Radical Chiropractic Company

At Radical Chiropractic Company, we believe in empowering our patients through education and spinal

Photos from Radical Chiropractic Company's post 01/08/2024

Did you know that your body is self healing and self regulating just the way you are? Sometimes, the body just needs a little support to heal quicker!⁠

Swipe to find out Radical's favorite "tools" to keep in our "natural medicine cabinet". ⁠

The great thing about all of these suggestions is that they can be taken solo or combined together. The goal is to always support the nervous system through chiropractic care and layer on these "natural tools" as needed! ⁠

What are your favorite items to keep in your Nature's Medicine Cabinet?⁠
Let us know below!

Timeline photos 12/29/2023

Tis the season for stuffy noses and with a few different things going around, we want to help you navigate the symptoms. The common cold, the flu and RSV all share similar symptoms, but some clues set each of these common viruses apart.

👉 Flu symptoms include fever, cough, fatigue, stuffy nose, shortness of breath, sore throat, and headache. Symptoms show up about 1 to 4 days after being exposed to a sick person. It can also result in serious health problems such as pneumonia.

👉 RSV can cause a fever, cough, fatigue, stuffy nose, shortness of breath, sneezing, fast/short breaths, flaring nostrils, wheezing and grunting, poor feeding, and head bobbing or chest caving in between and under ribs with each breath. Symptoms of RSV usually are worst on days 3 through 5 and last about 5 to 7 days.

👉Common cold symptoms may include fever, cough, fatigue, stuffy nose, sore throat, and sneezing. A cold is a milder respiratory illness than the flu.

*we are NOT suggesting that this be used as a diagnostic tool*

We know that families who get adjusted regularly have less sick days!

Chiropractic care helps keep a child's (and your!) immune system functioning at its best, so that their body is better able to fight off an infection or a virus.

Save this post and share it with someone who needs it.


Did you know that our environment and perceptions, rather than our genes, play a central role in our health and well-being? ⁠

One of Bruce Lipton's most well-known works is his book "The Biology of Belief," is that beliefs and perceptions influence cellular activity. He states that positive and negative thoughts can lead to chemical reactions that can either promote or hinder the health of cells. He proposes that genes are more like blueprints that can be modified based on external inputs. In other words, while our DNA provides the plan, it's the environment (including our thoughts and emotions) that determines how or if these plans are executed.⁠

A properly functioning nervous system can positively affect various bodily functions and overall health. Chiropractic care improves the regulation of the nervous system while reducing stress, indirectly influencing epigenetic mechanisms. ⁠

These positive changes in the nervous system and reductions in stress hormones could potentially lead to modifications in gene expression!

Photos from Radical Chiropractic Company's post 12/20/2023

Teenagers and Chiropractic ✨⁠

During the teen years, there is a lot of changes happening. Kids experience symptoms of puberty and are entering into a whole new phase of their life. ⁠

During this time it is absolutely crucial for kids to have a regulated nervous system. Chiropractic can help your teenager feel more regulated throughout this time and support their overall wellness! ⁠

Swipe to see 3 amazing benefits of Chiropractic for teens!


To our Radical family, ⁠

Our hearts are filled with appreciation for our incredible practice members! We are forever grateful that you trust us with you and your families health and we are deeply thankful for the privilege of being part of your wellness journey.⁠

Every day, your dedication to health inspires us, and we cherish the opportunity to serve you each day. May this season be filled with joy, love, and boundless gratitude, extending well beyond the holiday. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving! 🍁🧡


There is a road to wellness and a road to illness.. Which one are you on? ⁠

More than ever before, it is SO important to prioritize healing before you are ever even "sick". ⁠
We live in a world full of constant toxins and environmental stressors that we are seeing more and more chronic diseases in young people. ⁠

There is no better time to take CHARGE of your health by investing in wellness! Here at Radical we focus on whole body wellness, prioritizing your ability to function at your highest potential. Chiropractic care allows for less stress overall, supporting mental, emotional and physical well being. By removing the interferences within your nervous system, naturally the body can innately heal and function its best! ⁠

If you are looking to start prioritizing your overall well being, chiropractic may be your missing puzzle piece! Give our office a call at 801.316.8308 to schedule your first visit today!


Are you spending hours at a desk and feeling the toll it takes on your body? ⁠
Let's talk about those physical stressors and how you can find relief! 🧘‍♀️✨⁠

Sitting for prolonged periods can wreak havoc on your posture, causing discomfort in your neck, back, and shoulders. ⁠

Our six tips to improve posture during work or school are:⁠
1. Ergonomic Setup: Adjust your desk, chair, and computer screen to promote proper posture. Your screen should be at eye level, and your feet should be flat on the ground with knees at a 90-degree angle. Even better, a stand up desk!⁠

2. Regular breaks: Take short breaks every 30 minutes to stand up, stretch, and move around. Gently stretch your neck, shoulders, back, and hips to release tension and improve circulation.⁠

3. Posture Awareness: Be mindful of your posture throughout the day. Imagine a string pulling you up from the top of your head, aligning your spine and keeping your shoulders relaxed. ⁠

4. Strengthen Core Muscles: A strong core provides support for your spine and helps maintain good posture. Incorporate exercises like planks, bridges, and yoga poses that engage your core muscles. Check out BIRTHFIT Basics for intentional core movements as well that are great for every human! ⁠

5. Mindful Breathing: Take moments throughout the day to practice deep, mindful breathing. As you inhale, envision your breath expanding your chest and lifting your spine. This simple practice can help relax tense muscles, improve oxygen flow, and encourage a more upright posture.⁠

6. Chiropractic Care: Regular chiropractic adjustments can correct imbalances and relieve discomfort. Not only does it improve physical stress response but emotional as well!⁠

Ready to break free from the desk slump? Give us as a call at 801.316.8308 to see how chiropractic care can improve your posture!


Come see us during our special hours this week before the holiday!


Did you know that chiropractic care goes beyond the spine? There is a direct influence on the nervous system, a critical component in immunity and gut-immune function.⁠

Studies have shown that spinal misalignments, also known as subluxations, can interfere with the proper functioning of the nervous system. The nervous system is the master regulator of our body's communication, transmitting vital signals between the brain and various organs, including the respiratory and immune system.⁠

Chiropractic care helps correct these subluxations, allowing the nervous system to function optimally. As a result, this facilitates improved communication and coordination between the immune system and the rest of the body.⁠

Recent research has highlighted the connection between the nervous system and the gut-immune axis, often referred to as the gut-brain-immune axis. A balanced gut-immune system is crucial for overall health and resilience against pathogens.⁠

Chiropractic care allows for a healthy nervous system, indirectly enhancing the gut-immune, ENT, and respiratory function. This positive cascade of effects contributes to a stronger immune response, better defense against infections, and even potential relief from autoimmune conditions.⁠

If you are ready to support your nervous system with chiropractic care, Radical would love to show you how to free your potential in everyday life!

Photos from Radical Chiropractic Company's post 11/06/2023

Throughout pregnancy, the growing body tries to adapt to increased weight, changes of hormones, and the postural stressors that follow. These postural changes increase the risk of sacral/pelvic imbalance at any given time. The bones of the pelvis and the supportive network of ligaments, tendons, muscles, and associated nerves are all under constant pressure and change. The resulting torsion and inflammation of imbalanced muscles and ligaments may then prevent the baby from comfortably assuming the best possible position for their birthing.⁠

Here at Radical, Dr. Taylor is Webster Certified through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. Webster technique is defined as "A specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment for pelvic balance during pregnancy allowing for optimal fetal positioning for an easier, safer birth. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation and/or SI Joint dysfunction. In so doing, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is improved.”⁠

Prenatal chiropractic care is essential for optimal positioning during pregnancy, allowing the body to be in a state of ease for a safer and easier birth process. ⁠

Have you experienced prenatal chiropractic care? What benefits have you seen? Let us share our prenatal chiropractic testimonials below!

Photos from Radical Chiropractic Company's post 11/02/2023

Sensory vs. Behavior🌟✨⁠

As parents, we know how unique and wonderful each child is! Their sensory experiences and behaviors shape how they navigate the world around them. 🌍⁠

🔍 Sensory: Kids take in the world through their senses – sights, sounds, touch, taste, and smells. Sensory processing plays a significant role in how they understand and react to stimuli. Some kids may be sensitive to certain sensations, while others seek them out for stimulation.⁠

🎭 Behavior: Behaviors are the visible expressions of how kids respond to their sensory experiences. These actions can be adaptive, showing their resilience, curiosity, and social skills. However, challenging behaviors might arise due to sensory processing differences, leading to meltdowns or difficulty in focusing.⁠

🧠 How Chiropractic Care Can Help: Chiropractic care focuses on optimizing the nervous system – the master communicator between the body and brain. By ensuring proper balance within the body, chiropractic adjustments may aid in improving sensory integration, supporting kids' ability to process and respond to sensory input more effectively.⁠

🌱 When the nervous system functions optimally, children may experience benefits like improved focus, reduced stress, better sleep, and enhanced emotional regulation. This can pave the way for positive behaviors and overall well-being!⁠

Are you ready to see how chiropractic can benefit your child? Give our office a call at 801.316.8308 to see how chiropractic care can help!


Prioritizing a foundation of health for the entire family is absolutely essential for our kids to thrive and function in all environments throughout their childhood and into their teenage years. ⁠

By choosing to make health a top priority, YOU are setting a foundation of health for generations to come! ⁠

At Radical, we are BIG on family wellness. We love seeing full families thrive + be free of sickness and discomforts!⁠

Consistent Chiropractic care removes interferences within the nervous system to restore the body's innate ability to heal itself. ⁠

By having a clear and functioning nervous system, our families can adapt, grow⁠
and thrive together all while seeing improvements in: ⁠
- sleep ⁠
- energy levels⁠
- emotional regulation⁠
- discomforts ⁠
- immune system ⁠
- stress ⁠
- inflammation ⁠

Chiropractic goes above and beyond just "fixing the symptoms" and focuses on optimizing true health as a foundation in your life! We are here for you every step of your wellness journey!


Do you ever feel like your kiddo is go go go and can never settle down?⁠

Does your little have a hard time getting to sleep and staying asleep?⁠

Do you feel like they are constantly restless even when asked to stay still?⁠

All of these expressions can actually stem from an overactive nervous system and their body being stuck in fight or flight. ⁠

The good news is...⁠
with the help of Chiropractic we can help down regulate their nervous system to allow their body to be into a state of EASE! Consistent chiropractic care can help your kiddo function on the parasympathetic side of their nervous system, also known as "rest and digest mode". When their nervous system is free from the stress of "fight or flight" they can easily calm themselves down + sleep even better!⁠

If you are looking for a medication free way to help your kiddo regulate their busy brain, chiropractic may be the answer!


healthy gut = healthy life ⁠

Did you know that your gut is always communicating with your brain + nervous system? ⁠

Digestive issues are commonly caused by nutrition - however, a healthy gut starts with a healthy nervous system. Digestive problems such as gas, bloating, IBS, constipation, and cramping can all be draining. ⁠

Believe it or not, having regular bowel movements is a huge part of being healthy! When all the systems within our body are able to communicate freely with one another, we are able to function properly without having to use up extra energy. ⁠

Regular chiropractic adjustments allow your body to enter the parasympathetic side of your nervous system also called "rest and digest" side. When your nervous system is able to communicate freely, without interference to your gut, all the things are working together in sync and stress free!


Have you heard about the vagus nerve? ⁠
The vagus nerve, the longest cranial nerve in your body, plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions and promoting overall well-being. ⁠

As the powerhouse of your parasympathetic nervous system, the vagus nerve helps restore balance, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. It regulates heart rate, digestion, inflammation, and even emotional responses. ⁠

Chiropractic has a direct influence on vagal tone by reducing interference in the nervous system, improving the communication between the brain and the body, supporting optimal vagal tone and function!⚡️


As the leaves change, let's ensure your family's health stays a priority throughout the fall season! 🍁⁠

Radical's four ways to stay well amid busy schedules, the school year, sports, and the upcoming holiday season are:⁠

Chiropractic Care: Make chiropractic care an essential part of your fall wellness. With busy days and new routines, chiropractic adjustments ensure optimal nervous system function. This not only helps everyone handle stress better but also enhances the body's ability to heal and stay well. ⁠

Nourishing your body through the changing of seasons: Amid school and sports activities, fuel your family with immune-boosting foods. Load up on healthy fats, fruits and veggies, and nutrient dense foods. Even better if your family chooses to eat "what's in season" as that's as fresh as you can get. A nourished body is a resilient one!⁠

Prioritize routines including sleep: With schedules filling up, ensure everyone gets sufficient rest. A well-rested family is better equipped to tackle challenges and enjoy quality time together.⁠

Stay active together: Fall is perfect for family outdoor adventures. Plan hikes, bike rides, or simply enjoy a nature walk. Active bodies stay strong and stress-free.⁠

As you embrace fall's beauty, let's keep your family's health shining bright! 🍂💚 How are you prioritizing your health this fall? Let us know below!

Photos from Radical Chiropractic Company's post 10/02/2023

How well are you adapting to stress? ⁠

We know that stress continuously affects your overall well-being, and how well you handle it can largely affect the quality of your life!⁠

Creating resilience in your life means being able to adapt to stress and promote an overall sense of balance in your health + wellness! ⁠

Check out these 3 ways to improve adaptability and create EASE within your life!

Photos from Radical Chiropractic Company's post 09/28/2023

The human brain, serving as the command center of our entire body, undergoes incredible development during the early years of life. At birth, a baby's brain is approximately a quarter of the size of an adult brain. However, it rapidly grows, doubling in size within the first year and reaching about 80% of adult size by age 3, and nearly full grown by age 5.⁠

While a newborn baby has all the brain cells they will have for their entire life, the real magic lies in the connections between those cells, enabling essential functions like movement, communication, and cognition. During this crucial period, a child's brain forms millions of new neural connections every second, creating the foundation for lifelong learning and development.⁠

Different areas of the brain responsible for various abilities, such as movement, language, and emotion, develop at different rates. As these connections become more complex, children gain the ability to perform more intricate movements, express themselves through speech, and think in more advanced ways. This early neuro-development phase plays a vital role in a child's lifelong growth and well-being. ⁠

Pediatric chiropractic care can support children's growth and thriving right from the start. By ensuring that a child's neuro-spinal system is clear and connected through regular check-ups with a trained chiropractor, they can better adapt to the stressors of life and optimize their development.⁠

At Radical, Dr. Taylor specializes in pediatric chiropractic care and has extensive training to care for your child. Through thorough assessments, our team can determine if your child is functioning at their best.⁠

Starting chiropractic care from birth sets the stage for optimal growth, as the majority of a child's neurons are already developed at birth, with few new ones produced afterwards. ⁠

Are you ready to invest in your child's health? We would love to serve you and your little one in our space! ⁠

Photos from Radical Chiropractic Company's post 09/25/2023

We are all born with an innate intelligence within our bodies that allows us to function, heal, energize, metabolize, and simply be. Without us telling or teaching it how to do anything, it simply knows how to perform many tasks that we don’t even think about before doing them.⁠

Think about this: if you cut your arm, do you need a bandaid to help the cut heal? Or does the body heal itself of the wound without any external input? ⁠

That is innate intelligence!⁠

As chiropractors, we are not the ones doing the healing, we merely just facilitators of health, YOU are the true healer of yourself!⁠
The purpose of chiropractic is to remove any interference so that your body can express its innate intelligence FULLY in order to function, heal, energize, and simply be, to the best of its ability!


Do you constantly find yourself...⁠
feeling fatigued?⁠
trouble dealing with emotions? ⁠
having digestion issues? ⁠
dealing with anxiety/depression? ⁠
having irregular menstrual cycles?⁠

These can all be signs that your body is functioning in a state of "fight or flight" or surviving in the sympathetic side of your nervous system. Whenever our body is is in this state, it can be difficult for our bodies to heal and function how it is designed to do. This leaves us feeling drained of energy and hinders us from functioning at our highest potential! ⁠

Dr. Taylor helps promote the "rest and digest" state by freeing the the stress off of the nervous system, allowing the brain to communicate with ease. In doing this, the nervous system is able to better adapt to the daily stresses of everyday life allowing you to truly L I V E!!


We're a few weeks into the school year, and it can be hard for kiddos to get back into a routine! ⁠

Its natural for kids to experience nervousness, after all - they are entering a structured schedule after months of being out of any routines! ⁠

If your kiddo is needing a little extra support as we transition back to school, chiropractic care may be able to help! Regular adjustments can help ease emotions by ensuring that the brain and body are communicating correctly! ⁠

Give us a call to schedule at Radical Chiro.

Photos from Radical Chiropractic Company's post 09/11/2023

How many of you have heard the word chiropractic and immediately thought about pain? ⁠

Did you know that chiropractic care goes beyond alleviating pain—it empowers you to optimize both your emotional and physical health?⁠

Chiropractic allows for less stress overall which supports mental well-being, helping individuals experience improved mood, reduced anxiety, and enhanced overall mental clarity and resilience. And while many practice members have had improved emotional health, the physical health can't be left out!⁠

When the body restores balance, it can adapt better to physical stressors such as prolonged sitting, injuries, and overall poor posture. This allows for people to experience less physical discomforts and live life pain free!⁠

Are you ready to experience the benefits of chiropractic care beyond pain? Give us a call at 801.316.8308 to see how chiropractic can create more freedom in your life!


If a fish in a tank was sick because of the environment, would you medicate the fish or choose clean out the tank?⁠
Inevitably, if the tank doesn't get cleaned, the fish will continue to get sick a repeated number of times. ⁠

You can't heal 100% in the same environment that has made you sick, stressed, or hurt.⁠

Although our body's natural state is to be HEALTHY and it is fully designed to heal itself, sometimes our environment hinders us from healing to our fullest potential. ⁠

Our world is filled with toxic chemicals polluting our air, soil, and water. The modern world puts us in chairs for hours on end, shut off from the sun, staring at screens. All of this poses a threat to our environment, and in turn, our health!⁠

Here at Radical, we primarily focus on the root cause of your symptoms rather than covering them up with a band aid. When we look at healing the body fully by cleaning up the environment around us and eliminating potential causes of dysfunction from the start, we see an increase in overall wellness + body functions! ⁠

If you are looking for a holistic option for healing, chiropractic may be your missing puzzle piece! Our nervous system controls every system within our body + chiropractic works DIRECTLY with the nervous system to remove interference allowing your body to function and heal the way it was designed to do! ⁠
Give us a call at 801.316.8308 to start your journey to wellness today!

Photos from Radical Chiropractic Company's post 09/04/2023

Stress can manifest itself in many different ways in the body, affecting both our physical and emotional health. ⁠

When we encounter a stressful situation, our body's natural response is to activate the "fight or flight" response. This response is designed to help us respond quickly to perceived threats by increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate.⁠

However, chronic stress can lead to the continuous activation of the fight or flight response, causing stress to present itself in the body as seen above.⁠

When our body in a state of relaxation, our body activates the "rest and digest" response. This response allows our body to focus on restorative processes such as digestion, repair, and growth.⁠

However, chronic stress can inhibit the rest and digest response, leading to digestive issues, decreased immune function, and other negative health effects.⁠

If you are experiencing symptoms of stress, such as physical tension, headaches, digestive issues, anxiety, depression, reoccurring illnesses, disrupted sleep, or feel depleted through the day, ⁠
it is important to take steps to manage your stress levels now! Chiropractic care can improve your central nervous system function which can improve overall adaptability to stress, achieving optimal well-being.

Photos from Radical Chiropractic Company's post 08/24/2023

When you start care at Radical Chiropractic Company, you will begin in the restoration or reorganization phase of care. ⁠

During this phase of chiropractic care, our three main goals are: ⁠
1. Reduce chronic stress patterns that your body has endured over x amount of years⁠
2.Improve neuro-spinal function with each adjustment⁠
3. Restore healing and growth when it comes to your nervous system function⁠

While we would LOVE to achieve your goals and restore balance with just one adjustment, your nervous system has been stuck in a protective, stress state for quite some time. With time and repetition, we'll be able to break down these old patterns and rebuild new functional patters that support a state of ideal health and well-being. ⁠

Once you finish the restoration phase of care in our office, you get to level up to WELLNESS care! This is the phase that gives you the ultimate freedom in YOUR life by optimizing healing and function! ⁠

Are you ready to get started?


"How do I prepare for labor?" ⁠

While there is no way to completely control the outcome of what happens during labor and birth, we believe you can do a multitude of things to prepare yourself both mentally and physically to help you have the birth experience you've been envisioning. ⁠

Here are 4 great tips to focus on during your pregnancy to help you prepare for the journey ahead: ⁠

- Seek Prenatal Chiropractic Care ⁠
Specialized prenatal chiropractic helps to ensure that the pelvis and surrounding structures are properly supporting the growth and development of baby.⁠

- See our favorite Pelvic Health Specialists at ⁠

- Movement is a MUST! ⁠
One of the simplest ways to prepare for a natural birth is to incorporate exercises into your routine to support the core and pelvic floor. ⁠

- Nourishment is key! ⁠
Fueling your body with whole foods is important for the health of you and also baby. Include animal protein and healthy fats. Remember, you can't supplement your way to health during pregnancy and postpartum. ⁠

- Understand the polyvagal theory, your nervous system, and how to utilize breath, sound, and movement as your tools to prepare both emotionally and physically. ⁠

What have you done to prepare for labor? Let us know below!


"How soon can I bring my newborn in to receive Chiropractic care..?" ⁠
Our answer? The sooner, the BETTER! ⁠

Start healthy + stay healthy! ⁠

Through pediatric chiropractic care, a child has the ability to grow and thrive right from the start. ⁠

At birth, there are roughly 100 billion neurons already developed in a child’s brain; few will be produced after this point in a child’s life.⁠

Getting your child checked by a chiropractor regularly from birth ensures their neuro-spinal system is clear and connected so they can batter adapt to life stressors and develop optimally.⁠

Are you ready to start your child's health journey in a proactive way with chiropractic care? Give us a call at 801.316.8308!

Photos from Radical Chiropractic Company's post 08/10/2023

Many people have a misconception that if you feel good you must be healthy... ⁠

you've probably heard it before: the story of a "perfectly healthy" person who is suddenly diagnosed with a life-altering disease. They didn't feel sick, they weren't in pain, and had no warnings signs that something was terribly wrong. ⁠

So how does this happen? How do we know if we are actually healthy? ⁠

For you to actually be healthy, function HAS to be the main focus. True health is not just about feeling good, it is about functioning properly. ⁠

Here at Radical Chiropractic Co. we are always striving for the health and optimal function of each person we care for so we specifically focus on your nervous system function, which controls every system within the body! ⁠

When you focus on the function of your entire body, you get HEALTH care instead of SICK care!

Photos from Radical Chiropractic Company's post 08/07/2023

✨ Let's talk about how Chiropractic Care can improve energy, NATURALLY! ✨ ⁠

There is more to having energy than just taking a supplement or getting more sleep. ⁠

Our favorite tips here at Radical Chiropractic Co. to naturally increase:⁠

1. Chiropractic care: Regular chiropractic care optimizes nervous system function, enhances overall well-being, and unlocks your body's innate energy reserves. Through intentional adjustments, chiropractic care helps remove interference, promoting efficient communication within the body and boosting your energy naturally. 🌟🔋⁠

2. Fuel your body with nourishing foods: vibrant fruits, veggies, and nutrient dense foods, provide your body with essential nutrients and sustained energy. ⁠

3. Engage in regular physical activity: Try moving your body daily by dancing, hiking, or practicing yoga, to invigorate your body and mind. ⁠

If you are constantly feeling run down, our office would love to support YOU in improving your daily energy reserves!

Photos from Radical Chiropractic Company's post 08/03/2023

🧠🌿 Unlocking Potential: Chiropractic Care and ADHD 🚀✨⁠

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects countless individuals, impacting their ability to focus, regulate impulses, and thrive in their daily lives. But did you know that chiropractic care can be a game-changer in managing ADHD symptoms by addressing the nervous system? Let's dive into the fascinating connection between ADHD and the nervous system, and how chiropractic care can help unlock your potential.⁠

ADHD can stem from an overactive nervous system and being stuck in a state of fight or flight. Chiropractic care restores balance by optimizing nervous system function, improving adaptability to the environment, while allowing the brain to find a place of tranquility amidst the chaos.⁠

If you are looking for a natural approach to calming the brain and body, Radical Chiropractic Company is here to help!

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Videos (show all)

🇺🇸 Honoring our heroes on Veterans Day! Today, we salute the brave men and women who have selflessly served our nation, ...
Calling all moms-to-be and new mothers! 🤱✨ Did you know that chiropractic care is CRITICAL throughout pregnancy and the ...
We love having Squish with us in the office every day. He loves it, too! 🐶🐶
Wanna know how Dr. Taylor found and fell in love with the power of Chiropractic? Find out here!
Dads, there is no better time to prioritize your well-being and take charge of your health with consistent chiropractic ...
🌸✨ Optimal Pelvic Balance: Empowering Pregnancy and Post-Birth Wellness! 💪🤰Attention all moms-to-be and new mothers! Let...
#utahchiro #westjordanut #utahchiropractor
Here at Radical, we welcome ALL individuals and families to enjoy an easier, more natural way to achieve optimal health ...
🌟 Discover the DRX9000: Your Key to Spinal Freedom! 🗝️✨Are you tired of living with chronic back pain, limited mobility,...
"I have spent the last 4 nights waking up in my own bed"We love hearing amazing testimonials like this! Thank you so muc...
Ouch! Ligament damage can be a real pain, but with chiropractic care, we can help speed up your recovery and get you bac...
Client Testimonial"I just noticed one day.... I haven't hurt in a while"This is the exact result we want to get from our...




5481 W 7800 S
West Jordan, UT

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 12:15pm
3pm - 6pm
Tuesday 3pm - 6pm
Wednesday 3pm - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 12:15pm
Saturday 10am - 12pm

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