Valley Office Park

West Des Moines The buildings are conveniently located at one of the most prominent West Des Moines interchanges - Valley West Drive and I-235.

Situated side by side, West Towers & Colony Park offer independent office suites ranging from executive offices of 129 square feet up to 10,177 square feet. Our tenants at West Towers and Colony Park can take a break in the break room and grab a snack from the vending machines, relax in the swimming pool, whirlpool bath or sauna, or work up a sweat in the fitness facilities or racquetball court -


Ashes to Ashes
Can we have a moment of silence for all the Ash trees with red xs and all the empty, once shady, spaces their fellow trees once occupied.…..It’s Spring (almost) so now is a great time to replant, but what to put in its place. Something low maintenance, not messy (no acorns or pods etc.) fast growing and shade producing are among a few desirable qualities. What kind of trees meet these criteria, are native to the Midwest and are available at our local nurseries? Sycamore, Aspen and Maple are a few worth looking for, according to their Bios . Trees offer so many benefits, it’s almost a crime not to replant.
If there is a drawback, it is that trees take a while to grow to maturity so they can live up to their potential and the cost of bigger young adult trees is significant.

Local municipalities often have free trees or a reimbursement program which removes the cost excuse.
City of Des Moines “Tiny Tree Program” 5 free trees beginning in May 11, 2024
National Arbor Society – excellent prices on trees with membership subscription along with a “best tree finder” link on their website.
State of Iowa Nursery – prices are reasonable but bulk orders may be required.
The more trees we plant the cleaner our air will be, definitely time to get started.


Phytonutrients - Dietary Heroes

Before the latest generation of Movie Super Heroes there were a whole line up of Saturday morning cartoon heroes: Under Dog, Lone Ranger and, of course, Popeye. All these heroes saved the town, world or some poor unfortunate from evil doers. One hero stands out in the sense that the source of his amazing strength and oversized forearms was Spinach. Popeye would chug down a can of spinach and wham the bad guys would be vanquished. Actual spinach, not one of the fruit and vegetable vitamins that are said to be miracle cure for all health complaints. Vitamins are organic compounds used by the body in small amounts for various metabolic processes. There seems to be a vitamin pill for every human ailment: Joint pain, hair loss, vision loss, memory loss. One of the results of consuming many of these supplements is money loss.
Most health professionals confirm that A well-balanced diet of mostly unprocessed foods is better than any supplement. One of the main reasons: Phytonutrients (chemicals that help protect plants from germs, fungi, bugs, and other threats). Research shows that there are 7 types of phytonutrients, all with long unpronounceable names. That cup of spinach that Popeye consumed was not just iron and vitamin c but contained a list of over 39 other nutrients and phytonutrients These phytonutrients act along with the vitamins and minerals contained in the spinach or beets or oranges and enhance the nutritional benefit. Popeye, being a Sailor, probably also consumed a lot of fresh seafood. Which is a great source of lean protein and omega 3 fatty acids. Compare eating a slice of pizza without any sauce or cheese or toppings or you could load it up and get so much more nutrition. Foods that are high in phytonutrients include berries, tea, coffee, cruciferous veggies, leafy greens like spinach, other veggies, fruits like oranges, sweet potatoes, red wine and dark chocolate to name a few.
While there may be no harm in taking supplements, it is good idea to check with your doctor or consult a dietician. There are people that do benefit from vitamin supplements: pregnant/nursing mothers, people who have digestive absorption conditions, food allergies or very restrictive diets.
Treat yourself to a few phytonutrients: add apple slices to your peanut butter sandwich. Use avocado instead of mayo on your sandwich, top your toast with berries instead of jelly, add some chopped spinach to your can of chicken noodle soup. Its like using one of the photo enhancing apps from your phone on your diet.


Cumulonimbus clouds are to blame for thunder storms. Once they become full of enough negative and positively charged particles, they discharge electricity i.e. lightning. The temperature of the air in the lightning path can be up to 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit(5 times hotter than the surface of the sun). The rapid heating and cooling/contracting of the air in the lightning path becomes thunder.
Common sense tells us that it is not safe to be outdoors in a thunderstorm. But just how close is the storm and how much time do we have to get to safety?
If you count the number of seconds between the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder, and then divide by 5, you'll get the distance in miles to the lightning: 5 seconds = 1 mile, 15 seconds = 3 miles, 0 seconds = very close. Of course, you should compute this math equation while in a safe place or while hurrying to get to one.
A safe place to be would be in an enclosed area with electricity and plumbing. If you are in a car roll up the windows and try not to touch anything connected to the outside of the vehicle like the radio or ignition. You should stay inside until 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder.
For a lot of people, storms like this are interesting to watch but be warned open shelter like a porch or a golf cart or a park shelter are not considered a safe place.
Florida and the gulf states see the most thunderstorms in the US. Surprisingly the West Coast and the State of Maine rarely see more than one or two per year. Iowa will probably see between 45 to 55 days per year with a thunder storm which is very bad news indeed - to Dogs.


Spring a.k.a. Vernal Equinox
Finally, the end of winter is in sight. We can expect Spring (Vernal Equinox) to arrive Monday, March 20 at 4:24 CDT. Technically, the Vernal Equinox means 12 hours of daylight followed by 12 hours of darkness. Since December 21, the direct rays of the sun have been slowly migrating north moving towards the Tropic of Cancer (the invisible line at 23.5 degrees latitude north of the Equator). On June 21, the Summer Solstice, the sun’s direct rays slowly start moving back down towards the Tropic of Capricorn which is 23.5 degrees south of the equator.
Astronomically speaking, the Vernal Equinox is an event that occurs once a year when the Sun reached the point in the constellation of Pisces known as the First Point of Aries. The Point of Aries intersects with the Earth’s Equator. As the Earth orbits the Sun, its poles always point at a fixed position in the sky. The north pole points towards Polaris the current Pole Star while the south pole points towards the constellation of Octans.
Truthfully, not everybody finds this information interesting, but a little science never hurt anyone.
Probably, what people may find interesting is that the Farmer’s Almanac predicts for the upper Midwest (including Iowa) to have a chilly start to Spring with a higher-than-normal amount of precipitation.
Predictions are not always reliable, but as the Earth turns, we will have a little more daylight each day until June 21, Summer Solstice, which happens every year without fail.

Photos from Valley Office Park's post 02/22/2023

It Takes an Act of Congress
Not everyone celebrates Valentine’s Day, Groundhog’s Day or April Fool’s Day. These holidays are just for fun, nobody gets the day off work, the banks are open, USPS still delivers the mail and the Stock Market is open.
Real Federal Holidays are a product of hard work and determination by dedicated advocates. A Federal Holiday must be voted on and passed by both Houses of Congress and signed into law by the President. Currently there are 11 Federal Holidays which includes Juneteenth which was recently signed into law by President Biden. There are several proposed Holidays that have not been passed and are still waiting for enough support from Congress. Check out the website below for more pending observances.

Then there are the Fun holidays like: Tater Tot Day-Feb 2, Pay a Compliment Day-Feb 6 and National Love Your Pet Day-Feb 20. Some are silly and some convey meaningful sentiments.
How and why do all these Non-Federal Holidays exist?
The answer is that there are a several entities that accept and promote Holidays for a fee or publish calendars or booklets and sell them to whomever is interested.
Chases – compiles a book of holidays which includes regional festivals and observances for the price of $19.95.
National Day Calendar – this company sells the calendars and for a fee will promote and market the holiday. Company staff decides which “holidays” make it on the calendar. Their website states that right now they are only accepting Corporate requests. The owner states that the whole idea for the business began when he decided to investigate how we got National Popcorn Day. Being a popcorn lover himself, he got curious.

National TODAY Calendar- not to be confused with National Day. They have similar services etc.
The list of Holiday proponents goes on and on, with perhaps too many, because do we really need more special days like “talk like a pirate day” and “Read in the Bathtub Day”. You decide and celebrate as desired.

February holidays and observances


Good Morning To You
Those of us who are not morning people really hate those who are. Nothing personal, morning people. It’s just that our brains and bodies are slower to get going and your annoying energy and chattiness makes us want to strangle you. But, there are a few things the a.m. challenged can do to make the transition from horizontal to vertical less of a horrifying experience:
1. No touching the snooze button. If you normally hit the snooze, just set your alarm for 10 minutes later and your quality of rest will be much more productive than those extra 10 minutes being interrupted by the alarm.
2. Turn on the light and open the curtains. If you can, stand and brush your teeth, hair or drink your morning beverage in the morning.
3. Do some stretches before you get out of bed and drink a glass of water. You haven’t moved around or drank anything for 7 or 8 hours. Your brain will get some oxygen and your body can start getting ready to move.
4. Skip the morning news and get a playlist of feel good blood pumping music. Start gradually with the beat then crank it up.
5. Eat a protein packed fi ber rich breakfast. There are a lot of options that suit your schedule and tastes. Whole grain nut butter toast topped with sliced fruit, oatmeal with yogurt, nuts, and egg on top of an English muffi n or a tortilla with a slice of cheese. Make your own option that does not include sweets or other calories.
6. Set a routine that includes apparel options and healthy breakfasts. For example, Mondays you wear the black pants and shirt and have egg and cheese burritos, or choose an outfi t and breakfast option the night before so it doesn’t seem like such a chore. You won’t spend all your time deciding what to wear when you should be spending that time fi nding your shoes and maybe you won’t snarf a candy bar on the way out the door when you could have had something warm and nutritious.
7. MOST IMPORTANTLY, go to bed earlier. You will be much more ready to face the day if you have a good night’s rest. Didn’t you listen when your mother told you this years ago or when you tell that to your children every night.


The Truth About The Birds And The Bees
Consider the bounty we enjoy here in Iowa. Our grains, vegetables and fruit help feed the world. We grow food for ourselves, our neighbors and our animals and livestock.
Much of the credit for this bounty belongs to the tiniest creatures: Pollinators. Birds, bees, butterflies, moths and bats pollinate over 75% of the worlds flowering plants. Honeybees alone pollinate $19 billion worth of crops in just the United States alone.
It seems that pollinator populations are in decline which is concerning to say the least. There are a number of factors that are contributing to this decline, which is a topic for another day. Today, in appreciation for their contribution, we use this space to list some interesting facts about the birds and the bees and the butterflies and bats
• The reason bees are so noisy is because they beat their wings 11,400 times in one minute!
• Eating honey makes you smarter! It has an antioxidant that improves brain functions.
• Only female bees have stingers.
• There are species of Monarch butterflies that migrate the thousands of miles to Mexico and southern California and those that do not migrate at all.
• While birds and bats feast on butterflies – most do not eat Monarch butterflies – they are toxic and taste horrible
• Without bats, say goodbye to bananas, avocados and mangoes.
• Each bat’s wings have a unique design, like a finger print
• Hummingbirds are native only to the Americas. They have good eyesight but a poor sense of smell.
• Birds not only drink nectar from flowers but they eat the pollen. Pollen sticks to the birds, which is spread when the go from flower to flower.
• Butterflies use their feet to taste.

Photos from Valley Office Park's post 08/18/2022

We all scream for …..
It is crucial to be fully informed when making important decisions about what kind of frozen treat to eat. And, what about toppings, cone or cup, regular cone or waffle cone….
First know your “ice cream”:
Regular Ice Cream – contains milk, cream, sugar, and flavorings. US ice cream is required to have at least 10% milk fat. Check ingredients list for other additives. The FDA now says a serving of Ice Cream is 2/3 of a cup 6 oz.
Frozen Custard – this ingredient list must include at least 1.4% pasteurized egg yolk along with the milk, cream and sugar. The mixture must be cooked to thicken it before being frozen. This makes for a richer creamier texture. The amount of fat in custard is only slightly more as the egg yolk is only 1.4% of the mixture.
Soft Ice Cream – This treat generally has less milk fat 3-6% and has more air incorporated while churning resulting in a softer creamier texture.
Gelato- This European treat has less milk fat, 5-6%, less sugar, and less air. The Gelato churning process incorporates much less air giving it a denser consistency, and the lower sugar and fat make it more intensely flavored and creamier than regular ice cream. It is also served at a warmer temperature.
Frozen Yogurt – “Froyo” is made from Yogurt which is cultured milk, 2 to 4% depending on kind of milk used. Yogurt has a tangier flavor which lends itself to more toppings and mix-ins so the thing to be aware of is the amount of sugar already in the Yogurt and the amount in the toppings/mix-ins.
Sherbet – Shur-bet not shur-burt. Sherbet is a much lighter frozen treat being that is mostly fruit and sugar and less than 2% milk fat according to the FDA. This type of mixtures lends itself better to fruit flavors or mint.
Sorbet – should not be confused with Sherbet, as it contains no milk fat. It consists of fruit, fruit juice, and sugar that is churned while being frozen for a softer texture.
2 tbls choc syrup-105 calories
Regular cone – 16 calories
Waffle cone – 210 calories
2 tbls sprinkles-107 calories
1 cherry for the top – 8 calories.
Cup and spoon – zero calories.
Your choice of optimum flavor combinations may take months/years of research- enjoy! No need for “Screaming”.

Photos from Valley Office Park's post 07/21/2022

Hats off to Willis Carrier

Willis Carrier is widely recognized as the Father of Modern Air Conditioning. One of his first tasks as an engineer was to improve air quality at a lithography and publishing company. The challenge was that the paper would expand and contract with the humidity level making it nearly impossible to perform the multi-step printing process of color lithographs. His theory was that humid air can be made drier by passing it through water. The fabrication of his drawings became the first modern air conditioning. Refinements to his original plans resulted in a U.S. Patent for “Apparatus For Treating Air” in 1906. It became necessary equipment in many manufacturing operations in the early part of the 20th century. His “Rational Psychrometric Formulae” is the foundation document for air conditioning design.
Thank Mr Carrier for his work when you get into your hot car this afternoon without cranking the A/C.

Photos from Valley Office Park's post 06/09/2022


School is out, Memorial Day has come and gone, its time to start doing summer stuff. We can probably all agree that keeping it local will be the most cost-effective way to stretch your summer fun money.
Make a list, add some family friendly and adults only events, sign up for summer reading programs at the library, take a class, be sure to do some nature stuff, don’t forget to add in a new kind of food that you haven’t tasted before….
Here are a few websites full of local summer activities.


Iowa Weather Whys
Why are plants greener after a thunderstorm?
Lightening breaks up nitrogen bonds(78% of the atmosphere) so that they can more readily combine with oxygen(21% of the atmosphere). This new compound, nitric oxide, is water soluble. It soaks into the ground so that it is more easily absorbed by plants. Nitrogen, the main ingredient in most fertilizer, stimulates plants to produce chlorophyll. Chlorophyll makes plants green and is a part of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process green plants use to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide, soil and water. Oxygen is generated as a byproduct of photosynthesis.
Why does the air smell after a thunderstorm?
Petrichor – the smell of the air after a storm.
Petrichor is composed of a combination of things. When lightning strikes, the bonds of atoms of nitrogen and oxygen are broken and they combine to form Nitric Oxide and Ozone (O3). Rain drops carry the Ozone atoms down to the soil. The Ozone contributes to the smell along with Geosmin(compound released by bacteria in the soil when rain falls) along with plant oils.
Petrichor can be detected by the human nose in 5 parts per trillion.
It is safe to stay in your car during a lightening storm but not a flood or a tornado.
During a lightning storm it is safe to talk on a cell phone but not a land line.
What is the Correct Method to Calculate Lightning Distance
The following table is the correct Flash-to-Bang estimations calculated based on the speed of sound at sea level:
If thunder is heard The lightning is . . .
5 seconds after a flash 1 mile away
10 seconds after a flash 2 miles away
15 seconds after a flash 3 miles away
20 seconds after a flash 4 miles away
25 seconds after a flash 5 miles away
30 seconds after a flash 6 miles away
NOAA and the National Weather Service recommend seeking immediate shelter when lightning is 6 miles or less of your location.

Now you are ready to play a little “Weather Jeopardy” with your coworkers or family members. Save the “Flash to Bang” answers for “Final Jeopardy”


Vacation Close to Home

Vacation Season is fast approaching. Unfortunately, the rising cost of absolutely everything has put many destinations out of reach for a lot of families. After the last couple of years, getting out of town and your house would be a very welcome break.
Iowa does not have Yosemite or Disney Land (along with the 3hour lines and $40 hamburgers) but we do have many wonderful state parks, cultural festivals, waterparks both indoor and outdoor, amusement parks, museums, art exhibits, theater just to name a few.
Below is a list of websites that highlight a few of the many opportunities for fun and learning whether you’re a camper or a glamper, or want a little pamper(ing). If you need a little help about where to go start with the Travel Iowa website for inspiration.


Super Bowl History
The Super Bowl is a truly Global event, broadcast in more than 170 countries with a little something for everyone. Amusing commercials, top tier musical personalities and of course a little bit of sports competition. Plus it’s a fun way to spend a cold dreary February Sunday afternoon, and something other that the weather to talk about at work on Monday.
The NFL officially started in 1920, but in 1960, a group of business owners started the American Football League after being denied franchises by the NFL. That year(1960) the first “AFL-NFL World Championship Game”(Super Bowl)was played.
In 1966 the AFL and NFL merged and the term Super Bowl was used for the AFL/NFL championship game. Super Bowl I, played in January 1967 between AFL Kansas City Chiefs and the NFL Green Bay Packers. It was played in the Los Angeles Collisium. The Packer defeated the Chiefs 35-10. Ticket prices were $12 and 61,000 people attended. The game was broadcast by NBC and CBS networks.
The first win for the AFL was SuperBowl III. Quarterback Joe Namath of the NY Jets brashly “guaranteed” a New York victory over the Baltimore Colts. The Jets delivered on the guarantee.
The Game continued to grow in popularity into the world-wide event it is today.
To elaborate on that point, here are few interesting facts to toss around during the game:
• The Pittsburgh Steelers and New England Patriots each have six Super Bowl victories—the most of any team. The Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers each have five wins.
• With five defeats each, the Denver Broncos and New England Patriots are tied for most Super Bowl losses.
• The Detroit Lions, Jacksonville Jaguars and Houston Texans are the only teams that haven't played in a Super Bowl.
• The Patriots have made the most Super Bowl appearances of any team (11).
• The championship team receives the Vince Lombardi Trophy, named for the legendary Green Bay Packers coach, who won the first two Super Bowls.
• Because the football season runs into two calendar years, Roman numerals are used to identify each Super Bowl.
• The Super Bowl venue changes each year.
• Tampa Bay, in Super Bowl LV, is the only team to win a Super Bowl in its home venue.
• Super Bowl Sunday is the second-largest day for food consumption in the United States, with only Thanksgiving ahead of it.
• The NFL restricts the use of the phrase “Super Bowl” for advertising purposes. Companies come up with creative alternatives, such as referring to it as the “Big Game.”


Bored? Board Games
Board games, what is more fun on a cold winter’s night or a rainy summer afternoon than a playing a board or card game with friends/family. The social act of playing a game together is something that cannot be replicated in video and computer games
Board games have been played for thousands of years. A board game was found in King Tut’s tomb(Royal Game of UR), Queen Nefertari was depicted in ancient drawings playing the game of Senet.
In fact, table games go as far back as 5000 BC if not further. Evidence shows early humans made dice, painted sticks, carved bones and stones.
Early games included chess and backgammon, and a variety of card games. And legend has it, that without the existence of card games we would not have the sandwich. Lord Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich asked that the meat and cheese he was consuming during a game of cards be wrapped in bread so that he could continue playing while eating without soiling his hand of cards.
Games were slower to catch on in America however, the first settlers, Puritans, considered dice and cards and the like to be sinful.
The Inventor of Monopoly, Elizabeth Magie, called the game – The Landlord Game- intending for it to illustrate the evils of Capitalism. Ironically, in the 1930’s, she sold the game for very little to Parker Brothers who made millions on it.
In the early part of the 20th century, mathematicians, economist, philosophers and other scientists developed theories, equations, algorithms and the like, which would become “Game Theory”. Game theory is the study of mathematical models of strategic interactions among rational agents. So, it’s a science that calculates how players of a game would plan strategies, form alliances, negotiate or trade, etc; perhaps more complex games like Chess, Bridge or Risk This study has real world applications to human behavior, computer and social science, business and economics.
For thousands of years groups of people have been gathering for the purpose of enjoying each others company while playing a game, no algorithms or Nash Equilibrium necessary.

Photos from Valley Office Park's post 01/21/2022

Do the “duck walk”
“Duck Walk”? No, it is not a new dance, it’s a way to help you stay upright in our winter walking conditions. As hard as we try, it is impossible to sand, salt, plow, scrape, shovel every surface on VOP property. The salted and sanded surfaces melt during the day and refreeze during the night. It’s a fact of life in most of the upper United States during the months of October through April.
So, take a cue from the Duck, who spend a good amount of time making their way across icy ponds, lakes and streams.
• Slow down and take short steps: think waddling.
• Walk flat-footed, with toes pointed slightly to the sides.
• Keep your wings — or hands —by your side and not in pockets; hands in pockets can’t help break your fall.
Winter appropriate footwear and clothing are key.
Please report any extra slippery spots to property management and let us know if you fall.
As we said, we’re doing all we can to maintain parking and sidewalks, please take care of yourself.


Holiday Quiz

1. The movie Miracle on 34th Street is based on a real-life department store. What is it?

2. In which modern-day country was St. Nicholas born in?

3. What did Frosty The Snowman do when a magic hat was placed on his head?

4. In Home Alone, where are the McCallisters going on vacation when they leave Kevin behind?

5. Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?

6. According to the song, what did my true love give to me on the eighth day of Christmas?

7. Three of Santa’s reindeer’s names begin with the letter “D.” What are those names?

8. True or false: "Jingle Bells" was always a Christmas song.

9. What is wassail and is it safe to have it in the house?

10. Have you ever had a Tannenbaum in your house for the Holiday?

11 Is a dreidel edible?

12. If someone said Mele Kalikimaka would you be insulted?

1Macy’s 2. Turkey 3. He began to dance around 4. Paris 5. Germany 6. 8 maids a milking 7. Donner Dasher Dancer 8. False it was written as a Thanksgiving song. 9 Cider Like punch usually served to Carolers 10. German for Fir tree 11. No, it’s a wood top spun at Hanukah 12. Hawaiian for Merry Christmas.


Give Me Some Credit
Part of being an adult is managing your finances. If you’re lucky, your parents got you off to a good start with an allowance and or helping you appreciate the value of working and saving for the things you wanted.
Now that you’re a grown up, the rewards of good money management are even more evident in the form of a good credit score. Your credit score affects your ability to borrow money, get a credit card, buy a house or a car with a reasonable interest rate. It can even affect the types of employment for which you can get hired.
In 1970, Congress enacted the Fair Credit Reporting Act to promote fairness, accuracy and privacy of your financial information. The act spelled out who could have access to your credit report and the reasons for which it could be used. It also enabled consumers to dispute false information and have it removed. Consumers are also entitled to receive one free credit report from the 3 major reporting agencies every 12 months: Trans Union, Experian, and EquiFax. Go to This is a Government approved website that will not try to get you to subscribe to a monthly monitoring service or other related services. It does not, however, provide a composite credit score, but it will give a picture of your credit and give you the opportunity to take steps to improve or clear up any erroneous information.
Factors that comprise your credit score:
1. Payment history -Payment history accounts for 35% of your FICO Score, the credit score used by 90% of top lenders.
2. Credit utilization ratio - This number is calculated by dividing the total revolving credit by the total of all your credit limits. Using more than 30% of your available credit is a negative to creditors. 30% of your Score.
3. Credit history length - This includes the age of your oldest credit account, the age of your newest credit account and the average age of all your accounts. The longer your credit history, the higher your credit scores. 15% of your Score.
4. Credit mix - A diverse portfolio of credit accounts such as a car loan, credit card, student loan plus a mortgage is an indication of how well you manage a wide range of credit products. 10% of your Score.
5. New credit – The number of credit accounts recently opened, plus the number of hard inquiries lenders make when you apply for credit, accounts for 10% of your Score.
What doesn’t affect your credit score?
Normally, medical and utility bills(phone, energy, internet and streaming services) do not affect your score, unless, they have been sent to collections for non-payment.
Some subscription credit monitoring websites and apps offer to boost credit scores by giving credit for positive payment history of the utilities mentioned above. Setting up automatic withdrawals from your bank accounts for utilities may help some establish a more positive payment history.
Good credit is a valuable asset and should be protected. Anyone who wants to buy anything online knows the necessity of having a credit card. Many credit card companies now offer free credit monitoring due to the huge data breaches that have occurred in the recent past. Keeping a close eye on your bank accounts and credit card transactions helps you know where your money is going as well as helping to preventing fraudulent charges.

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