The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential

We educate parents in the treatment, physical and social wellness of special needs and well children

Historically, children diagnosed with developmental delay, cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, learning problems, dyslexia, and a host of other symptomatic diagnoses have been considered hopeless. Thousands of parents have come to The Institutes to learn how to help their children at home. Those parents have proven beyond any doubt that brain-injured c


Sebastian was born by caesarean section. He was in the hospital for almost a month, his diagnosis was laryngomalacia a “weakness of the larynx”.

At eight months, Sebastian could not sit without the support of pillows. He had an apnea monitor at home for his first year.

At three years Sebastian had a vocabulary of about ten words. After various neurological exams a psychologist, who knew the work of The Institutes, suggested we start a program to help Sebastian’s language development.
We attended the What to Do About Your Brain Injured Child course and took Sebastian for his first visit to Philadelphia shortly thereafter.

The forest became our second home: we walked, ran, rode bicycles, and skated. Sebastian's older sister showed her strength, support and love by creeping, crawling, running, and accompanying her younger brother through much of the program activities. We worked very hard on our home treatment program until Sebastian was seven years old.

He reached the top of The Institutes Developmental Profile in all areas. By that time, he was a great reader, mathematician, and tennis player. Sebastian was home schooled until he was eight years old, and then entered the third year of primary school to study with his peers in a Belgian school for the first time.

Four years later he began high school in Brussels and when we moved to Mexico a year later, he continued his high school studies there.
Sebastian has now achieved his bachelor’s degree in history, and will begin his studies for a master’s degree in International Relations next month. He has been accepted at all the universities where he has applied, and chose the one that includes internships in Asia, Africa, and South America.

I thank The Institutes for what they have done for Sebastian. The young boy who did not speak at three years of age is now trilingual.

To read more about Sebastian:


Epameinondas had difficulty feeding as a baby and he was congested throughout infancy. After an immunization, mother noted regression in her son’s language and social interactions. He was hyperactive and had problems sleeping, he was too sensitive to sound and touch. By three years of age, Epameinondas did not respond to his name, he was no longer talking or smiling, and did not make eye contact, preferring to play alone. He was diagnosed as autistic and began multiple therapies with little result.

Mother attended the What to Do About Your Brain-Injured Child course when her son was eight years old. He was unable to read or write, his behavior was erratic and aggressive, and he did not follow instructions or enjoy social contact. He could not hold a conversation and had a very poor vocabulary.

Mother started a home treatment program at home and almost immediately saw significant overall improvement.

By 13 years of age, Epameinondas was a fulltime student in junior high school. He was reading books above his age level, writing essays and was developing into a fine artist. He ran 3-4 kilometers daily and he spoke Greek and English.

UPDATE - “Epaminondas is well in his teenage years now- he has turned fifteen in November! Thank God we took the program at The Institutes early on and now, we have established an honest and trustworthy communication with him, which makes our daily life with two teenagers at home quite smooth. All the hard work we put in his earlier years does pay off now that he is developing his own identity and personality. He still is on the right path concerning his nutritional habits, he continues his running, cycling and swimming sessions. He enjoys helping me prepare the family meals. Academically, he enjoys history, writing, reading and geography, and of course, English! He is always so eager to know new things and strive for excellence! You are always in our prayers, and forever in our hearts. We could not be more grateful to you and your work, if it weren’t for all of you, our son would be completely lost.”


Mother developed a blood clot during pregnancy, so the baby was delivered by c-section one month early.

At age 7 months, little Jorge was still unable to move, and parents began seeking help. A cerebral hemorrhage was found. Jorge was diagnosed with a central nervous system disorder, dystonia, and a chromosomal abnormality.

At age 3, Jorge could not stand up and could only walk short distances. Only his family understood his speech. He could not use his hands together. His understanding was below his age level. His health was poor. He frequently went to the doctor with respiratory infections.

Jorge’s parents attended the What to Do About Your Brain-Injured Child course at this time and started a treatment program at home. Four months later, Jorge was able to stand up independently and walk outdoors for an hour non-stop. His understanding and speech had developed to age level, and his health had improved significantly.

Jorge understands above age level and speaks, and reads in both Spanish and English. He enjoys books for ten-year-olds, mathematics is his favorite subject, and chess is a favorite activity. He runs 800 meters daily, and hikes and swims weekly. He has learned 10,000 Bits of Intelligence, and 5,000 facts related to them, he holds conversations well above his age level. He has more than 40 responsibilities at home, he is always helping others wherever he goes.

UPDATE - Jorge is now 7 ½ years old. He has begun writing in both Spanish and English. Now he is running more than 1,000 meters non-stop. Recently, Jorge has started his own business marketing his mother’s delicious homemade nut butters. She agreed, they got to work, and Jorge helps create the product, designs the attractive label, reaches out to find buyers, and makes the deliveries in his neighborhood and in local shops. He still manages to get his daily program done as well! His tasty nut butters bring joy to his customers, and he brings joy to us!

We Are The Home of "The Doman Method" - IAHP 07/19/2024

We Are The Home of “The Doman Method”. Why Don’t We Use It?

GLENN DOMAN founded The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential to which parents from every continent have been finding their way for more than a half-century.

As Glenn Doman and the work of the staff of The Institutes has been translated into many languages and used in many nations around the world it was only natural that admirers of our work coined the term “The Doman Method” to put a name on The Institutes work.

Glenn’s daughter, Janet Doman, became director of The Institutes in 1980. Since Glenn’s passing in 2013, the staff of The Institutes proudly continue to teach parents and to expand the mission of The Institutes around the world. While it is true that some people call The Institutes work “The Glenn Doman Method”, it is equally true that Glenn himself very much disapproved of this term.

The Director of The Institutes, Janet Doman with the Founder of The Institutes, Glenn Doman.

Glenn never used this term and discouraged others from doing so whenever he could do so.

He always said “There is no “Doman Method,” there is only the program of The Institutes.”

He believed that using the term “Doman Method” did not properly acknowledge the significant contributions of the many staff and parents that have helped to make the work of The Institutes the dynamic and highly successful program that it is today. He also believed that the term “method” was not an appropriate description of the philosophy, program and techniques developed by The Institutes.

Glenn never liked the term “Doman Method,” and neither does The Institutes. We are The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential. We are proud to follow in the footsteps of Glenn Doman and to teach thousands of parents of brain-injured and well children worldwide.

Glenn Doman dealt intimately with more than twenty-five thousand families over the last fifty years and strongly influenced millions of families through his books. The Institutes carries on the work of this wonderful man.

This is why we can say, “We are the home of The Doman Method, but we don’t do The Doman Method” we do the program of The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential.

We Are The Home of "The Doman Method" - IAHP We Are The Home of “The Doman Method” GLENN DOMAN founded The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential to


Natalie’s parents attended the What to Do About Your Brain Injured Child course for her big brother, Alex, when he was three years old. They began a home treatment program with Alex, soon after Mom gave birth to Natalie and her twin brother, Nathan.

The twins were born at 23 weeks weighing just over 1 lb. After 6 months in Neonatal Intensive Care, Natalie required both cardiac and intestinal surgeries.

Natalie developed slowly - she began walking before her third birthday but with poor balance, falling often and bumping into obstacles. By age 6, she had been taught to read successfully, and was able to read chapter books. Her voice was soft, she needed help with manual tasks, and she had begun to write a few letters - upside down.

School was impossible for her due to poor health and energy. Six months ago, she began a program at home. Her parents write:

“In less than six months on the home treatment program, Natalie fell less often, her chronic coughing ceased, and her handwriting improved substantially. She is now capable of superb handwriting and does all her writing independently. We are so grateful for all the milestones our kids have achieved. For our family, The Institutes has been a blessing beyond words. There is no place in the world that believes in your child, more than they do!”


Find us on TikTok.


Mila is only 2 years old. She has been diagnosed with Trisomy 21, also known as Down Syndrome. Here she is on the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential campus, demonstrating her reading and math ability.


One doctor suggested that I terminate my pregnancy because my child would be a “vegetable”.

Her mother was fighting for Victoria’s life as well. “I was told that my baby would be born dead, or be blind and severely mentally re****ed. The chief neonatologist suggested that I terminate my pregnancy because my child would be a “vegetable”. My reaction was shock, fear, dismay, and helplessness. As politely as possible, I walked out of her office without a word,” she explains.

Two months later Victoria was born, not dead, but with scarred retinas. Her mother sought expert advice from two of the most prestigious eye institutes on the East Coast. The prognosis was not good. Victoria was blind and would remain so. They advised her mother to start teaching her Braille as early as possible. Other doctors told her mother that Victoria was severely mentally re****ed and deaf, and would be unable to speak. By the time Victoria was two years old, “autism” was added to the list.

Although Victoria had seen many doctors and had a long list of symptoms, there still was no clear diagnosis that made sense to her mother.

“A sense of helplessness, incapacitation and fear”.

“Seeing how little progress my daughter made with others was unbearable. The sense of helplessness, incapacitation and fear I felt as a mother was, and is, incredible for the mother of a well child BUT what we, the mothers of a hurt child, feel daily is undeniably the biggest sense of failure any human should ever have to endure.”

Continuing to seek information, she read the book What To Do About Your Brain-injured Child.


Paul was in trouble before he was even born but now he's ahead of his peers 🥰

TikTok · IAHP.ORG 07/13/2024

Blindness to Seeing:

Clay was diagnosed with Spina Bifida in utero. At birth, he spent ten days in neonatal intensive care with supplemental oxygen. Genetic testing revealed an abnormal deletion, Phelan McDermid syndrome.

Clay underwent surgery for hydrocephaly. At one year, Clay had limited vision, hearing, and mobility. He was on medication for infantile spasms. His parents learned of the What to Do About Your Brain-Injured course and attended it.

Dad wrote “The course was more than I was expecting, my expectations changed each day. Everything taught was equally important … Looking forward to our appointment!”

At Clay’s first appointment, at age 13 months, he was functionally blind and immobile, with only reflexive movement in his hands.

Today, age 3, after a home treatment program, Clay is seeing, beginning to read, understanding at his age level, using his hands, and even talking! He is off all medication and seizure-free. When asked to select his favorite subject he chose science. When asked what area, he said aloud “astronomy”.

Wow. Clay is full of surprises right now!

Results: The only thing that matters in the world of hurt kids.

At birth a newborn baby is blind: the baby can see light and dark and nothing more. This is the first stage and at this point the baby has only a light reflex.

A newborn baby needs strong contrast: White dots on a black background provides appropriate stimulation for the newborn

As the baby matures the baby begins to see outline. This is the very beginning of seeing.

When a baby begins to see details, this means the baby is beginning to have useful vision.

Injury to the brain either before, during or after delivery can result in blindness. This is because of injury to the visual pathway not injury to the eye.

After stimulation the same baby weeks later is ready to see detail.

Appropriate stimulation and opportunity are the answer when a sensory pathway is in trouble. When the visual pathway is provided with stimulation with increased frequency, intensity and duration in recognition of the orderly way in which the brain develops, the visual pathway will grow. The child will begin to see light and dark, then outline, then detail. Once a child can see detail consistently then the child is no longer blind.

TikTok · IAHP.ORG Check out IAHP.ORG’s video.


Read Brody's full story

What to Do About Your Brain Injured Child? - IAHP 07/10/2024

What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child Online Course: Aug 12th 2024

Your child’s problem is not a life sentence, but a call to action that requires knowledge, understanding, and a dynamic and effective program to bring about real change for your child.

A Seven-Day Course: Taught by the Director and staff of The Institutes.

At the end of the course parents will have:

A functional neurological evaluation of their child.
Their child’s rate of growth compared to average.
The areas of the brain that must be addressed.
The initial physical program.
The initial intellectual program.
The initial physiological program.
A lecture notebook that has enough to keep that program going for 6-12 months.

Live Access To Our Staff: 7 days of live access to our staff, lectures, and videos, with the opportunity to ask questions anytime.

Questions at every break and the end of each day.
Hard copy of course materials and lecture notes sent to you before the course.
Family Enrollment (attending all at the same time, only 1 device to connect).
Phone Consultation 4-6 weeks after the course by a clinical staff member.
Home Program Consultation 8-12 weeks after beginning a program
Free attendance to any WTD course in Philadelphia when seats are available.
10% discount at The Institutes bookstore for a month after the course.

Learn more about the What To Do About Your Brain Injured Child Course:

Sign up now to reserve your seat. Call +1-267.440.2598 during regular business hours.

What to Do About Your Brain Injured Child? - IAHP What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child is a comprehensive course that provides parents with vital information to place their child on the pathway to wellness.

Our Results - IAHP 07/10/2024

Deafness to Hearing:

Have you been told your child is deaf and there is nothing you can do about that?

If your child has had no injury to the ear or any defect in the auditory pathway, this may not be true.

❎ Myth >> All deafness is incurable.

❤️ The Truth >> deafness caused by an injury to the central nervous system can be treated.

Fact: Parents who learn how to provide the appropriate auditory stimulation can take their child from deafness to hearing.

The Solution: Our program has taught thousands of parents how to provide appropriate stimulation and effective opportunity so that children who are struggling can catch up. These children do develop and sometimes even perform at higher levels than their peers.

Do you want to give your beautiful child a fighting chance?

So do we.

Come get that fighting chance.

Our Results - IAHP We have worked with thousands of children and their parents over the last 65 years, and put thousands of them on a pathway to wellness.


Have you been told your child cannot read?

If so, you may be baffled by two big myths about children with reading problems.

❎ Myth #1 >> Your child is just lazy your child needs to work harder.

❤️ The Truth >> Mothers know when their children are behind and in trouble. You know your child works hard, often harder than the other kids. Every day the other kids are moving on and your child is getting further and further behind.

❎ Myth #2 >> Your child cannot read because your child is not as smart as other kids - your child is never going to be like other kids - accept your child as he is.

❤️ The Truth >> Our program has taught thousands of parents how to provide appropriate stimulation and effective opportunity so that children who are struggling to read can catch up. These children are smart and often perform at higher levels than their peers.

Do you want to give your beautiful child a fighting chance to prove how wrong those two myths are?

So do we.

Come get that fighting chance.

Hurt Children - IAHP 07/10/2024

Have you been told your child is brain-injured and there are no answers for brain injury?

If so, you may be baffled by two big myths about brain injury.

❎ Myth #1 Although your child is very behind right now, be patient over the years he may catch up.

❤️ The Truth >> Mothers know when their children are behind and in trouble. It is not true your child will “catch up”. Every day other kids are moving on and the child who is behind will get further and further behind.

❎ Myth #2 >> Your child will never, ever be like well children - stop worrying, accept your child as your child is - prepare for life in a wheelchair or perhaps an institution.

❤️ The Truth >> Our program has taught thousands of parents how to provide appropriate stimulation and effective opportunity for children who have been labeled “hopeless”. These children can get better – much better. They often perform at higher levels in some areas than their peers.

Do you want to give your beautiful child a fighting chance to prove how wrong those two myths are?

So do we.

Come get that fighting chance.

Hurt Children - IAHP We provide information, courses, and treatment programs for parents of children with brain injury.

Photos from The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential's post 06/27/2024

Star of the week - Pablo 🌟
June 2024 - Update

Pablo was born in Nicaragua. He developed normally until 18 months of age when he received four inoculations on the same day.

He lost his speech and stopped progressing.

At two years of age, Pablo was unresponsive to his name or any other words. He spent his days screaming and crying.

He was hypersensitive to sounds and touch and hit himself in frustration. He lacked eye contact and had no speech. Soon, Pablo was diagnosed as autistic and hyperactive.

Pablo’s family lived in Nicaragua. They read the book What to Do About Your Brain-Injured Child and created their own program.

When Pablo was six years of age, Pablo’s parents, both physicians, attended the What to Do About Your Brain-Injured Child course and intensified their work with Pablo at home.

From that time onward, his progress was significant. He was reading and beginning to write. He was understanding at his age level and following directions well.

He was speaking in full sentences. He was physically well coordinated and was able to run. He was independent in his daily life. At age 9, he reads at a post high School level in both English and Spanish. He is writing now and beginning to use the computer. No more screaming or temper tantrums - his behavior is calm and appropriate. He can express his feelings now and responds to questions using full sentences. He can run a mile nonstop.

Update: Pablo is now ten years old and able to participate with his peers on equal footing in Taekwondo class. With his new coordination and balance, he began riding a bicycle. Pablo’s speech continues to advance, he can describe events in paragraphs, and asks many questions now.

Pablo is not done but he has come a long, long way through his own hard work and the dedication of his mother and father.


Matthew is a twin, when it was discovered, he was detached from the placenta and not receiving adequate nutrition, he was delivered by c-section in the seventh month of pregnancy. He remained in the neonatal intensive care unit for seven weeks, receiving oxygen and tube feeding.

Matthew developed slowly, and at 18 months, he was not understanding or speaking at his age level, nor interacting with others. He had upper respiratory infections and was hospitalized twice for gastroenteritis.

He was diagnosed with global developmental delay, mental deficiency, and autism. Mother attended the What to Do About Your Brain-Injured Child course when Matthew was 3 ½ years old. He was speaking in single words, he could walk but preferred to be carried, his overall development was 40% of what it should have been. Mother began a home program with Matthew.

By his first appointment at The Institutes, at age four Matthew had begun speaking in sentences, he could run 100 meters non-stop, and his health had improved. Six months later, Matthew was following multiple step instructions, and he was reading well above of his peers. His language had exploded, from 100 words to more than a thousand, including long sentences and storytelling. He was running ½ mile non-stop each day and brachiating independently on an overhead ladder. He had been in perfect health for six months.

Before his sixth birthday, Matthew was reading library books; understanding “everything”; from just single words of speech two years ago, he now had the conversational speech of a three-year-old and he was expanding his vocabulary daily; and running one kilometer non-stop. Thanks to his Mother’s teaching, he has gained general knowledge on a wide variety of topics.

Again, he is well ahead of his peers. And best of all, everyday Matthew, and his twin, Simon, are enjoying everything they do with their best teacher and coach - mother.


Matthew and his twin celebrated their sixth birthday last month. Matthew’s speech is now equal to his age in content, while his general knowledge continues to expand well above his peers. Matthew is a superstar at brachiation-going forwards, backwards, and twisting on an overhead ladder. He is running 3 kilometers, hopping at his age level, and beginning gymnastics. There is no stopping Matthew, or Simon now!


Chris was born cyanotic after a difficult and delayed labor, and delivery. Chris developed slowly and as a preschooler, he was not responsive. After testing, it was found he was partially deaf in one ear. At three years of age, his symptomatic diagnoses were developmental delay, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, autism, and epilepsy. He was frequently ill with ear and upper respiratory infections.

Chris’s mother attended the What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child course when he was nine years old. He had his first appointment at The Institutes soon afterwards. For the next 18 months, Mom writes “We did an extensive oxygen enrichment program and a physical program of crawling, creeping, brachiation, and patterning.

Chris went on a gluten and dairy free diet, and he learned to read. He made vast improvement, his grand mal seizures were gone and never returned. He has been medication-free ever since. He became healthy.” Chris went to school the following year and completed high school. At 35 years of age, he returned to The Institutes to continue to improve. Although he is accomplished in karate, helps at a gym, and swims, he reported running was hard for him due to his breathing. Within three months of resuming his oxygen enrichment program and adding respiratory patterning, Chris can run almost two miles non-stop, and loves it.


No surprise, Chris continues to advance… previously underweight, he is putting on weight now, despite adding even more physical activities to his weekly schedule, most recently tap dancing.

Chris’s Mom writes “I am happy to report that we are seeing GREAT improvement with Chris. His focus and conversation have improved. He is truly amazing; I admire him so much. He has just accomplished his first 5 K run in our community.
He is very happy.”

A year ago, Chris could not run without struggling to breathe - look at him now!


Little Brody was born 17 weeks early and given a 5% chance of survival.


Happy Birthday to Dr. Vasquez!

Ernesto Vasquez, M.D. is our Director of The Institute for Physiological Excellence.

Dr. Ernesto Vasquez was born in the United States and grew up in Mexico. In 1984 he obtained his diploma as a general practitioner from the University of Baja California School of Medicine, in Mexico. He served his internship in 1985 at the Social Security Hospital in Mexicali, Baja California, and was in charge of community clinics of Morelos City, Baja California.

Ernesto first learned about The Institutes in 1982, when his sister Angelica began on the Intensive Treatment Program. Ernesto assisted with her home program and observed Angelica’s progress. He came to The Institutes in September 1986 and joined the staff of the School for Human Development. He later became medical director and then director of the School, coaching the students through every aspect of their physical, intellectual, and social program.

In 1987, he was appointed vice director of the Oxygen Enrichment Program. Now he divides his time between the research area and the Children’s Center, where he teaches physical and respiratory programs. In 1988 and 1989, Ernesto spent time working at Centro de Reabilitação Nossa Senhora da Glória with Dr. José Carlos Veras in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and for Associação Barbacenense in Barbacena, Brazil.

Ernesto helped to present the first Spanish What To Do About Your Brain-Injured Child Video Course in Mexico City, and was involved in the preparation, translation, and dubbing in Spanish of the How To Multiply Your Child’s Intelligence Course, also presented in Mexico City. Ernesto has been involved in the translation, preparation, and dubbing in Spanish of the video lecture series for Spanish-speaking families.

In 1992, Ernesto became the vice director of The Institute for the Achievement of Physiological Excellence and the acting director of the same institute in Europe. He has studied and treated brain-injured children in Mexico, the United States, Italy, Japan and Brazil.

In 1993, he married Thaisa Mendes, then a staff member. They have two children who have benefited from The Institutes Early Development Program. From 1995 to 1996, Ernesto returned to work with Dr. Jose Carlos Veras in Brazil and studied and treated brain-injured children in Argentina, Brazil, and Portugal.

He is certified in child brain development at the teaching level and he is a fellow of the Academy for Child Brain Development. For his work with brain-injured children he has received the Brazilian Gold Medal of Honor, the Sakura Koro Sho medal, and the Statuette with Pedestal.



We wish all mothers a Happy Mother’s Day!


After a difficult pregnancy, Isaac lagged other children his age, as an infant, and as a toddler. His mobility was slow to develop, and he was diagnosed as hypotonic.

At three years of age, Isaac had only a few words of speech. By six years of age, he was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder.

Isaac’s parents attended the What to Do About Your Brain-Injured Child course at this time, and Isaac had his first visit to The Institutes. He was below his age level in all areas of development, including having a weakness on one side of his body.

After 12 months of program, Isaac was reading successfully, and his parents saw a great change in his overall intellectual development. Six months later, he had developed incredibly physically, too he was riding a bike for the first time. He had been healthy for more than a year.

By age 8, Isaac was reading, writing, speaking in paragraphs and doing gymnastics. It was time to try school: “Isaac is in the third grade; he is very happy in school. He can read and write in Spanish and Hebrew, and he is problem solving in mathematics.

We are very happy that he is going to school, he also felt it was time. It is incredible how he is capturing everything very quickly. We are very, very happy.” Today, Isaac at age 12: “Isaac continues to play sports and work hard at school. The Institutes Staff are a very special team, and we remember you always.”


Blindness to Seeing:

Clay was diagnosed with Spina Bifida in utero. At birth, he spent ten days in neonatal intensive care with supplemental oxygen. Genetic testing revealed an abnormal deletion, Phelan McDermid syndrome.

Clay underwent surgery for hydrocephaly. At one year, Clay had limited vision, hearing, and mobility. He was on medication for infantile spasms. His parents learned of the What to Do About Your Brain-Injured course and attended it.

Dad wrote “The course was more than I was expecting, my expectations changed each day. Everything taught was equally important … Looking forward to our appointment!”

At Clay’s first appointment, at age 13 months, he was functionally blind and immobile, with only reflexive movement in his hands.

Today, age 3, after a home treatment program, Clay is seeing, beginning to read, understanding at his age level, using his hands, and even talking! He is off all medication and seizure-free. When asked to select his favorite subject he chose science. When asked what area, he said aloud “astronomy”.

Wow. Clay is full of surprises right now!

Results: The only thing that matters in the world of hurt kids
At birth a newborn baby is blind: the baby can see light and dark and nothing more. This is the first stage and at this point the baby has only a light reflex.

A newborn baby needs strong contrast: White dots on a black background provides appropriate stimulation for the newborn

As the baby matures the baby begins to see outline. This is the very beginning of seeing.

When a baby begins to see details, this means the baby is beginning to have useful vision.

Injury to the brain either before, during or after delivery can result in blindness. This is because of injury to the visual pathway not injury to the eye.

After stimulation the same baby weeks later is ready to see detail.

Appropriate stimulation and opportunity are the answer when a sensory pathway is in trouble. When the visual pathway is provided with stimulation with increased frequency, intensity and duration in recognition of the orderly way in which the brain develops, the visual pathway will grow. The child will begin to see light and dark, then outline, then detail. Once a child can see detail consistently then the child is no longer blind.

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Videos (show all)

Mila is only 2 years old. She has been diagnosed with Trisomy 21, also known as Down Syndrome. Here she is on the Instit...
One doctor suggested that I terminate my pregnancy because my child would be a “vegetable”.Her mother was fighting for V...
Paul was in trouble before he was even born but now he's ahead of his peers 🥰
Read Brody's full story
#glenndoman #whattodoaboutyourbraininjuredchild
Little Brody was born 17 weeks early and given a 5% chance of survival.
Newborn Course - March 28th & 29th 2024 The first year of life is vital to the well-being of the baby. Although learning...
Larissa Update  - 28 Feb 2024Larissa was born post maturely by emergency C-section. At two months of age, she was diagno...
From diagnosed autism to intellectual excellence.


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Wyndmoor, PA

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