Renée Cloutier, Psychic Medium & Healer

Renée Cloutier, Psychic Medium & Healer

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Psychic Medium Readings, Reiki Energy Healing,
Guided Healing Meditations, Combo Sessions

Renée is a gifted Psychic Medium & Healer, dedicated to supporting and serving you within the highest source of unconditional love, divine light, profound healing and truth. For more information about Renée, client testimonials, offerings, to book a session, or to reach out with questions, please connect through her website:


Send a message to learn more


Good morning and happy Friday, dear souls. Bringing you a little guidance from the Divine Animals Oracle deck, along with the most soothing waves of loving energy from my heart to yours. May your weekend be everything you need and then some.



Trust in yourself, your intuition, and your relationship with spirit. Build on that to break free from self imposed limitations and behaviors that hold you back.

Horse : Freedom

To be truly free, we must learn true independence. Trust yourself, as listening to people who may have other agendas is not the way to make good clear decisions. Individuation from our parents is a natural process, although it is often fraught with difficulty on both sides. Your true power resides in your ability to always know you have a choice and it is yours to make.

Horse magic is profoundly free and powerful. To ride a horse at full gallop is to experience a sacred bolt of the most primal liberty. When you are feeling trapped or small, expand your field by calling for their energy. There is also a long history in physical and mental healing with horse energy, and this can be used when you are ill or unstable. Horse energy invokes calm and solid presence, and can be used to quiet your spirit if you are feeling disturbed.

Horse magic is also an expression on trust: a powerful horse could go anywhere it wants, yet it is willing to be led. A person trusts the horse to be surefooted, leap and run away from danger, while the horse trusts the human to be its partner, to not hinder, to take care of it, to guide it. It can be a very deep bond if you allow it to be.

If you are ever doubting yourself or feeling trapped, engage some horse power, expand your field by calling for their energy.




There are so many ways to love on your body-mind-spirit. May we all make those better choices for our wellness!

"Food nourishes the brain, infusing it with essential nutrients. Music stimulates the brain, boosting creativity and mood. Travel expands the brain, fostering adaptability and new perspectives. Sunlight enhances mental well-being and energy levels. Reading stimulates imagination and cognitive functions. Learning builds new neural connections and skills. Laughter releases endorphins and reduces stress. Gratitude promotes happiness and resilience. Movement improves coordination and mental clarity. Meditation fosters mindfulness and emotional balance. Breathwork enhances focus and relaxation. Community strengthens social bonds and support systems. Quality sleep restores and rejuvenates cognitive functions. Time in nature reduces anxiety and boosts creativity. Positive thoughts foster a more optimistic outlook. Acts of kindness increase feelings of fulfillment and connection." -Wild Woman Sisterhood


Food nourishes the brain, infusing it with essential nutrients. Music stimulates the brain, boosting creativity and mood. Travel expands the brain, fostering adaptability and new perspectives. Sunlight enhances mental well-being and energy levels. Reading stimulates imagination and cognitive functions. Learning builds new neural connections and skills. Laughter releases endorphins and reduces stress. Gratitude promotes happiness and resilience. Movement improves coordination and mental clarity. Meditation fosters mindfulness and emotional balance. Breathwork enhances focus and relaxation. Community strengthens social bonds and support systems. Quality sleep restores and rejuvenates cognitive functions. Time in nature reduces anxiety and boosts creativity. Positive thoughts foster a more optimistic outlook. Acts of kindness increase feelings of fulfillment and connection. 🌿


Sometimes it’s the little things that bring the greatest gratitude:

😴 No alarm to wake to

☕️ That first sip of coffee

✅ A shortened to-do list

❤️ Prioritizing myself

What are you grateful for today?


Solid advice.


One of my most favorite and frequent session experiences!

Ready to remember-reclaim-reconnect with your innate power? I’d love to help:


An absolute dream home and sanctuary! Know anyone looking? Share this gem...

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“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” - Marianne Williamson

Yes. Yes. YES.

Please, never dim your light for the sake of anyone else. Be you. All of you. Let yourself be seen. Let your freak flag fly. Because all of the wonderful and weird that makes you "you"... that's what shines. That’s what this world needs.


If you’ve been feeling lackluster and would love to welcome in the guidance and healing that can lead you back to your heart, your light, your shine… reach out. Let's embrace you in unconditional love, divine light, profound healing and truth.

Love and blessings, always, in all ways,



The Mastery of Self is a book by don Miguel Ruiz Jr.




For anyone out there, like me, who was unaware a plant with this name exists… you’re welcome.



Good morning sweet souls. Dropping in with a message for you from the Wild Runes deck. Take what resonates and put it into action. One small step is all it takes.

Love and great-gratitude,


Consider any past experiences that you may be ruminating over, the habits (thoughts, feelings, actions) that are out of alignment with what you truly want to experience, and begin putting new practices into place that will serve you, support you, and light your way.

Change may be difficult but it is never impossible. And you hold the key. Let go of the past. Release what holds you back and let your heart-light lead you forward into greater opportunities, magic, joy, and abundance.


Dagaz (pronounced: DAH-gaz)

Associations: Day, Sunrise, Light after Darkness, Spring, Joy, Abundance, Expansion, Protection, Growth, Healing

Charge: The dawn of a new day is upon you. Welcome it with open arms, without fear, without worry. Allow the good that is all around you to reach you, beckoning you forward. Accept the invitation to step into this space of happiness and celebration, unencumbered from your past.

History and lore: Thought to be a rune that could connect the left and right side of the brain, it is said that by drawing Dagaz across the third eye, one can achieve connection and enlightenment. It is widely thought to be a gift from the gods; the ability to creatively reconcile and become illuminated by the polar aspects of ourselves, as humans. This twenty-third rune was also seen as a symbol of protection of social gatherings, and homes. Dagaz guarded all occasions of joy, love and light-heartedness against all forces that sought to disrupt the healing and exuberant heart.

Chakras: Solar Plexus, Heart, Third Eye

Elements: Fire, Air

Tarot: The Empress, The Sun, Three of Cups

Invocation: Eyes turned to the sky, I draw the power of the Sun’s rays into my belly, heart, and mind. I allow the warmth to clear the cobwebs of struggle, of dismay, and open my arms to accept the promise of this new dawning day.




In this post, I have highlighted some things that may feel really hard to do in the moment, but are actually signs of self-respect.

A healthy level of self-respect gives us the confidence to make choices that align with our values, what we stand for, and allow us to maintain a sense of agency and autonomy in our lives.

Without it, we are vulnerable to being in situations that harm our mental health, lead to self-sabotage, and can result in low self-esteem.

What else would you add to this list?

Take care of your mind and body. Love, Nawal ♥️


Whoever finds a bay leaf in their bowl gets to kiss the cook. I’m the cook. And I may have added extra.

Photos from Renée Cloutier, Psychic Medium & Healer's post 05/06/2024

Monday joy bringers.


Warrior Goddess Training is the #1 bestselling book for women only. See the link in our BIO to READ TWO FREE CHAPTERS OR visit


OMG, you guys… This full moon! It aint effin’ around.

I was wide awake before 5am with a long line of bu****it parading through my mind and a volcano of emotions ready to erupt. The discomfort of it… INTENSE.

It took all my efforts (great gratitude for grounding, deep breathing, and gentle movement) to sit with the hurtful moments replaying. To stay present with the anger and sadness rising. To dive deep into the inferno without resorting to numbing distractions (and without losing my ever-lovin’ mind).

Fast forward an hour or three (great gratitude for reflection, journaling, and energetic cleansing) and suddenly, something lifted. And with it, one single message dropped in for me. One simple sentence that felt like the calm after the storm and the key to my heart…

“It is your responsibility to honor your worth.”

This is not negotiable. No matter what. You can’t convince others to see it. And you can’t truly know your worth, and live in it, until you let go of thinking that it comes from anyone else but you.

Honor your worth. You are whole.

After this ah-ha moment, I sat with the Divine Animals Oracle deck to pull a card… and wouldn’t ya know it. A perfectly aligned message. It echoes for you, too.

Honor your worth. You are whole.


Deer : Power

You are enough; you are worthy. Ethics are a part of building genuine personal power. Stand strong in front of bullies, and hold your boundaries tenaciously. Be proud of what you have achieved, but humble in your outlook.

Artemis is often depicted with deer by her side. For the huntress who abhors cruelty and is a protectress of the forest, the deer are a symbol of both aspects. Deer or the stag have been symbols of power in many cultures, and symbols in royal heraldry in Europe and Norseland countries.

The magic : Deer magic is all about personal power. When you feel powerless or small, imagine a stag with a crown of antlers standing by you, lending you its presence and strength. Deer energy is also great for healing a weak body and for going on astral journeys, as the Norse did in seidr magic.

**kery ****it

Pink Full Moon in Scorpio, 23rd April 2024 04/23/2024

"Transformation and Healing: The Scorpio Full Moon is a powerful time for letting go of old patterns and wounds that no longer serve you. This lunar event supports deep healing, asking us to dive into the emotional depths and address what we usually avoid or suppress.
Intensity and Passion: Feelings can be more intense during a Scorpio Full Moon, bringing passions—both positive and negative—to the surface. Relationships may feel the heat as hidden aspects come into the open, demanding honesty and vulnerability.
Revelation and Insight: With its connection to the unseen, a Scorpio Full Moon can bring secrets to light or deepen your understanding of complex situations. This is an excellent time for research, investigation, and discovering hidden aspects of your life or personality.
Power and Control: Issues around power dynamics may emerge, challenging you to consider where you feel empowered or disempowered. It's a period to reassess how you wield power and influence in your personal and professional life."

Pink Full Moon in Scorpio, 23rd April 2024 As the Moon reaches its full phase on April 23, 2024, it will illuminate the night with the intense and transformative energy of Scorpio. This powerful lunar event is not just a spectacle in the sky but a profound catalyst for change and introspection. The Significance of Scorpio in AstrologyScorpio...


Sparking light.


A night for playing with light.


When my guides wake me up in the middle of the night with instructions on bringing you an oracle message, I pay attention. This morning, at exactly 2:30am, that is exactly what they did. And holy s**t. Am I grateful that I listen and follow their cues.

I was guided to shuffle the Elemental Oracle deck and a card came forward quickly. I was then guided to also shuffle the Divine Animal Oracle deck. Again, a card jumped out right away.

I’ve used more than one deck a few times and the cards and messages always “fit”, compliment one another, but… this?… this has never happened and when I flipped them both over and looked at the cards… I was FLOORED. Your Winter Solstice message could not be more clear.

Seriously. You just can’t make this s**t up.

(If you’re looking at the picture of the cards, scratching your head and asking “wth is she talking about?”… zoom in on the text on each card) 😉


Nourish your connections. Within and without. All parts are important to the whole. Each piece fits together, supporting and strengthening the whole. The condition of one can affect the condition of the whole.

Biome : Connection
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. You are asked for synergy at present. Be aware of the needs of others. You are a part of the same whole. Consider working more closely with your community.

Tarantula : Connection
It is time to bring together disparate aspects of your life: everything is connected. When you are afraid or unsure, it is important to know that you are never alone. You can do magic - we all can!

Spider magic and specifically tarantula magic is protective and connective. Webs don’t just trap prey; they support and protect the spider as well. It is a mistake to think that spider magic is evil or dangerous, as very few cultures see the spider in this fashion. When you feel you need greater connection to life or you need support, particularly in creative matters, ask the spider for help.



Happy Solstice, Xmas and Yule…


No judgement here. I’ve got gifts for the naughty and nice!

🎁 Psychic Readings
🎁 Reiki Energy Healing
🎁 Guided Healing Meditation

Gift certificates available for any amount, any service, any session, and can be emailed to you same day. Simply head on over to my website and select gift certificate on the booking page:



If you don’t put yourself first, who will?

It doesn’t mean you stop caring or helping others, but it does mean prioritizing what YOU need.

Because your needs matter just as much as anyone else’s.

Drop a ❤️ if you needed this reminder. I know I did!

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Our Story

Renée is a talented Psychic Medium, Certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Meditation & Yoga Teacher, dedicated to providing soulful services which help bring forth the guidance, healing and peace you seek.

Through her spiritual gifts, Renée is endowed with the ability to connect and communicate with loved ones on the other side; receive messages and guidance from spirit guides and angels; bring forth detailed answers and insight to address current questions, life issues, as well as past, present or future events; energetically clear personal or professional space; facilitate unique and effective energy healing; and intuitively guide customized meditation and yoga for your highest good - body, mind, and soul.

Evidence of Renée’s gifts were apparent as a child when she first began seeing spirits, having precognitive dreams and experiencing awake astral projection (or out of body experiences). Along her path, her abilities evolved and she sought activities and knowledge that nurtured her mind, body and soul, by pursuing studies and practices in yoga, meditation, chakras, nutritional cleansing, spiritual counseling, psychic development, and Reiki healing.

She began actively practicing with family, friends and acquaintances before connecting with the studies that would align her with her soul's path. Renée recognized these gifts as part of her life's purpose, immediately embarked on her professional practice and is gratefully enhancing the lives of those she serves.

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This fat fella built an impressive home right above my chair on the deck. I moved my chair and named him Herbert.


White Bear Lake, MN

Opening Hours

Monday 9:30am - 7:30pm
Tuesday 9:30am - 7:30pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 7pm
Thursday 9:30am - 7pm
Friday 9:30am - 4:30pm

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