Dr. Karina Monegro

Guiding your natural transition into your transpersonal purpose ✨

Photos from Dr. Karina Monegro's post 09/24/2024

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Have you ever felt a sudden wave of anxiety or sadness without knowing why? Our bodies remember trauma/experiences even when our minds tries to forget. Have you ever experienced being triggered by a noise, a smell, even a person, something you thought you had left behind? Sometimes we feel in our bodies unexplainable emotions and sensation and we might think we might be going crazy. But you are not, your body is like a library, it holds imprints, memories, information from all of our experiences.

Your body will not lie, it will speak and send you signals in different ways. Sometimes it can be through pain, discomfort, anxiety, sadness, and the list goes on. It's important to listen to our body and acknowledge those feelings. Pay attention to whom your body response and or reacts to. Give thanks for what's coming up, as it is ready to be released. Ask your body questions, but most importantly listen to it and acknowledge its information.


How Perception Can Alter Our Reality....

Have you ever noticed how two people can experience the same event yet walk away with completely different perspectives, How can this be possible? This powerful phenomenon highlights the incredible truth that our perception shapes our reality and is the lense in which we view our world.

🔍 What We See: Our thoughts, beliefs, andour experiences helps filter how we interpret the world around us.

💭 Mindset Matters: how we choose to receive the information that is infront of use allows us to understand what lives in our subconscious mind.

👥 Shared Experiences: Our relationship with others can serve as contrast and reflect back to us what area in oir lives we have grown and evolve and where we still need healing.

Next time you are face with a challenge or contrast try shifting your perception. Ask yourself: What can I learn from this? or How can I grow from?

Happy Healing


In a world that often pushes us to suppress our feelings, it’s easy to view emotions as something to be feared. But what if we shifted our perspective? 🤔

Every emotion we experience—joy, sadness, anger, fear—holds a message. Instead of running from them, let’s take a moment to pause and understand what they’re trying to tell us. 🌈

💔 Fear can be a signal that we’re stepping out of our comfort zone.
😡 Anger may point to boundaries that need to be set.
😌 Sadness can lead us toward healing and self-discovery.
😊 Joy reminds us of what truly matters.

Embracing our emotions means embracing ourselves. Let’s not fear them, but rather seek to understand and learn from them. Together, we can create a space where it's okay to feel deeply. Remember as scary as it might feel, feel your emotions. Offer them the safe place they need to be seen, heard and understood by YOU.

Happy Healing ❤


🌟 Embrace Mistakes, Embrace Growth! 🌟

🌟 "A person who never made a mistake, has never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein 🌟

We often find ourselves fearing mistakes, worrying about failure, and seeking perfection in everything we do. But here's a thought: what if our "mistake" is a redirection towards our path?

Mistakes are not failures; they are stepping stones towards progress and growth. Our "mistake" provided us with contrast, the contrast we needed to know better and therefore so better.

Mistakes are powerful teachers that guide us towards improvement and personal growth. They push us out of our comfort zones and encourage us to explore new possibilities.

So, for this moment I want you to offer yourself compassion and forgiveness for those "mistake" you've made and allow yourself to see it from a new lense, from a different perspective of. See I as a little pebble along your path that made you change/correct your direction. Embrace the courage to try new things, whether it's pursuing a new hobby, learning a new skill, or stepping into uncharted territories. Remember, it's okay to stumble along the way as long as we rise and learn from it.

What "mistake" looking back at it have you been grateful for?


🌿 Embrace the Power Within: Your Body as Your True Therapist 🌿

✨ In a world where external solutions often take center stage, let's take a moment to appreciate the incredible wisdom and healing potential that lies within our very own bodies. 🙌🏼💫

💆‍♀️ Close your eyes and feel the gentle rhythm of your breath. Notice how your body moves with each inhale and exhale, effortlessly bringing life-giving oxygen to every cell. 🌬️🌸

🌱 Our bodies possess an innate ability to heal and restore balance. From the subtlest sensation to the most profound emotions, our physical being holds the key to our well-being. 💚✨

🧘‍♂️ When we listen closely, our bodies communicate with us in a language beyond words. They speak through sensations, discomfort, and even pleasure. By tuning in and honoring these messages, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-care. 🌈💫

💪🏼 Your body is your guide, your ally, and your true therapist. It knows what it needs and how to find harmony. Take time each day to nurture and honor it. Move with intention, fuel it with nourishing foods, and rest when it whispers for rest. 🌿💆‍♀️

🌟 Remember, you are the expert of your own body. Trust in its wisdom and allow it to lead you towards vitality, joy, and profound healing. Let your body be your sanctuary, your refuge, and your greatest teacher. 🌺🌟

✨ Today, and every day, let's celebrate the incredible gift that is our body. Embrace its power, honor its wisdom, and embark on a journey of self-love and self-discovery. 🌸💕


We all experience denial at some point in our lives. It's a defense mechanism that helps us cope with difficult emotions or situations. But did you know that years of denial can actually start manifesting as physical consequences too?

Have you ever noticed a tightness in your chest or a lump in your throat when you're in denial about something? These physical sensations are often our body's way of signaling that something is off. When we deny our emotions, or suppress our true feelings, our bodies can react in various ways.

Emotionally, denial can prevent us from acknowledging and processing painful experiences. But physically, it can manifest as chronic stress, tension, anxiety, insomnia, depression or even physical pain. Our bodies are interconnected with our minds, and when we deny our emotions, it can manifest as physical symptoms.

So, how can we address this? The first step is awareness. Recognizing when we're in denial allows us to take a step back and evaluate the situation more objectively. It's essential to create a safe space where we can acknowledge and express our true feelings without judgment.

Practicing self-care and self-compassion is another vital aspect. Remember, it's okay to feel and experience all emotions. Denial might provide temporary relief, but it hinders our personal growth and healing process. By embracing our emotions and facing them head-on, we can nurture a healthier mind-body connection.

✨ Let's break free from the shackles of denial and allow ourselves to fully experience life's ups and downs. Together, we can create a space of authenticity and emotional well-being. 💛


🌟 Move at your own pace, not because time is telling you, but because you are ready! 🌟

Life is a journey, and we all have our own unique path to follow. Sometimes we may feel the pressure to rush and keep up with the pace of the world around us. But let me tell you something - there is no rush. You have the power to set your own pace and embrace each moment when you truly feel ready.

Take a deep breath and listen to your inner voice. It knows when the time is right for you to take that next step, to pursue your dreams, and to make a change. Trust yourself and the process.

Remember, it's not about racing against time or trying to fit into someone else's timeline. It's about honoring your own journey and embracing the growth that comes with it. Each step you take at your own pace is a step towards becoming the best version of yourself.

So, don't compare yourself to others, don't let the pressure of time dictate your actions. Instead, focus on your own progress, your own dreams, and your own desires. When you move at your own pace, you'll find joy in the journey and a sense of fulfillment that is truly yours.

Let this be a reminder that it's okay to take your time. Embrace the process, trust in yourself, and move forward when you're ready. The world will wait for you, and your journey will be all the more meaningful because of it.


Our unspoken experiences that live in our unconscious mind can manifest in various ways within our bodies. Here are a few ways in which these experiences may take shape:

1️⃣ Physical Sensations: feelings of tension, tightness, or discomfort in certain areas may be connected to unresolved emotions or past traumas.

2️⃣ Psychosomatic Symptoms: Our unspoken experiences can also manifest as psychosomatic symptoms, where emotional distress or unresolved issues manifest as physical symptoms. These symptoms may include headaches, stomachaches, or even chronic pain.

3️⃣ Body Language: Our bodies often unconsciously express our unspoken experiences through body language. For instance, crossed arms or tense shoulders may indicate feelings of defensiveness or unease.

4️⃣ Energy Levels: We may feel drained or fatigued when carrying the weight of unresolved emotions or past experiences. On the other hand, a sense of lightness and vitality can be experienced when we have healed and released these unspoken experiences.

5️⃣ Emotional Well-being: Our unspoken experiences can greatly influence our emotional well-being. Suppressed emotions or unexpressed feelings can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, or emotional numbness.

6️⃣ Intuition and Gut Feelings: Our unconscious mind often communicates through our intuition and gut feelings. These subtle sensations can be a way of signaling unspoken experiences or guiding us towards healing and growth.

It's important to recognize that each individual may experience the manifestation of unspoken experiences differently. Exploring these manifestations with self-awareness, compassion, and support can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and facilitate healing and growth.

Explore my page and ways in which we can work together ❤


🌀 Why do humans repeat certain patterns? 🌀

Have you ever wondered why we, as humans, tend to repeat certain patterns in our lives? It's a fascinating phenomenon that can be observed in various aspects of our daily routines, behaviors, and even in the way we think. Let's dive deeper into this intriguing topic and explore some possible reasons behind it! 🤔

1️⃣ Comfort and Familiarity: Humans are creatures of habit, seeking comfort and security in the known. We often find solace in familiar patterns because they provide a sense of stability and predictability in an ever-changing world. From morning rituals to daily routines, these patterns give us a sense of control and reduce anxiety.

2️⃣ Cognitive Efficiency: Our brains are wired to recognize and process patterns efficiently. By repeating certain actions or behaviors, we conserve mental energy and streamline our decision-making process. This cognitive efficiency allows us to focus on more complex tasks and adapt to new situations.

3️⃣ Social Influence: As social beings, we are influenced by the patterns and behaviors of those around us. We learn from our families, friends, and society as a whole, adopting certain patterns to fit in and belong.

4️⃣ Evolutionary Advantage: Patterns can also be deeply rooted in our evolutionary history. Certain patterns, such as seasonal changes, migration, and reproduction, are essential for survival and reproduction. Our ancestors who recognized and followed these patterns passed on their genes, leading to the continuation of these behaviors.

5️⃣ Psychological Comfort: Repeating patterns can provide a sense of psychological comfort and emotional stability. It creates a sense of order and structure in our lives, helping us navigate through chaos and uncertainties. From organizing our physical spaces to adhering to personal rituals, these patterns bring a sense of calmness and well-being.

🌈 In conclusion, the repetition of certain patterns in human behavior is a complex interplay of comfort, efficiency, social influence. This does not mean however that these patterns are serving us in any way.


Emotions are like a whirlwind of energy, constantly flowing and evolving within us. But what happens when we suppress or ignore these feelings? They become like trapped birds, desperately flapping their wings to be set free.

📸 Picture this: we all have a special vault within us where emotions are stored. Sometimes, without even realizing it, we lock away certain emotions in this vault, thinking we can deal with them later. But guess what? Emotions have a way of finding their way out, whether we like it or not.

🌊 Just like a dam holding back a river, our bodies can become a vessel for unexpressed emotions. We may feel tension in our muscles, a knot in our stomachs, or even a heavy heart. These physical sensations are the result of emotions seeking release, desperately trying to find their way to the surface.

💥 It's important to remember that emotions are not meant to be held captive. They are meant to be felt, acknowledged, and expressed. So, let's open up the floodgates and let those emotions flow!

🌈 Dance, sing, write, paint, or simply sit with your emotions. Allow yourself to experience the full spectrum of what it means to be human. Embrace the joy, sadness, anger, and love that reside within you.

🌟 As we release these trapped emotions, we create space for healing, growth, and transformation. We become the masters of our own emotional landscapes, finding balance and harmony within ourselves.


Did you know that our bodies have a unique way of holding onto our experiences and emotions? Trauma and stories can become trapped within us, affecting our well-being and overall happiness. It's crucial to understand why it's important to release them and embark on a healing journey.

✨ Our bodies are like vessels, constantly storing memories and emotions. When we go through traumatic experiences, whether big or small, these emotions can become lodged in our bodies, creating tension and blockages. This trapped energy can manifest as physical pain, anxiety, or even illness.

💔 Trauma can be defined as any experience that overwhelms our ability to cope, with our nervous system, leaving a lasting impact on our psyche. These experiences can range from childhood traumas to heartbreak, loss, or even societal pressures. Our bodies remember these experiences, even if our conscious mind may try to forget.

📚 Stories also hold immense power. Our personal narratives shape our identities and influence how we perceive the world. When we suppress or ignore our stories, they can become internalized and continue to impact us subconsciously. Unresolved stories can lead to self-limiting beliefs, emotional struggles, and a feeling of being stuck.

⛓️ It's important to release these trapped traumas and stories to free ourselves from their grip. By acknowledging and honoring our experiences, we can begin to heal and transform. Here's how:

1️⃣ Self-reflection: Take time to reflect on your experiences and emotions. Journaling, meditation, or talking to a therapist can help you gain insight and understanding.

2️⃣ Creative expression: Engage in creative outlets such as writing, painting, or dancing. These activities can help you channel your emotions and express yourself in a safe and cathartic way.

3️⃣ Seeking alternative, holistic help: If you find that your traumas and stories are deeply rooted and impacting your daily life, don't hesitate to reach out to other methods such as EFT, past life regression, Energy healing, medical intuition, somatic bodywork like myofascial release, yoga.

Remember choosing this path is a courageous act of self-love and growth. You got this 🥰


How can heal a body that we don't trust? You don't or at a very slow rate.

The body needs to feel safe + trust for the nervous system to start cooperating, so imagine wanting, asking, and forcing our body to heal, to cooperate when we don't even trust it, it's going to be difficult and or a slow process.

So how do we cultivate a relationship with trust within our body

🌟 Validate and acknowledge our emotions, our body's messages, and cues
🌟 You provide your body with the nutrients and hydration it needs
🌟 Give it room to exist as is
🌟 You welcome change
🌟 Offer compassion, grace, and love through each stage of our body's growth and change
🌟 You listen to it's wants and needs
🌟 Establish a loving relationship with your words, actions, thoughts and feelings towards your body
🌟 You respect your body
🌟 You get to know and understand your body and its cues ( hunger, trust, anxiety, drain, etc)
🌟 Befriend your body 🤗❤️


Did you know that our body is a representation of our subconscious mind...

Our body holds on to all sorts of things, memories, suppressed actions, other people's energy and emotions, beliefs, and the list goes on. These hidden messages can show up in different ways in feelings, dreams, thoughts, reactions, muscle tension, blockages in our chakras and energetic field, and even numbness.

Like a child who is seeking our attention and feels ignored if they don't receive it, the body will do the same. It will continue to reach our attention, each time a little louder until we receive the message and allow it to be seen and heard.

Our body tries to communicate with us through physical manifestation and tries to give us a holistic picture but more often than not we dismiss it and say "It's nothing maybe it will go away..... For those of you who have children, what happens when you ignore a child long enough...... A tantrum. Our body does the same thing through pain, symptoms, and conditions.

This is why I love what I do, through my readings I help you build the bridge between the unknown and the known, I serve as the messenger for your body so that you can finally hear its screams and in that process activate its natural innate healing and the will to be well.

Happy healing


Have you ever felt this way, or asked yourself why is my body failing me, why is my body not responding?

Well, what if I told you that perhaps we weren't asking the right question, what if instead, we were to ask what is my body trying to communicate with me, am I responding to my body's messages?

Unexplained and chronic pain, symptoms, and conditions are not your body failing you but rather trying to send you a signal. It's the only way to get your attention it's through pain, symptoms, and conditions since it can't use words.

So just remember that your body always has your best interest, it's loving you even when you are in pain.


If your body could give you a message today it would be this one...
We can not heal what we don't feel
We can not heal what we hide
We can not heal what we ignore
We can't not heat what we suppress.

During my sessions, I always tell people that the voice I hear when I am communicating with the body is of a child no matter the person's age. Your body, your emotions, and your nervous system need to feel safe, heard, and validated.

When we don't give our emotions room to express themselves (in a safe way of course), to be, to exist, to be heard just like a chilweit will start to cream, "act out" through a fit because it feels ignored, it feels like no one is paying attention or hearing them out, our body responds the same way.

Listen to it, validate your pain, your anger, your frustration, your story, your trauma. Give it room to breathe, to express, to be, and to feel what it needs you to feel so it may be released and surrender.


As energetic beings, this is a question I encourage all of us to ask ourselves, are you manipulating your environment including people, places, and things, to be and exist based on what makes you more comfortable or are you recalibrating for energy to what you want?

Most of us spend most of our energy trying to manipulate our environment so that it fits our world and what we want it to be instead of running and going within and recalibrating our energy system so that the external world stops or diminishes control over us.

When we spend time manipulating we are not in a state of allowing, receiving, or flowing, we block it unconsciously but if we spend more time recalibrating our energy we tune in to what we want to allow and receive and we enter a state of allowing vs forcing.

Which state do you spend most time in, manipulating or recalibrating?


We were all born with emotional baggage that was passed down from our parents, lineage, and even past lives. Through the years we collected these "marbles" (emotional baggage) from the people around us, from our environment, and society and we either continued regurgitating them or decided to create a new path and create something different.

So my question to you is.... Are you a creator or a regurgitator of life?....

Photos from Dr. Karina Monegro's post 01/11/2024

Hello, my beautiful healing community.

A little intro for those that are new to my page.
Start here 🤗

Photos from Dr. Karina Monegro's post 01/11/2024


Samskara refers to ingrained patterns or impressions that shape our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. To transform them, we need self-awareness and conscious effort. Here are some steps as a collective we can take to move into healing:

1️⃣ Reflection: Identify your samskara by observing recurring patterns in your thoughts, reactions, and habits. Understand their origin and impact on your life.

2️⃣ Awareness: Cultivate mindfulness to recognize when these patterns arise. Observe without judgment, acknowledging their presence.

3️⃣ Intention: Set a clear intention to transform the samskara, aligning it with your values and goals for personal growth.

4️⃣ Disruptive Actions: Actively challenge the samskara by consciously choosing alternative thoughts, behaviors, or reactions. This disrupts the automatic response and opens space for transformation.

5️⃣ Practice: Consistently practice the new behavior or thought pattern. Repetition and reinforcement help rewire the neural pathways, gradually replacing the old samskara.

6️⃣ Seek Support and Guidance: Engage in supportive communities, or therapy, or seek guidance from mentors and teachers who can provide valuable insights and accountability.

7️⃣ Self-Compassion: Be patient and kind to yourself during this process. Transformation takes time, and setbacks may occur. Embrace the journey with self-love and resilience.

Remember, transforming samskara is a deeply personal process. Stay committed, and open-minded, and celebrate each step forward on your path to personal growth.


Are you in the receiving mode?

I start my day by saying "I am open and receptive to receiving"

Each day I ask myself Am I in the receiving mode and if I am, What receiving mode Am I? Am receiving from Source love, the Universe, or from my environment.

It's important to separate ourselves from the traditional beliefs that bind us, we have so many binding beliefs that we aren't conscious of. Starting my day by getting into a receptive mode before I go or do anything allows me to be in a new environment with new exposure to a newer life with new thoughts and emotions, which ultimately creates momentum.

Being in the receiving mode allows us to be in a state of openness, and receptivity, and allows us to receive desired experiences, opportunities, or manifestations. It involves cultivating a mindset of abundance, positivity, and trust, which enables one to attract and manifest our desires effortlessly. By letting go of resistance, doubts, and limiting beliefs, we can align ourselves with the flow of life and invite positive outcomes into our lives. Being in the receiving mode involves being present, grateful, and open to receiving the abundance that the universe has to offer.

Friday 11.10 is the last day to join my 21-day abundance challenge. The self-guided audio Challenge begins on 11.11. Click on the link in my bio or message me to sign up.



Awareness gives us that 15% leverage that allows us to see the world within and without from a different perspective.

Awareness is the beginning of seeing the why and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Becoming emotionally aware is the path of consciously becoming.

Awareness guides us to a new path, where we plant new seeds, and rebirth. Awareness allows us to "SEE" beyond our limitations, our conditioning, our story. Working together whether in person or virtually allows you to "SEE", to know, to understand, to become AWARE of you, so that from that perspective you can adjust and be in alignment with your truest self. ❤️

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