Mission Eurasia

Our mission is to train and equip the Next Generation of Christian leaders in Eurasia.

Mission Eurasia, formerly known as Russian Ministries, equips tomorrow's Christian leaders through School Without Walls in Eurasia by providing non-formal training in biblical knowledge, practical skills and supplying ministry tools to transform a community for Christ.

Photos from Mission Eurasia's post 09/07/2024

Amid the darkness of war in Ukraine, the light of God's Word continues to shine brightly!

We recently shared the incredible news of 100,000 Ukrainian Bibles, featuring the contemporary translation by R. Turkonyak, being delivered to Ukraine. Now, we are receiving photos from their recent distribution, and the response has been remarkable!

Anatoliy Kozachok, Senior Bishop of the Ukrainian Pentecostal Church, wrote us a heartfelt letter of thanks for the 18,000 Bibles provided to their association for distribution across churches throughout Ukraine. He shared, “As you know, in Ukraine, in the last 33 years of freedom for preaching the gospel, there is a thirst for God’s Word. Very often, people ask for a New Testament, and after that, they ask for food.”

You can help meet this growing need for spiritual nourishment! Join us in bringing the hope and truth of God’s Word to even more people in Ukraine by supporting the printing of additional Bibles at https://buff.ly/4dw1A5K. Every contribution makes a difference in transforming lives.


We are actively printing New Testaments in five Central Asian countries, translated into their national languages! This vital effort brings the Word of God to local communities and equips School Without Walls students and graduates for ministry. In Azerbaijan alone, 10,000 New Testaments have already been delivered to our School Without Walls center, and distribution is underway.

In honor of the , will you give a gift today at https://buff.ly/3TeY208 to help us reach even more people with the life-changing message of the Gospel? Your generous contribution can bring hope and transformation to those who need it most through the power of Scripture!


Natalia and her two sons fled Ukraine when the war began, initially seeking refuge in Spain. After a year there, they relocated to Moldova. Life in Spain was challenging, especially for her younger son, who is autistic. Despite the mild winter climate, finding the specific foods for his strict diet proved difficult. In Moldova, those challenges are easier to manage.

However, her life is far from easy, particularly due to the added care her younger son requires. Her 15-year-old son misses Ukraine deeply, yearning to return to his father. Natalia, too, would go back if she could, but her younger son's fear of air raid sirens and bombings weighs heavily on her. She remains in Moldova, determined to shield him from further trauma.

Often dressed in black, Natalia was overjoyed to receive jewelry from our partners at the Children's Hunger Fund, a thoughtful gift that brings a touch of brightness to her modest wardrobe and hope to her heart.

To learn more about how we're physically and spiritually helping Ukrainian refugees, visit https://buff.ly/3OnsX93. Your gift today can help make a difference.

Photos from Mission Eurasia's post 09/04/2024

Praise the Lord! 100,000 copies of “Keys for Kids” and 100,000 copies of “Unlocked” devotionals for children and teenagers have been printed just in time for the children to return to school! These resources are incredibly popular among Ukrainian children.

On behalf of the countless children and their parents in Ukraine who are yearning for words of hope, we are deeply grateful to our partners, Keys for Kids Ministries, for their generous and unwavering support in providing these invaluable devotionals!

These materials are so well-developed and essential for those working with Ukrainian refugees and displaced children in Ukraine, Moldova, and Poland.

To learn more about how we're helping Ukrainian refugees, visit https://buff.ly/3MBf4Sg.


Anastasia had to endure life under occupation in her village, Kovsharivka, in the Kupiansk district, which was under Russian control for an extended period. She vividly remembers the day her father came home, his face filled with worry, and said, “I don't know what to do next…” For ten long months, Anastasia's family lived in isolation, completely cut off from the outside world, unaware of what was happening in Ukraine.

Anastasia recalls, “It was very unsettling to encounter Russian soldiers on the street. We never knew what such an encounter might lead to. But the most terrifying time was during the de-occupation... On one hand, we felt immense joy, but on the other, we feared the heavy shelling that might start—and it did…”
Eventually, they were evacuated to a dormitory in Kharkiv.

Anastasia went with her grandmother, while her mother stayed behind to protect their home. During this time, Anastasia struggled deeply with depression, feeling as though life had ended and that nothing would ever be good again.

Then, she received a Keys for Kids Ministries teen devotional titled Unlocked from our team. In a conversation with our Mission Eurasia volunteer, she shared, “It was as if the Lord Himself decided to help me sort through my feelings because I believed that Christians shouldn't fall into such a state. But after reading the chapter ‘Can a Christian Be Depressed?’ it was like my eyes were opened. I realized that I was okay. And now I'm on the path to recovery.”

Unlocked has since become Anastasia's go-to book.

We want to give a heartfelt thank you to Keys for Kids Ministries for being a beacon of hope in Anastasia's life and the lives of so many others. Their generous partnership and donations help make an eternal impact!

To learn more about how we’re helping Ukrainian children find hope and healing, visit https://buff.ly/3Z9sfBA.

Photos from Mission Eurasia's post 08/31/2024

Russia continues its brutal attacks on Ukraine, and right after Ukraine's Independence Day celebrations, it launched a massive missile strike across all regions of the country. Thankfully, most of the missiles were intercepted, but some still hit their targets.

Zaporizhzhia, one of Ukraine's frontline cities, was hit by six missile strikes that day. Danil, a young boy, heard the explosions and, shouting “Mama,” ran to his parents, diving under a blanket in fear. He was terrified by the missile that had struck the city. His parents immediately comforted him. “Don’t cry, little one, everything will be alright. God will protect us,” his father, Sasha, reassured him. After some warm hugs from his parents, Danil calmed down, but it took him a long time to shake off the fear.

Every Saturday, Danil’s parents take him to the children's Christian clubs at the Reimer Center, a place that has been assisting displaced people since the war began. Danil loves these clubs because he has many friends there. He doesn’t want to leave Zaporizhzhia, but he’s fearful of the explosions and the moments when gunfire is heard, taking down enemy drones.

Today, thousands of children like Danil live in Zaporizhzhia—children who fear the explosions and whose peaceful, carefree childhoods have been stolen from them. These children hope each attack will be the last and dream of peace and safety.

Peace and safety are what Ukrainian children have the chance to experience at our Summer Bible camps and other children’s events. Please consider supporting our ministry at https://buff.ly/3TahHhV so that we can bring hope and healing to young Ukrainians through the Gospel.

Photos from Mission Eurasia's post 08/30/2024

These photos, taken Tuesday morning by Vladimir, the head of our humanitarian warehouse in Zaporizhzhia, capture the resilience of Ukraine as they face unimaginable hardship and war.

Less than 2 miles from where these images were shot, a missile struck a residential area, devastating around 20 homes and claiming the lives of multiple innocent people. Our volunteers are there now, offering whatever comfort and support they can to those left in the wake of this tragedy.

The attack not only shattered lives but also deepened the struggle for basic necessities. For a brief, hopeful month, the power grid in Ukraine had stabilized, bringing a sense of normalcy back to homes where electricity was finally reliable again. But the assault, which targeted vital energy infrastructure, plunged the city back into darkness.

Once again, the hum of generators fills the air, and people scramble to find places where they can charge their phones and stay connected to the ones they love, a lifeline in these uncertain times.

The war in Ukraine drags on, unrelenting in its cruelty. Yet, as long as there is an enemy to fight, there are also heroes who rise to meet the challenge. Our team and other Christians working tirelessly to provide aid know that their mission cannot falter. In the face of fear and destruction, they carry on, driven by faith and compassion, bringing light to the darkest corners of this ongoing conflict.

We ask for your support in providing critical supplies, including generators, to those in need, and we humbly request your prayers for strength and peace for everyone in these devastating times. Give today at https://buff.ly/46T8H5c.

Photos from Mission Eurasia's post 08/28/2024

Ukraine recently endured its most massive missile attack yet, shortly after its Independence Day. In fact, the explosions near Anna's new home in Zaporizhzhia were deafening.

She described how her 3-year-old daughter Karina slept through the blasts, but she grabbed her, rushed into the hallway, laid a blanket on the floor, and waited for the air raid to end. Though terrified of the constant bombardment, what shattered Anna's heart most was her 14-year-old son’s response: “After this attack, my older son told me that if a missile were to hit our building, he would rather die instantly than be trapped under the rubble or become disabled,” she told the Reimer Center team where she sought aid after the attack.

This tragic sentiment is, unfortunately, common among those who have endured the horrors of war, whether firsthand or through the news. Everyone knows it could happen to any of them. The leaders at Reimer Center do their best to encourage the people they serve, though they, too, struggle with the same fears. Yet, they find strength in their faith in God, which they share with others.

Despite the intensifying shelling and constant threat from missile strikes and UAV attacks, with air raid sirens sometimes lasting all day, the Reimer Center in Zaporizhzhia remains a lifeline. It continues to operate, offering crucial support to displaced people and locals grappling with the financial crisis. The center also provides a haven for children, hosting activities like a children's club, English lessons, youth meetings, and workshops—even if these events sometimes have to be held in the basement for safety.

In the face of fear and overwhelming challenges, our team at the Reimer Center remains steadfast, knowing they cannot afford to stop bringing hope, help, and healing to all who walk through their doors.

To learn how you too can help Ukrainians in need, visit https://buff.ly/3MmBt63.


As relentless Russian missile attacks continue to devastate cities across Ukraine, a powerful response of faith is emerging. Local pastors, churches, and city leaders are turning to God, seeking His protection and wisdom in these dark times. Among them, the mayor of Korosten, Volodymyr Moskalenko, has issued a heartfelt video, calling for spiritual unity.

We at Mission Eurasia are deeply grateful for his unwavering support in spreading the Gospel and drawing Ukrainians closer to God during this crisis. Our team recently printed Bibles that are now being used in the city’s prayer breakfasts and meetings. One even sits on his desk in the video. In addition, at the mayor's request, our Summer of Hope camps have found a home in the heart of Korosten’s main square, offering a beacon of hope and faith in these challenging times.

Join us in prayer for Ukraine, asking God to protect and strengthen its people as they stand firm in their faith. Let us lift up the pastors, leaders, and communities working tirelessly to spread hope and the Gospel in these challenging times.

Learn more about how we are serving Ukraine at https://buff.ly/4dL2ooc.

Photos from Mission Eurasia's post 08/25/2024

In the midst of unimaginable challenges, our Summer Bible camps in Ukraine and across Eurasia offer children a sanctuary of hope and joy. Here, they find a reprieve from their daily struggles, experiencing the love of fellowship, engaging in fun activities, and most importantly, learning about Jesus.

For many of these children, our Summer Bible camps are their only opportunity to hear the message of Christ's love and salvation. Your support can help us continue to bring the light of Jesus to children who need hope now more than ever.

Join us in making an eternal difference by supporting our Summer Bible camps today at https://buff.ly/3AAT5YZ.


Nadezhda, a resilient refugee from Odesa, Ukraine, fled the relentless shelling that has plagued her city since the war began. Blind from birth, she faced unimaginable challenges navigating the chaos of air raid sirens and the need to seek shelter swiftly. Recognizing her vulnerability, friends helped her cross the border into Moldova, where she found safety.

Our Mission Eurasia team in Chisinau, Moldova, first met Nadezhda two years ago when she sought our assistance. It quickly became clear that she is a remarkable woman, well-educated and passionate about various interests and hobbies. We invited her to join our women’s meetings for refugees, and she has since become a regular and valued participant, bringing her insightful perspectives and warm presence to every discussion.

When we presented her with handmade jewelry donated by our partners at the Children's Hunger Fund, Nadezhda was so excited. She eagerly explored the beads and bracelets by touch and was curious about all the colors and shades. The color scheme was very important to her and the beads have become a staple in her summer outfits. She often wears them with joy and is grateful for such a wonderful gift.

To help us bring hope and healing to more Ukrainian refugees, visit https://buff.ly/41imDCm.

Photos from Mission Eurasia's post 08/22/2024

Our team received a valuable resource from our partners at COPEKIT to support refugees in Poland—COPECARDS. These cards provide five specific self-help steps for managing panic, anxiety, and stress, making them an essential tool in our outreach efforts. We incorporate these cards into weekly sessions with Ukrainian teenagers and a Christian psychologist, where they learn strategies to overcome past trauma.

These weekly meetings not only assist Ukrainian adolescents in processing their traumatic experiences but also equip them with practical skills to apply the COPECARD principles in their daily lives. This guidance is crucial as they navigate the challenges of adapting to a new country, school environment, and life circumstances.

One such session made a significant impact on a girl named Kira, who frequently experienced intense fear during homework checks at school, leading to body tremors and speech difficulties. Grateful for the support, Kira shared that she now plans to follow the COPECARD instructions whenever she encounters a similar situation, confident that it will help her quickly manage a panic attack.

To learn more about how we're helping Ukrainian refugees this summer, visit https://buff.ly/4du6hO3.

Photos from Mission Eurasia's post 08/21/2024

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the remarkable volunteers from Brentwood Baptist Church, The Church at Station Hill, and The Church At Harpeth Heights. These dedicated individuals traveled to Moldova on a mission filled with love, selflessness, and unwavering commitment.

Their efforts to serve the children of Ukrainian refugees and those in need from Moldovan villages are truly inspiring. Despite facing challenges such as hot weather, jet lag, and long days, they worked tirelessly alongside the youth team from Church Without Walls. Together, they shared the light of the Gospel and a message of hope, reaching over 250 children and providing them with a much-needed escape from the tragedies and anxieties of their lives. The warmth of their kindness will forever be remembered by the children they touched.

Thank you for helping us make an eternal impact!

Photos from Mission Eurasia's post 08/20/2024

The Bread of Life bakery in Korosten, Ukraine, recently hosted a heartfelt gathering at the Church of Faith, Hope, and Love for the families of Ukrainian soldiers. This event brought together church members and the soldiers’ families in a spirit of unity and care, where they baked bread together and shared tea, creating a warm and supportive environment.

One particularly touching moment was when a soldier’s wife brought her eleven-year-old son, Serhiy, who put his heart into kneading the dough, hoping his stepfather would enjoy the bread he made. Another moving story was that of an uncle of a serviceman, who, despite his disappointment at not being recruited, came to offer his help in any way he could.

The gathering concluded with the assembly of care packages for the soldiers, followed by a prayer for their safety. This led to forming a new prayer group, uniting families and church members in ongoing support for their loved ones on the front lines. The bakery’s mission extends beyond simply providing bread; it’s about fostering a sense of community, offering solace, and standing together in meaningful and impactful ways.

Help support our Bread of Life bakeries and other ministries in Ukraine by giving today at https://buff.ly/4dwKPba.

Photos from Mission Eurasia's post 08/19/2024

Our teams in Moldova are dedicated to bringing hope and relief to Ukrainian refugee families daily! Through our Summer Bible camps, we create a safe space where children can find joy, spiritual nourishment, and a true sense of belonging. And the care doesn’t stop there—our teams also provide essential food supplies to the families, offering a lifeline as they navigate the overwhelming challenges of their refugee journey. Will you support our ministries in Ukraine at https://buff.ly/4dprwQY?

Together, we offer love, compassion, and unwavering support during these difficult times to those who need it most.

Photos from Mission Eurasia's post 08/18/2024

In Chernivtsi, Ukraine, the local iCare center’s Mission Eurasia team is hard at work, distributing Bread of Life bread to those in need on the streets. It’s truly heartwarming to witness families and young people coming together to serve, offering not only physical sustenance but also spiritual hope to a community enduring the harsh realities of war and displacement. Their collective efforts bring light and comfort to those who are struggling, reminding us all of the power of compassion and the strength found in unity!

Join us in this mission—donate today at https://buff.ly/46Poi70 and be a part of this incredible journey of hope and healing!


13-year-old Myroslava attended a camp at Nepokolovetska School in the Chernivtsi Oblast, where 200 children gathered, most of them non-Christians and refugees from across Ukraine.

Myroslava lived in Brovary in the Kyiv Oblast before the war where she enjoyed school, friends, and swimming. But on February 24, everything changed. Waking to strange sounds, she realized it was war. Her grandfather joined the Ukrainian army, and her family took refuge in a school basement for a month and a half, only venturing out for food every few days.

Volunteers evacuated her family along with her grandmother amid shelling. Myroslava misses her home, toys, school, and friends. She feels like a foreigner, wondering when the war will end and if her home will survive. She mourns the loss of her childhood.

Her grandmother, guided by faith, taught her to pray, believing God led them to safety. She often says, “It’s God who made our path cross with that of Mykola and other brothers and sisters.”

Our Summer of Hope camp brought Myroslava back to her childhood with laughter, games, and joy. She is grateful to God and those who helped her feel happiness again. Praise be to Jesus!

Help us bring the hope and happiness that can only be found in Jesus to more young people in Ukraine by sponsoring our Summer of Hope camps: https://buff.ly/46OqStQ


Meet Gennadiy, a van driver who plays a vital role in the small village of Velyki Luchky. Each morning, he sets out early, ensuring residents have fresh bread right at their doorstep, saving them the trip across the village to the bakery. Originally from Dnipro, Gennadiy had to flee his home with his family due to the war, losing his job and property. Now, in Velyki Luchky, he supports his wife and two daughters by delivering bread to the community.

His service is especially meaningful to the elderly, like 76-year-old Kateryna, who lives on the village's edge. Gennadiy’s deliveries ensure she always has something to treat her grandchildren with when they visit. But Gennadiy’s work goes beyond just delivering bread; it’s a lifeline for his family and a source of connection for the villagers.

Recently, Gennadiy asked for a New Testament, revealing his interest in faith. On our trip with him, we noticed how warmly the villagers greeted his van, not just for the bread but also for the companionship. This time, thanks to Mission Eurasia, they also received New Testaments and invitations to a church service near the bakery. By the end of the day, as Gennadiy loaded a new batch of bread, we left him a New Testament, hopeful that we’ll soon see him in church alongside those he serves so faithfully.

Help us reach more Ukrainians with the Good News and humanitarian aid by visiting: https://buff.ly/4cuxcry


As the only child in her family, Nastya enjoyed a wonderful life before the war. She attended school and spent time with her friends, classmates, and extended family members. However, everything changed on February 24. On that day, she heard the explosions that marked the beginning of the conflict. In the spring, her town was occupied, and for a month and a half, she and her family were forced to take shelter in their cellar due to the frequent shelling, which occurred two or three times a day.

One terrifying day, a Russian soldier fired his machine gun into the floor of their house and then went out into the yard searching for them. Thankfully, they were hiding in the cellar. In an extraordinary act of courage, Nastya's grandmother emerged from the cellar and wrested the machine gun from the soldier, who was drunk at the time. She then threw the weapon behind a fence, driven by fear and a deep desire to protect her family. Though they were safe, the ordeal took a toll on Nastya, leading to nervous breakdowns.

Luckily, attending a Summer of Hope camp afterward had a profoundly positive impact on Nastya. She began engaging in sports and other activities she enjoyed, which also uplifted her parents and friends. Nastya is deeply grateful to God for protecting her family, and she extends her heartfelt thanks to the people from the church for organizing the camp, which has given her such wonderful memories.

Help more children attend Summer camps and learn about the hope found in Jesus by visiting: https://buff.ly/3QEX5xE


13-year-old Olya comes from a large family, with one brother and three sisters. Her father works on a farm, and her mother is disabled, making it difficult for the family to afford summer holidays. Our Summer of Hope camp was Olya's first opportunity to leave Bessarabka for a vacation, and spending five days in nature, living in a tent, was an incredible adventure for her. Every moment was filled with wonder, as the other kids warmly included her in their play and relaxation.

Olya quickly integrated into the group and her participation in the morning Bible lessons was especially impressive. She was attentive and eager to learn new things. After the camp, she was invited to join the youth club, and she gladly accepted.

At this camp, Olya experienced firsthand that God brings kids from different backgrounds together, allowing them to form friendships regardless of their family's financial situation. This experience has given her confidence in life, her interactions at school, and with new people. More importantly, she has developed a deep relationship with the Lord, who now guides her in her everyday life.

To help more children like Olya have life-changing experiences, please consider donating to our Summer camps at https://buff.ly/4fHxX3w. Your support can make a world of difference for kids who otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to enjoy a summer holiday and learn about Jesus.


Stanislav, a displaced person from the Donetsk region, spoke with tears in his eyes as he recalled the life he once had. Once a well-off and successful businessman, his world was shattered by the onset of war. Years of hard work, energy, and time were lost, leaving him in a situation where he said he was "forced to ask for help."

The many stressful situations and traumatic events he has endured have taken a toll on his health, making hospitals and pharmacies a frequent part of his life. His health has significantly deteriorated, and he expressed deep gratitude to the doctors at our mobile clinic who have shown him kindness and care. "Honestly, I desperately needed help for my soul, not just my body, and I received it. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!" Stanislav said.

Stanislav's story is a powerful reminder of the ongoing need for support in communities devastated by war. If you are moved by his story, please consider donating to our mobile clinics at https://buff.ly/46LS7oJ, which provide vital medical, spiritual, and emotional care to those in desperate need. Your contribution can make a profound difference in the lives of people like Stanislav.

Photos from Mission Eurasia's post 08/11/2024

As people read the Word of God, talk to believers, and attend church, their hearts are changed, and they want to get baptized. In July, Wings of Faith Church in Kyiv, long-standing and faithful partners of Mission Eurasia, welcomed four new members!

Pastor Dmytro Kaznodyi shared, "All those baptized have been through a lot. We evacuated them from Eastern Ukraine at various times. They held off on leaving until the very last moment because they didn’t know how to live in a new place..."

Anna, one of those baptized this summer, was evacuated from Novodonetske, a village in the Kramatorsk district of the Donetsk region. At just 18 years old, due to the war, she has already experienced more than many of us ever will. Today, Anna thanks God that He has been present with her and continues leading her. She sees His hand in every aspect of her life and is grateful to have entrusted her life to the Heavenly Father.

As we celebrate these powerful testimonies of faith and transformation, we are reminded of the incredible impact that summer Bible camps can have on the lives of young people like Anna. These camps offer a safe haven where children and teenagers can encounter God’s love, grow in their faith, and find hope amidst challenging circumstances. Together, we can sow seeds of faith that will bear fruit for generations to come. Give today at https://buff.ly/3YDomoc.

Photos from Mission Eurasia's post 08/10/2024

As Proverbs 22:6 states, we must “train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

The new edition of "Keys For Kids" and "Unlocked," a devotional for teens, are intended to help ministers in Ukraine present the principles of life with the Lord to children in an accessible way.

These guides are crafted in a workbook format, combining both theoretical insights and practical applications. Each page is filled with questions that encourage deep reflection, helping young readers to examine their thoughts and actions, ultimately leading them to meaningful answers.

We are so incredibly thankful for Keys for Kids Ministries who covered the printing of 200,000 copies for Ukrainian youth! Young Ukrainians have already embraced these guides and are growing in their faith!

Help us reach more children and teens for Christ by visiting https://buff.ly/4clo34J and giving generously.

Photos from Mission Eurasia's post 08/09/2024

We are thrilled to announce that, by God’s grace, we have been able to print and distribute 100,000 copies of the Ukrainian Bible in a Modern Translation! This translation is the culmination of years of dedicated effort by a team of translators, linguists, and biblical scholars, under the leadership of Rafail Turkoniak, a renowned expert in ancient languages.

Previous translations were often challenging for the current generation to fully grasp, but this modern version is receiving high praise from both believers and non-believers alike for its clarity and depth. We pray that God’s Word will bring peace, comfort, and spiritual renewal to the hearts of those in need.

To learn more about supporting our Scripture distribution efforts, visit https://buff.ly/4dw1A5K.

Photos from Mission Eurasia's post 08/08/2024

Let's help keep the light and hope alive in the homes of Ukrainians! Russian missile attacks continue to destroy vital systems, including power, leaving hundreds of thousands of people in total darkness, deprived of light, the ability to store food, and the means to connect with the world. That's why there is a strong need for generators.

Mission Eurasia has brought another batch of generators to Ukraine, each capable of providing energy to 2-3 houses, a church, or a small clinic. We want to express our deepest gratitude to our loyal donors for their steadfast generosity in supporting our mission to help those in need in Ukraine!

To help us bring hope and help to more Ukrainians, give today at https://buff.ly/3SF8ZYC. Without your support, our ministry wouldn't be possible.


We ask that you urgently pray for believers who are in Russian captivity. Among them is Marharyta Kharenko.

Mykhailo Brytsyn shares her story: “Marharyta was arrested in January 2023. For a long time, we had no information about her. Later, we learned she had been taken to Rostov-on-Don (Russia) and sentenced to 20 years in prison for so-called ‘extremist activity.’ Her current location remains unknown. Please pray for her.”

You can read more about Marharyta's story at https://buff.ly/3AgcbUj and see that her alleged “extremist activity” was simply speaking Ukrainian and attending a Baptist church in Melitopol, which is now occupied by Russian forces.

Please also pray for other believers in the occupied territories, who face daily pressure, threats, and restrictions due to their faith, and for those in captivity, that they may be released soon.

To learn how you can pray for more requests, sign up for our Prayer Initiative emails by visiting https://buff.ly/3Ry7QBr.

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Videos (show all)

As relentless Russian missile attacks continue to devastate cities across Ukraine, a powerful response of faith is emerg...
Summer of Hope
Russia has seized many religious buildings in Ukraine. What are they doing with them? Discover the answer, as well as di...
We loved Mike Pence and Sam Brownback’s panels at the International Religious Freedom Summit! Listen to what they have t...
We express our heartfelt gratitude for enabling us to deliver vital humanitarian aid, Scripture resources, and Gifts of ...
Braving the dangers, our teams remain unwavering in delivering essential aid to the frontlines in Ukraine. Your prayers ...
This is compassion in action and resilience in the face of adversity. As a lifeline in the midst of chaos, our mobile me...
Mission Eurasia's iCare Ministry Center in Chernivtsi, Ukraine, led by Pastor Vyacheslav Nagirnyak, has done absolutely ...
Mission Eurasia's president, Sergey Rakhuba, is currently in Ukraine with our iCare ministry team, assisting hundreds of...
Since last Tuesday, when Russian forces attacked the Nova Kakhovka dam, the already war-weary people of Kherson, Ukraine...
URGENT FROM UKRAINE: On Tuesday, Russian forces attacked the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station, causing the dam to co...


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