Feinberg Consulting

When you are confronted with a life-changing medical crisis, there is no roadmap on how to handle it.

We are a recovery company providing Intervention, Case Management, and Coaching for families experiencing a mental health crisis requiring an addiction specialist, anxiety management, depression support, senior services, medical case management services No two individuals or families are the same, and their care and recovery shouldn’t be treated that way. Feinberg Consulting works with individuals


HAVE YOU REGISTERED YET? This event features nationally acclaimed speakers on the impact of addiction and mental health and supports NACoA. The registration cost is going up soon so don't wait!


You're invited to join us for an inspiring day of learning and networking. Featured speakers include a fireside chat with former US Congressman, Patrick Kennedy, Dr Matthew Lacasse, and Anthony Grupido.


The natural beauty of Utah's landscape, coupled with the opportunity for year-round outdoor activities, plays a significant role in the recovery process. It's no wonder many top-tier treatment centers choose to be located here. We were fortunate to visit a few of these centers during our trip, each one benefiting from the therapeutic environment.


Guiding individuals and families through complex health challenges since 1996. Contact us for expert support and personalized care. Call us at (877) 538-5425 or visit our website at feinbergcare.com. Let's navigate your health journey together.


Your College Kid is Home for the Summer? Is it Time for an Expectation Reset?

They've been away from home for what seems like a long time. Then they come back, and you start noticing changes. Is now the time to do an “expectation reset”? While away at college, your child has had the freedom of being an adult without all the responsibilities. This situation can be tricky to navigate when returning to the home environment. Old rules and boundaries may not be appropriate anymore, so new ones must be created. Talk about things like curfew, house chores, etc. It’s important to set clear expectations and have agreements. You can create this new structure with them, giving them a say in the process so that it's collaborative and gives them a voice. Our family coaches at Feinberg Consulting have a lot of experience working with families to come up with strategies that align families and give all involved a voice towards a shared outcome.

Here's an article with summer success tips for parents


SAVE THE DATE for a Day of Learning About Addiction and Mental Health. You don't want to miss this event! More information coming soon!


Don’t Try Navigate the Addiction Treatment World on Your Own

Navigating the Addiction Treatment and rehab world without professional support and experience can not only waste valuable time but, worse, can interfere with the recovery of your loved one. You do not have to do this alone. Feinberg Consulting can help your loved one find the help they deserve and provide you with peace of mind that the right choice was made.

Read the article: The Danger of Navigating the treatment world on your own. https://www.feinbergcare.com/the-danger-of-navigating-the-treatment-world-on-your-own/

Addiction and Mental Health issues can be highly stressful and challenging. Feinberg Consulting provides high-end, private-pay concierge consulting services that help individuals and families navigate the complexities of this overwhelming landscape. We have over 28 years of experience working closely with families, providing customized strategies and solutions uniquely tailored to each client or family. If you know someone in trouble, please reach out to us: 248-538-5425.


What is Your College Kid Doing this Summer? Summer Success Tips for Parents

Since it's probably not okay with you for your college kid to hang out in the basement playing video games all summer, work with them to develop a plan based on your family’s values. How can you help them feel productive and purposeful, whether that's having a job, volunteering, reading books, or helping around the house?

Here's an article with summer success tips for parents


Feinberg Consulting Wishes You a Happy 4th of July!


How to Choose the Right Treatment Center

Not all treatment centers are created equal. It’s important to find the right fit and searching the internet is not the most effective way to do it. In our years of experience, vetting treatment centers, we have found that there are a lot of misleading advertising lines. We have spent many years vetting and qualifying the different substance abuse treatment centers that exist. As a result, we have built trusted relationships with quality providers around the country. We know the quality of the facilities and the right questions to ask to help families make the choice that will work both clinically and ethically.

Read the article: The Danger of Navigating the treatment world on your own. https://www.feinbergcare.com/the-danger-of-navigating-the-treatment-world-on-your-own/

Addiction and Mental Health issues can be highly stressful and challenging. Feinberg Consulting provides high-end, private-pay concierge consulting services that help individuals and families navigate the complexities of this overwhelming landscape. We have over 28 years of experience working closely with families, providing customized strategies and solutions uniquely tailored to each client or family. If you know someone in trouble, please reach out to us: 248-538-5425.


Your College Kid Has Changed: Summer Success Tips for Parents

They've been away from home for what seems like a long time. Then they come back, and you start noticing changes. Firstly, remember that you're getting a different person who's matured and had new life experiences. A change is to be expected. This alone can cause a lot of discord between parents and kids. From their perspective, they had all this freedom, but now that they’re home again they don't have as much. Hold space for the fact that the kid that you sent away is now more like a young adult and let’s face it: you may not be the same as when they left either. Hopefully you’ve been working on creating a life for yourself and your partner that doesn’t depend on caretaking and kids. If you’ve been sitting and waiting all year for them to come home, this may be something you want to look at on your own.

Pay attention to what's happening and any unhealthy changes you may notice, but also give them some space. If you notice unhealthy behaviors, follow your instincts, and consider reaching out for help, especially if you suspect substances are involved.

Here's an article with summer success tips for parents


Happy Father’s Day! 🌟 Celebrating all the devoted dads who guide and inspire us. Your strength and wisdom are invaluable. Enjoy a day of relaxation and appreciation! 💙


Interventions do work. They are effective at getting individuals to accept help and moving families to a better place. The overall intervention process can be healing for families because they often feel closer by coming together with a common goal and becoming unified through the same mission.

Where do you start if you feel a friend or family member needs an intervention? Reaching out is the first step. Having a conversation with a professional to explore the situation is a great way to begin the process. Together, we can determine if an intervention would support all involved.

We have put together a PDF that you can download and share with your family or those involved. It will help you determine if a professional intervention is in the right direction. The ten most important things to know about Interventions:

Contact us through our website or call us directly at 248-538-5425


Feinberg Consulting is a proud corporate sponsor of ViewFest2024, a powerful and uplifting community event for mental health and wellness all within a vibrant festival environment. It’s at the Detroit Zoo next month. This event aims to raise awareness about addiction and mental health. 
Time: 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. After the event, you can enjoy the zoo until closing time. 
When you register, you'll receive a QR code for admission and parking (parking is included).  Participants must arrive before 11:00 am, and all members of your party must register in advance. 
If you're interested in participating in the WORLD RECORD attempt for Narcan Training, you must be in our designated area by 11:00 am. The Narcan Training will take place from 11:15 am to 11:45 am. We will be providing FREE Narcan kits throughout the event. 
Keep an eye out for more activities on the ViewFest2024 website at www.viewfest2024.com
Register here:  


Join us for Fun at the Detroit Zoo on July 14th!

Feinberg Consulting is a proud corporate sponsor of ViewFest2024, a powerful and uplifting community event for mental health and wellness in a vibrant festival environment. It’s at the Detroit Zoo next month and aims to raise awareness about addiction and mental health.

Time: 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. After the event, you can enjoy the zoo until closing time.

When you register, you'll receive a QR code for admission and parking (parking is included). Just so you know, participants must arrive before 11:00 am, and all members of your party must register in advance.

If you're interested in participating in the WORLD RECORD attempt for Narcan Training, you must be in our designated area by 11:00 a.m. The training will take place from 11:15 to 11:45 a.m. We will be providing FREE Narcan kits throughout the event.

Keep an eye out for more activities on the ViewFest2024 website at www.viewfest2024.com

Register here:


Making an Informed Decision About Treatment Centers: When it comes to Addiction Recovery and treatment centers, our mission is to find the right fit for each person. As part of our process, we do a detailed assessment that gives us vital information and insights into what will help your loved one get better. This allows us to take a customized, personal approach to ensure we find the right fit. We consider your loved one's age, personality, history, and other personal preferences. This allows us to help the families we work with make a fully informed choice.

Read the article: The Danger of Navigating the treatment world on your own. https://www.feinbergcare.com/the-danger-of-navigating-the-treatment-world-on-your-own/

Addiction and Mental Health issues can be highly stressful and challenging. Feinberg Consulting provides high-end, private-pay concierge consulting services that help individuals and families navigate the complexities of this overwhelming landscape. We have over 28 years of experience working closely with families, providing customized strategies and solutions uniquely tailored to each client or family. If you know someone in trouble, please reach out to us: 248-538-5425.


Intervention Is a Process: With a formal family intervention or peer intervention, everyone involved has already prepared what they want to say. Their communication is intentional and thought out. This prevents emotions from taking over and things from escalating. Also, the person leading is skilled at managing the environment and energy so that things stay calm and collected. It's in this type of environment that people can speak, listen, and be heard.

We’ve written a blog article and created a PDF to help your family make an informed decision. The ten most important things to know about Interventions:


Choosing a Treatment Center is about The Right Fit: Not all treatment centers are the same. You may find a good program that has a quality program but isn't the right fit for your loved one and their specific needs. For example, just because your friend's husband did well at a particular program doesn't mean your son will have the same experience. Some programs may not be a good fit for several reasons. Important questions that will help determine this include: What is the average age and socioeconomic range of the current clients? What type of treatment modalities and therapies do they use? What disorders do they primarily treat? What clinicians do they have on staff? Do they have a family program? How do they deal with trauma? Knowing specifics about the program can help determine if they will be a good fit for your loved one.

Read the article: The Danger of Navigating the treatment world on your own. https://www.feinbergcare.com/the-danger-of-navigating-the-treatment-world-on-your-own/

Addiction and Mental Health issues can be highly stressful and challenging. Feinberg Consulting provides high-end, private-pay concierge consulting services that help individuals and families navigate the complexities of this overwhelming landscape. We have over 28 years of experience working closely with families, providing customized strategies and solutions uniquely tailored to each client or family. If you know someone in trouble, please reach out to us: 248-538-5425.


Forever grateful for the sacrifices of our military heroes.


Is There Chaos and Confusion in Your Family?

Addiction or mental health conditions thrive in chaos and confusion. The identified loved one may have created unhealthy dynamics in their relationships through lying, manipulation, avoidance, and secrecy. This strains relationships and makes talking to them about their problem difficult. If this sort of thing is going on, it can be hard to imagine having any type of communication with them that is connecting, loving, dignified, and effective. Especially if, in the past, when you have tried, it escalates with finger-pointing, blaming, shaming, anger, or whatever strategy the person uses to distract, deflect, and dismiss.

We’ve written a blog article and created a PDF to help your family make an informed decision. The ten most important things to know about Interventions:


How to Find the Right Treatment Center

Trying to find the right treatment center for substance abuse on your own, based solely on information found online, can result in "misplacement," where your loved one ends up in an addiction recovery center that isn't appropriate for them. The right fit is crucial and plays a huge role in determining the success of your loved one's recovery.

Read the article: The Danger of Navigating the treatment world on your own. https://www.feinbergcare.com/the-danger-of-navigating-the-treatment-world-on-your-own/

Addiction and Mental Health issues can be highly stressful and challenging. Feinberg Consulting provides high-end, private-pay concierge consulting services that help individuals and families navigate the complexities of this overwhelming landscape. We have over 28 years of experience working closely with families, providing customized strategies and solutions uniquely tailored to each client or family. If you know someone in trouble, please reach out to us: 248-538-5425.



Thank you for being the constant light in my life, Mom. Happy Mother's Day!


Why Searching online for Addiction Recovery can Take you Down the Wrong Path

Many years ago, when we started doing interventions and helping families find quality treatment facilities for addiction, through our research and vetting process, we found that there were providers who advertised certain features of their programs online in a misleading way. Their website had beautiful pictures of their facility, with palm trees and the beach nearby. When we visited, we found that the facility was many blocks from the beach in a run-down neighborhood. The images did not reflect reality and we learned quickly that the Internet can be very misleading.

Read the article: The Danger of Navigating the treatment world on your own. https://www.feinbergcare.com/the-danger-of-navigating-the-treatment-world-on-your-own/

Addiction and Mental Health issues can be highly stressful and challenging. Feinberg Consulting provides high-end, private-pay concierge consulting services that help individuals and families navigate the complexities of this overwhelming landscape. We have over 28 years of experience working closely with families, providing customized strategies and solutions uniquely tailored to each client or family. If you know someone in trouble, please reach out to us: 248-538-5425.


The Danger of Choosing a Treatment Center on Your Own

You're finally clear that your loved one needs help. You naturally turn to the Internet as a first step in searching for an addiction treatment center, substance abuse counselling or mental health services. We learned early on that there is danger in trying to navigate the treatment center landscape on your own. The world of addiction recovery and mental health is confusing, overwhelming, and sometimes even unethical and making the wrong choice could be detrimental.

Read the article: The Danger of Navigating the treatment world on your own. https://www.feinbergcare.com/the-danger-of-navigating-the-treatment-world-on-your-own/

Addiction and Mental Health issues can be highly stressful and challenging. Feinberg Consulting provides high-end, private-pay concierge consulting services that help individuals and families navigate the complexities of this overwhelming landscape. We have over 28 years of experience working closely with families, providing customized strategies and solutions uniquely tailored to each client or family. If you know someone in trouble, please reach out to us: 248-538-5425.


Our Process Does Not Begin With an Intervention
At Feinberg Consulting, we don't always start immediately with an intervention. Our process involves working closely with the family and strategizing with them to find different ways to connect with their loved one first. Maybe we can coach the family in conversing with their loved one? We will recommend an intervention when it is determined that their loved one is entirely resistant and there appears to be no other way. What's important is that their loved one gets help. That's the overall objective and focus. We can be flexible with how we achieve that.

We’ve written a blog article and created a PDF to help your family make an informed decision. The ten most important things to know about Interventions:


An Intervention is About Interrupting Someone's Unhealthy Behavior: It may be an addiction intervention; it may be a drinking, alcohol, or substance use intervention; it may be a drug intervention, another kind of crisis intervention. We do this mainly through communication. It's about communicating your fears, the things you have seen and experienced, your hope, and a direct ask for them to accept help. It's a forum for you to say things you haven't been able to say so that the individual can see themselves and their situation in a way that they haven't been able to before. The important thing is that this is done in a caring and loving way, so the process is respectful and dignified. We never want to guilt or shame your loved one. We don't want this to feel like an indictment but an invitation to something bigger and better for themselves. We believe this type of experience is created through authentic connection and communication.

We’ve written a blog article and created a PDF to help your family make an informed decision. The ten most important things to know about Interventions:


An Intervention Is Not About Confrontation: Most people see an intervention as a process that mainly involves conflict or confrontation. They worry that if they confront their loved one, their worst fears might come true. They worry their loved one might get angry and cut them off entirely. They might feel like they are betraying their loved one, almost like they're "outing" them. Or they are afraid that they are doing something behind their back. These are all responses that come from a place of fear.

We’ve written a blog article and created a PDF to help your family make an informed decision. The ten most important things to know about Interventions:


Steve Feldman, the CEO of Feinberg Consulting, was recently featured in Medium Magazine. In the article, he shared his insights on how to initiate, navigate, and maintain sobriety. Steve's personal story of recovery led him to become the CEO of Feinberg Consulting, a company that provides support to individuals and families affected by addiction or mental health issues and helps them find the right help quickly. To learn more, click the link below or contact us at (248) 538-5425 if you or a loved one needs assistance.



An Intervention May Not Be What You Think It Is: To many families, the thought of an intervention is terrifying. There's the shame in admitting that there's a problem, and, as bad as things are, you hope something will happen to change it on its own. You know in your gut that your loved one is in trouble, and perhaps you've been conditioned to deny it. The truth is this isn't something that will go away on its own. In fact, it usually gets worse over time without some type of interruption.

We’ve written a blog article and created a PDF to help your family make an informed decision. The ten most important things to know about Interventions:


Does Your Loved One Need an Intervention?
Your loved one is displaying destructive, even dangerous, behavior, and you're trying to figure out what to do. You have finally admitted to yourself that there's a problem. You've seen interventions on TV, and the thought of it terrifies you. It can all be very overwhelming, but at the same time, you're scared for your loved one. The good news is that admitting there's a problem is the first step towards a solution.

We’ve written a blog article and created a PDF to help your family make an informed decision. The ten most important things to know about Interventions:

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A Passion for Caring, a Promise of Peace of Mind.

Feinberg Consulting was founded in 1996 by Pam Feinberg-Rivkin, RN, BSN, CCM, CRRN, Interventionist, after her work as a nurse in the hospital, home care, and rehabilitation settings. She coordinated care for individuals who had sustained catastrophic illnesses and injuries and soon realized it was her passion. By individualizing each client’s plan of care, including closely collaborating with other health care providers to incorporate their unique areas of expertise, she was able to make a profound difference in the lives of families in need – “there is so much a committed Case Manager can do to provide assistance, direction, and support for a client’s wide range of healthcare needs.”

As the need for other services became evident, Pam began hiring and mentoring a compassionate, highly skilled team of registered and certified nurses, social workers, and other healthcare and rehabilitation professionals to also become advocates for the individuals referred to Feinberg Consulting.

Feinberg Consulting has since expanded to provide other essential service lines, such as Addiction & Mental Health Services, Bridgeway Senior Services, Recovery Coaching, Educational Consulting, Vocational Consulting, and Recovery Consulting.

The growth that Feinberg Consulting has achieved is a testament to the effectiveness of their case management services and the trust their clients have placed in them. Feinberg Consulting has partnered with over 3,000 families to significantly reduce the strain, anxiety, and uncertainties of caring for their loved ones. Every member of their skilled team strives to maintain an objective perspective in the coordination of care. They adhere to the highest level of case management guidelines and are passionate advocates for their clients. Feinberg Consulting’s culture of excellence embraces and supports their team in receiving increased knowledge and experience through additional education and certifications. For them, the professional fulfillment and personal rewards they receive are beyond measure.

Videos (show all)

Feinberg Consulting Wishes You a Happy 4th of July! #FeinbergConsulting #Happy4th #IndependenceDay
Memorial Day 2024
Feinberg Consulting Wishes You a Happy St. Patrick's Day. Wishing you a day filled with laughter and joy. Happy St. Patr...
This International Women's Day, let's recognize the importance of intersectional feminism and stand in solidarity with w...
To the heartbeat of healing, Happy Valentine's Day. May your journey be filled the embrace of a brighter tomorrow. 🌅💖#ha...
Feinberg Consulting Wishes You a Happy New Year. As the calendar turns, may your days be filled with love, your nights w...
May your Christmas be wrapped in joy, tied with love, and sealed with the warmth of family. 🎁❤️ #wrappedinjoy #tiedwithl...
Feinberg Consulting Wishes You a Happy Halloween
What makes a good rehab? We believe  you need to be in the proper environment to grow something. If we want to grow a re...
We want to wish a very happy birthday to our CEO, Steve Feldman!! Thank you for your leadership, business expertise, and...
Happy Birthday, Stacey!
Happy Birthday, Pam!


7125 Orchard Lake Road, Ste 110
West Bloomfield Township, MI

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm

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