Titan Up for Sport and Life

Live Better.

Owner of Titan Up for Sport & Life

Personal Training & Coaching to Enhance Strength, Performance & Athleticism & Mobility

1:1 & Small Group Fitness Training (In-person & Virtual)

Move Better.


Are you drawing firm lines in the sand where there needs to be curves?

In some areas of life, we simply understand that choice and compromise are essential.

In areas like relationships, parenting, work, and even finances, most of us have come to accept that we simply can't control every aspect or get it right all of the time, so we make room for compromise.

Sometimes, we still take this personally depending on how we're hardwired, but more often than not, we pivot and move on to another course. We don't just throw in the towel and say, 'I'm not a parent/partner/employee anymore.'

And then there are areas in life we approach with the mindset of Success or Failure & Winning or Losing are my only options here.

Either I stick to my diet/exercise/savings/____ (fill in the blank) plan, and it works, or I mess up, and it doesn't.

But the truth is, our lives are complex. The plan you've decided to follow to achieve a goal is just one of the many aspects of your foreseen and unforseen daily life.

At any given moment, conflicts will arise, and your plans simply will not work out. It will rain during your run/bike time; someone will show up to the office with donuts to celebrate your promotion; your tire will blow on the way home from work causing you to dip into savings... etc etc etc.

It's in these moments of conflict that you'll have a choice. Do you completely throw in the towel every time there's an unavoidable detour, or do you consider the possibilities and needs of the current moment and make trade-offs?


Bird Dog Row... the hardest row variation (IMO).

Have you tried it? 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


This isn't ideal, but it's often real...

On the weekend, I often work a shift or three at PF Chang's as a waitress to build up my savings for taxes, travel, and future needs. It's a pretty fun and lucrative few hours, but extremely hard work.

Side note:
If you've never been a restaurant server, I recommend you give it a shot just once, and you may have a little more appreciation for those who serve you.

Anyway, I worked the lunch shift yesterday (11-4), and as the GM always does on holidays, he supplied us with variety packs of chips, candies and Gatorade. 🫠😋

With it being Mother's Day, I already knew it would be busy, and I would be going nonstop, so I was mindful of that when I consumed my extra hearty breakfast and filled up my extra large water bottle to take with me. That may be the only thing that saved my customers from the hangry version of me.

A few hours into the shift, though, I was feeling the hunger cues but only had time to grab and go. And that's what I did. I munched and continually filled up my water bottle. It was satisfying for the meantime, but boy was that steak, potato, and salad calling my name when I got home.

Lunches like this don't happen regularly for me, but it's inevitable that they will happen. I'd venture to guess that they happen for you as well, and though it's not optimal, it's ok because it's just temporary.

No shame in the game! 👊🏼


Are you asking the right question?

When we set off on a journey to make a change to any behavior, we often ask: What do I need to do to make this happen?

We make plans, change the parts of our environment we can control, double down on our efforts, & make sacrifices (all really good strategies, by the way).

But we don't live in the bubble of our controlled environment 100% of the time, so what happens then?

For example, what if Alicia (made up) sets out to Titan Up her diet to avoid diabetes that runs in her family and lose a little weight. She consults with a dietician to get a clear understanding of what foods will help her; she buys into the plan; her grocery list changes & she rids her pantry of all the things that contradict her new lifestyle. She even turns down opportunities to eat out with friends until she can feel confident in her choices. Three weeks in, her sister invites her over for family time, which actually turns out to be a surprise 50th bday party for her complete with indulgent appetizers, a rich feast, birthday cake, & champagne.

At this moment, Alicia is faced with choices. Does she turn down everything in front of her? Would that be rude? Does she indulge and forget about her plan altogether? Does she nibble & make peace with it?

All of Alicia's emotions, thoughts, feelings, past experiences, etc. come flooding in at that moment & will impact her ability to make a decision. Her mood, her needs, her perceptions about herself, others, & "the right way to behave" are disrupting her ability to decide. Before she knows it, she's 2 glasses in with a plate full of food.

These disruptions come at us every day in the form of temptations, our innate nature to rebel & accommodate others, & the experiences that have shaped our thoughts, feelings, strategies, & emotions. These are out of our control to a great degree.

So what if we begin asking: Why am I not already doing this (changed behavior)? What are the deeper, often hidden, things that have shadowed my current way of behaving?

These are tough questions to answer. But they are necessary when it comes to understanding our natural course of action.

Dig deep! You've got this!



I don't care what they say--you CAN'T JUST lose that belly/hip/butt fat. Period.

Every year, I get flooded with clients interested in losing their belly. And though that's a great goal for overall health, it's not a reasonable expectation.

Here's the truth:
🗣We ALL lose weight differently. I, for one, see physique changes in my face, arms, and chest first, and the lower belly and hip region always lag behind. A client of mine lost inches in her legs, then hips and belly and finally in the upper body.
🗣You can't change the way your body naturally stores lipids (fatty acid) without surgery or changing your s*x hormones and how they biologically respond to things like puberty, menopause and aging.
🗣Weight loss can reduce the size of fat cells in the body but not the number of fat cells. That's why weight gain after dieting is so common.
🗣Your overall lifestyle (drinking, smoking, lack of stress management, sleep deprivation, food on the go) and social network has just as much to do with weight gain/loss as does diet and exercise.
🗣The best approach to your goals is to implement slow, consistent & deliberate effort towards lifestyle changes, calorie reduction, and muscle building, which will all lead to a lasting change. Maybe not the way you want it to happen, but LASTING CHANGE.

What are your thoughts? 👇👇👇


Sometimes, your health & weight loss journey needs to be more focused on reducing the amount of stress in your life versus working out and dieting harder.

Many people are beating their heads against the wall trying to force a change through longer, more intense training sessions and restricting calories not realizing that those things just add more stress to the body resulting in a plateau or even weight gain.

If this sounds like you, let's examine your overall approach to living:
❓How many hours of sleep are you getting each night, and do you wake up feeling rested?
❓Are you stepping away from the grind and spending time doing something that brings you pure joy?
❓Are you breathing? Like really syncing your breath with your movements and breathing beyond your chest and diaphragm?
❓How often do you walk or ride a bike leisurely or just lift weights to remain active and strong? Or are all of your "workouts" geared toward achieving a specific goal?
❓️How often do you unplug (not just from the grind but from the world)?

Sometimes, it's these sorts of lifestyle changes that will have the most impact. When we learn to deal with the stress in our lives in productive ways, our bodies begin to calm and respond positively to our efforts of physique change.

What ways do you manage your stress?? 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


Find a Way!!!

Recently, my mind and time have been consumed, and as a result, I've neglected to remain consistent in my training.

It may come as a surprise to some of you that even those of us who love and preach movement lose our mojo at times.

Don't get me wrong, I haven't been sedentary, but lifting 3-4 times a week was reduced to 1-2, and my body was beginning to tell me so.

Jumping back in felt a little daunting because the things stealing my focus aren't gone, but I miss my BFs Gym & Weight. Yeah, I'm a playa 😎 😉.

So, I decided to tap into one of my tricks to get the momentum going. And it's a trick that may help you too...

Next time you find yourself unmotivated or strapped for time, try this hack:

Turn your workout into a circuit. Grab a set or two of DBs, roll through each exercise from your workout for a set number of reps and sets, focus on form and not speed, take breaks as needed, and feel proud of yourself when it's over. Always warm up and cool down so you can go back another day and do it again.

💥 Boom 💥

A workout that would have taken me an hour+ was completed in 30 minutes, and everything else had to wait.

When life balances back out, I can begin to think more about the eccentric phase and rest breaks and such, but for now, I'm going to work it out.

What's one of your hacks? 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


DON'T just FOCUS on the GOAL!

Sure, you have to have the end in mind, but if that's all that you're focused on, you'll miss so much along the way.

This applies to life, career, relationships, and health.

So many of my people I talk to simply look at the number on the scale, an ideal body type, and getting back to where they once were as their end result. And though all of these are valid, if, and when, it doesn't happen the way they expect it to, they feel like they've failed.

I'm guilty of being a slave to my expectations too-- especially in relationships. 😒

There're very few black and white paths for reaching our goals. So flexibility is always a good consideration.

Photos from Titan Up for Sport and Life's post 04/18/2023

Habits aren't sticking?

Join the club... change is the enemy of automatic behavior, and life is full of change.

If you really want to change your habits or integrate new habits into your life, you can try:
🤔 Streamlining your life so it all just flows effortlessly
🤔 Saying no to any variation that comes your way
🤔 Ridding your life of all temptation and distractions

Let me know how that works for you.

Even extremely Type A personalities will have trouble eliminating every bump in the road.

And if you have kids, a partner or spouse, a job, family and friends, own a car or home, live life, etc., the bumps and curves and challenges will continue to come. Sorry.

Life is messy, and formulating habits is just hard. The whole 21 days or 66 days to create a new habit is simply hype and not realistic for most of us, especially if those habits or changes take place in the real world.

Give yourself some grace and stay the course. It won't be perfect, but perfect is often boring anyway.


We have a tendency to make things harder than they have to be.

When we're in the process of implementing healthier choices in our lives, and vacation comes along, it can feel scary. And rightfully so... We've worked so hard, and we don't want to throw that away.

Anytime we're in a new environment, it's tough to maintain the same momentum and schedule. Heck, simple disruptions in our daily schedules can throw us off, so why should we expect anything different.

Vacations are meant to be relaxing and enjoyable, not regimented and worrisome. And returning from vacay is depressing enough, and we have the power to make that easier.

If you're worried about your upcoming vacay derailing your progress, consider the following:
✔️what healthy snacks can I keep in the hotel room
✔️protein can still be part of every meal
✔️water is my friend
✔️taking a walk is free and will help me take in some sights
✔️I can enjoy things that aren't part of my plan and trust that it's not going to destroy my progress
✔️I'm not throwing in the towel on my plan, I'm simply enjoying my vacay

And returning from vacay doesn't have to be riddled with guilt and shame. The following will NOT help you get back to your routine or goal any quicker
▪️increasing the intensity or length of your exercise
▪️severely restricting your food intake
▪️throwing in the towel

I just returned from vacation, and I can honestly say I didn't lift weights once, but I did walk. I didn't restrict what I ate, but I did include a variety of fruits, veggies, and protein each day. I didn't avoid alcohol, but I also consumed several bottles of water every day.

Today, as I return to my normal life and routine, I plan on just doing it. My motivation to go to the gym and lift, cook the majority of my meals, and drink mostly water may be a little low today because living the vacation life is more appealing, but tomorrow will be easier, and the day after that, and so on.

How do you handle remaining focused on vacation and returning to life as normal when it's over? 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


Having a fast metabolism is no better than having a slow one. What you want to strive for is a metabolism that can adapt to the ebbs and flows of your life.

An optimal or flexible metabolism will ensure your weight won't fluctuate more than a few pounds here or there if you get hurt and can't train for a while or go on vacation and eat like there's no tomorrow.

A healthy metabolism will guarantee that your energy and bodily functions (using the bathroom) remains regular when your day gets hectic and you don't eat until dinner because the body will adjust and use the fuel from stored fat.

A metabolism that is flexible will switch between using carbs and fats for fuel as well as what's been stored.

There are a few ways you can tell if your metabolism is in check:
- how's your overall energy
- what's your mood like
- how are you sleeping
- what is your hunger level and cravings like
- are you struggling to focus
- are you gaining/losing weight quickly

Some ways to stabilize your metabolism:
- exercise regularly
- maintain a balanced, nutrient dense diet (watch added sugar and overly processed foods)
- eat the number of calories sufficient to maintain your bodies needs
- if you feel you can't go hours without food, slowly increase the timing between meals
- try your best to eat at the same time each day
- try your best to go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day
- avoid extremes in dieting and exercise
- seek help from a physician if you've been diagnosed with a hormonal or metabolic condition
- if trying to lose weight, slowly reduce calories, progressively reduce them or progressively increase exercise/NEAT, and take diet breaks

This stuff can get tricky. And if you've thrown your hands up a number of times in frustration, it makes sense.

Our bodies naturally adjust with age and lifestyle. If you don't love what your body is doing (storing extra fat, sluggish, etc.), you're better off taking a more natural approach to working with that than investing hundreds in pills or drops. Trust me on that!


Hope is not a strategy!

There are some things in life that we can just jump right into. Jumping off this cliff in Hawaii didn't take much strategy or thought for me. I'm a daredevil like that. Plus, I saw how many others did it and knew I could, too.

But often, the things we draw up the courage to take on (starting a business, beginning a weight loss or fitness plan, entering into or leaving a relationship, beginning or ending a career, starting a family, etc.) take some calculated thought and strategic planning.

Though hope can incrementally motivate us through the process, if we rely solely on hope, we will struggle immensely when things get tough.

That's simply a recipe for our negative narratives to reinforce themselves.

So, as you cling to the hope that what you're pursuing will turn out in your favor, be sure that you also have weighed the costs of your decisions and have a plan that supports your goals.

You've got this 👊🏼

Photos from Titan Up for Sport and Life's post 03/27/2023

Ish is HARD!!!

Do you struggle with accomplishing your goals?

Is it because it's just too hard and you are averse to demands?

I hate to break the news, but all change has a great degree of difficulty behind it.

If it didn't, it probably isn't worth it. That doesn't change the discomfort, but anything that demands more from us and creates a positive outcome will only leave us better for it.

Fear is often what gets in our way. When we're fearful, there is a heightened threat of what we may lose. We overestimate what we have and underestimate what we may gain.

In order to see real change, we have to...

1. Remain consistent in our thoughts. We can do this by:
- Tempering our emotions
- Rewriting our negative narratives
- Managing our expectations

2. Understanding our purpose for change. To clarify this, we need to:
- Align our desires with our values
- Clearly define how this change will better our lives
- Remain connected to this purpose

3. Commit to consistent action. This can only happen if:
- We have a plan in place
- That plan is broken down into manageable steps
- Our thoughts, emotions, and purpose are understood

All three of these things may require professional help, and that's completely normal and acceptable.

Despite our past missteps with making change and our discomfort with it, WE ARE ALL BUILT FOR IT!

What are your thoughts about change and achieving goals that require change? 🤔 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


Which is easier to focus on: 10 things at 1x or 2 things?

That's not a trick question. Perhaps more rhetorical. 🤔

We've all been there. We want to achieve something, and we've identified all the things that may help us get to where we want to go.

That often happens as a result of looking at others' lives. We look at someone (or multiple people, including our past selves) who is where we want to be. We see all the things that they have done/are doing to get to that place, and we say: 'Ok, that's what I need to do...A, B, C, X, Y, & Z.'

And that's great. Having that guide is a beautiful thing.

But if we fall into the trap of believing that we must do them all at one time in order to succeed, we will burn out.

It's just not possible to do all the things well at once.

We have to remember that the examples we are following are already at step 10 or 100, and we are just at step 1 when we set out on that journey.

So give yourself permission to do 1 or 2 things well. Get consistent on those actions. Gain confidence from doing them, and then as in the next step.

You've got this 👊🏼


As I've worked with client after client over the years and athlete after athlete, I've found one commonality among most.

There's this idea that we should be able to do things now that once worked for us then.

Well, if your life is as carefree and simple now as it was in your teens and twenties, then that may be the case. But my guess is there's been some changes.

You might have kids, a job that can be stressful, you're living in a post-pandemic world, you've had an injury, you're having to adult regularly 🙄, most likely your hormones have drastically changed as well as the amount of activity that you do daily.

So if all these things have changed, so should your ideas of what it takes to live a healthy lifestyle.

What's not normal (because it doesn't work):
*500-1200 calorie diets (kids need more)
*Relying on cleanses to spark weight loss
* Using exercise to justify eating what you want
* Cheat days
* Exercise for hours on end
* Switching from one fad diet to the next
* Thinking your 1RM should be the same
* Perfectionism
* Eating anything you want in whatever amount without regard

What's more helpful:
* Knowing your caloric needs and eating the right amount to support your goals
* Exercising because your body and mind need to be stronger
* Not restricting foods that require you to cheat in order to have them
* Enjoying the exercise you do and knowing when enough is enough
* Trusting yourself with food and eating what supports your health and goals
* Working at the level you currently are (maybe that's stronger, maybe that's weaker)
* Progress over perfection
* Building lasting habits that support the life you want to live

The comparison trap is very real. It may be more obvious when we are comparing ourselves to others, but what about when we are comparing ourselves to our former self. It's just as damaging.

Your plans for changing your body, teaching your health and fitness goals, and sustaining optimal health need to evolve as your life evolves. Period.

How have you had to change your approach over time? 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


Are you satisfied with your diet and exercise?


Are you forcing yourself to follow a strict protocol in order to reach a certain goal?

If the latter is the case, the likelihood of you sticking with that plan is very slim.

This is why most diets have a 95% failure rate.

They're too strict, too regimented, to deliver lasting results.

We all might be able to white knuckle our way through periods of deprivation, but then life gets real, or we get sick and tired of it, and we go back to life as normal.

There certainly needs to be some sacrifice and change in lifestyle to reach goals, but....

When we don't deliberately include food and activities that are satisfying/enjoyable into our approach, we will set ourselves up for failure or rebound.

I'm certain that's not the result you're looking for, so give yourself permission to take a few bites of cake or drink that glass of wine if it brings you joy. Neither of those things will derail you or sabotage your efforts. In fact, it may help you stay on track longer.

So here's your permission 👊👊👊

Photos from Titan Up for Sport and Life's post 03/17/2023

Does health and fitness hold value in your life? Or are they just a means to an end?

When things hold value in our lives, they are naturally integrated into our thoughts and actions. They are often part of our identity and don't require a ton of willpower.

But what if it doesn't come naturally? What if they require a ton of willpower to remain consistent?

No worries! In fact, I believe that's more common than not. You can still integrate them into your life despite the effort it takes.

As a former athlete, physical movement and strategic exercise have ALWAYS been part of my life.

But as a girl from the south raised in the 80s & 90s, eating a healthy diet isn't so natural. My taste buds don't gravitate toward salads, grilled chicken breast, and avocado toast. I'd much rather have something smothered and covered, quick and convenient.

So I simply have to be more cognizant of my meal planning and grocery shopping. I learned some time ago that if it's not in the house, I can't easily consume it. I leave the splurging for when I go out to eat.

What ways have you had to integrate health and fitness into your life? 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


Consistency is non-negotiable.

No matter the thing you're after, you must remain consistent if you want to receive/achieve it.

Consistent action, even in small amounts, leads to results.

An old friend of mine used to say, "Consistency is the most radical thing you can do", and I couldn't agree more then or now. It's a habit that will continue to keep on giving the more you practice it.

Whether in health, fitness, relationships, career, or new pursuits, if you consistently show up, decide, and act, you will continue to see and be the change.

If you've found yourself time and again starting and stopping the thing you strive to do better/conquer, consider the following:
1. What is truly my desired outcome?
2. How does that align with who I am?
3. What am I already doing that helps me in that area?
4. What is ONE thing that I can commit to doing?
5. Where can I fit that ONE thing into my schedule?

One thing at a time!!!

If you're struggling to remain consistent and feel like you've tried it all, it may be time to invest in yourself and your future by hiring a coach.

I've opened up spots for 1:1 virtual training and would love to help you find the track you need to be on. DM me for the details.

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Bird Dog Row... the hardest row variation (IMO).Have you tried it? 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼#titanup #titanuforsportandlife #patience #cour...
Are you asking the right question?When we set off on a journey to make a change to any behavior, we often ask: What do I...
Find a Way!!!Recently, my mind and time have been consumed, and as a result, I've neglected to remain consistent in my t...
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Winston-Salem, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 6am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 6am - 6:30pm
Thursday 6am - 6:30pm
Friday 6am - 2pm

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