ondamed always provided the most relief for his pain and maintained his quality of life the best.


Precious, an aged cocker spaniel, presented with a lengthy history of chronic illness. She has extensive allergies, adult onset demodex, antibiotic resistant staph pyoderma and chronic diarrhea with Clostridium. She was on daily ivermectin, chloramphenicol and twice weekly bathing, although her previous medication list was daunting. Her chloramphenicol was recently discontinued and Tylan started to attempt to control the chronic diarrhea. Her quality of life was declining and the owner was frustrated with her diarrhea and intermittent anorexia. She also exhibited signs of osteoarthritis. She was started with basic programs to improve her chronic issues. Module 2 programs were used to treat: pain (52), arthritis (101), anorexia (130 ) and diarrhea (107,152). Vitality Enhancement (170) was also used. Module 3 programs used were Clostridium perfringens and Demodex. Although she has intermittent diarrhea still, often the day following her treatment, her owner feels that her quality of life has improved. Her appetite is better and all medication has been discontinued except the ivermectin which is being slowly decreased. Recent skin scraping revealed no demodex mites. The bathing is continuing. She continues to receive weekly treatments of approximately 30 minutes each, depending on the programs used.
Kim Z. Keller, DVM, Ondamed practitioner

Biochemistry BS, Geneseo State University
DVM, Ross University, Clinical year NCSU
Associate Veterinarian in Orange County NY for 15 years
Emergency Veterinarian in Rockland County, NY for 4 years
NYS Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator


For more information on integrating ONDAMED into your practice, talk to Dr Silvia Binder

Email: [email protected]




Photos from Ondamed's post 08/01/2021

Basic ONDAMED system.
Generic application for systemic function...
Intended use:
🐴pain syndromes
🐴spinal and joint disorders
🐴wound healing
🐴inflammatory processes
🐴immune deficiency disorder
🐴functional problems
🐴chronic disease

Easy application:
Choose any of these 3 programs and treat for 15 minutes:
*program 51 deep relaxation
*program 52 wound healing and pain relief
* program 58 spinal and joint disorders, stimulation of lymphatic flow

Depending on the animals size, place flex applicator optionally
1. Around torso
2. On injured area
3. Along spine
4. Around joints
5. Below animal

Photos from Ondamed's post 07/29/2021

Tracey Parker, one of our ONDAMED practitioners located in Washington state, shared this case with me some time ago. Check it out:
My brother has four female dogs: three American bulldogs and one bull terrier. One of whom (Sky) was injured by the bull terrier unfortunately. Her right ear was nearly ripped off. She was almost killed but luckily, she survived. I was not able to make the four-hour drive to treat her with the ONDAMED, but fortunately my brother came down for a visit and decided to leave her with me to treat her nerve damage and scar tissue. She healed well but was still unable to open her eye and had to raise her head awkwardly to see out her left eye due to her nerve damage and loss of control of her eye lid. I’m so excited to report that after five sessions with the ONDAMED, there is marked improvement. It is amazing how in-tune dogs are and how she responds to the frequencies and intensity.
The pictures show the programs used..


For more information please email Dr Silvia Binder on [email protected] 🐕🐎🐖🐐🐃🐑🐇🐈🐩


The brilliance lays in the personalization of treatment unique to each living being with the help of a Biofeedback method.
The practitioner stimulates the patient's body with a hand-held applicator moving it along the patient's body while waiting for a Biofeedback response from the patient. This response helps identify stressed physiological areas which helps the patient's attentiveness to her/his body to potential weaknesses; such weaknesses may include areas of inflammation, infection, scars or cellular memory of unresolved shock and trauma. These areas often prove to be related to patients' symptoms.

🖱🖱Email [email protected]
for a chat with Dr Silvia Binder


⚡⚡ONDAMED treatment and testimony of a Dog with Paralysis⚡⚡
A dog went lame and became paralyzed and she lost the use of her hind quarters. She had lots of bone spurs probably due to the use of prednisone for 7 years for a blood ailment. She visited 5 times. I ran anti stress and pain, then took pulse and numerous neurological programs showed up so I ran them. Second visit I took her pulse but pretty much same things came up. Third visit, swollen limbs were looking much better and the dog was dragging herself along the floor to the door. With the aid of a harness to help her to her feet, she took her first baby steps into the back yard . 4th visit, just helped pick up her hind quarters and she walked the entire yard by herself. The 5th visit no assistance needed. She would get up (a little weak of course) and would go to the door
stay outside 1/2 hour, smelling around and upon return jumped back on the couch as usual as if nothing were ever wrong.
If you would like more information please email
[email protected]


"Never be Stressed Again" , Sadhguru
Listen to this 👇🏿👇🏿


⚡⚡ONDAMED treatment and Case Study of Breast Cancer⚡⚡
VP is a 37-year old woman diagnosed with stage 2, estrogen + and progesterone + breast cancer on June 19, 2007. Shortly after the diagnosis she received a left breast mastectomy and breast reconstruction. Twenty lymph nodes were removed and 2 were
positive for cancer. She was prescribed percoset to manage the pain from the surgery.
VP had pain in her breast and also pain in the 19 inch incision that was in her abdomen where fat was removed for the breast reconstruction. In July 2007, VP started her
chemotherapy treatment. It was recommended that she receive adriamycin plus cytoxan every other week (4 treatments) followed by taxol every other week for 4 treatments.
VP received Ondamed treatment after her first round of chemotherapy. She was completely fatigued from the chemotherapy and could barely make it to the office. VP was still experiencing a lot of pain from the breast surgery and abdominal incision and
still needed to take percoset. By the time she left the practitioners office she had no more pain in her breast. Two hours later the pain in her incision completely subsided.
She never thought it would help the pain and that the pain would come back. To date she still remains pain free. The Ondamed treatment also made her tolerate the chemotherapy.
It helped her energy level so that she did not have to be bed ridden and could do her
chores. She continues Ondamed treatment twice per week and makes sure she does it immediately after receiving chemotherapy. VP also noticed that she no longer experienced depression after the 2-3rd treatment and that she felt happier. She did not
have a history of depression. She became depressed after being diagnosed with cancer.
VP also reported that if she felt a sinus problem or cold coming on, by the end of the
Ondamed treatment it would disappear.


Yuval Noah Hurari, macro historian, professor, best selling author of "Sapiens" and "Homo Deus", and one of the world's most innovative and exciting thinkers, discusses his newest work, "21 Lessons for the 21st Century".
Described as a "truly mind expanding" journey through today's most pressing issues. It reminds us to maintain our collective focus in the midst of dizzying and disorienting change.
Listen to Talks at Google on the link below


Dr Silvia Binder graduated from The College of Naturopathic Medicine.

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A better way to make you better.

Ondamed started out in a small village in Germany by the brilliant mind of inventor and engineer, Rolf Binder. Binder found a way to combine advanced and targeted PEMF therapy with biofeedback technology. He later met Dr. Silvia Binder, the current CEO of the Ondamed companies, and they expanded into the US. After more than 25 years of research and clinical use in Europe, North & South America, Asia, and Australia, these advanced Class II-a medical technologies are approved in many countries for use by medical healthcare professionals and patients.

The brilliance lays in the personalization of treatment unique to each living being with the help of a Biofeedback method. This non-invasive therapeutic approach helps patients improve their immunity, metabolic functions, lymph activation, detoxification, and stress tolerance. Stress is linked to most common diseases. It is therefore critical to offer our patient's relaxation training and improvement of attentiveness to their bodies, and their state of emotion.

Call us to learn more about ONDAMED, its use, mechanism of action & efficacy. Every human being is unique, and so is their life's health journey. A more personalized approach having the patient sitting in the driver's seat.



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