FabYOUlous fitness

Our mission is to help women feel better & have more energy so they can life their best lives. We are now offering online training!

We help busy Westerville women over 35 years old who feel uncomfortable in their own skin get consistent with fitness and nutrition without rules and restrictions so they can be empowered to live their best lives. We use the “FabFit Method” which is made up of 3 key components: FabFit Success Blueprint, sustainable habit-based fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle guidance. Contrary to what many belie


"Your body hears everything your mind says." – Naomi Judd

Did you know there’s science behind this?! 🤔
A study by the National Institutes of Health found a link between positive self-talk and better well-being, lower stress, and increased resilience.
👉 The only problem is, we’re usually our own worst critics.
So many of us pick at our appearance…
Beat ourselves up when we make mistakes…
And we doubt our abilities and our worth.
Still, our bodies hear everything our mind says!
Just because you don’t say it out loud doesn’t mean it doesn’t count…
So today, choose to be kind to yourself 🙌
Need reminders like these from time to time? Save this post and follow me for more.



What do gratitude, cardio, and sudoku puzzles have in common? 🤔

🧠They’re all great for your brain! 🧠

Unfortunately, most of us don’t think about our brain health until we have a reason to — like when we’re already tired, foggy, or notice our memory slipping.

That’s why in honor of World Alzheimer’s Month this month, I’ve created a FREE Brain Bingo Challenge Guide to help you start prioritizing your brain health NOW 🙌

The Brain Bingo Challenge has six practical habits you can start building for optimal brain health…

Plus, it includes an easy bingo game to help you implement those habits while having as much fun as possible!

Some brain-healthy habits you can look forward to?

✔️Crossword puzzles
✔️Balancing exercises
✔️Nature walks

And more!

Head here to download your Brain Bingo Challenge for free 👉 https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/brain-bingo-challenge


Success comes in MANY different forms!

You might not see it in this photo, but this is a few weeks after I started getting better sleep at night and feeling more energetic throughout the day.

I’m so grateful that I celebrated wins like these along the way and kept going!

Here’s to giving yourself all the credit you deserve, every step of the way 🙌


Comment “BINGO” to join our FREE Brain Bingo Challenge to boost your brain health! 👇

Did you know 40% of Alzheimer’s cases are preventable? 🤯

That’s why in honor of World Alzheimer’s Month this month, I’m shining a spotlight on brain-healthy habits 🧠

Not just because these are the same habits that support building a stronger body…

But also, because these simple lifestyle changes can have a massive impact on your quality of life.

Here are 6 ways you can show your brain (& body) some love this month ⬇️

1️⃣ Cover your basics, like staying up-to-date with health screenings, limiting alcohol use, and avoiding smoking

2️⃣ Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week

3️⃣ Manage your blood sugar and eat a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats

4️⃣ Sleep for 7-8 hours a night to help your brain rest and repair

5️⃣ Engage in activities that challenge your brain and stay socially active (like puzzles and coffee dates!)

6️⃣ Reduce stress with mindfulness, meditation, and deep breathing

Look familiar? 😉

Remember — it’s never too late (or too early) to start thinking about prevention.

Save this and share it with someone you care about!

If you want to dive deeper into these brain health strategies, I’ve created a FUN Brain Bingo Challenge to help you learn more and start implementing these tips! Get your FREE copy here: https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/brain-bingo-challenge



🎉💪 Wishing you a happy Labor Day. Here’s to all our hard workers, past, present, and future! We hope you have a fantastic holiday.


"The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness." – Abraham Maslow

Are you too busy chasing the “future version” of yourself?👇

Focusing on the future and on where you’re headed is KEY to growing and hitting your goals…

But not if it’s at the expense of living in the present moment.

I learned this the hard way…

remember when I first got back into the gym after a long break after having my kids, and I got so hung up on seeing results.

After a while, I realized I was missing the whole point.

I was so caught up in “getting there” that I missed how far I had already come!

So I asked myself things like…

😴 Is it getting easier to sleep through the night?
🧘 Are my joints feeling better?
🍏 Am I craving less junk?

Thinking like this completely changed my perspective.

More importantly? It made me feel better “in the present moment” instead of waiting for some far-off future to feel good.

We have to celebrate those little wins!

Tell me — did you need to hear this today?

Find this content helpful? Share in your story for others to enjoy it too!


🧘 Want to feel CALMER and more CENTERED more often?

After working with women who are 35 years and above to help them feel better, stronger and more confident, I’ve found that stress management is a huge piece of the puzzle.

Too many of us are scrambling around on autopilot, trying to multitask, and not doing any *ONE* thing as best as we could.

If you can relate, here’s a quick way to reel in that chaos ⬇️

Set a timer for 20-30 minutes and practice SINGLE-TASKING (e.g., focusing on ONE TASK at a time).

Simple? Yes.

But that’s the point!

Notice how much calmer, centered, and more focused you feel when you give yourself space to do just ONE thing at a time.

It may not seem like this is connected to fitness...

But the reality is that when we’re calmer and more focused, we tend to make better decisions when it comes to our health.

Makes sense, right?

If you want to tune into your body even more, my new “Food & Mood” journal helps you track how your moods affect your eating habits, and vice versa. DM me the word “MOOD” and I’ll send it over for free! or Get it here: https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/food_mood_journal635230



Want an easy hack to slash fat calories from your lunch? 🥗

Do this: Next time you eat a salad, swap "dressing" for "dipping."

Instead of drowning your healthy greens in calorie-rich dressing, try this:

Order your dressing on the side
Dip your fork in the dressing before each bite
Enjoy your salad bite by bite!

Boom! 💥 You'll still get that perfect flavor kick, BUT…

You'll save yourself from eating a bunch — and by that I mean HUNDREDS — of excess calories. (Seriously, depending on the dressing, we're talking major savings here!)

It's these little tricks that add up to big results over time.

Want to discover how we empower women over 35 to boost their energy, feel amazing, get stronger, and radiate confidence? Dive into our program breakdown here: https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/ffmtd-sign-up-page 🙌


The funny thing about balance is that as soon as you feel like you’ve achieved it…

P**f! It’s gone! 😆

The truth is that perfect balance doesn't exist. It's more about making small adjustments every day.
Some days you might:
Nail that workout 🏋️‍♀️
Other days, life happens and you grab a quick walk 🚶‍♀️
Sometimes you meal prep like a boss 🥗
Other times, it's whatever's in the fridge (so make sure it’s healthy!) 🍽️
The key? Focus on consistency, not perfection. Small steps add up!
What's one small thing you do to keep some balance in your routine?
Discover how our program empowers women over 35 to increase energy levels, achieve strength, and radiate confidence. Explore our detailed program breakdown here: https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/ffmtd-sign-up-page 🙌

How to overcome the “afternoon slump” 08/22/2024

Did you know your body is PROGRAMMED to feel sleepy between 1-3 p.m.?

Yep, it’s true…

Over the course of the day, your brain builds up a chemical (adenosine) that makes you want to sleep...

Read more on today's blog...

How to overcome the “afternoon slump” Did you know your body is PROGRAMMED to feel sleepy between 1-3 p.m.? Yep, it’s true… Over the course of the day, your brain builds up a chemical (adenosine) that makes you want to sleep. ..


🥗Who else loves a delicious, flavor-in-every-bite, chopped salad?! 🙋‍♀️

This recipe is loaded with power-packed ingredients that’ll fill you up and keep you feeling satisfied.

If you want more protein, add some grilled salmon or chicken. SO GOOD.

Power Packed Chopped Salad
(Serves 4)

6 cups (200 g) mixed leafy greens
1 medium cucumber, diced
2 medium tomatoes, diced
1 large avocado, diced
1 cup (185 g) cooked quinoa or brown rice
1 cup (170 g) cooked shelled edamame
1 cup (150 g) corn kernels, fresh or frozen and thawed
½ cup (50 g) dried cranberries
½ cup (100 g) goat cheese crumbles (optional)

¼ cup (60ml) olive oil
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 Tbsp honey or maple syrup
Juice of 1 lemon
1 garlic clove, minced
Salt and pepper to taste

Using a cutting board and sharp knife, chop the greens, cucumber, tomatoes, and avocado into bite-sized pieces. Place in a large salad bowl. Set aside.

Make the dressing by combining all the ingredients in a small bowl and whisking them together. Taste and adjust the seasoning.

Add the quinoa, edamame, corn, cranberries, and goat cheese to the salad mixture and toss gently. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss until everything is well coated.

🥗 Eat and enjoy!

📷 If you make this recipe, be sure to grab a photo and tag me with it!


Ever wonder why you feel soooo tired after lunch some days, and what you can do to stop that from happening?

1️⃣First, you should know that your body is PROGRAMMED to feel sleepy between 1-3 p.m…. so some fatigue is normal.

2️⃣ But there ARE ways to lessen that fatigue:

Don't overeat at lunch
Go easy on heavy starchy carbs - they can make your blood sugar yo-yo
Be aware that protein-heavy lunches might make you sleepy (looking at you, turkey and dairy!)
Soak up some sunshine after lunch - bright light can keep your energy up
If possible, grab a quick 10-20 minute catnap
Keep up with regular workouts for better nighttime sleep quality

It's amazing how these simple shifts can boost your energy, digestion, and focus for the rest of the day!

What's your go-to trick for beating the afternoon slump? Drop it in the comments! 👇

Discover how our program empowers women over 35 to increase energy levels, achieve strength, and radiate confidence. Explore our detailed program breakdown here: https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/ffmtd-sign-up-page 🙌



🔥What you tell yourself matters!
Your inner dialogue creates your outer reality…
And when you tell yourself you CAN reach your goals, making it happen is a whole lot easier.
Today, pay attention to the little voice in your head and what it’s telling you — and make sure it’s something POSITIVE. You’ve got this!
Positive thoughts, positive life!
If you want to know exactly how we guide women over 35 to get energized, feel better, get stronger, and feel more confident, you can read our program breakdown here: https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/ffmtd-sign-up-page 🙌


How does food make you FEEL? 🤔

📓My FREE “Food & Mood” Journal can help you:

✅Track your meals to see how they impact your mood
✅Identify patterns that help you make better food choices for your body’s needs
✅And make simple adjustments to support your digestion, energy, and sleep!

Curious to see which foods make you feel your best?

Grab your “Food & Mood” Journal here 👉 https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/food_mood_journal635230


What’s the difference between “cheat meals” and “treat meals”?

They might SOUND similar, but there's a HUGE difference when it comes to your mindset…

And maybe even your long-term relationship with food! 😮

Let's break it down. Cheat meals:

✅ Labels foods as "good" or "bad"
✅ Can lead to guilt when you eat "bad" foods you normally avoid
✅ Might make you overeat because it's your only chance for "forbidden" foods
✅ Can get in the way of your results... and even worse, set you up for unhealthy eating patterns

What about treat meals?

✅ Let you enjoy yummy foods without breaking "rules"
✅ Help create a positive food relationship (no "good" or "bad" labels!)
✅ Are usually planned and enjoyed in moderation
✅ Can boost long-term success because you don't feel deprived

Changing those two little letters from "ch"eat to "tr"eat might seem tiny…

But sometimes all it takes is a mindset shift to get you on track for AMAZING results!

If you want to know exactly how we guide women over 35 to get energized, feel better, get stronger, and feel more confident, you can read our program breakdown here: https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/ffmtd-sign-up-page


🤗 There’s a trap a lot of us fall into: we can go “all in” and spend so much energy on just one or two areas of our fitness…

… that there’s little room for anything else.

It could be:

💪Intense workouts
🥗Strict diets
🧠Latest "bio hacks"

And as a result, we can end up neglecting OTHER parts of our health, like relationships, fun, and creativity.

But true health is all about BALANCE! It's not just physical – it's emotional, social, and mental too.
Try this: What's one area you've been ignoring that deserves some attention today?
What fills YOUR cup? And how can you do more of it?
Want to discover how we empower women over 35 to boost their energy, feel amazing, get stronger, and radiate confidence? Dive into our program breakdown here: https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/ffmtd-sign-up-page 🙌


“What can I do about emotional eating?”

This comes up a lot with other middle aged women.

The simplest way to address it?

See it for what it is: a habit — NOT a personal shortcoming.

Once you see it that way, the key is to find a more helpful habit to replace it with.

You can do this by creating what I call a “self-care menu.”

Come up with a list of healthy or fun actions that make you feel good — things you can do BEFORE you reach for food to soothe or celebrate your feelings.

You can…

Play with your pet for 5 minutes
Listen to one of your favorite songs
Go outside for some fresh air
Do some quick stretches
Meditate for 5 minutes

Doing these things can help disrupt your old “trigger → behavior” cycle with something that feels good and that you enjoy.

AND… this short interruption can help give you some breathing space so you can be more mindful about your next food decisions.

Want more help identifying your “triggers” and replacing them with more helpful habits? DM me the word “MOOD” to grab my NEW “Food & Mood” Journal for FREE! or Get it here: https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/food_mood_journal635230


📓FREE “Food & Mood” Journal! 📓

Do you know which foods make you feel clear and energized? What about stressed and brain foggy? 🤔

Sometimes, just *ONE* simple adjustment to our diet can help us go from feeling “good” to feeling “great” — and my new FREE “Food & Mood” Journal can help!

Start tracking here 👉https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/food_mood_journal635230


Here’s how to put the power of mindfulness to work for fitness…

FIRST: Recognize that mindfulness simply means PAYING ATTENTION…

🥑 to what you eat
🚶 to how active you are
😴 to how much sleep you get
🤗 to the quality of your relationships
🧘 to how you spend your time, energy, and thoughts

THEN: Being intentional about your choices.

This is so important for their fitness goals because when you start paying attention, it opens up the possibility for lasting change and mind-blowing results.

Not only do you immediately see (and feel) which actions move you forward… but also which actions hold you back.

This is a powerful combo!

What’s ONE area you can start paying more attention to today?

Discover how our program empowers women over 35 to increase energy levels, achieve strength, and radiate confidence. Explore our detailed program breakdown here: https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/ffmtd-sign-up-page 🙌


🤗 What would happen if you started eating healthy because you
LOVE yourself?

This simple reframe can be game-changing! Instead of feeling like you "have to" eat more veggies, they become acts of self-care.
Try this: Focus on how your new habits make you feel.
More energized after a healthy meal?
Extra patience with your family post-workout?
That mindfulness might just turn your "have to" into "want to"! 😉
If you want to know exactly how we guide women over 35 to get energized, feel better, get stronger, and feel more confident, you can read our program breakdown here: https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/ffmtd-sign-up-page 🙌


Digestive issues, mood swings, sleep troubles…

What if a few simple changes to your diet could make ALL the difference?

Sometimes, just one or two foods throw us off without us even knowing it…

And identifying those foods can be SUCH a relief!

That’s why I’ve created a FREE “Food & Mood” Journal that helps you ⬇️

✅Track your meals to see how they impact your mood
✅Identify patterns that help you make better food choices for your body’s needs
✅Make simple adjustments to support your digestion, energy, and sleep

And so much more.

This simple process can be a powerful form of self-care…

So if you’re ready to see which foods make you feel your best?

👉 Go to: https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/food_mood_journal635230 to grab your free “Food & Mood” Journal and get started!


🏖️ As if you needed another reason to take a vacation... 😉

Here’s a biggie — it’s great for your health! 🩴

But check this out: almost half of all Americans don’t use up all their paid time off every year!

Here are just a few reasons to book your next break…

❤️Studies have shown that taking vacations is linked with a lower risk of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and metabolic syndrome — which are all related to heart disease, the leading cause of death.

💆AND… during vacations, we’re more active, get more sleep, and have less stress — all of which are tied to better health

The big question is: where are you going? What’s your ultimate vacation? Let me know!

Save this and follow us for more health and wellness tips!



😲 Hate to break it to you, but there are some things you HAVE to do every day…

Things like brushing your teeth, making the bed, going to work, cooking meals, loading the dishwasher, taking out the trash, etc.

Yes, you *can* miss a day or two. But go too long and things can get uncomfortable… fast! 😵‍💫

It’s the same thing with your health.

If you want to get fit, you have to take active steps to make it happen.


🧘 Doing a little bit every day is a whole lot easier — and a lot more attainable — than trying to do it all at once.

Even if you start by just taking a few minutes tonight to prep tomorrow’s breakfast and lunch, you’re taking a step in the right direction!

Your workouts are a great example of this — a few minutes is always better than nothing! That’s why I just released a handy new resource to help you stick with your fitness routine even if you only have a few minutes to work out. Get the free guide here: https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/back-pocket-workouts-5250


Our client Kati lost 14 inches in her first year with us and talks all of the time how she finally understands what “endorphins” from exercise are! “I am happy. I am getting healthy. The studio clients/trainers have become my 'tribe' and have replaced HS acquaintances as my 'People you may know' on social media.’”

💪If you’re ready to lose the brain fog and get your focus back — and do what it takes to make it happen! — let’s chat.

Our Fab Fit Method program can help you feel better and have more energy in just a couple of weeks!

Drop me a DM for more info or to get started.


💡 Want my BEST tip on getting started with being more active?


Do a little: a short workout, a walk, just MOVE.

Then, add more as you get fitter.

Keep it simple!

👉Only 1 in 4 adults and 1 in 5 adolescents in the US meet the activity guidelines.

If you’re in that group, the idea of getting started can feel overwhelming.

But it doesn’t have to be! Start small, and as it gets easier, add on!

You’ll be amazed at the difference you can feel almost immediately in your energy and mood.

If you want to know exactly how we guide women over 35 to get energized, feel better, get stronger, and feel more confident, you can read our program breakdown here: https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/ffmtd-sign-up-page



🗣️ LOUDER FOR THE FOLKS IN THE BACK: Self-care is NOT selfish.

When you make the effort to work on YOU — your health, your goals, and your aspirations — think of it like polishing a diamond. 💍

All your day-to-day actions — like choosing foods that fuel your health or activities that boost your mood — add up, giving you more energy for everything that matters to you.

The better you feel, the more you can offer to those around you.

What can YOU do today to help you feel better tomorrow?

Are you ready to take the next step in your fitness and health journey? read our program breakdown here: https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/ffmtd-sign-up-page to get started.


🌱🍅RECIPE: Tomato-Basil Grilled Wild Salmon 🍅🌱

Love a quick, healthy lunch or dinner with NO dishes to clean?! 🙋‍♀️

This wild salmon recipe is packed with protein and healthy omega-3 fats, and whether you grill or bake it, it's ready in under 30 minutes!

It’s incredibly versatile, too…

If you like a lighter meal? Serve it with a garden salad.

If you want something heartier? Serve it over brown rice.

Plus, this salmon makes a perfect topper for a lunchtime salad if you have any leftovers!

Here’s the full recipe 👇

Tomato-Basil Grilled Wild Salmon
(serves 4)

2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp sea salt, divided
1 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1 whole wild salmon fillet (about 1½ lbs or 680 g)
⅓ cup plus ¼ cup thinly sliced fresh basil, divided (about 15g + 10g, divided)
2 medium tomatoes, thinly sliced
¼ tsp freshly ground pepper

Preheat your grill to medium. (If using an oven, preheat to 425ºF/220ºC).

Mash the minced garlic and half the salt on a cutting board to form a paste. Place in a small bowl and stir in the olive oil.

Check the salmon for bones and remove (using tweezers) if necessary.

Lay out a large piece of foil, and coat with cooking spray.

Place the salmon skin-side down on the foil, and spread the garlic mixture evenly over the fish. Sprinkle with ⅓ cup (15 g) of basil. Arrange the tomato slices on top, and season with the remaining salt and pepper.

Place the salmon on the grill or in the oven. Grill for 10-12 minutes (or bake for about 20 minutes), until the fish easily flakes.

When done, put the salmon on a serving platter and garnish with the remaining basil.

Nutritional info per serving:
Calories: 242, 10 grams fat, 3 grams carbs, 1 gram fiber, 35 grams protein

🤳 If you make this, make sure you take a pic and tag me with it!


🚀 Making a healthy swap is NOT about depriving yourself of fun.

It’s about trying new things that 1) are fun AND 2) help you reach your goals.

🤗 Here’s one of my favorites…

Instead of meeting friends for drinks, why not get together for a game of pickleball..

Not only will you have a great time, but you’ll have a ton of fun AND feel great afterward.

That sounds like a win-win to me! 🤸

Find this post helpful? Make sure you save this post and follow us for more.


💫 Every time you say "no" to an excuse and "yes" to a positive change, you're taking a big step towards feeling great.

Things like choosing to climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator 🌟

It’s not about being perfect…

It *is* about finding small tweaks that will make a big difference in how you feel. And the best part? You don't have to do it alone.
If you want to know exactly how we guide women over 35 to get energized, feel better, get stronger, and feel more confident, you can read our program breakdown here: https://www.fabyoulousfitness.net/ffmtd-sign-up-page


Mary has lost over 13 inches in the last 9 months! This is why we do what we do! Grateful to have you as a part of our community, Mary. We appreciate you!

💪Want results like these? The clock is ticking on our next Fab Fit Method Test Drive, so if you’re ready to get your energy back and get strong, let’s chat because I would LOVE to help.

Drop me a DM for more info.

Want your business to be the top-listed Gym/sports Facility in Westerville?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Training for Women

FabYOUlous Fitness is a small, private, by-appointment-only studio located in Westerville, Ohio. We offer private and small group shared training and group fitness classes for women of all fitness levels.

We help busy Westerville women over 30 years old who feel uncomfortable in their own skin get consistent with fitness and nutrition without rules and restrictions so they can be empowered to live their best lives. We use the “FabFit Method” which is made up of 3 key components: FabFit Success Blueprint, sustainable habit-based fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle guidance. Contrary to what many believe, you do not have to feel like you got the snot beat out of you to get a great workout and reach your goals. Consistent workouts, at a level appropriate for you and your goals, paired with habit-based nutrition and lifestyle guidance, are the secret to success.

We are NASM and ACE certified personal trainers, corrective exercise specialists, Precision Nutrition L1 Coaches, women’s fitness specialists, senior fitness specialists, and running coaches. We are women who became inspired to get our personal training certifications so that we could help other women achieve their health and fitness goals. We’re 100% dedicated to helping you find the time to take care of you, so you can take care of life. YOU matter. YOU are worthy. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

Don’t live in Columbus or the vicinity? We also offer online (via our app) and/or Zoom Livestream training! Online training allows you to live anywhere in the world and still train with us! This is also perfect for those who travel frequently and need consistency, accountability, and support.

Videos (show all)

Who else LOVES a good slow cooker meal?! 🤤If you’re eating clean, slow cooker meals are one of the best ways to enjoy ri...
🔥Love to eat healthy but hate to cook? Get some new healthy, easy dinner ideas from our/my  “Set It & Forget It” Healthy...
Steal our favorite HEALTHY slow cooker recipes!👇 If you’re looking for healthy dinners with minimal prep and easy cleanu...
FACT: How well you SLEEP is just as important as what you eat!That means if you’re getting less than 7-8 hours of sleep ...
😴 Struggling to get a good night's sleep?Take the pressure off with our FREE Relax & Recharge Routine! ✨This simple guid...
This is it…Just 4 hours left to decide whether you’re in or out.At 11:59 PM EST, enrollment for Strength Foundations Unl...
Kati changed her life by stopping into FabYOUlous Fitness on a whim.
We help women feel better and have more energy. Who doesn’t want that?!
Kelli chose FabYOUlous Fitness because we are a fitness training studio for women only. See what else she has to say abo...
Fun times at our Sweating for a Cause Charity workout on Saturday! Got a great workout, had fun, raised money and collec...
We are honored to be chosen as Out N About Columbus 2022 Producer's Pick for Women's Empowerment ❤️
Start NOW!



654 Brooksedge Boulevard , Suite B
Westerville, OH

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Our Group Fitness Program in Westerville, OH will help you build muscle, lose body fat, & maintain a healthier lifestyle.

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Our facility is open during class times. We are available via E-mail outside of our class hours.

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This is the page for Ead Sports Institute.