Body Essential Wellness Center

Holistic wellness center providing a variety of massage therapy and holistic services. The Body Essential captures the essence of relaxation.

Our licensed massage therapists, nurses, and holistic wellness practitioners have extensive training in their professions and are experienced in providing a range of services from Massage Therapy and Spa Services to more specialized treatments involving Structural Integration, Essential Oil Treatments, and many advanced techniques. Whether you have been suffering from a injury or chronic conditio


What conditions does craniosacral therapy treat or manage?

Craniosacral therapy may help you manage symptoms of the following conditions:
Chronic Pain
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Post-concussion Syndrome
Tempromandibular Joint Syndrome

Craniosacral therapy should be a treatment that your healthcare provider recommends in addition to another form of treatment.

Craniosacral therapy may be beneficial for adults and children with many different conditions.

If you recently experienced one of the following, your healthcare provider may delay craniosacral therapy until you’re well enough for treatment:

Blood Clots
A Concussion.
Brain swelling.
Brain Aneurysm
Chiari Malformation
Any condition that causes cerebrospinal fluid pressure, flow or buildup.
A healthcare provider will let you know if you’re a good candidate for CST.

If you would like more information please contact the office at 716-626-4466

Next week:
What happens during Craniosacral therapy?


Its International Friendship Day today.
Nadine says that with being your friend she is to remind you to book your massage with her ASAP- you can reach her at 716-320-1951 OR you can now book online with her by visiting her FB page at _ Nadine Fulle LMT and hit the book not button. She has all day appointments for Tuesdays open.

have a great day all


Don't forget to check out Karuna Yoga Buffalo for her classes. You don't want to miss out


The Second Limb of Yoga:
The second limb of yoga, as outlined in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, is called the **Niyama**. Niyamas are observances or practices that relate to an individual's inner discipline and responsibility. They focus on self-regulation and personal behavior to help individuals live a more spiritual, purposeful life. There are five Niyamas:
1. **Saucha (Purity)**: This involves cleanliness of the body and mind. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining a clean environment and purifying the mind through positive thoughts and actions.
2. **Santosha (Contentment)**: This encourages acceptance and satisfaction with what one has. It involves cultivating an attitude of contentment, reducing desires, and finding happiness in the present moment.
3. **Tapas (Discipline or Austerity)**: This refers to self-discipline and the burning effort required to reach a goal. It includes practices like fasting, self-control, and perseverance in the face of difficulties.
4. **Svadhyaya (Self-Study)**: This is the study of the self and the scriptures. It involves self-reflection and introspection to understand one’s motivations, thoughts, and behaviors. It also includes the study of sacred texts to gain spiritual knowledge.
5. **Ishvara Pranidhana (Surrender to a Higher Power)**: This is the practice of surrendering to a higher power or divine force. It involves letting go of the ego and trusting in the universe or a higher consciousness to guide one's life.
Together, the Niyamas serve as guidelines for personal conduct and self-discipline, helping individuals to purify their minds and bodies, live ethically, and develop a deeper spiritual practice.


The Summer Olympic Games are here.

What a great feeling to be able to participate and just to be there.

The athletes went through many hours of training and their trainers helped them through it.
One of the things that they did have besides personal trainers, coaches and physical therapists- they also had massage therapists.

Did you know that a few of our practicioners offer sports therapy massage? You can see us before or after your event, help you through recovery and alittle bit more.

Contact our office at 716-626-4466 to see what their availablity is.


How long are aromatherapy consultation sessions and what is the cost?

An initial session is 60 min and is $60
15 min follow up is $15
30 min follow up is $25

Please note that any products purchased vary by price and will be reviewed during the appointment.

Please note that there is no medical information that will be advised during appointments.
If you need to seek medical advice you will need to speak to your doctor.
All products and information shared during sessions is to assist with your path to wellness and not for medical purposes.
We do not heal or eliminate health conditions.

Contact Alexa for an appointment at 716-626-4466


Today is Parent Appreciation Day.
Hi All: its Nadine;
To all the parents that are out there with little kiddos or even little furry ones because you are parents to. I hope you have a great day. Being a parent can be stressful at times and honestly there are only so many hours in a day. Being a parent myself you are always on the go and never take time for yourself.
Just remember that you also need time.
Give me a call and we can get you in for some stress free, relaxing and soothing quiet time. You deserve it.
Call or text me at 716-320-1951 or you can find me on FB under Nadine Fulle LMT and book with me.
have a great day


What is craniosacral therapy?
Craniosacral therapy, or cranial sacral therapy (CST), is a gentle, noninvasive and hands-on treatment that may provide relief from pain, like headaches and neck pain, side effects of cancer treatment and more. A healthcare provider may recommend CST in addition to other forms of treatment.
How does craniosacral therapy work?
CST focuses on the gentle placement of hands to help release tension in your body’s connective tissue. This is known as “fascia" (pronounced “fash-ee-uh”). Fascia is the Latin word for band. It’s a casing found throughout your body that holds your organs, glands, nerves, muscles, blood vessels, brain and spinal cord. The fascia forms a body-wide connective tissue network.
The human body is interconnected, both structurally and functionally. This means that one area of your body can affect another. The goal of CST is tension relief (fascial clearance). This may help other connected parts of your body function better through:

Next week:
What conditions does craniosacral therapy treat or manage?

If you would like information please contact the office at 716-626-4466


Don't forget to check out Karuana Yoga Buffalo for classes.


Join us for this fascinating panel discussion on Tuesday, August 27 from 6-8 pm.


Time is running out as the class is getting closer.

If you need your CE credits for licensing - here is your chance.

In and Out of Bounds: Ethics, Morality and Law
Instructors: Christine Bailor-Goodlander, RN, LMT, BCTMB
& Eric E. Goodlander, JD
3.0 CE NCBTMB and NY
$50 Christmas in July Special ($20 non-refundable deposit required at time of registration)
Saturday, July 27, 2024
9 Am – 12 PM
Body Essential Educational Studio
Georgetown Square Plaza
5225 Sheridan Dr.
Williamsville, NY 14221
Call (716)432-8312 Christine to register
Understanding boundaries is crucial to creating an ethical professional practice. By increasing awareness of a client's and a therapist's boundaries, one improves the therapeutic relationship and helps to avoid slips into unethical or illegal behavior.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will demonstrate knowledge of: - ethics, morality and law in definition and practice - standards of practice -code of ethics -scope of practice (general and state authorized) Students will be able to apply what they have learned to real-life scenarios.


What is an aromatherapy consultation and what information does a session contain?

Initial consultation includes: greeting with Oshibori provided, full review of systems, discussion of current issues and evaluation, introduction to essential oils and aromatherapy and recommendations for usage.

�Follow-up visits include: greeting with Oshibori provided, review of progress and any changes necessary to recommendations for usage.

Contact Alexa for your consultation at 716-626-4466


Reiki combined with massage can be very beneficial and lucky you we have a few of our providers that offer.
Contact the office at 716-626-4466 to schedule yours now


Happy World Emoji Day
Show us your favorite Emoji ( please be tasteful as this is a family page)


Massage Appointments are available with many of our providers.
Contact the office to see who has availability for you
716-626-4466. If we don't answer please leave a message and we will get back to you once we are done with clients or when we get in.


In and Out of Bounds: Ethics, Morality and Law
Instructors: Christine Bailor-Goodlander, RN, LMT, BCTMB
& Eric E. Goodlander, JD

3.0 CE NCBTMB and NY

$50 Christmas in July Special ($20 non-refundable deposit required at time of registration)

Saturday, July 27, 2024
9 Am – 12 PM

Body Essential Educational Studio
Georgetown Square Plaza
5225 Sheridan Dr.
Williamsville, NY 14221

Call (716)432-8312 Christine to register

Understanding boundaries is crucial to creating an ethical professional practice. By increasing awareness of a client's and a therapist's boundaries, one improves the therapeutic relationship and helps to avoid slips into unethical or illegal behavior.

Learning Outcomes:
Students will demonstrate knowledge of: - ethics, morality and law in definition and practice - standards of practice -code of ethics -scope of practice (general and state authorized) Students will be able to apply what they have learned to real-life scenarios.


The first limb of yoga, according to the ancient text "The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali," is called Yama (the Yamas). Yama consists of ethical guidelines or moral restraints that form the foundation of a yoga practice. They are meant to guide behavior and interactions with others and the world. There are five Yamas:
1. **Ahimsa (Non-Violence)**: This principle emphasizes compassion and kindness towards all living beings, including oneself. It encourages the avoidance of harm, whether through actions, words, or thoughts.
2. **Satya (Truthfulness)**: Satya focuses on honesty and integrity in one's speech and actions. It involves being truthful in interactions and avoiding deceit or lies.
3. **Asteya (Non-Stealing)**: This Yama calls for respect for others' possessions, time, and resources. It also encompasses the broader idea of not taking anything that is not freely given, including ideas and credit.
4. **Brahmacharya (Moderation/Celibacy)**: Traditionally, brahmacharya referred to celibacy, especially for those on a monastic path. In a broader sense, it means the moderation of sensory pleasures and maintaining self-control, often interpreted as responsible and respectful use of energy.
5. **Aparigraha (Non-Possessiveness)**: Aparigraha involves letting go of greed, hoarding, or attachment to material possessions. It encourages living simply and appreciating what one has without constantly seeking more.
These ethical precepts are considered essential for creating a harmonious and balanced life, laying the groundwork for deeper spiritual practices. By adhering to the Yamas, practitioners aim to cultivate a sense of peace, integrity, and compassion both within themselves and in their interactions with the world.

Don't forget to head over to Karuna Yoga Buffalo to see what classes they have available at our Body Essential Studio.


Why should you see an aromatherapist?

You will get more benefits than a practitioner that uses essential oils during their sessions. The biggest factor is that you are getting that certified aromatherapist expertise and knowledge passed on to you.

Going through school to get the certification, they have to understand how essential oils work, how to blend the oils together, the chemical components of oils and what those chemical components mean.

You also can have peace of mind knowing that the aromatherapist you are seeing has learned how to apply the essential oils and what essential oils can not be used or should be used on a client with certain medical conditions or on certain medications.

Interested in learning more and having it incorporated into your massage? Contact Alexa at 716-626-4466


For all providers- don't forget that you need your CME credits every 3 years so don't forget to sign up for your class.

In and Out of Bounds: Ethics, Morality and Law
Instructors: Christine Bailor-Goodlander, RN, LMT, BCTMB
& Eric E. Goodlander, JD
3.0 CE NCBTMB and NY
$50 Christmas in July Special ($20 non-refundable deposit required at time of registration)
Saturday, July 27, 2024
9 Am – 12 PM
Body Essential Educational Studio
Georgetown Square Plaza
5225 Sheridan Dr.
Williamsville, NY 14221
Call (716)432-8312 Christine to register
Understanding boundaries is crucial to creating an ethical professional practice. By increasing awareness of a client's and a therapist's boundaries, one improves the therapeutic relationship and helps to avoid slips into unethical or illegal behavior.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will demonstrate knowledge of: - ethics, morality and law in definition and practice - standards of practice -code of ethics -scope of practice (general and state authorized) Students will be able to apply what they have learned to real-life scenarios.


Good morning everyone.
Each provider at our office offers many different services.
So please call the office and we will be more than happy to get that appointment made for you.
The number is 716-626-4466


Don't forget to check out Karuna Yoga Buffalo for their new classes.


Providers that need CE....

In and Out of Bounds: Ethics, Morality and Law
Instructors: Christine Bailor-Goodlander, RN, LMT, BCTMB
& Eric E. Goodlander, JD

3.0 CE NCBTMB and NY
$50 Christmas in July Special ($20 non-refundable deposit required at time of registration)
Saturday, July 27, 2024
9 Am – 12 PM
Body Essential Educational Studio
Georgetown Square Plaza
5225 Sheridan Dr.
Williamsville, NY 14221
Call (716)432-8312 Christine to register
Understanding boundaries is crucial to creating an ethical professional practice. By increasing awareness of a client's and a therapist's boundaries, one improves the therapeutic relationship and helps to avoid slips into unethical or illegal behavior.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will demonstrate knowledge of: - ethics, morality and law in definition and practice - standards of practice -code of ethics -scope of practice (general and state authorized) Students will be able to apply what they have learned to real-life scenarios.


What is aromatherapy?

It is where the provider uses essential oils that are used to promote and improve mental and physical well-being.

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are the essence of a plant, a gift from the earth, distilled and prepared for you to bring the power of nature into your home.

Inside many plants—hidden in roots, seeds, flowers, bark—are concentrated, highly potent chemical compounds. These natural compounds are essential oils.

Next week
Why should you see a aromatherapist?

If you are interested in having a aromatherapist with your massage or have questions, contact Alexa at the office at 716-626-4466

Essential oils give a plant its scent, protect it from hazardous environmental conditions, and even assist it with pollination, among other important functions and benefits.


Good morning everyone

It's Friday and its time to relax and spend time with friends and family.

Don't forget to be fabulous today.

Have a great weekend all


Happy 4th of July to all from our family to yours.

Be safe


Good morning and Happy 4th.

We hope you have a great day and be safe


This is what most of our clients look like.
They are always saying- "can I just stay here a little longer"
We would love for you to schedule with us.
Call the office at 716-626-4466.
We are located at 5225 Sheridan Drive (right in the Georgetown Plaza- next to the Bridal Shop) in Williamsville NY. Just a short drive.
See you soon

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

The Body Essential captures the essence of relaxation. Our licensed massage therapists, nurses, estheticians and holistic wellness practitioners have extensive training in their professions and are experienced in providing a range of services from Massage Therapy and Spa Services to more specialized treatments involving Structural Integration, Meditation, Mediumship, Yoga, Customized Skin Care Services , Essential Oil Treatments, and many advanced techniques. Whether you have been suffering from a injury or chronic condition or simply looking for a way to relieve the stress brought on by our daily lives we can provide a therapeutic service tailored to your specific needs.

Videos (show all)

Join us for this fascinating panel discussion on Tuesday, August 27 from 6-8 pm.
Are you looking for a place to hold workshops or classes? We may have that spot for you. Contact the office at 716-626-4...
Appointments available with Melanie at 12:30 & 2:30 both Wednesday & Thursday this week! Call today to schedule your app...




5225 Sheridan Drive
Williamsville, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 8pm
Tuesday 9am - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 3pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm

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