Lifeways Reiki

Reiki Master Teacher, Unitarian Universalist Clergy, partner in Rev. C. Scot Giles, D.Min., LLC


Another study ~ Reiki helps in dealing with fatigue for MS patients. Do you or someone you love need Reiki? Find me at

New Reiki Research! Published June, 2024. ⁠

"The study showed that Reiki was significantly effective in improving fatigue and sleep quality in people with MS. As Reiki is a simple, inexpensive and accessible method, it was suggested that its use in the management of MS should be encouraged and maintained in nursing practice."⁠

Citation: Zülfünaz Özer, Gülcan Bahcecioglu Turan, Elanur Arıkan,⁠
The Effect of Reiki on Fatigue and Sleep Quality in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomised Controlled Study, EXPLORE, 2024, 103018, ISSN 1550-8307.


WONDERING what Reiki can do for you? Ready for a break-through of healing? Well, are you facing a scary diagnosis? Reiki can help increase your resilience as you care for yourself. Worried about the future? Reiki can help you shrink that fear to a more manageable size. Dealing with discomfort or pain from a medical condition? Reiki can provide significant relief. Undergoing treatments? Reiki as a supplementary therapy can help any professional treatment be even more effective. Reiki is approved and used by many hospitals and cancer treatment centers, is noninvasive, is effective in promoting deep relaxation and healing for body, mind, and spirit. Discover what so many others already know ~ whatever you need for greater well-being, Reiki can help! Visit us at ( to learn more.

Rev. C. Scot Giles, D.Min., LLC 07/13/2024

WONDERING what Reiki can do for you? Well, are you facing a scary diagnosis? Reiki can help increase your resilience as you care for yourself. Worried about the future? Reiki can help you shrink that fear to a more manageable size. Dealing with discomfort or pain from a medical condition? Reiki can provide significant relief. Undergoing treatments? Reiki as a supplementary therapy can help any professional treatment be even more effective. Reiki is approved and used by many hospitals and cancer treatment centers, is noninvasive, is effective in promoting deep relaxation and healing for body, mind, and spirit. Discover what so many others already know ~ whatever you need for greater well-being, Reiki can help! Visit us at ( to learn more.

Rev. C. Scot Giles, D.Min., LLC Convenient Online and In-Person Sessions While you are here, please sign up for our informational Free Report and  PowerLines , our free email newsletter. Just fill out the form below. Check out our videos on YouTube, Instagram and Patreon as well as our weekly podcasts which link th


Another significant study. Reiki works!

From the BMC Palliative Care Journal, June 2024, "Therapeutic effects of Reiki on interventions for anxiety: a meta-analysis" article reported:⁠

"Reiki therapy was found to have a significant effect on anxiety intervention." ⁠

More specifically:⁠

"Short-term Reiki therapy interventions of ≤ 3 sessions and 6–8 sessions have demonstrated effectiveness in reducing health and procedural anxiety in patients with chronic conditions such as gastrointestinal endoscopy inflammation, fibromyalgia, and depression, as well as in the general population."⁠

💞 Share the verified scientific research so we can help Reiki move further into the mainstream as a more accepted form of complementary therapies. ⁠

🔬Research credit: Guo X, Long Y, Qin Z, Fan Y. Therapeutic effects of Reiki on interventions for anxiety: a meta-analysis. BMC Palliat Care. 2024 Jun 13;23(1):147. doi: 10.1186/s12904-024-01439-x. PMID: 38872168; PMCID: PMC11170819.⁠


"Always remember to use Reiki and your life will be filled with joy."

Reiki is more than just a practice; it's a pathway to inner peace, healing, and boundless happiness. Let the positive energy flow through you and watch as joy and serenity fill your life.


Studies are being done ~ and Reiki results are being documented.

"Conclusion: Short-term Reiki therapy interventions of ≤ 3 sessions and 6-8 sessions have demonstrated effectiveness in reducing health and procedural anxiety in patients with chronic conditions such as gastrointestinal endoscopy inflammation, fibromyalgia, and depression, as well as in the general population." —Therapeutic effects of Reiki on interventions for anxiety: a meta-analysis, BMC Palliative Care, June, 2024

For this and more peer-reviewed clinical trials exploring the impact of Reiki, visit:


A hard precept to follow, but liberating!

Thank you, Tianne Dominguez Lastra, for all you do for our Reiki community!

🔥 🔥

The Theology of H.P. Lovecraft - PowerLines from Dr. Giles 06/05/2024

Our newsletter is available now ~ and the last chance to sign up for the June 23 Usui/Holy Fire Level 1 class! Call and leave a message for me at 630-464-1668. Or email me at [email protected] for more information. Class is on Zoom, so you can take part wherever you are!

The Theology of H.P. Lovecraft - PowerLines from Dr. Giles Featuring PowerTalk, our weekly short video plus other things of interest.       PowerLines A quick weekly update on HypnoCoaching, Spirituality and the Hypnotic Arts and Sciences. PowerTalk: Our Free

Your Frame Of Mind Matters - PowerLines from Dr. Giles 05/27/2024

Another newsletter, including the Reiki class information.

Your Frame Of Mind Matters - PowerLines from Dr. Giles Featuring PowerTalk, our weekly short video plus other things of interest.       PowerLines A quick weekly update on HypnoCoaching, Spirituality and the Hypnotic Arts and Sciences. PowerTalk: Our Free

USUI/HOLY FIRE® III REIKI CLASSES — Rev. C. Scot Giles, D.Min., LLC 05/08/2024
Next Level 1 class offered on June 9 OR June 23, on line! Check out our website for more information, and come Be Reiki ~ sharing healing with your friends and relations, your animals, your plants, and most importantly, yourself!

USUI/HOLY FIRE® III REIKI CLASSES — Rev. C. Scot Giles, D.Min., LLC Offering state-of-the-art Reiki Instruction in the Holy Fire III tradition.

USUI/HOLY FIRE® III REIKI CLASSES — Rev. C. Scot Giles, D.Min., LLC 04/20/2024

Are you ready to BE Reiki?
Reiki Level 1 Classes, June 9 OR June 23, 2024!

If you would like to learn a calming, easy, effective way of managing stress, discomfort, personal healing, and overall wellbeing for yourself and your loved ones, I invite you to sign up for one of our next Level 1 Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki classes. Go to and let me know if you’re ready for Reiki!

USUI/HOLY FIRE® III REIKI CLASSES — Rev. C. Scot Giles, D.Min., LLC Offering state-of-the-art Reiki Instruction in the Holy Fire III tradition.

Outdoor Reiki Share 04/19/2024

Sad that I can’t be there, but if you can do it, then do!

Outdoor Reiki Share Come join us for a relaxing and rejuvenating Outdoor Reiki Share, where we'll gather in nature to exchange positive energy and healing vibes


When more info is available, I’ll pass it along!


Yes, magic! Deep relaxation, relief from stress, relief from discomfort (physical, mental, spiritual), plus balancing, healing, and more. Are you ready to meet the magic? Visit and set up a phone call or a visit. (Thank you Garry and the Reiki Healing Association for the image!)


Advice that blends well with the Reiki Precepts: For today only, do not worry, do not get angry. Be grateful. Work diligently. Be kind.

Don’t Have A Poverty Consciousness - PowerLines from Dr. Giles 04/09/2024

Our Practice Newsletter is out ~ check us out! And if you're ready for Reiki, online anywhere or in person in Wheaton, IL, follow the links to Book Now and come see me! or

Don’t Have A Poverty Consciousness - PowerLines from Dr. Giles Featuring PowerTalk, our weekly short video plus other things of interest.       PowerLines A quick weekly update on HypnoCoaching, Spirituality and the Hypnotic Arts and Sciences. PowerTalk: Our Free


Now that Mr. Veetz and I have your attention... Did you know that the effects of Reiki are cumulative? The more often you receive Reiki, the longer the deep relaxation and general mood improvement stay with you. Client recently said she feels noticeably better all week after a Reiki session. Are you ready to check it out? and schedule a call or a session, in person in Wheaton or through Distant Reiki!

Count Your Spoons and Forks - PowerLines from Dr. Giles 03/17/2024

Newsletter time!

Count Your Spoons and Forks - PowerLines from Dr. Giles Featuring PowerTalk, our weekly short video plus other things of interest.       PowerLines A quick weekly update on HypnoCoaching, Spirituality and the Hypnotic Arts and Sciences. PowerTalk: Our Free


Everyone can use Reiki. Check us out at! If you’re in the Wheaton area, sign up for a Reiki session and find out what it’s all about.

The evidence for Reiki keeps piling up! 🔬⁠

A brand new scientific study (January 2024) concludes, "Reiki therapy may not only address specific symptoms but also contribute significantly to a predominant escalation of mental and physical health.” ⁠

👉 Read the full article in the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research:

Balkrishna, Acharya and Katiyar, Prashant and Chauhan, Muskan and Upreti, Jaya and Arya, Vedpriya (2024). Integrated Reiki Therapy for the Treatment and Management of Psychosomatic Disorders: A Pilot Study. Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research, 25 (1). pp. 10-17. ISSN 2456-6276


Yes, there are sessions that do indeed accomplish this great a change! Come experience a session! for more information. Sessions in person or on line ~

We know the saying "in like a lion, out like a lamb" pertains to the month of March, but we're pretty sure they were actually talking about a Reiki session 😉


For this moment only, do not worry - the second Reiki Precept. Worry traps us in a future that has not even arrived - may never arrive - and deprives us of our current precious moment. Do not indulge your worries. Release them. Live well in the present. Live the Precepts. This is "the secret art of inviting happiness" (the Founder, Mikao Usui).



With gratitude to Mainstream Reiki and Reiki Brigade for sharing this information - Reiki energy is real, and the benefits are significant! If you're in the Wheaton area, check out our website - - for more info about Reiki and to make an appointment for your first Reiki session. Reiki Blessings!

"There are probably 60 or more published studies that I can point to that show reiki’s benefit, and yet there’s still this persistent myth that no credible science backs reiki,” says neuroscientist Natalie Dyer, Ph.D.⁠

Reiki has had a hard time making its way into the mainstream as an accepted practice. When I first started learning Reiki, and as a former science teacher, I, too, was skeptical about this technique that I couldn't quite wrap my head around.⁠

When I started to learn more about it, some things 'clicked' with what I knew from physics about energy. ⁠And then I witnessed first-hand the benefits of it for myself and my family. With practice, I became a firm believer in this being a technique that could transform our world. That is why my mission is to bring Reiki further into the mainstream.⁠

Science backs the benefits of Reiki in a recent article published by Forbes Health titled, "What Is Reiki and How Does It Work?" written by Victoria Clayton and medically reviewed by Bojana Jankovic Weatherly, M.D., F.A.C.P., M.Sc. ⁠

🔎 Read the full article here:

Fertility Enhancement — Rev. C. Scot Giles, D.Min., LLC 02/13/2024

Combine hypnosis with Reiki for an even stronger assist in natural fertility. Check out our website (link below) for more information.

Fertility Enhancement — Rev. C. Scot Giles, D.Min., LLC HypnoFertility can help with natural pregnancy or IVF.


Yet another hospital recognizing the benefits of Reiki. Are you ready to explore Reiki? Especially if you’re in the Wheaton area, come check out the Reiki pages at, and set up a time for a no-obligation conversation with me. Mention this post, and get 25% off your first Reiki session!

Western Reserve Hospital, a renown physician-owned hospital in Ohio, reported on the benefits of Reiki:⁠

💜 Increases functioning of the immune system⁠
💜 Decreases levels of depression and anxiety⁠
💜 Positive attitude toward healing⁠
💜 Increased elimination of toxins⁠
💜 Decreased levels of nausea and fatigue⁠
💜 Decreased level of fear⁠
💜 Increased relaxation⁠
💜 Promotes restful sleep⁠
💜 Elevates mood⁠
💜 Increases appetite⁠
💜 Decreases reported pain level⁠
💜 Decreases reported isolation and loneliness⁠

Think of Reiki as a tool for balancing your whole system.⁠

Give Reiki a try on the Mainstream Reiki YouTube channel. Hundreds of videos are available for specific focus areas:


A good, succinct description of Reiki. Is it time for you to have a Reiki experience? Visit us at and book a free phone consultation to find out. Mention this post for 25% off your first appointment!

A common predicament is how to quickly explain Reiki?

Reiki is a powerful, ancient Japanese healing technique that harnesses universal energy to promote balance, healing, and well-being in the body, mind, and spirit. By channeling this life force energy through gentle touch, it aids in reducing stress, enhancing relaxation, and supporting the body's natural healing processes. It's a non-invasive, holistic approach that complements traditional medical treatments and is accessible to everyone, regardless of age or health condition. Think of Reiki as a key that unlocks your body's innate healing capabilities, leading to a more harmonious, healthy, and balanced life.


When was the last time someone offered Reiki to you?

Rev. C. Scot Giles, D.Min., LLC 01/30/2024

Hypnosis and Reiki make a powerful healing combination. Come to our website and check us out!

Rev. C. Scot Giles, D.Min., LLC Convenient Online and In-Person Sessions While you are here, please sign up for our informational Free Report and  PowerLines , our free email newsletter. Just fill out the form below. Check out our videos on YouTube, Instagram and Patreon as well as our weekly podcasts which link th

Why Conspiracy Theories? — Rev. C. Scot Giles, D.Min., LLC 01/30/2024

Why Conspiracy Theories? — Rev. C. Scot Giles, D.Min., LLC “Why do people keep creating farfetched tales that others are in control? Such things are corrosive to the love and connection that is supposed to tie us together. I will try to explain that, and how a loving and generous spirit can be a remedy.”


In April 2023, ran an article stating, "Delaware nurses say integrative health care—like reiki, aromatherapy and Healing Touch—continues to grow in popularity at their mainstream medical practices."

Let's cheer for Reiki, making its way further into the MAINSTREAM! 👏👏👏

Read the full article here:

Article written by Natalie Orga.
Photo courtesy of Christiana Hospital.

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1211 Pershing Avenue
Wheaton, IL

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 8pm
Saturday 9am - 8pm

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