Dr. Lowell A. Gross DDS

Independently Owned Dental Office

A well-known dental office, Lowell Alan Gross, DDS in Worcester, Massachusetts, is the place to go for complete, anxiety-free dental care. With convenient day and evening appointments available, you can count on us to accommodate your busy schedule so you can keep your teeth and gums healthy.


Any unusual or lingering pain in your teeth is a sign of a potentially significant problem. Instead of hoping the pain will go away, see us immediately. In many cases, catching a problem early means a less complicated and costly visit.


A root canal is a procedure that removes an infection from inside your tooth. This infection can cause inflammation and immense pain. If left untreated, dental infections may even result in tooth loss.


Different people prefer different toothbrush types. If you don't feel you're getting a good clean, try a different style head and see if that works better.


Talk about multi-tasking: in the middle ages, dentistry was commonly done by barbers and blacksmiths, who often performed complicated surgeries with nothing more than the tools they had on hand. It wasn't until 1840 when the first school to teach exclusively dentistry was opened in Baltimore, Maryland.


Did you know that lasers used within the world of dentistry employ the use of gemstones such as garnets, quartz or sapphires? These innovative inventions are changing the shape of dental practice in a way that is wholly beneficial to the patients.


Regular visits to the dentist allow the patient to have the teeth x-rayed. Dental x-rays let the dentist and the patient see if there are any issues unseen by the naked eye.


Trying to stay motivated for the two minutes you need to brush your teeth? Try this tip: check your music library for songs that run two minutes, or a little longer, and put them on to play when you start brushing. Once the song is over, time's up!


During your first exam with us, we will likely listen to and feel your jaw when you open and close your mouth, and observe the range of motion in your jaw.


Does just the thought of visiting the dentist send your anxiety levels through the roof? A recent study published in a respected medical journal may have the answer: five minutes of acupuncture treatment prior to the visit eliminated the problem.


The first priority of a dentist who's treating you for a TMJ disorder will be to give you relief from your symptoms. After you're feeling better, a long-term treatment (like orthotics, reconstruction, or orthodontics) will be planned out.


Ever hear of a pulpotomy? It's a dental procedure in which the pulp is removed from the crown without removing the pulp from the root. It is most commonly performed on children.


Did you know that dental implants existed since around 600 c.e.? At that time, shell pieces were hammered into the jaws of Mayan women to appear like human teeth.


Did you know that a toothbrush style with a small head and soft bristles is best for healthy teeth and gums? This type of toothbrush ensures that small places in the mouth can be reached and is soft enough to avoid harming teeth or gums with frequent brushing.


Has someone discretely informed you that you have bad breath? If the issue persists, even after having brushed and used a mouthwash, it may be due to a problem with your teeth. Schedule an appointment to find out what's wrong.


While the idea of having a laser used on you while you’re in the dental chair can be scary for some people, there’s no reason to worry. Dental lasers are among the least-painful tools in our arsenal.


Providing sedation for a child who has issues when visiting the dentist depends on the child’s medical history and your preferences. We will discuss the options that are available and why sedation may or may not be a good choice for your child.


Avoid chewing on ice or sticky foods like toffee, especially if you have fillings. These types of food can weaken teeth and remove old fillings.


To floss effectively, wrap an 18-inch strip around your two middle fingers and use the section in between. With your index finger, push the floss gently between the teeth and floss around the gum line of each tooth starting from the front until you reach those at the back.


What is gingivitis? It is a gum disease that results from plaque and tartar not being properly removed from the teeth and manifests itself as red, swollen, and bleeding gums. Daily brushing, flossing and regular cleanings are the best ways to prevent it.


The man who started the Goodyear tire and automotive empire in the early 19th Century, Charles Goodyear, also had an influence on dentistry. His discovery of a way to harden rubber led to a new process for rubberized dentures.


Unless you will be receiving general anesthesia, the sedation medicine you will be prescribed slows your central nervous system, relaxing you and reducing pain, yet allowing you to be aware of your surroundings and what is being done.


Both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis can lead to TMJ issues. Rheumatoid arthritis creates inflammation in the joint which can cause the jaw bone to erode or the cartilage to deteriorate, while osteoarthritis contributes to bone deterioration.


Do you know that the sequence that foods are eaten can determine the risk for cavities? For example, you can reduce the chance for cavities if you eat sugary foods after meals as opposed to eating sugary foods alone.


Teeth have four main parts: the protective layer of enamel around the outside; a bone-like substance called dentin under that; the pulp of the tooth, which contains all the nerve endings and blood vessels; and finally, the cementum, a layer of tissue covering the tooth's root.


The most expensive tooth grill is the one worn by Katy Perry for her music video of the popular hit "Dark Horse." The million-dollar grill, adorned with gemstones and diamonds is created by a cosmetic dentist named Dr. William Dorfman.


Do you ever feel lost when you visit the toothpaste aisle at your local grocery store? Since having too many choices is almost as bad as not having enough, we can steer you in the correct direction for which products to try.


By contacting the dental board for the state, you can find out if the dentists you are considering choosing have had any claims filed against them.


Did you know that dental lasers can be used to create microscopic fillings? These extremely tiny fillings are used when the very earliest signs of tooth decay appear and can stop the formation of a cavity in its tracks.


Have you been avoiding coming in for a check-up because of a decayed tooth you’re afraid needs to be pulled? Thanks to the advances in dental science, there may be a variety of options available that don’t include losing the tooth.


During cold and flu season, it's important to change your toothbrush head regularly or sanitize it to prevent reinfection. You can soak the head in mouthwash to sanitize.


210 Lincoln Street
Worcester, MA

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday 09:00 - 20:00